DIY smokehouse made from two barrels. DIY cold smoked smokehouse from a barrel

It's a matter of homemade smoking! Would you say that it is expensive to purchase a special chamber for hot smoking? Right. But there is a way out. Smokehouse, assembled with your own hands. And have no doubt, a hot-smoked smokehouse made by yourself is in no way inferior in functionality to an industrial unit. With a minimum of costs, you will get maximum results!

Hot smoked smokehouse from a barrel

A standard industrially manufactured smoking chamber has the following design:

  • Smoking cabinet or any other hermetically sealed container;
  • Chimney;
  • Exhaust pipe;
  • Smoke generator;
  • Fan for ventilating the room and supplying air to the combustion process (add upon request).

In order to assemble a home smokehouse with your own hands, you will need very few materials:

From the tools:

Smokehouse from a barrel with a cut-off bottom

Making it yourself is quite simple, provided you know how to use tools.

The actual hot smoked smokehouse from the barrel is ready, you can begin the process itself. For smoking, products (meat, lard, fish, etc.) are tied with jute twine and suspended over the smokehouse on skewers laid across.

Products are laid out on a wire rack or hung on rods.

Cover the top with a lavsan bag, an iron lid (which can be made from a cut out bottom) and press down with a brick. The whole process will take 2-2.5 hours at a temperature of 80-90 ºС.

Do-it-yourself universal smokehouse from a barrel

Making such a unit with your own hands is not much more difficult.

You can begin the cooking process. By the way, such a smokehouse, made from a barrel with your own hands, is distinguished by its versatility. If the temperature in the chamber is within 30-60 ºС, then you will get cold smoked dishes, and if above 60 ºС, then hot smoked dishes.

Electric smokehouse

To make it yourself you will need:

Step 1. Screw the wheels to the bottom of the barrel. They are needed for the mobility of the smokehouse;

Step 2. Drill five to eight small holes around the circumference of the barrel (5-10 cm from the bottom) (no more than 10 mm in diameter);

Step 3. Disassemble the electric stove. Of the entire structure, we only need a heating element an electrical appliance with two wires attached to it.

Step 5. Screw the heating element to the bottom of the barrel from the inside and in the center;

Step 6. Connect the thermostat and heating element in series. Using wires with a cross-section of at least 2.5 mm2;

Step 7. Install the thermostat sensor in the upper part of the smokehouse;

Step 8. Place a mechanical thermometer there;

Step 9. Insert inside the barrel metal mesh or a cast iron pan for sawdust;

Step 10. Place a bowl for collecting fat and a container of water at the next level;

Step 11. At the next level we install the grate on which the products will be placed;

Step 12. We make a small hole (50 mm in diameter) in the lid to remove smoke. Instead of an iron lid, you can use burlap.

It takes about 10-20 minutes to heat up the electric smokehouse.

And don't forget!

1. For hot smoking, it is better to use sawdust from deciduous trees. Coniferous sawdust may add a bitter taste to finished products;

2. Do not use fuel barrels (and if there are no others, then puncture and clean them properly);

3. To light a fire, it is better to use brushwood, raspberry branches, for example. This will allow you to control the fire and, accordingly, the smoking temperature;

4. Smoke in large containers Only possible outdoors. For example, at the dacha;

5. Small smokehouses can be used at home, but only with a well-equipped chimney system;

6. Do not forget about safety precautions when making a smokehouse with your own hands (rules for using a grinder, welding machine etc.), and during the smoking process itself.

Smokehouse in the country - very useful device. For hunters and fishermen, this device is absolutely priceless. How nice it is to enjoy smoked meat, fish or game in nature. The smokehouse can be purchased at the store or built from old barrel with your own hands. To do this, you will need to decide on the drawings and follow the step-by-step instructions with photos.

Hot and cold smoked smokehouses differ significantly from each other in structure.

Advice. Two smokehouses on one site are an unreasonable waste of space. It is much easier to build one multifunctional barrel. If there is no connection between the firebox and the barrel, then it can be moved to different sources of smoke.

Required tools and materials

Some expensive materials for creating home smokehouse will not need. So, prepare everything you need:

  • barrel (you can even use it) with a volume of 200 liters;
  • fittings;
  • hard wire;

Barrel for making a smokehouse
  • fireproof metal that will be used for the bottom of the smokehouse (at least 0.4 cm thick);
  • a metal corner for the legs of a future design;
  • loops;
  • pipe part or fitting;
  • Bulgarian;
  • bolts and nuts;

  • Sander;
  • gun and rivets;
  • handle for fastening on the lid;
  • welding machine.

