Making a hot smoked smokehouse. Homemade smokehouse, hot smoked smokehouse with your own hands step by step Powerful hot smoked smokehouse with your own hands

Smoking has long been one of the most favorite ways of preparing meat and fish products. But since there are several types of smoking, amateurs are often faced with a choice: which smoking to prefer - hot or cold? Experts with experience in this industry largely prefer hot smoking, which can be applied to various types of meat and fish, and to confirm their choice they list a large number of the advantages of a hot smoked smokehouse, which we, of course, will consider in this material. The modern variety of products presented in the relevant field allows you to purchase a hot smoked smokehouse in a specialized store, and those who like to make purchases in a relaxed atmosphere will be able to do this in the appropriate online stores. And the operation of factory smokehouses is not difficult - just place the firewood in a special compartment, place the food inside, close the door tightly, light the fuel and, after the allotted time, enjoy the aromatic, golden smoked meats. But what to do if you are only going to indulge in smoked meats from time to time? Why do you need unnecessary waste money if you can make a homemade hot smoked smokehouse that is in no way inferior to industrial models. And the answer to the question: “How to make a hot smoked smokehouse?” look in the article prepared by our specialists.

Features of various types of smoking: studying the smoking process

Smoking is one of the most common types of heat treatment of products, which has a preservative effect on them. During the smoking process, products acquire a specific aroma, are also saturated with smoke substances released during the combustion process, and are subject to partial dehydration, which helps extend the shelf life of products. There are hot, semi-hot and cold smoking. Each of these types is characterized by its own advantages and disadvantages.

Hot called smoking, carried out at a temperature of at least 50-60 degrees for small fish. It is a priority when smoking low-fat products. The process of hot smoking occurs quite quickly and is smoking carried out in hot smoke. In the lower section of the smokehouse, small chips smolder, and above them hang meat, fish, vegetables or cheese, which are quickly brought to readiness at a smoke temperature of 80 to 140 degrees, depending on the type of product. Since the process of hot smoking involves melting of fat, only low-fat products are suitable for it, which after such heat treatment can be stored for no more than two days.

Cold smoking, unlike hot, the process is more labor-intensive, which can last up to several days and actually represents a somewhat accelerated withering of products. In order to achieve cooling of the smoke, a pipe is pulled from the place where the firewood is smoldering, the length of which reaches 1-2 meters, and in order to control the temperature of the smoke, a thermometer is installed in the smoking chamber. As for meat, it is smoked at a temperature of 15-20 degrees, and fish - from 20 to 40. Products treated with cold smoke can be stored for quite a long time.

Semi-hot smoking is an intermediate option between hot and cold smoking.

General structure of the simplest hot smoked smokehouse. The essence of the smoking process

A home hot smoked smokehouse is essentially a container, the volume of which depends only on your preferences and needs. But no matter how much food you want to smoke at one time, the smokehouse must be of such a volume that it can accommodate a grate for storing food, and a tray necessary to ensure that fat dripping from smoked meat or fish does not fall on coals, which can reduce the taste characteristics of the finished product. The grate can be made from metal rods connected by welding. However, the main element of the smokehouse, which it cannot do without, is the area for placing firewood, which is located at the very bottom of the tank. Various types of wood can be used as wood material, the choice of which will be discussed a little later.

To make a hot smoked smokehouse, it is recommended to use stainless steel, which combines such characteristics as resistance to heat, high strength and lack of tendency to corrosion under the influence of aggressive factors external environment. In order to make it easier to insert and remove products, the smokehouse design should include a lid or door. And in order for the design of the smokehouse to be completely complete, equip it in such a way that the smokehouse capacity is at a slightly elevated distance from the ground, which can be achieved by making metal legs. This is necessary in order to locate the fire source. Since it is not the fire that is important for the process, but the heating temperature, you can choose the source of fire at your discretion.

The essence of the smoking process:

Once the food has been placed on the metal grate and wood, such as juniper sprigs, in the lower part, close the smoker tightly and begin heating the lower part. As the fire begins to flare up, the wood smolders and releases aromatic hot smoke, which rises up and passes through the products laid on the grill, causing smoking. The duration of smoking depends on the number of products, the size of the smokehouse, the temperature of the smoke and your preferences, however, after 40 minutes it is recommended to test the results obtained, since if the smokehouse overheats, the process technology may be disrupted.

Advantages of a hot smoked smokehouse:

  • The simplicity of the design of a hot smoked smokehouse makes it easy to manufacture at home;
  • The following advantage follows from the previous advantage, the essence of which is the absence of the need for large financial investments for making a smokehouse;
  • Using a smokehouse anywhere: at home, in the country or outdoors;
  • When using a hot smoked smokehouse, the smoking process is characterized by speed and simplicity;
  • No need for additional processing of smoked products.

