Alexandra's name day according to the church calendar is a girl. Angel Alexandra Day: when to celebrate


The name Alexandra is believed to be Greek in origin. Derived from the Greek words “Alex” (protector) and “andra” (people). As a result, its interpretation sounds like “protector of people” - identical to the interpretation male name Alexander. By the way, the female name Alexandrina is considered a derivative synonymous name...

By the way, the female name Alexandra today continues to enjoy the same popularity that it enjoyed in the last century. Its meaning rewards the bearer with unique characteristics, and also good compatibility with many Russian male names.

Popularity: Alexandra is one of the most popular Russian names. It occupies 13-14 positions in the ranking of popular female names. Accounts for at least 25 girls out of 1000 births.

Conversational options: Sasha, Sashenka, Alexandrushka, Sanya

Modern English analogues: Alexandrina, Oleksandra, Alasrina, Alistrina, Alesta, Alejandra

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Alexandra does not need additional explanation, because it is identical to the meaning of the male variation - Alexander. The only thing that can be added to in this case, this is that the energy of this name has an even stronger impact on a woman. It can reward the bearer with such traits as self-confidence and selfishness, perseverance, lust for power, benevolence and persistence, uncompromisingness, persistence, fairness, sociability, sensitivity and sensuality.

Usually Alexandras are kind and generous girls, a little shy in early age, but becoming less shy in adolescence. They are popular in society, for the most part. And their authority is completely impossible to challenge.

Advantages and positive features: sensitive and sensual, never acts against her conscience and tries to do everything so that no one can ever make any claims against her, hardworking and calm, restrained, reasonable, planned and constant.

Alexandra treats him badly selfish and deceitful people, rudeness, harshness, cruelty, injustice, overly active people and ringleaders, powerful and overly self-sufficient people.

The female name Alexandra is considered one of the most popular in Russia and Ukraine, is listed in the name book of Orthodox names according to the Saints, and has the strongest energy.

Character of the name Alexander

According to experts, the so-called character of the name Alexander is, first of all, the characteristic that defines as such inner world the girl named so. But the fact is that specifically in this case, everything is more complicated than many people think, because here we cannot talk about a specific and accurate description of what the inner world and character will be like...

A girl named Alexandra, and then adult woman, the inner essence is constantly filled with fluctuations between different guises - this is a representative of the weaker sex who does not know how to find balance, such is her character. She always wanders between factors that are opposite to each other - between softness and hardness, between self-confidence and timidity, between demandingness and permissiveness. The character of the name itself and the woman so named is a mystery that is difficult for even the most experienced researchers to solve.

However, in many cases, find golden mean it is still possible, in particular, if you focus on astrological symbolism, or on the season of birth of the girl so named, although in general the character will always remain a real mystery.

Early childhood

IN early childhood this name gives a newborn child good nature, a desire to develop and be the first and best in any business, a thirst for leadership, restlessness, activity and efficiency. This baby is endlessly moving, developing, in a hurry to get somewhere and do something, it is impossible to pacify her, and at the same time, by limiting her activity, parents will doom themselves to a sea of ​​problems - in the absence of a point of release of energy, she will create a lot of troubles.

With children, a girl named Alexandra helps to establish relationships with friendliness and goodwill, but there is also a “minus” - the desire to control everything around and dominate others will become a stumbling block, a parameter that will sooner or later begin to repel even the closest people. But she quickly learns everything - reading, penmanship, drawing, mathematical aspects, all this will be stunningly easy for her. The main thing is not to let all this bore her, because at school there may be incredible problems with her performance - that’s what the meaning predisposes...


At school age, a girl named Alexandra will show the influence of the element that protects all Sashas. Sensitivity, attentiveness, good nature, uncompromisingness and authority, firmness and rigidity, rudeness and adherence to principles - this whole bouquet will turn the bearer of this name form into a person who is at the same time respected, desired, and detached, such is the meaning. She has sadly few friends, at least real ones, most of them are people who are afraid of her, sycophants, or selfish people. Alexandra will find sincerity and devotion only in relatives, but even then at a later age.