Attention! Before you start work, prepare drawings, watch popular videos of making a smokehouse and follow all the steps in the step-by-step instructions with photos.

Making a smokehouse with your own hands: step-by-step instructions (photos and videos)

The drawing is one of the most important details start of any work or construction. You can easily find the necessary options on the Internet. The drawings provide a clear delineation of actions. Those who know how to use this information undoubtedly know how to properly organize work and build a sequence of actions.

You can make a smokehouse from a barrel in one day

There are several ways to make a smoking structure. It is important to consider that not everyone has summer cottage there is a welding machine and necessary knowledge on its use. Let's look at some of the most popular options for DIY smokehouse barrels.

Option #1. Making a smokehouse without using a welding machine

The advantage of this method is that you do not need a welding machine. The initial stage of work is cleaning the surface of the barrel.

Advice. Use protective equipment to prevent dust particles from getting into your eyes and respiratory tract.

  1. We mark the side of the barrel and use a grinder to cut off a part. This will be the hatch of the future smokehouse. How to cut a barrel is everyone's business. You can cut a small rectangular hatch or cut the barrel in half. It all depends on the option and drawing you choose.

Artem Shavelsky


The main part of a home smokehouse is the smoking chamber. It is made from different materials, one of the options is metal or wooden barrel. You can make a smokehouse from a barrel with your own hands at the dacha or in the courtyard of a private house.

Homemade smokehouse from a barrel

The best option is the manufacture of a smoking chamber from a two-hundred-liter barrel. A smokehouse made from a barrel of this size has greater productivity and is easier to maintain the required temperature in hot smoking mode.

The shape of the smokehouse, made from a large iron barrel, allows you to place hooks for sausage or fish in it in several rows.

In addition to advantages, such a device has disadvantages. During operation, it emits smoke, so the device cannot be used in an enclosed space, for example, in a kitchen. For this it is necessary.

Scheme of a smokehouse made from a barrel with a capacity of 200 liters

Smokehouse from a small barrel

It is not always possible to make a smokehouse from a barrel with a capacity of 200 liters. In this case, you have to use 50, 60 and even 20 liter barrels. The design of these smokehouses does not differ from larger devices, with the exception of the number of grates with products and productivity.

An alternative to a smokehouse from a barrel is a similar one in design.

How to make a hot smoked smokehouse at home from a barrel

The most common device is for hot smoking. Such a device is easier to manufacture, and the processing process lasts 0.5-2 hours.

Needs preparation before production begins. It is enough to wash the oil barrel with a solution of soda or dishwashing detergent; containers containing other liquids must be burned with a gas burner.

Simple hot smoked smokehouse

The easiest way is to make a hot smoke treatment device. For this purpose in the walls metal barrel holes are drilled into which steel rods are inserted, with the help of which grates with food and a grease tray are attached. The lower bars are installed at a height of 5 cm from the bottom to install the tray, the next for the gratings, every 15-20 cm. Sawdust is poured onto the bottom of the barrel.

A large container is used as a smoking chamber and is installed horizontally:

  1. Cut the side wall along the entire length and 1/3 of the circumference.
  2. Hinge the cut out part as a lid.
  3. At a distance of 1/3 and 1/2 diameter from the bottom of the smoking chamber, drill Ø10mm holes for Ø8mm steel rods.
  4. Make a pallet and gratings that will be installed on the rods.

The smaller barrel is installed vertically. This is the firebox for the device:

  1. The top cover is removed.
  2. The upper part is cut so that it connects to the smoking chamber without gaps.
  3. Two doors are cut out - bigger size at the top, for loading firewood, the smaller one above the bottom, for blowing and cleaning the stove from ash.
  4. The doors are fixed on hinges.
  5. A metal grate with a thickness of at least 5 mm is fixed inside the barrel between the doors.
  6. A Ø100mm hole is cut at the top rear for the chimney.

After production individual parts they come together and a chimney is attached to the stove.

The operating principle of such a smokehouse is similar to other hot smoking devices:

  1. Sawdust is poured onto the bottom (lower side wall) of the upper barrel.
  2. A grease tray and a grate with food are installed on steel bars.
  3. A fire is lit in the stove.
  4. The sawdust heats up and produces smoke.

Assembling a smokehouse from two barrels

Universal device for cold and hot smoking

A homemade barrel smokehouse can be used for all types of smoking:

  • In cold mode, a pipe with a smoke generator is connected to the container. It connects through a hole in the bottom of the side wall.
  • In hot mode, the chimney opening is closed with a wooden or metal plug and it is installed on a stand made of bricks. A fire is built between the bricks.

