DIY spring wood splitter drawings. Drawings and instructions for making your own mechanical wood splitter

A source of heat such as wood (firewood) has been known to mankind since ancient times, and although it is now used almost everywhere gas heating, firewood remains relevant and in demand to this day for a large number of the population. However, preparing firewood for the winter as a heat source is a labor-intensive task, because you not only need to deliver the wood, but also process it. Human thought has improved this process over time - folk craftsmen have come up with this convenient device like a mechanical wood splitter.

Design and operating principle

More firewood long time will not lose their relevance, remaining a convenient, economical and environmentally friendly type of fuel. There are several reasons for this:

  • in the outback, in many houses to this day there is no alternative to stove heating;
  • saunas and bathhouses, when offering their services to attract customers, almost always indicate that they use firewood to produce heat, and it is environmentally friendly and of a certain type;
  • no picnic would be complete without a good old fire - both for cooking and for creating warmth and a cozy atmosphere.

Initially, to facilitate the process of chopping wood, they used different kinds hand cleavers and wedges. But during operation, such primitive devices proved to be ineffective, since they were traumatic, and often simply got stuck in the log. Therefore, they were replaced by a wood splitter. This simple mechanism saves not only energy, but also a large number of time. But the craftsmen did not stop there either, deciding to completely minimize the effort and time spent on the process of collecting firewood, improving the technology of wood splitters. This is how mechanical wood splitters appeared.

This idea was picked up by numerous industrial enterprises, however, such mechanisms are not cheap, so the answer to the question - how to make a mechanical wood splitter with your own hands - remains very relevant.

Depending on the type of design, the wood splitter consists of a simple support arm to increase the applied force or a number of side mechanisms that serve to facilitate the process of collecting firewood. Side mechanisms include the shoulder to which the cleaver is attached, and the frame - the bed on which the cleaver is supported. In general, a complex of such simple devices forms a mechanism that can facilitate the work of collecting firewood.

Pros and cons of homemade models

Let's look at some of the most successful models mechanical wood splitters that are easy to manufacture, easy to use, safe and can simplify the process of processing wood into firewood as much as possible. Mechanical wood splitters are divided into several types. Let's consider them positive sides and disadvantages.

Mechanized wood splitter

A simple version of a homemade wood splitter with a simple drive, which is the easiest to make, since it does not require large financial outlays. Even if the necessary parts are not available, acquiring them will not be particularly difficult. However, such a device will bring the greatest benefit only if the need for firewood is minimal. The disadvantages of such a wood splitter are the long handle on which the cutter is attached, and considerable effort. But even such a primitive mechanical wood splitter can significantly facilitate the work of preparing firewood.

Spring pressure wood splitter

A pressure or spring wood splitter implies certain costs for materials for manufacturing, but will significantly reduce the load on the worker’s muscles. The mechanics remain the same, but a spring shelf is added to the strut. The spring should not deform during compression and have a certain elasticity (Fig. 2). The height of the frame of such a wood splitter is usually 65-80 cm. The design is simple, takes up little space, but has its drawbacks:

  • requires such a wood splitter comprehensive work with impact tools, which increases the risk of injury;
  • it makes it much easier, but does not reduce the effort when preparing firewood to a minimum.

Vertical inertial wood splitter

Another simple option mechanical wood splitter. The advantages of such a wood splitter are ease of manufacture and low cost of material. This wood splitter will also make working with soft wood much easier. There are few disadvantages to such a wood splitter - it is useless for working with sticky varieties of wood, since the cleaver will get stuck in the log and getting it out, given the small size of the wood splitter, will be problematic.

Electromechanical wood splitter

In order to make your work as easy as possible in the process of turning wood into solid fuel through the use of a mechanical wood splitter, it is possible to install on it electric drive, as shown in the photo (Fig. 4). However, the manufacture of such a wood splitter requires certain costs, knowledge in electromechanics, the ability to read drawings and the use of electric welding.

