How to make a smokehouse from a gas cylinder. Everything is easy and simple - a smokehouse from a gas cylinder

Home apparatus for hot smoking you can build it yourself. You will need few devices for this. Financial costs are minimal, and the effect homemade installation will be no worse than from the factory unit. One of the convenient and practical options A smokehouse made from a gas cylinder is considered.

Gas cylinder - what can be made from it

From gas cylinders You will be able to make not only a smoking apparatus, but also other useful household things with your own hands.

This is a universal container that is spacious and durable, which is very important when processing products at high temperatures.

A gas cylinder is used as a stove under a cauldron. This is an ideal device in shape, since its cross-section matches the dimensions of the cauldron.

It is better that the container drops 2/3 into the cylinder. To turn a propane cylinder into a stove, you need to make doors in it, mount stove fittings, and install a chimney. A home-made stove is not only effective, but also convenient, which allows you to special effort transport it.

Using a propane tank , It's easy to build a barbecue with your own hands. It is even possible to make 2 devices, but they will not be very spacious. To make a grill you will need to cut top part balloon, and then attach it back, but as a cover. By bolting or welding the handles to the top, it will be possible to facilitate the transportation of the unit.

Holes for skewers are drilled in the side walls, and cuts are also made to create traction. Also, such cuts help drain the liquid accumulated in the grill during rain. After processing, there remains a hole where the valve is located on the cylinder. It is rational to adapt it for a chimney.

Using a similar scheme, you can build a barbecue grill with your own hands. This home setup is versatile and suitable for cooking various types products.

It is important to remember about stable legs, since the structure must have strong support. Its reliability and safety depend on this. To prevent deformation from the influence of high temperature, a metal corner is welded to the inside of the device, additionally securing it with a clamp.

To build a smokehouse from a cylinder along with a barbecue and barbecue with your own hands, you will need 2 or more containers. This smoker is comfortable and functional. The unit is used for various purposes, since it is a combined device. One installation can be adapted for cooking on a barbecue, grill, as well as hot and cold smoking. The main thing is to combine the elements correctly. Drawings, photos and detailed description assembly technologies.


A smokehouse from a gas cylinder can be made with your own hands for cold and hot smoking.

The main elements are the same in such units, their location is different. Such a smoker is effective, and by choosing a large-sized container, you can prepare products not only for yourself, but also for sale.

Do-it-yourself smokehouse from a gas cylinder: choosing a smoking method

Before you make a smokehouse from a gas cylinder with your own hands , you should choose the type of smoking to which it will be adapted. The nuances of the design and the principle of its operation depend on this.

Differences between hot and cold smokehouses

Hot cooking involves exposing food to smoke at temperatures ranging from 40 to 120°C. This means that the fire source will be located in close proximity to the food, and the smoke produced will enter the chamber without cooling. In this case, the products are prepared quickly, up to an hour, and are immediately ready for consumption. The taste is excellent: the products are juicy and tender. Meat and fish have a pleasant aroma and a beautiful golden hue.

Operating principle cold smokehouse differs in that the smoke requires cooling. Before entering the chamber with food, it passes through the chimney, where it reaches the required temperature, below 40°C. Smoked products prepared in this way can be stored for a long time, and their taste and smell are no worse than when hot smoked.

Choosing cold smoking

Despite the cooking time, cold smoking is preferred by most smoked meat lovers.

This is due to the storage period of the products. Long-term smoking eliminates pathogenic microorganisms, so food does not spoil for a long time. Taste qualities do not change over time, but, on the contrary, become brighter.

The principle of operation of a smokehouse from a cylinder

The design of a cold-type smokehouse is simple. Its main parts:

  • firebox;
  • smoking chamber;
  • chimney

Each of the elements has additional components that improve and simplify cooking. As a result of burning wood, smoke is produced, which, under the influence of natural draft, enters the chimney, where cooling occurs. Then, through this pipe, the smoke enters the chamber with the products and envelops them. This is how smoking happens.

