Perennial Arabis: types of flowers, planting and care. What's in your name

Arabis, better known to ordinary people as rezuha, is a fragrant flowering plant with an unpretentious character. The shrub has about 200 varieties and delights gardeners with long, lush and abundant flowering. It grows very quickly. Only a few species are common in our latitudes. Although Alpine Arabis hybrids have adapted to survive in almost any conditions.

Arabis: description, types

These flowers are shaped like a cross. The leaves are small in size. Arabis can be either solid green or variegated. In nature, the plant most often grows in mountainous and rocky areas. The height of Arabis is approximately 25 cm. Its stems spread along the ground and weave. The plant requires systematic pruning to improve flowering. Some species are well tolerated low temperature, while others still require at least minimal shelter in the form of, for example, brushwood or spruce branches.

More than a hundred varieties are hybrid. The most popular among them are Caucasian Arabis and Alpine Arabis. Growing from seeds is the most acceptable option for them. Now we will tell you more about each type.

Arabis alpine

This plant has white and pink cruciferous flowers. They are small in size and densely located. Blooms from May to June. It has a pleasant, pleasant sweet aroma. Maximum height The bush is 30 cm long. The color of the leaves is grayish-green. It takes root and grows very quickly, which is why it has earned its popularity.

Arabis Caucasian

This is a shorter type of rhizome. The flowers have a wide range of colors: pink, white. The plant loves sunny places, where it develops faster and blooms more abundantly than in partial shade. This mountain species does not really like moisture. IN winter period it should be covered with insulation. To do this, a small structure of metal arcs is built around the plant and covered with agrofibre. You should not remove the shelter at the very first rays of spring; you will need to let the Arabis get used to the sun a little. Flowering begins in May.


The plant can be propagated in several ways:

By division;



Dividing the rhizome bush can be done in March, April or August, September. One four-year-old plant can produce up to 25 new bushes. In order to divide a bush, it is not necessary to dig it up. It will be necessary to separate only part of the already rooted plant. The resulting shoots are planted directly into the soil at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

Cuttings are carried out from late spring - early summer. For this purpose they are removed apical cuttings approximately 7-9 cm long. The cuttings must be planted in a greenhouse, under a film, directly into the soil, having first removed the lower foliage. It will take several weeks for rooting. All this time, the cuttings must be hidden from the sun and watered as needed. Transplant to permanent place maybe at the end of summer.

Arabis: growing from seeds, planting and care

All types of rhizomes are propagated by seeds, except for double forms. Dividing the bush and cuttings is acceptable for them. Seed propagation allows you to get beautiful hybrid varieties. How to propagate Arabis from seeds? The material is often purchased at flower shows or special flower shops. You should first acquire containers. Having bought Alpine Arabis, you can start growing from seeds either in October or in April-May. Seeds are not afraid of frost. The sowing soil must be loose and breathable. If garden soil is used, then sand, small pebbles or pine needles should be added to it; all this will have a very good effect on the seedlings of a plant such as Arabis. Growing from seeds involves planting in a substrate. Therefore, if the soil is taken from the street, it must be allowed to warm up.

Seeds are not planted deep into the ground. It will be enough to just sprinkle them with a little soil. It is advisable to cover the top of the soil with a special covering material for the garden, which promotes uniform distribution of moisture during watering and prevents soil erosion and stagnation of water. This creates the most favorable conditions in order for Arabis alpine to grow well. Growing from seeds will allow you to see the first shoots in 10-12 days. During this period, it is necessary to monitor watering; excess moisture can lead to mold or death of the seedlings.

Seedlings can be planted in the ground after at least three leaves appear. For growing individual lush bushes they are seated freely, at a distance of 35-40 centimeters from each other. If you plant several seedlings in one hole, then next year you will see a dense flowering carpet.

Arabis care. Soil Features

Rezuha is unpretentious to growing conditions. Preference should still be given to sunny places with sandy, loose soil and good breathability. The plant responds very well to loosening the soil and removing weeds. But the latter should be dealt with only at an early stage of plant development. In the future, it itself will crowd out the weeds.

