At all stages of the production process. Main production assets

The production process is a set of purposeful actions by enterprise personnel to transform raw materials into finished products.

The main components of the production process that determine the nature of production are:

  • professionally trained personnel;
  • means of labor (machines, equipment, buildings, structures, etc.);
  • objects of labor (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products);
  • energy (electrical, thermal, mechanical, light, muscle);
  • information (scientific and technical, commercial, operational and production, legal, socio-political).

The professionally managed interaction of these components forms the specific production process and constitutes its content.

The production process is the basis of any enterprise. The content of the production process has a decisive impact on the construction of the enterprise and its production units.

The main part of the production process is the technological process. During the implementation of the technological process, changes occur in the geometric shapes, sizes and physical and chemical properties of objects of labor.

According to their significance and role in production, production processes are divided into:

  • basic;
  • auxiliary;
  • serving.

The main production processes are those during which the main products manufactured by the enterprise are manufactured.

Auxiliary processes include processes that ensure the smooth running of the main processes. Their result is products used in the enterprise itself. Auxiliary processes include equipment repair, tooling manufacturing, steam generation, compressed air etc.

Servicing processes are those during the implementation of which services are performed that are necessary for the normal functioning of both main and auxiliary processes. These are the processes of transportation, warehousing, picking parts, cleaning premises, etc.

The production process consists of many different operations, which are accordingly divided into main (technological) and auxiliary.

A technological operation is a part of the production process performed at one workplace on one production object (part, unit, product) by one or more workers.

According to the type and purpose of the product, the degree of technical equipment, operations are classified into manual, machine-hand, machine and hardware.

Manual operations are performed manually using simple tool(sometimes mechanized), for example, manual painting, assembly, product packaging, etc.

Machine-manual operations are carried out using machines and mechanisms with the obligatory participation of a worker, for example, transporting goods on electric vehicles, processing parts on machines with manual feeding.

Machine operations are carried out entirely by machine with minimal participation of workers in the technological process, for example, installing parts in the machining zone and removing them at the end of processing, monitoring the operation of machines, i.e. workers do not participate in technological operations, but only control them.

Hardware operations take place in special units (vessels, baths, ovens, etc.). The worker monitors the serviceability of the equipment and instrument readings and, as necessary, makes adjustments to the operating modes of the units in accordance with the requirements of the technology. Hardware operations are widespread in food, chemical, metallurgical and other industries.

The organization of the production process consists of combining people, tools and objects of labor into a single production process material goods, as well as in ensuring a rational combination in space and time of main, auxiliary and servicing processes.

V. Gribov, V. Gryzinov

During operation, the main production assets(OPF) gradually wear out, and their cost is transferred to the manufactured products.


To classify OPF, two criteria are used - the degree of participation in the production process and the function being implemented.

Within the framework of the implemented function, the OPF is divided into:

  • Building. Production facilities, warehouses, offices, buildings, etc. Buildings can accommodate personnel and production equipment.
  • Facilities. Objects to receive and store natural resources. For example, quarries, mines, tanks for storing raw materials, etc.
  • Equipment. Machine tools, units, measuring instruments and computing machines used to convert raw materials into finished products.
  • Tools. Inventory with a service life of more than one calendar year.
  • Transport. Cars and special equipment for transporting raw materials, materials and finished products.
  • Transfer devices. They deliver heat, electricity, gas or oil products.

All main production assets are reused during operation and retain their shape.


The structure and composition of the OPF affects:

  • cost of finished products;
  • the possibility of introducing new production technologies;
  • the feasibility of privatization and rental of funds.

When assessing OPF, three methods of calculating cost are used:

  1. Initial. Calculation of the necessary costs for putting the fund into operation.
  2. Restorative. Determining the cost of an object taking into account current prices.
  3. Residual. Cost calculation taking into account wear and tear.

Types of wear

Deterioration of the OPF can be moral and physical.


Reducing the cost of OPFs makes their use inappropriate due to the emergence of new technologies and equipment samples.

Physical deterioration

Material wear and tear of funds and their deterioration technical characteristics due to thermal, chemical and mechanical impact during operation.

Result of use

The result of the use of fixed production assets reflects:

  • capital intensity;
  • capital productivity.

