Shanghai Cooperation Organization in brief. Shanghai Cooperation Organization (3) - Report

The main goals of the SCO include: strengthening mutual trust and good neighborliness between member countries; promoting their effective cooperation in political, trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural fields, as well as in the field of education, energy, transport, tourism, defense environment and others; jointly ensuring and maintaining peace, security and stability in the region; progress towards the creation of a democratic, fair and rational new international political and economic order.

The observer states of the SCO are India, Mongolia, Pakistan and Iran.

At the SCO summit in Dushanbe on August 28, 2008, the Regulations on the status of the SCO dialogue partner were approved. Partner status is granted to a state or organization that shares the goals and principles of the SCO and wishes to establish relations of equal, mutually beneficial partnership with the Organization; or cooperating with the SCO in certain areas of activity.

Currently, Belarus and Sri Lanka have the status of dialogue partners.

The total area of ​​the SCO member states is about 30.189 million square kilometers, which is 3/5 of the area of ​​Eurasia, and the population is 1.5 billion people, which is 1/4 of the total population of the globe.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization dates back to 1996. On April 26, 1996, the heads of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan met in Shanghai with the aim of developing a common position on the entire range of problems of regional cooperation, as well as strengthening confidence-building measures in the military field. As a result of the forum, the “Agreement on Confidence Building Measures in the Military Field in the Joint Border Area” was signed.

In 1996–2000, the leaders of these countries (the “Shanghai Five”) met alternately in Shanghai, Moscow, Alma-Ata, Bishkek and Dushanbe. The Dushanbe meeting in 2000 marked the completion of the first round of meetings of the heads of state of the Shanghai Five.

On the basis of agreements on confidence-building in the military field and on the mutual reduction of armed forces in the border area, concluded between Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Russia and Tajikistan, respectively, in 1996 and 1997, the SCO was formed.

At a meeting of the heads of five states on June 15, 2001 in Shanghai, the leaders of the Shanghai Five accepted Uzbekistan into their ranks. On the same day, a declaration on the creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was signed.

At the summit in St. Petersburg on June 7, 2002, the SCO Charter was adopted (came into force on September 19, 2003) - the basic statutory document fixing the goals, principles, structure and main directions of the Organization’s activities.

At the next SCO summit, held from May 28 to 29, 2003 in Moscow, the organization’s documentation was completed: the Declaration of the Heads of SCO member states was signed, approving a set of documents regulating the operation of the SCO’s statutory bodies and its financial mechanism.

An important step in strengthening legal framework The unification was the signing in Bishkek on August 16, 2007 of the Agreement on Long-Term Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation.

The highest decision-making body in the SCO is the Council of Heads of Member States (CHS). It meets once a year and makes decisions and instructions on all important issues of the organization.

The Council of Heads of Government of the SCO Member States (CHG) meets once a year to discuss the strategy of multilateral cooperation and priority areas within the organization, resolve fundamental and pressing issues of economic and other cooperation, and also approves the annual budget of the organization.

In addition to the meetings of the CHS and the CST, there is also a mechanism for meetings at the level of heads of parliaments, secretaries of security councils, ministers of foreign affairs, defense, emergency situations, economy, transport, culture, education, healthcare, heads of law enforcement agencies, supreme and arbitration courts, prosecutors general. The coordination mechanism within the SCO is the Council of National Coordinators of the SCO Member States (SNK). The organization has two permanent bodies - the Secretariat in Beijing under the leadership of Secretary General and the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure in Tashkent, headed by the director.

The Secretary General and the Director of the Executive Committee are appointed by the Council of Heads of State for a period of three years. Since January 1, 2010, these posts have been respectively occupied by Muratbek Imanaliev (Kyrgyzstan) and Dzhenisbek Jumanbekov (Kazakhstan).

The symbols of the SCO include a white flag with the organization's coat of arms in the center. The coat of arms depicts two laurel wreaths on the sides, in the center there is a symbolic image of the Eastern Hemisphere of the earth with the outlines of the earth's landmass, which is occupied by the "six", above and below there is an inscription in Chinese and Russian: "Shanghai Cooperation Organization".