In nature, Arabis grows on mountain slopes, so garden plot He does not accept overflow. Natural moisture will be enough for the plant. It can only be replenished during a long dry period.

A sunny and windless location will provide abundant flowering, the inflorescences will be more compact and lush, and a pleasant sweet aroma will spread throughout the entire summer cottage.

Abundant flowering next year will be ensured by pruning stems that have faded this year. They must be cut off, leaving a maximum of four centimeters, and be sure to be covered with earth.

Pests and diseases during proper cultivation and planned care are not harmful to the Arabis alpine plant. Growing from seeds, cuttings or dividing rhizomes into bushes for propagation will not cause any difficulties for either experienced or novice gardeners.

Arabis must be present in everyone. After all, the natural habitat of the Arabis is mountainous areas. That is why this plant fits perfectly into a variety of gardens, terraces and all kinds of uneven terrain.
Arabis also looks great in the foreground of any sunny flower beds, along the garden path.

Popular types of Arabis, garden forms and varieties

The genus Arabis, or rezuha, includes beautifully flowering perennial and annual plant cruciferous family. In nature, this genus is widespread and contains about a hundred species. Arabis are found in Eurasia, North America, and Africa.

Arabis is a showy plant with grey-green, hairy leaves. Arabis leaves do not die off in the winter, so the plant looks good not only during the garden season, but also.

Popular garden forms of Arabis have large, numerous flowers. They can be simple or double, collected in a racemose inflorescence. Rezukha blooms in the spring, in April-May: arabis bushes are abundantly covered with white, cream, lilac, pink or purple flowers.

Without pruning, Arabis forms extensive carpets in the garden, which are especially beautiful during the flowering period. To curb the growth of Arabis bushes and maintain a compact appearance, the stems are shortened after flowering. If faded flowers are not cut off, the plant produces fruit pods with an abundance of seeds. Arabis seeds are flat and quite large – they are easy to sow.

In Russian gardens it is usually grown arabis whitish(Arabis albida), or Caucasian rhizome(Arabis caucasica). The height of the plants perennial species is approximately 25 cm, its bushes grow up to 60 cm wide.
The spectacular variety of whitish Arabis "Flore Pleno" has large double flowers white color. In the variety "Pink Pearl" pink flowers, in the variety “Coccinea” - red. And the variety of whitish Arabis “Variegata” is more valued not for its flowering, but for its elegant leaves with a white stripe along the edge.

In the photo: Caucasian rhizome; variety "Variegata" of arabis whitish; Rezucha cilifolia

The following species grow not as quickly as the whitish rhizome: Rezucha cilifolia(Arabis blepharophylla) - variety "Spring Charm" with crimson flowers, and Rezuha of Ferdinand-Coburg(Arabis ferdinandi-coburgi) - white-edged leaves of the Variegata variety, as well as garden forms with pinkish and yellow leaf margins. These charming rezuhas with neat rosettes of bright, variegated leaves form compact mats.

Growing Arabis

Any nutritious, well-drained soil is suitable for growing Arabis; sunny place or light partial shade.

Arabis are drought-resistant, but in hot spring they can suffer from dry shoots, especially in the absence of rain for a long time and regular watering. In this case, it is useful to slightly shade the plants.

Rhinestones do not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots. Therefore, at the beginning of spring, in a low place where melt water accumulates, the rezuha can dry out.

Caring for Arabis consists of timely watering, weeding and loosening the soil. Rezuha is frost-resistant, but varietal plants are more susceptible to cold and snowless winters. When landing on elevated open places Arabis will need light winter shelter.

Arabis propagation

Species rhizomes usually reproduce by seed. Arabis reproduces well by seeds. Both arabis and cultivation through seedlings in the spring (April sowing) are possible. Young plants need regular watering (in the absence of rain) and weeding.
When propagated by seed, Arabis blooms in the second year of life.

Reproduction of valuable terry varieties and garden varieties Arabis is carried out vegetatively - by dividing bushes (in autumn) or by cuttings (in early summer).