Capital intensity is the ratio of the cost of the open investment fund to the cost of the volume of production. Capital productivity is the ratio of the cost of the volume of manufactured products to the cost of the general operating fund. You can increase the return on use of fixed assets by:

  • hiring qualified employees;
  • increasing the intensity of use of OPF;
  • conducting high-quality operational planning;
  • increasing the share of equipment in the structure of the enterprise;
  • carrying out technical modernization.

Production processes can be classified depending on

their role in the manufacture of products,

depending on the degree of difficulty organization of production,

as well as the degree of technical equipment.

Depending on their role in the manufacture of products All production processes are divided into main, auxiliary and servicing.

Main process intended for direct production of products. It is a set of actions to transform materials and semi-finished products into finished products. During the main process, the degree of product readiness changes.

The main production process consists of partial main processes, each of which covers a separate part of the production process for creating components finished product. There are continuous production, technological and organizational connections between the main partial production processes.

The nature of the partial processes of the main production depends on the type and characteristics of the products being manufactured; adopted manufacturing technology; materials and equipment used; forms of enterprise specialization, etc.

Partial core manufacturing processes consist of core operations. The main workers are engaged in performing basic operations.

Helper Processes must ensure the uninterrupted flow of the main process. Their result is products and services that are most often consumed by the enterprise itself. Auxiliary processes include the manufacture of parts for repair and repair of existing equipment, the production of various kinds of tools and devices for the production's own needs.

The auxiliary process also consists of partial processes, but there are no technological connections here. Partial auxiliary processes are interconnected only organizationally. For example, there is no need for production and technological linking of repairs of individual pieces of equipment. At the same time, the establishment of organizational connections between partial auxiliary processes is one of the conditions for the effective functioning of an enterprise. There is also only an organizational connection between partial main and auxiliary processes. Supporting processes consist of supporting activities and employ supporting workers.

Service processes are aimed at servicing main and auxiliary processes. As a result of these processes, no economic product is created. This is how service processes differ from main and auxiliary processes.

Servicing includes

processes of material and technical support of production,

control processes,


storage, etc.

Unlike auxiliary processes, servicing processes have stable organizational, production and technological connections with the main and auxiliary processes. Thus, to produce competitive products, it is necessary to ensure not only end-to-end quality control of all main production processes, but also quality control of materials and semi-finished products included in the finished product. This is only possible if control becomes part of the technological process. Servicing partial processes consist of servicing operations and employ servicing workers.

One of the main tasks of organizing production is to ensure an effective combination in time and space of main, auxiliary and service processes. In the context of improving equipment and production technology, it is extremely important to implement an integrated approach to the organization of main, auxiliary and service production. The structure of auxiliary and servicing processes and the proportions of development of their components must be brought into line with the characteristics of the main process. To ensure the production of competitive products, it is necessary to improve the organization and modern equipment of auxiliary and service production. The trend of integration of main, service and auxiliary processes can be observed in automated complexes and in continuous production.

Depending on the degree of complexity of production organization distinguish between simple and complex manufacturing processes.

Rice. 24 Classification production processes

Simple are called production processes consisting of sequentially carried out actions on a simple object of labor. A simple process differs from a complex one in the absence of assembly operations. Using a simple process, structurally simple products are manufactured - individual parts of future complex products.

Difficult process is a set of simple processes for the production of semi-finished products, included in one complex ready product. A complex process is characterized by one or more assembly operations. This process requires more accurate simple process technological and organizational linking of its constituent partial processes.

Depending on technical equipment production processes can be classified into four groups: manual, machine-manual, machine, automatic and instrumental.

Manual processes characterized by the absence of any mechanisms during their implementation. In this case, the productivity of such a process depends on the qualifications of the workers and the efficiency of the organization of their work. Example manual process The operation of adjusting a tool, carrying a load, etc. may serve.

On machine-manual operations the object of labor is processed with the direct participation of the worker using machines. Productivity in machine-manual operations depends both on the qualifications of the worker and on the speed of the machine. Examples of such operations include turning, metalworking, and carpentry.

Machine operations carried out on machines with limited participation of workers. To a large extent, the output of such an operation is determined by the operating speed of the machine, but the qualifications of the worker are also important. Machine processes include, for example, the process of stamping and casting a product.

On automatic operations the production process is fully automated, its productivity is determined by the performance of the equipment, and the worker is assigned the function of monitoring and controlling the operation of the equipment. An example of an automatic process is an operation on CNC machines, robotic systems, etc.