Tools and materials

To make your own mechanical wood splitter, you will need:

  • pipe;
  • metallic profile;
  • ax or cleaver.

To make a vertical inertial wood splitter you will need:

  • two metal pipes different diameters;
  • a heavy piece of metal in the shape of a plate for the base;
  • directly the executive tool - the cutter.

In order to assemble the most effective type - an electromechanical wood splitter - at home, you will need to make a cone. It is made from the ST-45 cylinder. Length – 14.5 cm, diameter – 55 mm. Tilt angle 30 degrees. Then, on a lathe, a thread 2 mm deep (7 mm pitch) is applied to the resulting part. The manufactured part is placed on the motor shaft or gearbox axis and secured with a pin. On the other side of the shaft, a bearing is mounted on the axle, and a sprocket for the chain or a pulley for the belt is attached. The cone is located at a height of 10-15 cm from the surface of the frame-bed.

Materials for production:

  • cylinder ST – 45;
  • electric motor;
  • metal for assembling the frame;
  • belts or chain;
  • starting device;
  • thin sheet steel for the manufacture of protective covers.

Pros: minimum effort in the preparation process. Cons - it will be expensive to assemble such a wood splitter at home. You need to spend money not only on purchasing necessary materials, but also for the services of turners, electricians and welders.

How to do it?

The easiest way is to make a mechanized wood splitter (Scheme 1). Assembly is very simple: the cutting part is attached to a vertical rod with a base made of any profiled metal, but leaving the possibility of free movement of the rod. The movement unit may consist of two welded ears with holes on the stand and a metal pin that serves as a shaft for turning the fastening and the cleaver.

A pressure or spring wood splitter will require a little more effort to manufacture. A shelf is welded between the frame and the horizontal movable arm with the cutter, onto which a spring is installed and fastened; the second end of the spring is attached to the horizontal arm of the wood splitter, absorbing impacts on the cutter (cleaver). Taking into account the fact that the executive part of the wood splitter becomes heavier, the blow to the splitting deck is made with a minimum of effort (Fig. 2). However, some effort is still required, as the spring will cause kickback. At this point, attention should be paid to the spring used in the device so that the cleaver remains effective upon impact, can easily split wood, and at the same time it would be easier to hold the shoulder of the structure during recoil.

Assembling a vertical inertial wood splitter is very simple. First you need to weld the first pipe to the base plate. The length of such a pipe is a little more than a meter (Fig. 3). Then from a tube of larger diameter it is necessary to cut a piece that will be longer than the length of the cleaver. Then you need to weld the cleaver to a piece of a larger diameter tube and put it on the base tube. The principle of operation is extremely simple - place a log on the base under the cleaver and hit it on top with another log or sledgehammer.

An electromechanical wood splitter will require costs for the engine itself, metal for making the frame, gearbox, cone (executive part), components and consumables. A drawing of the executive part (cone) is shown below (Fig. 5).

An engine is installed on the frame, it is connected to a gearbox, which transmits movement to the cone directly or through a belt drive. In order to power such an electric motor, certain skills will be required, since special parameters and requirements for the engine are taken into account. The motor power should not be less than 2 kW, and the number of revolutions, as a rule, from 250 to 500. Such a motor can be connected directly to the cone.

It doesn’t matter if you couldn’t find a suitable engine. In this case, you need to purchase a gearbox - increasing or decreasing the number of revolutions depending on the number of engine revolutions. Therefore, an engine with a speed of 250 to 500 can be installed directly with a cone, and an engine using a gearbox is better placed at the bottom of the frame and the movement is transmitted by belts.

Safety instructions

When working with mechanical devices of any type, there is always a risk of injury. Using homemade wood splitters this risk often increases rather than decreases. Always and under any conditions, do not forget about safety precautions. When using a mechanical log splitter:

  • in order to protect yourself as much as possible from all kinds of injuries, sawdust or chips getting into your eyes, you need to work in protective clothing, shoes, glasses and a hard hat;
  • wood involved in processing must be firmly installed and secured in gutters or special recesses;
  • Do not work in poor visibility conditions or on slippery surfaces;
  • all elements of a mechanical wood splitter must be firmly welded and secured to each other;
  • the cleaver or cutter should not have chips or cracks;
  • You should not collect firewood in close proximity to other people;
  • It is important to carefully monitor the condition of the tool used.

