Lectures on extremism. Lecture “Prevention of extremism and terrorism among youth

Lesson topic: Prevention of extremism and terrorism among young people.

Lesson objectives:


To intensify the mental activity of students in understanding the role of extremism and terrorism in modern life society and determine the degree of danger of these phenomena to human life;

Expand children's understanding of youth subculture;


Promote the development of logical thinking, attention and independence;

To promote the development of a critical attitude to the perception of various types of information;


Contribute to the formation of an irreconcilable attitude towards manifestations of extremism and terrorism;

To form a critical attitude towards fashionable youth movements that have an extremist orientation;

Contribute to the formation of sociocultural and civic identity of students.

Lesson objectives:

  • determine the causes and goals of extremism and terrorism;

  • to instill a sense of responsibility in students for the fate of humanity.
Lesson equipment:

  • student workbooks;

  • text of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Combating Terrorism”, text of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

Basic concepts and terms:

  • global problems of our time, terror, terrorism, extremism, youth subculture.
Lesson format:

Lesson Plan

  1. Organizing time.

  2. Studying new topic lesson.

  3. Group work with the text of documents.

  4. Summarizing.
Lesson outline

Mini-lecture from the teacher:

The media tell us about terrorist attacks. Terrorism has long ago turned from an abstract concept into a real nightmare, the threat of which faces all of humanity. Today, terrorism is a factor of global significance that any government has to reckon with, both internally and foreign policy. Terrorism as a socio-political phenomenon is far from young. Its history goes back at least a century and a half.

In recent decades, the entire Russian society has been faced with a challenge from the ideology and practice of extremism. A particular danger is posed by the fact that extremist ideology actively uses the most accessible channels for conveying information to young people and easily penetrates the youth subculture, offering fairly simple and “radical” solutions to achieve goals through extreme measures of destruction or neutralization of everything “alien.” Unfortunately, there are increasingly cases of crimes committed by young people that are classified as extremist.

We will try to understand the causes and origins of extremism and try to find a solution to this global problem of humanity.


Why do you think extremist sentiments are actively developing among young people today?

Stage 1. The notebooks record the reasons why, in the students’ opinion, Are extremist sentiments actively developing among young people? You have 5 minutes to complete this task.

Stage 2 The work consists in the fact that all the reasons that students have identified are written on the board (without repetition or criticism, see “Rules for Brainstorming”).

Stage 3 work, a hierarchy of reasons is built from the most important to the least in the opinion of students (Appendix 1.).

Summing up summary by the teacher about the importance of preventing extremist sentiments among young people. It is young people who represent a risk group prone to aggressive extremist actions. Due to their age, young people are characterized by such psychological characteristics such as: maximalism and nihilism, radicalism and intolerance, recklessness and intransigence, a tendency towards groupism, ideological instability and failures in the search for self-identity, which, under certain living conditions and the presence of a nutrient environment, can act as a trigger for their antisocial activity.

Formation of basic concepts.

On the eve of the lesson, all students are given a proactive task to find in the reference literature a definition of the concepts “extremism”, “terrorism”, “terror”. During the lesson, these definitions must be heard and compared, highlighting the essential features. It is advisable to record some concepts in notebooks. Based on the analysis, select several working concepts for further study of the problem.

Extremism(from Latin extremus - extreme) is translated as commitment to extreme views and radical measures.

Extremist sentiments of young people- this is a reflection of the need to take risky actions, to fight for justice in their understanding, as well as for the “purity” of their nation.

Terrorism is considered as the use of violence or the threat of its use against individuals, groups of individuals or various objects in order to achieve political, economic, ideological and other results beneficial to terrorists.

Terrorism– This is an extreme form of extremism.

Terrorism this is violence carried out by opposition groups.

Terror ( from lat. “Terror” - fear, horror) – this is a policy of repression by the state, relying on the power of its security institutions .

Terrorism there is motivated violence with political goals (B. Crozier, director of the London Institute for the Study of Conflict).

Terrorism This is the use of non-state violence or the threat of violence with the aim of causing panic in society, weakening the situation and even overthrowing officials and causing political changes in society” (Walter Lacker, foreign expert).

Terrorism this is a tactic of political struggle, characterized by the systematic use of violence, expressed in murders, sabotage, sabotage, kidnappings and other actions that pose a threat to the life and safety of people” (E.P. Kozhushko).

Students do conclusions that extremism as a complex and heterogeneous socio-cultural phenomenon, it is defined as a commitment to extreme measures and views that reject existing social norms or a focus on their radical transformation, that weapons of terror are repressions, weapons of terrorism - terrorist act. In the name of achieving certain political, religious, socio-economic goals, terrorists use violent methods.

Discussion: The youth subculture is a springboard for the development of extremism.

To conduct a discussion, students are asked to take one of the following positions.

Yes, I agree

I agree, but with reservations

I don't agree

I don't know, I'm undecided

After the participants have determined their position, each group is invited to defend their thesis using different facts and arguments in defense of their thesis.

When summing up the discussion, use approaches to defining youth subculture (Appendix 2.).