How to make a smokehouse

Creation homemade unit Smoking is a labor-intensive process, but with minimal skills you can handle it in 3-4 hours. A cold smoker can be combined with a grill, barbecue and hot smoker, but in this case the costs and complexity of the assembly procedure increase.

Scheme and drawings for manufacturing

Before making a smokehouse from a gas cylinder, it is necessary to draw up a project and a detailed diagram that will show the main components, their sizes and locations.

Scheme of a smokehouse from a gas cylinder

This project will help you select the right components of the right size in the required quantity.

What tools will you need?

To prepare parts, as well as assemble the device, you will need the following set of devices:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill with drills of different diameters;
  • wrench;
  • bolts and nuts.

Materials other than gas cylinders require metal corners, pipes, and handles. For filling, you will need grates and metal sheets from which the pallets will be made.

How to properly prepare a gas cylinder for cutting

Considered important preparatory stage, since not only the efficiency of the design depends on it, but also the life safety of the craftsman during assembly and operation.

You should carefully select a container for the smokehouse and prepare it accordingly for further procedures.

Which cylinders are suitable for processing

A do-it-yourself smokehouse from a gas cylinder can be made from containers of various volumes, from 20 to 50 liters. A unit that is too small is unprofitable from a financial point of view, since few products can fit into it. A capacity of 50 liters is considered optimal. A smaller volume cylinder can be used as a firebox, but in this case, frequent refilling of fuel will be required.

You should use containers that are not too damaged by corrosion, as a damaged cylinder will not last long. It is better if there are residual gases in it. This is evidence that it is in working order.

Cleaning the cylinder

To avoid dangerous situations During work, special attention is paid to cleaning the container. This concerns not only the removal of existing gas, but also the cleaning of dirt and rust from the surface.

Safety Rules to Remember

The propane tank is under pressure, so as long as there is gas in it, there should be no ignition source. This is important because when unscrewing the valve, many people use a hammer to remove rust, which may cause a spark, which will lead to a fire. The main rule when working is accuracy and strict adherence to instructions.

Removing gas from a cylinder

To clear the cylinder of gas residues, you need to unscrew the valve. This is difficult to do with old containers, as it may rust. You will need to knock it down with a hammer or other hard object. This is done carefully to prevent fire from a spark. To check the degree of cleaning of the cylinder, perform the following steps:

  1. The container is filled with water through a thin hose. The hose is necessary to prevent the formation of airlock. When the cylinder is filled to the top, this means that there is no gas left inside.
  2. The second test option is to set fire to a rag placed in a container. To do this, the cylinder is laid horizontally, a piece of rag is moistened in a flammable liquid and placed in the neck. After setting fire, you need to retreat to safe distance. If a loud bang is heard after the rag burns, then the gas has been completely removed from the container.

After making sure that there is no gas, you can proceed to further actions. Working with such a container will be safe.

Marking and cutting

The cleaned container is placed on its side. Using a marker or chalk, cut off the side part with a distance of 10-15 cm from the edges. There is no need to cut off the last side right away. It will be cut off after welding the hinges. This will ensure that the lid fits tightly to the smokehouse.

At this stage you should mark and cut:

  1. Chimney hole. This is done in the upper part, near the neck of the container.
  2. Smoke generator input. Performed depending on the selected type of smoking. For cold cooking, a round cut is made under a small diameter pipe.
  3. Holes for attaching grills or placing skewers.

Once all the openings are ready, begin assembling the parts. All fastenings must be strong and reliable, as well as as airtight as possible.

Making the lid

The edges of the cut element are carefully aligned and cleaned.

After attaching the hinges, the cover can be cut off to the end. A handle is welded at the top. You can use it for this various materials, but in any case you need to think about convenience and safety, so it is better to wrap the handle with fire-resistant fabric.

Assembly and welding of units

To add rigidity, the smokehouse from a cylinder must be reinforced with stiffening ribs. For this purpose, metal corners are welded on the inner surface. The assembly procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The smokehouse is placed on a stand or legs are welded to it.
  2. The firebox and smoking chamber are connected together.
  3. The chimney is connected.

