Gas heater for garage. Which heater to choose for the garage Gas heater for the garage

Long-wave infrared radiation most naturally reproduces the effect of sunlight on a surface and turns out to be the closest and most useful to human physiology. The use of this heating method has gained popularity in the most short time. Many designs of heaters have flooded the market with manufacturers' proposals.

The already classic halogen, quartz and, which appeared no more than 15 years ago, carbon lamps are used as a radiation source. And besides, all kinds of panels, tapes, etc. By the way, many of these heaters have a stylish design solution and can be a real decoration of the room, performing, in addition to purely utilitarian ones, also aesthetic functions.

Infrared heaters are very effective in any indoor or outdoor space by creating a localized area heat transfer in the right place. This property is widely used to create heating areas near windows and doors. This significantly increases the comfort of staying in such premises.

Application of infrared heaters

Perfection infrared emitters generally accepted. They are used as home appliances with placement on walls or ceilings, which allows save significantly useful space and simultaneously heat all parts of the room and the furnishings in it that are in the way infrared rays. If the emitter is placed on the ceiling, it will perform a role in the room similar to the sun. As a result, the floor surface will heat up and constantly give off heat so elevated heat transfer efficiency is characteristic feature infrared heaters.

And what is very important, such radiation is most consistent with natural natural warmth. High efficiency is explained no losses thermal energy that is not used to heat the surrounding air space. It is gradually heated by secondary heat given off by heated surfaces. This principle of thermal energy transfer makes infrared heaters the most economical of existing types. Their use brings real savings in energy consumption ranging from 40% compared to other types of devices of the same power.

Advantages of using IR heaters

A significant variety of power characteristics of the lines of infrared emitters allows you to make a choice for a room of any size.

When installing such a heater as a ceiling heater, you should take into account:

  1. The minimum height distance to the head of a person standing should not be less than 0.7 meters, at a minimum device power of approx. 800 W.
  2. As it increases, the distance must also increase, no less 1.5 - 2 meters.

Having decided to use an infrared heater, you can approximately calculate the required power from the ratio of the heated volume. On 1 cubic meter space required from 25 to 100 W, depending on the type of room. On average, about 35 W per cubic meter is accepted. Of course, the new generation of infrared heaters are more advanced than the existing reflector heaters with open spiral. To this day, these rarities of the past are stored somewhere in closets, on mezzanines and in garages. Their use is dangerous, especially in garages. An open hot element and constantly present vapors of gasoline and oils create fire hazardous situation.

However, the new generation of infrared thermal devices is completely devoid of such disadvantages. A special quartz or carbon lamp emitter is reliably protected by a sealed tube made of durable quartz glass. From her internal space air removed. Lamp completely safe. The period of continuous operation of the simplest emitters in maximum mode is no less than 1.5 years. Even more consistent with the natural level of radiation of the human body, a carbon lamp manufactured using nanotechnology operates in the range from 5 to 20 microns.

Heaters with this type of emitter are completely unique; they do not have magnetic field, and when turned on, like all IR heaters, they immediately go into thermal mode. As in residential areas, the use of radiant heating in a garage has significant benefits. As already mentioned, after switching on, the operating mode is reached within 10-30 seconds. All devices of this type operate silently.

Economical operation increases from 30 to 60%, since direct heating of surfaces occurs, areas that do not fall into the zone of radiant energy do not heat up. This way you can save a lot on heating only the necessary areas: a rack with tools, a side cart, etc. If you place the heater on the ceiling, the floor in the garage, the car and all items will receive an analogue solar lighting, which, among other things, contributes eliminating fungal and mold in the garage, where it can be quite damp.

Emitters on a stand

If the emitter has a stand and mount, it can also be used to create conditions for working on open air. A type of infrared heating - special panels generally allow you to cover walls and ceilings with them. Their low power consumption, absolute safety for car paintwork, harmless and environmentally friendly, combined with a service life from 25 years old, make them ideal for use in garage heating. Even one panel placed under the hood at the rate of 50 W/1 sq. m, will provide preliminary safe warming up of the engine, saving precious time to its owner.

Types of infrared heaters

  • electrical;
  • gas.