Before the beginning heating season owners wood stoves and solid fuel boilers are stocked with firewood. Buying or preparing logs in the forest and then bringing them to your own yard is not big problem. And cutting round timber into logs using a chainsaw or a circular saw will not be difficult. Many hours of exhausting labor creeps up in the form of a heavy cleaver, wedges and a hammer, with which the logs are split into logs.

Such an unproductive and labor-intensive method simply could not be ignored by home craftsmen trying to mechanize this work. One of the devices that can easily and quickly chop firewood is a cone splitter. Considering its simple design and the ability to use improvised materials in the work, we suggest making a mechanical screw cleaver with your own hands. In addition, everything that is required for this can be purchased in the online store of accessories for screw wood splitters at manufacturer’s prices. The catalog contains cones different diameters, fastenings and ready-made kits, which can only be attached to the walk-behind tractor or engine.

Screw cleaver - what is it?

The simple design of the cone log splitter is very effective if you need to chop several cubic meters of firewood

You can split wood without much effort using a screw splitting splitter. To understand how this device works, it is enough to remember how, in the process of unsuccessfully screwing a screw into wooden slats or a bar, these objects split at the point of physical impact. It’s easy to combat this phenomenon - just pre-drill a hole for the self-tapping screw, and it will go like clockwork. The principle of splitting wood when screwing in a screw was used by home craftsmen in the design in question. But a simple screw does not move the fibers apart enough, so it was modified by greatly increasing the taper and reducing the ratio of thread depth to tool diameter. The result is a screw, which is a symbiosis of a wedge and a self-tapping screw. The device is easily screwed into wood thanks to the threaded part and breaks it along the fibers due to the multiple increase in the diameter of the tool.

Screw log splitter diagram

Depending on the design of the drive, there are several types of screw splitters. In some, the screw is mounted directly on the shaft electric motor. In this case, the requirements for the power unit are quite stringent - the electric motor must be low-speed (no more than 500 rpm) and sufficiently powerful (at least 3 kW).

The scheme in which the cone is installed directly on the electric motor shaft is suitable only for low-speed power plants

In other screw splitting schemes, electric motors of any type are used, and a reduction in rotation speed is achieved through the use of mechanical gearboxes, belt and chain drives. In this case, a pulley (sprocket) of small diameter is installed on the shaft of the power unit, and a large one is installed on the shaft of the wood splitter cone. The ratios of their sizes are selected so as to reduce the rotation speed of the electric motor to an acceptable 300 - 500 rpm. Sometimes, when using high-speed motors, it is impossible to achieve this without significantly increasing the diameter of the driven sprocket (pulley). In this case, an intermediate shaft and a double (stepped) transmission are installed.

You can simplify the design of a mechanical cleaver as much as possible while maintaining high performance by installing an electric motor with a gearbox

All structural parts are mounted on a durable frame, which is equipped with a folding table for ease of work.

The advantages of cone splitters include:

  • simplicity of design;
  • the possibility of manufacturing at home (almost all components, except for the cone, can be found in your own backyard);
  • high equipment performance;
  • low installation cost;
  • operation of the unit does not require operator qualifications.

Unfortunately, simple and reliable design screw cleavers are not without their drawbacks. A huge disadvantage of a cone log splitter is that wood with intertwined fibers is an insurmountable obstacle for its gimlet, so root and particularly knotty logs will have to be cut in a different way. The second drawback is the incomplete separation of the logs into logs. Often you have to finish cutting a large log into two separate parts by hand, and not everyone can do this. I would also like to note the impossibility of making a log splitter cone without using lathe. Of course, this can only be partially listed as a disadvantage, since there are many offers on the Internet for both the manufacture and sale of screws of any size.

