Paint with water-based paint. What design solutions are there for water-based paint? Removing the old paint layer

If you are starting to renovate a room and you have to paint the walls and ceiling, pay attention to water-based paint. This paint is especially popular because it is easy to use, it is safe, and it dries quickly. Even a novice painter can cope with such work.

If you are carrying out repairs yourself, you need to know certain rules and the intricacies of working with water-based paints.

Features of the compositions

When choosing paint and varnish materials for renovation of premises, you should know that they may differ in their characteristics, have different compositions, different manufacturers. Some types of materials can only be used indoors, others are used both indoors and for painting walls outside.

The selection of paint must be approached thoroughly in order to choose the right material that is required for the job.

The basis of water-based paint is water, to which mineral components are added. After the water dries, a durable film is formed, which protects the surface from external negative influences and makes the walls and ceiling attractive.

The final result depends on what paint you use. The following types can be distinguished paint and varnish materials, which differ in components:

  • Mineral paint. It is made by adding lime or cement to the composition. It is inexpensive, easy to apply, but quickly begins to fade under sunlight and is easily damaged.
  • Silicate– it is produced using liquid glass. This paint can be used to paint a room inside and outside, as the material is resistant to sunlight and has increased water resistance. By painting the walls with this paint, you can forget about repairs for 10 years, the material will retain its color.
  • Acrylic paints. They are recommended to be used in a dry room; for greater moisture resistance, latex is added to the material. After use of this material The result is a flat, smooth surface; in the process, minor cracks on the walls are healed.

  • Using silicone paint , you can fight cracks on larger walls, up to 2 mm. The material is quite expensive, but has many advantages: the paint lies smoothly on the surface, allows water vapor to pass through, and retains its quality for a long time.
  • For repair work you can use polyvinyl acetate paints which have many advantages. They are used for finishing porous materials such as wood, cardboard, and plaster. The material dries quickly, has no ingredients harmful to health, adheres well to the surface, and after drying an excellent result is obtained.

If you have already decided on paint, all that remains is to choose a good manufacturer of paints and varnishes; the quality of your repair depends on this.

Choosing paint and roller

The final result depends on the choice of materials and tools. You can choose a vacuum cleaner that will cover the surface without streaks, but working with a spray gun requires practice. For home use It’s better to take brushes and rollers.

When choosing paint in a store, seek advice from the seller: he will help you make right choice, will tell you how to use it correctly and for what premises it is intended. If you don’t have a consultant nearby, you can read the information on the can or listen to the advice of professional craftsmen.

The most convenient to use materials that have all the qualities for successful painting are the following brands:

  • Marshall;
  • Alpina;
  • Dulux;
  • Tikkurila.

Of course, this list can be continued; all manufacturers are trying to make a high-quality product that will allow you to carry out repair work even at home without professional help.

After you have figured out the water emulsion, you should purchase additional tools and materials. You should buy:

  • hard brush;
  • soft plastic brush;
  • tape for repair work;
  • sandpaper;
  • a couple of rollers, choose rollers with medium hardness and length;
  • you need handles for the roller that can be changed. The length of the handles for the roller is 1 meter, 1.5 meters;
  • putty knife;
  • paint trays;
  • acrylic primer. To process 1 sq. m of surface, 200 ml of primer is enough.

Find work clothes and suitable shoes in advance, because during repair work you will not be able to protect yourself from dirt and stains. Prepare dry, clean rags to remove dirt and blots.

If you have to work with uneven and textured surfaces, It’s better to choose rollers from which you can remove the outer coat. The amount of pile on the roller depends on how smooth the surface being painted is. On flatter surfaces, it is better to use a short-haired roller.

If you are painting the wall from above, it is better to take a tool with an extended handle. When painting corners and edges, use brushes with sizes of 50 mm, 150 mm. Experts recommend painting with a nylon polyester brush, it does not deform during operation, and the composition is not absorbed into it.

Run your hand over the brush, make sure that the bristles have not lost their shape and are easily restored. Choose a brush with thick, long, cone-shaped bristles.

Surface preparation

Before you start painting, you should prepare the surface. When applied to the wall, the paint is applied in a very thin layer, so the surface must be very smooth, eliminating defects and irregularities, chips and height differences.

Before painting begins, the surface must be prepared: remove remnants from the previous coating, clean the walls and ceiling. Stains can be washed off with a soap solution, wait until the surface dries, and inspect again. If the walls have been previously painted, or have whitewash on them, such a surface must first be cleaned; it cannot be painted with water-based emulsion. Suitable for removing whitewash from concrete surfaces warm water with added detergent.