Group work with document text

At this stage of the lesson, group work of students is organized with the text of the Federal Law “On Combating Terrorism” (dated March 6, 2006) and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The texts of the documents are prepared in advance for the participants of each working group. While working with the text, students make the necessary notes in their notebooks. Students may be offered the following tasks:

Assignment for the first group. Working with the text of the Federal Law, define the concepts, legal basis and basic principles of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation. Based on the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, name crimes of a terrorist nature.

Assignment for the second group. Determine the organizational foundations of countering terrorism, goals, entities carrying out these activities, their competence and functions.

Assignment for the third group. Show how the counter-terrorism operation is carried out, who controls it, what forces and means are involved for this, how the legal regime is implemented in the area of ​​the operation, and negotiations with terrorists.

Assignment for the fourth group. Determine how compensation for harm caused as a result of a terrorist act is carried out, social rehabilitation of victims, their legal and social protection, responsibility of organizations for involvement in terrorism.

At the end of the discussion, the groups are offered whatman paper and markers for a graphic presentation of the results of the work.

At the end of the work, the participants announce the results, exchange the information received, and draw conclusions.

Development and protection of projects

At the final stage of the second lesson, each group is offered the development of projects “The role and capabilities of youth subcultures in the formation of the anti-extremist ideology of young people.”

Group "Theoreticians" is research project, the final product of which may be directories “Main youth subcultures southern region" and etc.

Group "Press Center" is creative project in the form of a special issue of school computer science h eta, dedicated to the problem of preventing extremism and terrorism in the modern world.

Group "Politicians" carries out the presentation of applied projects in the form of rules of conduct for schoolchildren, the Program of the youth organization “Youth against terrorism”.

Group "Psychologists" carries out presentation of applied projects in the form of a program of psychological and pedagogical support for youth, protection of the main directions of support.

Materials for project development: Internet resources, applications 1-3.

This stage of the lesson is devoted to the presentation of group projects of students. In advance (1-2 weeks in advance), the formed groups select the topic and type of projects, think through the sources of information collection, options for designing the work, and the form of presentation of the project.

After defending the projects, the teacher ends the lesson and gives homework.

Annex 1.

Reasons for the development of extremism among young people

  1. Age characteristics of young people and features of the conditions for their development. Uncertainty of social status, marginality of social positions, psychophysiological changes that accompany growing up young man, identity development processes make young people vulnerable to different forms discrimination. First of all we're talking about about age discrimination, when boys and girls feel restrictions on their rights in various areas.

  2. Instability of desires, unclear goals, intolerance of dissent and the impulsiveness characteristic of young people constitute the specificity of adolescence. Such features alienate a young person from his parents and other adults and force him to take steps towards finding others like himself. Young people are united in groups homogeneous in age and social class, in which their typical needs for leisure, communication, and grouping are satisfied.

  3. Associations of young people naturally develop their own cultural norms and attitudes, cultivate unique values, and generate generational factors that can become the basis of the psychological opposition between “us” and “them”».
Researchers identify four main sources of terrorism and extremism:

Firstly, terrorism and extremism manifest themselves in societies that have embarked on the path of transformations, drastic social changes or modern societies postmodern with a pronounced polarization of the population along ethnosocial lines. Marginal and immobile groups of the population become participants in terrorist actions.

Secondly, social contrasts, a sharp stratification of society into poor and rich, and not just poverty or low level socio-economic status provoke aggression and create the ground for terrorism.
Third, manifestations of extremism are growing in initial periods social modernization. At the final stages of successful changes, manifestations of extremism and terrorism decline sharply.
Fourthly, unfinished urbanization, specific forms of industrialization, changes in the ethno-demographic structure of society, especially unregulated migration, give rise to extremism and intolerance in society.

Fifthly, The predominance of authoritarian political regimes plays an important role in the spread of ethnic and religious extremism and terrorism in the Islamic world. They provoke violence as a form of resolving political contradictions and give it the character of a cultural norm.

Appendix 2.

youth subculture- this is the culture of a certain young generation that has a common lifestyle, behavior, group norms, values ​​and stereotypes. Youth subcultures can be defined as a system of meanings, means of expression, and lifestyles. Created by groups of youth, subcultures reflect attempts to resolve contradictions associated with a broader social context. Subcultures are not some kind of foreign formation; on the contrary, they are deeply accelerated in the general socio-cultural context.

Under subculture small cultural worlds are understood - a system of values, attitudes, ways of behavior and lifestyle that is inherent in a smaller social community, spatially and socially isolated to a greater or lesser extent. At the same time, subcultural attributes, values, rituals and other stable patterns of behavior, as a rule, differ from the values ​​and patterns of behavior in the dominant culture, although they are closely related to them.

On the one side, youth subculture- this is the active desire of young people for self-realization, self-affirmation, on the other side– is a kind of spontaneous protest against the dominant values ​​and stereotypes of behavior in society, as well as lifestyle, from the third party– for most young people, the subculture becomes a psychological defense against numerous problems and transformations that are incomprehensible to them. The definition of youth subculture given by S.I. can be considered the most comprehensive and most appropriate. Levikova.

Appendix 3.