Requirements for a cone splitter

The design of the screw splitter should ensure not only high reliability and performance, but also safety during operation. Therefore, when choosing the design of the unit and its manufacture, it is important to adhere to the requirements for equipment of this type and the recommendations of the craftsmen who have tested the machine in action.

Flexible transmission is a simple and affordable way to change the speed of rotation of the propeller when using high-speed electric motors

  • the electric motor power should be in the range from 2 to 4 kW;
  • to reduce the number of revolutions, it is recommended to use a gearbox or flexible transmission;
  • rotation speed of the cone screw - no more than 500 rpm;
  • the machine must be equipped with an on/off button (magnetic starter) and a residual current device (RCD);
  • the cone shaft is mounted on bearing supports;
  • the cone must have a persistent thread;
  • when driving with a belt, it is better to use double-groove pulleys and a pair of V-belts;
  • During operation, the supply of logs must be carried out with their vertical orientation, otherwise the screw may jam and damage the installation.

You should not follow the lead of the “craftsmen” who offer the simplest design a wood splitter, in which a shaft with a wedge-shaped screw is clamped into the chuck of a powerful electric drill or hammer drill. Such a device not only has low efficiency, but is also very dangerous, since it will not be easy to hold it in your hands with the increased resistance of the wood. If you still decide to use this scheme, then try to secure the tool to solid foundation to use it in the traditional way.

To obtain a mobile design, an internal combustion engine is used to drive the machine

What is needed for making

Making an “iron lumberjack” does not require the use of scarce parts, so most components and blanks can be found at home or in the garages of friends and acquaintances. Here's what you'll need during the process:

  • cone (you can grind the screw yourself or purchase it on the construction market);
  • shaft (if you make your own threaded wedge, you can use a suitable hub from agricultural machinery);
  • pulleys or sprockets;
  • drive belt or chain from automobile or motorcycle equipment;
  • bearings with housings (supports for car driveshafts are an excellent option);
  • steel profile pipes or corners for the bed;
  • metal sheet with a thickness of at least 4 mm for the desktop;
  • electric motor;
  • wiring;
  • switch or magnetic starter;
  • bolts and nuts M8 or M10.

Most parts can be used from old automobile or agricultural equipment. The only thing that may be difficult is making a conical screw. However, you should not even try to cut this part using a grinder, as some “authoritative” sources advise. The time spent is not worth the resulting misunderstanding, which can only indirectly be called a screw. Moreover, in operation this “carrot” will not even come one iota close to the efficiency that a cone made by turning will provide.

Main components of a cone log splitter

If you plan to use a wood splitter as mobile installation, then you should take care of durable metal wheels in advance. A truly mobile design is achieved using a gasoline or diesel engine as a power plant.

When making a machine, you will need tools that any “handy” owner will have:

  • welding machine;
  • electric drill with a set of drills;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hammer;
  • set of wrenches;
  • tape measure, marker.

Any enamel for exterior use is suitable for protection against corrosion. It is only important to thoroughly prepare the metal surface for painting, so if necessary, prepare a metal brush (manual, or in the form of an attachment for a drill or grinder), a primer and a rust converter.

Preparatory work: approximate dimensions and drawings

Before taking up the tool, it is important to draw up at least a simple sketch diagram with the location of the main components and parts of the machine and indicating its main dimensions. In addition, you will need a diagram electrical connections, to work on which you can connect a familiar electrician. Presented to your attention are diagrams and drawings ready-made structures will help you configure the wood splitter correctly and avoid mistakes in its manufacture.

Layout of a log splitting machine

The most important step in the process of creating a mechanical cleaver is making a wedge, so let’s look at this in more detail.

The best material for a cone is tool steel, but not every turner will undertake to make a part from it - the metal has increased hardness and requires special handling. Most likely, the screw will be made of the most popular grade of structural steel - St 45. In this case, it is better to strengthen its threaded part with any in an accessible way- hardening, nitriding or carburization.