Often there is a need to level or even reconstruct the surface. Pay special attention to the plaster, make the wall smooth. If there are cracks or chips on the wall, it is better to choose gypsum putty; you can level the walls with alabaster. The next stage will be primer - it must be applied to improve the adhesion of the material and reduce its consumption.

You can reconstruct the room, level the walls and ceiling using plasterboard, from plasterboard sheets creating a relief surface with a variety of shapes.

Try to clear the room of furniture and unnecessary objects, this will make it much more convenient for you to work, and the furniture will not get random stains from whitewash or paint. The best option, if there is no furniture in the room.

Cover the floor with film or any other material. To ensure that the film lies flat on the floor and does not interfere with work, use masking tape and attach it to the wall. This will save you a lot of time cleaning the floors. The film can also be hung on the door to prevent debris and paint from getting into the next room.

With water-based emulsion you can successfully paint not only the walls, but also the ceiling. If you wanted to whitewash the ceilings, consider whether it might be advisable to paint the room, make the walls and ceiling in the same tone, so the room will be lighter and visually larger in size.

Water-based paint is quite thick, if desired it can be diluted with water. If you have an electric drill, you can stir the mixture using the mixer attachment. If you don't have a drill, just take a stick and mix the mixture thoroughly. Do not start working immediately after mixing, wait until the foam settles.

If you want to paint a room in specific color, it's time to add pigment, you can achieve about 200 shades.

Try to ensure that the amount of mixture is enough for the entire room, since it will be difficult to make exactly the same tone again. It’s better to prepare a little more mixture, with a reserve. By the way, you can mix the ingredients in the store or do it yourself.


When purchasing material, study it specifications. Find out the composition, how to dilute it correctly, find out how to calculate how much material is needed to complete all repair work. Don't forget to check the expiration date do not purchase expired goods, otherwise the result may not please you. If you have leftover old paint at home, look at the date of manufacture and expiration date.

The paint should be applied evenly to the surface. This can be achieved if you use a spray gun, but in order to produce high-quality painting and quickly complete the work, training will be required. This method is suitable for painting ceilings and walls.

Using brushes and a roller you can paint any surface. In places where it is inconvenient to apply the composition with a roller, brushes will come to the rescue. These methods will allow you to quickly complete the job and reduce material consumption.

Using the advice of experienced specialists, we begin to paint the right corner from the window, moving towards the door, then move towards the window again. You need to pour the paint into the tray and roll the roller several times until it is saturated.

Each time you dip the roller into the paint, give it a gentle squeeze to avoid drips. It is more convenient to start painting from the top of the room; if there are drips or drops, they will then be rolled out with a roller.

There is a certain technology for correct application composition. You need to roll out the paint in small areas, moving from the ceiling to the floor.. You can move the roller in different directions, parallel or sideways, grabbing a little paint, this way you will avoid streaks.

After painting 3-4 meters, rinse the roller clean water, this way you will get rid of dirt and dust that hit him. If you've painted the walls and some dirt and sand remain, wait until they dry completely, remove them with a razor blade, and then look again to see if you'll need to repaint.

It takes 10-15 minutes for the paint to dry slightly, so all work must be done quickly.

Try not to take breaks in your work, then you can complete it quickly. If you do take a break and the paint has dried, the border may differ. It should be painted 2-3 times. You should not try to paint the room at once, applying the maximum layer. Wait for the layer to dry, then repeat the process.

If there are any left on the wall greasy spots that may show through, you need to clean these places and paint several times. On putty surfaces, the paint applies smoothly and easily, leaving no drips or streaks. After puttingty, be sure to wait until the coating is completely dry. If you plan to glue wallpaper after painting, just apply one layer.

Greasing the uneven surfaces and sanding is carried out in preparation for improved painting. In this case, several mandatory operations should be performed: carry out an initial primer with partial priming, sand the greased areas, the next step will be the second priming and painting.

Painting walls with water-based paint opens up a huge choice of surface textures for the artist, color range and unusual ornaments. Application different instruments And various options coloring makes it possible to create unique and original elements in design.

Types of water-based paints

Types and palette of paint and varnish coatings.

Used less and less for finishing oil paints due to their fragility, vapor permeability, toxicity and other not very advantageous properties.

Water-based paint has a number of main advantages:

  1. non-toxic and has no unpleasant odor(no need to leave the premises);
  2. dries quickly;
  3. ease of application;
  4. wide range of colors - you can create any color by adding special pigments to the main color.