After welding all structural elements, a draft check is carried out. If the device does not function properly, you should check that it has been reassembled correctly.

If the unit is stationary, then it is safer to build a stand for it. Metal corners are used for this. They are attached by welding to the cylinder perpendicularly. To make the structure more stable, the profile at the bottom is reinforced with additional metal corners.

The quality of the seams is checked, since the smokehouse must withstand a lot of weight. The advantage of a stationary design is that you can build on a stand additional shelves for placing firewood and kitchen utensils.

Manufacturing and welding of legs

If you assemble a smokehouse from a gas cylinder yourself as portable design, then it is rational to make removable legs.

To be able to remove the parts, they are not welded to the smokehouse, but are bolted.

To do this, holes are drilled in the bottom of the container, and nuts are welded on the legs.

Making a chimney and firebox

In some cases, it is possible to light a fire directly in the smokehouse body. It is more practical to build a separate firebox, since in this case it will be possible to use the unit for both cold and hot smoking. To make a furnace, you will need another cylinder with a smaller capacity.

The firebox is made according to the following principle:

  1. There are 2 holes made in the cylinder: for the blower and for loading fuel.
  2. A grate is fixed inside between the firebox and the ash pan to prevent fire from entering the chamber.
  3. Regardless of the type of smoking, it is necessary to build a chimney. In the case of hot smoking, it can be short. For cold cooking, a longer pipe is used to ensure high-quality cooling of the smoke.

In order for the design to be transformed, the chimney connection between the chamber and the firebox must be removable, then it will be possible to use the unit for cold and hot smoking.

Installation of grate and tray

A grate for food and a tray for collecting fat are installed in the smoking container. Ready-made devices can be used as a grid:

  • racks with legs from microwaves or ovens;
  • improved devices from dumpling molds, etc.

If the diameter of the finished grates does not fit the smokehouse, then it is better to build a stand for the food yourself. Metal rods are used for this. If you place a pipe inside the smokehouse, chicken or fish carcasses can easily be hung using hooks.

At the bottom of the food chamber, a removable metal tray is installed to collect fat with sides so that the accumulated liquid does not flow into the container and spoil the taste of the food. To make cleaning easier, the tray should be lined with food foil before each cooking.

Painting and decorating the finished structure

The right approach to decoration finished design will allow you to turn the smokehouse into unique element exterior. Forged parts will help add originality: legs, handles. To make it easier to move the device around the area, wheels are installed. Installing an additional countertop and stands for food, firewood and dishes will speed up and simplify the cooking process.

For a used gas container long time, painting is important. This will not only do appearance attractive, but will also extend the life of the structure. Using heat-resistant paint, you can hide welds and protect the surface from corrosion and high temperatures. For painting, heat-resistant paint and varnish compositions are chosen. There are no restrictions on color, but it is more practical to use black paint. It hides traces of burning and soot well.

Before starting cooking, you should test run the smokehouse from a gas cylinder.

This will eliminate gas condensate and bad smell. Professionals recommend using the following tips when preparing yourself:

  1. Use wood chips and sawdust fruit trees. They impart a refined aroma and taste to fish and meat.
  2. Wrap food in cheesecloth before placing it in the smoker. A thin cloth will not affect the taste, but will help protect against the accumulation of harmful resins.
  3. Clean after each smoking, but do not use hard brushes, which can damage the paint.

A gas cylinder smokehouse is a reliable and practical unit. Having thought through the design correctly, you will be able to use one device to prepare dishes with different tastes using hot and cold smoking. It is not difficult to build such a device if you use simple tips and recommendations. And the operation of the smokehouse is simple and understandable even for an inexperienced user.

Currently on the market big choice smokers for fish and meat. If you don't want to spend money on an unexpected purchase, try with make a home smoker from a gas cylinder

Making a smokehouse from a gas cylinder

In order to make home smokehouse necessary:

  1. Gas cylinder, volume 50 liters.
  2. A four-millimeter sheet of iron to organize the firebox.
  3. Pipes from which we make the elbow for the chimney, as well as for connecting to the firebox.
  4. Small diameter pipes for making a stand.
  5. Hinges for the door.
  6. Small diameter rods for grilles.