The most important life plans of young people are connected with life-meaning orientations. Meaningful orientations in life are influenced by the value system that dominates in the immediate environment. And the closest circle of a young person are those young people who are carriers of a special culture, a subculture of modern youth. The success of constructing psychological and pedagogical influence and psychological and pedagogical support for young people depends on how well the issues of social and existential meanings of the youth subculture are studied, the features of the structure of the value-semantic sphere of youth, as well as possible deformations of life-meaning orientations.

Young people in the conditions of Russian modernization are forced to “try on” existing standards of behavior and proclaimed spiritual values. The formation of life-meaning orientations and moral preferences is quite complex; it cannot be limited to declarations and volitional decisions; this process occurs against the backdrop of existing traditions and against the backdrop of innovation.

Modern youth have different value orientations and we can talk about their mobility, the dependence of the dynamics of value orientations of boys and girls on the level of their socialization, on a number of external factors. In such ambiguity, diverse life positions are realized. Some young people manage to adapt successfully, while others find it very difficult to self-determinate and choose their path.

The need to provide psychological and pedagogical influence and psychological and pedagogical support to young people is relevant for a number of circumstances. First of all, it should be said that youth are the most important demographic group on which the future depends Russian society. And the development of a young man’s personality occurs against the backdrop of increasingly complex social, economic, and political conditions, which cannot but leave their mark on the value system and moral norms. The most important life plans of young people are related to their life orientations.

The representation in the minds of a young person of the need to expend the energy and abilities of young people in areas of activity needed by society and the subsequent changes in behavior style are all the more real, the more the conditions for providing psychological and pedagogical influence and psychological and pedagogical support are thought out.

In particular, in our opinion, the creation of formal (official) youth associations will contribute to the adequate psychological and pedagogical education of youth, which will be expressed in the formation of an adequate value-semantic sphere and directing the potential of youth in the right direction for society.

Unfortunately, it must be noted that today there are almost no organizations, or there are only in very small numbers, that would be able to purposefully, systematically and in optimal ways solve the problems of spiritual and moral education of young people. The ideal of success and prosperity is increasingly emerging in society; the behavior of young people that does not fit into stereotypes, and the peculiarities of their youth culture irritate the adult generation. But if, instead of irritation, indignation, psychologists, teachers, parents and all those representatives of the older generation who directly have a conscious or unconscious influence on young people, begin to show patience, love, and join their efforts, then it is possible to organize complex psychological and pedagogical work with boys and girls . It is necessary to create a model of pedagogical interaction between teachers and parents at the stage of schooling in order to mutually influence the educational institution and the family on each other.

All work on psychological and pedagogical support, undoubtedly, should be based on systems approach, in the logic of which the process of accompanying young people can be carried out at various levels of interaction between the state, society and specific organizations and institutions.

Psychological and pedagogical influence should be directed towards: the formation of a system of values ​​among young people that would allow them to develop promising life positions and strategies in their professional, cognitive, and social activities;

formation of a culture of thinking - spiritual education that characterizes the measure social development and sense of responsibility;

integrative values, the penetration of which will form a lifestyle that will provide guaranteed reliability in various fields of activity and will benefit the society of which the young person is a member.

It would be possible to highlight a number of areas for psychological and pedagogical influence and psychological and pedagogical support for young people:

social and pedagogical direction, which involves the implementation of a system of educational and pedagogical activities addressed to various layers of modern youth;

programmatic and structural direction, including the organization of joint activities of young people;

economic direction, which would include identifying objects and sources of material incentives and financing for youth organizations, sports clubs, etc.;

an innovative direction, which, instead of the usual pedagogical education in an edifying form, moves to a model of the development of active moral consciousness, the formation of value and life-meaning orientations.

  1. Bashkatov I.P. Psychology of informal adolescent and youth groups. M., 2000.

  2. The concept of countering terrorism in Russian Federation.

  3. Levikova S.I. Place in the value system of youth culture // Social sciences and modernity. 2001. No. 4.

  4. Sergeev S.A. Youth subcultures in the republic // Sociological studies. 1998. No. 11.

  5. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Countering Terrorism”

  6. Khrienko T.V. Dynamics of spiritual values ​​of modern youth // Sotsial-humanitarian. knowledge. 2005. No. 1.

  7. Chuprov V.I., Zubok Yu.A., Williams K. Youth in a risk society. M., 2001.

Section 7. Sample of propaganda material“Plan-development of a lesson on life safety (grade 11)”-2

Lesson topic: The role of the media in the formation of anti-extremist attitudes among high school students.

Lesson objectives:

Show the possibilities and role of the media in countering the ideology of extremism and terrorism.

Lesson objectives:

  • deepen students' knowledge about global problems of our time;

  • determine the role of the media in the life of a modern person;

  • determine the opportunities and dangers of the media in shaping the attitudes and worldview of young people;

  • search for ways to solve this problem;

  • promote the development of a critical attitude to the perception of various types of information;

  • improve skills in working with reference, political, and legal literature, develop students’ critical thinking;

  • continue to develop the skills to work in groups, present and defend one’s own position, and present the project;

  • instill a sense of responsibility in students for their future.
Lesson equipment:

  • student workbooks;

  • a computer and a multimedia projector for demonstrating student presentation projects;

  • texts describing forms of media activity;

  • specially designed chalkboard.
Basic concepts and terms:

  • Media, ideology of extremism and terrorism, anti-extremist attitudes, critical thinking.
Lesson format: group work of students, defense of projects.