Water emulsions are polymer dyes based on water emulsion, which contain various targeted additives that increase hydrophobicity, elasticity, strength, adhesion and other properties. Depending on the type of additives used, the following types are distinguished:

  • Mineral – used for painting ceilings and concrete that are exposed to constant moisture. The enamel contains cement and quicklime. The demand for them has decreased significantly due to the emergence of “water emulsions” with better characteristics.
  • Acrylic - most high quality and expensive composition. To increase elasticity, the composition contains latex additives. It has almost no drawbacks - enamel fits perfectly on foam and aerated concrete, glass, brick, stone, concrete, primed metal, plaster and wood. Not afraid of water and wear-resistant. Manufacturers guarantee 8000 washes.
  • Silicone – “saturated” with silicone resins. This composition makes it possible to use silicone enamels. It fills all irregularities (up to 2 mm). After drying, a durable film appears, which has t water-repellent properties.
  • Silicate – liquid glass emulsion with multi-colored pigments. It has good weather resistance, vapor permeability and a long service life. Often used for painting concrete, brick and plaster. It is not advisable to use silicate composition in rooms with high humidity.

Combination of shades

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Having dealt with the types, you can move on to considering ideas on how to make an original design.

The ceiling can be visually raised by applying vertical stripes. The color scheme is formed in different ways: it is possible to alternate similar gamuts or a contrasting combination. Painting is done to the full height or half when the second part b is monochromatic. Application stages:

  • first with the help laser level marking is carried out;
  • one color is applied;
  • after drying, the separation lines are closed with tape;
  • painted in a different color;
  • the masking tape is removed.

Horizontal stripes. This technique allows expand the space. When you plan to apply stripes, this must be done on one part. As a rule, they use a decoration method in the form of one accent horizontal strip, where children’s drawings, photos or paintings are subsequently placed.

The lower part is treated with darker colors, the upper part with light colors. A non-standard approach can help prevent association with the hospital: selection current colors, transfer of site demarcations from the center are significantly lower or higher.

Treat the main area with a bright color, and others with a calmer color. As a rule, attention is focused on what is opposite the doorway.

Color inserts. There are several options - after creating the main background, mark out a square or rectangle and paint it with a darker color. The contours of the lines are decorated with molding or other type decorative strips. As a rule, decorative items are placed in this area - paintings, clocks, photos or sconces. Solutions look good when the wall has a niche or ledge designed in two colors water-based emulsions.

An unusual design will help you create several more painting options:

  • Apply several horizontal stripes of different colors that intertwine randomly with each other.
  • In one area, make a vertical gradient or paint four walls with water-based emulsion with slight shades.
  • Decorating the accent part with identical rhombuses.

Attention: When choosing shades, you need to focus on combining only cold or warm colors.


Texture can be created using a rag.

If there Creative skills, then you can create your own drawing. If there is no artistic talent, then stencils can come to the rescue, which you can buy ready-made or make with your own hands. There are simple stencils that use one color or combined ones, in which case the processing is done using several shades.

Before you paint the stencil, you need to fix it in finished product there is a sticky base, the homemade stencil is fixed with tape.

Creating texture using water emulsion and tools

Painting with a textured pattern can be of two types: due to the peculiar application of water-based emulsion directly or using special devices.

The simplest technique is to create splashes:

  • first you need to apply the background;
  • after the base layer has completely dried, an emulsion of a lighter or darker shade is applied to the brush or brush; when it hits the stick, splashes are obtained;
  • for uniform distribution, it is best to first practice on a separate part;
  • The simultaneous combination of several shades of splashes looks original.

As we can see, applying texture with paint can be done using completely different devices.

Coloring with a texture roller does not require great professional skills. If not ready-made device, then a regular one can easily be converted into a textured one. Why do you need to wrap it in film and cut it in a chaotic disorder?

When applying the texture with the help of an emulsion, all defects are successfully masked, this is the main advantage this method. Disadvantages are the high cost of the material and the difficulty of cleaning.

Manufacturers offer several types of textures to choose from:

  • Granite water emulsion contains bubbles acrylic paint. When using a spray bottle, the bubbles burst and spread, creating an imitation of granite.
  • Nacre. The surface is similar to silk material. Viewing angle and lighting affect color perception. Using it will help to visually increase the space.
  • Velvet, thanks to special particles, creates the effect of soft velor.

As you can see, there are unusual options decorative design a large number of. Choose the method you like, practice on a small surface and go for it. Creation original design in your hands.

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How to paint a wall

Tool selection: brushes and rollers

Basic set for painting vertical surfaces.

The quality of coloring depends significantly on the choice of tools. The most commonly used are rollers and brushes. The roller can ensure even distribution of the emulsion. Brushes should be used in areas such as edges and seams. The sponge is used to create decorative effects.