Adult woman

Demanding, desire to subjugate loved one, disobedience, perseverance, intransigence - these traits give meaning in adulthood; they will complicate relationships not only with friends, but also with potential companions. Men often avoid such people, and therefore, for the most part, Alexandra will be lonely, but will not suffer because of this, because she will put work, career growth, material independence and well-being in the first place.

The interaction of Alexander's character with the seasons

Spring is a girl named Alexandra, born under the auspices of this season, she is the owner of determination, perseverance, incredible strength of will and spirit, cheerfulness, cheerful disposition and sociability. She easily gains trust, knows how to present herself correctly, always defends her point of view until the very end, and at the same time is quite positive.

Summer - summer time year makes the character called Sasha completely complex. He bestows the gift of leadership, exactingness and integrity, uncompromisingness, calmness, energy and activity. The only “but” is that she demands too much from those around her; everyone, in her opinion, must meet incredibly high criteria. A loner by birth, he does not like noisy fun.

Autumn - the meaning of Autumn bestows sociability, friendliness, unscrupulousness, an excellent sense of humor, emotionality and sensitivity, a positive outlook on life, but also a contradictory character. Loves to be the center of attention, loves flattery and compliments. Only a compliant representative of the stronger sex can become her soul mate.

Winter - a person born during the reign of three winter months is given complex nature and such parameters as daydreaming, romance, tact and diplomacy, vulnerability and receptivity. She can achieve success in anything, her mentality allows it, but the lack of persistence and impetuosity does not allow her to achieve the set goal. But she is excellent as a mother and wife.

The fate of the name Alexander

As for such a parameter as the fate of the name Alexander, it is determined in most cases by the zodiac sign and the animal in accordance with eastern horoscope, and not just significance, although there are common characteristics...

So, the fate of this little name predicts the stormy personal life of the girl Alexandra, many novels in adolescence and later marriage. With men, she usually feels confident and relaxed, but on serious relationship she will not go until she gains independence and satisfaction with her own achievements - such is the fate of the one named in this way, although again. This is all just a theory.

From the same theory it follows that the marriage fate of such a woman will be quite difficult, and all through the fault of the bearer of this name. This is an ideal wife, an authority for children, a good mother, but not a housewife. Her goal, even in marriage, is movement, travel, new experiences and adventures.

In order to save the marriage, the husband should trust her with more important matters - it is worth remembering that Alexandra is essentially a conqueror, her destiny involves an eternal search for adventure, she needs to constantly conquer new heights, achieve something in order to truly be happy.

Love and marriage

All girls named Alexandra tend to rush headlong into the pool of love at the first opportunity. But no matter how much Alexandra falls in love, she will never want to legitimize a relationship with a man until she is convinced that he is worth it. Moreover, Alexandra will treat the choice of a potential husband extremely responsibly. After all, these are, for the most part, demanding women, and they build families only with those men who meet all the criteria.

As for family life and farms. So here Alexandra may have no equal. She will be an excellent housewife, she will manage everything, she will treat everything responsibly and seriously. Such a house will not be untidy, and her husband will not be dressed in dirty clothes. Fed family members, washed clothes, a tidy house, cleanliness and order around - this is what everything that surrounds his wife, Alexandra, will look like.

But the husband should not remain idle and take advantage of Alexandra. She will remain such a wife only as long as she feels that she is respected, appreciated and loved.

Alexandra as Mother

On the one hand, a mother named Alexandra can be a good mother, caring, gentle, attentive, soft, responsible. But on the other hand, Alexandras adore freedom and crave independence, and children are precisely capable of depriving them of this. As a result, do not be surprised if for the time being she is a good mother, and then suddenly begins to ignore her responsibilities and live exclusively for herself.

It is better not to trust Alexandra with raising a child. She can help a child get back on his feet, teach him everything good, and always sympathize and advise. But to teach a child to overcome problems and troubles adult life She definitely can't.

As for intimacy, in all likelihood, Alexandra will be closer to her daughter. Of course, he won’t give up on his son either, but he will pay much more attention to his daughter. This will be especially noticeable if the family has both a boy and a girl.

Horoscope named after Alexander


Aries - a girl named Alexandra, who was born under the auspices of this zodiac sign, is determined and persistent, always achieves her goal and never gives up. She hates disrespect for her opinion, she is strict and serious in life, she does not like it when they try to manipulate her.