The official working languages ​​are Russian and Chinese. The headquarters is located in Beijing (China).

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The other day a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries will be held in Dushanbe. It has not yet been fully formed; its long-term agenda and areas of interaction are being clarified. But measures are already being discussed and taken on the most important issues for the participating countries. global and regional problems. IN Ambassador Extraordinary Plenipotentiary, leading employee of the Institute of International Studies of MGIMO (U) of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mikhail Konarovsky, visited the site live on the video channel.

SCO summit: Russia will go to the East?

— The main objectives of the SCO: ensuring the security of member countries, economic cooperation and mutual cultural exchange. We have a special coordinator in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for SCO affairs, who is also the representative of the President of the Russian Federation for SCO affairs. I worked for three years as Deputy Secretary General of the SCO in the secretariat in Beijing, dealing with political issues, security and other key tasks.

— When will the SCO Development Bank be created?

— In principle, it is already in the process of creation. There were contradictions regarding the forms of financial support. The Chinese had an idea to create a bank, and Russia had a special account in some bank. Then we decided that there would be something in between. Everyone is really interested in this bank. Because the economic component is an important part of the SCO, but the problem is that there are still no large joint economic projects there.

- And the Great silk road?

— Yes, this is a Chinese idea recently put forward by Xi Jinping. It is aimed precisely at making multilateral economic ties states Of course, we supported this idea when Putin was on a visit to China.

This is a truly large-scale task, but so far it has not materialized into any specific proposals or projects. The SCO countries are constantly trying to find more common denominators and approaches to solving common problems.

Previously, the West was very actively discussing the issue that the SCO was sort of like an analogue, a prototype of NATO. This is wrong. There is no military component in the SCO. Joint military activities are not provided for in the charter, but security issues are important for everyone.

— Is this what the CSTO does?

— Yes, but the CSTO is completely different. The CSTO includes Russia and several countries former USSR, including Central Asia. The SCO and CSTO have no direct relationship with each other, but they can cooperate to some extent.

— The chiefs of general staff of the five SCO countries met in Beijing not long ago...

— These are standard regular meetings. They exchange views on issues important to the participants.

The situation in Afghanistan, as you know, is extremely complex and difficult from the point of view of future prospects, especially after the withdrawal of American and NATO troops. This is a huge problem for the SCO countries. Because all the SCO countries - China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan - are actually neighbors of Afghanistan or countries close to it. What happens affects them greatly. Instability in Afghanistan could quickly spread to Central Asia. Some political scientists are trying to hush this up, saying that there seems to be no reason to worry, it’s not that important. In fact, this is a very real threat. Instability that could spill beyond Afghanistan's borders, mainly to the north, is dangerous. Fundamentalist influences can seep out from there and representatives of military-political groups, including people from Central Asia. The influence of the fundamental Islamic political and military-political factor, including from the Taliban in Afghanistan, of course, has an impact on stability, including in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. For the Chinese this is a very big and growing headache. Because the situation there is really very unstable. All this is being discussed regionally. We do not give recipes to the Chinese on how or what to do, just as they do not give us recipes.

— What if, for example, the Taliban penetrates or launches a direct invasion of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Uyghur territories?

“Then collective and bilateral military action will be taken against this outrage.” The CSTO has corresponding structures. And all SCO countries except Uzbekistan are members of the CSTO from Central Asia. Military cooperation with Uzbekistan is built on a bilateral basis. This slightly complicates the structure of countering possible attacks by these terrorist elements. But, nevertheless, it’s all there. The work is carried out directly through the CSTO.

Moreover, there is constant coordination between the CSTO and the relevant structures of the SCO on how and what is being done and planned. Although the SCO does not have a military structure, security issues are among the main ones. China recently conducted counter-terrorism exercises. They are aimed specifically at practicing counteraction to some possible terrorist attacks.

— What about the fight against drugs?

— This is also on the SCO agenda. Absolutely. There are annual very productive meetings of the heads of anti-drug departments of all SCO countries. A very effective regional anti-terrorist structure of the SCO operates in Tashkent. They specifically deal with issues of collective interaction in this area. This work will intensify. Plus, it is planned to transfer issues related to drugs there. If previously this was mainly done in Beijing, now they have decided to expand it.