Scheme of a universal smokehouse for hot and cold smoking

Electric smokehouse

If you install an electric stove on the bottom of the barrel, you get . In this case, the old one is installed on the tile. cast iron frying pan with sawdust, and the grease tray is placed 5cm above the frying pan.

The wire from the electric stove is led out through a special hole at the bottom of the wall of the smoking chamber. When a temperature sensor is installed at the top of the smokehouse, it maintains a constant processing temperature and the electric smokehouse becomes automatic.

To use an electric smokehouse indoors, it is necessary to equip the barrel with a water seal. and a smoke exhaust pipe are characterized by reduced smoke emission.

Scheme electric smokehouse from a metal barrel

How to make a cold smoked smokehouse from a barrel

From such a container you can make not only a hot smoker, but also a cold smoker.

In these devices, food is processed at a temperature of 20-40°C, so the smoke is produced not in the barrel, but next to it and enters through the chimney. Its length depends on the design of the smoke generator.

To improve the quality of smoke and finished products the chimney can be equipped with a cooler, filter, condensate trap and other accessories, so such devices have more complex design than those intended for processing products with hot smoke.

An analogue of this device is.

Smokehouse from a barrel without a bottom

These smokehouses are located on the slope of a hill or ravine; smoke is produced by burning wood in a pit or small fireplace located at the bottom of the chimney:

  1. On the hillside, dig a ditch 5-10 meters long with a cross-section of 15x15 cm.
  2. At the bottom of the ditch, dig a hole 50x50x50cm.
  3. Cover the chimney with boards, slate or sheets of metal, leaving the upper end of the ditch uncovered for a length of 20 cm.
  4. Make gratings from the bars and secure them to 4 vertical slats.
  5. Install slats with gratings over the uncovered end of the ditch.
  6. Place meat or fish on racks.
  7. Cover the food counter with a barrel without a bottom.
  8. Light a small fire in the hearth.

The stove should be heated only with wood from deciduous trees.

Smoking apparatus made from a metal barrel without a bottom

Smokehouse made of barrel and pipe

A similar design can be made in the courtyard of a private house:

  1. The fire is started in a small brick or steel stove.
  2. Smoke enters the barrel through a pipe Ø100-150 mm, 3-5 meters long.
  3. The chimney is connected to the barrel through a hole in the wall at a height of 10 cm from the bottom.

To ensure traction, the barrel is placed on a stand so that the bottom is higher than the stove.

Cold smoked smokehouse from a barrel

Smoking with smoke generator and fan

If there is not enough space and to save sawdust, a smoke generator is located next to the barrel to generate smoke. In these devices, smoke is released when sawdust smolders. To improve draft and increase smoke production, an ejector is installed in the upper part of the generator, to which a compressor is connected.

It takes longer to process food than a hot smoker, but the resulting snacks are of higher quality.

To ensure uniform supply of smoke to the products, the chimney is connected to the bottom of the smoking chamber.

There is no need to use a powerful compressor to operate the smokehouse. A computer cooler or similar exhaust or blower fan may be used:

  1. in the day plastic bottle a hole is cut with a diameter corresponding to the cooler blades.
  2. The fan is taped to the hole as tightly as possible with tape.
  3. A hole is drilled in the lid to match the PVC tube for supplying air to the ejector.
  4. The cap is screwed onto the bottle and the tube is inserted into it.
  5. The entry point of the hose into the cover is wrapped with adhesive tape.

To regulate the air flow, the fan is connected via a dimmer or its inlet is covered with a piece of thick paper.

Making a fan at home

Wooden barrel smokehouse

For cold smoking it is allowed to use not only steel barrel or stainless steel, but also wooden. Grates can also be made from wooden blocks and slats.

There are two types of wooden barrels:

  • From separate rivets. The gratings are installed on steel rods in the same way as a metal barrel.
  • Made from thick plywood. The grates are assembled on racks into a solid structure and lowered into the smokehouse from above, along with the products.

There are two ways to supply smoke to a wooden barrel - through a chimney dug in the ground or using a smoke generator through a chimney pipe. To seal the connection point of the chimney pipe, it is coated with clay or a dough made from flour and water.

Drawing of a smokehouse made from a wooden barrel

Smokehouse with cartridge and blowtorch

Can be used to produce smoke metal container small size with a removable lid, preferably made of thick metal. Another name for this container is “cartridge”. It is so called because it is cylindrical in shape, like a gun casing, and has sawdust inside instead of gunpowder.

The cartridge is heated over a fire or with a blowtorch. To allow smoke to enter the barrel, it is connected to it at the bottom with a pipe with a 1/2-3/4″ thread. For better cooling, the pipe must be at least 1 meter long.