In addition to electric infrared emitters, there are gas ones (powered by a propane-butane mixture). They are quite safe modern designs such devices are supplied control sensors harmful emissions, the presence of flame, etc. however, the use of such a device in a garage environment a priori raises deep doubts. Moreover, there are infrared heaters, panels and film heaters. With their help you can completely very economical heat the entire garage by covering this infrared film ceiling, walls, pit and basement. Film really provides such an opportunity. Even more, it can be covered with a decorative covering such as wallpaper.

Radiant heat will flow inside, warming the surfaces of the garage. I have an opportunity automation of adjustments and control using a plug-in thermostat unit with a timer. If infrared heaters can take up space and sometimes require dusting off, then panels and films They require absolutely no maintenance and are easy to install and connect by the garage owner. The benefits of using new generation radiant heat sources in the garage are obvious.

Increases the comfort of garage storage of a car, the ability to plan work in a warm garage, economical heating garage with film or panels, the possibility of using an IR emitter in the technology of drying treated surfaces. Under IK rays, the putty dries in up to 4 minutes, the primer in up to 8 minutes, and the varnish in up to 12 minutes. The surface is perfectly smooth.

To sum up the feasibility of using radiant heaters in garages, it is necessary to say about the disadvantages of their use:

  • quite high cost;
  • the need to monitor the residence time and compliance with installation requirements to avoid overheating of a person;
  • the novelty of such heaters requires preparation when choosing and purchasing them; there is an abundance of “pirated copies” of famous brands.

For those who want to make their own analogue of an infrared heater, here are several simple options for making them yourself. There are many proposals posted on the Internet, both practical and fantastic. Here are some of them.

First, how to repair an old Soviet infrared reflector. If the dish is intact and was not used for an improvised TV antenna, you need to check the integrity of the power cord, plug and connection to the spiral connection terminals. For spiral manufacturing, First, the length of the spiral winding on the ceramic cone of the reflector is measured. The nichrome thread is then wound in 2mm increments onto a steel rod of approximately the same length as measured on the cone. After winding, nichrome is removed and in a free state (without interturn short circuits) placed on fireproof dielectric. Any glazed ceramic plate will do. And the electric current from the outlet is connected to the ends of the spiral. After heating, the spiral is turned off, placed in the groove of the ceramic reflector cone and connected to the power terminals.

The second, well-known option of filling a metal box of cream or shoe polish with a mixture quartz sand and graphite dust in the ratio 50:50. First, the inside of the box is cleaned until it shines. Two 1.2 mm holes are made in the side wall. By internal diameter two round pieces are cut out of tinned (food grade) tin. A wire with a cross-section of about 1.2 mm is soldered to them.

The first layer of the mixture is poured up to half depth jars, the first plate is placed, the wire is brought out into the first hole. The second sand-graphite layer is added, a little not to the top. The second plate is laid and the wire is brought out into the second hole. Add heaping amounts of the rest of the mixture. The lid fits tightly. Need to provide pressure on the contents.

The heater power increases with increasing pressure. It works from the network 220 V and more low voltage. When sintering the contents, just knock on the box. The principle is the same for boxes of all sizes.

Motorists know that there is no better parking for their car than their own garage. You can equip the room in any way you like, but the question remains, which heater is better for the garage? On sale there are the most different types heaters using almost any type of fuel. But how to choose best device for heating a garage?

Types of garage heaters

Popular ones include the following devices:
  • on liquid fuel (diesel fuel, kerosene, fuel oil, waste);
  • electrical devices (infrared, spiral and on heating elements);
  • gas cylinder devices, including infrared ones;
  • solid fuel boilers (coal, peat, firewood, pellets).
It is necessary to solve the problem - how to choose what you need among them?

Gas garage heaters

No gas service in any city will allow you to install a gas pipeline to your garage. But there are developments of bottled gas heaters, and they allow you to run an autonomous one.

There is only one drawback, but it can be solved - a separate fireproof room or building is required for the cylinder or cylinders. Such a building can be organized for several garages in the neighborhood, and a common heating system can be made.


  • honeycomb ceramic screen;
  • convector;
  • gas;
  • infrared gas heater.
  • high energy-saving indicators;
  • fuel and financial savings;
  • accelerated heating of the room;
  • ease of transportation;
  • mobility;
  • cheapness;
  • small dimensions;
  • high degree of fire safety (burner control sensors);
  • independence from electricity;
  • stainless steel body.
Before installing for a garage, calculate its power, select the wave range and installation location. IR emitters can be wall-mounted, ceiling-mounted, floor-mounted or mobile.

