How to install telescopic trim on doors. Telescopic platbands and extensions

Plays an important role in the design of the premises and the façade of the building. beautiful door. The door structure acquires a neat and aesthetic appearance with high-quality installation of the frame and accurate, neat installation of the trim.

What is a telescopic casing?

According to the design features, simple and “know-how” of the construction industry are distinguished - telescopic door frames . The convenience of this technology has been appreciated by both door installers and residents of apartments and houses. There were times when only wood was used as a material for their manufacture. Today, metal (aluminum, steel), plastic, MDF is used, and the surface is laminated and covered with veneer or varnished. They come in both flat or semicircular shapes and complex configurations. Their installation - final stage installation, decorating the door and finishing the entire renovation of an apartment or house (after the wallpaper is glued, the baseboard is nailed).

Telescopic frame differs from the usual one in the presence of a thin mounting protrusion on the trailing edge (located towards work surface at an angle of 90 degrees), which is inserted into the box into a special mounting groove. It should be taken into account that in the places where the hinges are attached door frame, the fastening groove of the platbands will be covered with screws. In such areas, the protrusion is removed by right size special high-quality cutter.

Installation of telescopic platbands

Telescopic platbands provide the fastest and most convenient installation of a doorway and provide a number of advantages for installing the entire structure:

  1. If the wall is a little wider than the frame, then the platband is a good option in order not to use extensions.
  2. It will hide all the inconsistencies between the box and the wall.
  3. Thanks to this design, the platbands become easily removable, which makes it possible to dismantle and install them multiple times when carrying out painting work or wallpapering a wall. When removing it, it is necessary to take into account that the force when pulling it out is applied strictly perpendicular to the surface of the wall, otherwise the fastening protrusion will break off.
  4. Another important advantage is the absolute absence of traces of fastening, nails, screws or glue.

The company "DM-Service" provides telescopic platbands High Quality, according to European standards. Full production cycle makes it possible to carry out not only individual, but also wholesale orders. High quality, reliable

Previously, installing trim for an interior door required certain measurements, patience and accuracy, but even this did not guarantee the correct and even installation of these decorative elements; in those days they did not know about the additions at all. However, modern solutions and competition in the market has a positive effect on the development of production, due to which from time to time some innovations appear on the market that qualitatively improve doors and the process of installing them in a doorway. Everyone knows what interior doors are, however, not everyone understands what interior door extensions and telescopic trims are. In this article we will dwell in more detail on each concept separately.

Telescopic platbands for interior doors
In the design of any room, everything should be perfect, especially the interior door. It is she who meets and sees off guests; it is the doors that are the first piece of furniture that a person entering a room sees, which means that the interior of the room will be primarily associated with the front door. Far from being the last element of interior door decor are the platbands.

The platband is a decorative functional element with which the connection between the door frame and the walls of the room is hidden. They also decorate the doorway, framing it around the entire perimeter, except for the threshold or floor. Depending on the installation method, there are two types of platbands:

  1. Traditional overhead trims
  2. Telescopic trims

Overhead trims are mounted using fasteners and glue. They are simply placed at the intersection of the door frame and the wall and secured. Their main disadvantage is the complexity of installation. Considering the fact that the platbands are simply applied, they can move in different directions relative to the door, thereby disturbing the geometry and appearance of the doorway.

Telescopic platbands have a special design that does not allow them to move relative to the door, thereby maintaining the ideal geometry of the doorway, moreover, their installation is much simpler and does not require use additional tool and taking measurements. The design of telescopic platbands is ingeniously simple - there is a fastening ledge on the platband, which is located at an angle of 90 degrees to it. It is this protrusion that is inserted into a groove specially made at the factory in the door frame, thanks to which the platband perfectly follows the contour of the door and is installed without any problems.

When installing telescopic trims, pay special attention to the fact that the fasteners door hinges will cross the grooves. In these places, the fastening protrusion on the platband is removed to the required depth using a milling cutter or similar cutting tool.