Moreover, it is precisely in the area of ​​cooperation in the field of security, including counter-terrorism and drugs, that the SCO observer countries, including India, Pakistan, Iran, are showing active interest... They are quite actively participating in these discussions, not yet being members.

By the way, at the upcoming Dushanbe summit the issue of technical design applications of new members. This is a very important milestone, which will be completed in Dushanbe. This is very important because it will open the way for many countries to join the SCO. This is politically important for these countries, and for the SCO, including Russia, especially considering the current international situation.

—Who can be accepted first?

— Pakistan and India are close to joining. Iran has less chance because it is under international sanctions.

- Just like we already are.

— We are already members of the SCO. And according to the SCO charter, a country under international sanctions does not have the right to join the SCO.

— Is Afghanistan also an observer?

— Yes, Afghanistan was also accepted as an observer in 2012. And this is also politically important for Afghanistan - to constantly expand its presence in the SCO structures and coordinate its life with these states. This is very positive. There is the so-called Istanbul Initiative, which was once demonstrated by Kabul and Ankara. It is aimed at ensuring that Afghanistan is increasingly incorporated into regional economic cooperation organizations.

— The Americans, connecting the Europeans, are attacking us Lately constantly pressed. Are the Americans putting pressure on China in the same way along with the Japanese?

- Certainly. It is not without reason that the recently adopted American military strategy paid the main military-political attention to East Asia. And the main military forces were sent there. I don’t know how they will act now given the situation. They want to strengthen NATO along Russia's borders. In general, they will have to change a lot. They claim that they will leave Afghanistan by 2016. But why then do they insist that the Afghans sign a security treaty with them? They seem to be leaving Afghanistan, but on the other hand, they somehow remain. Of course, Central Asia is important to them. They strive to spoil us everywhere. This is clear. Especially now. The Western theater was deployed in Ukraine. Now they will try to aggravate the situation in the southern theater, of course. They strive to grab everything for themselves. But this is unrealistic. We also have our own line of relations with Afghanistan. It was and remains open. The same goes for the Chinese. They did not fall under the Americans. And they provide assistance to Afghanistan not through them, but directly. Now it is very important that external forces, who are so worried about the situation in Afghanistan, work together.

— For now, the SCO is still in its infancy. Is its potential greater than what is currently being used?

- Very correct. Absolutely spot on. The potential of the SCO is quite large and has not yet been fully realized.

Interviewed by Said Gafurov

The functions and operating procedures of the SCO bodies, with the exception of the Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure, are determined by the relevant provisions, which are approved by the Council of Heads of State.

The Council of Heads of State may decide to create other SCO bodies. The creation of new bodies is formalized in the form of additional protocols to the Charter of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which come into force in the manner established by Article 21 of the SCO Charter.

Decision making procedure

Decisions in the SCO bodies are made by agreement without voting and are considered adopted if none of the member states objected to them during the approval process (consensus), with the exception of decisions on suspension of membership or expulsion from the Organization, which are made according to the “consensus” principle minus one vote of the Member State concerned.”

Any member state can express its point of view on certain aspects and/or specific issues of decisions taken, which is not an obstacle to making a decision as a whole. This point of view is recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

In cases where one or more Member States are not interested in implementing individual projects cooperation that is of interest to other Member States, the non-participation of these Member States in them does not prevent the implementation of such cooperation projects by interested Member States and, at the same time, does not prevent these Member States from subsequently joining in the implementation of such projects.

Execution of decisions

Decisions of SCO bodies are executed by member states in accordance with procedures determined by their national legislation.

Monitoring the fulfillment of the obligations of the member states to implement this Charter, other treaties in force within the SCO and decisions of its bodies is carried out by the SCO bodies within their competence.

Non-governmental structures of the SCO

Two non-governmental structures also operate within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: the SCO Business Council and the SCO Interbank Association.

