The nuances of using telescopic platbands. All about platbands, capitals, cornices for interior doors Installation of telescopic extensions and platbands

Trims on MDF doors are an important part of the design, because they cover the joint between the frame and the wall and give the opening a more neat and attractive look. But to achieve the best result, you need to select high-quality elements and secure them correctly.

First, we will look at the most popular options used for MDF doors. Then a universal installation option will be considered, which is suitable for all products and which can be implemented with your own hands.

Note! The installation process is not complicated and does not require special skills.

Platbands on MDF doors can be of four types:

  1. Wooden;
  2. Plastic;
  3. From MDF;

Wooden elements

Their main advantages are obvious:

  • Environmental friendliness. The products are made from natural wood, therefore they are safe for human health and can be used in residential premises without any restrictions;

  • Beautiful structure of elements. Wood has a unique texture, and you can choose products from different breeds wood - from budget pine to oak or cedar;

  • Different profiles and product sizes. A huge number of options for platbands with a width of several centimeters or more are made from wood. You can choose both standard products and custom options, which will be made according to your sketch. The price of such options will be much higher, but if you value exclusive solutions, then you yourself understand that there will be no savings;

  • Possibility of decoration. You can buy both uncoated products and trim in the color you need. In the future, the surface can be repainted, which is also important, because other options are not painted.

As for the disadvantages of wood products, they are as follows:

  • The highest price of all options. And the higher the grade of the platband, the more you will have to pay. Valuable wood species are even more expensive;
  • Difficulty getting into shade. If you have plain ones, then choosing paint for the trim will not be difficult. But if you have an imitation of natural texture or complex coloring, then it will be very difficult to get the color right;
  • Low resistance to moisture. If the room is damp, then wooden frame may become deformed, and over time fungus and mold will form on it;
  • Pest infestation- various insects can damage the elements over time.

Plastic platband

This option appeared recently, but has already gained considerable popularity due to the following reasons:

  • Reliability. Plastic is not afraid of moisture, so it can be used in any room. The service life of such elements is tens of years, because they do not rot, crack or swell from moisture;

  • Dimensional accuracy. All products are manufactured using high-precision equipment, so they have the same parameters. But, more importantly, with changes in temperature and humidity, the elements do not change size and retain their original characteristics;
  • Products can have different colors and sizes. Using a special film, an imitation of different textures is created on the surface; plain versions are also produced. Width varies from 6 to 12 cm, but parameters may vary among different manufacturers;

  • Possibility of cable laying. If you need to lay wires, you can use a special casing with a cable channel. You can hide several wires in it at once, which is very convenient when the repair has already been completed and there is no other way to hide the wiring.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Difficulty getting the shade exactly right. Always make sure in advance that the option you choose goes well with the door leaf and will not look foreign;

Advice! If you are not sure, it is better to buy one strip and attach it to the door; if everything is fine, then you can purchase as much trim as you need.

  • Not very attractive appearance. If the platband looks good from afar, then upon closer inspection it is clear that it is an inexpensive imitation of natural material.

MDF casing

MDF trim on the door have the following advantages:

  • They are made from the same material as the doors in the same factories. That is, they will match perfectly in color. There is no need to look for elements separately, they are sold in the same place as the doors, and you can purchase everything as a set;

  • Low cost. This option has affordable price, which is also important. And often when purchasing doors, sellers give an additional discount on all additional elements;

  • Various product options. In addition to the fact that MDF trim can vary in profile and width, it can have different coatings. Most cheap option- paper, a more reliable solution is film, and the most interesting view products - veneered planks, externally they are practically indistinguishable from natural wood;

  • Ease of processing. Veneered trim weighs little, it is easy to cut and attach, which is important for those who do the work with their own hands.

The disadvantages of veneer include the following:

  • Low resistance to moisture. For this reason, trim is recommended for use in residential areas, although it serves well in the kitchen and even the bathroom. The main thing is that water does not constantly fall on the surface;
  • Impossibility of repair. If you damage the veneer or film on the surface, you will have to replace the entire element. It will not be possible to repaint it.

Telescopic frame

This option is also made of MDF, but has so many important differences that it is always distinguished as a separate type.

Its main advantages are:

  • Sold complete with door frame. The photo below shows the design of the system, from which it can be seen that all its elements are clearly adjusted to each other. You don't have to search suitable option, everything will already be in stock;

  • Easy to install. To install the platband, you do not need to have experience in this field. All you have to do is cut all the elements to size and combine them correctly;
  • Lack of fasteners. Due to the fact that the casing has a G-object different shapes and fits into special grooves on the box, you don't need to use any glue or nails. All you need to do is carefully insert the element into the groove and ensure an even gap along the entire length of the door frame;

  • Easy to dismantle - if necessary, the platband is carefully removed from the groove and put back again. There is no need to rip out nails or tear off glue.

As for the minuses, they are as follows:

  • Telescopic trim cannot be installed on any MDF doors. It can only be used where there are special boxes with grooves for installing such elements. And in most cases there are standard boxes;
  • You need to place the elements carefully. If you overdo it and hit the trim too hard, it may crack. It is also very important to take measurements correctly so as not to cut off excess and damage the product.

