Installation of heated floors under laminate. Installing an infrared heated floor under a laminate - step-by-step instructions

Flooring with laminated panels is chosen by most owners of city apartments and suburban buildings. This material is very practical. And quite affordable in terms of cost. Moreover, a successful imitation natural wood adds coziness and comfort to any room. Of course, laminate is less warm when compared with natural wood. However, this problem is easily solved by organizing a film-type underfloor heating system. About how to make a heated floor under a laminate and how much it costs this installation, the article will tell.

Laminated panels consist of 90% wood. During heating, the moisture content of the wood decreases. Therefore, many owners are interested in whether it is possible to lay a heated floor under a laminate, and if so, then under which one. This issue is especially relevant in families with small children. After all, kids love to run around the floor barefoot. And I really want to protect them from various diseases.

You can lay laminate flooring on a heated floor. The main thing is to observe certain conditions during installation. The choice of the type of heating structure is also important. So you can use infrared and cable heated floors under laminate, but which one is best remains to be seen. Each of these types of floors has certain characteristics. But there are benefits that are common to all.

Benefits include:

  • Uniform heating of the room.
  • No dust circulation.
  • Efficient operation of the system.
  • Aesthetic appearance. The heating elements are hidden under the floor covering, so they do not spoil the interior of the apartment.

A film-type heating structure is most suitable for laminate flooring. The product is a film. It's quite thin. The film contains conductive material in the form of stripes. The film is mounted on the substrate. Underlay for laminate under or electric floors is sold in any specialized store. The price of the product is quite affordable. No screed is required. Film flooring is very economical to use. Warming up is fast.

Film flooring has the following advantages:

Today on sale you can find laminate flooring with an already built-in infrared floor heating system. True, the price of such models is high. In view of this, not everyone can purchase the design. But before you put a heated floor under the laminate, you need to know what kind of material to use. After all, not all types of laminate tolerate contact with the heating system well. Manufacturers took this into account and developed a special technology for manufacturing laminated coatings. Such panels are ideal for any type of heated floors. You can find out which laminate to use by looking at the markings, which can be found either on the box or in the instructions for the product.

Installation features

To the question whether it is possible to lay laminate flooring on heated floors, the answer was given. But how to install the structure on your own, and is it possible? If you have a certain level of knowledge, a minimum set of tools, self installation– the task is quite feasible. But it is extremely important to follow a certain technology and adhere to the rules. It should be noted that installing heated floors under laminate does not require a concrete screed. And this makes the work much easier.

So, installation of a heated floor under a laminate is carried out as follows:

Thus, the work on installing a heated floor is simple and completely doable on your own.

Knowing how to lay a heated floor under a laminate, you can create an effective, quality system heat supply and at the same time save money.

To reduce temperature fluctuations to a minimum, it is advisable to equip the system with a thermostat. It should also be noted that when purchasing a heating structure, instructions must be supplied with the product. Therefore, having purchased a film heated floor under a laminate, the instructions should be carefully read before carrying out installation work.

Price overview

Today the choice is very diverse. On the market you can buy electric heated floors for laminate, both imported and domestic. Designing a heating system based on a heated floor in a cottage will cost approximately 13,000-20,000 rubles. The installation itself costs from 800 to 1000 rubles per square meter. If you need a heat meter, you will have to pay another 10,000 rubles.

The price of electric heated floors under laminate depends on the quality of the product and the manufacturer. So square meter Infrared film from a good company will cost at least 1,200 rubles. Of course, if more budget options. For example, the price of laminate for a warm water floor made in China will cost less. But the quality of low-cost products will also be low. And the quality is very important parameter, on which the reliability and durability of the heating structure depends. Therefore, saving is not recommended. It is advisable to buy products from well-known companies.

Today Russian market offers manufacturing companies from South Korea, Great Britain, Germany, USA, China. More than 90% of all products on the market are Korean products. Thus, ultra-thin heating films from RexVa, which are produced under the XiCA brand, are in good demand. The products of the Seggi Century corporation have also proven themselves well. The product is known under the Heat Plus brand. The systems of these companies differ high quality, reasonable price. Provide uniform and high-quality heating. As for the floors of English and American production, they are extremely rare. And, as a rule, these are Chinese fakes.


Thus, today, heated floors are chosen by most owners who plan to create an effective heating system for their home.

The finishing coating can be used in different ways.

But most often consumers prefer laminate and linoleum. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to make a warm floor under a laminate, and whether this is harmful to the floor covering. In fact, it all depends on the type of heated floor chosen and the brand of laminate used. Installation of film flooring is quite simple. The work is made easier by the fact that no screed is required. Therefore, you can do the installation yourself, thus saving a lot of money.

Laminate is a very popular type of flooring due to its characteristics, such as durability, aesthetics, convenience, and low cost. However, such a coating does not have the proper level of thermal insulation, that is, when laid on cold concrete without a layer of insulation, the laminated floor will acquire the same low temperature.

To make the coating warm to the touch, you can lay an IR floor under the laminate. We will tell you further in the material what it is and what is the method of its installation.

First of all, we note that installing a heated floor under a laminate is quite within the capabilities of an ordinary man, although it is necessary to take into account some nuances and recommendations.

What are the advantages of infrared floors

Laminated panels with their thermal conductivity are simply created for laying an additional heating system under them. The optimal solution in this case would be a warm floor - a film under the laminate. No other type of heating - water pipes, electric heating mats or cables - will be such a good option.

Infrared film for laminate has the following differences from other types of heating:

  1. Possibility of smooth adjustment temperature regime . Laminate is very sensitive to strong temperature fluctuations, so over time it can become deformed, begin to creak, and gaps may appear between the slats. In the case of water heating, its heating can only be controlled if it is autonomous and equipped with a thermostat. However, such a system also requires pouring an additional screed that raises the floor level, which is not always appropriate or feasible in the room.
  2. No need for additional screed. Infrared heated floors under laminate do not require additional screed. Here are other heated floors electric type, like heating mats or heating cables, are based on resistance principles and therefore require screeding. In addition, these types of heating heat the surface unevenly.