SCO Business Council

The Business Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO BC) was established on June 14, 2006 in the city of Shanghai (China) by national parts of the council from the Republic of Kazakhstan, the People's Republic of China, the Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan. Documents regulating the activities of the SCO BC and its permanent secretariat, which is located in Moscow, were also approved.

The SCO BC was created in accordance with the decision of the SCO Council of Heads of State. It is a non-governmental structure that brings together the most authoritative representatives of the business community of the SCO member states with the aim of expanding economic cooperation within the organization, establishing direct connections and dialogue between the business and financial circles of the SCO countries, promoting the practical promotion of multilateral projects identified by the heads of government in the “Program trade and economic cooperation."

The highest body of the SCO Business Council is the annual session, which determines priorities and develops the main directions of its activities, and resolves the most important issues of relations with business associations of other states.

The SCO BC is an independent structure capable of making recommendatory decisions and giving expert assessments on promising areas for connecting representatives of the business community of the SCO member states to trade, economic and investment interaction within the organization.

A feature of the SCO BC is that among the priority areas of interstate cooperation, along with energy, transport, telecommunications, credit and banking, the council highlights the interaction of the SCO countries in the field of education, science and innovative technologies, health and agriculture.

Based on the dynamism and interest of the business community, the SCO BC works closely with ministries and departments of the economic bloc of governments, without in any way replacing their work.

During the Shanghai summit in June 2006, the heads of state emphasized the importance of creating the SCO BC for further development organizations and expressed confidence that it will become an effective mechanism for promoting business partnerships throughout the SCO.

In 2006, special working groups were formed responsible for developing cooperation in the fields of healthcare and education, as well as interaction within the framework of the creation of the SCO Energy Club.

At the moment, a special working group on health care is selecting projects to create within the SCO a structure similar to the World Health Organization (working name - WHO SCO), which would work to improve medical care in the organization’s member states, develop preventive healthcare, meet the population's needs for high-tech types of medical care.

The main projects considered are to provide assistance to the population through:

— compulsory and voluntary medical insurance;

— liquidation and overcoming the consequences of emergency situations (through the creation of a joint Center for Disaster Medicine);

— prevention of spread infectious diseases(bird flu, SARS) and tuberculosis;

— implementation of a special high-tech program “Telemedicine” for the population of hard-to-reach and remote areas;

— creation of a system of paramedic and obstetric stations (FAP);

— creation of recreational areas and balneological resorts on the territory of the SCO member states, primarily in Russia, Kazakhstan, China and Kyrgyzstan.

In the field of education, relevant working group A program is being considered to form a kind of control platform within existing national universities to coordinate the efforts of groups of universities in each of the SCO countries to train students and retrain specialists for various sectors of the economy. The development of cooperation in this area will contribute to mutual understanding and cultural and humanitarian interaction, further modernization of the branches of science and education of the member states.

In order to stimulate effective business ties within the SCO and facilitate the achievement of economic goals, on August 16, 2007, the SCO Business Council and the SCO Interbank Association signed a cooperation agreement.

The activities of the SCO BC are one of the components of the work of government structures of the countries of the organization in the implementation of the List of measures for further development project activities within the framework of the SCO for the period 2012-2016, defining priority areas of economic cooperation for the coming decade.

Last updated - 06/23/2016

On June 23, the leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) countries gather in Tashkent for the 15th summit. The event will take place on June 23-24. All heads of the organization's countries confirmed their participation in it. About 1 thousand representatives of the SCO countries, international organizations and foreign media will also arrive in Tashkent to participate in the event.

The leaders intend to discuss what steps need to be taken to improve the organization’s activities, consider cooperation in the economy, security and counter-terrorism, and discuss current international issues.

11 documents have been prepared for signing for the summit. It is expected that the main document following the summit will be the Tashkent Declaration of the 15th anniversary of the SCO, which will reflect the approaches of the organization’s members to the prospects for its development, the SCO’s position on the current international and regional situation, and solving current security problems.

History of the emergence and structure of the SCO

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a regional international organization founded in 2001.

