I cut a stretch ceiling, what to do 0. How to repair cuts on a stretch ceiling and do-it-yourself repairs

Repairing a stretch ceiling with your own hands makes it possible to eliminate various cuts and punctures that form on the coating as a result of careless handling during operation.

They themselves are quite durable and reliable to use. But their improper use can cause various defects to appear on the surface of the coating. Most often they occur in the following cases:

  • In case of poor installation metal profiles, which move away from the attachment points and cause ruptures of tension structures.
  • During installation of cornices. The sharp edges of these products often tear the ceiling material. When installing cornices, it is imperative to place spacers made of some soft material between the edges of the mounted product and the canvas.
  • When throwing various objects up. A hole in the ceiling may well form when the coating comes into contact with sharply thrown children's toys - pistols, arrows, dolls, darts, as well as books, shoes, and so on.
  • When installing lighting fixtures and their operation ( powerful lamp may well lead to the melting of the tension structure).

Defects on the surface of the tension covering

In addition, the need to repair ceilings often arises when bottles of champagne are opened carelessly. Also, holes in the coating can form due to unprofessional installation (excessive film tightening, poor quality seam).

If a defect has formed on the ceiling covering close (no more than 15 cm) from the wall, professionals recommend dismantling the material from the side where the gap appeared. Then you need to cut off the damaged piece of material and install the updated product in the guide.

When the hole is located at a distance of more than 15 cm from the wall, the described repair method is not suitable - there is a high probability of damage to the entire ceiling. In such situations, you can try to hide the location of the damage with a ventilation grill or lighting fixture. Simply install an additional lamp or the specified grille on the area with the defect.

However, remember that you will need to reinforce the hole that you will make for the new accessory. For these purposes, a plastic thermal ring is usually used.

Thermal rings made of plastic

It is attached to ceiling material special adhesive composition. And then they make a hole in the ring required sizes under the lamp.

Large cuts can be covered with appliques or multi-colored film. This creative approach to renovation will allow you to get rid of the defect and add an original touch to the decor of the room. If the cut area is large, applications, unfortunately, will not help; you will have to completely replace the coating.

Installation of a new coating is carried out even when the film breaks along the seam. It is impossible to seal such an impulse. It is caused by unprofessional installation of the ceiling or low quality the material used.

Small holes in such ceiling coverings can be eliminated in several ways. You can:

  1. Seal the hole with a patch made from the remnants of the material that was used when installing the ceiling. You need to take a patch that is a little larger geometric parameters than the defect itself, it is good to smear it with glue (it is best to use paint adhesive, not) and press it to the cut. Perform this operation with extreme caution. You cannot press the patch too hard into the ceiling, as there is a risk of glue droplets spreading over the material and so-called assemblies appearing on the surface. After installing the patch, be sure to carefully and gently smooth the repaired area with your hands.
  2. Cover the cut with tape. Small holes can be repaired in this way very simply - clean the damaged area of ​​​​the canvas from dirt and dust, cut off a piece of tape and attach it to the ceiling. You can try to restore the integrity of the ceiling in case of more serious damage. Prepare a piece of fabric that matches the texture and color of the existing coating, apply it to the gap, and then cover the patch with tape on all sides. If suitable material no, try experimenting and covering the defect with an appliqué or insert from a different fabric. By the way, you can use glass wallpaper instead of tape, the effect will be the same.

Repair of fabric stretch ceiling

Small holes may not be sealed, but simply stitched. In this case, you need to use nylon threads. It is advisable to subsequently disguise the stitched area with paint that blends with the ceiling covering.

Let's talk a little more about installing any kind of cloth in place of the cut. decorative ornaments, chandeliers, ventilation grilles, lamps. A ceiling defect can be eliminated, for example, very in an original way. Take an ordinary plastic plate, cover it with paint of the required shade and glue this decoration onto the defective area of ​​the coating. Such an accessory will look very unusual!

Replacing the cut chandelier panel

It is also allowed to install small lamps on damaged areas of the coating. In this case, the lighting device may not be connected to the electrical network if there is no cut at the site electrical wiring. Just install beautiful lampshade or sconce - the gap will not be visible.