Long and effective work cone is ensured only when it is correct production. When placing an order with a turner, be sure to specify that you need a screw with a 1:2 taper and a persistent double-start thread with a pitch of 5 - 6 mm. Regular metric thread not suitable due to rapid wear. In addition, the standard screw thread fits into the wood much worse.

The size of the screw wedge and the amount of its taper are directly related to maximum size splitting logs, so when determining the parameters of the drill, you can use the table.

Table for calculating cone sizes

The approximate dimensions of the bed depend on the operator’s build and can be:

  • height - up to 80 cm;
  • width - up to 60 cm (with folding table 100 cm);
  • length - up to 85 cm.

The most commonly used scheme is with a bottom-mounted electric motor. This will protect its rotating parts from chips and chips. If an internal combustion engine is used as the power unit, then it is installed at the same level as the wedge. This arrangement is more convenient both during startup and during operation, when it is necessary to adjust the rotation speed of the wedge, fill the tank with fuel, etc.

Cone mounted on the frame circular saw, eliminates the need to make another metal work table, makes the design universal and allows you to save space when storing equipment under a shed or in a shed.

In the process of designing a cone log splitter, they must provide a method for tensioning the chain or belt - using an additional sprocket or roller, slide, etc. It would also be useful protective cover mounted on a chain or belt drive. It can be bent from sheet metal and secured to the frame with screws.

Pay attention to how well the flexible transmission protection is arranged.

Step-by-step assembly instructions

After drawing up a drawing of the future design and preparing the necessary components and materials, you can begin assembling the mechanical cleaver. It is best to use ready-made instructions and carry out the work in strict accordance with the plan.

  1. Using an angle grinder, metal corners and profile pipes are cut into the sections necessary for the manufacture of the frame.
  2. A rectangular table cover and bottom shelf are cut out of a metal sheet 4–5 mm thick.

    Bed assembly

  3. Using a welding machine, the parts of the upper and lower frame are connected, after which the legs are welded to them.
  4. In the mobile version, axles are welded to the frame, on which the wheels are mounted.

    Wheel installation

  5. Install the tabletop and shelf.
  6. Assemble the electric motor support frame and attach it to the frame.
  7. Mount the electric motor and install the drive pulley on its shaft.
  8. The cone working shaft assembly is assembled, for which the bearings are pressed into the housings. After this, the shaft is mounted and the pulleys are installed. The assembled unit is secured to the frame with bolts and nuts, having previously drilled holes in the table top. Once assembled, the main shaft should rotate easily. The pulleys can be installed on a keyed connection or secured with side screws, having previously made recesses on the shaft.

    Installation of the main shaft and electric motor

  9. Install the belts and check the straightness of their trajectory. If necessary, the shaft with supports is shifted by drilling a couple of additional holes. When rotating, there should be no radial and axial runout, otherwise the belts will constantly fly off and quickly wear out.

    Cone installation

  10. Using a keyed connection, a screw cone is installed on the drive shaft, after which it is secured with screws. During operation, the cone may get stuck in the wood so that it can only be removed by reverse rotation. Since reverse in this design is problematic to organize, you will have to turn the wedge using gas key. You can avoid its slipping by making flats on the protruding part of the shaft.
  11. Install the divider.

    The logs should be placed on the wedge in a vertical position. Otherwise, the screw may jam or break.

    You should be careful when splitting logs with large knots, as well as logs from the butt part of the round timber. The process in this case can go unpredictably - with jamming of the shaft, sharp rotation of the log, throwing large chips to the side, etc. An increased speed of rotation of the cone is also fraught with danger - too high speeds will not make it possible to control the work, so it is better if the number driven shaft revolutions will be within the recommended limits.

    To make a cone log splitter with your own hands, you will need minimal skills in working with plumbing tools. One day spent on its manufacture will pay off in the future by saving time and effort. It is only important to follow safety rules when chopping wood, and then this simple activity will not bring surprises.