The prerequisites for the creation of the SCO were laid back in the 60s of the 20th century, when the USSR and China entered into negotiations to resolve territorial disputes. After the breakup Soviet Union new participants in the negotiations appeared in the person of Russia and the states of Central Asia. After the PRC resolved territorial disputes with neighboring CIS countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan), the opportunity arose to further develop regional cooperation.

In 1996, the Shanghai Five was formed, which included Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. By the time of the summit in Bishkek, a new international organization began to take shape. There are national coordinators appointed by each country. As a result, on June 15, 2001, the first meeting of the SCO was held in Shanghai, at which Uzbekistan was admitted to the organization.

The official working languages ​​are Russian and Chinese. The headquarters of the SCO is located in Beijing. The symbols of the organization include a white flag with the SCO coat of arms in the center. The coat of arms depicts two laurel wreaths on the sides, in the center - a symbolic image of the eastern hemisphere of the Earth with the outlines of the earth's landmass, which is occupied by the "six", below and above - the inscription in Chinese and Russian: "Shanghai Cooperation Organization".

It is noted that the total territory of the SCO countries is 61% of the Eurasian space. Its total demographic potential is a quarter of the planet's population.

Organization structure:

  • Council of Heads of State (CHS);
  • Council of Heads of Government (CHG);
  • Council of Foreign Ministers (CMFA);
  • Meetings of heads of ministries and departments;
  • Council of National Coordinators (CNC);
  • Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS);
  • Secretariat - representative of Russia Dmitry Mezentsev(appointed June 7, 2012, holds position from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2015).

SCO members

SCO member countries:

  • Kazakhstan,
  • Kyrgyzstan,
  • Russia,
  • Tajikistan,
  • Uzbekistan.

Observer states:

  • Afghanistan,
  • India,
  • Iran,
  • Mongolia,
  • Pakistan.

Dialogue partners:

  • Belarus,
  • Türkiye,
  • Sri Lanka.

The SCO has partnership agreements with:

  • CSTO,
  • EurAsEC,
  • ASEAN.

SCO goals

The main goals and objectives of the SCO are:

  • strengthening mutual trust, friendship and good neighborliness between member states;
  • development of multidisciplinary cooperation in order to maintain and strengthen peace, security and stability in the region, promoting the construction of a new democratic, fair and rational political and economic international order;
  • joint counteraction to terrorism, separatism and extremism in all their manifestations, the fight against illegal drug and weapons trafficking, other types of transnational criminal activities, as well as illegal migration;
  • encouraging effective regional cooperation in political, trade, economic, defense, law enforcement, environmental, cultural, scientific and technical, educational, energy, transport, credit and financial and other areas of common interest;
  • promoting comprehensive and balanced economic growth, social and cultural development in the region through joint actions on the basis of equal partnership in order to steadily increase the level and improve the living conditions of the peoples of the member states;
  • coordination of approaches to integration into the world economy;
  • promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the international obligations of member states and their national legislation;
  • maintaining and developing relations with other states and international organizations;
  • interaction in the prevention of international conflicts and their peaceful resolution;
  • joint search for solutions to problems that will arise in the 21st century.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a regional international association that includes Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Since 2004, the SCO has been an observer at the UN General Assembly. The history of the creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the interaction of the countries included in the association and the prospects for the development of the SCO - in the TASS material.

How was the SCO created?