For a garage, an infrared gas heater can be considered a relatively safe and most economical device after solid fuel devices.

An inexpensive ceramic gas heater for a garage is small-sized, economical (consumes little gas), and equipped with a security system.

Electric garage heaters

The use of electricity gives a wide variety when choosing a heater design:
  • spiral devices;
  • heaters on heating elements (oil and water);
  • more powerful electrical installations that can heat tens and hundreds of m2.
An electric garage heater has one significant drawback - dependence on electricity supplies. That is, autonomy heating system will not be possible to achieve. Paying for electricity is also not the most pleasant moment for a car enthusiast.

An industrial electric heater for a garage will be more effective when used in urban areas - in villages there may be interruptions in power supplies.

A very economical infrared device occupies a special place in this list. Ergonomics is also one of the decisive parameters. When planning to keep your garage warm, you should know how to choose an infrared garage heater.

For a private garage, the IF device is considered the most efficient, since it consumes less electricity than other devices.

The main selection criteria are the power of the device, which is calculated based on parameters such as the number of windows and doors, garage area, ventilation, etc. Accordingly, the more windows in the room, which strongly draw out heat in cold weather, doors, and the larger the garage area itself, the more powerful the device you will need to choose.

As for placement, the IF heater is very convenient in this regard - it can be hung on the wall to save space or mounted on top of the ceiling.

Liquid fuel heaters

Liquid fuel heating devices are:
  • gasoline units;
  • diesel garage equipment;
  • heaters that consume waste or kerosene.
  • fuel cost;
  • fire safety ( open flame in the burner);
  • dimensions;
  • complexity of design and maintenance.
Such heaters must be protected from nearby objects, as well as equipped with a fireproof base and good ventilation. Diesel heaters for garages can be stationary or mobile.

Garage heaters on diesel fuel or devices that use waste machine oil, are more economical, and their fuel is cheaper.

The principle of heating a room divides this class of devices into indirect and direct heaters. Direct heating of air is simpler to implement - such a device does not require special air ducts or fine and coarse filters.

The disadvantage is that the room is filled with combustion products during direct heating, so a system is required forced ventilation. It is also inconvenient that diesel garage heaters can only be installed in repair rooms or production facilities. sub-zero temperature air.

Modern models diesel liquid fuel devices have a built-in automation system that controls the behavior of the burner flame.

Indirect combustion appliances can also be installed in residential premises, as they are equipped with a filter system that cleans the outgoing air flow. A modern diesel garage heater has a flame control device, and it also has built-in protection against overheating of the housing.

Solid fuel heaters

A classic solution that is in particular demand is a stationary solid fuel unit. It could be an ordinary stove or factory model, operating on both solid energy and liquid fuel plus electric heating.


  • Almost any fuel can be used, especially if it is predominant in a given region. These are firewood, coal, straw, peat, pellets, sawdust and shavings, manure briquettes;
  • compact;
  • cheap to produce and maintain.
  • constant monitoring of the combustion chamber is required;
  • forced ventilation;
  • room or place for storing fuel.
  • The fire safety of these devices also does not seem to be at the highest level.
If you choose which heater is best for a garage, the leader among all lines of heaters will immediately emerge - these are electric infrared devices. The first on the list of advantages of IF emitters is the heating speed of the garage space, followed by efficiency and cost.

Rating of garage heater models

German diesel unit Kroll Gk 40

Has proven itself to perform excellent work in large rooms. Reliable autonomous operation is controlled by fuses and pneumatic spraying of the flow. Power – 43 kW, 1050 m3/hour warm air. Warranty period is 2 years.

Without using a fan heater. Cold air is sucked into the lower pipes, while the upper level pipes blow out a warm stream. The furnace body heats up slightly, which meets fire safety requirements. In the next article we will tell you.

Infrared Heating Device for Garage

The UFO Eco 2300 model of the IF device can work effectively in rooms up to 25 m2? area. The quartz tube has a power of 2.3 kW.

Operates on kerosene grades KO-20, 25, 30 (except grade T2), diesel fuel grades L, 3, A. The principle of heat generation is the transition of diesel fuel from liquid to gaseous state with further combustion and heat release.