Warming up of the room occurs due to infrared heat waves with a length of 5-20 microns, which increase the temperature of the air and all objects in the room.

Advantages of film heated floors:

  • uniform heat distribution throughout the room;
  • heating efficiency and energy saving infrared systems heating – 30% higher compared to resistive heated floors;
  • the heating temperature of the film does not exceed 30-40 o C, which does not harm laminated panels;
  • the density of the elements emitting heat waves ensures uniform heating of the room;
  • quick start of heating the room;
  • ease of installation, dismantling and moving, as well as the durability of the heating system - reaches several decades;
  • does not dry out the air in the room, eliminates unpleasant odors, ionizes the air, promoting an antiallergic effect.

The only drawback of infrared heated floors under laminate is its high initial cost, which, however, pays off within a couple of years of use.

Operating principle of film infrared floor

The operation of infrared heated floors is based on film heaters. They are strips of carbon paste located at minimal intervals, soldered between two layers of polyester film. When voltage is applied to these rods, they begin to emit IR waves.

The carbon elements are connected to power via copper busbars with silver-plated contacts. In this case, all strips and individual sections of the film floor are connected in parallel, which eliminates the failure of the entire system in the event of a breakdown of one of the elements.

Infrared film heated floors for laminate are available in widths of 50 cm or 1 m, and the length of the rolls also varies. The choice of heating film sizes depends on the room parameters. If necessary, the film can be cut to length along special lines located every 25.7 cm. The film cannot be cut in any other places.

Infrared heating film is available with specific power of 150, 220 and 440 W/m2. These indicators are taken into account when calculating the load on the electrical network in the apartment before installing a heated floor system. As a rule, a film with a power of 150 W/m2 is used under the laminate, which can heat up to 40-45 o C, since higher heating is undesirable for this coating.

Thermal sensor and cable for temperature control, a set of terminals for connecting the film to the network, insulation and switching wires are supplied complete with heated floors. Thermostats are purchased separately and installed in each room, in places where they have easy access. The thermostat is connected to the electrical network, and the power cables for the film floor diverge from it.

Laying film heated floors under laminate

Before you begin installing an infrared heated floor under a laminate, you should draw up a layout diagram heating elements and indoor wiring.

First, determine the mounting location of the temperature controller, to which all wiring cables will be connected. The outer part of the cable, connected directly to the thermostat, can be routed through a corrugated tube and hidden in a groove in the thickness of the wall, or left outside, covered with a protective box.

The layout of the film elements must be marked on the diagram, taking into account all precautions and restrictions. It is important to take into account that the surface of the heating film has markings along which it can be cut.

You should not lay thermal film in places where furniture is located, since the heating elements will overheat, waste excess energy, and may even fail. Not to mention the furniture itself, which can also suffer.

Adjacent pieces of film should be placed at a distance of 5 cm, avoiding their overlap or intersection.

As a rule, it is considered optimal to lay infrared heated floors under laminate in an area of ​​40-60% of total area rooms.

In another option, the “neutral” and “phase” cables are attached on opposite sides of the film to avoid their intersection. This connection method requires care so as not to cause a short circuit.

The temperature sensor is placed approximately in the center of the laid film elements so that its cable is long enough to connect to the thermostat.

When all the nuances are taken into account in the diagram, you can proceed directly to laying the floor.

Preliminary preparation of the base

If you plan to install an infrared floor under a laminate on a concrete base, then it must be properly prepared - leveled, strengthened, primed and dust-free. Next they move on to preparing it for laying the film elements.

The screed is removed from dust, dirt and any microparticles using a vacuum cleaner.

In order to save electricity, a thermally insulating foil substrate is placed under the heating elements. The thickness of this layer is 2-3 mm.

The foil layer is laid with the metallized side facing out. This underlay is attached to the floor with double-sided tape, and the seams between the sheets are taped with adhesive tape.

The thickness of the substrate allows you to disguise all communication cables, terminals, and a temperature sensor in it so that they do not extend beyond the general level of the heated floor when laying laminated panels.

Laying heating film

According to the diagram prepared in advance, the heating film is cut and laid out over the area of ​​the room. When cutting the film and moving over it after installation, you should be careful not to damage the conductive and radiating segments. If this happens, the defective area should be removed.

Along the cut line, you should insulate all exposed contacts that are not needed to connect the film to the network. For these purposes, bitumen tape is supplied with the material.

The film pieces should be placed with the copper elements facing down. In this case, you can fix the position of the heating elements relative to each other and on the substrate using tape.

Clip-terminals are inserted into special gaps in the film, and the protruding parts are recessed into the thickness of the substrate. After this, the clips are crimped for subsequent connection of the heating element to the power cable.

Having laid out the cable according to the diagram, the ends are stripped and connected to the terminals, after which they are crimped.

When laying heating elements, it is important not to forget about the temperature sensor. It is placed under the thermal film, approximately in the center of the canvas so that its working element falls on the emitting dark stripe. The sensor can be secured with bitumen tape supplied with the film floor.

After connecting the wiring to the film floor, all cables with connection points are hidden in an insulating substrate, making cuts in it, and then secured with tape.

Electrical connection

When all installation work is completed, you can connect the system to the electrical network and test run it to monitor its performance.

All power cables for floor heating elements are pulled to a thermostat pre-installed in the wall. In cases where individual sections of the heated floor are powered by separate cables, they should be connected using connectors; in particular, Wago terminals are well suited for these purposes.

Under no circumstances should you twist the wires of individual lines, as this will reduce the quality of switching and can lead to overheating and sparking of the wiring.

If you do not have sufficient theoretical knowledge to work with electrical equipment, it is better to consult a specialist. He will tell you what power the machine should be installed for a heated floor, and also advise on the liner power cable to the thermostat. However, it is prohibited to connect the infrared heated floor system to a regular outlet.

To protect the electrical network from overvoltage and ensure the safety of users, the heated floor is connected to the network through an RCD.