The Arabis root system penetrates shallowly into the ground (no more than 15 cm), so this plant is easy to replant, dig and divide.

Arabis cuttings are cut immediately after the plant blooms. Leave 7-8 internodes on the cuttings; Leaves are torn off from the lower half of the cutting.
Plant cuttings of rhizomes with a slope in or on a seedling bed, water well and shade. The roots of Arabis cuttings appear in about 3 weeks.
Grown up rhinestone bushes are planted in a permanent place at the end of summer or at the very beginning of autumn.

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Arabis (lat. Arabis) - herbaceous perennial of the cabbage family, which is also called rhizome. There are more than 100 species in this genus, growing in many climatic zones planet, ranging from the temperate regions of the North to the mountain slopes of the tropics of Africa.

The word "Arabis" is of unknown origin. As for the name “rezuha”, it is caused by the very hard pubescence of the plant, which can even cut you if you touch it carelessly.

Arabis has been cultivated for over 200 years. This is very popular plant V landscape design, where it can be seen as part of flower beds, mixborders, near borders, on ridges and alpine roller coaster. So, let's look at how to care for Arabis in your area and reproduce it.

Arabis growing from seeds

Growing Arabis from seeds involves several stages:

1. Sowing rhizome seeds. Seed material can be found in abundance in stores specializing in the sale of varietal seeds. Special varieties can be purchased at flower shows. Sowing is carried out in the fall, in October, so that after winter, with the first warmth, you can see the seedlings. But you can sow seeds in the spring, in April. First, the seed is placed in a box with a pre-prepared substrate containing sand with small stones and garden soil in a ratio of 1:3. Planting depth - up to 5 mm, germination temperature - 20 ºC. To ensure that germination is as high as possible, a greenhouse made of agrospan is built.

Arabis from seeds

2. Growing seedlings. The first shoots appear after 3-4 weeks. After this, the greenhouse is removed, the number and volume of watering is reduced, and the container with the seedlings is moved to a lighter place. Caring for seedlings is simple - timely moistening and loosening the soil.

3. Picking. When the first true leaves appear, Arabis seedlings are plucked. It needs to be separated into seedlings and planted at a distance of 30 cm or in separate glasses. But this is done only in two cases: if the plant is planned for individual planting, and not for growing as a carpet, and if you plan to sell the seedlings individually.

4. Planting in a flowerbed. Before this process, seedlings must get used to fresh air. To do this, they are taken out into the open space for a short time every day for two weeks. But at the same time, young organisms should not be allowed to be in a draft, which is detrimental to them. When the hardening process comes to an end, all the seedlings are placed in their places in the flowerbed and planted.

Planting Arabis in open ground

IN open ground Arabis is planted in last days spring or summer. The planting time is chosen when the seedling has three true leaves. Arabis is planted in an area well lit by the sun and also blown by the wind. This does not mean that rezuha will not grow in the shade. But there the number and size of flowers, as well as the growth rate, will be much poorer.

The requirements for the composition of the soil on the site are also taken into account. Rezuha needs a sandy, loose, moderately moist substrate, which does not weed. Fertilizers of mineral and organic types are applied to it abundantly. In order for the soil to absorb moisture even better and become saturated with oxygen, sand, turf, and small pebbles are added to it.

If the owner of the site does not want to prepare the soil, you can plant Arabis in any soil

even calcined or sour. The plant will take root, but will not produce as much lush flowering, As expected.

One seedling is planted on an area of ​​40x40 cm. To make the carpet thicker, you can plant 4 seedlings at once. When the entire area is filled, it is watered abundantly, and after a few days, if the soil has not been prepared before, ready-made mineral fertilizer is applied. Arabis will not bloom in the year of planting, but will only delight you in the next season.

Caring for Arabis in the flowerbed

Arabis on the site is not very difficult to care for. It is necessary to water it, remove weeds, periodically prune it, apply fertilizers, loosen the soil, and treat the plant against pests if they appear. Rezuha can be grown in areas without frequent rainfall, as it easily tolerates drought. But excess moisture has a detrimental effect on the development of these flowers, so you should not water them again.