For those who have a fireplace or sauna at home, the issue of preparing firewood is relevant, since most often they have to chop it themselves, using their own physical strength. But a mechanical firewood splitter can become a reliable assistant in your farmstead and you can make it yourself.

To do this, you will need a structure similar to a tripod. To make it, you need to take a metal channel or corner, and then weld spacers to it for stability. Next, determine the height at which you will need to attach the moving beam or monorail, and attach a cleaver weighing about 35 kilograms to its end. Install a spring under the beam with the cleaver so that it acts as a counterweight to the cleaver. The beam itself will have to move up and down.

The entire mechanism can be placed on wheels so that you can easily move the device as needed.
Such a spring cleaver, made with your own hands, will very quickly chop firewood without special effort on your part, since you will not need to swing and lift it.

Drawing of a mechanical cleaver for firewood

Firewood splitter - operating principle

You can use our instructions and make a spring cleaver with your own hands, and if necessary, improve some details and adapt the design to your own needs and tasks.

Video of a mechanical cleaver with your own hands

The video shows a large mechanical cleaver and its design in detail. But the point of this video is not to make an exact copy (you can do that if you wish), but to understand the principle of operation, improve it, change the dimensions and design to suit yourself, and make it yourself from what is lying as unnecessary ballast in the garage.

There is a debate about which is better: this design of a mechanical cleaver or. Maybe the design of a screw wood splitter is simpler - grind a screw, put it on an electric motor and that’s it. But will everything go away? is a big question.

I would like to see your reviews and opinions about these designs of firewood cleavers.

The design of such a hydraulic device should be quite powerful, capable of withstanding forces of hundreds of kilograms. Although the beam is specially created to be so strong, it requires the attachment of a strong wedge, cantilever welded to a piece of channel of greater width. It is necessary to ensure that this segment is fixed for ease of working with logs of different lengths.

Now it’s time to install the jack, which is horizontally attached to the beam using supports. The front support, shaped like the letter M, is joined by a clamp that encloses the body hydraulic jack. The rear support is made of two plates with springs attached to them, which ensure that the rod returns to its previous position after the oil pressure in the cylinder is reduced.

After installing the finished wood splitter on the workbench, you can begin chopping wood. A log is placed on the bed, to which the equipment is attached. After a few swings, the wedge presses on the piece of log and splits it. The relief handle releases the oil pressure in the cylinder. Now you can remove finished firewood from the machine. At this time, due to the compression of the springs, the rod with the wedge takes its original position.

Option 3

In this case, making a spring cleaver with your own hands involves using a minimum number of parts.

To create a semblance of a pile driving machine, the following materials are required:

  • stock, ensuring the movement of equipment;
  • wedge, welded to a sleeve sliding along a cylindrical rod;
  • weighting material, which is equipped with another rod fixed in the upper part of the wedge.

A rod is installed into the hole in the working deck, which acts as a bed for placing logs. After laying the log, the weighting material is raised, setting the rod with the wedge in motion.

More efficient splitting of the log is also achieved by splitting the wood from the underside, where there is a cutting edge on the lower surface of the bridge connecting the sleeve to the wedge.


The designs discussed above are convenient to use, but are characterized by low productivity. In addition, little physical effort is required. However, such devices are quite suitable for baths. We hope that the mechanical cleaver drawings will make your work much easier. Easy wood cutting for you!

A wood splitter (also called a firewood harvesting machine) is a mechanism that is used to trim and mechanically split large logs into small logs that are convenient to use in everyday life.

The advantages of such a product are obvious:

  • this is an excellent replacement for heavy mechanical labor chopping wood;
  • the device lasts a very long time;
  • the mechanism is simply designed - there are no complex elements in it, making it easy to maintain;
  • The mechanism is mobile - it can be transported to different places.

Types of wood splitters

Wood splitters differ from each other in several ways. Depending on the work performed, there are 2 large class settings:

  • wood splitter (also often called a cleaver) – it can only be used to split large logs into small logs; these mechanisms are mainly used at home;
  • a wood splitting machine, which, along with the function of splitting logs, is capable of trimming blanks; more often used in industrial production.