Electric convector Noirot “Spot E-3 1500” distributes heat evenly throughout the room. The device is designed to be silent, with an automation system and automatic restart. Built-in electronic thermostat ASIC® can maintain the temperature at a given level with an accuracy of 0.1°C.

How to choose a heater (video)

The video explains in detail the differences between the main types of heaters. Which one to choose for the garage or heating other rooms.

Each heater model is designed to achieve specific goals, so you first need to decide what type of heater will suit best way. It is also important to know the parameters of the heated room before buying the model you like.

Gas heaters for garage- enough cheap way heating the air in the garage compared to electricity or diesel.

Despite the fact that in terms of cost they turn out to be more expensive electric ones, the money spent on them quickly pays off.

Gas heaters have following features:

  • Installation gas heating carried out only with the involvement of specialists. To do this, gas must be installed near the garage. You also first need to obtain permission to lay a gas pipeline into the garage, which is not available to everyone.
  • To organize gas heating will require considerable financial investments, which make sense only if the garage area is large.
  • As an alternative to a gas pipeline, you can use heater models powered by gas cylinders. But they are not always cost-effective and require systematic testing.

Eat three types gas heaters that are recommended for use in the garage:

  • gas convector heater;
  • catalytic gas heater.

Gas Infrared Ceramic Heater for Garage

The operation of such devices is compared to the action solar radiation, in which there is no ultraviolet.

From heated ceramic surface waves are coming out, which act not on the air, but on the surfaces located opposite.

They give secondary heat air and warm up the room. The principle is convenient if you need to heat a small area. The heater consists of:

  • reflector;
  • heating element;
  • gearbox;
  • auxiliary components;
  • reflective components.

Devices can also be divided into two groups - white and black heaters. The former also perform the function of lighting, the latter are used only for heating. In both cases, gas is supplied to the burner through a reducer.

Gas convector heater

Operating principle is the same for both electric and water or gas heaters operating on the convector principle. What's included in the device:

  • a heating element;
  • temperature sensor;
  • control.

Natural convection air masses ensures heating of the air in the garage. The convection heater is placed on the floor or on the wall at the lower level. Cold layers of air come into contact with heating element and rise upward, giving way to new cold layers.

Attention! Some models of gas convector heater feature forced air convection created by a fan.

Catalytic gas heater

This type of heater contains the following elements:

  • heat exchangers;
  • low-power gas burner;
  • heating elements;
  • replaceable or refillable gas cylinder.

Catalytic heater works according to principle chemical reactions . The device contains a plate coated with a catalyst.

When flame comes out of the burner, even with small force it can create the temperature needed to start oxidation reactions catalyst with air.

Such reactions are exothermic. For this reason, the degree of heating of the room does not depend in any way on the amount and intensity of the gas supplied.

Safety precautions when working with gas heaters

So, what are the requirements for owners of gas heaters for security others and themselves:

  • The device must not be covered with material.
  • Do not remove the grille from the heater if it is on.
  • If the heater is powered by a cylinder, the latter should not be under direct influence of the heater.
  • The heater must not be placed near cars.
  • The device should only be used in the position specified in the product instructions.
  • Heat radiation should not be directed towards flammable objects.

Gas heaters deserve a large number of positive feedback from buyers. Latest rated high quality work and heating power. The percentage of complaints about problems for various models is insignificant.

A good garage is warm garage. Even the most economical car enthusiasts agree with this statement. Times when winter time The four-wheeled “friend” was forced to endure severe frosts, which are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Car owners are convinced that the cost of even minimal heating in winter period not as high as repairing a car, which often freezes in winter. Many people are also attracted by the ability to start the car right away, rather than waiting for it to warm up. Solving the heating problem is not difficult, since stores offer the widest range electric, gas, diesel, and infrared heaters for the garage. All that remains is to choose the appropriate model.

What should a garage heater be like?

A garage is a specific room. Usually it has small area, designed not only for storing the car, but also for its current repairs. Typically, a garage owner has free access to electricity, but a garage connected to common system gas supply, you don’t see it often. Therefore, garage heaters should be:

  • compact so as not to interfere with vehicle repair and maintenance;
  • easy to operate, install and maintain;
  • safe for health;
  • autonomous, etc.

Manufacturers offer car owners a variety of heater models for temporary heating. They can run on electricity, diesel fuel, liquefied gas, etc. When figuring out which heater is best to use for a garage, you should take into account the size of the room, how well it is ventilated, acceptable air temperature and other factors. Some motorists note that during work they feel quite comfortable even in not very high temperature air, but this may not be enough to spend time in a purely male company.