Arabis must be constantly cleared of weeds, otherwise they will choke the delicate plant. When the seedlings get stronger, you can do this less carefully. To form beautiful bush, shoots are regularly pruned. The same applies to dried flowers, pruning which stimulates the formation of new flower stalks.

How to propagate Arabis

Arabis planting and care photo

It is very easy to plant on your site and propagate, since vegetative methods (dividing the bush, layering, cuttings) and generative (seeds) can be used for this. The latter method is best used only for breeding Arabis species, since it is very painstaking.

To get rare double arabises on the site, they are propagated by cuttings

A leaf with a heel is cut from an adult plant (it contains cambria, which is responsible for the growth of the plant), which is rooted. To remove the heel, the leaf is torn off by hand with a drawcord, trying to capture both the bark of the stem and its pulp. The process of separating the petiole is carried out after the plant has flowered. You can also cut off a 10-centimeter top, which will be of no less quality planting material. The lower leaves are removed from it.

The prepared cuttings are planted at an angle in the substrate, the pot is covered with a greenhouse and placed in a bright place. The soil is regularly moistened so that it does not dry out. Every day the greenhouse is opened for a few minutes to ventilate and remove condensation. The signal that the plant has begun is the restoration of turgor upper leaves. After this, you can prepare to plant the cuttings in the flowerbed. The whole process takes about a month.

Another method of propagation is to obtain layerings

They take an Arabis shoot and cut off its top, and dig in the branch itself in the area of ​​the leaf node. Over time, it will give new roots and become a full-fledged plant that can be separated and replanted.

They rarely engage in dividing the bush. This may be necessary when breeding terry and valuable varieties. The plant is dug up in the fall and divided together with the roots into several parts, which are transplanted into prepared places in the flowerbed.

Pests and diseases of Arabis

Arabis flower planting and care

WITH cruciferous flea beetle fight with the help of Actellik, Biotlin, Aktara, Karbofos, Iskra. Application folk remedy- wood ash - has no special effect.

Plant care after flowering

Arabis cultivation

Even when Arabis is blooming, the gardener should note the most powerful inflorescences from which to collect seeds. When the first frosts pass, they are harvested in dry weather. If you collect seed at the wrong time, it may not germinate well the next year. The inflorescences along with the stem are cut off and allowed to dry indoors, hanging in dry, ventilated places. When the workpiece has dried, the seeds are removed from it and placed in cardboard box and stored until sowing time.

Wintering Arabis

This plant survives only in light frosts - about -5-7 ºC. To ensure it even in more severe weather, the stems of the arabis are almost completely cut off, leaving only 3-4 cm, and the roots are covered with leaves, grass, spruce branches, and other materials that protect against severe frosts.

Types and varieties of arabis or rezuhi

For decorative purposes, the following types of arabis are planted in the flowerbed:

Arabis alpine(Arabis alpina). Natural habitat - Far East, Ural, Scandinavia, Western Europe, North America, more precisely, the mountain ranges in these places. The perennial grows up to 35 cm in height. Generative shoots are highly branched and look like whips.

Vegetative ones grow directly on the ground and do not die off in frost, thus creating wicker cushions on the soil. The leaves on the roots and on the stems are different. The first ones are oval, the second ones are arrow-shaped and heart-shaped. The flowers are white or pink, very fragrant, 1 cm in size. They are collected in 5 cm long racemes, which open in the spring. Flowering time is more than a month.

Several varieties of alpine arabis are grown in cultivation:

  • Schneeshaube - plant height up to 25 cm, flowers larger than usual (2 cm), clusters up to 15 cm long;
  • terry - the petals of flowers in inflorescences are terry, somewhat similar to gillyflowers;
  • pink - has the same characteristics as Schneeshaube, but the color of the petals is pink.

Arabis bruovide(Arabis bryoides) - grows in Greece and the Balkans, inhabiting mainly the alpine and subalpine zones. This perennial also grows in a cushion-like manner, but is smaller (height 10 cm). The species is distinguished by small ones that are abundantly covered with pubescence. Their shape is oval, they are collected in rosettes. The flowers are white, collected in corymbose-type inflorescences of 3-6 pieces.