If you want the mounted lamp to perform its function - to illuminate the room, use a thermal ring, which we have already discussed. Note! Hanging a massive chandelier or lamp is done exclusively on a special hook, which is attached to the base ceiling surface.

Good luck with your questions self-repair suspended ceilings!

Stretch ceilings are convenient, beautiful and practical. But not a single canvas is immune from damage. Is it possible to repair a cut on a suspended ceiling with your own hands, how to proceed depending on the size and location of the cut, and most importantly, how justified is independent repair? More on this below.

How cuts and punctures appear: the main reasons

Stretch ceilings are not even the most expensive made in China strong enough. However, we should not forget that we're talking about about film or fabric that is vulnerable to sharp objects. Even minor mechanical damage can damage the integrity of the canvas, deforming its appearance.

The ceiling is especially susceptible in the first weeks after installation. In order not to provoke deformation of the canvas, it is worth giving it time to “adapt” to the room and only then start working on it. electric installation work, installation of furniture and other operations that can cause cuts.

Most often, fabric deformation is caused by:

  • poor quality installation;
  • incorrect cutting of the canvas;
  • factory defect;
  • low quality materials;
  • mechanical damage.

Depending on the type of cut and base material, the repair of the stretch ceiling is planned according to a certain algorithm.

How to restore the original appearance of fabric?

Fabric ceilings are more environmentally friendly and easier to repair than polyvinyl chloride ones. To eliminate a cut or puncture on a fabric canvas, you can use:

  • nylon thread;
  • patch.

In the first case, a nylon thread matched exactly to the color will help to repair the cut on the stretch ceiling. Using a thin needle, you can carefully sew up a hole or cut, after which you can paint the seam with matching paint for a better effect.

A patch will be needed to eliminate large cuts when the silk thread will be noticeable even with skillful use. To make a patch, use fabric or glass wallpaper with colorless glue. Attach the patch with reverse side canvas, tightly fixing the edges. In this case, it would not be superfluous to process the entire canvas water-based paint, using a spray gun to evenly distribute the layer. The paint will help disguise any traces of repair and return the canvas to its original presentable appearance.

Polyvinyl chloride sheets - how to repair?

With ceilings made of PVC film, the situation is more complicated than with fabric ones. If you have no idea what to do if you cut a suspended ceiling, and the question of contacting craftsmen specializing in such work does not arise, it is worth studying the instructions for eliminating defects with your own hands.

First, you need to determine the size and location of the damage. The larger the cut, the less chance of unnoticed repairs for people without experience. But you can try to eliminate small defects with your own hands.

The easiest way is if the cut is located close to the wall, at a distance of no more than 15 cm. In this case, it will be enough to remove the damaged area and try to stretch and tuck the canvas inside the baguette again, using a special edge. This simple method will help remove the cut without changes. appearance products.

If a cut or puncture is found far from the edge of the wall, then the re-tightening method will not work. In this case, the coating is deformed. The best option in this case, a patch made of film similar to the material of the canvas. Usually a small supply remains after installation of the product just for such purposes.

If there is no identical film left, you can use other options PVC material, cutting out appliques to suit the style of the interior. The cut out patch is attached with transparent sealant or glue.

A gap in the lamp area - how to remove it?

Lamps, lamps, sconces, chandeliers in combination with stretch fabric look stylish and fashionable, enhancing lighting effects. To avoid cuts and fabric breaks in the area of ​​the devices, it is important to install them at a certain distance.

If a problem occurs - the canvas near the lamp bursts, burns or melts, it is worth considering the option of installing a plastic ring to mask the defects.

When the cut size exceeds the limits

If the cut on the tension fabric is so large that none of the masking methods is effective, you should try to re-tighten the fabric so that the damaged area is behind the baguette. This is possible with products that have a small supply of fabric.

When reupholstering is no longer necessary, the only option to fix the cut is to order a new ceiling. Yes, these are costs, but compared to the cost of the initial installation, the replacement will be cheaper, because you will only have to pay for the installation and a new ceiling without a fastening system.

As an option, it is worth considering installing a large chandelier in the area where the canvas is damaged, or lamps of a suitable diameter. Before this, the cut is sealed on both sides, preventing it from enlarging in the future.