Lesson Plan

  1. Organizing time.

  2. Motivating students to educational activities. Goal setting.

  3. Updating students' ideas about the problem.

  4. Generalization and systematization of basic knowledge.

  5. Learning a new lesson topic

  6. Formation of basic concepts.

  7. Group work with texts.

  8. Presentation of student projects.

  9. Summarizing.

IN modern conditions extremist manifestations among young people have become a destabilizing factor in the development of society, a catalyst for the aggressiveness and severity of criminal manifestations, which are influenced by a number of powerful criminogenic factors. Every day we witness the increasing spread of norms of behavior that are alien to Russian spiritual ideals and unusual for us, moral and ethical guidelines in the environment under consideration - greed, acquisitiveness and indifference, cruelty, etc. In addition, in adolescence, children are concerned about the problem of self-affirmation, which is solved in the process of interaction with other teenagers. The feeling of social insecurity they experience contributes to their unification. Informal youth groups are becoming more and more stable over time. The desire to increase one’s authority among peers, the desire for financial independence, and age-related frivolity often contribute to the commission of crimes.” Extremist activities of young people, as a rule, also take place in a group. It is group crime that serves as the main channel for the involvement of adolescents and young people in the commission of extremist crimes. However, the identification and neutralization of such groups is ineffective.

In this regard, significant importance in the system of countering extremism is attached to improving the organization and implementation of the prevention of extremism among adolescents and young people, which is based on its information support. Information support - This is an activity that includes a significant amount of information, the main of which should include information about extremist groups, the places of their legal and illegal meetings, their views on the problems of extremist activity and, finally, about their organizers, leaders and direct participants. The array of this information should facilitate the correct organization of preventive measures by subjects of countering extremist activities in accordance with their competence.

Of all the information that provides solutions to the problems of preventing extremism among minors and youth, information about persons who are planning, preparing, committing and committing crimes of an extremist nature is of exceptional importance - for the possible anticipation of their subsequent actions and the adoption of adequate measures.

Thanks to information support, an optimal program should be created for carrying out operational and preventive measures by all subjects of countering extremist activities, which, having the appropriate information, should develop measures to eliminate or neutralize criminogenic factors that contribute to the commission of extremist crimes and their prevention. Information that ensures the implementation of preventive measures to counter extremism among adolescents and young people is a type of social information. Its goal is to ensure activities to prevent extremism among minors and youth, to facilitate the complete and timely registration of persons from this category who are prone to committing crimes of an extremist nature, and their correction; eliminating those criminogenic factors that negatively affect them. We can highlight a number of features of the information used in the prevention of extremism among minors and youth.

First, the means of obtaining such information are typically the forces and tools used by law enforcement agencies and operational units. In some cases, sources of information include information published in the media, on Internet sites, received from public organizations, individual citizens, etc.

Secondly, information about extremist manifestations in most cases is verified with the involvement of a number of actors involved in countering extremist activities (depending on the age of the target of prevention, his social connections, his place of study or work).

Thirdly, the content of preventive information can be one-time and a lot of single use.

One-time use information should include, for example, information about the preparation or commission of an extremist crime. In this case, immediate measures must be taken to suppress criminal actions and eliminate their causes and conditions, and provide a preventive impact on persons expressing relevant intentions. Reusable preventive information is concentrated in various types of analytical documents, reports, summaries and contributes to the development right decisions on organizing the prevention of extremism among adolescents and young people in the future.

The various factors that push young people to commit extremist crimes are not static; they change over time. Therefore, the reasons and conditions that prompted the commission of a crime yesterday may not become so today due to changed circumstances. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly improve the work to identify the causes and conditions conducive to extremist activity. The most important component of the prevention of extremism among young people is the preventive activity of law enforcement officers and judges in educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities, institutes, etc.) as part of legal education and overcoming legal nihilism in the minds of the younger generation. Educational institutions act as a mirror of social relations, and therefore it is not surprising that initiation into extremism often occurs precisely there. Problems of intolerance, nationalism and xenophobia, lack of tolerance are the reality of modern school life.

Thus, the features of the object of extremism prevention under consideration require from its subjects special professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills and experience in their application, and the implementation of operational functions in the area under consideration requires special training in many fields of knowledge.

The general provisions for the prevention of extremism among young people are defined by the Federal Law “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency” dated June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ, where the prevention of crime and neglect should be understood as a system of social, legal, pedagogical and other measures aimed to identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to neglect, homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors, carried out in conjunction with individual preventive work with minors and families in a socially dangerous situation. The main objectives of activities to prevent neglect and juvenile delinquency are:

prevention of neglect, homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors, identification and elimination of the causes and conditions conducive to this;

ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors;

social and pedagogical rehabilitation of minors in a socially dangerous situation;

identification and suppression of cases of involvement of minors in the commission of crimes and antisocial actions.