  • For uneven and textured surfaces, it is best to choose fleecy sheepskin options.
  • A roller with removable covers is suitable for large areas. The main rule for choosing a fur coat: the smoother the wall, the shorter the pile on the roller should be.
  • Do not use a device with a foam structure. Air bubbles may form, which subsequently burst and leave indentations.
  • Painting the upper part of the wall must be done with a tool with an extended handle.
  • For painting corners and edges, it is better to use brushes of 150 and 50 mm sizes.
  • For work, it is better to choose a nylon polyester brush. Regular bristles absorb the composition and change shape, but nylon repels it and does not deform.
  • A high-quality brush has cone-shaped, thick, long bristles. The bristles of this brush easily restore their shape after bending.

For work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • capacity;
  • special ribbed tray;
  • ruler;
  • putty knife;
  • primer;
  • putty;
  • masking tape.


Preparatory activities are an important part of the work. The composition is applied in a small layer, so the surface must be as smooth and even as possible, free from defects, chips and height differences.

Before you start, you need to carry out the following activities:

Before carrying out work, the surface must be prepared.

  • If present, remove any remaining old coating and clean. You can use soapy water for this.
  • Let dry and inspect. Alignment or reconstruction is likely needed. As a rule, one layer of plaster is enough to achieve smoothness. To remove depressions and cracks, it is advisable to choose gypsum putties, and for leveling - alabaster putties.
  • After leveling it needs to be primed. This stage should not be neglected, since the primer not only improves the adhesion of materials and strengthens the base, but also reduces the consumption of the composition.
  • Frees space from foreign objects.
  • Cover the floor, seal the joints with the ceiling and adjacent walls with masking tape.
  • The water emulsion has a very thick consistency, so it needs to be diluted with water and stirred. For mixing, you can use an electric drill with a mixer attachment or a simple stick. When the required consistency is achieved, you can tint by adding the required proportion necessary pigment.
  • When the area to be painted is very large, it is imperative to ensure that one batch is sufficient for the entire area. Re-achieve the desired shade without automatic tinting pretty hard.


Let us describe the stages of work:

  • Pour a small amount of the composition into ribbed tray.
  • Dip the brush and apply to the perimeter.
  • Place the roller in the tray and let it soak thoroughly.
  • Roll out on any clean surface (cardboard or board) until the pile is saturated.
  • You can start work from anywhere, but probably best option - on top of the wall. With this sequence, drips and drops will not spoil the painted areas and will then be rolled out with a roller.
  • Coloring occurs in 2-3 layers.
  • Each subsequent layer is applied when the previous one is partially dry.

If you study the technology of work very well, you can easily transform the interior design completely. any room. Compliance with all the specifics of painting work guarantees you high-quality and uniform coverage.

The procedure for painting walls itself is not that complicated, but it requires careful preparation surfaces. You can do the work yourself, but the work will take a lot of time and effort. How to paint walls correctly water-based paint we will look into it in the article.

  • Dries quickly;
  • Safe;
  • You can choose any shade;
  • She is easy to work with.

Water-based emulsion dries much faster than other types. Some dry instantly.

Unlike other paints, water-based paints do not contain toxic substances and are absolutely safe, which means that there will be no odor during operation and in the future. There is no need to lock the room after completion of work. You can easily move around the room without weathering.
The paint is sold in white form with subsequent addition of color. With it you can achieve exactly the color and shade that you need. But first check the resulting color on a small section of the wall: on the surface it may differ from what is in the jar. If you cannot achieve the desired effect, then sellers in construction stores may interfere.
Working with paint is easy and simple.

You will not need a respirator or gloves. The composition is easy to wash. The water-based emulsion will create a durable coating and will serve you for 15 years without deformation if the operating standards are properly followed.
Among the disadvantages, there is one: it can only be applied at a temperature of at least +5 degrees. Work should be carried out in summer or spring, and in winter only in heated rooms.

Types of paints

Water-based paints are made from several substances. It is by their composition that they are distinguished:

  • Acrylic;
  • Silicone;
  • Silicate;
  • Mineral.

The characteristics of paints also depend on the composition: water resistance, wear resistance, strength and others. Let's look at each type in more detail.


The main substance in the composition is acrylic resins. This paint is safe and has more high performance compared to other types. It can be used when painting a children's room, there will be no smell. But it is therefore not cheap, but experts recommend working with it. It is easy to apply and does not absorb into the coating. It is not afraid of the sun: after several years the color will remain the same as before, it will not fade.
It is used for both interior and exterior work. It is not afraid of water and can be used in the kitchen or bath. The paint will not wear off during wet cleaning. Latex-containing paints can cover small cracks.