After completing all work on connecting the heated floor to the electrical network, it is carefully re-checked for correctness according to the diagram. After this, a test run of the heating system is performed. If everything works and no problems are found anywhere, you can proceed to laying the laminate.

A layer of waterproofing must be laid on top of the infrared film heated floor. This can be either dense polyethylene or a special backing for the laminate, supplied with it. The film is laid with an overlap of 15-20 cm between adjacent canvases, after which the seams are sealed with tape. This step will protect the heating elements in case of unexpected water contact with the laminate.

Further laying of the laminate is carried out according to the manufacturer’s instructions, taking into account the nuances characteristic of the installation of this coating.

When all the work is completed, you can set a temperature that is comfortable for you and enjoy your time in warmth and comfort.

Laminate - flooring, which has gained extraordinary popularity these days due to its inherent advantages. Its main advantage is accessibility from a financial point of view. It is also practical, has enough good timing service, easy to install. And for lovers of heated floors who value coziness and comfort in their home, the use of laminated panels as final coating- the perfect solution! But not all underfloor heating systems can be installed under laminate.

Warm floor under laminate

There are three main types: electric, water and infrared heated floors, it’s up to you to decide, of course, but the last type is considered the most modern and modernized. It is this kind of warm field that will be discussed in our article.

IR flooring under laminate is the destiny of modern times

Electric and water options are gradually becoming a thing of the past. under laminate, or, as it is also called, film, has gained enormous popularity among the population. The relatively small thickness and uniformity of laminate panels ensure efficient distribution of IR rays over the entire surface. A design features film canvas (heated floor systems) do not allow radiation to penetrate deep into the base, thus ensuring high level efficiency of the heating system.

Operating principle of infrared heated floors

The operation of film heated floors is based on the use of special technology, which consists of the peculiarities of bimetal compounds. When the unit is connected to the mains, current flows through these bimetallic connections, causing infrared rays, which come from them.

All the pros and cons

Infrared has a number of advantages over its competitors:

  • ease of installation;
  • possibility of self-installation;
  • availability;
  • high-quality replacement of stationary heating (in areas with warm climatic conditions);
  • no fluctuations in temperature conditions;
  • economical energy consumption.

Is it possible to install an infrared floor yourself?

Warm infrared flooring under laminate will not only make the coating modern, but will also give it the property of functionality, which consists of instantly creating a comfortable microclimate in the room at any time of the day, both winter and summer. It is more than possible to install an infrared heated floor under a laminate yourself. In this case, there is no need to resort to the use of expensive technologies and make a concrete screed.

Necessary tools

For work you will need:

Types of infrared film

Infrared film is classified depending on the type of heating element, and it can be of two types:

  • bimetallic;
  • carbon.

It is worth noting that carbon film is considered more elastic and durable.

How to install an infrared heated floor under a laminate: general installation rules

  • Distance. The heated floor system should be installed at a certain distance from heating sources, such as fireplaces, radiators, stoves and others. As a rule, the minimum value for such a distance is 50 centimeters.
  • Free space. It is allowed to install infrared heated floors under laminate exclusively in a space free of furniture. Reviews indicate that when installing the system under furniture or equipment, the heating structure or the entire floor may overheat.

  • Availability. The floor covering must support the ability to control the functioning of the structure and provide access to the system at any time.
  • Ventilation. As you know, laminate flooring has minimal thermal conductivity. That is why it must have high-quality ventilation, which partly depends on correct installation laminate

Making an infrared heated floor under a laminate with your own hands: installation instructions

The main requirement when laying a heated floor is a flat base that does not have any bumps or cracks. There should also be an outlet in the room that allows you to connect to a 220 V power supply. Once you have ensured that these two requirements are met, you should proceed to the following steps.

Preparatory and insulation work

Step 1: Clean the base. Carrying out cleaning work to eliminate dirt and debris. It is recommended to use vacuum cleaning equipment.

Step 2. Measurements. It is necessary to measure the dimensions of the room and calculate the material. IR film cannot be overlapped. Therefore, if, due to the size of the room, it is not possible to lay a certain number of solid strips, then it is possible to create small gaps between them.

Step 3. Installation of the heat-reflecting substrate. When laying laminate, it means using a special substrate with heat-reflecting properties. This material is covered over the entire area of ​​the room. If the dimensions do not match, it can be shortened.

Step 4. Processing the joints of the substrate. The joints of the heat-reflecting material must be sealed with mounting adhesive tape from the outside.

Step 5. Prepare the heating system, cut it according to the size of the room. You can make cuts only in areas that are painted white.

Step 6. Laying the film. The heating film is placed on the floor throughout the room if it is cleared of bulky furniture. If there is one, installation should be done in free places.

Step 7. Busbar insulation. Copper bars in places where the film is cut should be insulated with electrical adhesive tape, twisting it through the cut point. It is very important that no air gets under the tape.

Step 8. Processing the grounding bus. The tire, which is usually located in the central part of the heating sheet, must be bent on both sides. In this case, the sections should not be touched, in fact, in the same way as the remaining white areas.

Step 9. Insulate the film in the area that is freed from the copper grounding bus. Electrical equipment is used adhesive tape. You need to glue it so that there is a fold on the wrong side.

Step 10. Insulate the sections of the IR film with tape, which is glued to ½ of the width and bent over the section.

Soldering wires and connecting the thermostat

Step 11. Align the film at the place of installation and attach it to the substrate on the side opposite to the side where the temperature controller is placed.

Step 12. Soldering wires that connect individual sections of the film. Bend the film from the side where the temperature regulator is installed, so that its wrong side faces up. In order to increase the level of comfort when performing work, it is allowed to temporarily fix the film with mounting adhesive tape. Next, the preparation of materials begins: installation wire, the cross-sectional indicator of which is 2.5 m 2, a soldering tool with a power of no more than 60 W, solder. The insulating layer is removed from the protective tires, which are located along the edges of the film, using a heated soldering iron or a stationery knife. The edges of the cut are marked with a soldering machine, and the insulation melts. After this, all that remains is to clean it with a knife.