Taurus - here, who received the name Alexandra, has been demonstrating hard work since childhood, so much so that everyone admires her. A careerist and workaholic, unsociable, but ready to help at any time. He does not share his troubles and experiences with anyone, and overcomes any obstacles on his own.


Gemini - and this is a temperamental and feminine lady named Alexandra, always in the center of attention, enveloped in the love of others and making a really good impression. It’s easy for any zodiac sign to get along with her, but her character is such that only someone truly in love can withstand it.


Cancer - and this girl is very difficult to get along with, she is demanding and arrogant, everyone must “dance to her tune”, you cannot disobey her, and you need to meet her criteria, which, however, not everyone can meet. But she is responsible and reliable, she will never betray or deceive.

a lion

Leo - the lioness is unique, and having received the name Alexandra becomes even more unique. Her energy is overflowing, her activity is off the charts, and her actions are not long in coming. He hates boredom, as well as monotony, prefers an active lifestyle, travel, adventure, and sports.


Virgo - the compatibility of this sign, which received the name Alexandra as a couple, is quite good, any man will accept her for who she is, but she herself will not fall in love with everyone. Values ​​loyalty and devotion, honesty and determination in men. He is interested in exact sciences.


Libra - and here, who received the name Alexandra, is a sociable and eloquent representative of the fair half of humanity. She is inquisitive, has excellent imagination and fantasy, and always thinks positively and optimistically. She is surrounded by extremely cheerful and devoted people.


Scorpio - distrustful, lonely, boring and pessimistic, calm and monotonous, prefers spending time with family, because with ordinary people She often has conflicts. It is difficult to get used to her complex nature; compatibility is only with men who are patient but also know how to respond.


Sagittarius is a traveler, lover of adventure and entertainment, an athlete, most often a lover of communication and fun, never sits at home, is not cut out to start a family, and will come to the idea of ​​marriage at a late age. Freedom-loving and independent by nature.


Capricorn is emotional, vulnerable, secretive and distrustful, reacts very sharply to criticism, commits many rash acts and is guided mostly by emotions and intuition. Trust and common sense are not about her. But with her companion she will be ideal in female terms.


Aquarius is diplomatic and tactful, friendly and good-natured, respectable and open, friendly and has many true friends. She will never forgive betrayal and lies; she herself is faithful to her personal principles and will never be selfish. He achieves everything on his own.


Pisces is dreamy, romantic, receptive and sensitive, taciturn, but ready to listen to the interlocutor as much as necessary, creatively developed and has incredible potential in terms of developing creative skills. An ideal mother and wife, caring, attentive, but superficial.

Compatibility with male names

A girl named Alexandra has the best compatibility with such male names as Vlas, Thaddeus, Ustin, Frol, Khariton, Svyatoslav, Ernest, Bronislav, Aristarchus, Arkhip, Venedikt and Nestor. In the case of a union with a man named by one of these names, there is every chance of creating a really strong and happy marriage.

In the case of building a couple with such as Alfred, Gleb, Gordey, Makar, Egor, Robert, Trofim or Nikolai, the chances are smaller, but the relationship will be overflowing with passion, feelings and love. Is it true. Mutual understanding can end at any moment.

But with Plato, Georgiy, Demyan, Luka, Savely, Yaroslav, Vilen, Albert or Maximilian, it is better for Sasha not to try to build love, because here the couple is doomed from the very beginning to collapse and separation.

In general, the main thing is that the man next to her should have such traits as patience, compliance, and unprincipledness.

Each of us receives a special gift in the first days after birth - a name. Most young parents simply name their babies the name they like, and some try to follow centuries-old traditions (unfortunately, erased from the memory of generations for many years) and give the newborn a name in accordance with the calendar. /For reference. Saints - the church calendar, which marks the days of remembrance of saints and prophets, church holidays and other events/. One of these names that is used quite often, especially in Lately, the girls are called Alexandra.