Before you start cutting out the smokehouse, you need to release the gas from the cylinder and also rinse it well with water to prevent an explosion from the gas remaining in the cylinder. You can get rid of the gas in the cylinder without any problems; to do this, just turn it upside down. Afterwards you need to make sure that all the gas has come out. Lubricate the outlet valve with soap foam; if the soap is still foaming, then not all the gas has escaped.

Step-by-step instructions for making a smokehouse from a gas cylinder

No drawings or sketches are required to make a smokehouse. The stages of making a smokehouse from a gas cylinder are as follows^

Step 1. You need to mark the smokehouse door. To do this, we place the cylinder on its side and mark the intended door on it; do not forget to retreat 10–15 centimeters from each edge of the cylinder. To begin with, you should not cut the door all the way out; you need to bend it a little and weld the hinges. Only after this the door is cut out completely.

Step 2.We insert the chimney into the elbow, which should be welded in place of the neck. To do this, the neck needs to be sawed off. On chimney you need to weld a damper to regulate the smoke output.

Step 3. On the opposite side of the chimney we cut a hole that will connect the smokehouse to the firebox from a gas cylinder. When making a barbecue grill from a cylinder, we will use this hole to regulate the draft. It is advisable to weld a metal strip or rod along the edge of the hole so that the metal does not bend when heated.

Step 4. A steel sheet is installed at the bottom of the smokehouse to allow grease to be collected and removed. The smokehouse grate is made from metal rods.

Photo of a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder

Step 5. Depending on the design of the cylinder smokehouse, the stand can be left removable or welded. For a removable stand, holes are made in the smokehouse for bolts. As an option, 4 pipes about 6 cm in length are welded to the bottom of the smokehouse at the corners. During assembly, these pipes are inserted into larger diameter pipes on a stand. You can attach wheels to the ends of the legs of the stand, so the smokehouse will also be mobile. Under the smokehouse at the bottom there is the opportunity to arrange a shelf for firewood or for dishes.

There is no need to make a firebox for the grill and barbecue, because the fire is simply lit at the bottom. In a smokehouse made from a gas cylinder, it is necessary to isolate the fire from the products that you are going to smoke. Products are smoked through the intake of smoke, which is obtained from the smoldering of sawdust.

It is convenient to make a firebox from a small gas cylinder. To do this, 2 holes with doors are cut in the cylinder. Sawdust will be placed in its upper part, and a blower will be installed in the lower part. To prevent fire from entering the smokehouse from a gas cylinder, it is necessary to connect the firebox to the smokehouse indirectly, I make a small transition from the pipe.

Hot and cold smoking occurs at different temperatures, so to install cold smoking it is necessary to lengthen the pipe connecting to the smokehouse. Passing through this pipe, the hot air will be cooled to the temperature required for cold smoking, about 18–25 degrees. To make a universal smokehouse, you can install a pipe of the length that you will use at the moment.

DIY smokehouse from a gas cylinder It is quite simple to make if you put in a little effort and spend a few hours of time. Experiment, then you can make high-quality equipment for smoking products at home.

The taste of home-smoked meat, lard or fish is much different from the taste of those products sold in stores or markets. After all, today’s smoked meat producers have long mastered an easier and less expensive technology for processing meat products - the so-called “liquid smoke”. The essence of the technology is simple: salted ready-made delicacies are dipped in smoke liquid for 2-3 minutes, and then dried in special cabinets.

It’s very easy to make real smoked meats at home by making a smokehouse from a gas cylinder with your own hands. In this article we will try to describe in detail the manufacturing process of the smoking unit, and for clarity we add step by step instructions and several videos.

Usually, in the store, the labels of smoked products indicate how the product was prepared: hot or cold. To get a clear idea of ​​their essence, take a look at the proposed drawings.