Review of industrial models of garage heaters

Option #1 - diesel fuel appliances

Diesel garage heaters have two main compartments: the fuel tank and the combustion chamber. Diesel fuel enters the chamber through a nozzle. The combustion process is ensured by a fan that blows air, so such a device will require a small amount of electricity to operate. The heated air enters the heat exchanger and is then distributed throughout the room. Combustion products are removed through.

Using a diesel heater, you can very quickly warm up even a room that lacks thermal insulation. These are compact devices that can be installed in any suitable place. It should be remembered that when operating diesel heaters, the oxygen contained in the room is consumed, so care must be taken to regularly ventilate the garage. Modern models are equipped with a block for remote control. Long-term use of such a device is considered completely safe.

Detailed information about the operation of diesel heaters is presented in the video:

In addition to the models described above indirect heating Direct heating heaters are available for sale. They do not provide for the removal of combustion products through the chimney, so it is not recommended to use them in small garage spaces.

Option #2 - use of liquefied gas

A convector gas heater is a combustion chamber connected to a liquefied gas cylinder. There is a coaxial air duct through which the air necessary for combustion is supplied, as well as a chimney for removing combustion products. Electricity is not required to operate such a device.

Since to centralized system Garages usually do not have a gas supply; for heating they use relatively inexpensive and readily available liquefied gas in cylinders

A more modern version of the gas heater are ceramic models with a built-in combustion sensor. If the flame goes out for any reason, the fuel supply will be automatically stopped, which increases the safety level of the device. Thanks to the universal valve, the device can be easily connected to the gas network.

The device is equipped with a thermostat, which allows you to vary the air heating temperature and save fuel. It should be remembered that protective cover Such a device can heat up to 60 degrees. This reduces the chance of fire or burns, but you should still handle the gas heater with care.

Although the cost of units operating on liquefied gas is quite high, moderate fuel consumption allows you to recoup these costs within the first couple of months of operation. Gas heaters are considered best choice for a garage that is only heated periodically.

Option #3 - electric heating devices

The most common models electric heaters for a garage can be called and. The first are a combination of a heating coil and a fan, with the help of which a flow of warm air is distributed throughout the room. In the design of the latter, the role of coolant is played by oil, which can accumulate and gradually release heat.

Electric heaters are extremely easy to use; they need to be installed in a suitable location and then connected to the mains. The presence of a thermostat allows you to regulate the heating of the air in the garage. The only thing that threatens the owner of such a device is high electricity bills.

Electric heaters are the simplest and most affordable way organize heating in the garage. These are safe and convenient devices, but the cost of their operation can be quite high

Option #4 - infrared heat

Infrared heaters operate from an electrical network. The rays emanating from the deflector heat the surface at which they are directed. The heat from this surface then spreads throughout the room.

Infrared heaters are excellent for providing constant heat to keep the engine from freezing. To do this, the device should be placed directly above the hood of the car.

They are convenient because they can be placed on the ceiling, directing the radiation towards the floor. This way you can quickly and efficiently warm up the entire room. The use of devices of this type is quite safe and economically beneficial, since the energy consumption is much lower than when using traditional electric models.

To heat the air in the garage to 20 degrees, you will need a 100 W heater for each square meter. In order to support vehicle in working condition, a fifty-watt model placed above the hood of the car is sufficient.

Video “Multi-fuel stove for 1000 rubles”

Many garage owners use them not only as a haven for cars, but also as work workshops. And working in a cold room in the mid-season and winter is not a pleasant pleasure. Therefore, car enthusiasts solve the problem of organizing heating as best they can. Today, the main ways to heat a garage are:

  • use of electric heaters;
  • installation of a stove-stove;
  • the use of heaters operating on sawdust and fuel vapors;
  • organization of a water-type system.

All of the above methods are justified when organizing garage heating. But the first three are flammable, and if you take into account that there are always a lot of flammable substances in the garage, they must be used with extreme caution. The latter is good, but quite difficult to install; not every garage owner can do it on their own effective system water heating.

Appeared not long ago new way heating organization - installation of heaters emitting infrared heat. These devices gained popularity in a very short time. Why? This is what we'll talk about.