Female name Alexandra

The name Alexandra has Greek origins and is a derivative of a consonant male name. As a rule, parents are also interested in what the name they like means; subconsciously I wish for their baby exactly those qualities that are inherent in the meaning of the name. By bringing together all the information about female name Alexandra, it turns out like this:

  • the name means courageous, reliable, protector of people, the character is similar to that of a man;
  • Alexandra's name day can be celebrated several times a year - May 2, May 6, May 31 and November 19.

Of course, it is better to consider Alexandra’s name day as her date, and so say the dogmas of Orthodoxy, the one closest to the date of birth.

But here one subtlety should be taken into account. Everyone knows such concepts as name days and Angel's Day. Do they mean the same thing, or are they completely different concepts? Judge for yourself. Angel Day is the day on which a person received the rite of Baptism. On this day they visit the temple, take communion and glorify that Guardian Angel who is sent to a person for care and protection on the day of baptism. No one knows the name of the Guardian Angel, but everyone who has accepted it must have it. Therefore, for Alexandra, the day of baptism will be considered Angel Day.

But the name day is the day of remembrance of the saint after whom the child is named. Therefore, the name day for each person, Alexandra in particular, is determined by church calendar.

In Rus', the tradition of celebrating name days has been known since the 17th century. Certain rituals were observed. For example, special birthday pies were baked, by the filling and size of which one could determine the meaning and nature of the relationship between the birthday person and his loved ones. It was obligatory to attend church, where a prayer service was ordered, and candles were placed in the face of the heavenly patron after whom the person was named. In the evening there was always a gala dinner. The birthday boy was always given gifts. As a rule, these were objects of a spiritual nature - icons, beautiful candles for prayers, books of spiritual content, vessels for holy water. What is especially interesting is that when baptized, a person can be given a name different from the one his parents named him and indicated on his birth certificate.

About Alexander

Talking about Alexander as a female name, one cannot help but talk about Alexander as a male name. Here is what information can be found in various sources about the meaning of the name Alexander and the dates of name days. So, the name Alexander is of Greek origin and means reflection, likeness, symbol of the Universe. How distinguishing feature character, a tendency to commit acts of dubious nature is indicated. But at the same time, having received enough so-called nutritious material for the mind during the period of personality formation, Alexandras can become geniuses. Just like that! No more, no less! And there are 40 birthday days throughout the year (it’s better to find out about specific dates in the calendar or from the priest in the church).

Career, business and money

Usually Alexandra gets a good education, as she confidently plans her career path. The majority of bearers of this name are business women, confidently moving towards their goal. Perseverance and work allow you to achieve success in work and material well-being.

Alexandras often choose the profession of a doctor, teacher, or accountant. These strong women often occupy leadership positions and are often the main breadwinners in the family. The masculine character traits that her name gives Sasha give her the opportunity to confidently walk through life. Before marriage, her career always comes first.

Marriage and family

More from youth Sasha prefers male company. Among her friends, boys predominate. As an adult, Alexandra finds it difficult to switch from companionship to love. Therefore, girls with this name usually get married late.

But having met a worthy life partner, Shura is transformed: she becomes an excellent housewife and a faithful friend to her husband. When starting a family, she plans to have many children. Usually in the families of these women there are at least 2-3 children, among whom boys predominate.

Alexandra is a caring mother, she is capable of many things for her family and children: decorating a house beautifully for the New Year using a minimum of available materials, sewing an interesting outfit from simple fabrics, cooking tasty dish from a limited range of products. Sasha’s relationship with her husband’s mother is strained; she respects her, but is afraid of her.

Sex and love

In Alexandra's life there is love - real volcano passions. Only a strong, uncontrollable feeling can curb a wayward nature. This woman may experience physical satisfaction from sexual relations, but is not able to get enough of them. Sasha tends not to show initiative in love games.

Conversations of an intimate nature are of little interest to her, since she cannot describe the sensations experienced during intimacy in words. After a stormy romantic night, Alexandra often behaves like a man - without emotions and smiles. Usually the partner is unable to receive a portion of affection greater than that given by her during intimacy.


Sasha, both in childhood and in adulthood, does not complain about her health. These women are less susceptible to colds. The cardiovascular system requires attention. To prevent diseases in this area, it is recommended to consume fish oil.