Scheme: comparison of hot and cold smoking technologies

With hot smoking, the products placed in the smokehouse reach condition much earlier than with cold smoking, due to the fact that they are exposed to high temperature and smoke. But the shelf life of products prepared by smoking this way is short and, as a rule, is 2-3 weeks.

When cold smoking, products in a smokehouse can be processed from 1 to 3 days. This ensures long-term preservation of meat or fish from 2 to 6 months. By the way, prunes, beloved by confectioners, are also prepared using cold smoking technology.

The design of a homemade smokehouse will depend on the technology you choose. As shown in the drawing when cold technology the firebox is separated from the smoking tank by a long pipe (about 3-4 m). This is necessary so that the smoke has time to cool before reaching the food.

Preparatory work

Today, in many large hardware stores you can easily buy a ready-made smokehouse, but its cost is sometimes too high. It is much cheaper to make a smokehouse with your own hands from scrap materials, for example, as in our case from a gas cylinder. The quality of the products prepared in it will also be high.

Smokehouse made from gas cylinders

To make a smokehouse, as in the photo, you will need an AG-50 gas cylinder. Its capacity must be more than 50 liters.

Important! Do not use old, heavily rusted or damaged cylinders. A smokehouse made from them will not last long.

All preparatory work can be combined into three stages:

Attention! Do not neglect your personal safety - it is prohibited to cut or weld the cylinder without first cleaning it of gas residues and other substances. Carry out all work only after the gas has completely escaped.

Cutting out the smokehouse lid

Once completely cleaned, the cylinder becomes safe. Now it can be cut. Lay the can on its side and make chalk marks where the doors should be. Using a grinder, cut a hole in the cylinder, leaving only those places where the loops should be intact. Please note that the side parts (rings) must remain intact. You can speed up the process a little by using various metal cutters.

You can cut the balloon with a grinder

Now you should attach the hinges to the door. You can use any iron door hinges. Ordinary bolts are quite suitable for fastening them. But it will be safer to weld the hinges with a welding machine. After this, the door is finally cut out and all sharp edges are cleaned. WITH outside attach a handle to the door. For greater convenience, the handle is covered with fire-resistant, non-heating material. You can buy it at a hardware store.

Making legs or a stand for the smokehouse

As a rule, the height of the smokehouse rarely exceeds the standard kitchen table and is 85-100 cm. At the first stage, you should decide whether you will have a stationary smokehouse or one with a portable function. Both the stand and removable legs can be made from metal corners.

Attention! The weight of a smokehouse loaded with products is much greater than an empty one, therefore, in order to ensure the stability of the smokehouse, during the manufacture of the supporting structure, all parts must be properly secured and welded.

The easiest and fastest way is to make a stationary structure. To make it you will need 4 corners and a welding machine. Connect the corners perpendicular to the cylinder and weld them to the bottom of the smokehouse.

The smokehouse is installed on metal legs

Portable legs are made differently. Drill holes in the bottom of the cylinder and insert bolts into them so that the threads are outward. And weld nuts into the legs. If necessary, the legs are simply screwed to the cylinder.

The lower part of the legs, both in the first and second cases, for greater stability, must additionally be equipped with corners or metal supports.

Manufacturing of firebox and chimney

As we said above, the technology of cold and hot smoking is different, therefore the designs of smokehouses will be different. Let's look at step-by-step instructions for making a hot smokehouse. For a more visual representation, we suggest watching the video.

So, weld an iron elbow to the neck cut off with a grinder. Insert a chimney pipe into it. Create a damper at the top to regulate the amount of smoke. It is attached to the pipe with a bolt or made completely removable.

Cut a hole in the other side piece. Through it, smoke from the firebox will flow into the smokehouse. The combustion tank can be made from sheets of metal (4 mm) or a tank of slightly smaller dimensions. It is made with two holes for placing sawdust and for a blower. Install a grate between the firebox and the smokehouse tank, as an open fire can spoil the food. The best solution will provide a small transition in the form of a pipe. Remember, hot smoking is carried out at high temperatures.