Hot smoked smokehouse photo

Hot smoked smokehouse: step-by-step instructions

Let's consider one of the options for installing a hot smoked smokehouse with your own hands using metal sheets. Before you begin installing the smokehouse, study the most common drawings of a hot smoked smokehouse, which are presented in our material. It is worth noting that the dimensions of the smokehouse for hot smoking are quite variable and depend only on your taste preferences and the amount of material you have:

To work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Two metal sheets with dimensions 150x60 cm, the thickness of which does not exceed 2 mm;
  • Thin fittings;
  • Welding machine and grinder;
  • Construction corner.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

  • Using a grinder, cut one of the metal sheets into 4 equal parts. Dividing exactly into equal parts is necessary so that the finished smokehouse acquires a square cross-section;
  • Use drip welding to join the two sheets. In the process of connecting them, use the construction angle to achieve the ideal ratio of the two planes, equal to 90 degrees;
  • To achieve the tightness of the metal box, carefully weld the internal seams;
  • Divide the second sheet into two parts and cut out the bottom of the future smokehouse from one half of the metal sheet and weld it to the finished box;

  • From the remaining part of the metal, cut out 4 identical strips, the dimensions of which are slightly larger than the outer dimensions of the smokehouse, and weld them to a metal sheet, with dimensions similar to those of the bottom or walls of the smokehouse (since the smokehouse is square-shaped, their dimensions are the same). The result should be a lid of moderate depth that easily fits onto the body of a homemade hot smoker.
  • So, our smokehouse can be considered almost ready. To complete the process, it is necessary to weld metal rods located in two levels in the upper and lower parts of the smokehouse, as well as comfortable handles. The lower level of rods is necessary for installing a tray into which fat from smoking products will drain, and the upper level is for placing hooks with lard, fish or other products, depending on your preferences.

How else to make a smokehouse? Backup option for the lazy

Most in a simple way Making a hot smoked smokehouse involves assembling a smokehouse from a bucket or large pan. To make a smokehouse, experts recommend using stainless steel buckets, while the use of galvanized buckets is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that during the heating process toxic zinc oxide is released, which penetrates into food and causes serious harm to the body. Also stock up on a lid for a pot or bucket in which you need to make holes for the smoke to escape. The design of a smokehouse made from a bucket involves the installation of three grates. The lower one is located one third from the bottom of the homemade smokehouse, while the upper one, on the contrary, is one third from its lid. As for the middle grille, its location is approximately 5 cm lower than the top grille.

To make gratings, use steel wire. Wrap wire around the smokehouse in the places where you plan to place the grates, then cut the wire to the required length. Make hoops from finished pieces of wire and connect them by welding the joints. After the hoops are ready, intertwine them with pre-prepared, thinner wire, ensuring that the width of the cells does not exceed 2 cm. For those who do not want to bother with making lattices, experts suggest using a mold from an old dumpling maker.

Next, start preparing shavings, sawdust and wood chips for the smokehouse. Experts recommend using oak, rowan, alder or juniper shavings. Wood shavings will also work fruit trees. As for birch shavings or coniferous wood chips, on the contrary, it is not recommended to use them, since products that are smoked will acquire a bitter taste. Pour the prepared wood chips onto the bottom of the homemade smokehouse in a layer the thickness of which reaches 1.5-2 cm, then install the lower grate, on which place the tray necessary to collect fat. Pallet dimensions are important practical significance, since it should not be excessively large so as not to create an obstacle to the passage of smoke. Having installed the tray, place the second and then the third grate with the laid product that you are going to smoke. After completing all of the above steps, close the smokehouse tightly to prevent air from entering it and subsequently igniting the fuel, and hang it over the fire. It is important to know that the flame during the smoking process should not be too large so that the smoked product does not burn.

During the smoking process, it is not recommended to open the lid in order to check the readiness of the product. You can easily do this by assessing the color and structure of the smoke. On initial stage Smoking smoke is usually thick, which indicates smoldering wood chips. Then it gradually begins to turn white and becomes less abundant. At this stage, it is important to ensure that the smoke does not become yellow, which clearly indicates wood fire. If you follow our recommendations and smoke the product over low heat, it will be ready in 45-50 minutes, when the smoke becomes dry and acquires a pleasant aroma. To determine the temperature of the smoker, splash water on the lid. The optimal temperature is indicated by its silent evaporation, but not boiling.

Various options for hot smoked smokehouses and their advantages

The design option shown in the figure is the most improved. The presence of a baking sheet (it is located to the left of the smokehouse and is a bit like its lid) allows you to smoke fattier products without fear that the fat released during the smoking process will get on the wood chips and thereby create an obstacle to its smoldering. And the use of two grids at the same time, provided by the design, allows you to prepare a larger number of products.

All considered designs are characterized by mobility, which determines their use in any conditions. For home use We suggest you pay attention to the massive stationary smokehouse shown in the figure, which can only be used at home. This device is more professional and will allow you to prepare high quality products.

To make a smokehouse, a version of which is shown in the following figure, no special professional skills are required. If you have two 50 liter barrels and a grinder at your disposal, after making cuts in the appropriate places, you can easily install these barrels as shown in the figure.

In order for the finished product to have excellent taste characteristics, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for choosing firewood for a smokehouse, which not everyone is familiar with. In this regard, our goal is to tell them to you. In order for the finished product to please you with a pleasant taste and aroma, you must use raw wood, in the absence of which the logs are additionally moistened.