According to the scope of application, wood splitters are distinguished:

  • household (it is these wood splitters that are easiest to make with your own hands);
  • industrial.

The mechanisms can work due to different types energies, according to which they distinguish:

There are wood splitters based on the characteristics of the workpiece supply:

Depending on whether the device can be moved, there are:

  • mobile wood splitters (designed for small production volumes, as well as for household tasks);
  • stationary (used on an industrial scale).

Finally, according to the principle of operation of the mechanism, they are distinguished:


Wood splitters, made by hand or at the factory, as mechanisms, have their own parameters that characterize their production capabilities:

  1. The splitting power is measured by the number of revolutions per minute; V industrial devices 500-700 or more rpm is achieved.
  2. The speed of movement of the piston is measured in centimeters per second (5-8 cm/sec).
  3. The speed of the reverse movement of the piston (usually no more than 7-8 cm/sec).
  4. Electric engine power (standardly achieved 1500-2000 W and above).
  5. Working length is usually from half a meter to a meter.
  6. Additional functions - wood splitters are often equipped with a 4-cut nozzle, due to which the productivity of the installation increases dramatically. Also, some models are equipped with a table lifting mechanism, which allows you to adjust optimal height work surface.

At home, it is quite possible to make both the simplest cone and hydraulic wood splitters with your own hands.

Benefits of home installation

Such installations, as a rule, are inferior to factory devices in terms of power and appearance. However, for small volumes home production they fit perfectly. The advantages of home mechanisms are as follows:

  • they are much cheaper than professional machines;
  • they are easy to assemble from the most common materials;
  • since the assembly is carried out independently, you can take into account all the features of the mechanism that you need, to suit your needs;
  • By assembling such a product by hand, you will gain valuable experience that can be useful in other business matters.

Mechanism requirements

Basically, any wood splitters (both self-made and factory-made) must meet a set of minimum requirements:

  • Engine power not less than 2 kW
  • All stationary and moving elements are made of solid steel.
  • The minimum distance from the floor to the cone is 80-90 cm.
  • IN living conditions The number of revolutions per minute is 400-500.
  • Dimensions are selected approximately; in the standard version they are approximately equal to 85 * 40 * 65 cm (length, width and height, respectively).

Making a screw log splitter: step-by-step instructions and video

The simplest version of a wood splitter that you can make with your own hands is a screw splitter.

The device can easily split logs of almost any diameter, which is clearly shown in the video.

To make it, you will need a minimum of tools and materials:

  • steel frame (the base to which all elements of the installation will be attached);
  • engine, the power of which is selected according to individual needs;
  • reduction gear;
  • cone-nozzle with thread (its drawing is presented below)

A schematic drawing of the device is presented below.

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

Video review that describes in detail the purpose of the part

NOTE. It is very important to select the drill size and the optimal cone angle. It is these factors that determine the size of the log; small cones may not be able to cope with some of them. An indicative table is presented below.

How to properly work with a screw splitter

Before you start working with the device, you need to run it on Idling to make sure that all elements work smoothly and the engine gains the required power.

When working with screw wood splitter You need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. The block is brought to the mechanism in a vertical position.
  2. The height of the working surface of the table must first be adjusted to the desired level. If necessary, a board is placed.
  3. The block is brought in pressed to the surface (it is incorrect to work in weight).
  4. If the chock is large, then the bark may interfere with splitting - it can be cut off first (this is especially true for birch bark).
  5. If there are knots in the block, it has an uneven internal structure, it is better to start splitting from the place where the internal layers of the tree are simpler.

NOTE. If the drill is firmly embedded in the surface of the wood, but no splitting occurs, you must immediately turn off the device. The cone is removed manually or by turning it reverse side using a gas wrench (the installation is disassembled beforehand). Such cases occur rarely and are mainly associated with gnarled trees. It is better to help with manual splitting, and then process the lump again on a wood splitter.