Chimney for smokehouse

For a cold smokehouse, the pipe connecting the firebox and the tank is extended as much as possible so that the smoke reaches the food already cooled to 19-25 degrees. The design of the smokehouse may include two removable pipes: one for hot smoking, the other for cold smoking.

Place a metal sheet wrapped in foil at the bottom of the food tank to catch excess grease. You will have to change the foil after each use. Attach a metal pipe to the top on which pieces of meat or fish are hung.

The assembled smoking unit can be additionally equipped on the outside with a table for food.

General recommendations for using a smokehouse based on a gas cylinder

The finished smokehouse is usually coated with dark-colored enamel. However, this is not necessary, since gradually it will still become covered with soot. Before using the smokehouse for the first time, the firebox should be heated at least once “idle” to completely get rid of extraneous odors.

For cold smoking you need to extend the chimney pipe

When making smoked meats at home, use sawdust only from deciduous trees. Wood from fruit trees and bushes. It would be a good idea to have a small wood chipper at your disposal.

When placing meat or fish preparations in the smokehouse, wrap them in one layer of gauze. It will retain excess resin, which gives smoked meats bitterness.

Do-it-yourself smokehouse from a gas cylinder: video

Homemade smoked meats have always differed from store-bought ones in their rich taste, aroma and naturalness. Even the recipes do not aim to bring homemade smoked dishes closer to those sold on the market.

The thing is that at present many manufacturers have completely abandoned natural smoking, believing that this increases the cost of the product. They prefer to use more cheap way processing meat, lard or fish with liquid smoke. As a result, the salted semi-finished product will be ready for consumption after just an hour of soaking.

Natural smoking can only be found in private, when the product is prepared in homemade smokehouse. This smokehouse can be made from available materials. Perfect as a container for a smoking box propane tank. Let's face it, in order to fully use the device, you will have to put a lot of work into its design. But step by step execution instructions will lead to quality manufacturing products.

Nuances of cold and hot smoking

Before you start manufacturing, you need to decide what type of smoking your design will be used for. Hot smoking should take place at high temperature. This can only be achieved by placing the firebox and smokehouse in one container. A schematic drawing of such a smokehouse shows how to implement this with a horizontal cylinder arrangement.

Such a device will be universal, since it can also be used to cook a barbecue. At its core, it is a barbecue with a smokehouse in one design. Blower holes are made in the lower part, thanks to which firewood placed at the bottom will burn with access to oxygen. If you want to transform the barbecue into a smokehouse, you just need to cover these holes, for example, with a sheet of iron.

When hot smoking, the product turns out boiled and loose. Therefore, it should not be hung on hooks as it will fall down. The best option There will be production of special sieves. A few words need to be said about the benefits of the product. Everyone knows that under the influence of temperature, many dishes lose their vitamin value. And the shelf life of such a dish is very limited.

For cold smoking you will have to make two containers, because the firebox and the smoking box should be separated. A chimney 1.5 to 2.5 meters long is arranged between them. In this area, the smoke should have time to cool to 25°C degrees.

Under the influence of smoke and salt from pre-salting, the product is dehydrated and preserved. Accordingly, the proportion of vitamins preserved after smoking is greater compared to hot smoking. Cold smoked products can be stored for up to several weeks. To make a smoking box, you will have to upgrade a vertically installed cylinder.

Beginning of work

The reason for constructing a smokehouse with your own hands is the unusually high cost of the finished structure if you buy it in a store. It should be noted that if all the tips for implementing the scheme are properly followed, you will get a smokehouse in which you can cook products that are no different in quality from those that are smoked in purchased devices.

The most optimal container capacity for homemade products is 50 liters. This is an ordinary gas cylinder in which a propane-butane mixture is stored. Old and rusty cylinders are not suitable for making a smokehouse at home, since the temperature has a destructive effect on the metal.