An interesting option is the installation of a decoy ventilation grille, an alarm sensor, and elements of fashionable decor.

If the cut is so large and complex that you can’t fix it yourself, you should contact the installation specialists; perhaps the defect falls under the category of warranty cases and will be fixed without payment.

When cuts are repaired for free: what do you need to know about the warranty?

When you first examine the damage, you may come up with the idea of ​​repairing a cut on a suspended ceiling using video instructions with your own hands for a better result. But you need to start not with this, but with an analysis of the reason that provoked the appearance of the defect. It is possible that the owners of the canvas were not involved in the appearance of the cut and have the right to count on free warranty repairs.

Warranty cases include:

  • manufacturing defects in the fabric;
  • incorrect installation;
  • incorrect measurements and cutting of the fabric.

That is, if a cut appears on the ceiling, but no mechanical damage has been recorded, you should contact the installation company.

Cuts on canvases with photo printing - how to repair?

Canvases with photo printing are stylish, beautiful and original. But they are not insured against cuts and tears in the same way as ordinary products made from plain materials. Damage to the surface in this case, depending on the severity, will mean a mini cosmetic repair or a complete replacement.

Get by minor repairs This will only work if the cut does not deform the image on the canvas too much. Only then can you try to use a proven method - apply a patch. The option of pulling the canvas in such cases is not considered.

If the defect is so serious that it is not possible to patch it, you need to move on to radical measures - replacement with a new image applied to the canvas.

In general, it is worth noting that artistic ceilings require a more delicate attitude and most likely will not be able to return to their previous state after shocks such as a flood or severe mechanical damage. That is why it is recommended to install them in rooms where the risk of damage is minimal.

Often happy owners of suspended ceilings decorate them with all sorts of decorative elements. But sometimes they forget that the ceiling material has a certain margin of safety. You need to know how to fix it if it breaks.

Causes of damage

The tension web is designed in the following waymetal carcass, on which the canvas is stretched. With this design, an unfilled layer remains between the ceiling and the fabric, due to which the fabric becomes vulnerable to both outside, so from the inside.

The material of the panel can withstand a large tensile load, but under point impacts it has low strength.

Common causes of mechanical damage to the canvas include:

  • Damage caused by toys or other objects during games of little pranksters. Flying remote-controlled toys are especially dangerous.
  • Touching when installing tall furniture with sharp corners.
  • Large changes in air temperature in the room (relevant for film ceilings).
  • Damage caused by a sharp object, such as a tool, resulting in a cut or puncture.
  • Errors in the process of cutting the canvas or when installing the ceiling.

Particular care must be taken when handling the ceiling immediately after installation. This is due to the fact that during this period the canvas has high tension.

The surface can also be damaged by making a mistake when installing built-in lamps and, by careless movement, by sparks from sparklers or another source of fire. In this case ceiling covering The easiest way would be to seal it.

In what cases is repair prohibited?

There are two cases in which repair of a suspended ceiling is prohibited.

Firstly, you should not try to repair the panel, if it's coming apart at the seams. In this case, the situation will only be saved by re-tensioning the ceiling fabric by a specialist.

Also, do not undertake repairs, when the canvas came away from the wall. In this case, as in the previous case, the ceiling needs to be reinstalled by a team of specialists: strengthening or replacing the profile and tensioning the fabric. Additionally, it is worth determining the cause of the incident: the canvas was poorly secured, or, conversely, the canvas was too tight. Determining the cause will help technicians make the necessary repairs faster.

Both cases are covered under warranty, and such damage must be repaired by the installer.

How to fix a ceiling?

If the damage is covered by a warranty case (the warranty period has not yet expired and the break occurred without your participation), you should call specialists from the company that installed the ceiling, and they will fix it for you free of charge, and will also give you a warranty period for the work performed! Options for self-repair in case of non-warranty cases will be described below depending on the types of ceiling.

First of all, if mechanical damage to any type of ceiling is detected, urgent measures should be taken to prevent the cut from increasing in size. To do this you will need double-sided/masking tape. In the absence of such materials, ordinary tape will do.

If the damage is very small (puncture), it can be repaired with glue. Coating with glue will not allow the fabric to come apart, and the damage itself will be almost invisible.