Advantages interior doors with telescopic trims:

  • Platbands are quickly and easily installed
  • In some cases, platbands are great solution, allowing you to avoid installing extras
  • Platbands hide all inconsistencies between the wall and the door frame
  • This design makes the platbands easily removable. For example, they can be removed during repairs in order to properly and efficiently hang wallpaper or carry out painting work.
  • Telescopic platbands do not require fasteners or glue, as a result - there are absolutely no traces of attaching the platbands to the doorway

Accessories for interior doors
Sometimes installing an interior door is complicated by the fact that the wall is wider than the door frame, and after installing the door inner part the opening remains unclosed. To seal this part, many people use plastic or seal the opening with plaster. However, there is a more acceptable, simple and aesthetically pleasing beautiful way seal the inner opening that remains uncovered by the door frame - install door trims.

The accessory for the door is wood panel, which is a continuation of the door frame and connects it to the platband, thereby hiding the remaining surface of the doorway underneath. The extension itself is essentially an extension of the door frame to the platband. If the door frame is equipped with telescopic platbands, then the extension must be appropriate - with a special groove for installing a telescopic platband.

Advantages of installing door panels:

  • This decoration of the doorway favorably emphasizes the doors as a separate element of the interior and is as practical as plastic or plastered slopes
  • If damaged, they can be easily replaced without the need for extensive repairs. renovation work
  • They are more resistant to mechanical damage than plaster

Extensions are often sold complete with a door structure. If they are not included in the kit, don’t worry! There are a great variety of different accessories on the market, from which you can choose the ones you need. When choosing an accessory, you need to pay attention to their color, texture and shade of color. Extras must be in one color scheme, which will create the impression of a single door design. When choosing an extension, be sure to take into account the type of platband; if you have telescopic-type platbands, the extension must be equipped with a special groove for installing this structural element.

To design the door opening, different decorative elements. Currently, many owners use door frames. Their main purpose is to mask the gap present between the door frame and the opening. Their selection is carried out according to the required texture of the opening. Along with this, its width is taken into account. The color chosen is the same as that of the door structure. A variety of materials are used in their manufacture:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • laminated panels made of MDF and veneer.

During door installation, their installation is the final stage of work. They begin only after most of the repair work has been completed, with the exception of installation floor skirting boards. Many owners experience installation difficulties door frames. How to install them correctly - we will talk about this in this article.

What is a telescopic casing?

to his appearance it looks like a standard door frame. However, there is one feature - a protrusion that is used to connect this element with the extensions and door frame. Using telescopic platbands - The best decision in cases where the thickness of the box is several centimeters greater than the wall. The special protrusion that these elements have ensures their tight fastening in the longitudinal grooves of the end of the door frame.

By properly installing these fasteners on the door, you can ensure that they become invisible, and the structure itself acquires a monolithic appearance, durability and strength. But if the calculation of the distance was made incorrectly, then the telescopic casing will not fit tightly into the door frame. As a result, a gap will remain. In this case, the structure will take on an untidy appearance and will look ugly.

How to make telescopic door frames?

They may vary:

  • by size;
  • according to its color scheme.

If you want to save on these decorative elements, you can easily make them yourself. In this case, the costs of repair work will be reduced. However, the manufacture of these elements requires the use of special woodworking tools. It will also be useful to have skills in working with such equipment.

Required tools:

  • sawmill;
  • jointer;
  • thicknesser;
  • vertical router;
  • electric Sander;
  • as auxiliary tools: square, ruler, pencil.

Material selection

For the manufacture of telescopic platbands, only well-dried boards are selected. If this requirement is not observed, then products installed on doorway during operation, will lead. By sound the degree of wiretapping is determined material. To do this, you just need to tap the board with your finger. A dull sound indicates that the board is not dry. If it is sonorous, then such material is optimal for the manufacture of these decorative elements.

When choosing a material for a door trim, you need to pay attention to the color. It should be uniform. If there are blue spots, it means that the technology for drying the boards was broken. This can be hidden only by painting the trim with opaque paint.

Please note that the board intended for making door frames should not have knots. If they exist, this will worsen the aesthetics of the platbands, and in addition, the risk of fracture of the product at the location of the knot will increase.


When the material for making door frames has been selected, it is at hand necessary tool, then you can move on to the active phase of work on the manufacture of door frames. Runs first cutting blanks to size, which must be decided in advance. Their dimensions are selected individually for each door product. Note that a high-quality result is possible only if there is cutting knives on the machines used for work.

When the door trim is ready, it is sanded. This work is carried out in two stages:

  • the first is performing rough grinding using an electric machine;
  • the second is manual processing, during which they resort to the use of fine-grained sandpaper.