Hardware operations are performed using equipment, the performance of which is determined by the speed of chemical, physico-chemical, electrochemical and similar processes. A worker in such operations performs the same functions as in automatic operations.

In Fig. a classification of production processes and operations according to various criteria is presented.

Any labor process includes two main components: means of production, which in turn are divided into the subject of labor and the means of labor. In economics, means of labor are usually called fixed assets or fixed assets of an enterprise.

Fixed assets (funds) – that part of production assets that is involved in the production process long time, while maintaining their natural shape, and their cost is transferred to the manufactured product gradually, in parts, as it is used.

Fixed production assets (funds) are the material and technical base of social production. The production capacity of the enterprise and, to a large extent, the level of technical equipment of labor depend on their volume. The main production assets are divided into the following groups:

1 Buildings - buildings and buildings in which the processes of main, auxiliary and auxiliary production take place; administrative buildings; economic buildings.

2 Structures – engineering and construction facilities that are necessary for the production process: roads, overpasses, tunnels, bridges, etc.

3 Transmission devices – water supply and electrical networks; heating network, gas networks, wires, i.e. objects carrying out the transfer various types energy.

4 Machinery and equipment:

Power machines and equipment, including all types of power units and engines;

Working machines and equipment that directly affect the subject of labor or its movement in the process of creating products;

Measuring and regulating instruments and devices and laboratory equipment intended for measurements, regulation of production processes, testing and research;

Computer Engineering: electronic computers, analog control machines, as well as machines and devices used to control production and technological processes.

5 Vehicles – enterprise-owned rolling stock railways, water and automobile transport, as well as in-plant vehicles: trucks, trolleys, trolleys, etc.

6 Industrial equipment and accessories intended for storing materials, tools and facilitating labor - workbenches, racks, tables, containers, etc.

7 Household equipment – ​​items for office and household purposes (furniture, fireproof cabinets, duplicating devices, fire-fighting items, etc.).

8 Working and productive livestock.

9 Perennial plantings.

10 Capital costs for land improvement (without structures).

11 Other fixed assets

Basic production assets are usually divided into two parts: the active and passive part. The active part of fixed assets includes those assets that are directly involved in the production process (machinery and equipment). The passive part of fixed assets includes those funds that provide normal functioning production process. On average, for production, the active part of fixed assets is 60%, and the passive part is 40% of the total composition of fixed assets. The most important factors influencing the structure of fixed production assets are: the nature of the products produced, the volume of output, the level of automation and mechanization, the level of specialization and cooperation, the climatic and geographical conditions of the location of enterprises.

In addition, all fixed assets are divided into fixed production assets and fixed non-productive assets. The main production assets include those that are directly involved in the production process (machines, equipment, machine tools, etc.) or create the conditions for the production process (industrial buildings, pipelines, etc.). Fixed non-productive assets (funds) include residential buildings, children's and other cultural and social services for workers, which are on the balance sheet of the enterprise. Unlike means of production, they do not participate in the production process and do not transfer their value to the product, because it is not produced. Despite the fact that non-productive fixed assets do not provide direct influence on production volume, growth in labor productivity, a constant increase in these funds is inextricably linked with improving the well-being of the enterprise’s workers and increasing material and cultural level their lives, which ultimately affects the results of the enterprise.

Fixed assets are also usually classified according to the following criteria:

By accessory:

Own funds(on the balance sheet of the enterprise);

Leased (temporary use for a fee, leasing of fixed assets);

By the nature of participation in the production process:


In stock or conservation;

The age structure is particularly used for planning and recovery, i.e. for the reproduction of fixed assets.

According to technical suitability:

Suitable equipment;

Equipment requiring overhaul;

Equipment that needs to be written off.

In general, fixed assets of an enterprise are means of labor that participate in production without losing their original form, and transfer their value to finished products in the form of depreciation charges. Fixed assets are divided into production and non-production, into active and passive parts.

In order to assess the efficiency of use of fixed assets by an enterprise, it is necessary to calculate the so-called indicators of use of fixed assets. These indicators adequately reflect the degree of use of fixed assets. But, in order to evaluate the use of fixed assets, in addition to calculating indicators, it is necessary to carefully analyze these indicators and identify the factors that influenced their value.

Production is the central link of the enterprise, where the final product is created that has the specified consumer properties. Production is the creation of material goods necessary for the existence and development of society. The content of production determines work activity, which assumes the following points:

Purposeful work or work itself;

The subject of labor, that is, everything towards which human labor is directed;

Means (tools) of labor are machines, equipment, tools with the help of which a person transforms objects of labor.

The result of material production is the creation of a final product with specified consumer properties. A product is any item or set of items of labor to be manufactured at an enterprise.

The production process is the totality of all actions of people and means of production aimed at producing products. The production process consists of the following processes:

The main ones are technological processes during which changes occur in the geometric shapes, sizes and physical and chemical properties of products;

Auxiliary processes are those that ensure the uninterrupted flow of the main processes (manufacture and repair of tools and equipment; repair of equipment; provision of all types of energy (electric, thermal, steam, water, compressed air, etc.);

Servicing processes are processes associated with servicing both main and auxiliary processes, but as a result of which products are not created (storage, transportation, technical control etc.).

In the conditions of automated, automatic and flexible integrated production, auxiliary and servicing processes are, to one degree or another, combined with the main ones and become an integral part of the production processes.

Technological processes, in turn, are divided into phases. A phase is a set of works, the implementation of which characterizes the completion of a certain part of the technological process and is associated with the transition of the subject of labor from one qualitative state to another. The technological process consists of technological actions – operations – performed sequentially on a given object of labor. An operation is a part of a technological process performed at one workplace (machine, stand, unit, etc.), consisting of a series of actions on each object of labor or a group of jointly processed objects. Operations that do not lead to changes in the geometric shapes, sizes, physical and chemical properties of objects of labor are classified as non-technological operations (transport, loading and unloading, control, testing, picking, etc.).

Operations also differ depending on the means of labor used:

  • manual – performed without the use of machines, mechanisms and mechanized tools;
  • machine-manual - performed using machines or hand tools with the continuous participation of the worker;
  • machine - performed on machines, installations, units with limited participation of the worker (for example, installation, fastening, starting and stopping the machine, unfastening and removing parts, etc.);
  • automated – performed on automatic equipment or automatic lines.

Organization of production is a set of methods that ensure the most appropriate combination and use in time and space of means of labor, objects of labor and labor itself for the purpose of effectively conducting production processes and business activity in general.

The nature and structure of production depend on the characteristics of the products produced, the type of production, the tools and objects of labor used and technological processes.

Production structure of the enterprise

The production structure of an enterprise is the composition and relationship between its production divisions. The production structure characterizes the division of labor between divisions of the enterprise and their cooperation. It influences the technical and economic indicators of production, the structure of enterprise management, the organization of operational and accounting.

The production structure consists of four stages: production, workshop, production site, workplace.

The main production determines the profile of this enterprise. This is the part of the enterprise where the main products are produced; it covers all processes associated with the transformation of raw materials into finished products. The results of the entire enterprise depend on the organization of the main production.

Auxiliary production consists of processes of material and technical support of the main production. Auxiliary production shops include tool, repair, and energy shops. The number of auxiliary workshops and their sizes depend on the scale of production and the composition of the main workshops.

Servicing production ensures the uninterrupted operation of the main production (warehouse, transport facilities).

By-product production produces products from waste from the main production.

Based production structure a master plan of the enterprise is being developed, i.e., the spatial arrangement of all workshops and services, as well as paths and communications on the territory of the plant. At the same time, the direct flow of material flows must be ensured. The workshop should be located in the sequence of the production process.

The workshop is the main structural unit of the enterprise. It is endowed with a certain production and economic independence, is an organizationally, technically and administratively separate production unit and performs the production functions assigned to it. Each workshop receives a single planned task that regulates the volume of work performed, quality indicators and marginal costs for the planned volume of work.

Workshops and sections are created according to the principle of specialization:

  • technological;
  • subject;
  • subject-closed;
  • mixed.

Technological specialization is based on the unity of the applied technological processes. This ensures high equipment utilization, but makes operational and production planning difficult, and lengthens the production cycle due to increased transport operations. Technological specialization is used mainly in single and small-scale production.

Subject specialization is based on concentrating the activities of workshops (sections) on the production of homogeneous products. This allows you to concentrate the production of a part or product within a workshop (site), which creates the prerequisites for organizing direct-flow production, simplifies planning and accounting, and shortens the production cycle. Subject specialization is typical for large-scale and mass production.