Suitable for use in rooms with high humidity. Silicone is much more flexible than latex, which means that paint can hide small defects in the walls. Dirt will not collect on the painted surface; the paint does not accumulate, but repels it.

This coating is vapor permeable, which means the walls will breathe, which reduces the risk of mold and mildew.


This type is not used for renovations in residential premises. It is designed for outdoor use or for unheated premises. Resistant to many weather conditions, will serve you well long years. Its service life exceeds 15 years.
Mineral paint is made from cement or slaked lime. It is very rarely used in cosmetic repairs- it won't last long.

How to choose paint

Before purchasing, you should pay attention to some characteristics of the paint:

  • Compound;
  • Consumption;
  • Drying time;
  • Best before date.

Do not use expired formulations under any circumstances.

It's not for nothing that it's listed on the packaging. Over time, the paint simply loses its positive traits and applying it to the wall will waste your time.
During self-repair I want him to move faster. Therefore, pay attention to the drying time, this will save time. Remember that the paint is applied in two layers. Drying time also depends on the temperature and humidity of the room.
Manufacturers always indicate material consumption on the packaging. However, this indicator will vary depending on the condition of your walls: smoothness, evenness, cracks, etc. The absorbency of your surface also plays a role. Concrete absorbs very well, so you may even have to apply three layers. To avoid this, coat the walls with a preliminary coat of primer. You can save on consumption using tools: a brush takes up much more paint, a roller is smaller and a spray bottle will save your effort and material.
When choosing, look at the price. Of course, you don’t want to spend a lot, but very cheap samples most likely do not differ in quality.

Paint can only be stored in warm rooms, and therefore you should not buy it on the market in winter, it may lose its qualities due to the cold.

Pay attention to the weight. The density of the material is about one and a half kilograms per 1 liter of paint. Among the many manufacturers there are those who have already proven themselves. These paints include Dulux and Tikkurila.

Preparatory work

The calculation of the material depends on many criteria. So the consumption rate is indicated on the packaging, but it is designed for application to a perfectly flat surface, so know right away that you will need more paint than indicated.
The type of surface also affects: it can absorb water well, which will increase consumption.
Calculate the area of ​​your room by measuring the length and width of the walls. These parameters are multiplied together and you get the quantity square meters. Divide them by the specified consumption and get required quantities material.
If your walls are not perfectly smooth, you can slightly increase the consumption per 1 sq.m. when calculating.

Required Tools

You won't need it when working special equipment. All that is needed:

  • Roller;
  • Paint bath;
  • Brush;
  • Dye.

The roller significantly saves material consumption, but it cannot penetrate into hard-to-reach places, in this case use a brush.

For preliminary work you may need:

  • Putty knife;
  • Soap solution;
  • Sander;
  • Primer roller;
  • Putty;
  • Plaster.

Preparing the walls

Preparation is carried out in several stages:

  • Preparing the premises;
  • Removing old coating;
  • Wall cleaning;
  • Putty;
  • Primer;
  • Plastering and sanding.

Cover all furniture in the room in case of paint spills. Turn off the power to the room and cover sockets and wires with masking tape. Also seal the joints between the floor and ceiling with tape.
Remove old coating. Whitewash can be removed using a spatula and warm soapy water. Wet the wall with the solution and after the coating has soaked a little, remove the whitewash with a spatula. If your layer is very thick, then a paste or sanding machine will help.

Wallpaper is removed with the same solution. First, you wet them and then peel them off with a spatula or knife. If you have waterproof wallpaper, make small cuts first to allow water to penetrate the glue. Paint can only be removed with a special solution, which can be purchased at a specialized store. Some people beat it off with a hammer and spatula, but this can damage the wall itself.
After removal, you need to clean the coating. Rinse the walls with water detergent. Remove grease stains or mold. Seal all holes and cracks. After this, apply a layer of primer. The primer is applied in 2-3 layers. If the surface absorbs well, then 3 layers are needed. If not very much, then 2. Finish stage— puttying the walls and leveling them, and then grouting.

Technology of painting walls with water-based paint

Before applying paint, it must be diluted with color. Try to dilute all the paint at once, because then it will be difficult to achieve the same color in all buckets. For testing, use any measuring container, pour paint into it and add color using a syringe.

Add it until you get the color you want. Remember how much color you needed and dilute the paints in the same proportions in a large container. Before applying paint to the entire surface, try it on small area. Color may vary depending on your coverage.

The paint is applied in several layers, depending on how well your surface absorbs. The primer significantly increases adhesion and will not allow the paint to be absorbed. Pour paint into the tray. Dip the roller into the tray and roll it over the ribbed surface to remove excess. You need to paint from top to bottom in order to smooth out any smudges that have formed. Use the brush in hard to reach places.