Advice! If, despite our clear recommendations regarding the choice of wood, you decide to use birch logs, remove the bark from them before starting smoking. Otherwise, the products will acquire a bitter taste.

To give your food a specific, pleasant aroma, add juniper branches or cherry leaves to the firewood.

Advice! It is also not recommended to use it as firewood for a smokehouse. conifers trees, due to their high resin content.

According to experts, the color and, accordingly, the quality of the finished product is influenced by the degree of combustion of firewood. Incomplete combustion promotes the appearance of light smoke, which significantly improves the taste characteristics of smoked meats.

It is important to know that it is forbidden to fan the fire in the smokehouse to eliminate the risk of accidental fire. Ready-made, chopped logs are placed in the smokehouse and covered with sawdust or wood chips on top, which smolder, but, despite this, do not burn.

As for the color characteristics of the finished product, they depend on the wood species you choose. In order to obtain a golden shade of products, use mahogany, while the product will acquire a dark yellow shade due to the smoldering of alder and oak sawdust.

To operate the smokehouse, use old garden trees that have outlived their usefulness, or tree branches obtained after pruning;

It is not recommended to use only large firewood, as it is only suitable for producing coal. Therefore, first put firewood in the stove and set it on fire, and then place a tray with shavings of fruit trees, which will smolder and give the smoke a pleasant aroma;

To get high-quality aromatic smoke, after receiving the coals, close the holes in the lid to ensure efficient smoldering of the sawdust;

The quality of smoking depends not only on the type of wood chosen. Also important is the constant supply of smoke until the product to be smoked is finally ready. Taking this into account, in order to maintain a constant smoking temperature, sawdust must be constantly added to the pallet.

Hot smoked smokehouse video

A home smokehouse differs from an outdoor smokehouse in the source of energy used. Fire is used for heating outdoors, while gas or electricity is used indoors. A home smoker can also be heated on an electric stove.

Attention! Do not use expensive electric stoves to heat the smokehouse, as during heating the bottom may become deformed and cause damage to the stove.

For self-creation smokehouse you need to choose its dimensions. The classic device has the following dimensions: 50x30x30 cm. This device will be convenient for preparing small portions of meat and fish products. It's different compactness and ease of manufacture.

Photo 1. Homemade homemade smokehouse powered by a gas stove. The chimney is out the window.

To carry out the work you will need:

  1. metal sheets thickness 2 mm;
  2. tape measure and square;
  3. reinforcement of small thickness;
  4. turbine with metal discs;
  5. welding machine.

Important! Before you start connecting parts, it is better to create paper drawing or do pattern diagram on a cardboard sheet to make it easier to cut out parts of the required size.

Smokehouse details:

  • lid ( 18x45x30 cm);
  • lattice ( 8x30x45 cm);
  • pallet ( 30x45 cm);
  • box (45x20x18 cm).

How to make a smokehouse at home with your own hands

Cut out the transverse walls from a steel sheet ( thirty by thirty centimeters) and longitudinal ( thirty by fifty centimeters). The result is a rectangular sheet.

Then the bottom is cut out. It's better to do it a little more to overlap weld. Parts are welded at right angles.

The smokehouse must have perfect tightness, otherwise acrid smoke and heat will seep through the cracks.

In order for the welding to be of higher quality, the seams are additionally welded inside the fixture.

Reference. In apartment conditions, it is best to use devices for hot smoked. They allow you to cook quickly and do not take up much space.

Used for smoking wood chips, which does not burn, but smolders at a temperature of at least 60 degrees. The smokehouse lid is made into a “house”. Thanks to this, small pieces of fish, meat or other products can be placed on the hooks. Placed on the lid water seal for better sealing. For this purpose, a channel is used for water, which is poured last, this prevents smoke from entering the apartment.

Flat cover make a little bigger size so that the smoking cabinet closes freely. A handle is welded to the lid and a small metal smoke exhaust pipe. A tube is better than a hole. It has a small cross-section, it is durable and a hose is easily put on it, which is easily routed through the window.

To make a home smokehouse, it is best to use stainless steel. It is not subject to corrosion and allows the device to be used for a long time.

Interior diagram

Installed in the smoking cabinet lattice and hooks. Products are placed on them.

How to make a tray onto which fat will drain during smoking?

If the drip tray is not used, the grease will drip directly onto the smoldering wood chips and this will spoil the taste of the food. The pallet is easy to make. Its size should be slightly less than the bottom size. He is placed curved side up.

Photo 2. Home smokehouse disassembled. The grease tray is installed on the grate.

The pallet is placed on the grill. It is best to do it with the possibility of removal. This will allow you to regularly wash the element, which will not interfere with the loading of wood chips.

Making legs

The legs help to conveniently install the grids on which the products will lie. First they cut off 4 U-shaped pieces of wire. They are attached to them by welding transverse pieces of wire. One grid is located at the bottom. Its legs are placed on a pallet. The upper mesh is welded with legs to the frame of the lower one.

The grating is made from reinforcement using welding criss-cross. Hooks are made by bending wire.

Reference. Smoked foods are much healthier than fried ones. This is due to the fact that during smoking, fat comes out of the products, which can be deposited in the body in the form of harmful cholesterol. In addition, smoked foods last longer than fried foods.