Let us recall that fabric ceiling made from breathable natural or synthetic fibers. Mechanical damage to the fabric panel can be eliminated quite easily in one of two ways.

  • Using nylon threads. Nylon threads are sold in most sewing stores; you just need to choose the right color. This method is used if the cut is thin and has smooth edges. The cut is carefully sewn up with thread, and the task is completed!

To prevent the seam from being visible, you can paint over the cut area with water-based paint.

  • Using a patch. This method is advisable to use in case of large damage, but if the length of the gap is more than 30 cm, the ceiling will have to be completely replaced. The material for the patch can be a piece of the ceiling material (if available), glass wallpaper, or, in extreme cases, a piece of thick fabric matched to the color.

Any glue for the patch will do, as long as it is colorless. However, experts advise using cyanoacrylate-based glue.

The repair sequence is quite simple: a patch is cut out with a margin of about 2 cm at the edges, glue is applied to the patch, and then this patch is pressed against the damaged panel with inside. Don't press too hard, this may have consequences in the form of sagging of the ceiling at the repair site.

Excess glue is removed, and after drying, the area is treated with water-based paint from a spray gun.


The canvas for such a ceiling is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), due to which it has a smooth glossy or matte surface.

If there is mechanical damage to the PVC sheet measuring more than 2 cm, you must contact specialists, who will most likely advise you to completely replace it.

If the cut is small, you can try to repair it yourself.

The repair method depends on the location:

  • Hiding a cut in a baguette groove. Can be used if the distance from the cut to the edge of the baguette does not exceed 15 cm. You will need a piece of antenna cable and glue. The cable is glued next to the cut parallel to the baguette. While the glue hardens, it is ready for use. construction hair dryer. Then the cut area is heated with a hairdryer and carefully pulled to the edge of the baguette using a cable. The cable is tucked into the groove of the baguette using a flat and blunt tool.

Working in pairs will most likely help avoid wrinkles and unevenness. Otherwise, the folds of the fabric formed during the process are eliminated in a similar way using a cable.

  • Patch. This case is suitable if the cut is located far from the edges of the baguette. It is better to make a patch from the remnants of the film from the repair kit, which is usually included with the stretch ceiling, and spread it with sealant or glue. The tape applied to the cut area is removed and a patch is placed in its place. While it dries, it is better to additionally fix it with your hands.

There are some nuances in choosing glue for a patch. It should be transparent and harden quickly, without having a destructive effect on the PVC fabric. Craftsmen recommend using Cosmofen glue.

You can also use any other adhesive designed for repairing suspended ceilings.

For a piece of film for a patch, you can contact the manufacturer: they usually have some left a large number of scraps, and getting the required size will not be a problem.

In addition to the usual patch, there is an option to make an unusual decorative one on a damaged ceiling. A patch made in the style of wallpaper will look especially interesting.

  • Installation of functional elements in damaged areas. You can install an additional lamp, a false ventilation duct grille or a sensor in place of the cut. fire alarm. But first you should protect the cut from spreading with a special plastic ring. Once the area is secured, you can begin installing the light or grille.

This method is usually used in offices and public spaces, however, it is also applicable for the bathroom or toilet.

  1. Masking with a patch or applique. Damage near the chandelier can be masked with imagination decorative element, which will not only save you from the hassle of replacing the ceiling, but will also update the room. If you play with shape and color, you can get a great design move.
  2. It is possible to hide traces of melting or burning using a special ring made of heat-resistant plastic, which is installed around the lamp. However, if the damage length is more than 20 cm, the blade must be replaced.

At large size defect, you will have to call specialists to reinstall the ceiling. But in this case you can still save on the cost of the baguette. Do not try to repair a large defect yourself - this can lead to dire consequences.

And in any case, if you have doubts about your skills, you need to turn to professionals. The manufacturer will give advice on how best to eliminate the damage, or will carry out the repairs themselves. short time and with a guarantee, and will also help if it is necessary to provide material for a patch (especially if the ceiling is colored).

The choice of actions when cutting a ceiling with uneven edges is also narrowed. Wherein After sealing the cut on the sides, you need to make its edges smooth. Then there are a couple of options left - masking with a lamp/grid or any object of your choice, or a colored decorative insert.