  • Intensive dialogue between member countries of the organization began 20 years ago. In 1996, the first meeting of the heads of five states – Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan – took place in Shanghai. The summit participants signed an agreement to strengthen confidence in the military field in the border area. Based on this agreement, a political association emerged known as the Shanghai Five. The main goal unification was to ensure stability along the border of the former Soviet republics and China.
  • In 1997, another agreement was signed - on the mutual reduction of armed forces in the border area. The agreements became the first real steps towards military detente in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • The third meeting of the heads of state of the Shanghai Five took place in 1998, ending with the signing of a final joint statement by the foreign ministers, which supported Kazakhstan's proposal to convene a meeting on interaction and confidence-building measures in Asia.
  • A declaration on the main directions of the association's strategic partnership was signed in 1999. At the meeting of the Shanghai Five leaders, the topic of combating cross-border crime, drug trafficking and organized crime was discussed. Particular attention was paid to the restoration of the Great Silk Road.
  • Successful cooperation has allowed the five countries to go beyond cross-border cooperation. In 2000, the Shanghai Five was transformed into the Shanghai Forum, and Uzbekistan took part in the summit as an observer.
  • In 2001, after Uzbekistan joined the “five”, the heads of six states signed the Declaration on the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The goals of the organization were stated to be stabilization of the situation in Central Asia, strengthening of friendship and good neighborliness between the participating states, development of cooperation in political, economic, scientific and other spheres. As a result of the meeting, the SCO member countries signed the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism, and agreed to create a regional anti-terrorist structure with a center in Bishkek.
  • According to the SCO Charter, the goals of the alliance are stability and security in the region, as well as the fight against terrorism and extremism, the development of economic cooperation, energy partnership, scientific and cultural interaction. Priority areas - development of transport infrastructure, energy, telecommunications, oil and gas sector, agriculture, use water resources and etc.

How did the SCO develop in the future?

  • The formation of the SCO as an organization was completed in 2002. At the meeting of heads of state in St. Petersburg, the Declaration of the Heads of SCO Member States and the SCO Charter were signed, and an agreement was concluded on the creation of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure.
  • An important step for the SCO was the meeting of the Council of Heads of State in 2005: it was decided to grant observer status to three major Asian powers - India, Iran and Pakistan. Previously, in 2004, this status was granted to Mongolia. There has been a geographical expansion of the organization, which has made it possible to fundamentally increase the international weight of the SCO.
  • In 2007, the SCO countries signed an Agreement on Long-Term Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation.
  • In 2009, a decision was made to grant dialogue partner status to Sri Lanka and Belarus.
  • In 2012, the leaders of the SCO countries adopted a Declaration on building a region of long-term peace and shared prosperity. In the same year, Afghanistan received observer status in the SCO, and Turkey became a dialogue partner.
  • In 2014, India and Pakistan officially applied for membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
  • In 2015, the leaders of the SCO countries approved a decision to begin the procedure for admitting India and Pakistan to membership in the organization; decisions were also signed to grant Belarus observer status in the SCO, and to grant dialogue partner status to Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia and Nepal. Iran and Afghanistan are also vying for full membership in the SCO.

What does the SCO look like on the geopolitical map of the world?

  • The territory of the SCO, including observer countries, covers the space from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean and from the Arctic to Indian Ocean and occupies 61% of the Eurasian continent.
  • According to the World Bank, the world population reached 7.26 billion people in 2014. The population of the SCO member countries in 2014 totaled 1.57 billion people, and including observer countries - 3.17 billion people.
  • The total gross domestic product (at current prices) of the SCO member states reached $12.5 trillion in 2014, i.e. 16.03% of the global figure (for comparison: in the USA - $17.42 trillion, in the EU - $18, 47 trillion).
  • Global GDP at purchasing power parity was $108.7 trillion in 2014. The GDP of the SCO countries according to PPP for the same period is $22 trillion, i.e. 20.24% of the global total.

How is interaction carried out within the SCO?

  • The highest body in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is the Council of Heads of State; Leaders' summits are held once a year. The SCO Council of Heads of Government annually considers issues related, in particular, to economic areas of interaction. The Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the Meeting of Heads of Ministries and Departments, and the Council of National Coordinators have been created within the organization.
  • Two permanent SCO bodies are the Secretariat in Beijing and the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure in Tashkent.
  • In 2006, the SCO Forum was formed - a public advisory and expert body created to promote and scientifically support the activities of the organization, conduct joint research on topical issues, clarification of the tasks and principles of the SCO.
  • An important area of ​​the SCO's activities is humanitarian cooperation. In 2007, Russia proposed the establishment of a university based on the network principle. The decision to form the SCO Network University (a system of interaction between universities in member countries of the organization) was made in 2008. The university began operating in 2010 and includes more than 80 universities from Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Specialists are trained in 7 areas of master's degree, including regional studies, ecology, energy, IT technologies, nanotechnology, pedagogy and ecology.
  • In 2015, a presentation of the initiative to create an International Map took place in Moscow young man SCO member states (SCO Youth Card). The map should become unique social package for young people, helping to develop humanitarian cooperation, study the culture and history of the SCO countries.