Based on this, we can conclude that the prevention of extremism among adolescents and young people should be understood as a system of social, legal, pedagogical and other measures aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to crimes and offenses of an extremist nature committed by this category of persons. The main objectives of such preventive work will be:

preventing crimes and antisocial actions of an extremist nature committed by students of schools and other educational institutions, identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to such actions;

identification and suppression of cases of involvement of minors in extremist activities.

Within the framework of the prevention of extremism, two levels of prevention should be distinguished: general social and special. The first level - general social - includes a set of preventive measures that are not specifically aimed at the causes and conditions of the crime. These are measures to improve the social climate in the educational institution as a whole.

Forming the foundations of a tolerant worldview among students and schoolchildren is the main task of general social prevention. Due to the fact that we are talking about the development of the worldview of the younger generation, the process of developing tolerance can be quite long. Refusal of any forms of intolerance, national, ethnic, linguistic, racial, social hatred or hostility should be the platform of the entire conscious life of a young person.

Due to these circumstances, law enforcement officers cannot fully solve this problem. Its subjects should also include family members, teaching staff of preschool and school institutions, and university teaching staff.

The second level - special - is focused directly on eliminating the causes and conditions of extremist manifestations. It is at this level that speech it's already underway about a system of measures aimed at solving a specific problem - preventing crimes and offenses of an extremist nature. It is at this level that the role of law enforcement officers becomes one of the leading ones. Elements of special prevention are criminological prevention, criminal legal prevention, victimological prevention. Criminological prevention is divided into early, direct prevention and prevention of relapse into crime among adolescents and youth. The object of early prevention is the factors of unfavorable personality formation of minors and youth, such forms of their antisocial activity that indicate the possibility of committing extremist crimes. Direct prevention is aimed at persons on the verge of committing a crime. Based on its focus on an object, it can be identified with the suppression of crimes. Recidivism prevention is about preventing young people from re-offending.

Operational investigative prevention is a system of operational investigative measures carried out using both public and covert forces, means, and methods aimed at identifying and positively influencing the determinants of extremism, persons preparing and attempting to commit crimes of an extremist nature, as well as potential victims of extremist attacks.

There are two varieties worth mentioning special prevention- general and individual. General prevention is not personalized; it is aimed mainly at the microenvironment criminal behavior. General prevention covers the direction of studying and positively influencing the causes of crime, the conditions that contribute to it, or the circumstances that make it objectively possible to commit crimes. The object of individual prevention is the personality of the person who can be expected to commit a crime. It includes both activities for the timely identification of persons from whom, judging by reliably established facts of their illegal behavior, one can expect to commit crimes, and exerting influence on these persons in order to prevent crimes on their part.

Thus, preventing extremism among young people is complex system activities carried out both at the general (formation of the foundations of a tolerant worldview) and at the special (actually preventing crimes and offenses of an extremist nature) levels.

Senior Assistant Prosecutor A.V. Elk

Communication hour: “Extremism is a threat to society”

An hour of communication dedicated to the topic of extremism and terrorism. About relevance,

which is indicated by the increasing frequency of clashes on racial and national

soil. At the same time, representatives of practically

all social groups, as well as youth subcultures.

According to the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, extremism threatens the national

security of Russia and no anti-extremist, as well as

anti-terrorism measures cannot be unnecessary or redundant. IN

During communication, students receive information on this topic, learn

critically evaluate what is said during the discussion.

Goals : Education in children and adolescents to be peaceful, accepting and

understanding other people, the ability to interact positively with them;

form a negative assessment of such phenomena as extremism, terrorism;

to cultivate feelings of national dignity, respect for representatives

other nationalities; encourage self-knowledge, self-development,

self-realization, to the manifestation of an active life position.


Educational: find out the causes of extremism and

terrorism and who is behind it.

Developmental: develop the skill of oratory through speeches,

prepared by students; instill skills independent work;

learn to analyze events, draw conclusions, be able to convince and

convincingly prove your point of view.

Educational: to form patriotism; foster a feeling of hostility towards

violence, terrorism and extremism.

Preparatory work:

Distribute participants into 2 groups;

Invite event participants to prepare a computer

presentation about extremism, terrorism.

Conduct a survey among high school students on the topic


Equipment: computer (for demonstrating presentations, videos).

Decor: Write the theme of the event “Everything is in our hands” on the board.

Event plan

I. Introductory conversation with video viewing.

II. Work in groups with the concepts of “extremism”, “terrorism”.

III. Discussion on the topic “Fashion or stupidity?”

IV. Training – game “We are all alike in some way...”.

V. Watching Video

VI. Reflection.

VII. Summing up (reflection).

Move class hour

1. Organizational stage

2. Motivational stage (Watching the video clip “Russia is my Motherland”)

To the music of the video, the teacher reads poetry:

Dear Russia!

Our dear mother!

What a lofty word

Should I name your feat?

What great glory

To crown your affairs?

What measure to measure?

What have you been through?

You've endured everything

I knew everything completely

Lift such a weight

Only you could!

What do you think we will talk about today?

We live in Russia, in the Russian Federation. Russia - great country. This

a country that defeated fascism. 70 years ago the battles of the Great Patriotic War ended

Patriotic War. While putting pressure on the fascists, our fathers and grandfathers dreamed and

sacredly believed that after victory there would be no more wars on the planet and that

an amazing time of universal brotherhood. The victory was won, but

universal peace never came. Over the past five thousand years it has been recorded

about 15,000 large and small wars, in which several died

billion people.