The fabric ceiling is resistant to mechanical damage, but will not save you in case of flooding. Small cuts in fabric can be easily repaired on your own. Due to the indicated properties fabric ceiling is not recommended for installation in bathrooms. If the family has small children and/or pets (cats, birds), it is better to install a fabric-based ceiling in the living quarters.

PVC ceiling will withstand flooding perfectly, but in case of mechanical damage it will be problematic to repair it. Therefore, it is recommended to install it in the bathroom or kitchen, where the likelihood of flooding is higher than in other parts of the apartment.

The stretch ceiling is a thin PVC film, so the surface is easy to damage with a sharp object. Rough handling may result in cuts and punctures. In such cases, owners worry whether they will have to change the entire canvas. Fortunately, this is not necessary. In most cases, PVC film can be glued together. Let us consider in detail the most common situations and provide instructions on how to repair different kinds damage to the canvas.

What happens if you pierce a suspended ceiling?

Holes and cuts appear due to blows or other impacts from sharp objects. Often the cause is careless movements of tools during repairs, for example, when installing a cornice or cabinet, or unsuccessful attempts to remove furniture, ski poles, billiard cues and other things with sharp edges. It is almost impossible to scratch or make a hole in the ceiling with a blunt object, even with an impact.

On film, cuts occur more easily. The fabric fabric is denser and more durable, but it can also be damaged. A hole is formed at the puncture site. It looks messy, but nothing bad will happen. A cut is a more unpleasant injury, as it spreads over time under the influence of tension forces. As a result, instead of minor damage that can be easily repaired, a large hole is formed.

In case of a cut, you must immediately seal the stretch ceiling with masking tape so that the canvas does not spread further. Ordinary tape will also work; traces can be removed with ammonia after the repair is completed.

Sometimes other damage occurs:

  • divergence of the seam between the individual canvases (the actions are the same as for a cut);
  • insufficient fixation, due to which the baguette moves away from the wall (additional reinforcement of the frame in this place will be required).

In these cases, it is more difficult to repair the ceiling, but restoration work will cost less than completely replacing the ceiling.

Is it possible to repair the hole yourself?

If you installed the ceiling yourself, then gluing it without involving specialists will not be difficult, since you already have the necessary skills and tools. If you have no experience, then you can only repair small holes and cuts yourself. Anyone can apply a patch or decorative sticker. More complex ways repairs, such as installing an additional lamp at the puncture site or resharpening the canvas, should be entrusted to professionals. The same applies to serious damage such as rupture of the film or the profile moving away from the wall.

Companies that install suspended ceilings must provide a guarantee. Selected species repairs are carried out free of charge. As a rule, this is the elimination of problems associated with shortcomings of specialists. Cuts and punctures caused by careless actions of the owners or other repairmen will be removed for a fee.

It is important to remember that any intervention in the ceiling structure (for example, installation of new elements or partial dismantling) will void the warranty.

In cases where the installation was carried out by specialists, you must first find the contract and check whether the warranty period has expired. And if it runs out, you should weigh the risks of repairing it yourself, since inept actions can lead to more serious damage to the canvas. It's cheaper to patch a small hole than a large cut.

What glue is suitable for stretch ceilings

To repair a stretch ceiling, you need a composition that reliably fixes the canvas and does not damage the PVC film or fabric. Professionals choose the cyanoacrylate product “Cosmofen CA 12”. This is a one-component adhesive that is used for any plastics, rubber, leather and even metals. In the case of suspended ceilings, Cosmofen is used for the following work:

  • connection of harpoons;
  • repair of vinyl films and polyester fabrics;
  • gluing the harpoon to the PVC sheet;
  • installation of thermal rings, pipe loops and ventilation grilles.

Advantages of Cosmofen glue:

  • sets quickly, as it has high adhesion;
  • dries completely in 6 hours (at air humidity of about 60% and temperature +20ºC, in other conditions the time may differ);
  • reliably fixes glued surfaces;
  • does not harm health, as it is non-toxic;
  • resistant to frost, heat and sunlight(used both indoors and outdoors);
  • not susceptible to mold or corrosion.

Methods for repairing a puncture or cut

First of all, seal the hole with masking tape. Further actions depend on the location and size of the damage. Let's take a closer look at what to do in different situations.