Arabis Caucasian(Arabis caucasica) - considered a subspecies of Alpine Arabis, which lives in the mountains of Crimea, the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Central Asia, and the Mediterranean. This is one of large species, which grows up to 30 cm. Arabis leaves are small, gray-green in color, covered with thick fibers. Their shape is oblong, cut along the edge with large teeth. Caucasian Arabis blooms in white, the flowers are 1.5 cm in size, and the inflorescences in the form of a brush are 8 cm. The flowering period is June-July. At the end of it, a long narrow cone with seeds ripens.

This is one of the most ancient cultivated species, which is grown in the following varieties:

  • flore-pleno - has large white double flowers, sessile on long peduncles;
  • variegata - differs in the color of the leaves, as they have a yellow border along the edge;
  • Rosabella - unlike other varieties, has pink flowers.

Arabis running out(Arabis procurrens) - grows in the mountainous regions of the Balkans. Very low growing plant no more than 12 cm high, forming small rosettes with leaves and blooming inconspicuously. The plant is planted on slopes to prevent landslides. This species withstands frost well and does not require special care. To preserve it, it is better to cover it for the winter. In flower beds, the variety Variegata is used, which has a large white border visible at the end of the green leaves. Flowering is purple, gradually turning white.

Arabis lowgrowing(Arabis pumila) is another small species of rhizome, about 15 cm in height. It grows in the Alps and Apennines. Flowering has no decorative value, since the flowers are white, small, and ugly. It is cultivated for its fruits, which are quite attractive.

Arabis prolomnikov(Arabis androsacea) - lives in the mountains of Turkey, found at an altitude of more than 2 km. One of the smallest plants - the height is no more than 5-10 cm. The leaves are collected in a rosette and have an oval, slightly pointed shape. Whites gather in loose shields.

Arabis cilifolia(Arabis blepharophylla) - grows in California at an altitude of 500 m. Plant height - 8 cm, diameter - no more than 25 cm. Ciliated Arabis has gray-green pubescent leaves and a pleasant color of inflorescences - dark pink.

Therefore, on its basis, two varieties were bred in culture:

  • Route Sensation - has bright pink flowers and large elongated leaves;
  • Frühlingshaber - distinguished by small leaves and pink blooms.

Arabis of Ferdinand of Coburg Variegate(lat. Arabis ferdinandi-coburgii “Variegata”) is the smallest species of Arabis, the height of which does not exceed 5 cm, and the diameter of the bush is 30 cm. It is considered a semi-evergreen plant. The view is different long flowering white, as well as pleasant greenery, which has the main light green color and a border of whitish-yellow or Pink colour. The leaves are collected in a rosette. The plant is frost-resistant if there is a high-quality drainage system.

Arabis or rezuha Botanical description of the species

Although Arabis is a perennial plant, it can also be grown as an annual if you want to replace the ground cover flowers every year. This flower spreads throughout the entire area, easily taking root with its stems. The height is quite large, as for a ground cover - 30 cm. The leaves of the rhizome are green, heavily pubescent with dense hairs, solid heart-shaped, sometimes have denticles on the edges.

The plant blooms in mid-spring, covering the ground with white, pink, yellow flowers with petals of simple and double type. The flowers have small sizes- 1.5 cm, but they gather in inflorescences - dense brushes. When flowering, the rezuha produces a pleasant aroma, therefore it is one of the main honey plants in the flowerbed, attracting a large number of bees Then a fruit is formed in the form of a pod, in which flat seeds ripen, sometimes with lionfish.

Together with arabis, you can plant many similar plants, forming a roughly uniform, but multi-colored flowerbed, because arabis has many relatives. These are alyssum, rapeseed, cabbage, Iberis, radish, mustard, horseradish and other brassicas. It is known about the rezuha that it is easy to grow, so growing it in the garden will give not only a pleasant aroma and attractive appearance flower beds, but it will not be a difficult task.