Alexandra also needs to carefully monitor her joints, try to avoid situations and extreme sports where frequent bone fractures are possible. The presence of excess energy in the spleen and pancreas often provokes the development of gastritis in women with this name or leads to the onset of an inflammatory process in the pancreas.

Shura's health problems include frequent sleep and life cycle disturbances.

Interests and hobbies

Sasha cannot be found doing the usual feminine activities - embroidery or knitting. She is a fan of active pastime. Best vacation for her - traveling around home country and abroad. On her day off, she tends to go to the dacha or to the nearest forest.

Shura – good companion to watch a football or hockey match. She sincerely cheers for the participants and is able to provide worthy company to her husband, who is interested in such sports.

Many Sashas carry their love for active training throughout their lives. Having a family is not a barrier for them sports activities. Among the hobbies of these women, reading occupies an important place.

In most cases, Sasha’s girls are capricious and stubborn, especially if they are the only ones in the family. They are often single-minded and do not like to play with other children. They feel good alone. She is always successful in her studies: she willingly studies with excellent marks.

At first glance, it seems that all female Alexanders are reserved, but in fact, inside they are very bright and happy to communicate with any people. It’s just that they often look for a long time for a person who they like. He treats people with all sincerity and expects the same in return. They are always fair in their decisions. Despite the feigned indifference, Alexandra is quite inquisitive.

Fate: Alexandra is one of those who prefer to make decisions themselves. She is ambitious, but she can work towards her goal all her life, being distracted by trifles.

The Saints: Alexandra Amissiyskaya (name day April 2), Alexandra Rimskaya (name day May 6).

Angel Alexandra Day

From the ancient Greek language - protector of people, protector - female uniform male name Alexander It is possible that the word originally comes from the name of the ancient Greek hero - Ales (Alez, Alest), a descendant of Hercules, king of Mycenae.

As a child, Alexandra was somewhat shy, read a lot, and studied well. Due to the fact that Sashenka often likes to “snack”, especially various “yummy” foods that her parents (mainly her grandmother) pamper her with, she looks like a “bun” compared to her peers.

However, in high school, intensive exercise, a moderate diet, general cleaning in the house, which Sasha often voluntarily takes upon herself, completely relieves her of extra pounds. And already at the age of 17-18, Sasha turns from a “bun” into a gazelle - playful, cheerful, graceful, able to carry on a conversation with any young man. She has more than enough fans.

However, Alexandra is in no hurry to get married. First of all, she strives to get a good education, and she wants to choose an ideal life partner, such that he will be at the same time a friend, a lover, and an assistant in household chores. She herself is a wonderful housewife in the family, a caring mother, and knows how to find a common language with children. Alexandra is respected by her work colleagues. She can be a good doctor, translator (she has a penchant for foreign languages), economist (accountant), teacher.

Straightforward, deliberately rational, forcibly entering into the perfection of virtues, Alexandra is such in her phenomenality, in her cruel truth, while in the depths she is blind, insanely persistent. Female chaos, not seeing itself and not admitting to itself, that’s what it is. Meanwhile, pushed by blind will, Alexandra is persistent, stubborn, holding tightly to what she has outlined as a reasonable and proven goal.

Alexandra Name Day according to the Church Calendar

  • February 18 – Alexandra (Kasparova), prmts. /novomuch./
  • March 14 – Alexandra (Dyachkova), prmts. /novomuch./
  • March 22 – Alexandra (Samoilova), prmts. /novomuch./
  • April 2 – Alexandra Amisiyskaya (Pontic), mc.
  • May 6 – Alexandra of Rome, Nicomedia, MC., Empress
  • May 31 – Alexandra Ankirskaya (Corinthian), MC., virgin
  • June 26 – Alexandra Diveevskaya (Melgunova), Venerable.
  • July 17 – Alexandra (Romanova), passion-bearer, Empress /new martyr/
  • September 30 – Alexandra (Khvorostyannikova), prmts., novice /new martyr/
  • October 13 – Alexandra (Chervyakova), priest, schema-nun /new martyr/
  • October 15 – Alexandra, mts.
  • November 19 – Alexandra Ankirskaya (Corinthian), MC., virgin
  • December 23 – Alexandra (Ustyukhina), mc. /novomuch./