Additional items

Handles are installed on the sides of the device for easy movement and delivery to the fire. After welding, treat seams, edges and bends well with sandpaper. This will prevent scratches from burrs and sharp edges while smoking.

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Device assembly, drawings

After you have made all the parts, start assembling the structure. There are no big difficulties in this. The parts are attached to each other in the sequence shown in the drawing. During the first assembly it is worth checking how well all the parts fit together so that there are no problems during smoking.

Photo 3. Drawing of a box for a smokehouse: cut-out view, side, top. Material: sheet stainless steel 1-1.5 mm.

The cover should easy to install and remove. But if the dimensions and bend angle are not met, then this element will be inconvenient to use. For example, the cover may become jammed and can only be removed with great effort. This is very inconvenient and dangerous when the smokehouse is already heated up. In addition, this can spoil the products, which simply overheat and become unsuitable for consumption. Therefore, it is worth testing the smoker before loading food into it.

Photo 4. Drawing of a portable smokehouse indicating the dimensions and parts of the device.

Difficulties in manufacturing

In order to qualitatively assemble all the elements of the smokehouse, It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  1. Be sure to secure the metal well before cutting it using a grinder. The tool creates powerful vibration and if the material is poorly secured, the cut line will be uneven and serious gaps will appear between the parts, which are difficult to repair even by welding. Use clamps to secure. This will prevent serious injury.
  2. When marking parts, consider the thickness of the disk, installed on the angle grinder. The cutting line needs to be enlarged to maintain the dimensions.
  3. To bend metal at right angles, mark the sheet using a square. The sheet bends easily and evenly if you first tap the fold line with a chisel and hammer. You need to create a small indentation along the line. It is easy to bend metal by placing the bend line on a smooth and sharp edge of the table. Bending is carried out gradually across the entire width of the sheet. Then it will be uniform and the sheet will not be deformed.

Important! To ensure that the products in the smokehouse are not subjected to excessive temperature treatment, install a thermometer in it. The temperature should not exceed 100 degrees.?

Let's sum it up

Assembling a smokehouse for home is not so difficult if you have the right tools and materials. Device size may vary, depending on how many foods you will be preparing.

Before creating a smokehouse, familiarize yourself with visual aids, which consistently show how to carry out the work correctly.

A self-assembled device for home smoked will save you money and allow you to enjoy dishes, many of which cannot be bought in the store.

Useful video

Watch a video that shows the process of making a homemade smokehouse with your own hands.

Smoked products have a surprisingly appetizing aroma and mind-blowing taste, but their price in the store is often no less impressive. It’s definitely not possible to consume cold or hot smoked products every day, because this pleasure is not cheap. There is only one way out - to build a smokehouse yourself. Such a unit would be appropriate in the backyard of a private house or summer cottage. If you don’t have the slightest idea how to make a smokehouse with your own hands, then this article will definitely help you turn your idea into reality.

Smoking is a type of heat treatment of food that has been known since ancient times. His distinctive feature is that the products are processed with smoke. During the smoking process, it is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature, amount of smoke, uniformity of heating and fumigation of the product.

This method of cooking has a number of advantages, thanks to which it has not lost its relevance since time immemorial:

● smoked products retain a large amount of useful microelements and vitamins, if they are not very susceptible to influence high temperatures;

● food supplies prepared in this way can be stored for a long time, since smoke has a preservative effect on them.

The taste of the finished dish depends on properly selected firewood. This is due to the fact that each wood burns differently and has an individual taste. Manufacturers of special sawdust recommend choosing their type depending on the product that will be processed:

● alder - it is suitable for preparing any meat and vegetable products;

● oak - intended for pork, beef and other red meat;

● willow - suitable for specific type meat and game, such as bear, elk or deer. You can also smoke fish, which mainly lives in swamps;

● cherry - I use it for smoking vegetables, nuts, and berries.

Cold and hot smoking

The smoking process can occur at different temperatures. The temperature regime directly depends on the distance at which the products are located from the source of smoke. There are the following types of smoking:

● cold - the most delicious smoked meats are obtained when prepared in this way, but the product must be prepared in advance. The temperature during cold smoking is 25-45 degrees, and the process itself can take several days. Such food reserves can be stored very for a long time, without losing its taste, although drying out a little;

● hot - the fastest and most convenient way to cook meat or fish at home, because the finished dish can be served immediately. The process takes about 4 hours at temperature conditions 50-100 degrees. However, it is worth noting that with such processing, food quickly deteriorates.

Types of smokehouses

A DIY smokehouse can be different types and have your own design features, which directly depend on the needs of the user and his construction capabilities. The most popular are 3 types of smokehouses:

● shaft (vertical);
● tunnel (horizontal);
● chamber.

The mine smokehouse is the easiest to install and does not require a specific installation location. Its structure resembles a canonical hut, with food hanging at the top. However, this type of smokehouse has a number of significant disadvantages, among which some of the most significant are the inaccessibility of smoking by fumigation, as well as limited possibilities for adjusting smoke production.