General characteristics

Perennial herbaceous ground cover plant, peduncle height up to 30 cm. Stems are climbing, creeping, rooting. The leaves are entire, toothed, densely pubescent, silvery-white. The basal leaves are often collected in a rosette.

Flowers and fruits

The flowers are white, pink, lilac, red (depending on the type and variety), simple or double, small (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), collected in dense umbrella-shaped racemes. It blooms very profusely, early (from April) and long (up to 8 weeks in cool spring). During the flowering period it grows very strongly. Honey plant. The fruit is a pod.

Optimal conditions cultivation, planting and care

It is better to plant in an open sunny place with light, nutritious, well-drained soil. Penumbra is acceptable, but sunny place the plant becomes more compact and blooms much more luxuriantly.
It grows quickly and can easily choke out neighboring plants, so you can regularly trim the shoots, which avoids this problem and maintains the shape of the bush. In addition, thanks to this, the Arabis blooms much better next year.
To prolong flowering throughout the season, it is recommended to prune faded flowers. It is quite winter-hardy, but in winters with little snow, Arabis requires additional shelter. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Reproduction methods

Simple forms Arabis are propagated by seeds (in spring or before winter), double ones - by dividing the bush (in August - early September) and by cuttings (in the second half of May), since they do not produce seeds. Reaches the optimal age for division at 4 years, when each bush can be successfully divided into 15-20 independent daughter plants.


Looks great in the border and in the foreground of a mixborder. Ideal for rock gardens (as a lawn), rocky slides and dry retaining walls. Double-shaped Arabis flowers are used for spring bouquets. Indispensable if short term A large area of ​​the site needs to be landscaped. Particularly good for strengthening slopes.

Types, varieties, forms

Perennial plant up to 35 cm tall. The shoots are strongly branched, pressed to the ground, in the form of thin lashes, forming cushion-shaped clumps that do not die off in the winter. The basal leaves are oval, the stem leaves are heart-shaped, arrow-shaped, stem-embracing, grayish. Peduncles are straight. The flowers are white or pink, up to 1 cm in diameter, fragrant, collected in a racemose inflorescence up to 5 cm long. Blooms in April - May for 25-30 days. Fruits in July. The fruit is a pod.

It has several decorative forms:

(Arabis bryoides)

(Arabis procurrens)

ground cover plant with small rosettes and inconspicuous flowers 10-12 cm tall. Unpretentious. Quickly forms dense clumps. Good for securing slopes. It is frost-resistant, but in snowless winters it is advisable to cover it with coniferous spruce branches.

Arabis running out var. vochinensis

Forms a very low elegant rug.

(Arabis caucasica)

Perennial 5-10 cm tall, cushion-shaped. The leaves are tomentose, ciliated along the edges, small, oval with a sharp tip, collected in rosettes. White flowers with 6-7 mm petals in a loose shield of 3-6 pieces appear in the spring. Requires sunny location in a crevice of rock garden stones. The soil should be rich in calcium, poor, dry, well drained. For winter, air-dry shelter is required.

It has several decorative forms and varieties:

Arabis hybrid Arendsa "Snowfix"

(Arabis arendsii "Snowfix")

Garden hybrid (A. aubrietioides x A. caucasica). Perennial plant up to 20 cm tall. Stems are recumbent, erect at the ends. Varieties with purple-pink (“Coccinea”), pink (“Atrorosea”), light pink (“Rosabella”) large flowers that do not fade in the sun. They prefer partial shade.

Plants form low curtains 5-15 cm high. The flowers are white, collected in racemes. Blooms in May-June. The flowers are inconspicuous. Interesting at the time of fruiting, thanks to the original fruits.

(Arabis androsacea)

Cushion-shaped perennial 5-10 cm tall. The leaves are small, oval with a sharp tip, collected in rosettes. White flowers in a loose shield appear in summer.

(Arabis blepharophylla)

A perennial plant 8 cm high and a bush up to 25 cm in diameter. The leaves are gray-green, the flowers are dark pink. Shelter for the winter is a must.