The method is suitable for small cuts or scrapes. For this, a piece of fabric or film left after installation will be useful. U this method repair there are two variations. The easiest way is to glue the patch directly over the puncture. To repair a cut on a torn stretch ceiling, proceed as follows:

  1. Cutting out a piece from the canvas the right size and shape (so that the hole overlaps with a margin).
  2. Spread with Cosmofen glue.
  3. Apply to the ceiling and smooth out.

In this case, the patch will be noticeable. If the type of fastening allows it, it is better to partially remove the canvas and glue the patch on the inside, and then tuck the harpoon back into the baguette.

Decorating with a sticker

If the patch cannot be hidden, good decision will turn it into a decorative element. The room will look unusual and interesting.

The method is suitable for:

  • panels that cannot be re-installed (with glazing bead or cam fastening);
  • medium sized holes (5-10 cm).

Suitable reusable stickers for interiors, which are sold in large home improvement or construction stores. The topics are very diverse: flowers, insects, animals, travel, landscapes, etc.

To repair a hole in a suspended ceiling, you need:

  1. Carefully remove the self-adhesive application from the white backing.
  2. Place it on one edge of the ceiling near the cut.
  3. Using careful movements, straighten the image, slowly gluing it to the surface.

It is necessary to ensure that there are no air bubbles. If this happens, the patch is partially peeled off and smoothed out again. You can pierce the tubercle with a needle, but very carefully so as not to touch the canvas.

Advice! To make the interior look more harmonious and complete, place several images in different places.

If the cut is located near the chandelier, there is another option. You can install a decorative rosette. For a stretch ceiling, choose a lightweight foam product.

Ventilation grill installation

As a rule, a diffuser is installed if a puncture or cut occurs in a corner. The size of the element is selected so that it is larger than the defect.

Repair of a stretch ceiling occurs as follows:

  1. A plastic ring is glued to the canvas (the damage should be inside).
  2. If necessary, the PVC film is additionally trimmed.
  3. Insert the grate.

This method is suitable for all materials and types of fastening. The diffuser will provide additional air circulation. In addition to cuts, problems such as film sticking or sagging are eliminated.

Installation of spotlight

The option is similar to the previous one, but more complex in execution. Suitable only for ceilings with a harpoon fastening system, since you will have to partially remove the canvas. Additionally, electrical skills will be required.

Installation is carried out as follows:

  1. From the side of the cut, part of the canvas is dismantled.
  2. A mortgage is screwed to the rough ceiling in the place where the lamp will be located.
  3. Lay electrical wiring and connect to the network.
  4. Reinstall the canvas.
  5. Glue the thermal ring, cut out the film and take out the cable.
  6. Connect the lamp and insert it into the hole.

Peculiarities! You don’t have to limit yourself to one light bulb; you can arrange them in a group: a straight or curved line, in the form of a geometric figure, etc. Such lighting helps to highlight a certain area.

Complete removal of a cut near a wall

This method is also used only for film ceilings with a harpoon connection. There is one more limitation - the distance from the hole to the wall should be no more than 15 cm.

The ceiling is repaired as follows:

  1. Partially pull the harpoon out of the baguette at the cut site.
  2. Cut off the damaged area.
  3. Re-glue the edge to the canvas in small steps of 2-3 cm.
  4. This section of the film is heated and secured in the profile.

It's okay that the canvas will have to be shortened a little. Vinyl film stretches well; with careful work, after restoration the surface will look like new.

What to do if the stretch ceiling breaks

This is quite serious damage. Possible reasons cracks:

  • the cut was not sealed immediately and it was severely torn;
  • the lamp or ventilation grill was installed carelessly; there is no tread ring that prevents the film from tearing;
  • as a result of incorrect cutting, the tension was too strong, which caused the fabric to crack (this is only possible if low-quality film is used or the seams are poorly welded).

In such cases you need:

  1. Trim edges if they are uneven.
  2. Glue a harpoon to both sides of the gap.
  3. Install a special dividing profile on the ceiling at the junction (it should be on the same level as the rest of the frame).
  4. Insert the canvas into the baguette.
  5. Decorate the joint with masking tape to match the color of the surface.