It should be noted that at the second stage it is necessary to remove circular scratches that occurred when working with an electric machine. When the platband is ready, it is covered with a layer of protective composition.

There are four main methods that can be used to attach door frames:

  • using finishing nails;
  • using liquid nails;
  • fastening with self-tapping screws;
  • fixation with fasteners called “beaks”.

Fastening with finishing nails

This method is one of the most popular. Its use has certain advantages: if the need arises, platbands can be easy to dismantle. The process of attaching elements to the door using this method is simple and quite reliable.

To attach the trim to the door, you need to choose nails that have a flat head of small width. Calculating the length is not that difficult. They should fit into the door frame to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The average length of finishing nails should be 4 cm.

Liquid Nails

This type of fastener represents a special adhesive composition in tubes. It is easy to fasten elements using it. All you need to do is apply adhesive composition With reverse side onto the platbands immediately before fixing it. After this, the element is pressed against the door. You should hold it for a few seconds, after which it lowers. This completes the work.

This method also has its advantages. The main thing is simplicity and speed of work. In addition, when using liquid nails, no traces remain on the front side of the platband. But it also has one drawback. The procedure for dismantling products secured in this way is quite labor-intensive. The fastening reliability is not high enough.

Self-tapping screws

This method of fastening is quite simple and reliable. Every year everyone uses it more owners who had a need to install platbands on the door opening. If platbands made of wood are attached, then use special wood screws. The diameter of the fastener is 6 mm, and its length is up to 2.5 cm.

Before attaching the screws to the platbands mark a place for them. Next, small diameter holes are drilled.

High-quality performance of this work is a guarantee of reliable fastening and protection of the wood from splitting when tightening the screws. So that when installing these elements in a similar way the head of the screw was less noticeable; it was completely recessed into the wood, before drilling a small recess in it.


If the doorway looks unattractive after installing the door, then you can give it an aesthetic appearance. You can use door frames for this. Choose suitable material and begin work on installing them. You can do this work with your own hands without big problems. Even if you have no skills you can handle it with ease with this task. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dimensions and perform high-quality installation on the door in a convenient way. In this case, the doorway in your room will acquire an aesthetic appearance.

Platbands are a decorative element that frames the doorway. In addition, it closes the gap between the frame and the wall, which is not uncommon: the walls in an apartment are rarely perfectly smooth. Such a part may be sold separately, or may be a set with accessories and a box.

In the very simple version the platband is a straight strip 7 mm wide and 8–10 mm thick. It is fixed around the opening and can have different shapes– flat, teardrop-shaped, round or curly. However, this option is suitable only for the simplest cases.

If the dimensions of the doorway, respectively, the sash, are standard at least relatively, then this does not apply to the slope parameters. Of course, in modern buildings width interior partitions And load-bearing walls more or less standardized. However, there are options here too. Firstly, the thickness of the walls in different buildings, and, most importantly, in houses for various purposes, varies within very wide limits. Secondly, when moving openings, builders also have to deal with unusual engineering solutions.

As a result, the door may fit perfectly in size, which cannot be said about the frame. The maximum that the frame can cover is up to 140 mm thick. If the width of the slope is greater, telescopic platbands and extensions should be installed.

What it is?

Conventional cross-sectional models always have a simple configuration. The shape of the top may vary, but the bar itself remains straight. During installation, the part is joined to the racks of a regular box and thus bridges the gap between the product and the wall. The only difficulty in this case is to choose a model by color: bleached oak, wenge, walnut.

The telescopic trim for interior doors has an L-shape. Along its entire length, the part is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, which allows it to be installed in a groove. The second feature is the presence of this groove. Without it, such fastening would be impossible.

The L-shape allows you to adjust the overall thickness of the door frame to the width of the opening in the range from 10 to 15 mm. Part sizes vary from 90 to 150 mm.

For wide slopes this is not enough, so telescopic platbands are combined with the same additional strips. The latter also have a corresponding groove, but the shape remains straight. Essentially, this is an additional insert that allows you to expand the frame and cover the entire slope. The photo shows a prefabricated frame for an interior door.

Material of manufacture

The telescopic box with the platband must be made of the same material. It is important to choose not only the appropriate color - wenge, bleached oak, cherry, but also the material, since different wood And particle boards have different coefficients thermal expansion and react differently to changes in humidity.

Accordingly, if these values ​​do not coincide, the box will begin to deform.