Product characteristics


We are talking mainly about the width of the facade strip of the product, since the length of the elements in the kit is usually standard: two racks of 220 cm each, and one horizontal part of 120 cm.

But the width may be different. Again, the standard is considered to be dimensions from 60 to 80 mm, but they can change in any direction, both larger and smaller.

The diagram shows the main dimensions important for installation and aesthetic perception of the door frame

  • Standard width trims fit most doors.
  • But there may be exceptions. For example, wider products will look better with a massive oak door.
  • But those whose width is less than 50 mm look frivolous. In addition, they may simply not close the gap between the wall and the box.

Therefore, before purchasing, always measure this distance to avoid mistakes. Narrow trims in most cases are used only when others do not fit the width between the door and the perpendicular wall. Or some other structural element interior

An example in the photo is a door in a corner or in a narrow corridor. Platband in interior products


Another criterion for choosing a platband is the shape of the front part. It can be straight, rounded, curly and any other. And it should match the look door leaf: the simpler it is, the less prominent the frame should be.

Below are the most common profiles door frames:

Straight, photo

Advice. You can try to select platbands that match the shape, color and width of the baseboards. Sometimes it looks very interesting.


Installation of elements

We will analyze a universal fastening option suitable for any type of platband - installation using finishing nails.

First of all, you need to purchase everything you need:

  • Platband. Its quantity is calculated based on the size of the openings. Remember that each door has a frame on both sides. As for the width, it should be sufficient to close the gap between the frame and the wall; it is better if the platband extends 2-3 cm onto the wall;
  • Finishing nails. Special option fasteners, which are characterized by low thickness and reduced head size. The length of the nails can vary from 20 to 50 mm. The color may also differ; it is selected in such a way that the attachment points are as little visible as possible on the surface.

The following tools are required:

  • A tape measure for taking all the necessary measurements and a construction pencil for markings. These devices should be in the arsenal of any master;

  • Wood saw. Choose a tool with a fine tooth as it cuts much cleaner. Instead of hand tool you can use a jigsaw if you have one at hand;

  • A construction knife is necessary if frozen polyurethane foam protrudes around the perimeter of the box. You can get by with a knife blade, it’s flat and it’s very convenient to cut off all the excess flush with the wall;
  • A hammer is needed for driving finishing nails; the best option is one weighing 300-400 grams;
  • Screwdriver or drill. During the process, you need to drill several holes for nails. The kit also includes a drill whose diameter matches the diameter of the nails used;
  • A construction square is needed in order to make perfectly straight ends of the casing. With its help, you can easily mark cutting lines.

The work instructions look like this:

Illustration Description of the stage

Doors must be installed. It takes about a day for the polyurethane foam to completely harden. Therefore, it is best to install the platband the next day after installing the door frames.

Advice! Clear space around the opening so that nothing interferes with you while carrying out work.

The polyurethane foam is cut off. This is done using a construction knife or a blade from it. You need to carefully remove the excess to create a smooth surface around the entire perimeter of the door frame.

Everything is quite simple, the main thing is not to damage the box when cutting the foam.

We will attach the platband with a straight joint. It is much simpler than corner cutting and looks modern. The main thing is to cut off the end of the top bar evenly. Check the joint in advance; sometimes at the factory the elements are cut unevenly and you need to align the end yourself.

Advice! Some manufacturers offer trim of different thicknesses - 10 and 8 mm. If you place 10 mm strips on the sides, and place the 8 mm option at the top, you will get a neat protrusion, as in the photo.

First of all, you need to attach the trim from the side door hinges. This way you will see how much it indents from the edge of the box, and you can make the same indentation around the entire perimeter so that the structure looks its best.

Most often, the offset from the inner edge of the box is 4-5 mm.

The cutting height of the platband is determined. In order not to carry out calculations, use a piece of cash; it will serve as a kind of pattern by which you can easily and quickly determine the exact height of the upper end of the vertical casing.

Don't forget to set the measurement at the required distance from the edge of the box so that the distance is the same around the entire perimeter.

Marks are made using a pencil. It is best to place lines both on the end part of the platband and on the wall in order to see guidelines for further actions.

On the other side, the same operation is carried out: the bar is placed with the required indentation and marked.

You should not make two identical elements - the floor level may be slightly different, and subsequently you may end up with inconsistencies. It’s much easier to spend a few seconds and mark up after the fact.

A line is drawn on the front of the bar. To do everything perfectly accurately and get a right angle, it is best to use a construction square. Just position it, line it up with the mark, and draw a line.

The elements are being cut. The most important thing in this process is to hold the trim well so that it does not move when cutting and constantly monitor the line.

Do not press the hacksaw too hard: apply light pressure on the handle and work with the maximum possible amplitude. MDF cuts well, so the process does not take much time.

The platband is attached to the box, leveled, after which a hole for a nail is drilled in the upper part.

It should be located no closer than 10 mm from the edge and be 1-2 cm below the top edge of the door leaf.

While working, make sure that the drill goes horizontally and not skewed. The depth of the hole should be 5-10 mm less than the length of the nails used.