Films for suspended ceilings are resistant to bending and stretching, but they are easier to cut or puncture. This kind of incident happens not only during installation. During operation, various kinds of violations of the integrity of the canvas may also appear, requiring repairs of the stretch ceiling.

Stretch ceiling – suspended structure with a film stretched over it. This material visually seems durable and strong. However, this is a misleading impression. The film must be handled carefully and carefully. But only installers who work with this material every day know about this. Consumers do not attach due importance to the rules for operating a stretch ceiling.

Most common reasons film damage:

  • formation of stretch marks and holes during moving, removing, assembling furniture;
  • cuts and holes during installation of interior and entrance doors, installation of slopes and platbands;
  • release of film from the baguette due to careless replacement of lighting fixtures or other actions;
  • stretching of the film and its release from the baguette during flooding from above;
  • cuts and punctures of the canvas due to too active children's games with throwing sharp-angled objects.

It is important for owners of suspended ceilings to know what actions can lead to damage to the film. But you can’t foresee everything. In most cases, one or another problem with thin film cannot be avoided. And here knowledge of how will help repair suspended ceiling.

Types of damage and ways to eliminate them

In order to more fully understand the scale, labor intensity and financial cost of the upcoming work, we will consider how to repair suspended ceilings in each specific situation. There are several problems that require attention:

  • a cut;
  • hole;
  • exit from a baguette or other fastening;
  • melting or burning;
  • stretching;
  • puncture.

The suspended ceiling, which is to be repaired, must be prepared accordingly. If eliminated a cut, the edges of the canvas are stretched and glued. If this hole, will require creativity, which often requires trimming the film. Each type of action will require its own materials and tools.

Ways to eliminate cuts

Repair of cut stretch ceiling- the task is not difficult, but requires accuracy and precision of movements. The method for solving the problem depends on where the cut is located: close (no further than 30 cm) from the baguette, or at a considerable distance from it.

If the cut is near a wall

  1. The edge of the film, located opposite the problem area, is removed from the baguette. Next they take out more 20-25 cm of film on the left and right. They find that its edges are wrapped in a harpoon, a strong elastic strip that is inserted into the baguette.
  2. Using a sharp knife (preferably a stationery knife), cut off the film along the lower (back) part of the harpoon. That is, they cut off his so-called "skirt".
  3. Smooth flat line cut off the defective area.
  4. Apply glue to the harpoon and carefully, evenly glue the canvas to it. This is how cuts on suspended ceilings are sealed, where the problem area is near the baguette.
  5. Next, use a regular hairdryer heat the film, stretch it and tuck it into a baguette. To season, you will need a spatula, the blade of which will have to be made blunt and rounded.

If the cut is far from the wall

Repair of suspended ceilings after a cut away from the walls requires a piece of film, similar to the one that is stretched. You will also need glue and scissors. The visual defect of the canvas can only be eliminated using the overlay method. patches. So you have to cut and glue. There is no other way to repair suspended ceilings after a cut with your own hands.

The result of the work may not please you. But this problem can also be solved. Today there are many different, beautiful and light-weight accessories for decorating walls and ceilings on sale. Some of the most popular - spectacular butterflies. You can choose one that suits your interior design and glue it to the patch.

We found out how to remove a cut on a suspended ceiling. Now you need to understand what glue to use in your work.

Types of glue for repairing suspended ceilings

Experts from manufacturers recommend focusing on adhesive lines COSMOFEN or COSMOPLAST, and only with their help restore the suspended ceiling, repair cuts and eliminate holes. The most suitable for this work are COSMOFEN CA 12 And COSMOPLAST 513, 500 , 500L.

The first (COSMOFEN) is designed for use by specialists installing plastic windows. The COSMOPLAST series allows you to choose the adhesive that is most convenient in terms of hardening time. This is very important point, since the speed of work is different for everyone.

For those who are leisurely and focused on quality and accuracy, suitable COSMOPLAST 500 or 500L. Their hardening time 3 and 4-5 sec respectively. If the work needs to be done quickly, but with possible further adjustments, it is recommended to use COSMOPLAST 513, the setting time of which is about 15 sec. Enough to fix something.