If a complete cycle of manufacturing a part or product is carried out within a workshop or site, this division is called subject-closed.

The workshop and (sections) organized according to the subject-closed principle of specialization have significant economic advantages, since this reduces the duration of the production cycle as a result of the complete or partial elimination of counter or return movements, reduces the loss of time for equipment readjustment, simplifies the planning system and operational management progress of production.

A production site is a division that unites a number of workplaces, grouped according to certain characteristics, which carries out part of the production process for the manufacture of products or servicing the production process. Production sites, interconnected, specialize in detail and technology.

A workplace is a link in the production process served by one or more workers. The workplace is intended to perform a specific production or service operation and is equipped with appropriate equipment and organizational and technical means.

Types of production

The type of production organization is understood as comprehensive description features of the organization and technical level industrial production. The type of production has a great influence on the scale of the enterprise, the formation of its structure, conditions, requirements and criteria for the rational organization of production. The type of production is the totality of its organizational, technical and economic features. The type of production is determined by the following factors:

  • range of manufactured products;
  • volume of output;
  • degree of constancy of the range of manufactured products;
  • the nature of workloads.

There are three main types of production - single, serial, mass. Unit production involves the piece production of products of a varied and variable range of limited consumption.

The most important features of this type of production are as follows:

  • variety of manufactured products, often non-repetitive;
  • organization of jobs based on technological specialization;
  • use of universal equipment and technological equipment;
  • presence of a large volume of manual operations;
  • big specific gravity highly skilled general-purpose workers involved in the production process;
  • significant duration of the production cycle;
  • significant amount of work in progress;
  • decentralization of operational production planning and production management;
  • a relatively high share of production waste;
  • relatively high costs of human labor.

Batch production involves the simultaneous production in batches of a wide range of homogeneous products, the production of which is repeated over a long period of time. In mass production, products are produced in batches.

A production batch is a group of products of the same name and standard size, launched into production within a certain time interval with the same preparatory and final time for the operation. Operational batch - a production batch or part thereof arriving at the workplace to perform a technological operation.

Key Features:

  • constancy of a relatively large range of repeating products manufactured in significant quantities;
  • specialization of jobs to perform several assigned operations;
  • frequency of manufacturing products in batches, processing parts in batches;
  • the predominance of special and specialized equipment and technical equipment, etc.

Depending on the number of simultaneously manufactured products in a series, small-, medium- and large-scale production is distinguished.

Mass production is characterized by continuity and a relatively long period of production of a limited range of homogeneous products in large quantities. Enterprises with mass production include, for example, watch factories, clothing and knitting factories, etc.

Mass production - highest form production specialization, which allows the enterprise to concentrate the production of one or several standard sizes of products of the same name. An indispensable condition for mass production is the level of standardization and unification of parts and assemblies.

Main features of mass production:

  • strictly established production of a small item in huge quantities;
  • specialization of jobs to perform, as a rule, one assigned operation;
  • arrangement of workplaces in the order of operations;
  • a large proportion of special and specialized equipment and technological equipment;
  • a large proportion of complex mechanized, automated technological processes, etc.

Enterprises, sites and individual workplaces are classified by type of production. The type of production of an enterprise is determined by the type of production of the leading workshop, and the type of production of the workshop is determined by the characteristics of the area where the most critical operations are performed and the bulk of the production assets are concentrated.

The classification of a plant as one or another type of production is conditional, since at the enterprise and even in individual workshops there may be a combination various types production.

The type of production has a decisive influence on the features of the organization of production, its economic indicators, the cost structure (in a single production there is a high share of living labor, and in mass production there are costs for repair and maintenance needs and equipment maintenance), different levels equipment.

A production cycle is a calendar period of time during which a material, workpiece or other processed item goes through all the operations of the production process or a certain part of it and is transformed into a finished product (or a finished part thereof). It is expressed in calendar days or (if the product is low-labor) in hours.

There are simple and complex production cycles. A simple production cycle is the cycle of manufacturing a part. A complex production cycle is a product manufacturing cycle. The duration of the production cycle largely depends on the method of transferring the part (product) from operation to operation. There are three types of movement of a part (product) during its manufacturing process:

  • consistent;
  • parallel;
  • parallel-serial.