Local wars and military conflicts related to

religious, territorial and national disputes. To ours

it would seem that peaceful life is increasingly intruding into our vocabulary

Such terrible words as “terrorism” and “extremism” have become firmly established.

So what is hidden behind “extremism” and what are the reasons for it?


Performance of 1 group. Extremism - this is a complex and heterogeneous form

expressions of hatred and hostility. The following are distinguished:types of extremism:

· political

· National

· religious

National extremism speaks under the slogans of protecting “our

people", their economic interests, cultural values, as a rule, in

damage to representatives of other nationalities living in the same


Underreligious extremism understand intolerance towards

dissident representatives of the same or another religion. In recent

Over the years, the problem of Islamic extremism has worsened.

Political extremism - movements or currents against

the existing constitutional order.

The causes of extremism include the following:

This large wealth stratification of the population leads to the fact that

society ceases to function as an integral organism,

united by common goals, ideas, values.

This is an increase in social tension.

This is a reduction in the ideological component in the educational process,

which led to the loss of moral values.

This is lack of spirituality, lack of clear ideas about history and

prospects for the country's development, loss of a sense of belonging and

responsibility for the fate of the homeland.)

The social base of extremist groups consists of people who were unable to

adapt to new living conditions. Youth are incapable

take a critical approach to the content of publications in the media

information, due to the lack of life experience, turned out to be the most

subject to this influence. This is a very good environment for extremist

groups. Most youth extremist groups do not wear

formal character. A number of their members have a vague idea of

ideological background of extremist movements. Loud phraseology,

external paraphernalia and other accessories, the opportunity to feel

a member of a kind of “secret society”, which has the right to impunity

to carry out reprisals against persons disliked by the group, all this attracts

the youth.)

From the one who wins the “battle for the minds and hearts” of the younger generation, in

The future of the country depends on a lot. Only the efforts of the whole society can create

a reliable barrier to the spread of extremism.

Teacher: Today extremism is a real threat

national security of the Russian Federation. Observed

increase in informal extremist youth movements

direction. Currently members of informal youth

organizations (groups) extremist-nationalist

orientation are young people aged 14 to 30 years, often -

minors 14 – 18 years old.

One of the most impressive myths with which the masses are obsessed

consciousness - “Terrorism”. I repeat, I will say that terrorism is a conscious

the use of illegitimate violence (most often with a deliberate orientation

for a spectacular, dramatic effect) on the part of some group,

thereby striving to achieve certain goals, obviously

unattainable in a legitimate way. Let's try to figure out what it is

terrorism and determine who is behind it!

Performance of 2 groups . Terrorism (from the Latin TERROR - fear, horror) -

violent actions of criminals with the aim of undermining the existing

power, complications of international relations, political and

economic extortion from states and corporations. Terrorism is

extreme manifestation of extremism, a phenomenon associated with violence,

life-threatening and the health of citizens.

Ideological terrorism . The presence of two camps (the authorities and the dissatisfied

revolutionaries are terrorists to her). For example: Russian populists,

French anarchists, German conservatives, Bolsheviks, fascists,

neo-fascist terrorist attacks in Italy in the late 70s, the Red Brigades and the Red

Army in Germany, etc.

Ethnic terrorism. Ethnic minorities are considered

terrorism as the only way to express one’s demands in conditions

when full political participation in determining one's destiny is different

way is impossible. Ethnic terrorism can be racial in nature. The most

Vivid examples: Sicilian separatists, Irish, Kurds, Karabakh

Armenians and Chechens.

Religious terrorism . Religious minorities speak out or

an active vanguard who experienced the hostile influence of the authorities. The basis

belittling “infidels,” representatives of other religions. The most extreme

the wording “chosen”, “saved”, “damned”. Classic

examples of such terrorism are Zionist terrorism in Palestine and

modern Islamic terrorism.

Criminal terrorism. Most often, such terrorism is accompanied by

demand of a semi-political nature. For example: providing

means of transportation in order to leave a certain area,

release of prisoners and so on. Examples: Bolshevik and

anarchist raiders and robbers, US ethnic mafias (Jewish,

Sicilian and Chinese), seizure of banks by extremists, etc.

Individual terror. This is not a loner - a revolutionary, not a loner -

a nationalist, not a loner - a religious fanatic, not a loner - a criminal,

and a person, regardless of his ideological orientation, causing harm

to society.

Terrorism has become one of the most dangerous in its scale,

unpredictability and consequences of socio-political problems.

Today terrorism is not only about lone saboteurs, hijackers

airplanes and kamikaze suicide bombers. Modern terrorism is a powerful

branched and well-organized structures. Currently in

There are about 500 illegal terrorist organizations in the world.

Teacher: Thus, we can conclude that terrorism in Russia

caused by social contradictions. They have a negative

influence on all sides public life countries. The most important

prerequisite effective fight against terrorism along with measures

law enforcement intelligence agencies, is the ability of citizens

resist terrorist attacks and behave correctly in the face of this danger.