After applying the first layer, wait until it dries completely. Manufacturers indicate an approximate period on the packaging, but before applying a layer it is worth running your hand over the surface to make sure. During drying, close all windows. There should be no drafts. Paint will take longer to dry in a humid room, but don't try to speed up the process on your own.

So it can only crack. If you want to apply a drawing, then any hardware store sells special stencils. For creating textured surface use a special roller. You can use a sponge or a plastic bag.

Water-based wall paint has characteristics that allow you to achieve high results from painting the walls in your apartment. For any room you can choose suitable look paints. For example, in rooms with high humidity it is recommended to use acrylic water-based coatings. To paint the walls in the apartment, polyvinyl chloride paints are also used, suitable only for dry rooms.

There are many ways to decorate walls and ceilings, and water-based paint is so harmless and breathable that it can be used in the kitchen and living room interior. If you properly prepare the surface and mix the water-based coating with the color according to the instructions, painting the walls will not be difficult even for a beginner.

Preparation before painting

The process must begin with surface preparation. To do this, the walls in the apartment must be primed and puttied. Apply water emulsion to uneven wall it is forbidden. The only exception is textured painting, but most often a simple glossy finish is used in repairs.

Make sure in advance that the paint does not leave streaks. You can check it by dipping a brush into the product. Good paint It won't drip, but the quality of the brush also matters.

You only need to use a clean brush or roller. The pile should not come out or crumble. Perfect option- fur roller. It colors the surface evenly, the product adheres well to it, and there is no lint left on the wall.

To paint the walls in an apartment with water-based paint, you will need both a roller and a brush. If you wish, you can use a spray gun, but for a beginner it is better to use a paint roller.

To prepare water-based paint you will need:

  • Water;
  • White water-based paint;
  • Color;
  • Construction mixer.

First you need to mix water with white paint and achieve a uniform consistency. For mixing, use a mixer or a special whisk, but in some situations it is permissible to mix with your own hands. The paint is absolutely harmless to the skin, so there will be no harm from getting it on your hands. But it is more convenient to use construction tools designed for mixing.

Then you need to add color to the white base. It can be any color.

When adding color, two things must be taken into account: the final mixture must be uniform in color and without streaks, and its quantity cannot be less than what is required at one time.
It is impossible to create an identical color for painting a second time.

Painting walls with water-based paint

After preparing the walls for painting, you can begin the main process. Water-based paint should be applied in two or three layers with a roller or brush. Various attachments are sold for the roller, some of which will help you achieve the effect of a rough wall.

Wallpaper in an apartment should be painted in three layers. For a smooth prepared wall, two applications are sufficient. Horizontal strokes should be alternated with vertical ones. The final coat of paint should be applied with a roller only vertically.

Water-based paint is convenient for finishing, but it must be applied very quickly, without allowing the previous stroke to dry. Photos of wall painting confirm that delay can lead to uneven color on the surface, which greatly spoils the interior. Since the room must be painted at least twice, the second coat can be done only after the previous layer has completely dried.

To paint walls with water-based paint, you need a small amount of mixture.

To paint the walls in a small room, 10 liters of paint is enough.
You can cover the ceilings and walls throughout the apartment: in the living room, in the kitchen, in the bedroom. You can't skimp on quality finishing materials. A budget option often consumed in larger quantities, and the finishing result does not meet expectations.

Even when using a roller for painting, do not ignore the brush. You will need it when you have to paint hard-to-reach places in the apartment. These are corners, niches, surfaces behind radiators.

Water-based paint is used to create modern interiors. Ways to achieve interesting design there is a lot in the apartment, but with the help of this paint it is easier to create unique design independently and in a short time.

Design ideas

For interior design, you can use either one paint color or several. The simplest design option is to paint the walls with water-based paint of the same color. This method of finishing will not look boring if you play with color and shade saturation.

Painting surfaces in different colors decorates the interior without overloading it. Accent design is used in the kitchen and living room to zone the space or simply dilute it calm tones bright spot.

Unusual wall decor can be created by simulating the presence of colored panels. Painting is carried out in several stages:

  • First, the wall must be completely painted in one color;
  • When the surface is dry, future “panels” of various shapes should be marked on it;
  • Using water-based paint of a different color, preferably a contrasting one, you should paint over the selected areas over the first layer of paint;
  • After drying, you can use additional decor to highlight the design of the colored inserts.

For interior design, dividing the wall with two different colors is also used. The line where two different colors covered with planks and borders; almost any materials are suitable for decoration. With their help, you can not only decorate the interior, but also hide the results of unsuccessful painting of walls with water-based paint.