The most cost-effective form of organizing the production process is continuous production, the features of which are:

  • assigning one or a limited number of product items to a specific group of workplaces;
  • rhythmic repeatability of time-coordinated technological and auxiliary operations;
  • specialization of jobs;
  • location of equipment and workplaces along the technological process;
  • use of special Vehicle for interoperational transfer of products.

In continuous production, the following principles are implemented:

  • specializations;
  • parallelism;
  • proportionality;
  • straightness;
  • continuity;
  • rhythmicity.

Flow production ensures the highest labor productivity, low production costs, and the shortest production cycle. The basis (primary link) of continuous production is the production line.

When designing and organizing production lines, calculations of indicators are performed that determine the operating regulations of the line and methods for performing technological operations.

Production line cycle is the time interval between the release of products (parts, assembly units) from the last operation or their launch into the first operation of the production line.

Rhythm is the number of products produced by a production line per unit of time, or the reciprocal of tact. Backlog is a production stock of materials, blanks or product components to ensure the uninterrupted flow of production processes on production lines.

The following types of reserves are distinguished:

  • technological;
  • transport;
  • reserve (insurance);
  • turnover interoperational.

Synchronization is the process of aligning the duration of a technological process operation according to the cycle of the production line. The operation time must be equal to the line clock cycle or a multiple of it. Synchronization methods:

  • differentiation of operations;
  • concentration of operations;
  • installation of additional equipment;
  • intensification of equipment operation (increase in processing modes);
  • use of advanced tools and equipment;
  • improving the organization of workplace servicing, etc.

The highest form of flow production is automated production, which combines the main features of flow production with its automation. In automated production, the operation of equipment, units, devices, installations occurs automatically according to a given program, and the worker monitors their work, eliminates deviations from the given process, and adjusts the automated equipment. There are partial and complex automation.

With partial automation, the worker is completely freed from work related to the implementation of technological processes. In transport and control operations when servicing equipment, during the installation process, manual labor is completely or partially reduced.

In conditions of complex-automated production, the technological process of manufacturing products, managing this process, transporting products, control operations, and removing production waste are carried out without human intervention, but equipment maintenance is manual.

The main element of automated production is automatic production lines (APLs). Automatic production line - a complex of automatic equipment located in the technological sequence of operations, connected by an automatic transport system and a system automatic control and providing automatic transformation of raw materials (blanks) into a finished product (for a given auto line). When working on a nuclear submarine, a worker performs the functions of setting up and monitoring the operation of equipment, as well as the function of loading the line with workpieces. Main features of nuclear submarines:

Automatic execution of technological operations (without human intervention);

Automatic movement of the product between individual units of the line.

Automatic complexes with a closed cycle of product production - a series of automatic lines interconnected by automatic transport and loading unloading devices.

Automated sections (shops) include automatic production lines, autonomous automatic complexes, automatic transport systems, automatic warehouse systems; automatic systems quality control, automatic control systems, etc.

In the conditions of a constantly changing unstable market (especially multi-item production), an important task is to increase the flexibility (versatility) of automated production in order to maximally satisfy the requirements, needs and demands of consumers, faster and more efficiently. minimal costs master the production of new products.

Automatic production lines are especially effective in mass production. Rapid turnover of products and requirements for their low cost at high quality(say, under conditions of single production) leads to a contradiction: on the one hand, low production costs (all other things being equal) are ensured by the use of automatic lines, special equipment; on the other hand, the design and manufacture of such equipment often exceeds 1.5–2 years (even under current conditions), that is, by the time the product begins production, it is already obsolete.

The use of universal equipment (non-automatic) increases the complexity of production, that is, the price, which is unacceptable for the market. This problem is solved by creating a flexible production system in which integration takes place:

  • equipment;
  • (blanks, parts, products, fixtures, equipment, basic and auxiliary materials);
  • main, auxiliary and servicing production processes;
  • service by merging all service processes into a single system;
  • information flows for decision making across all divisions of the system, as well as means of displaying information;
  • personnel through the merging of professions (designer–technologist–programmer–organizer).

Source - Enterprise Economics: textbook / I. S. Bolshukhina; under general ed. V. V. Kuznetsova. – Ulyanovsk: Ulyanovsk State Technical University, 2007. – 118 p.