A barrel with a cartridge can be used as a hot smoked smokehouse. In this case, sawdust is poured onto the bottom, and a fire is built under the barrel.

Hot smoked smoking apparatus from a metal barrel with blowtorch and cartridge

Many people consider a smokehouse to be an indispensable thing for a summer residence. It's hard to argue with that. And if you are a hunter or fisherman, then such a product is simply priceless for you. It's always nice to eat smoked meat, fish or game cooked in nature. If you need a smokehouse, then you have two development options. The easiest one is to go to the store and buy a smokehouse for yourself. But not everyone can afford it. Therefore, many choose the second option - to make a smokehouse for their dacha themselves. I would like to say that for this you do not need to be a seasoned craftsman, and the tools and materials needed for the work are quite affordable.

Many people have a barrel in their dacha that is lying around idle. If you don’t have one, then you can buy it, because it will become our raw material for the smokehouse. It is advisable that the barrel be 200 liters. This will allow you to smoke a lot of meat. So, if you're in the mood, let's learn how to make a barrel smoker.

The concept of cold and hot smoking

To begin with, you must understand that there are two types of smoking that your unit can perform:

  • hot smoking;
  • cold smoking.

The point may be clear to you. In the first case, the method is quite fast, safe and high quality. The raw materials placed inside are treated with smoke, the temperature of which on average reaches 70 degrees Celsius (range from 45 to 120 degrees). In such an environment, you need to smoke from two hours to two days. As a result, you will get a juicy, aromatic and tasty finished product. It can be eaten immediately. This is the main difference.

If we talk about cold smoking, then this process takes much longer. Ready-made salted small slices of the product are placed in the smokehouse, which are processed there for 4 days (minimum 2, it all depends on the result). As for large pieces, they can stay inside for even a week. The average smoking temperature reaches 40 degrees. What is the essence of this method? Moisture from meat or other product is gradually removed, saturating the raw material with smoked taste and aroma. The dish will be moderately dried and with a bit of fat.

Note! This type of smoking is good because the original product can be stored for a long time.

As you understand, a cold-smoked smokehouse and a hot-smoked smokehouse differ only in operating temperature, and, accordingly, in the final product. Let's find out what it is like, a hot smoked smokehouse with your own hands. In addition, you can make a unit from two barrels to increase the amount of raw materials that can be processed. This way you can make a cold-smoked and hot smokehouse with your own hands. But what it will be like, decide for yourself.

Preparing tools and materials for creating a smokehouse

The first thing our work begins with is preparing everything necessary for work. As mentioned at the beginning, all the tools are simple and anyone can work with them. And it will take a little material to arrange it. Here is a list of the entire arsenal:

This is quite enough for you to have an excellent cold or hot smoked smokehouse from a barrel. All that remains is to consider the instructions for creating the structure. We will consider two options for smokehouses made from barrels: those made without a welding machine and with its use. After all, not everyone knows how to use it or does not even have it. This will help you bring everything into reality.

Making a smokehouse from a barrel without a welding machine

This method has a huge advantage, because only a limited number of people can and know how to use a welding machine. This is not a grinder; professional skills are needed here. This is the option that most users choose. So, let's get to work on creating a smokehouse from a barrel.

First of all, you need to prepare the barrel for work. What does it mean? Its surface needs cleaning. A grinding machine or a special attachment for an angle grinder will help you with this. Carefully treat the surface of the barrel so that there are no traces of rye or paint left on it.

Important! Don't neglect safety rules. During operation, small particles will be formed that are harmful to the eyes and respiratory tract. Therefore, you need to work in a respirator and goggles.

Look at the photo. This is exactly the kind of structure we will build with you. There is no need to make drawings, as the photograph will help you navigate.

Here it is used as a stand metal structure. These can also be corners. You decide. Now all the instructions for creating a smokehouse barrel will be given step by step:

That's all, now make smoke as much as you like. This design is inexpensive, and its creation will take a maximum of half a day. Everything is quite fast, simple and cheap. And no welding was used. The photo shows how everything looks finished.

Note! You can make a barrel smoker in a vertical position. The essence of the work is exactly the same, only the type of structure changes.

Do-it-yourself smokehouse from a barrel, option No. 2

If you are a welder, or know how to use a welding machine, you can simplify your life and do everything much faster. You just need to choose a barrel that is clean both outside and inside. If previously they were stored in it chemical substances, then it is better not to use it. In this option, we will consider the vertical arrangement of the smokehouse. This is what a barrel smokehouse and the smoking process in it will look like.