  • Sheet pile or edged board– if the frame is made of wood, the same material is used for the extensions. Moreover, you should choose the same breed.
  • MDF is a wood-based material of high density and strength. Its big plus is good strength and high resistance to moisture and cold. This option is great for the front door. The photo shows a telescopic system for the sash.
  • Waterproof plywood is the choice for a model made from MDF, chipboard, or a combination of these materials. Plywood holds its shape perfectly and is resistant to moisture, so it is suitable for decorating an opening into a bathroom or toilet.
  • Aluminum is a rather rare case, intended for the design of metal doors with glass and plastic inserts.

Installation is carried out in the same way for both entrance and interior modules. However, the work is not as simple as it seems, since you need to assemble a U-shaped structure of the required thickness from the box and various kinds of planks.

Platbands alone will not solve the problem. If the thickness is large, it is also necessary to install inlaid strips, which are selected according to the total thickness of the slope and adjusted in size, if required. If the sash is already installed, attaching elements are purchased. Installation is somewhat more complicated, in addition, the fastening is not so reliable, but it is fully justified when installing interior doors.

The U-shaped structure of all parts is assembled in 3 different ways:

  • the top bar is installed between the vertical elements;
  • installation supported by cross racks;
  • installation with a 45 degree cut. This is the most complex method and self-installation It's better not to use it.

The general scheme of work is as follows:

  1. Preparation is everything Finishing work must be completed: the slopes are leveled, plastered, the walls are painted or covered with wallpaper. It is advisable that a finished floor be laid, otherwise you will have to very carefully adjust the gaps between the elements.
  2. The planks are cut to width and length. The amount of trimming is determined by the width of the slope. It's easier to cut at 90 degrees. To cut at 45 degrees, you need a saw with the option of rotating the saw blade.
  3. Installed - temporarily, vertical racks, horizontal parts are measured using them. The same is done with additional elements: they are temporarily fixed into the grooves of the frame and the telescopic additional elements and trims are adjusted in size, if required.
  4. First, assemble the horizontal jumper. The products fit into the groove very tightly. If this is not the case, it is recommended to lubricate the grooves " liquid nails"or other adhesive composition.
  5. The same is done with vertical elements.
  6. If necessary, parts are secured to the wall with finishing nails without heads.

The video demonstrates how to install the telescopic system.

After installing the door, the overall appearance is a sad sight. Numerous cracks, chips and protruding wires cannot be hidden in the wall. Defects can be eliminated only with the help of strips that will close the gap between the frame and the wall. Choosing door frames is quite simple thanks to the large assortment on sale.

But in order to choose the best option you need to know what shape and material of the door frame is suitable in a particular case. Such a small element as door frames will give the structure a complete look, and the door itself will be attractive and expressive.

In most cases, door frames come complete with leaves. For this type of product standard width interior door frame – 7 cm, thickness – 1.2 cm, height – from 190 to 235 cm.

To finish a single-leaf door, 5 elements are required, and for a double-leaf door - 6. Framing the opening on only one side is done using 2.5 strips. It is not necessary that the width of the interior door trim be standard sizes. A large range of products will allow you to choose the ideal option.

It is only important to comply general recommendations specialists. A narrow platband is not suitable for massive doors, because such a combination looks ridiculous. A wide frame on a narrow and small door will look no less stupid. That is why the dimensions of the door trim must correspond to the parameters of the door leaf.


The appearance of an interior door largely depends on the design of the casings, which set accents in the interior. Right choice These elements will allow you to veil the shortcomings of the product and emphasize its advantages. Before you start choosing planks, you need to decide on their type. Beautiful platbands will set the right tone for the entire room.

Today the most popular are the following platbands for interior doors:

  • Straight and flat. The plank has a rectangular cross-section.
  • Curly. Exquisite products with decorative elements, characterized by a chic appearance.
  • Rounded. Volumetric strips with an oval cross-section.

Increasingly, curly ones, or as they are also called, are used to decorate openings. carved frames on the door. Even in interiors with a strict design, decorative trim on the door looks harmonious and beautiful.

By internal structure There are the following types of door frames:

  • platband with cable channel;
  • simple or monolithic.

They also differ in fastening method and there are:

  • telescopic, with tongue-and-groove fastening;
  • overhead, which are installed using nails or special fasteners.