The platband is nailed onto one finishing nail. Everything is simple here, the main thing is not to hit the surface with a hammer. Work very carefully or use special device, which is called doboynik.

A nail is needed to fix the element in the desired position.

The same work is repeated on the other vertical stand. A hole is drilled in the casing, after which it is carefully nailed onto one finishing nail.

The length of the horizontal element is measured. Here, too, it is best to take measurements after the fact: insert the platband on one side, and on the other put a mark in the right place.

The cut trim is inserted into place. Its position is checked. If suddenly you made a mistake by 1-2 mm, then you can carefully remove the vertical element and move it. That is why we did not attach them to all the nails, but limited ourselves to only one.

If everything is fine, then you can continue working.

Holes for fastening are drilled in the upper element. They are located 10 mm above the edge. Three attachment points are enough: two at the edges and one in the middle. You don’t have to drill the box, the main thing is to go through the platband, since if this is not done, it may split when driving a nail.

Before driving nails into the horizontal strip, be sure to line up the top edge and hold it while driving the nail.

The casing may sag slightly if you don't hold it, and then you'll have to redo the job all over again.

Vertical elements are nailed in 4-5 places at equal intervals. The work is finished - you have a neat door with a securely fastened frame.


Now you know what types of MDF door frames there are, and you can independently carry out installation work using tips from the review. The video in this article will help you understand some of the nuances of the topic even better.

Telescopic door frames: selecting and installing

Moment of installation of the vertical element of the platband

The door frame does not carry any functional load. The purpose of its use is purely decorative: to close the gap between the wall and the frame. But sometimes you also have to cover the end of the wall, that part of it that was not covered by the box. And in such cases, there is nothing better than telescopic door frames.

What is it, where does the name come from and how to install these elements?

Device and types

Essentially different simplest design, such a platband greatly simplifies installation, as well as dismantling for door repair. What's special about it?

As you can see, it is a regular corner; it does not have any retractable parts that allow you to adjust the installation depth. Where does the name telescopic come from?

Corner profile of the platband

And the whole point is that the box for such a platband has a special shape and is equipped with grooves into which the corner shelves are inserted. They can be pushed in all the way or only to the level dictated by the thickness of the wall.

Box with installed trims

However standard trims telescopic on the door, have a small corner strip width - about 2 cm. This is not enough for large slope depths. In such cases, an extended version should be installed, complete with additional strips. With their help you can close any slope.

Option with additional

As you can see, the additional strips are also equipped with grooves on both sides for installation in the box and attaching the platband to them. And the depth of the grooves allows you to adjust the width of the door niche frame.

And the best part: no fasteners are required for installation. Although sometimes, when the plank is slightly deepened into the groove, it is recommended to put it on glue for a more durable fixation.

On the one hand, this makes it easier to install with your own hands, but on the other hand, the shape of the platband complicates their cutting and fitting. But more on that later. And now about what parameters differ telescopic platbands from each other.

Material of manufacture

In this respect, the telescopic casing is no different from a regular invoice.

It can be made from materials such as:

  • Wood of various species and with different coating– paint and varnish, veneer of valuable varieties, etc.;
  • Woodworking products – fiberboard, chipboard, MDF, plywood with laminated, veneered, film coating;
  • Pressed paper;
  • Metals (most often aluminum);
  • Plastic different types. including wood-polymer composites.

Wood + varnish

Chipboard + veneer

MDF + veneer

Plastic + film

WPC (wood-polymer composite), dyed in the mass

Metal + powder paint

Advice. It is most logical to select door frames from the same material. But not necessarily. The decorative component is more important here: shape, color, texture. If they go well with the door leaf, the material can be any.

We are talking mainly about the width of the facade strip of the product, since the length of the elements in the kit is usually standard: two racks of 220 cm each, and one horizontal part of 120 cm.

But the width may be different. Again, the standard is considered to be dimensions from 60 to 80 mm, but they can change in any direction, both larger and smaller.

The diagram shows the main dimensions important for installation and aesthetic perception of the door frame

  • Standard width trims fit most doors.
  • But there may be exceptions. For example, wider products will look better with a massive oak door.
  • But those whose width is less than 50 mm look frivolous. In addition, they may simply not close the gap between the wall and the box.

Therefore, before purchasing, always measure this distance to avoid mistakes. Narrow trims in most cases are used only when others do not fit in width between the door and a perpendicular wall, or some other structural element of the interior.

Example in the photo - a door in a corner or in a narrow corridor

Another criterion for choosing a platband is the shape of the front part. It can be straight, rounded, curly and any other. And it should be combined with the type of door leaf: the simpler it is, the less relief the frame should be.

Below are the most common door trim profiles:



A drop




Advice. You can try to select platbands that match the shape, color and width of the baseboards. Sometimes it looks very interesting.

Contrasting skirting boards and platbands

Installing telescopic trims is even easier than overhead ones. If before this you carefully measured everything and cut it carefully. And before that, you need to take care of the correct installation of the door frame. compliance with all levels and right angles. But this is a topic for another article; in this one we will not focus on the previous stages.