A tunnel smokehouse requires a fairly large amount of work, most of which is on the ground. You also need to find suitable site for its installation it is necessary that it be on a slope. The smoke generator in such a horizontal device is located in a special semi-closed chamber. Thanks to this, the smoking process can be carried out in any weather conditions. Depending on the length of the channel, both hot and cold smoking can be performed.

The chamber smokehouse is quite primitive in its design, but it is large in size: the height is 1.5 meters and the diameter is 1 meter. During construction, it is important to ensure the required angle of inclination, which varies from 10 to 30 degrees.

Schemes and designs of smokehouses

For each type of smoking, there are also certain types of smokehouses, the design features of which are fundamentally important.

A do-it-yourself hot smoked smokehouse is a container that has a lid that must close tightly. This device can be constructed from a metal box, barrel, or bucket. The main components of the smokehouse are:

● firebox - it is located directly under the chamber and performs the heating function;
● sealed smoking chamber - responsible for uniform heating of the air and achieving high temperatures. Since the hot smoking process generally occurs at a temperature of 100 degrees, there can be several chambers;
● a water seal - its installation will help reduce the amount of carcinogens in smoke, as well as create a barrier to air flows inside and outside;
● gratings - products that can be processed are placed on them;
● tray - fat and juice are released from the products, which, falling to the bottom of the chamber, begin to burn, negatively affecting the taste of meat, fish and vegetable products. The removable tray should be easy to remove.

The main diagrams of hot smoked smokehouses are shown in the figure below:

A do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse is built on the principle that the smoke that reaches the product must have time to cool. She may be arbitrary sizes and, as a rule, consists of the following main parts:

● firebox - it can be made of brick or made of metal plates. Since the food processing process lasts quite a long time, the firebox should be equipped with a convenient ash pan, as well as a smoke door that regulates the main flow;
● smoking chamber - the temperature during cold smoking is low, so you can use various materials, including wood. The most convenient way would be to use a barrel;
● chimney - it connects the firebox and the chamber. Metal is suitable for its construction. The chimney can also be dug in the ground. It is not recommended to use brick, which is a porous material.

The smokehouse diagram is shown in the figure below:

How to make a smokehouse with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

In order to build a smokehouse yourself, it is not necessary to have professional builder skills and have in stock expensive equipment. Suitable for quite primitive designs ordinary tools and materials that can be bought in a store for little money or even found in the country.

Depending on your capabilities and desires, you can build the following smokehouses:

Our own smokehouse, located on a slope near the dacha, is very convenient and practical to use, because it is suitable for cold smoking of large quantities. species diversity products. The main material for its production is wood.

The instructions for building a camp smokehouse are as follows:

● dig a shaft for a chimney, the width of which is 0.3 meters, length - 6 meters;
● lay a pipe, the diameter of which is 0.2 meters, into the resulting ditch and run it from the location of the fire to the entrance to the smokehouse;
● make the firebox out of brick or weld it out of metal. Its shape should be in the form of a cube with sides of 4 meters;

● install a valve on the firebox on the other side to create draft;
● knock down a sealed smoking chamber from the boards;
● install gratings, a valve, or a panel for collecting products inside the chamber.

In order to equip such a unit on a summer cottage, you will have to spend not only time and effort, but also money. However, the result will be worth all the effort, because the design will not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also work efficiently.

To install it, follow step by step instructions:

● pour a foundation 0.4 meters deep with reinforced wire, metal rods and pieces of reinforcement;
● in advance, make a channel for the chimney in the foundation hole at a distance of 1.5 meters from the smoking chamber;
● lay the pipe along the trench to the firebox;
● build a sealed firebox out of brick or use a metal box;
● connect the firebox to the pipe;
● after the foundation hardens, begin bricklaying the walls;
● make metal rods during the laying process;
● equip the building with a lid.

The simplest hot smoked smokehouse.

A similar design can be purchased at any specialized store, but in order to save money, you can build it yourself:

● choose appropriate place for a smokehouse on a hill;
● equip the area with a metal sheet on which the fire will burn;
● lay the brick base on both sides of the sheet;
● install a metal box on top of the brick posts. You can use a saucepan or bucket;
● equip the box with shelves on which food will be smoked;
● install a tray that will be needed for sawdust;
● equip the box with a lid through which the process of placing products will take place;
● install the valve.

When you suddenly want smoked meats on vacation, but you don’t have a special unit at hand, and don’t see it in the near future, you can build a smokehouse from a barbecue. The construction of such a cunning and simple structure will take at least an hour, or even less, and ready-made and delicious-smelling food will appear on the table in the near future.

To make a smokehouse on the grill, follow the step-by-step instructions:

● find a piece of pipe or a small metal barrel;
● place the find on the grill;
● equip the pipe with a grill;
● add sawdust;
● seal the pipe tightly;
● light a fire.

A simple smokehouse made from a barrel.

Very simple smokehouse can be made from metal barrel And electric heater. To do this, follow the instructions:

● make a hole in the bottom of the barrel;

● install the heater on the bottom by pulling the cord through the hole;

● place a container with sawdust on the stove and cover it with a cap;

● hang food on rods or place it on a wire rack;

● cover the barrel with a lid.

Another interesting option smokehouse - a smokehouse built in the attic. It is connected to the chimney from home fireplace or stoves. This way you can not only heat your home, but also cook delicious smoked meats. The photo shows a diagram of such a smokehouse.

The advantages of your own smokehouse.

It’s quite possible to build a smokehouse with your own hands feasible task for every man who knows how to hold ordinary tools in his hands, wants to acquire a similar unit and loves smoked meats. It’s worth making a smokehouse yourself for several reasons:

● price - specialized stores offer a wide selection of smokehouses, which can be either primitive or equipped additional functions and opportunities. However, the cost of such devices is always high and not everyone can afford it. A DIY smokehouse requires virtually no financial costs. Available materials and means can be used;

● time - it will take very little time to make a smokehouse. Depending on the type of construction, the unit can be built in either a day or an hour;

● ease of use - primitive smokehouses are quite functional and easy to use and maintain. They will allow you to prepare delicious and aromatic meat, fish, cheese and other food products without much effort;

● service life - devices built according to instructions and using recommended materials will serve their owner for several years;

● ease of installation - the design of the smokehouse is elementary, therefore it is easy to install. It easily adapts to existing materials and capabilities.

In the process of building a smokehouse, in fact, as with any other construction work, safety rules must be followed. So, you should get work gloves, make sure the tools are in good working order and the materials at hand are reliable. You should also not neglect basic safety precautions when operating the unit.

How to make a smokehouse. Video reviews

The technology for hot smoking products is quite simple, the process is less labor-intensive and takes little time. It is these reasons that have contributed to the widespread use of hot-smoked smokehouses of the most different designs, and smoking itself has become a favorite way of preparing food for a picnic at the dacha.

What are the features of preparing products using the hot smoking method?

To achieve the readiness of a smoked product using the hot processing method, it will only take a couple of hours. The processing temperature should reach from +75 to +150 C, the processing time will be determined depending on the size of the semi-finished products and the degree of their pre-treatment.

If the smoking regime is followed, then smoked fish, meat or lard will remain juicy, acquire a pleasant aroma and a golden hue, pathogenic microbes that may be in the raw semi-finished product die under the influence of temperature. At the same time, the texture of the processed product becomes softer, and there is a tendency to stratify; this is especially evident when hot smoking fish.

Hot smoked smokehouse and its varieties

Today you can find a large number of different devices for hot smoking, both industrially manufactured and homemade. To make homemade ones, you can use a wide variety of metal containers:

  • buckets,
  • pots,
  • kegs,
  • containers for sterilizing medical instruments.

Such a container must provide for the possibility of its hermetically sealed closure. If you have a choice, it is better to give preference to a vessel with thicker walls - the heat will be stored in it longer.

Inside the container you will need to secure grates and a drip tray for draining fat. One grate is placed in the upper part of the structure, since semi-finished products will be laid out on it, it is advisable to use stainless steel for manufacturing.

It’s easy to make a hot smoked smokehouse with your own hands, just study the drawing of the smokehouse and prepare suitable materials. The principles of arranging a smokehouse for fish and meat are practically no different.

Do-it-yourself hot smoked smokehouse - we construct it from metal sheets

Before starting work, we will prepare the following materials and tools:

  • sheets of 2 mm metal of the appropriate size,
  • thin fittings,
  • grinder,
  • welding machine,
  • corner, tape measure.

The order of work will be as follows:

  1. Using a grinder, metal sheets will need to be cut into 4 equal parts.
  2. Measuring the accuracy of the angles using a square, weld the cut metal pieces at an angle of 90 degrees. Cut the bottom from the remaining sheet and weld it to the resulting structure. Then you will need to weld each internal seam - this will ensure the tightness of the structure.
  3. After creating the box, you can proceed to the lid; to make it you will need to cut 4 strips of metal, larger in length than the size of the box. By welding, assemble a deep cover that fits freely onto the body.
  4. Next, you will need to cut pieces of fittings of the appropriate length and weld them in two levels inside the smokehouse - at the top for placing food, at the bottom for placing a tray for draining fat. For convenience, it is advisable to weld handles on both sides on the outside of the box.

In principle, the smokehouse can be considered ready. An electric stove or a gas stove can serve as a heat generator for it; they are more convenient because make it possible to regulate the temperature inside the smoking compartment. If a higher temperature is required, you will have to build a fire.

Smoking chambers can have the most different sizes and shape - the main condition for their successful functioning is ensuring the tightness of the smokehouse. To determine the required amount of materials, before making a smokehouse you should draw detailed diagram its designs.

Hot smoked smokehouse at home - operating principle

Now you can start smoking meat or fish. They will require pre-processing - salting in accordance with the selected recipe. Before storing, the semi-finished products are removed from the brine and their surface is dried with a paper towel.

A small amount of sawdust is poured into the bottom of the smokehouse. Then semi-finished products are placed on the upper grill, preferably leaving small gaps between the pieces. Now you can light a fire or turn on the stove.