Wooden door trim is considered the most popular and in demand, despite its high cost. This is explained by the numerous advantages of this type of product. Wooden door frames are environmentally friendly and durable. It can be made from different breeds. In most cases it is pine.

Given that correct installation such platbands will last a very long time and retain their attractive appearance. The big advantage of these strips is their versatility, because they fit doors made of different materials and any configuration. Main disadvantage wooden products is that they change appearance over time due to exposure to various unfavorable factors. But this can be easily eliminated by carrying out restoration work. Wooden casing is attached using glue or regular nails without heads.


Significantly cheaper compared to wooden structures The frames are made of MDF, but they are not inferior to them either in quality or in external characteristics. Some experts claim that these products are even superior in quality to wooden planks. They argue this by saying that the surface is covered with a special protective film, therefore more resistant to moisture.

But do not forget that the base of the material is also made of wood, so it is better to use such planks for installation in rooms with low level humidity. They are most suitable for living rooms and bedrooms, and for the bath it is worth choosing products made from more durable material.


The most practical and durable material from which door trim is made. Even after many years, such elements perfectly retain their original appearance. They are light and easy to care for. Mold will not form on the plastic. Thanks to their high technical characteristics, these products can be installed even outdoors, where they will be constantly exposed to sunlight and temperature changes. It is best to use glue for installation, because screws or nails can damage the plastic trim.


The strongest and most durable metal constructions. In most cases, steel or aluminum trim is available for sale. Such products have an original appearance and are not suitable for all styles. They are resistant to moisture, temperature changes and other negative factors.

Many years of intensive use have virtually no effect on their appearance and technical specifications. Metal platbands are used for finishing entrance doors, which provides additional strength to the door frame.


Original and beautiful plaster stucco molding is used to decorate interiors in a medieval style. In order for all the details to harmonize with each other in such rooms, unusual plaster elements are used to decorate the doors. They are more fragile than structures made of wood and metal, but their chic appearance makes up for this deficiency.

By decorating a house with plaster cornices, you can make even the most discreet interior more attractive. Interesting decorative elements are a real masterpiece, they attract attention and set the right tone for the entire room.


In interiors with stone cladding, ceramic door frames are installed. Original products are in less demand than metal ones, because there are restrictions on their use. In most cases, such planks are installed in bathrooms and kitchens. But when choosing, you need to take into account compatibility with other interior elements.


Polyurethane platbands are not very popular. But they have every chance of replacing finishes made from other materials, thanks to their beauty, long service life and ease of maintenance.


This type of platbands for interior doors received this name due to the peculiarity of the fastening method. They look like a curved bar along the entire length. They are characterized by quick and easy installation. They are fastened with special grooves. They perfectly camouflage the joint, there are no traces of installation.

Mounting features

The service life and appearance of the platband largely depends on how correctly the doorway trim was installed. In order for it to last as long as possible, you need to know the installation rules.

Telescopic trims are the easiest to install; they snap into special grooves. Door trims made of MDF, wood, ceramics and plastic have their own characteristics that must be taken into account during installation.

Door finishing with platbands can be done under different angles. The most common and universal is joining the ends at an angle of 45°. This popularity is explained by its beautiful appearance and the ability to hide the cutting ends. At a 90° angle, the ends can be positioned horizontally or vertically. This type of fastening is used mainly for telescopic platbands.

To fix the planks, use special nails up to two cm long with or without a very small head. This is the most common way to attach wooden frames for doors and from MDF. Professional installers use an air gun.

Another common installation method is liquid glue. This is how plastic door frames and other types can be attached.

For cutting, special electric saws are used to ensure the most even and beautiful cut, without roughness or chips. In this case, at any angle of attachment, the finish will have a chic look. If such a saw is not available, cutting can be done using a miter box.

Before installation itself, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface to which they will be attached. For this purpose, remove excess foam and mark the place where the elements are attached. During installation, you need to correctly install the extensions so that their corners coincide with the corners of the casing.

You can increase the tightness of the plank to the wall using polyurethane foam. It is applied to the entire surface of the platbands from the reverse side, left for 3-4 minutes and attached to the wall. If the foam appears, after it has completely dried, it is carefully cut off with a knife, and the gap is sealed with sealant. But if all application recommendations were followed, then this will not happen.

After the cashing of interior doors has been installed, it is necessary to check that nothing interferes with the opening and closing of the doors.