Before describing the fitting and installation process, it is worth saying that there are two ways to join the elements of the platband:

  • Classic at 45 degrees. In order for the joints to look neat, you need to follow high accuracy when measuring and cutting. Moreover, in a regular miter box it is quite difficult to saw off the corner profile without losing the specified angle or without damaging the front side of the product. It is advisable to use a miter saw for this.
  • Modern at 90 degrees. It is easier to do (it is almost impossible to make a mistake with measurements), does not require the use of expensive equipment, and looks quite interesting. But only under the condition of a flat section of the platband. The joining of convex and shaped decorative elements at right angles looks unaesthetic.

Doors with telescopic platbands joined at different angles

As an example, let’s look at a simpler option – one that even a beginner can handle on his own. And the price of special tools is too high for one-time use.

Telescopic casing: dimensions, photos, installation

The choice of door finishes during installation was limited just a few decades ago. Now pick up a platband for this interior element Any one is possible. Manufacturers produce a wide range of products, while a strictly defined platband is suitable for a specific task. They have several differences: in material, installation method and purpose. Interesting solution For any interior there will be a telescopic platband.

Types of platbands

The platbands of entrance and interior doors are distinguished according to the functions they perform: decorative or structural. The latter goal is to close the gap formed between the wall and the door frame. They are installed directly on the box. Decorative ones create visual aesthetics, creating a harmonious transition between the door opening and the wall.

Wooden frames

Even with all the variety of materials, wood has not lost its significance. It is environmentally friendly and versatile. Platbands made from it are suitable for any type of box. The advantages of wooden elements include the possibility of further restoration, namely painting, puttying, varnishing, etc. More often, the telescopic casing is made of wood.

MDF platbands

These elements have beautiful appearance and most often they imitate wood. MDF coating can be different, but basically it is paper laminating. This outer layer is very sensitive to moisture, so it is not advisable to wash it, since even a slight ingress of moisture, for example, when washing the floor next to the door, can worsen the appearance of the platband.

Platbands made of plastic

Plastic has only recently been used as a material for platbands, but has already gained popularity. This happened due to its moisture resistance and low cost, as well as the variety of colors and shades.

Ceramic trims

Ceramic door frame elements are a specific option that is most often used when interior decoration the entire room under the stone. Therefore, they are decorative in nature, and their popularity is low due to limited use.

Telescopic casing: features

Telescopic-type trims got their name because of the way they are attached to the door frame. They are curved planks along their entire length. One of the edges is bent at an angle of 90 degrees and forms an “L” shape in cross section. This curved edge will be mounted into the groove of the door. The telescopic mount allows you to adjust the width of the door frame to the width of the wall within 8-15cm.

The standard width of the box is 7 cm, and the walls are often several centimeters wider, so special extensions are used that expand the telescopic platbands.

Telescopic casing: advantages

  • Quick and easy installation.
  • Telescopic designs avoid using additional elements, such as extras.
  • Platbands perform their function well, hiding the joint formed between the frame and the wall.
  • They are easily dismantled, which allows you to carry out repair work without fear of damaging the casing. Upon completion of the work, the telescopic platbands are simply installed in place.
  • There are no traces of installation, since telescopic options do not require fastening elements - nails or glue. Sometimes platbands can be glued, but this must be done carefully: fix the part that is attached to the wall, and not the joint itself with the door groove.

The only downside of telescopic platbands is their high cost compared to other options.

The telescopic platband, the photo of which is presented below, just like simple platbands, can have a flat, rounded or shaped shape.

Installation features

Sometimes doors are produced with ready-made fittings, including trim. This rules out possible mistakes, installation defects. Technology allows you not to use special types fastenings. Installation telescopic platbands in this case it becomes much easier.

Telescopic doors initially require a groove for mounting platbands. These grooves allow the installation of decorative elements even on walls that are not vertically aligned. This is achieved because the molding fits tightly to the surface. The telescopic panel can be an addition to the platband; it is attached to it with a special veneer and allows you to give an aesthetic appearance to an opening of any thickness.

The design of telescopic platbands does not allow them to move in relation to the door, so a single geometry is maintained. Installation of such platbands does not require additional measurements and tools.

Craftsmen often ask the question: how to install telescopic trims? Even an inexperienced person will find it easy to handle the installation if he has an understanding of the design of the door frame and the functions of the platbands. The type will not play a big role in this case.

When installing telescopic platbands, you should increased attention pay attention to the place where the fastening elements of the door hinges intersect the grooves. In this case, the protrusion of the casing must be cut to the required depth with any available tool.

Before installing any platbands, you should make sure that the walls are level. Otherwise, a gap will form between the platbands and the wall, and this will inevitably spoil the appearance.

The telescopic platband, the dimensions of which depend on which opening should be refined, is produced with a width of 6-8 cm. The length of two parts is 220 cm, and the size of the top is 120 cm. The shelf, which is inserted into the groove, can have a width from 1 to 4 cm .


Installing platbands on an opening is an important matter, which requires maximum accuracy of measurements and accuracy during the installation process. By observing these conditions, you can achieve a high-quality result, which will guarantee the uniqueness and completeness of the interior. If you are installing a box containing all the necessary elements in its kit, then you need to carefully read the instructions provided by the manufacturer - this will prevent incorrect installation or damage to the decorative elements.