The processing time of products is counted starting from the time the required temperature is reached and smoke appears. During the smoking process, you will need to control the temperature; this is not difficult to do on a stove; you just need to turn the regulator or reduce the gas supply. If we get heat from a fire, then we will have to rake out the coals from it or remove the smoking chamber for a while. Please note that heating the smokehouse to very high temperatures may cause food to burn. But at the same time, the temperature in the chamber must be high and allow efficient processing semi-finished products, the smoking chamber must not be allowed to cool.

How and for how long can you store hot-smoked products?

While cold smoked products can be stored for months, hot smoked products should be consumed within 10-12 hours. perfect option- use immediately after preparation. Another option, which involves storage for a long period, is freezing in vacuum packaging at temperatures below -5 C. Naturally, during storage the taste and aroma of the product will change somewhat.

Preparation of semi-finished products for smoking

You can smoke a wide variety of meat and fish semi-finished products. Preparing meat and fish for smoking involves pre-salting or marinating them with all kinds of spices. To determine the readiness of the semi-finished product, simply pierce it with a knife if the juice released has become light shade without any admixture of blood, then the product is fully ripe and can be transferred to the smokehouse.

Experienced smokers recommend that when preparing a chicken carcass, first remove the blocks, scorch it over a fire, rinse it, and cut it lengthwise into two halves. Then you will need to place the carcass pieces between two cutting boards and using gentle blows with the butt of an ax, flatten the joints and bones. Next, the carcass is rubbed with salt mixed with spices, hung in the cold, and if possible, a draft is created. After such preparation and smoking, the meat will be very soft.

Fish for smoking can be salted or fresh. If the fish is large, it is cleaned, gutted, cut along the spine or into layers. Small fish can be smoked whole; if the fish is very small, then it doesn’t even need to be gutted. Pre-salted and dried fish has higher taste qualities.

Preparation of fish carcasses is as follows:

  • they are rubbed with coarse salt,
  • very fatty fish are wrapped in parchment paper,
  • put the fish in a container and press it down with a weight, which can be used as a brick,
  • stand for 3-5 hours, then hang and allow the brine to drain completely,
  • wash the fish to remove salt residue cold water, wipe dry,
  • Just before smoking, the carcass is rubbed with spices.

What sawdust and wood chips can be used for smoking?

The main condition for high-quality smoking is the presence of a sufficient amount of smoke, so the choice of sawdust should be taken responsibly. You will need the ability to achieve smoldering of flammable material; the appearance of fire will ruin the whole process. In a hot smoked smokehouse, it is practiced to use moistened wood; it is not prone to combustion, and the moisture evaporated from it will give the product greater juiciness. Thin branches can also be used as fuel; they tend to smolder for a long time.

It should be remembered that the taste of a smoked product is influenced not only by salt or pepper, but also by the quality of the smoke. Delicious smoke can be obtained from sawdust or branches fruit trees, especially cherry, apple, pear trees, you can use wood waste from other hardwoods. Juniper and alder wood chips produce very aromatic smoke. You can also use waste wood from oak, beech, hazel, ash, maple or a mixture of wood of different species.

Before you start splitting wood, you should remove the bark from it, especially if you use birch firewood. You can use either sawdust or wood chips for smoking; the pieces should be about 3 cm long. Dried wood should be used to make wood chips, but it is recommended to moisten it a little before placing it in the smokehouse. The fuel is laid out on the bottom of the smoking chamber in an even layer.

Hot smoked smokehouse at home - different options for home and camp smokehouses

hiking option

It was mentioned above that the designs of hot smoked smokehouses can be quite diverse. For example, in camping conditions, a bucket can be used very successfully as a smoking compartment.

You will need to pour about 20 cm of sawdust or shavings onto the bottom; install it at a height of approximately 15 cm from the top edge of the container. metal grill, products are placed on it. The bucket is tightly closed with a lid, and a small fire is lit under it. It is not recommended to open the lid during the smoking process.

The moment of smoking begins is determined by the appearance of smoke leaking from the bucket. The temperature of the smoking compartment should be about +90 C, it should be maintained at this level for approximately 1/4 of the entire time required to bring the product to full readiness. The rest of the time, it is advisable to maintain the temperature in the smoking chamber at +120 C.

To determine whether the temperature meets the desired parameters, a very simple method is used: water is dripped onto the lid. It should not hiss or boil; the temperature at which the water simply evaporates is considered normal; at this temperature, food is smoked and not cooked.

You can adjust the temperature by adding wood to the fire or removing coals from it. Typically, 30-50 minutes of processing of products is sufficient for smoking. When you try smoking for the first time, to determine the degree of readiness, you will have to remove the smokehouse from the fire, open the lid and try the semi-finished products. When preparing similar products again, you will be able to rely on previously obtained results.

After the smoking process is completed, the bucket is removed away from the fire and cooled. The removed products are dried.

how to smoke in a hot smoked smokehouse - setting up a smokehouse in an apartment

The best option for a smokehouse for an apartment would be a small stainless steel box. sheet metal, of course with a lid. You will need to make a hole in the lid, weld a tube into it, and use a hose attached to the tube to remove the smoke through the window. To eliminate the possibility of smoke entering the apartment, the sides of the box are made L-shaped. The lid will be inserted into them. After installing the lid, the sides are filled with water.