Craftsmen who repair suspended ceilings successfully remove the cut using inexpensive types glue. They consider one of the best "Contact", and recommend that beginners use it. Using this glue, it is most convenient to repair suspended ceilings with your own hands. “Contact” is absolutely transparent, it sets quickly, but there is time for adjustment.

Methods for eliminating film breaks

Film rupture may cause different consequences. The hole may be small, with the edge of the canvas barely hanging down. Or it can be huge, curvilinear, with stretched edges. Each case has its own approach to eliminating the defect.

Method No. 1

Repairing a hole in a suspended ceiling can be done using a needle and thread of the appropriate color. That is, the film should simply be carefully sewn up. The seam only seems terrifying up close. From the height of a person standing on the floor, the problem area is not so noticeable.

This method will help not only in cases with small holes. Often, in eliminating large holes, it is necessary to grab the edge of the canvas and secure it with threads in the right place. Next, they perform the work required by the technology.

Method No. 2

We learned how to glue a suspended ceiling. This skill will also be useful for eliminating more serious defects. As was said, this process is creative and requires imagination and ingenuity. IN general outline The technique for restoring the integrity of the film is as follows:

  • using a needle and thread, grab the edges of the fabric in 2-3 places so as to stretch the film as accurately as possible;
  • the hole in the suspended ceiling will remain, but now, after fixing the edges, they can be carefully glued together in the places of the break.

This is a slow process, but it’s worth it: you don’t have to buy a new canvas. And in the future, if a hole forms in the suspended ceiling, what to do with it is already clear. You don't need anything other than glue, scissors and thread and a needle. Just patience and accuracy. Experience is never superfluous; you can teach your friends how to remove a hole in a suspended ceiling.

Methods for eliminating film defects after a flood

Beloved neighbors sometimes present surprises, and more often than not, unpleasant ones. When flooded from above The scale of the problems depends on where and how the canvas is secured. If it is attached to the main (concrete) ceiling using pads under lighting, hangers for metal profiles or in any other way, water will accumulate in the recesses between the fixation currents.

This is good and bad at the same time. The plus is that the film will not stretch much, and it will not need to be replaced with a new one. The downside is that To drain the water, you will need to unscrew and remove all the elements holding the film one by one.

If the film is fixed only around the perimeter of the room, the degree of its stretch depends on the volume of water that has penetrated from the upper floor. In this case, by doing small hole in baguette, the water is drained. After this, large-scale repairs of the stretch ceiling are not required. A cut can be repaired with your own hands in any convenient way. In some cases, it is enough to simply tuck the harpoon back into the baguette.

Important! Before carrying out work, it is necessary to de-energize the room.

Sequence of actions to eliminate the consequences of flooding from above:

  • turn off the circuit breakers on the electrical panel;
  • prepare containers: buckets, basins, deep pans;
  • take a screwdriver and unscrew the fasteners holding the ring or mortgage;
  • hold the ring, pressing it to the ceiling, and bring a bucket or other container to this place;
  • drain the water.

It is advisable to perform this task with an assistant who will bring the containers and move the “bubble” in the canvas to the place where the water is drained.

If the film is fixed around the perimeter of the room, you need to choose a place where it will be most convenient to drain the water, and remove the harpoon from the baguette at a distance of 15-20 cm. This can be done using a spatula. You need to work with this tool extremely carefully so as not to damage the canvas.

Method for eliminating film sagging

Film sagging can only be eliminated by stretching and filling the baguette. To do this, you will need to familiarize yourself with the technology of installing suspended ceilings. Next, trim the film, as in the case of eliminating cuts located near the walls of the room.

Method for eliminating film burn-through

If the canvas is accidental burned through, you will end up with an unsightly hole with dark edges. They remember how to repair a hole in a suspended ceiling and complete this task. To eliminate a small defect, you can choose the method of patching or decorating with overhead accessories: flowers, butterflies, stickers.

Useful video

In the video we will see an example of repairing a puncture in a stretch ceiling:

Repair and installation of suspended ceilings is a difficult and time-consuming process. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the operating rules for these structures that are unstable to mechanical damage. When cleaning or rearranging furniture, do not forget that in our small apartments The ceilings are low and therefore vulnerable.