Step 13. Connecting film sections in parallel using soldering. Stripping the installation wire from the insulating coating should be done carefully over an area that is sufficient for soldering. In this case, the wire core is not cut. When connecting sections of film, you should be guided by the “phase-zero” rule. Based on this, it is more rational to use a wire with a multi-colored insulating coating. During soldering, the wires must not cross or be too tight. Otherwise, damage or breakage cannot be avoided.

Step 14. Insulating solder joints. The places where the wires are soldered are insulated with electrical adhesive tape.

Step 15. Installation of the floor temperature sensor. Such a device is installed under the film, in a recess that was made in advance in a substrate with heat-reflecting properties. The temperature sensor is placed under the film in the central part of it working area, in the warmest part of the room. By fulfilling the last requirement, the master reduces the risk of overheating the film. The wire that comes with the temperature sensor is laid along the substrate and leads to the thermostat. The latter is fixed to the substrate using mounting tape.

Step 16. Stripping the wires, tinning their ends and connecting to specific terminals of the temperature controller. In the same way, you need to connect the installation wire that goes to the heating busbars of the film, and the power cable.

Step 17. Following the previous algorithm of actions, you need to connect the grounding bars of the film. They are stripped, trimmed and connected using copper strip or cable. The output wires are placed in a corrugated pipe.

Step 18. Fixing the film. The film must be attached to the substrate using mounting tape. In this case, it is impossible for individual sections of the film to overlap each other.

Testing and installation of laminate panels

Step 19. Attach the grounding wire from the corrugated pipe to the grounding contact of the temperature controller, and if there is none, to the grounding loop.

Step 20. You need to check the infrared film heated floor before installation. Installation under the laminate is carried out only after a preliminary check of the functionality of the thermal structure. To do this, connect it to a 220 V power supply, set the temperature regulator to the middle position and start the heating process by pressing the toggle switch. Keep it in this state for no more than 1 minute, after which the quality and degree of heating of all parts of the film are checked by hand.

Step 21: Cleaning. Elimination of installation cable residues and other debris. It is considered acceptable to use a vacuum cleaner.

Step 22. Laying polyethylene film to improve its waterproofing properties. The IR film is covered with polyethylene so that there is an overlap of about 15-20 cm on the walls. The thickness should be more than 160 microns.

Step 23. Laying the laminate.

Let's say no to carpets

Remember! It is not recommended to use carpets and other floor coverings as decoration and interior design in a room if infrared heated floors are installed under laminate. Consumer reviews confirm this. After all, such things create a delay effect warm air, which can cause the flooring to overheat. For example, if a carpet is laid where the thermostat is installed, the power relay will systematically turn off, which means that there can be no question of the efficiency of heating the room or room.

Before laying infrared heated floors under the laminate, you should draw up an appropriate diagram, taking into account the following nuances:

  1. The temperature regulator should be located at a height of 15 cm from the floor in the most accessible and convenient area.
  2. The surface temperature of a laminate floor as a whole is directly dependent on where the temperature sensor is placed. The optimal location of the device is near windows or doors - where it is coolest.
  3. Laying infrared heated floors under laminate is prohibited under installed furniture and equipment. If, due to the lack of sufficient space in the room, this requirement is violated, then it is necessary to create so-called air pockets, the minimum height of which is 10 cm.
  4. The outermost film sheets should not be pressed tightly against the wall surface. They should be at a distance of approximately 15-40 cm from the wall along the entire perimeter. In this case, the length of the canvas should not be more than 8 cm.
  5. Film heaters should only be cut in special places.
  6. The placement of the infrared floor system under the laminate with an overlap is unacceptable.

What are users saying?

Most people who have laminate flooring choose infrared heated floors under the laminate. Reviews, however, are both positive and negative.

Some note the effectiveness of such floors as a heating system for the entire room. Others complain about the unsightly appearance due to the loss of evenness of the laminate floor, as well as the instability of the structure. The disadvantages that users talk about may be the result of neglecting one or another installation or operation rule, since it is very important to correctly install infrared heated floors under laminate. Reviews when choosing the type of floor heating are, of course, worth reading, but you still shouldn’t take them to heart. Better study specifications IR film and the laminated coating itself when choosing, and entrust the installation work to a specialist if you doubt your own abilities.

Since appearing on earth, man has strived to create comfortable living conditions: a dry, warm and beautiful home. Modern apartments and houses almost fully correspond to these wishes. Some discomfort is caused only by central heating systems with a radiator type of heat transfer: the floor is always cool, the warmest space is under the ceiling, and in the house (apartment) there is a constant upward flow of air near the radiators, causing drafts. Laying infrared heated floors under laminate solves this problem.

Operating principle and design features

In nature, heat is transferred in two ways:

  • Convection, when heat is transferred directly from body to body by air;
  • Rays (this is how the Earth receives heat from the Sun). A physical principle is involved here, based on the ability of bodies heated above 60 degrees Celsius to emit waves with a length of 0.75-100 microns, which are of an electromagnetic nature. The basis of IR emitters is the ability of bodies to emit waves in a given range (from 5.6 to 100 microns).

An infrared “warm floor” consists of a base layer, conductive strips (copper and silver), a carbon emitter and a laminating film. Under the influence of current, carbon paste begins to emit rays, which, upon reaching a dense body, begin to heat it.

In the case of heated floors, heating is carried out directly from the laminate, which already warms the room by convection. Since the rays have different lengths, some of them pass through the floor and heat the surrounding objects. That is why it is prohibited to place furniture above heating elements to avoid overheating of the IR film.

Film heaters are produced with a power from 150 to 440 W/m2 (for laminate, the maximum power should not exceed 150 W/m2). Standard width films can be of 4 sizes - 50, 60, 80 and 100 cm. Any length - produced in rolls. However, at certain intervals, special strips are provided along which the film is cut to any length - increments of 20 or 25 cm.

Advantages and disadvantages of IR heated floors

Infrared film heated floors under laminate have both supporters and opponents. This is due to the fact that this heating system has many positive and negative qualities. Wherein strengths really impressive.

  • The heat transfer features allow you to heat only those surfaces where a person is present: walkways, workstations and rest areas. In this case, energy is not wasted on heating the bottom of the furniture, which leads to a reduction in consumption of up to 20-30%. electrical energy and therefore family finances. Another advantage of this approach to placing IR film is its savings.
  • Low cost of materials and installation work when assembling infrared floor heating. A clarification is needed here. The price of a film heating kit is very high when compared with other types of “warm floors”. It starts from 2,000 rubles. for components (includes temperature sensor, temperature regulator, electrical wires, contacts, bitumen tape), plus from 650 rubles. for every m 2 of IR film. However, the significant costs of purchasing materials are offset by the low cost of installation work.
  • The infrared heating system is not afraid of sub-zero temperatures— manufacturers allow its operation at temperatures down to –70 o C. This means that during prolonged exposure to unheated rooms V winter time the system does not lose its functionality. This property is difficult to overestimate when using IR film in homes suburban type, where there is no permanent residence, and in dachas.
  • There are no restrictions on installation either by type of building or type of premises. The system can be installed in individual houses and apartments, living room, children's room, kitchen, bathroom, etc. In this case, there is no risk of flooding neighbors as with a water “warm field”.
  • Easy installation and dismantling. Connecting current-carrying elements and connecting to electricity does not require work skills, but attentiveness and pedantry, which allows you to complete the entire cycle of work with your own hands. At the same time, installation is carried out very quickly.
  • Range infrared radiation carbon elements are completely identical to solar heat.
  • No repair required. The failure of one or more emitting strips does not affect the operation of the film as a whole - the connection to the power supply is parallel. If there is a need to replace the film completely, then no problems are foreseen here either - it can be easily dismantled.
  • Uniform heating of the room is achieved. At the same time, what is important is that warm layers of air are located at the bottom of the room, and not under the ceiling, as when heating with batteries. This heat distribution makes it possible in practice to implement one of optimal conditions human life - “keep your feet warm and your head cold.”
  • The warm-feeling floor allows you to walk barefoot, which is good for health, and also to let small children down on it without fear of them getting cold under the influence of internal drafts.
  • The long service life of film floors is ensured even with uninterrupted operation. They do not require any maintenance, technical or otherwise.
  • There are no invection and convection movements of air flows inside the room, which gives an unexpected result: there are no internal drafts; practically no dust rises into the air (most of it remains in the places where it forms), which is important for allergy sufferers (they don’t get sick) and housewives (less cleaning work).

So that this article does not look like an advertisement for infrared heating systems, we will also present its disadvantages, which will allow the consumer to get full information about this heating method. There are few of them, but they can significantly sway the desire to install infrared heated floors under laminate in an apartment or house.

1. Despite the high efficiency of carbon emitters (more than 80%), the energy consumption of the system is very high, which will cost the owners a tidy sum when paying for electricity. Let's show this with a conditional example.

Total area of ​​the apartment, m278
Area of ​​laid film, m251
Power consumption per m2, W/hour200
Power utilization factor (when heated to the required temperature, the system turns off)0.6
Electricity consumption per apartment per heating hour, kW/hour (200/1000x0.6x51)6.12
Electricity consumption per apartment per day, kW/hour146.88
Monthly electricity consumption for heating, kW/hour4406.4
Cost of 1 kW/hour, rub. daily rate (3/4)3.61
Cost of 1 kW/hour, rub. night rate (1/4)2.09
Heating costs per month, rub.15124.97
Heating costs per year, rub.90749.82

As we can see, for people with incomes slightly below the average level, such heating is financially unbearable. Therefore, we can only talk about an additional source of heating, for example, the floor in a bathroom or toilet, which is turned on when visiting them (the floor surface warms up within ten seconds).

2. Carbon emitters operate on a 220 W network, which leads to several types of risks:

  • electric shock;
  • short circuit when moisture gets on the film;
  • fire.

Judging by the reviews on the forums, the presence of grounding and automatic shutdown in the event of a short circuit do not always provide a 100% guarantee of safe operation of the film.

3.Dependence on power supply. With frequent shutdowns, the effect of infrared heating is sharply reduced.

4. It will not be possible to change the arrangement of furniture or add something to the room without changing the layout of the film heaters. You will have to dismantle the floor covering and lay down the film according to the new layout.

Given the strong and weak sides IR heaters allow you to weigh the pros and cons and make own choice. Let us note that with the growing well-being of the population, the popularity of the systems will only grow - they have many tempting advantages.

Which laminate is better to use in conjunction with infrared heated floors?

The effect of installing IR film can be reduced or eliminated altogether wrong choice laminate for finishing floor. Slats that do not match the type of heater can become deformed and release formaldehyde in amounts exceeding sanitary standards, poor conduction of heat, etc.

You can avoid the problems listed above by knowing which laminate for infrared heated floors and how to choose. It must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a locking connection. The use of glue to connect the panels creates a rigid, continuous floor covering that breaks during sudden temperature fluctuations, which is what happens when the film is plugged into the network;
  • Good conduction of heat. Laminate manufacturers evaluate this ability of lamellas by the coefficient of thermal resistance. The smaller it is, the better the heat from the heater is transferred to the heated room. For infrared “warm floor” it should be in the range of 0.05-0.10 m 2 x °K/W;
  • Have a thickness of 8 to 9 mm. In thin panels, the locking joint is destroyed during the process of expansion and contraction due to temperature changes, thick panels conduct heat poorly - they have a low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • Do not release formaldehyde when heated to 27-30°C. When purchasing a laminate, you must take this factor into account and buy flooring of class E0 or E1;
  • Have wear resistance of at least class 3. The higher the indicator, the stronger the floor.

Attention: IR heaters can be installed not only in combination with a wooden (pressed wood fiber) laminate, but also under vinyl - the manufacturer allows it.

Information about the requirements considered can be obtained from the pictograms printed on the inserts (see photo) and digital symbols.

Installation instructions for infrared heated floors

The installation technology for infrared floor heating consists of several independent species work performed in strict order:

  1. planning the power and arrangement of heating elements;
  2. surface preparation;
  3. installation work on assembling the heating system;
  4. connection to electrical networks;
  5. thermostat connection.

Planning and rules for placing lanes

Before starting installation work, you need to plan the future heating system in detail:

  • reflect the location of the furniture;
  • calculate the length and width of each strip of film;
  • calculate the power of the system (you can contact the sellers for advice);
  • draw with a pencil or pen a diagram of the placement of elements emitting IR rays, indicate the location of the temperature sensor, determine the order of connecting the wiring so that they do not cross (you can connect on one side or on both).

In this case, you need to take into account some requirements and observe the existing nuances:

  • The length of the film is cut every 20 or 25 cm;
  • heating elements must be placed along the room - the number of network connection points is reduced;
  • IR film should be located from the walls at a distance of 0.25-0.30 m;
  • exclude the placement of the film under the furniture - the heating elements overheat and the carbon strips burn out;
  • There should be 5 cm between rows of film;
  • the temperature sensor is located in the middle of the film strip, but with the condition that its standard wiring is sufficient to reach the thermostat.

The instructions on how to lay infrared heated floors under laminate do not contain the important stage works: purchasing the necessary materials, tools and equipment. Therefore, the next step towards warm floor- a trip to the hardware store.

Materials and tools

To assemble infrared floor heating you need to buy:

Firstly, a set of film heated floors, which includes:

  • IR film (sold in widths of 0.5 m, 0.6 m, 0.8 m, 1.0 m);
  • electric wires;
  • fastening clips for fixing infrared film;
  • clip contacts;
  • bitumen tape.
  • temperature sensor with wire;
  • thermostat;
  • foil backing;
  • polyethylene film for waterproofing the heating system from leakage of water spilled on the floor;
  • electrical tape;
  • household or masking tape;
  • scissors (construction knife);
  • pliers;
  • roulette;
  • ballpoint pen or pencil.


The thin film of the heating element reacts very sensitively to the slightest unevenness of the subfloor - it is easily damaged. Therefore, the floor screed must have a flat, dry surface (you can see how to perform floor screed work in the materials “” and “”).

Before laying the film:

  • the surface of the screed is swept and vacuumed;
  • a foil backing (3 mm thick) is laid with the reflective side up so as not to heat the base of the floor;
  • the joints of the substrate are glued with foil (painting is allowed) tape;
  • a recess for the temperature sensor is cut out in the substrate (a similar operation for the terminals and wires is carried out after connecting the system to the thermostat unit).


1. In accordance with the developed installation diagram, the installation location of the thermostat unit is marked on the wall. Channels for wiring are installed to it. One to the electric power supply system (panel with circuit breakers), the second - down to the floor, for wires from the film heater.

A thermostat is attached to the wall and wires are connected to it, after which the grooves are sealed with gypsum putty (electricity can also be supplied along the wall surface in plastic channels).

2. The film is cut with scissors strictly along the designated stripes. Here you need to be very careful and careful - accidental damage to conductive or radiating strips leads to rejection of the damaged area.

3. Unused film contacts are insulated with bitumen tape (included in the kit). The insulation must completely cover the silver contact exposed after cutting the film.

4. Heating elements are placed around the room in accordance with the plan with the copper strip down, after which they are attached to each other and to the substrate with household or masking tape.

5. Terminals are installed on the conductive strip of the film. To do this, one part of the contact clip is inserted inside the film (the manufacturer provides a technological cut), the second remains outside, always from below. After this, the clip is crimped.

6. The lead wires are stripped and inserted into the terminal. Clamping is done using pliers.

7. The terminal is insulated with bitumen tape- its strips are glued on top and bottom, after which they are tightly connected. To ensure complete sealing of the connecting unit, any air bubbles remaining between the strips of tape are removed.

The advantage of bitumen insulation is that when it is first connected to the electrical network, it heats up and, taking the shape of the protected connection, seals it as much as possible.

8. A temperature sensor is attached to the IR film. Before installing it, the unconnected end of the film is freed from the tape with which it is attached to the substrate and rolled up so that the reverse side is accessible.

The meter is attached to it on a black carbon strip (emitter) with bitumen tape, exactly above the cutout in the substrate. Along the entire length of the standard wire from the temperature sensor, a cut is made in the substrate into which the wire is recessed. The film is returned to its place and re-attached to the foil with tape.

9. Recesses are cut in the substrate for wires and terminals. The laid wires are fixed with masking tape (elements of the heating system are not allowed to protrude above the surface of the substrate).

Network connection

The wires from the film are connected through special terminals to the thermostat unit. The system is powered without fail through an automatic device - a special protective device (RCD). If you do not know how to calculate its power, you need to seek help from a specialist. You should avoid twisting the ends of the wires - overheating of the connection point is possible due to poor contact.

Attention: connecting the IR film to a power outlet is strictly prohibited.

Grounding the power supply system will help ensure complete safety.

Connecting the thermostat

Self-regulation of the system occurs using a temperature sensor and thermostat. The sensor is connected to the unit with a standard wire, which must not be extended - the signal strength will be distorted. The order and connection diagram are located in the instructions attached to the thermostat unit (for different manufacturers they differ).

Upon completion of installation, a test run is carried out. If everything is done correctly, you can begin laying the laminate.

The nuances of subsequent installation of laminate

Laying laminate flooring on an infrared heated floor is carried out only after work has been carried out to protect the heating system from water spilled on the floor (if water gets on the IR film, it can cause a short circuit). To do this, spread over the top of the substrate and heating elements. polyethylene film, overlapping, with an approach to the walls.

The connecting seams are carefully sealed with tape. After this, you can install the laminate. For those who plan to carry out this work themselves, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the work “”


Infrared “warm floor” is gaining popularity due to the many positive characteristics. But significant electricity costs are holding back its sales. Installation is simple, but requires careful fulfillment of all requirements. The most important of them:

  • very smooth screed surface;
  • the substrate must be foil;
  • all open contacts are isolated;
  • terminals, electrical wires and temperature meter must be recessed into the substrate;
  • connection to the network is carried out only through an RCD;
  • A waterproofing film made of polyethylene is laid over the heating elements.

You need to select a laminate according to the pictograms and inscriptions - they are on the insert.

The popularity of laminate floors is easy to explain - they are beautiful, durable, durable and easy to install. However, not everything is as good as it could be. Laminate, although it may be similar to wood in texture and color, still does not have sufficient heat capacity and may feel cold when moving on it. Therefore, many owners of apartments and houses, especially those living on the first floors, are seriously concerned about underfloor heating. Infrared heated floors under laminate can be the best solution to the problem of cold floors.

Infrared heated floors resemble in appearance a thick film with black stripes on it. However, heat mats are only part of a complex electrical system that allows you to heat the base in an apartment.

In this case, floor heating occurs due to infrared radiation, which appears due to the carbon paste located between the sheets of transparent film. It is applied in parallel lines and looks like those same black stripes. The emitted waves have a length of 5-20 microns. System, thanks additional elements, is connected to the electrical network, where the current conductor is a connection of copper and silver.

On a note! Carbon has a fairly high thermal conductivity, due to which energy consumption can be significantly reduced. That is why infrared floors can be called quite economical option heating for floors. At least the utility costs in this case are much lower than when using conventional electric or water floors.

The main part of the infrared heating system is precisely those striped film heaters. They are sold in rolls and can have a width of 50 cm or 100 cm. Cutting them is convenient, since there is a cutting line approximately every 25 cm, which allows you to buy exactly as much film as you need to install a heating system in a particular room. The film is sold by the meter.

Attention! It is strictly prohibited to cut the film in a place not marked with a special marking! This will damage the canvas and it will not work.

Power infrared films is 150, 200 or 440 W/m2. These indicators will be useful during calculations regarding the arrangement of a heated floor system, to identify the load on electrical system Houses. For laminate, it is optimal to use mats with a power of 150 W/m2. They will allow you to heat the floors to a maximum of 40-45 degrees, and a higher temperature is not necessary. Otherwise, it will be unpleasant to walk on the floors, and higher values ​​will have a negative effect on the surface itself. Optimal temperature for legs - about 27 degrees.

Also, a heated floor system with infrared heating necessarily includes:

  • thermostat;
  • special clips or clamps;
  • wires for connecting the system.

The infrared floor system is highly reliable, since the individual elements are connected in parallel - if there is a problem in one of the elements, the rest will continue to work.

Is it possible to install infrared heated floors under laminate?

The heat capacity of laminate is higher than tiles, and its thermal conductivity is lower compared to the same material. They don't like laminate floors high temperatures, and therefore should not heat up excessively. If you install a water or electric heating system under the laminate, you will have to ensure a constant increase in the temperature of the heater, which will negatively affect both the material itself and the amount of utility bills.

Doesn't like laminate sharp changes temperatures that cannot be avoided when installing any other heating system. In case of negative temperature effects, there is a risk of cracks and cracks appearing in the material, and the floor may begin to creak. Neither a water nor an electric floor will provide optimal heating of the surface in terms of heating level and uniformity.

Due to their small thickness, the lamellas heat up quickly, because IR rays will spread quite quickly throughout the material. Also, if the floors are made correctly, the radiation will not go towards the rough base on which the film lies, which means there will be no heat leakage. Thus, IR floors are the most best option for heating laminate floors.

Advantages of using film heating

IR floor heating has many advantages that make it one of the best options for heating laminated floors:

  • optimal and uniform temperature distribution over the entire floor area;
  • economy;
  • the optimal floor temperature level is within 45 degrees;
  • rapid heating of the surface;
  • ease of installation and repair;
  • there is no need to install a screed, since the floor covering can be laid on thermal mats;
  • long period of uninterrupted operation.

The main disadvantage of such floors is quite high cost of equipment and materials, but the investment will be fully justified if you take into account all the advantages of the system.

Which laminate to choose for IR heated floors?

Before you finally decide on the infrared type of floor heating, you need to study information about which laminate can be laid on top of this type of heaters without harm to itself. Suitable material must have a special marking in the form of a “snake”. It is this designation that informs the future owner of a warm laminated floor that the laminate is suitable for installing a heating system.

IR heated floor under laminate - subtleties of technology

Installation of an infrared floor system, although simple, requires attention and has certain features. Still, the work is carried out using the home’s power supply system, so mistakes should not be made here. Otherwise, the floors will either not work or simply become dangerous for the home owner.

Even before installation begins, a complete and accurate floor laying diagram is drawn up, on which the IR mats themselves and all system control elements are indicated. The installation locations of thermostats, temperature sensors and other equipment must also be marked. It is important to remember that all the wires that will come from the heating system are connected directly to the thermostat.

The thermostat is usually installed on the wall, and in order to hide all the wires, it is recommended to cut a narrow groove into it, into which communications will be laid. Thus, they will not be conspicuous, because after laying the wires the cavity is sealed. In this case, the wires must be placed in a corrugated tube.

On a note! If you don’t want to trench the walls, then all communications can be hidden in a plastic gutter mounted on the wall.

Also, first on paper, and then on the floor itself, a diagram of the location of all infrared films is drawn. This procedure, in addition to convenience during subsequent installation, will also help to accurately calculate the consumption of all materials - wires, films, etc. The connection points of all wires are also marked on the diagram.

Nuances when working with IR film that should be taken into account before installation:

  • the film is cut only along clearly marked lines;
  • that was fewer places connections of individual sections, the film should be rolled out along the long wall of the room;
  • there must be a gap between the wall and the first line of the film - its width cannot be less than 25 cm;
  • designations of the places where the furniture will be placed are immediately entered into the diagram (bedside tables, cabinets, sofas, etc.) - the film is not placed under them, which will reduce material consumption, and in the future the floor in this place will not overheat, which means the system will not burn out;
  • each strip of IR film is placed at a distance of 5 cm from the adjacent one;
  • the neutral and phase wires should not intersect when connecting, so they are connected only on opposite sides of the film;
  • the temperature sensor should be located in the coolest place in the room so that it is in the middle of one IR element;
  • the length of one IR strip cannot be more than 8 m;
  • a suitable place for the thermostat is 15 cm from the floor level;
  • Individual strips of film cannot be laid overlapping or on top of each other.

On a note! There is no need to worry that the floor heating will be insufficient if the film does not lie on the entire surface of the floor. The fact is that for optimal heating it is enough for the heaters to cover only 40-60% of the base of the room.

Preparing the foundation

The subfloor must be smooth and clean - litter and large debris are not allowed, it is also important to remove pebbles, sand, and dust. It is recommended to check the floor for strength, repair cracks and gaps, and level them to acceptable parameters.

Advice! To make the concrete base less dusty, it is recommended to treat it with a primer mixture, although this procedure is not necessary.

Also on subfloors there should be thermal insulation material. It is recommended to use foil. The shiny side should be up. The strips are laid end to end. The thickness of the foil material should be about 2-3 mm. It is most convenient to secure the material using double-sided tape, and the gaps between the individual strips can be closed with ordinary tape. Then small recesses will be cut out of the material into which terminals, wires and other communications are placed. Then the base for the capricious laminate will be optimally smooth. It is also recommended to lay a layer of waterproofing material on the base of the floor.

Materials and tools

What may be needed to install an IR floor system? These may be the following tools and materials:

  • directly the IR heating film itself;
  • heat reflector;
  • temperature sensor and temperature controller;
  • regular and double-sided tape;
  • electric wires;
  • clamps and material for wire insulation;
  • waterproofing material (for example, polyethylene film);
  • knife, scissors, pencil, ruler, tape measure.

At the beginning of the article, a description of IR film was given, but in fact, it is not only carbon.

Table. Types of heating film.


The optimal option for IR film used for arranging a floor heating system. Its description was given in the article above. The heater consists of two layers of film, between which there are strips of carbon elements, due to which heating occurs. The material is environmentally friendly, effective, reliable, economical, and does not have a negative impact on human health. Service life - decades. Heat transfer is 97%. The main producing countries of such flooring are the Netherlands and South Korea.

Such a floor is also created from two layers of polyurethane film, between which a conductor made of copper and aluminum is laid. Installation of such a system is somewhat more complicated due to the lack of a grounding wire. The material can also be used under laminate (such heating systems cannot be used under ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware). The system is functional, distributes heat well, and is suitable for use in Russian climate conditions.

There is also another type of IR film. It appeared relatively recently, but has already become in great demand. These are films with a continuous carbon coating. Unlike standard carbon IR film, this material practically does not fail when damaged - that is, the floors will always be warm.

On a note! If you damage one or several strips of a regular infrared floor, then it will not warm up at their location. However, when using a film with a continuous strip of carbon fiber, the floor will warm up just as evenly, even if it has been damaged. It’s just that in the place of the cut or break the material will be a little cooler, but it will continue to heat.

Film floor installation

Let's take a closer look at the process of installing IR film under laminate.

Table. Do-it-yourself installation of infrared floors - step-by-step instructions.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Measurements are taken from the entire floor in the room where installation will take place. It is also recommended to check the evenness of the rough base using a level.

A place is selected on the wall where the thermostat will be located.

The surface of the subfloor is covered with heat-reflecting material. Strips of material are laid joint to joint with the shiny surface facing up. Izolon can be used as a heat reflector.

The heat-reflecting layer is fixed to the base using tape or a stapler.

The joints of the heat reflector are taped.

The IR film is placed on the heat reflector so that the copper strip is at the bottom.

The film is being cut. In this case, all cuts are made with scissors along strictly marked lines.

The film strips are laid in such a way that there is a distance of at least 25 cm between them and the wall, and 5 cm between individual strips. Also, the film does not spread where large-sized furniture will be placed, so that the floors do not overheat in the future.

The places where the copper busbar was cut must be insulated with strips of bitumen insulation. It should cover the silver contacts along the entire cut.

Where the wires will be connected, contact clamps are installed on strips of copper. They are positioned in such a way that one part of them is inside the IR film, and the second is outside.

The terminal is clamped with pliers.

The film strips are fixed on the surface of the heat reflector and among themselves using tape so that the material does not move during operation.

The wires are inserted into the terminal and secured with pliers.

All places where wires are connected to the IR film are insulated. Two pieces of insulating material are used for each contact point. One is fixed outside the film, the other is closed inner side films. It is important to ensure that the silver contacts at the edges of the film are also insulated.

The temperature sensor is mounted under the IR film on the black graphite strip of the heater and fixed with a piece of insulation.

For the sensor, a small cut is made in the heat-insulating layer using a knife. The sensor must fit into it when the film is lowered.

Cutouts on the heat reflector are also made for contacts and wires.

All wires in the recesses are sealed with tape.

A temperature controller is installed on the wall surface in a selected location, to which the wires are connected according to the instructions and connection diagram attached to the thermostat.

The system is being tested. The heating system turns on, the floor temperature is set to a value not exceeding 30 degrees. The heating of all strips of thermal film is checked.

IR mats are covered with polyethylene film for additional protection. The installation of the heating system is complete.

Laying in progress finishing coating for the floor. The laminate is laid using conventional technology on top of the film. The work is carried out carefully so as not to damage the thermal film.

Prices for IR film heated floors

infrared heated floor

Video - Installation of heated floors under laminate

Features of installation work

And finally, a few tips for installing an infrared heating system:

  • humidity in the room where work is carried out should be no more than 60%;
  • installation of IR floors is carried out at a temperature of 0 degrees and above;
  • Thermal film, even for testing, must be connected to the network only in an unrolled state - it cannot be connected in a roll;
  • if the film was damaged in the area where the graphite (black) layer lay, then the place of damage must be isolated on both sides;
  • the temperature sensor must be connected so that, if necessary, it can be easily replaced;
  • If there is a flood in the apartment, then it is important to immediately turn off the floors and not use them until they are dry.

If the infrared floor heating system was connected correctly, it will last for decades. It is important to carry out all work carefully and carefully - only in this case can you get the desired result!