How is economic interaction carried out within the SCO?

  • The first meeting of the heads of government of the SCO member states took place in 2001. At this meeting, a Memorandum was signed on the main goals and directions of regional economic cooperation and the beginning of the process of creating favorable conditions in the field of trade and investment. The joint development of the oil and gas sector, transport infrastructure, and the creation of conditions for the free movement of goods, capital, services and technologies are recognized as priority areas of interaction.
  • In 2003, in Beijing, following a meeting of the heads of government of the SCO countries, a long-term program of multilateral economic cooperation until 2020 was adopted, providing for the creation of a common economic space within the organization. In the short term, it is planned to increase the volume of trade turnover, and in the long term, the creation of a free trade zone. The main areas of cooperation in the document are energy, transport, Agriculture, telecommunications, environmental protection, etc. The action plan for the implementation of the program was signed in 2004.
  • One of the SCO's priority tasks is cooperation in the financial sector. Lack of a mechanism for financing joint projects for a long time was the main obstacle to the further development of the organization. To solve this problem, a Development Bank and a Development Fund (special account) are being created within the SCO. China took the initiative to create the Development Bank of the member countries of the organization in 2010. The bank will be focused on financing interstate infrastructure projects and foreign trade operations. The creation of the SCO Development Fund was proposed in 2013 by Russian President Vladimir Putin. In 2015, the SCO countries announced their intention to create an International Center for Project Finance on the basis of the Interbank Association of the organization.
  • In 2013, the SCO Energy Club, created on the initiative of Russia, began its work. The memorandum on the creation of this organization, along with the Russian Federation and China, was signed by Afghanistan, Belarus, Mongolia, India, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Sri Lanka.
  • In 2015, it was decided to begin developing a regional economic cooperation program for the next five years. Cooperation will be developed in 10 areas, within which about 100 projects are planned for a total amount of $100 billion. The main direction is the development of transport infrastructure.

How do SCO countries cooperate in the field of security?

  • The SCO is not a military bloc, but the organization's countries consider issues related to security and the fight against terrorism. Since 2002, as part of security cooperation, SCO member countries have regularly conducted joint anti-terrorism exercises (both on a bilateral and multilateral basis). The largest of them are the Peace Mission exercises, which have been held since 2003 (the next one is planned for September 2016 in Kyrgyzstan).
  • In 2004, a protocol on cooperation was signed between the foreign ministries of the SCO countries. The document emphasized that in order to develop common points of view of the SCO countries on major international problems, it is necessary to conduct consultations at various levels. Among the main issues were security in Central Asia, the formation effective system collective security in the Asia-Pacific region, the fight against international terrorism, extremism, transnational organized crime, illicit trafficking in weapons and drugs.
  • In 2006, the organization announced plans to fight the international drug mafia, and in 2008 - about participation in normalizing the situation in Afghanistan.
  • In 2009, under the auspices of the SCO, the first large-scale international conference on Afghanistan was held with the participation of representatives of the EU, CSTO, NATO and other organizations.
  • On June 15, 2011, at the anniversary summit of the SCO, the heads of state of the organization approved the Anti-Drug Strategy of the SCO member states for 2011-2016 and the action program for its implementation, designed to help increase the effectiveness of joint efforts to counter the drug threat in the SCO space. At the same time, agreements were signed on conducting joint anti-terrorist measures on the territory of the SCO states, on cooperation in the field of identifying and blocking channels of penetration into the territory of the SCO countries by persons involved in terrorist, separatist and extremist activities.
  • In 2012, the leaders of the SCO countries adopted a program of cooperation in the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism for 2013-2015.
  • In the Bishkek Declaration of the SCO, signed in 2013, the countries of the organization declared their intention to counteract “the use of information and communication technologies to undermine the political, economic and public security of member states, to counter terrorism, extremism and separatism, as well as to strengthen the fight against drug trafficking, illegal arms trafficking."