Manufacturing instructions:

Look at the photo, which schematically shows the smoking process and the smokehouse itself, made with your own hands.

Smokehouse option No. 3 - cold smoking

If you are interested in the cold smoking scheme, then you can also make the design yourself. This is a universal smoking apparatus, which is made without a built-in firebox. Its peculiarity is that the barrel can be used for both one smoking method and another.

You need a barrel that has a strong bottom. You need to make small holes (holes) in it. The firebox is constructed as a separate structure. It can be made of metal or brick. Make the top of the firebox uncovered.

A smokehouse will be made on top of the firebox, and the products inside will be processed using the hot smoking method.

Now you need to make a firebox for cold smoking by making a chimney and a hole for the pipe to enter from below. In fact, the insides of the barrel are made according to the same principle, only without a collection of waste and combustion products. The cooled smoke will enter the barrel through the pipe and do its job. Look at the photo to see how this can be implemented.


Now you know how you can make a smokehouse in your dacha from a barrel. You could see that the method is simple and quite feasible. You just need to prepare everything you need and set aside a few hours for work. But in the near future you will be able to enjoy delicious dried fish, sausage or other meat. This taste will help you forget about all the hard work you have done. The design will definitely leave you indifferent. And to help you with the task, we have prepared a video.

The article will discuss the types of smoking, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to make a smokehouse with your own hands from an ordinary barrel or even two, what tools you will need, operating recommendations and tips on choosing fuel.

Types of smoking

There are 2 types of smoking.

Hot smoking.

Hot smoking - fast, safe way, since the temperature of smoke treatment is on average 60 degrees.

Under such conditions, they smoke from several hours to two days. The finished product is juicy and aromatic.

Cold smoking.

The process is very long, on average, small slices of the intended product, already salted, need to be processed from two to four days, depending on the desired result.

Large pieces of the product can generally be smoked for up to a week. The temperature of such smoking is on average 40 degrees.

The purpose of this method: gradual removal of moisture and saturation with smoked aroma and taste.

As a result, the product comes out dried and with a share of fat.

The advantages of this type of smoking are determined by the long-term storage of the original product.

For those who like to pamper themselves with smoked products at home, a homemade smokehouse from a barrel is simply an irreplaceable thing in the household. In addition, making such a device will not be difficult.

Using an ordinary metal or wooden barrel, you can build a smokehouse for different types smoking

One barrel will produce a medium-sized smokehouse that can accommodate food for the whole family. If desired, you can expand the device using two barrels.

How to make from one barrel

It is strictly prohibited to use this method of smoking indoors; it is better to install the smokehouse in the countryside outdoors.

After determining the location, create a drawing taking into account the dimensions and scale.

What tools are needed:

  • metal or wooden barrel (it is more practical to take a metal barrel);
  • shovel;
  • bricks;
  • metal sheets;
  • rods for hanging products (depth);
  • fabric for covering the filter;
  • construction silicone (for sealing the barrel).

The manufacturing process is reduced to the following steps:

Specialist's note: A prerequisite is the tightness of the barrel, so the beginning and end of the chimney are wrapped with a simple cloth or sealed with purchased silicone.

The cooking process begins by igniting sawdust at the bottom of the hearth. Then they lay out already prepared products (fish, meat, poultry).

From two barrels

You can build a large smokehouse from two barrels.

This design will help to significantly reduce cooking time and accommodate more products.

So, they connect two barrels, place one vertically, and the second horizontally on it. Between the barrels, as in the previous version, it is necessary to install filters.

A dampened cloth or burlap is suitable for this. For this method, all the recommendations apply as for a single barrel smokehouse.

The lower barrel will act as a chamber for the firebox, which is filled with sawdust and wood chips. The top barrel will serve as a food cabinet.

Advice from practice: a 200 liter barrel is well suited for a smokehouse with one barrel, and when the filter is located inside, there will be the same effect as from two barrels.

To ensure that your efforts in making a homemade smokehouse are not in vain, follow these rules in the future:

Sawdust and firewood

To obtain a product with excellent flavor, you need smoke from high-quality raw materials.

The most suitable are hardwoods.

These include:

  • oak;
  • alder;
  • apple

As mentioned above, it is important that the sawdust smolders, but does not catch fire. It is preferable to take dry wood, but in rare cases you can use wet wood (for hot smoking). Wood chips are added gradually, in small portions, evenly distributed.

As you can see, you can make a smoking barrel with your own hands. A homemade smokehouse is no worse than a purchased one; making it is not difficult if you have a barrel and available tools.

Watch the video in which the user shares his experience of making a smokehouse from a barrel with his own hands and the features of its operation: