Storing the garlic harvest. Correct timing when it is better to remove winter garlic from the garden bed for storage When to remove garlic from the bed in the middle

When to remove winter and summer garlic from the garden Growing garlic will not be a lot of work. The main thing in this matter is to choose the right time for planting and harvesting time for winter or spring garlic. Today we will talk about when to remove garlic from the garden, and also outline the time and method of harvesting the crop.

When to harvest winter garlic If you are growing this vegetable, you should definitely know when to harvest winter garlic to avoid losses during harvesting and subsequent storage. Garlic planted in the fall reaches full maturity after 100 days from germination. In most regions of the country, harvesting of winter garlic occurs at the end of July - beginning of August. The time may move earlier or late time depending on the region of cultivation and prevailing weather conditions. Some gardeners, when deciding when to harvest winter garlic, strictly adhere to the lunar calendar. How to determine that garlic is ripe You can determine whether garlic is ripe or not yet by the following signs: in plants with cut arrows lower leaves should dry out and the top ones should turn yellow; the shells of the air bulbs on the shoots should burst and garlic seeds, called bulbs, should emerge from the cracks; The scales of the garlic heads should be strong, dry and have a purple tint. Now we know all the signs indicating the ripening of this vegetable, including how to determine the ripeness of garlic that has arrows with bulbs. To grow larger cloves of garlic, it is recommended to break out the arrows of the plant in advance, directing nutrients for the formation of the harvest. Experienced vegetable growers leave 2-3 plants with arrows in the garden in order to determine the ripeness of garlic and to collect planting material. When a garlic bulb effortlessly breaks into individual cloves, it indicates that the vegetable is overripe and needs to be removed urgently.

Timing for harvesting winter garlic depending on the region. Cloves that are not fully ripe will be soft to the touch, and those that are overripe will begin to disintegrate while the garlic is on the vine. Both cloves are poorly stored in winter. If you do not remove the garlic at the optimal time, then after it is moistened by precipitation, it may again begin to grow new roots and begin to grow. In view of these possible problems, you need to be very careful as the crop approaches harvesting. Many gardeners want to know when to harvest garlic in the Moscow region, in conditions middle zone Russia, the Urals, Siberia and other regions of the country. As for the regions of the middle zone, winter varieties of garlic usually ripen there in mid-July. But unexpected adjustments can be made by the weather, shifting the cleaning deadline in one direction or another by a week. In the northern regions of the country, it takes longer for the crop to ripen and this usually happens at the turn of July and August. The harvesting time of winter garlic is also affected by the variety. Early varieties can ripen 1-2 weeks earlier than late-ripening ones. Attention! If the summer is too dry and hot, then ripening will occur later. A series of rains and abundant watering throughout the growing season, on the contrary, greatly affect the growth of fruits and harvesting may occur earlier. Harvesting according to the lunar calendar 2018 Some gardeners determine the sowing and hilling of crops, as well as the timing of harvesting winter garlic, according to the lunar calendar. Favorable days to harvest winter garlic in July 2018 are: July 5-8; July 15-18; July 19-21; July 22-30. We also determined that the harvest time for winter garlic may fall at the beginning of August. So, in August best periods The numbers for harvesting winter garlic are: 1, 3, 14 and 17. Some summer residents advise starting harvesting winter garlic as early as June. You should not listen to such advice. In this option, harvesting will be premature, the vegetable will not fully ripen and the garlic will begin to germinate again during storage. Having spent nutrients on germination, the garlic bulbs will begin to dry out and deteriorate. Judging by folk signs, garlic dug according to the lunar calendar can be stored 40 days longer than usual. In cases where the harvested garlic is supposed to be used for planting next year, the lunar calendar will also come in handy. Next year's harvest will depend on the correct harvest time.

When to harvest spring garlic. How to determine what is ripe Now let’s figure out when to harvest spring garlic grown in a country or personal plot. On average in Russia, summer garlic begins to ripen after August 15 and up to September inclusive. It is at this time that you should carefully look at the garlic plantings and look for signs indicating its ripening. Even experienced summer residents who use the lunar calendar to determine the timing of garlic harvest will agree that even before digging up the bulbs, it is necessary to identify the stage of maturity of the vegetable. If this is neglected, the heads will begin to ripen after harvesting for storage. Here are some signs that indicate that spring garlic is already ripe: a general slowdown in the vegetative growth of the plant; yellowing and lodging of leaves and stems; drying of the root collar; the head is fully formed with pronounced teeth; The outer layer of the bulb should be sufficiently dense and dry. Attention! You don’t have to wait long for the leaves of spring garlic to completely turn yellow, otherwise you may lose the entire harvest. Overripe garlic, like unripe vegetables, is not suitable for long-term storage. Timing for harvesting spring garlic depending on the region Dates when to harvest summer garlic different regions countries vary and depend on the following factors: Time of planting garlic. In every region climatic conditions have some differences and this determines the timing of planting and harvesting. Knowing that the growing season of spring garlic is on average 100 days, you can calculate the approximate harvesting time. Climate of the region. In each region, spring does not arrive at the same time. While the morning frosts last, garlic cannot be planted. Planting is carried out when stable positive temperatures are established. Weather features in this season. Summer weather leaves its mark on the harvesting period of spring garlic. If the weather is dry and hot all summer, the garlic ripens faster. And in cool summers with plenty of precipitation, ripening is delayed, and harvesting dates are pushed back to a later time. Attention! Spring garlic intended for storage should not be allowed to freeze. The time for harvesting spring garlic usually occurs 2-3 weeks after the winter crop is harvested. They also focus on yellowing of leaves. But it would be a mistake if you wait until all the leaves turn yellow. Those leaves in the center should remain green, and the lower leaves should be yellow and dried out at the time of harvesting. In central Russia, garlic is planted at the end of April or beginning of May. It turns out that cloves planted in late April will be ready for harvesting by August 10, and May garlic is harvested in the second half of August. IN Leningrad region and Belarus, the harvesting dates for spring garlic fall from August 24 to September 6. In the Urals and Siberia, the harvesting time comes a little later, but in any case it must be completed before the end of September. In the southern regions of the country and in Ukraine, garlic usually ripens at the beginning of August.

Cleaning according to the lunar calendar 2018 It will also be useful to know when to harvest spring garlic according to the lunar calendar. Below we provide information indicating favorable periods of time for harvesting this crop. In the last month of summer 2018 favorable days for digging traditional varieties of this vegetable, as well as Egyptian garlic and Chinese garlic, are as follows: August 1-3; August 11-12; August 15-16; August 29-30. We have already said that in more northern regions, the ripening and harvesting of spring garlic often occurs in September. According to the lunar calendar, favorable days for digging this vegetable are the following: September 2-3; September 8-12; September 15th; September 20-22; September 26-29. Extremely undesirable days for harvesting spring garlic are the 2nd and 18th in August, and the 1st, 6th, 16th, 17th and last day of the month in September. Bulbs harvested these days are prone to rotting. #Garden Garden

Whatever you say, you can’t do without garlic in the kitchen; after all, it is a plus for any dish, except for compote. That's why it's so important to always have it on hand and in reserve. As you know, it is the winter variety of garlic that is immediately used for food and for preservation, and spring garlic, although it is much smaller and more delicate in taste, is used for storage. It is quite clear that it is more advisable to grow both varieties, because while one, or rather the winter variety, is already ready for use, the other, of course, the spring variety, is only gaining strength. Naturally, the timing of harvesting winter and spring garlic differs. As a rule, they largely depend on the weather conditions of the current season: how quickly the earth warmed up, what the temperature was. However, if you dig up garlic too sooner or later, various negative processes will begin to occur to it, which will negatively affect its storage in the winter, so you need to correctly select the timing of harvesting the spicy crop from the garden. All these dacha problems will be discussed in our article.

Useful properties of garlic

We are accustomed to considering garlic as an original Russian product. But its homeland, like many other spices, is Central Asia, most likely Turkmenistan. Based on the content of substances valuable to the body, this vegetable (some dictionaries call it a spice) can be compared to Ali Baba’s cave of treasures.

  • carbohydrates;
  • protein;
  • glycosides;
  • organic acids;
  • phytoncides;
  • essential oil;
  • vitamins (vitamin C, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, choline);
  • enzymes;
  • minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium, etc.).

But the most beneficial substance in garlic is allicin. He truly has miraculous properties, which do not allow us to doubt the fact that garlic is extremely healthy.

Garlic can kill pathogenic viruses, bacteria, microbes and fungi. In the Middle Ages in Europe, people tried to use garlic to protect themselves from plague and cholera.

Garlic stimulates the activity of immune cells and increases the body's ability to resist various diseases.

Garlic is an excellent means of combating vitamin deficiency and scurvy. This property of garlic was well known to the first sailors, who took large supplies of garlic on board the ship.

Even today, despite the wide selection of multivitamins, polar explorers and residents of the northern regions do not refuse this aromatic and healthy product.

When applied externally, garlic accelerates the restoration of damaged tissue.

Signs of ripening garlic

How to determine the ripeness of garlic? The surest signal is the drying and yellowing of the lower leaves of the plant. This process, of course, is influenced by air temperature ( sunny summer or rainy), the variety of garlic, as well as the territorial location of your site (region). Among other things, gardeners have their own “signs” indicating the ripening of the crop. Someone in the process of growing garlic does not cut off all the arrows, but leaves a couple of pieces on individual plants. When the initially curly arrow becomes even, this is a sure sign that the garlic can be dug up.

Garlic harvest time

Harvesting time depends on climate, weather conditions and planting method. In the steppe and forest-steppe zones, garlic acquires maximum useful substances by mid-July, but in the Moscow region it should not be collected before the beginning of August. This garlic harvest time corresponds to a dry and moderately rainy summer. If the weather was very damp, it should be dug up a week or even two earlier. Otherwise, the bulbs will take up a lot of moisture from the soil and there will be a risk of rotting.

Spring garlic, harvested in the second half of August - early September, is called summer garlic. He doesn't shoot. Its maturity is determined by yellowed and fallen foliage. Winter garlic planted in the fall reaches optimal maturity for harvesting almost a month earlier than spring garlic. The approximate harvest time for winter garlic is the end of July.

Another summer resident looks at the flower heads: if they begin to burst and show “bulbs,” it means it’s time to harvest.

You should know that only winter varieties produce shoots, spring varieties do not shoot, a rare exception is the “Gulliver” variety.

How to remove garlic from the garden

Garlic is harvested in dry weather. After cutting off the arrows, if it is winter garlic, lightly dig up the bulbs, then carefully remove them from the ground and carefully shake off the remaining soil. The removed garlic is placed in rows to dry. If the weather is dry, then the decomposed crop is left outside for several days, removing it at night. In wet weather, hide under a canopy.

In case of prolonged drought, it is better to moisten the soil before harvesting. When shaking off dry lumps of earth, the roots may be torn off along with the bottom.

It is important not to throw the garlic, but to fold and move it carefully, avoiding possible dents, in order to reduce the risk of various rots.

Then the garlic must be laid out in one layer in a well-ventilated room for final drying for 2 to 3 weeks. The next step is to carefully cut off the stems and roots. The stem is cut so that at least a centimeter remains. The roots are cut off without touching the bottom of the bulb, otherwise there is a high risk of disease.

Garlic storage

When storing vegetables, you should follow certain rules.

  • Temperature. The air can be either warm or cool. For winter species optimal temperature– about 2-4 degrees Celsius.
  • Humidity. Should be between 60 and 80%. At low humidity the cloves will lose their juiciness, and increased juiciness can cause illness.
  • Ventilation. The premises must be well ventilated. Otherwise, there is a risk of disease and loss of elasticity of the vegetable.

At home, this vegetable is stored in braids or wreaths, fifteen or seventeen onions each. An alternative to this method is storing in bunches, or small brooms. Tying the bulbs into small panicles, they are hung from the ceiling, choosing the least humid corner.

If rot suddenly appears on the garlic, the infected bulb is immediately removed from the rest and placed in the sun to dry a little. Then the garlic can be safely eaten, after cutting off the damaged areas.

To prevent the husks from drying out and protect vegetables from diseases, experienced gardeners It is recommended to immerse the heads in melted paraffin before storing. Paraffin on the surface forms a film through which moisture and viruses do not penetrate. The film is easily removed; you just need to hold the fruits in cold water for a couple of minutes.

If all storage conditions are met, you need to remember one thing - winter garlic can be stored for no more than six months. Usually harvested enough for the whole winter. The teeth do not lose their teeth medicinal properties, even if they have been stored for several months.

The classic ripening period for winter types of garlic is 100 days, and it is important not to miss the moment of harvest. But depending on the regions and other factors, the harvest time differs. The following describes detailed deadlines and popular methods for harvesting winter garlic.

Determining whether garlic is fully ripe

They begin to harvest garlic from the end of July until about the beginning of August.(we are talking about winter species). Before harvesting, the gardener must ensure that the garlic is ripe and ready for digging and storing. This guarantees not only good taste future dishes, but also the shelf life of the product (i.e., the duration of its storage in at its best while maintaining all beneficial properties and appearance). It is especially important not to miss ripening if the crop is grown on a large scale for further sale.

How do you know that the crop is ripe and it’s time to dig up garlic from the garden? It is necessary to carefully monitor changes in the appearance of the plant, both its above-ground part and the bulbs. Ripening is signaled by:

  • Air sacs or inflorescences. On the arrows stretching upward, the outer shells of the inflorescences burst, and seeds or, as they are called, bulbs begin to appear.
  • Leaves. The lower shoots of the plant look drier and turn yellow, the upper ones also acquire a yellow tint. If most of the leaves look like this, it means the plant has stopped photosynthesizing and growing. It's time to harvest. When the leaves withered and lay on the ground, it means they were late with the cleaning.
  • Bulbs. For testing, pull out a couple of heads or dig them halfway, preferably on different sides of the bed. Mature specimens should be dense, easily separated from each other, and covered with two or more scaly layers that are easily removed. The scales have a purple tint. The teeth of the unripe winter variety are soft, while the teeth of the overripe variety are cracked.

Often, summer residents prune the bolting variety during the growth period, depriving themselves of the opportunity to determine ripening by the rods. But experienced gardeners recommend not cutting off at least a few rods in order to then determine the degree of maturity of the entire crop from them. In addition, the bulbs will then be planted, and each of them will sprout.

Collection times depending on regions

As a rule, gardeners in Russia harvest garlic in mid-summer. Early ripening varieties are ready 10-14 days earlier than late ripening varieties. But climate features, depending on the regions where the crop is planted, make their own adjustments. Ripening is affected by the early or late onset of spring, whether the summer months are hot or humid. The usual assembly time may shift by a week or longer in one direction or another due to weather conditions.

The growing season is shortened if the summer is rainy. Heat and dryness inhibit ripening.

Approximate cleaning times depending on the region are as follows:

  • In Crimea, the Caucasus region and other southern regions, the dacha season begins early. Fully ripen by July 5-10.
  • In Central Russia - the Chernozem region, the Volga region - the first harvest is dug up from July 10 and later. In the Moscow region a little later: from July 12 until the end of the month.
  • In Siberia and Far East winter varieties ripen in the last ten days of July, and if the summer is cool, the harvest is harvested in early August.
  • Towards the beginning of August, garlic is harvested in the northern regions.

Features of collection according to the lunar calendar

Some gardeners harvest garlic by checking the lunar calendar, as it is believed that digging up the heads on certain days will extend their shelf life. Focusing on the movement of the Moon, all the necessary manipulations are carried out: hilling, trimming arrows, loosening, etc.

Harvesting during the waning moon. When the garlic is technically ripe, they begin to dig it up at any convenient time, excluding the days of the full moon and new moon.

According to the 2019 lunar calendar, favorable periods for harvesting winter varieties:

  • from July 18 to July 31;
  • from 16 to 29 August.

Once clear signs of ripeness have appeared, the crop must be harvested within one week. If you do this earlier, the garlic will be loose, and overripe heads may begin to grow again and will be stored worse. Due to inexperience, summer residents will receive a product of reduced quality.

How to properly harvest winter garlic?

Proper harvesting of garlic guarantees its long-term storage. Preparations begin 2-3 weeks before the expected date, which means:

  • reduce the number of waterings, preventing rotting of the roots;
  • 7-10 days before digging, stop watering completely;
  • 2-3 days before harvesting, loosen and weed the beds;
  • if necessary, cut off yellowing leaves.

When and how to harvest winter garlic?

The harvesting scheme for winter and summer varieties of garlic (that is, winter and spring varieties) is the same. The harvest is harvested in clear and dry weather, early in the morning or late in the evening, when the summer heat has subsided. The collection procedure is as follows:

  1. The heads are dug up with a shovel, pitchfork or special device- garden fork. Carefully remove them from the ground, without tugging, so as not to damage the fragile roots.
  2. Remove any stuck soil from the roots. Do not beat them off and shake them off, otherwise the teeth will be damaged and rot.
  3. The dug up garlic plants are placed in rows along the beds so that they dry out.
  4. It is advisable to eat damaged heads immediately and not leave them for long-term storage. If they are rotten or moldy, throw them away.

A specialist will tell you how to check the maturity of garlic and correctly remove the heads from the ground. Watch the video:

Preparation and storage

After the winter garlic is dug out from the garden without removing the roots and leaves, the cloves are dried for a week or a little longer (from 7 to 10 days). Some leave the crop directly in the garden, but this can only be done in dry weather. It is important to consider that dew falls at night, soaking the collected fagots. While the garlic dries, all the nutrients from the tops move into the bulbs.

Typically, garlic is dried in a room protected from rain: on a summer veranda, under a canopy, in a barn or attic. The selected location should have good ventilation. The bulbs are laid out on wooden table or on the floor - on a newspaper. It is not necessary to pre-wash them, although some do.

After 1-2 weeks, the resting cloves are subjected to such manipulations as trimming roots, tops and leaves. This is done with a special pruning shears so as not to damage the mature bulbs. When stored in warm room, especially in a city apartment, improperly trimmed teeth can sprout. The roots are cut off in the following way:

  1. If garlic plants are sold, a minimum beard of 1-3 mm is left on their bottom or the roots are cut off completely, leaving a depression.
  2. Otherwise, it is allowed to cut off the roots, leaving about 3-5 mm in length. This garlic stores well.
  3. When it is planned to use part of the crop for further planting, the acceptable root size is 5-10 mm.

An effective, albeit time-consuming way to protect teeth from sprouting: seal the roots and bottom with hot wax. On further landing These types of garlic are not suitable, but they have good keeping quality and will overwinter well even in cold weather. ideal conditions.

Should the arrows be removed?

Before long-term storage, dry garlic shoots - shoots that have grown upwards - are removed. The optimal cut length of the neck: 6-10 cm, it depends on what form of storage is chosen:

  • If you plan to store the crop in bunches, the cuttings are left 10 to 15 cm long. This makes it easier to tie several heads together.
  • A short stem no more than 3 cm is convenient when the crop is placed in a hanging net, box or box. But the cover scale should be below the cut line, which will help avoid rot.
  • The ancient method of storing garlic in braids involves the presence of almost the entire stem - both shoots and leaves.

After processing each head, all harvested garlic is ready for long-term storage. Before storing, it is recommended to sort the heads by size and take care of the cleanliness of the selected containers: sterilize glass containers, sprinkle the bags with table salt (if you plan to keep the crop in a damp room - a cellar or basement), etc.

Small garlic cloves are often filled with oil and stored in the refrigerator. This garlic is convenient to use for dressing salads.

Demonstrates how to tie a garlic braid experienced gardener. See more details in the video:

Unfortunately, most gardeners believe that the most important thing in growing a summer garlic crop is its correct landing, timely watering and fertilizing.

However, to preserve the taste of the crop, its timely harvesting is no less important. Unripe garlic bulbs will not have time to accumulate the necessary beneficial features and will be less tasty. Over-sitting heads, on the contrary, will lose some of their valuable nutrients, and at the same time the shelf life will deteriorate.

Let's look at when to harvest summer garlic and in what time frame.

Harvesting time for spring garlic

The harvest period for summer crop varieties differs from winter crops. Winter varieties takes root in the fall, so they wake up earlier - in early spring and immediately begin to actively vegetate. Spring cloves take time to germinate. Therefore, summer varieties are harvested later than winter ones - at the end of August and even at the beginning of September.

Climatic factors also influence the beginning of collection. Rainy summers speed up ripening, and hot weather prolongs the process. Therefore, it is very important, in addition to the calendar, to conduct your own observations.

There are 2 varieties of garlic:

  1. Shooting - those in which there is an arrow and an inflorescence. They are removed after the lower leaves begin to turn yellow.
  2. Not bolting - its time of digging is determined by the softening of the neck of the stem and yellowing of the leaves.

Let's look at when you can harvest summer garlic in Russian regions:

  • in the Moscow region - at the end of August - in the first ten days of September;
  • in the middle zone, the dates may shift until the middle of the first autumn month;
  • V southern regions The crop usually ripens at the beginning of August;
  • in the Urals and Siberia, harvesting begins at the end of August and continues until the end of September. However, on Southern Urals, especially near the hot steppes of Kazakhstan, it is better not to delay harvesting longer than the middle of the first autumn month, and in Siberia sometimes this process can only begin in mid-September.

  1. You need to focus on the time of harvesting winter garlic; spring garlic should be dug up after 2-3 weeks.
  2. You can roughly calculate the period from the planting date - the growing season is approximately one hundred days.
  3. It's better to remove everything a few days early than late. The heads can ripen under cover.
  4. Also focus on the lunar calendar: it is compiled for every year.

Signs of maturation

Some visual signs will help you understand when to harvest spring garlic:

  • new feathers stopped forming;
  • the feathers are still partially green, but the lower leaves have already turned yellow. The averages should still be green;
  • purple stripes appear on the bulb;
  • the teeth of the heads can be separated well by hand;
  • There are 3 layers of easily removable scales on the bulb.

How to clean

So, we’ve figured out when to remove summer garlic from the garden for storage, let’s look at how to skillfully harvest it so that it can be stored for as long as possible. To better determine ripening, stop watering 2-3 weeks in advance. This way you can protect the crop from the development of fungal microflora and rotting.

You can also remove the frogs by tying the yellowing feathers in a knot. This event helps redirect nutrients to the bulb and the cloves will become larger. Some people simply break out the arrows, leaving only a couple of plants with arrows to use to determine ripeness.

Cleaning rules:

  1. Digging is carried out only in dry weather. The bed should not be wet.
  2. It is better to time the excavation so that there is no rain for several days after it.
  3. It is better to dig out the heads with a fork so as not to damage them. You can also use a shovel: dig up the garlic from below along with a lump of earth, and then carefully pull it up by the tail.
  4. There is no need to throw away the dug up bulbs.
  5. The heads should be carefully laid out to dry. During the day, the harvest should be dried in the sun, and brought into the house at night so that the bulbs do not become damp from the morning dew.
  6. Dried garlic is cleared of soil and sorted.
  7. Peel the heads with your hands: if you want the garlic to last longer, you don’t need to beat it on the ground or against the walls of the house. Bruised fruits are stored worse and begin to rot faster.
  8. Large heads are set aside for storage for the winter, and small ones for quicker consumption.
  9. The roots and stems are cut so that no more than 1-2 cm remains.

If the autumn is rainy, you can dig the crop from wet soil. Drying is then carried out in a warm room. The garlic can be spread out in a single layer or hung. Some gardeners even rinse freshly dug bulbs with cool water. After the procedure, the bulbs are left to dry so that the water flows to the ground, but does not remain under the fruit. After drying, the roots of the bulbs are cut off and the stems are dried for another 7-8 days.

Timely dug up and well-dried garlic will be stored all winter, fully retaining its taste.

How to store

However, it is not enough to know when to remove summer garlic from the garden for storage in order to eat juicy garlic cloves throughout the year; it is important to know how to preserve it:

  1. The room must be ventilated. Wet air will contribute to rapid rotting of the bulbs.
  2. The temperature regime is allowed in a fairly wide range: from +2 degrees to +20 degrees, however, a lot depends on the storage method. Thus, you can store the harvest in a ventilated cellar, vegetable pit, and even in an apartment.

The onions need to be placed in such a way that each head receives its own portion of air:

  • Arrange in one or two rows;
  • Hang on the walls in the form of bunches or braids;
  • In ventilated containers: mesh or fabric bags, wooden boxes from boards, wicker baskets;
  • In solid wooden or cardboard boxes, sprinkling each layer with salt;
  • For short-term storage for 2-3 months you can use glass jars: The neck should remain open. The bottom of the onion should be lightly burned with an open fire. You can pour tightly packed heads in a glass container vegetable oil, although this will not increase the shelf life. For longer storage in glass, each layer of onions can be sprinkled with salt (jars are stored at +3-+5 degrees);
  • In cling film: each head is wrapped in film so that the bottom remains open. The wrapped garlic is placed in a cardboard container and covered with sawdust;
  • In paraffin: Dip each head in paraffin, let it drain and put everything in a dry place with a cool temperature;
  • If you have a place with zero humidity and a cool temperature, the heads can be stored there.
  • If the harvest is not particularly large and no one wants to deal specifically with storage, you can preserve it at home and in plastic bag. The only condition for such storage is that the bag must be ventilated once a week.

Many gardeners prefer spring garlic, which grows faster, has more cloves than winter varieties, and has good shelf life. However, to prepare seed, winter varieties are used that form. Important for preserving spring bulbs are: right choice time of planting, care, as well as the time when you need to remove spring garlic from the garden for storage.

  • Pay attention to the breeding characteristics of the variety. There are only 14-16 varieties in this crop.
  • Don’t rely entirely on calendars: visually check the condition of the crop in several beds at the same time.
  • Do not allow stocks set aside for storage to be frozen; they will spoil faster.
  • During storage, periodically, at least once a month, check the bulbs for mold.

It is impossible to name the exact time for harvesting spring plantings, since it changes every year due to the variety, cultivation area, and climatic factors. However, by applying the advice of experienced vegetable growers, you can timely harvest a carefully grown crop and place it in long-term storage, so that even in winter you will not be left without vitamins, phytoncides and other necessary biologically active substances.

In the middle of summer, preparations are already in full swing for harvesting the garlic, which was planted before winter. The spring spicy vegetable is dug up closer to autumn. The exact timing of harvesting winter and spring garlic cannot be determined. When to remove garlic from the garden for storage depends on the type of vegetable, the climate of the region and weather conditions. In order for the onions to be stored for a long time, you should know not only when, but also how to dig them up correctly.

Many gardeners and gardeners are engaged in sowing, planting and harvesting different cultures, focusing on the Lunar calendar:

  1. In the second month of summer, favorable days for harvesting garlic: 1 number and all days from July 23 to July 29.
  2. In August The lunar calendar recommends digging up bulbs for long-term storage from 19 to 26, 29, 30, 31.
  3. In early autumn, spring garlic is dug up in many regions. Favorable days: from 16 to 22, 25, 26, 27 September.

If you believe Lunar calendar, that is best dates for harvesting garlic. However, it is best to focus on the climate of the region, weather conditions and signs by which you can find out when it is time to dig up a spicy vegetable.

Harvesting time for winter garlic

In the Moscow region and other regions of central Russia I start digging up the bulbs of the spicy vegetable in mid-July.

In the Urals, from Siberia and in other more northern regions Garlic harvesting begins at the end of July or beginning of August.

In the southern regions (for example, in the Krasnodar Territory) warm days come early, so winter varieties are planted in early spring, and they begin to be dug up from the beginning of July.

However, the timing of crop ripening is affected by the weather. If the spring and summer were dry and warm or even hot, dig up the bulbs a week or two later. Abundant watering and regular rains in warm summers have a positive effect on the growth of heads, so they may need to be removed earlier.

Harvesting time for spring garlic

About 2-3 weeks after harvesting winter varieties, spring garlic begins to be dug up:

  1. In Kuban and other young regions Spring varieties are harvested in early August.
  2. In the Leningrad region– in the third ten days of August and early September.
  3. In the Moscow region and other areas of central Russia They dig up garlic from the second ten days of August.
  4. In Siberia and the Urals They begin harvesting spring varieties from the end of August. Bulbs are dug up until the end of September, but not later.

Signs of ripening garlic

When you can dig up garlic is determined by the following signs:

  1. No new feathers are formed.
  2. Leaves begin to turn yellow. Bulbs should be dug when the feathers are still partially green. If you wait until they turn completely yellow, the shirt on the head will begin to rot. The lower leaves should turn yellow and dry out, while the middle leaves should remain green.
  3. Purple stripes appear on the bulb's shirt(except for varieties with a white shirt).
  4. The spicy vegetable has no arrows The leaves begin to fall.
  5. At the shooting garlic feathers can last until frost, so it is removed when the seed pod begins to crack.
  6. In ripe garlic upper layer should be easily removed, and the cloves should be separated from each other.

How to properly harvest garlic

To prevent the heads of the spicy vegetable from rotting and to be stored for a long time in the winter, you need to know how to dig up garlic correctly:

  1. Cleaning is done in dry weather. The soil in the garden bed should not be wet. In order for the onions to dry well, there should be no rain for several days after harvesting the vegetables.
  2. To avoid damaging the heads and it is easy to dig them out, it is recommended to use a pitchfork. Very carefully dig up the onions with a pitchfork or shovel and take them out of the ground.
  3. Attention! Do not throw the dug garlic, but carefully place it on the site. Otherwise, the heads may be damaged and will not be stored for a long time.
  4. If there is no rain, onions are dried in the garden bed under the rays of the sun. It is better to bring the harvest indoors at night so that it does not become damp from dew or precipitation.
  5. The dug up garlic is carefully cleaned from the soil and sorted. Damaged small heads are set aside separately. They are not suitable for long-term storage, so they are used primarily for food or pickles.
  6. Roots and stems of dried bulbs are trimmed, leaving a piece of stem one to two centimeters long. This procedure is carried out only after the heads have dried thoroughly. The stems are not cut if the garlic will be stored in the form of a braid.

It is important! If it’s time to dig up the garlic, but there are prolonged rains, don’t delay harvesting! Spicy vegetables dug up from damp soil will simply take longer to dry. For drying, choose a warm, well-ventilated room in which the heads can be laid out in a single layer or hung above the ceiling.

If you don’t dig up garlic in time, it will lose not only its presentation, but also its taste. An overripe vegetable has cloves that fall apart and the scales easily peel off.

Garlic dug up in time and well dried will be stored all winter until spring or even until the next harvest.