The bottom of the smokehouse is lined with a layer of sawdust. A tray for collecting fat is installed on the welded bottom layer of the mesh (at a height of 8-12 cm), and semi-finished products are placed on the one located higher (at a height of 25-30 cm). The smoking process begins after installing the smokehouse on gas stove or electric stove. Hot smoking at home in a smokehouse is quite easy to regulate; it will be enough to increase the gas supply or reduce it; you can also control the smoking temperature using drops of water.

smokehouse in the country from an old refrigerator

The work of creating a smokehouse from a refrigerator begins by removing all of it internal parts- only the metal body and the door should remain. Formed on back wall the hole should be sealed with a metal plate; it can be cut from dismantled parts internal parts. To close and secure the door, you will need to attach a very ordinary hook to it.

Then the corners are welded on the walls of the body:

  • at a distance of about 20 cm from the top of the wall - for installing a grate with food,
  • at a distance of 30-40 cm from the top of the wall - for a frying pan into which drops of fat will flow.

Sawdust intended for smoke generation is poured directly onto the surface of the stove; after adding firewood to the stove, the refrigerator doors are tightly closed.

What could be tastier than homemade smoked meats? Many craftsmen are interested in a description of the principle of creating homemade products that are useful in the household.

The finished products are shown in the photo; cold smoked smokehouses can be made with your own hands. Homemade products are a welcome treat.

Self-made design

Cold smoking is the processing of food using smoke at a temperature of 32 degrees. The process must be organized correctly, so the master will need to figure out how to make a cold smoked smokehouse correctly. It is important not to make a mistake with the construction scheme.

It is necessary for the hot smoke to become cold. To do this, use a tunnel that connects the firebox to the compartment where the products are placed. The length of the tunnel can vary between 2-7 m. This distance is taken into account to calculate the length of the chimney.

If the firebox is located at a distance of more than 7 m from the smokehouse, draft problems, as a rule, cannot be avoided.

How does the device work?

The principle of operation of a homemade smokehouse can be imagined in the following way. Food processing can last from 3 days. The process may continue for several weeks.

The main thing is to ensure that the smoking process occurs evenly. Do not mix in the smoking chamber different kinds food.

You need to prepare food in one go. It is important to sort products by size.

More about the design of the smokehouse

To make a firebox, you need to dig a trench with dimensions of 50x50. These values ​​may be higher. Often the width and depth of the pit are made to be meter wide.

The bottom of the firebox can be made of brick, and then covered with a tin sheet. Prepare cement mortar not necessary. It is enough to compact the bricks close to each other. The sides are also finished with brick. Here you will need a clay mortar for masonry.

When creating a drawing of a cold smoked smokehouse, you need to take into account both the distance individual parts designs and dimensions of materials.

A trench is specially dug under a chimney with a diameter of 25 cm. The top needs to be covered with a sheet of iron. To prevent smoke from escaping, sheet material covered with earth.

A filter is installed at the junction of the smokehouse and the chimney. The main element is a metal mesh with small cells. They put it on the grid dense material. The filter protects finished products from soot.

It is important to make the smokehouse durable and reliable. In this case, the structure will stand stable and will not fall if someone accidentally touches it. At the top, the smokehouse is equipped with stainless steel rods.

Their thickness varies from 8 to 10 mm. They are durable and are used to hang food prepared for smoking. Usually food is hung on special hooks. An alternative replacement is a regular grill.

The simplest scheme

A smokehouse is considered a budget option, allowing the master to save building materials and time spent on construction.

The chamber with the products is 2 m away from the firebox. The basis for the smokehouse can be a metal barrel.


Stages of work

Having determined the dimensions of the smokehouse for yourself, you can begin construction. First you will need to dig a hole under the firebox. Its bottom is covered with a tin sheet. Thanks to this, it is possible to ensure a more uniform smoldering of chips and sawdust.

The next stage of work is the installation of a chimney. The dug trench needs to be covered from above. Only non-combustible materials are suitable for this purpose.

The pit can be covered with a sheet of slate. The top of the chimney is covered with soil to ensure tightness.

The smoking chamber is installed in a barrel with the bottom cut off. A metal mesh is mounted below, on which burlap is placed. By combining these materials, the problem of filtering out soot particles is effectively solved.

A metal grate is bolted to the top of the barrel, 20 cm away from the edge. It is not necessary to use this option; you can limit yourself to rods with hooks.


To fully understand all the nuances, you need to watch the corresponding video clip.

When cold smoking, food loses moisture gradually. During the drying process, smoke penetrates deeper into the food. The result is meat and fish delicacies with a delicious taste.

When the carcass of an old animal is smoked, its meat will remain somewhat tough. In order not to be disappointed, you need to be guided at first by recipes that have already been tested by many. It is better to leave experiments with shades of taste for later.

The finished factory-made smokehouse has several grates and a tray. It is better to choose a product with large capacity so that smoking is carried out more evenly.

For lovers of long hikes, you need a smokehouse made of metal with a thickness of 0.8 mm. At the dacha, you can install heavier options, where the thickness of the steel body is 2 mm.

Photo of a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands