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The nuances of using telescopic platbands

Various decorative elements can be used to decorate the door opening. Currently, many owners use door frames. Their main purpose is to mask the gap present between the door frame and the opening. Their selection is carried out according to the required texture of the opening. Along with this, its width is taken into account. The color chosen is the same as that of the door structure. A variety of materials are used in their manufacture:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • laminated panels made of MDF and veneer.

During door installation, their installation is the final stage of work. They begin only after most of the repair work has been completed, with the exception of the installation of floor skirting boards. Many owners experience installation difficulties door frames. How to install them correctly - we will talk about this in this article.

What is a telescopic casing?

In appearance it is similar to a standard door frame. However, there is one feature - a protrusion that is used to connect this element with the extensions and the door frame. Using telescopic platbands - The best decision in cases where the thickness of the box is several centimeters greater than the wall. The special protrusion that these elements have ensures their tight fastening in the longitudinal grooves of the end of the door frame.

By properly installing these fasteners on the door, you can ensure that they become invisible, and the structure itself acquires a monolithic appearance, durability and strength. But if the calculation of the distance was made incorrectly, then the telescopic casing will not fit tightly into the door frame. As a result, a gap will remain. In this case, the structure will take on an untidy appearance and will look ugly.

How to make telescopic door frames?

They may vary:

  • by size;
  • according to its color scheme.

If you want to save on these decorative elements, you can easily make them yourself. In this case, the costs of repair work will be reduced. However, the manufacture of these elements requires the use of special woodworking tools. It will also be useful to have skills in working with such equipment.

  • sawmill;
  • jointer;
  • thicknesser;
  • vertical router;
  • electric grinder;
  • as auxiliary tools: square, ruler, pencil.

Material selection

For the manufacture of telescopic platbands, only well-dried boards are selected. If this requirement is not observed, then products installed on doorway during operation, will lead. By sound the degree of wiretapping is determined material. To do this, you just need to tap on the board with your finger. A dull sound indicates that the board is not dry. If it is sonorous, then such material is optimal for the manufacture of these decorative elements.

Choosing material for door trim. attention must be paid to color. It should be uniform. If there are blue spots, it means that the technology for drying the boards was broken. This can be hidden only by painting the trim with opaque paint.

Please note that the board is intended for making door trim. should not have knots. If they exist, this will worsen the aesthetics of the platbands, and in addition, the risk of fracture of the product at the location of the knot will increase.


When the material for making door frames has been selected, it is at hand necessary tool, then you can move on to the active phase of work on the manufacture of door frames. Runs first cutting blanks to size. which need to be decided in advance. Their dimensions are selected individually for each door product. Note that a high-quality result is possible only if there is cutting knives on the machines used for work.

When the door trim is ready, it is sanded. This work is carried out in two stages:

  • the first is performing rough grinding using an electric machine;
  • the second is manual processing, during which they resort to the use of fine-grained sandpaper.

It should be noted that at the second stage it is necessary to remove circular scratches that occurred when working with an electric machine. When the platband is ready, it is covered with a layer of protective composition.

How to attach platbands to a door?

There are four main methods that can be used to attach door frames:

  • using finishing nails;
  • using liquid nails;
  • fastening with self-tapping screws;
  • fixation with fasteners called “beaks”.

Fastening with finishing nails

This method is one of the most popular. Its use has certain advantages: if the need arises, platbands can be easy to dismantle. The process of attaching elements to the door using this method is simple and quite reliable.

To secure the trim to the door. It is necessary to choose nails that have a flat head of small width. Calculating the length is not that difficult. They should fit into the door frame to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The average length of finishing nails should be 4 cm.

Liquid Nails

This type of fastener represents a special adhesive composition in tubes. It is easy to fasten elements using it. All you need to do is apply adhesive composition With reverse side onto the platbands immediately before fixing it. After this, the element is pressed against the door. You should hold it for a few seconds, after which it lowers. This completes the work.

This method also has its advantages. The main thing is simplicity and speed of work. In addition, when using liquid nails, no traces remain on the front side of the platband. But it also has one drawback. The procedure for dismantling products secured in this way is quite labor-intensive. The fastening reliability is not high enough.

Self-tapping screws

This method of fastening is quite simple and reliable. Every year everyone uses it more owners who had a need to install platbands on the door opening. If platbands made of wood are attached, then special wood screws are used. The diameter of the fastener is 6 mm, and its length is up to 2.5 cm.

Before attaching the screws to the platbands mark a place for them. Next, small diameter holes are drilled.

High-quality performance of this work is a guarantee of reliable fastening and protection of the wood from splitting when tightening the screws. So that when installing these elements in a similar way the head of the screw was less noticeable; it was completely recessed into the wood, before drilling a small recess in it.


If the doorway looks unattractive after installing the door, then you can give it an aesthetic appearance. You can use door frames for this. Choose the appropriate material and begin installation work. You can do this work with your own hands without big problems. Even if you have no skills you can handle it with ease with this task. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dimensions and perform high-quality installation on the door in a convenient way. In this case, the doorway in your room will acquire an aesthetic appearance.

Erofeev Sergey Viktorovich

Platbands are a decorative element that frames the doorway. In addition, it closes the gap between the frame and the wall, which is not uncommon: the walls in an apartment are rarely perfectly smooth. Such a part may be sold separately, or may be a set with accessories and a box.

In the very simple version the platband is a straight strip 7 mm wide and 8–10 mm thick. It is fixed around the opening and can have different shapes - flat, teardrop-shaped, round or curly. However, this option is suitable only for the simplest cases.

If the dimensions of the doorway, respectively, the sash are standard, at least relatively, then this does not apply to the slope parameters. Of course, in modern buildings width of interior partitions and load-bearing walls more or less standardized. However, there are options here too. Firstly, the thickness of the walls in different buildings, and, most importantly, in houses for various purposes, varies within very wide limits. Secondly, when moving openings, builders also have to deal with unusual engineering solutions.

As a result, the door may fit perfectly in size, which cannot be said about the frame. The maximum that the frame can cover is up to 140 mm thick. If the width of the slope is greater, telescopic platbands and extensions should be installed.

What it is?

Conventional cross-sectional models always have a simple configuration. The shape of the top may vary, but the bar itself remains straight. During installation, the part is joined to the racks of a regular box and thus bridges the gap between the product and the wall. The only difficulty in this case is to choose a model by color: bleached oak, wenge, walnut.

The telescopic trim for interior doors has an L-shape. Along its entire length, the part is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, which allows it to be installed in a groove. The second feature is the presence of this groove. Without it, such fastening would be impossible.

The L-shape allows you to adjust the overall thickness of the door frame to the width of the opening in the range from 10 to 15 mm. Part sizes vary from 90 to 150 mm.

For wide slopes this is not enough, so telescopic platbands are combined with the same additional strips. The latter also have a corresponding groove, but the shape remains straight. Essentially, this is an additional insert that allows you to expand the frame and cover the entire slope. The photo shows a prefabricated frame for an interior door.

Material of manufacture

The telescopic box with the platband must be made of the same material. It is important to choose not only the appropriate color - wenge, bleached oak, cherry, but also the material, since different wood and particle boards have different coefficients thermal expansion and react differently to changes in humidity.

Accordingly, if these values ​​do not coincide, the box will begin to deform.

  • Sheet pile or edged board– if the frame is made of wood, the same material is used for the extensions. Moreover, you should choose the same breed.
  • MDF is a wood-based material of high density and strength. Its big plus is good strength and high resistance to moisture and cold. This option is great for front door. The photo shows a telescopic system for the sash.
  • Waterproof plywood is the choice for a model made from MDF, chipboard, or a combination of these materials. Plywood holds its shape perfectly and is resistant to moisture, so it is suitable for decorating an opening into a bathroom or toilet.
  • Aluminum is a rather rare case, intended for the design of metal doors with glass and plastic inserts.

Installation is carried out in the same way for both entrance and interior modules. However, the work is not as simple as it seems, since you need to assemble a U-shaped structure of the required thickness from the box and various kinds of planks.

Platbands alone will not solve the problem. If the thickness is large, it is also necessary to install inlaid strips, which are selected according to the total thickness of the slope and adjusted in size, if required. If the sash is already installed, attaching elements are purchased. Installation is somewhat more complicated, in addition, the fastening is not so reliable, but it is fully justified when installing interior doors.

The U-shaped structure of all parts is assembled in 3 different ways:

  • the top bar is installed between the vertical elements;
  • installation supported by cross racks;
  • installation with a 45 degree cut. This is the most complex method and self-installation It's better not to use it.

The general scheme of work is as follows:

  1. Preparation is everything Finishing work must be completed: the slopes are leveled, plastered, the walls are painted or covered with wallpaper. It is advisable that a finished floor be laid, otherwise you will have to very carefully adjust the gaps between the elements.
  2. The planks are cut to width and length. The amount of trimming is determined by the width of the slope. It's easier to cut at 90 degrees. To cut at 45 degrees, you need a saw with the option of rotating the saw blade.
  3. Installed - temporarily, vertical racks, horizontal parts are measured using them. The same is done with additional elements: they are temporarily fixed into the grooves of the frame and the telescopic additional elements and trims are adjusted in size, if required.
  4. First, assemble the horizontal jumper. The products fit into the groove very tightly. If this is not the case, it is recommended to lubricate the grooves " liquid nails"or other adhesive composition.
  5. The same is done with vertical elements.
  6. If necessary, parts are secured to the wall with finishing nails without heads.

The video demonstrates how to install the telescopic system.

Installation of interior doors involves several stages various works. The first thing you need to do is buy an interior door, then install it. However, it doesn’t end there, because you need to make sure that this element fits harmoniously and decorates the interior. At this moment, platbands (slopes or cashing) come to the rescue. The market is now represented various types and models of such decorative elements. In today's article, I want to talk about interior telescopic trims and overhead covers (regular). I will try to explain how they differ and what advantages they have.

Why are they needed?

Before we get into the types of platbands, or as they say in everyday life, slopes (cash-outs), let’s figure out what they are and why are they needed? Platbands are strips that are installed around the perimeter of the door frame. They are made from various materials, and have different shapes. The last one is the most expensive option. The main function of the platbands is to hide the gap between the wall and the door frame, as well as to complete the entire door design. They resist drafts and retain heat. They perform a significant decorative function. A well-chosen shade can significantly transform the interior. According to the method of installation, the following types of platbands are distinguished:

  • regular or overhead platbands;
  • telescopic platbands.

Ordinary platbands

The most common type, based on the installation method, are overhead trims (slopes). To install them and hide the gap between the door frame and the wall, nails, screws, glue or sealant are used. Using these means, the slopes are attached to the wall. This type has gained great popularity due to its ease of installation, and even before, few people knew about the telescopic system.

Telescopic trims

Telescopic platbands are more complex design. Such slopes do not need to be nailed, glued, screwed or sealed. Two strips on the outer and inner sides of the interior door are perfectly fastened together using an original L-shape. One edge of the slope has a rounded shape; it fits tightly to the plane of the wall. The second one is bent, and during installation it fits tightly into the groove of the door frame, which allows it to be firmly connected to it.

Advantages of telescopic platbands

In addition to differences in installation method, there are also a large number of possibilities and advantages of telescopic platbands compared to conventional (overhead) options.

  1. The use of telescopic platbands allows you to avoid installing extensions for interior doors. However, this is only if the thickness of the door frame does not exceed 1.5-2 cm. They will easily close the gap between it and the wall.
  2. Telescopic slopes can be installed not only on the door frame, but also on the extension strips.
  3. If the wall is crooked, then you will be able to level the interior door. However, when using overhead or regular platbands, the gap between the door frame and the wall will be simply huge. You will have to level the walls, or watch a not very pleasant picture. Otherwise, the door will be installed crookedly, and its position will be fixed, that is, it will constantly either open or close. In the case of telescopic trims, this error can be easily hidden. Thus, the interior door will be installed level, and a large gap will not be visible.
  4. Another advantage of telescopic platbands is that the joints between the planks are less noticeable, and the installation itself does not require any additional means.
  5. Telescopic trims can be dismantled without damaging them. This will be more difficult to do with regular slopes.

To summarize, I would like to say that overhead platbands are very popular. This can be explained by the fact that they are not expensive and everyone is used to them. However, in my opinion, the choice of telescopic slopes will be much more relevant. The possibilities that this type of cashing brings with it are much wider than with conventional slopes. Currently, there are many different models and materials from which they are made. Anyone can choose something for their interior.

If you have not yet read my colleague’s article about new products in the world of chainsaws in 2018, then you should.

I hope my article was extremely clear and useful to you, if you have any questions or thoughts on this topic, please express them in the comments. I will be happy to answer everyone!

Platbands play a decorative role, giving the doorway a finished look. The planks differ in the material of manufacture, shape, color, as well as the method of fastening. Installation of interior door frames is carried out after finishing the walls, but before laying the floor plinth.

To correctly install platbands on interior doors, you first need to select the appropriate elements. First of all, pay attention to the material of manufacture:

  • Products made from natural wood are considered universal. The strips can be painted to match the color of the doors. Fasten wooden elements nails without heads. If the walls are well aligned with the door frame, the platbands are placed on an adhesive composition - “liquid nails”.

  • PVC cashing is more suitable plastic doors. The planks are glued or mounted on the mounting profile.

  • There are also aluminum and steel cash registers, but they are usually installed on entrance doors.

Most planks are given a standard flat, rounded or shaped form.

By fastening method Cashing can be invoice or telescopic. The first type of elements is fixed directly to door frame. The second one is equipped with mounting grooves.

Tools for work

In order for the installation of door trim to be successful, the tools must be prepared in advance.

  • To perform accurate markings you will need pencil, tape measure, plumb line, square and level.
  • It will help to cut the workpiece perfectly straight at an angle of 45 degrees. miter box O.
  • It is better to cut the slats miter saw. If it is missing, you can use hacksaw for metal. The fine teeth of the blade will not leave chips on the product.
  • Used for driving nails or tapping cash elements. hammer.

How to cut off the platband?

After marking the angle of the cut and the length of the workpiece, the trim is cut with a miter saw. A special feature of the power tool is adjustable table, which is installed under the right angle. In order to saw off the door frames correctly and without chipping, the side edges of the workpiece are pressed tightly against the stops on the frame. If a gap occurs, the cut will be uneven.

If you don’t have a power saw, a miter box will help you cut the edge of the casing at 45 degrees. It is better to buy a quality tool. The cheap one made of plastic has deformed thrust elements that distort the size of the angle. A hacksaw for cutting is used with fine teeth that do not leave chips.

How to attach platbands to interior doors?

Simple fastening of flat platbands is performed at an angle of 90 degrees. The vertical planks fit tightly at the top with the horizontal one. When installing wooden or MDF elements of complex shapes, the ends are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. There are 4 methods of fixing the planks.

Using finishing nails

Wooden or MDF door casing is easier to nail with nails with flat heads. The fastening is reliable, and if necessary, the planks can be easily dismantled. You can use nails of a different configuration, and so that the heads are not visible, they are removed with side cutters. The length of finishing nails for platbands is about 40 mm. The size can be calculated individually, taking into account the thickness of the cash. Having passed through the bar, the nail must enter at least 20 mm into the body of the door frame.

Attachment points are marked on the workpieces, maintaining the same distance. Typically, a pitch of 500 mm is maintained. Using the markings, drill through holes with a diameter corresponding to the thickness of the nail. After joining to the door frame, the platbands are carefully nailed. For aesthetics, hats are painted over with a wax pencil.

Liquid nails

To attach cash to interior doors without nails, use an adhesive - liquid nails. The advantage of this method is that there is no visible fixation site. The downside is the weak fastening, as well as inconvenience during dismantling. In addition, liquid nails are only applicable if the adjacent walls are perfectly level.

The door frames are installed after sawing and fitting of the blanks. The plank is lubricated on the back side with adhesive and pressed tightly against the wall. To glue the trims for interior doors, it is enough to hold each plank pressed for no more than a minute.

Fastening with self-tapping screws

The method is similar to fastening with finishing nails, only instead of them, wood screws 25 mm long and 6 mm thick are used. Places for holes are marked on the workpiece in increments of 500 mm. A drill of the same diameter or with a margin of 1 mm is used.

It is advisable to recess the hats into the body of the plank. On the front side of the workpiece, the hole is expanded with a drill of a larger diameter to a depth of 1–1.5 mm. Now all that remains is to attach the trim to the interior doors with self-tapping screws. You need to tighten the hardware so that the head fits into the recess. The place of fixation is painted over with a wax pencil.

Fastening with beaks

The method does not require the use of screws, nails or adhesive. The cash box is equipped with a beak-shaped lock. The connecting pin is inserted into the recess on the box and pressed until it clicks.

The advantage of this method is ease of installation and invisibility of the mounting location. Negative point is the delamination of MDF trims during dismantling. Over time, spontaneous destruction of the joints may occur, which requires additional treatment of the joints with glue.

How to install platbands on interior doors?

When installing interior doors with your own hands, glue, nails or self-tapping screws are used to fasten trim made of wood or MDF. However, the evenness of the walls and the shape of the planks are taken into account. There should be no gaps at the joints. If the walls adjacent to the end of the door frame are uneven, then it is better to refuse gluing.

Installation of cashing begins from the side where the interior door opens. This is due to the presence of hinges that prevent the strip from being fixed flush with the box element. You will need to make the same indentation, and on all three sides for symmetry. Where there are no loops, there is no need for mandatory indentation.

If the door is in a corner, installation is carried out using the letter G. If desired, you can saw the element vertically and use a narrow strip.

The platband on one side is installed when the slopes on the other are decorated with tiles or other wall materials.

Docking at an angle of 45

When it is necessary to install trim on the door at an angle of 45 degrees, use a miter box for marking. This joining of elements is usually used for shaped and rounded planks. If there is no miter box, the markings can be made with a protractor.

The installation procedure consists of the following steps:

Docking at an angle of 90

The platbands are fastened at 90 degrees with horizontal or vertical seams. The choice depends on the preference of the owner. When installing a door cashing with your own hands at a right angle, only flat-shaped blanks are used. The cut areas are treated with varnish or acrylic-based paint.

To install platbands on interior doors with imitation lintels, the upper element is extended. The docking is obtained at an angle of 90 degrees with horizontal seams. The top bar extends beyond the vertical.

Telescopic trims

Telescopic trims are attached to interior doors without nails. Decorative elements are equipped special lock consisting of a spline and a groove. Fixation occurs at the end of the box. The main requirement correct installation platbands is the presence of a protrusion. It forms when the door frame is already thick interior partition. The adjacent walls must be level, otherwise you will get an unsightly gap.

Installation instructions for plastic trims

Glue is used very rarely, the connection is unreliable. Basically, plastic trims are installed on interior doors using a profile. This installation method consists of the following steps:

If you place plastic cash on a wall lined with clapboard, then fix it around the perimeter of the doorway wooden slats, and the profile is already attached to it.

Installation is possible using special nipples and screws.

Elimination of defects

An unpleasant moment is the visibility of the nail head or screw. They are slightly recessed into the body of the cash, and sealed on top with sealant of the desired color. You can use a wax corrector.

On uneven walls due to curvature wooden planks the joints are coming apart. During installation, the joining elements are additionally connected with a finishing nail.

Wide strips from 100 to 120 mm help to hide large defects around the door frame.

How to join the plinth with the platband?

There is no need to cut the door trim; it should reach the floor. Otherwise it won't look very nice.

The plinth itself is adjusted, the method depends on the material.

  • The plastic ones have decorative plugs, with the help of which you can neatly and beautifully join the end of the plinth and the door casing.

  • A cut is made on the wooden one at 45 degrees to align the adjacent side of the plinth with the thickness of the door casing.


Removal of platbands is usually required when cash is replaced. There is no need to worry about their safety, but the work is done carefully. Taking an ax with a sharp blade and a hammer in their hands, they begin to dismantle:

The procedure must be carried out carefully so that no dents are left on the door frame. Instead of an ax, homemade sharpened strips of durable metal or other similar devices are suitable.