  • First you need to empty the cylinder of any remaining gas. To do this, the valve opens and the cylinder is turned upside down. To make sure that all the gas has escaped, prepare soap foam and apply it to the faucet and fitting. Any gas leak will be accompanied by the formation of bubbles. Moreover, all of the above work must be carried out at a sufficiently large distance from a residential building and, naturally, from open fire.
  • After this, the bottle is filled with water to rinse it thoroughly. The neck should be cut off with a hacksaw. In parallel with this, it is necessary to water the hacksaw blade and the neck itself cold water to prevent excessive heating of the metal, otherwise there is a risk of fire.
  • Rinse the container with water again, shaking it periodically. It is necessary to pour water away from buildings, as it may smell unpleasantly of gas. Do not neglect rinsing the bottle with water. If you skip this step, cutting or welding becomes potentially dangerous. The slightest spark can cause a gas explosion.

Making the lid

After the cylinder has been thoroughly washed with water, you can perform any actions with it. The smokehouse lid is made by cutting out a segment of the body and then attaching it using hinges. First you need to chalk out the outline of the lid required size. The dimensions of the lid should be such that it is convenient to load products into the smokehouse and place them on sieves or hang them on hooks.

Welding seams can be found on each cylinder. They are rings that have thickenings. The lid must be marked so that the rings are not damaged during the cutting process.

The hinges themselves that our gas cylinder smokehouse will be equipped with depend on the capabilities. They can be welded, riveted or screwed. In this case, both forged hinges and ordinary door hinges are used, of which there are plenty in any hardware store.

Don't forget to mount the handle, because hot smokehouse sometimes you have to open it. The edges of the door cut off by a grinder must be processed, all nicks removed and the ends smoothed so that the device does not pose a risk of injury.

Smokehouse stand

Typically, a smokehouse for hot smoking is installed on a grill or on bricks. Our device is bulky enough to be moved every now and then, so we can make a neat stand. It will be convenient to prepare dishes with it, because its height is optimal. If you need to move the smokehouse to another place, then this can be done in parts: first the box itself, and then the stand for it.

First, let's decide on the height. It must be selected so that the cook can create his masterpieces while standing. Usually a height of about one meter is taken as an example. There is nothing better than metal corners for constructing a frame or legs for a smokehouse. You also need to pay attention to the reliability of the support. Since after filling with food the smokehouse will significantly gain weight, all corners must be properly welded to each other, and the frames must contain diagonal spacers.

For those who have decided to do homemade work for the first time, it is advisable to turn to more experienced mentors. We propose to weld a frame from corners in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped. The side faces contain diagonal reinforcements. Please note that with this manufacturing, the stand can be transported separately from the smokehouse. Some sources also contain advice to weld four legs directly to the cylinder. You must choose the option that suits you best.

Firebox and chimney

We indicated above design features smokehouses for cold and hot smoking. Now we will look at a smokehouse specifically for high-temperature processing.

An L-shaped elbow is welded into the place where the neck was previously cut off, into which the pipe will then be inserted. It is advisable to make a damper in the pipe. This way you can regulate the amount of smoke. The fact is that very dense smoke can give the product excessive bitterness.

The firebox can be made in two ways:

  1. The first method is to pour sawdust or wood chips into the bottom of the smokehouse. Essentially, the firebox is located inside the cylinder.
  2. The second method involves moving the firebox outside the smoking box. It is welded from iron sheets and takes the shape of a box. The firebox is attached to the cylinder on the side opposite the chimney.

You can connect the firebox to the smoking box using a piece of pipe. It is necessary to provide for the possibility of laying firewood and create conditions for oxygen access to the firebox.

A smokehouse for cold smoking will differ in that the pipe connecting the firebox to the tank is more than 1.5 meters long. If this section of pipe is made removable, then you can easily transform one type of smokehouse into another.

One more detail is important. When smoking, liquid is released, and in the case of meat, lard or fish, fat. If it gets on wood chips, the latter may ignite. In addition, the smell of burnt fat will be absorbed into the product. To collect it, you should build a tray at the bottom of the smokehouse. Now the gas cylinder smokehouse is ready.