IV. Discussion on the topic “Fashion or stupidity?”

Classroom teacher. 80% of Russian extremists are high school students,

vocational school students and unemployed. What do you think led them to this?

Sample answers:

The desire to be cool, the pursuit of fashion.

Economic crisis, unemployment, lack of prospects.

The herd instinct is the desire to be in the herd, in the team.

Psychological problems, complexes, self-doubt, feeling


The dominance of foreigners in Russia.

Demonstrative humiliation of indigenous people by foreigners.

Destruction of the youth education system (pioneers, Komsomol, circles,

sections, stadiums, sports grounds, etc.).

Teacher: Indeed, experts come to the conclusion that the main

reasons for the popularity of extremism among young people - economic crisis

and the collapse of the education system. But where are the origins of the hatred that is

the main driving force? Here's what one researcher thinks:

A two-level society has developed in Russia. On the first level

a small and prosperous layer of government and business, on the second level

the rest of the population, deprived of prospects. Into the consciousness of the majority

false and greedy goals and illusions of easy achievement are introduced into the population

personal success, but the reality is that most will have to

eke out a miserable existence for the end of his days. This is where the roots lie

hatred that is increasingly gripping society. It is these youth

in front of which the road to a worthy future is closed, becomes a spokesman

this hatred...

Do you agree with this point of view and what methods of dealing with

extremism, in your opinion, would they be effective?

(students work in groups and answer) (Sample answers: need to increase

people's standard of living, intellectual level, improve the quality of education,

establish educational work, etc.)

Classroom teacher. Famous American explorer

expressed the idea that youth are a social bulldozer clearing

way for changes taking place in society. Do you agree with this?

(Student statements)

Classroom teacher. The desire for the good of Russia is what drives

patriots. But fortunately this can be understood in different ways, they are friends or enemies

Russia? Voice your point of view.

(Student statements)

Training game “We are all alike in some way...”

the uniqueness of each person, and common features uniting with others

members of the group. Have each group make a list of things they have in common

all members. In this list you can write, for example: “Each of us

there is a grandmother or ...”, “Each of us has a favorite dish”, “Each of us has

there is...", "We all really love outdoor games or football", "During the holidays

We love to relax...” and so on. You have 7-8 minutes. That group will win

which will find and write down greatest number common features.

Exercise Analysis:

- Did you learn anything interesting about any of the other participants?


- Is there anything that unites all of you in the group?

- Is there anything that sets you apart from everyone else in the group?

- How did you work in your team?

- Do you like to be like others or do you prefer to be different from everyone?


- What should your friends be like - similar to you or not at all?


V. Watching the video “Victims of Beslan!” .

The rapid and brilliant, cruel and indifferent 21st century. His

can safely be called a monster with an iron heart, he doesn’t want to hear

groans, does not notice tears, often mistaking them for transparent dew on the face

person. The events in Beslan in 2004 were full of extremism. Hatred,

anger, cruelty, extreme measures, extreme views, extreme actions. This

all those words that characterize these events. Look and try

analyze and express your opinion about what you see on the screen!

(watch video)

Guys, today we remembered the history of the Beslan tragedy. Which

Did it evoke emotions in you?

I suggest you complete the following thesis: “The tragedy of Beslan is...”

If anyone has questions, ask. If you want to say something -


This video film cannot leave us indifferent. But maybe it's time

stop and stop this nonsense! Everything is in your hands, hands

younger generation!


Groups of students are given cards.

Complete the sentences, text” For example:

Card No. 1 “During terrorist attacks, it may…”

There was a shooting, you found yourself on the street, your actions……………

Card No. 2 “If you find yourself hostage...”


Card No. 3 “If you receive threats by phone”

You must:…………………………………..

Card No. 4 “You found a suspicious object”

Your actions: …………………………..

Card No. 5 “If you heard shots while at home”

You need:

Teacher. What conclusion can be drawn from the conversation? How are you

do you relate to terrorism and extremism?

(Students' answers)

- What forms and methods of combating terrorism can you offer.

VI. Conclusion.

We have once again become convinced that extremism and terrorism are real

cruelty based on hatred and malice, and sometimes stupidity,

subject to blind faith.

And in conclusion, I will read Zinaida Yurchikova’s poem “After passing

through hell, remain human." Let it be a good parting word for

each of you.

After going through hell, remain human

And don’t lose your kindness.

Don't hide behind time and centuries

And don’t ruin your bright dreams.

All bear the loss and separation,

Find your lost faith

Overcome the pain of the body, the anguish of the heart.

To walk through life you must not crawl!

When suddenly tears wash your soul,

Don't be ashamed of your momentary weakness.

There are different fates in the world:

Yours is one of the difficult ones. Win! Fight!

Carry the name of a person proudly!

Don’t forget how to hope and love.

Live the dream of the next century

And believe, then you can win!

I wish you well and peace. Thanks for the work!


1. Site materials:




2 . Video from You Tube:

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFKOFhzM27Q

2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0skw2nf7b8

3. Regulatory documents

Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 114-FZ "On countering extremist


Definition of PACE

PACE defined the concept of “extremism” in 2003. According to this definition, “extremism is a form of political activity that, directly or indirectly, rejects the principles of parliamentary democracy.”

Legal definition in Russia

In Russia, the legal definition of what actions are considered extremist is contained in Article 1 of Federal Law No. 114-FZ “On Combating Extremist Activities.”

In accordance with the amendments of April 29, 2008, extremist activities (extremism) include:

violent change in the foundations of the constitutional system and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation;

public justification of terrorism and other terrorist activities;

inciting social, racial, national or religious hatred;

propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of a person on the basis of his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion;

violation of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and citizen, depending on his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion;

obstruction of citizens' exercise of their voting rights and the right to participate in a referendum or violation of the secrecy of voting, coupled with violence or the threat of its use;

obstruction of the legitimate activities of state bodies, local governments, election commissions, public and religious associations or other organizations, coupled with violence or the threat of its use;

committing crimes for the reasons specified in paragraph “e” of part one of Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

propaganda and public display of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols, or paraphernalia or symbols that are confusingly similar to Nazi paraphernalia or symbols;

public calls for the implementation of these acts or mass distribution of obviously extremist materials, as well as their production or storage for the purpose of mass distribution;

publicly knowingly falsely accusing a person holding a public office of the Russian Federation or a public office of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation of committing, during the performance of his official duties, the acts specified in this article and constituting a crime;

organization and preparation of these acts, as well as incitement to their implementation;

financing of these actions or other assistance in their organization, preparation and implementation, including through the provision of educational, printing and material and technical base, telephone and other types of communications or the provision of information services.

Basic principles of countering extremist activities

Countering extremist activities is based on the following principles: recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, as well as the legitimate interests of organizations; legality; publicity; priority of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation; priority of measures aimed at preventing extremist activity; cooperation of the state with public and religious associations, other organizations, citizens in countering extremist activities; the inevitability of punishment for carrying out extremist activities.

Main directions of countering extremist activities

Countering extremist activity is carried out in the following main areas: taking preventive measures aimed at preventing extremist activity, including identifying and subsequently eliminating the causes and conditions conducive to extremist activity; identification, prevention and suppression of extremist activities of public and religious associations, other organizations, individuals.

Subjects of countering extremist activities

Federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local government bodies participate in countering extremist activities within the limits of their competence.

Prevention of extremist activities

In order to counter extremist activities, federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local self-government bodies, within their competence, prioritize preventive, including educational, propaganda measures aimed at preventing extremist activities.

Responsibility of officials, state and municipal employees for their implementation of extremist activities

Statements by an official, as well as another person in the state or municipal service, about the need, admissibility, possibility or desirability of carrying out extremist activities, made publicly, either in the performance of official duties, or indicating the position held, as well as failure to accept the official in accordance with with its competence of measures to suppress extremist activities entails responsibility established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Relevant government bodies and higher officials are obliged to immediately take the necessary measures to bring to justice those who committed the actions specified in part one of this article.

Responsibility for carrying out extremist activities

For carrying out extremist activities, citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons bear criminal, administrative and civil liability in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In order to ensure state and public security, on the grounds and in the manner provided for by federal law, a person who has participated in extremist activities may, by a court decision, have limited access to state and municipal services, military service under contract and service in law enforcement agencies, as well as to work in educational institutions and engage in private detective and security activities. In the event that the head or member of the governing body of a public or religious association or other organization makes a public statement calling for extremist activities, without indicating that this is his personal opinion, as well as in the event that a sentence comes into force in relation to such person court for a crime of an extremist nature, the relevant public or religious association or other organization is obliged, within five days from the day on which the specified statement was made, to publicly declare its disagreement with the statements or actions of such a person. If the relevant public or religious association or other organization does not make such a public statement, this may be considered as a fact indicating the presence of signs of extremism in their activities. yes.

International cooperation in the field of combating extremism

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the activities of public and religious associations, other non-profit organizations foreign states and their structural divisions, whose activities are recognized as extremist in accordance with international legal acts and federal legislation. Prohibition of activities of foreign non-profit non-governmental organization entails: a) cancellation of state accreditation and registration in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

b) prohibition of foreign citizens and stateless persons staying on the territory of the Russian Federation as representatives of this organization;

c) a ban on conducting any economic or other activities on the territory of the Russian Federation;

d) prohibition of publication in the media of any materials on behalf of a banned organization;

e) prohibition of dissemination on the territory of the Russian Federation of materials of a banned organization, as well as other information products containing materials of this organization;

f) a ban on holding any mass actions and public events, as well as participation in mass actions and public events as a representative of a prohibited organization (or its official representatives);

g) a ban on the creation of its organizations - legal successors in any organizational - legal form. After the entry into force of a court decision to ban the activities of a foreign non-profit non-governmental organization, the authorized state body of the Russian Federation is obliged to notify the diplomatic mission or consular office of the relevant foreign state in the Russian Federation within ten days about the ban on the activities of this organization on the territory of the Russian Federation, the reasons for the ban, as well as consequences associated with the ban.

The Russian Federation, in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, cooperates in the field of combating extremism with foreign states, their law enforcement agencies and special services, as well as with international organizations fighting extremism.

The fight against child extremism

A program to combat child extremism was adopted in Kaluga. Children will be taught not to use Nazi paraphernalia and not to participate in unauthorized events