To avoid small mistakes in horizontal painting, it is recommended to use tools and devices that will help draw a straight line.

Striped walls are a bolder finishing option. It is often used in the living room and kitchen. The children's room is also transformed by the presence of bright stripes in the interior. You can draw stripes horizontally or vertically, any colors will do.

It is better to stick with wide stripes, as narrow ones are more difficult to apply with a roller yourself, and painting will take a lot of time. The end result of finishing with narrow stripes is not always pleasing, since they are only visible up close, and from the outside the surface appears blurry.

Unusual painting ideas

There are more extravagant and modern methods interior decoration in the apartment. For finishing of increased complexity, you will need special skills, accurate calculations and care. For example, to paint checkered kitchen walls yourself, you will need to apply the paint over the dry layer several times, using a building level and masking tape.

Patchwork style decor also looks great in the kitchen and living room. Decorating a room in this way is a little easier, since the squares are large in shape and can be easily painted using a paint roller. But before finishing begins, preparation will still be required: in order to evenly apply water-based paint, you need to mark the wall.

Today we have to find out how to paint walls with water-based paint, and what criteria should be used to choose it for this work. In addition, we will touch on the preparation of walls for finishing, and the tools used for painting. So, let's go.

Water emulsions differ from each other:

  1. Composition, first of all - a film-forming base;
  2. The color of the tint (See How to tint the paint: selecting an option).

Let us clarify: as a rule, paint is sold white and is tinted with water-soluble pigments at the request of the buyer. Of course, the choice of color is a matter of taste; however, the general principles of this choice are still worth touching on.


Which water-based paint is best for walls in terms of performance?

Here are the main types of modern water-based emulsions with their key properties.

Image Description

Mineral: base - slaked lime or Portland cement. They are characterized by low cost and minimal wear resistance. Dignity - high stability to stable high humidity. Due to their short service life, the coatings have now practically left the Russian market.

Silicate: base - liquid glass. A long service life is combined with good resistance to dry abrasion and extremely low resistance to humidity.

Polyvinyl acetate - based on PVA glue. Wear resistance and moisture resistance are at an average level; can be used in moderately damp areas.

Acrylic paints are produced on acrylic resins and are characterized by medium resistance to dry wear and high resistance to wet wear. In both parameters they are noticeably superior to all the dyes listed above.

Dyes based on synthetic latex can be used in bathrooms and bathrooms. They withstand wet wear relatively poorly, and therefore are not used for kitchens, where splashes of grease and other contaminants often have to be wiped off the walls.

Silicone water-based emulsions are the ultimate solution: the maximum price (up to 250-300 rubles per kilogram) is adjacent to maximum durability to any type of wear (manufacturers guarantee up to 5000 wet cleaning cycles).

An interesting fact: based on synthetic (acrylic) latex, so-called rubber water-based paint is produced, which is at least not inferior in consumer properties to silicone. Suffice it to say that the author used it for painting plywood steps street stairs. For three years in the scorching Crimean sun, the coating retained its appearance and waterproof.

Small text

Manufacturers rarely advertise the composition of the white that is included in the white dye. Meanwhile, it determines how long water-based wall paint will retain its appearance: how to choose it based on this parameter?

Very simple:

  • If the composition includes zinc white, turn away and move on. This coating will inevitably change its color in the next 2-3 years. In addition, zinc oxide ZnO is toxic;
  • Titanium dioxide TiO2, on the contrary, is harmless and retains its snow-white color indefinitely.

It is worth clarifying: the mass use of zinc oxide in the production of paints and enamels ended about a decade ago. Nowadays zinc white can only be found in extremely cheap paints from little-known manufacturers.


Here are a few useful tips, one way or another relating to the choice of color, texture and tinting of paint:

  1. Glossy texture emphasizes the smallest surface defects, so it should be chosen only if fine finishing The walls are absolutely flawless. But gloss visually expands the space of the room due to partial reflection of its interior;

  1. Matt paint, on the contrary, conceals minor irregularities and makes small surface obstructions invisible;
  2. Any tinting paint will complicate subsequent repairs. It is almost impossible to obtain the same shade again when manually mixing paint with pigment, and quite difficult when using computer tinting;

Consequence: if this does not contradict your chosen design concept, paint the walls white. In this case, any potholes and scratches can be masked with ordinary acrylic putty.

  1. If you still decide to tint- mix paint and pigment with reserve for repairs. We repeat: you will not receive the same color again;

  1. For small room better to prefer bright hues. They will visually expand the room. Dark walls with a light ceiling, they will make the room, on the contrary, narrower, but will make it seem taller than its actual size;
  2. When choosing a color do not forget basic rule design: one room should not contain more than three primary colors, otherwise it will look annoyingly variegated. Shades of the same color, as well as black and white colors doesn't count.