Some craftsmen try to give their creation a presentable look by painting it black. There is no particular need for this. After a few cycles, the smokehouse will become covered with soot and become black. But you still have to get rid of foreign odors, so you need to heat the device without adding food.

Cannot be used as a smoking material conifers or birch with bark. This wood contains a lot of resin. It will be released and absorbed into the fibers of the product, which, naturally, will not in the best possible way will affect its taste.

Make sure the lid is sealed. As a last resort, the smoking box can be covered with burlap on top. Usually hot smoking lasts 20-30 minutes. With such a long process, it is better not to open the box at all. Smoking meat takes much longer. For this purpose, it is supposed to open the smokehouse slightly every 30 minutes and release wet steam.

A DIY smokehouse will work well in any case. If you are not satisfied temperature regime and it needs to be adjusted, remember that any type of wood has its own specific heat combustion. By changing the breeds you can significantly influence the temperature in the smoking box. It is useful for yourself to draw up a table of the relationship between the type of wood and the product you are going to smoke.

Today, among summer residents and owners country houses A popular topic is the creation of all kinds of barbecues, smokehouses, barbecues, ovens, etc. People began to relax more with their families on weekends, going to the dacha to barbecue, what could be better? fresh air and deliciously cooked kebab))

But in order to cook everything thoroughly and efficiently, you need a barbecue grill, smokehouse, for example, the author made this miracle from old gas cylinders. At first, the master simply made a barbecue grill from a cylinder, then he wanted to improve his creation and he added another small 25 liter cylinder as a smokehouse firebox, and a large cylinder serves as a smoking chamber. The compartments communicate with each other, the small one is located at a lower level to form draft and the smoke independently passes into the smoking compartment.

A small cylinder can also be used as a barbecue or barbecue, only one grate can fit there, and there are 2 times fewer skewers, but in combination with a large cylinder you can increase the barbecue productivity per hour)))

So, let's look at what is needed to create a smokehouse-barbecue-barbecue?


1. gas cylinder 25 l
2. fittings
3. metal pipe by 50 mm
4. sheet metal 2-3 mm (for damper)
5. loops 2 pcs.
6. pen holders
7. pipe 50 mm long 1.5 m
8. lid opening limiter (fittings)


1. grinder (angle grinder)
2. welding machine
3. drill
4. hammer
5. file
6. ruler
7. marker
8. pliers

Step-by-step instructions for making a smokehouse-barbecue with your own hands.

As mentioned above, the author already had a basic grill made from a gas cylinder (By the way, the site has previous material on how to make a grill and correctly cut a gas cylinder) But the master decided to improve his design and increase its functionality, and as a result, productivity , adding another small compartment to the existing barbecue.

An old 25 liter gas cylinder was taken as the starting material (see how to cut a gas cylinder on the website). The cylinder was cut in compliance with all safety regulations.

Then, in the end part, using a grinder, a technological hole in the shape of an ellipse was cut out, through which two cylinders will communicate.

After which the master proceeds to making the lid of a small cylinder, namely, he makes markings with a marker and makes a cut with a grinder along the intended contour, but there is no need to cut everything out at once. We make one cut and immediately weld the hinges and only then cut out the entire lid.

The hinges are welded on.

Another technological hole in the shape of a triangle is made at the opposite end of the small cylinder; it will serve as a blower and regulate the air flow into the combustion chamber.

On a large cylinder, a hole is also made in the end part for installing a chimney pipe.

Pipe diameter 50 mm length 1.5 m.

This is exactly what happens.

Holders for the handle are welded onto the small cylinder, and the wooden handle made from a shovel handle.

A limiter made of reinforcement is also welded for a certain opening angle of the grill lid.

A damper is installed; it is slightly larger in size than the hole itself and serves to regulate the air supply and draft accordingly.

After the firewood burns, we turn the damper to minimum to maintain smoldering in the combustion chamber.

It is advisable to use alder firewood; they produce very aromatic smoked meats) The author smoked chicken wings and sausages and smoked them for an hour.

Periodically you should open the lid of the smoking chamber and check the condition of the product.