A perennial plant 20-25 cm high. It differs only in the color of the flowers, with the intensity of the pink color in different plants not the same. Blooms two weeks later than white non-double species.

Arabis Ferdinand of Coburg "Variegata"

(Arabis ferdinandi-coburgii "Variegata")

A semi-evergreen perennial plant with a height of 5 cm and a bush with a diameter of up to 30 cm. It is highly valued for its abundant flowering in May, the flowers are white. It has light green leaves with white edges. Sometimes there are forms with a pinkish border. The plant is frost-resistant provided there is good drainage.

The appearance of white, pink or purple clouds consisting of delicate flowers, means that a handsome man has settled here arabis caucasian.

This plant has many wonderful qualities. It is unpretentious, drought-resistant, hardy, and also profusely flowering. With cultivation arabis caucasica Even a novice florist can handle it.

Luxurious Arabis Caucasian

Arabis Caucasian, Arabis caucasica, is a member of the Cruciferous family. This is a herbaceous perennial plant. IN wildlife it is found in Mediterranean countries, in the mountainous regions of Asia Minor and Central Asia, in the Caucasus and Crimea.

The plant represents is a lush bush with silver-green foliage no more than 30 cm in height.

At the time of flowering it is completely strewn with delicate snow-white flowers and resembles a white airy cloud. Flowers exude a wonderful aroma that bees love to flock to.

IN Lately many appeared Arabis Caucasian varieties, among which there are pink and purple flowers. There are also terry forms.

Growing Caucasian Arabis from seeds

Plant seeds sown in open ground in spring in May or in autumn before winter, because they are not afraid winter cold. The soil for Arabis should be loose, permeable and well-drained.

Seeds first sown on a temporary bed, taking into account future transplantation to a permanent place. Deepen the seeds into the soil no more than 0.5 cm.

Experienced flower growers advise to cover bed with agrospan, with the help of which moisture is evenly distributed and the soil is not eroded. Shoots usually appear after two to three weeks.

After the appearance Seedlings with true leaves can be transplanted to a permanent place. The distance between the bushes should be at least 40 cm. In order for the bush to ultimately turn out luxurious, it is recommended to plant 4 plants in one hole.

Arabis grown from seeds begins to bloom only in the second year.

Features of care

Young plants need loosening and regular weeding. Growing up, Arabis grows greatly and no longer requires weeding. The lateral lodging shoots of the plant can easily take root in the ground. Due to this, the Arabis quickly takes up the space allotted to it and begins to make its way to neighboring areas.

That's why plant growth must be controlled by trimming overgrown shoots. In addition, pruning promotes abundant flowering.

Arabis Caucasian is a drought-resistant plant and does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the soil. However, prolonged drying out of the soil is not desirable for it.

If precipitation falls regularly in the form of rain, you don't have to worry about watering.

In constant feeding the plant does not need. You just need to feed him any mineral fertilizer before flowering.

Throughout the season faded inflorescences must be removed to preserve the decorative appearance of the bush and prolong flowering. The plant grows in one place for a long time and begins to age. Therefore, sometimes it needs to be updated.

For this exposed areas The shoots are sprinkled with a mixture of equal parts of humus and sand. Soon new roots and fresh young shoots will appear.

For the winter Arabis is trimmed, leaving about 4 cm of shoots. To protect against possible severe frosts, the bushes are sprinkled with sawdust or pine needles. An important advantage of the plant is its resistance to disease. Pests also avoid it.


Valuable varietal specimens reproduce dividing the bush and cuttings.

Dividing the bush. At the beginning of September, Arabis is dug up and obtained from the bush. required amount delenok, which are planted in a new place.

Cuttings. At the end of May, the cuttings are cut, leaving 5 to 10 internodes on them and rooted in the garden bed, regularly watering and spraying daily. In September, young plants are transplanted to a permanent place.

Arabis Caucasian- This is an ideal plant for the garden. You just need to initially provide him suitable conditions- and the plant will delight you with fragrant lush inflorescences all summer.

You can also learn more about how to care for and how to grow.

And for the most curious, we suggest you watch the video about Caucasian Arabis