Preparing the base

Before painting the walls with water-based paint, they need to be prepared for painting.

The wall should be:

  • Perfectly smooth;
  • Durable (no crumbling or peeling coatings);
  • Clean (no dust or grease stains);
  • Has moderate absorbency. The glossy non-absorbent surface of the enamel simply will not hold the water-based emulsion, but the excessively absorbent cement plaster will require exorbitantly high flow rate paints.

Preparation of the base includes several stages.

Removing old coatings

How to remove old coatings from walls?

  • Paper wallpaper: soak with plenty of water and remove from the wall with your own hands or using a wide spatula;

  • Lime whitewash: The same instructions apply here - the lime is generously moistened with water and cleaned off with a spatula.
  • Chalk whitewash: washed off with plenty of water;
  • Nitro, oil and alkyd paints: are removed with a steel spatula after treating the wall section with a universal remover.

Is it possible to paint over old water-based emulsion?

Only if it is made on the same basis as the paint you purchased: acrylic dye can be painted over acrylic dye, silicate dye over silicate dye, and so on. Wherein old paint It should not differ much in color from the new one, otherwise, even with a large number of layers, untidy stains may appear on the surface.

How to remove water-based paint from walls before repainting?

The answer again depends on its composition:

  • How to wash off water-based paint from walls if it is made on a silicate or mineral base? Wet the wall generously with hot (temperature 70-75 degrees) water two or three times at intervals of 15 minutes, then remove the paint with a spatula;

  • How to remove water-based paint from walls if it is based on latex or acrylic resins? Apply primer to the painted surface deep penetration(for example, Ceresit CT17) and after the coating is completely saturated, remove it with a spatula or wire brush.

A moment of pessimism: if these methods do not work, alas, you will face a long and painful grinding of the surface using a sander or hand grater.

Removal of old coatings is completed by removing dust: the wall is swept with a sweeping brush or vacuumed.


The mineral surface, cleared of old coatings, must be treated with a penetrating primer (for example, the same ST 17).

The primer will solve several problems at once:

  • Will stick the remaining dust;
  • Improves the adhesion of surface layers of plaster or putty to the base;
  • Will have a positive effect on paint adhesion to the surface;
  • Will reduce its consumption.


If the surface has noticeable unevenness, before painting we have to undergo pre-finishing treatment - puttying. What to putty on the wall with?

Image Type of putty

Gypsum putty is used in dry rooms with a significant number of unevenness and defects in the base.

Cement putties are used in damp rooms - bathtubs, lavatories and showers - if the finishing is permeable to moisture.

Acrylic ready-to-use putties on mineral bases can be used to fill minor defects at any operating humidity. (See Acrylic putty - types, features, application)

After filling, the surface is once again treated with a penetrating primer.


How to properly paint walls with water-based paint on a prepared surface?


  • Roller with a medium-pile fur coat;

  • Medium brush with durable bristles;

Tip: Pull the bristles of the brush with your hand. There should not be a single lint left in it: falling lint can ruin the final coating.

  • Painting tray.

Preparation of paint: it is diluted with water to the consistency of very rich milk (but not more than 10% of water from the volume of paint). Then the dye is thoroughly mixed throughout the entire volume.


  • Paint over internal corners with a brush, then paint the planes of the walls with a roller (see Let’s look at how to properly paint walls with a roller);
  • Manufacturers recommend painting in two layers. For the author, uniform painting of walls with water-based emulsion required the application of at least four layers;
  • Each layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one: this way the inevitable stripes from the roller will be less noticeable;
  • Roll out the roller in a tray, not on the wall. Otherwise, the stripes on it will become more noticeable;

  • The wall is painted in one go over the entire area. A pause is possible only before painting the next wall or the same wall with the next layer. If you let a section of the surface dry and then repaint it, the overlapping layers of paint will appear thick;

  • Before applying the next layer, the previous one must dry completely;
  • If you notice an unpainted area when the coating begins to dry out, do not touch it up. Wait until the next layer is applied;
  • Wash the instrument without allowing the paint to dry on it. Lumps of dried dye can ruin the finish, leaving grooves in it;
  • How to whitewash walls with water-based paint so that tool marks are not visible on them? Extremely simple: apply last layer parallel to the direction of the prevailing lighting (natural or artificial).


We hope that this material will help the reader in renovating their own home. You can learn more about how to properly paint walls with water-based paint by watching the video in this article. Good luck!