Do-it-yourself hydraulic wood splitter: step-by-step instructions and video

Unlike a screw splitter, a hydraulic splitter operates fully automatically, and a person’s task is only to monitor the progress of the operation and correct the logs in time, if necessary.

IN in this case The chock moves not by human power, but by a hydraulic mechanism. It can be connected to the tractor's power plant or another power source.

Video: do-it-yourself technology for assembling a hydraulic wood splitter mounted with a tractor.

A hydraulic splitter has more power and is therefore more difficult to manufacture than a cone splitter.

THIS IS INTERESTING. Using such a device of standard power, you can split approximately 7-10 logs per minute (correspondingly, up to 60 in an hour). You can compare this with the rates handmade to feel the difference in time and effort expended.

A drawing of the device is presented below.

The following mechanisms will be needed:

  • hydraulic pump;
  • sleeves;
  • mechanism engine (hydraulic pump drive) - can be either electric or gasoline powered;
  • hydraulic tank, hydraulic distributor.

The schematic diagram is in the figure.

The performance of the entire system directly depends on the drive power - it is this parameter that should be focused on at the design stage of the mechanism.

In the very simple version the sequence of actions will be like this:

  1. The hydraulic jack is rigidly fixed to the frame.
  2. A wedge-shaped blade is installed at the opposite end of the frame, which will help to successfully split even large logs and logs with a complex internal structure (multi-layered, knotty).
  3. The jack is connected to an engine - electric, gasoline or tractor traction.

The principle of operation of the device is that the press puts pressure on the block, moves it towards the blade in the form of a wedge, and due to further mechanical pressure it splits against the wedge. In order for the jack to return to its original position, it is equipped with conventional springs. In the end, all the process is underway in fully automatic mode.

Features of the operation of a self-made gasoline-powered wood splitter:

Professional wood splitters: review of the champion lsh 5000 model

Along with the fact that it is quite possible to make a wood splitter with your own hands, you can also purchase factory model. Products typically offer greater power, durability, and performance.

Let's consider the features of operation and technical specifications devices using the example of a champion lsh 5000 wood splitter operating on an electric motor.


The wood splitter is a hydraulic mechanism powered by electric traction with an engine power of 2700 W. Its main characteristics are as follows:

  1. Dimensions of the chock: diameter from 50 to 250 mm, length up to 520 mm.
  2. Product dimensions 950*280*520 cm (length, width, height, respectively).
  3. Product weight 43 kg.
  4. Oil volume 3.5 l.
  5. Pressure in the hydraulic system (average) 20 MPa.

Device diagram

The components of the structure are presented in the diagram.

The numbers indicate:

  1. A lever that controls the hydraulic drive.
  2. Protective surface.
  3. Pusher.
  4. A plate that guides the movement of the tree.
  5. Device for splitting lumps.
  6. Transport handle.
  7. Support elements.
  8. Electric motor.
  9. Lever to turn off.
  10. Block with control elements.
  11. Wheel.

The side view shows the bolt that allows you to control the oil level in the system (1), and the screw that provides air supply to the hydraulic system (2).

Terms of Use

The wood splitter is used under the following environmental conditions:

  • temperature range from +5 to +40оС;
  • 1 load cycle lasts within 10 minutes;
  • The maximum operating time under constant load conditions is 4 minutes, after which a break is taken for 5-6 minutes.

It is better not to use a wood splitter in extreme weather conditions (severe frosts), as well as in places with constant high humidity air.
To take into account electrical safety, grounding is done using:

  • metal pipe (diameter from 50 mm, length from 1600 mm);
  • metal rod with minimum diameter 20 mm, minimum length 1600 mm;
  • sheet of iron coated with zinc, with dimensions from 900*400 mm.

NOTE. The use of residues from pipelines containing flammable liquids (oil, gasoline, etc.) as grounding conductors is not allowed.

Preparing the wood splitter for work

Before turning on for the first time, you need to make sure that the protection plate is correctly installed and mounted securely enough. Next you need to prepare the wood splitter for work:

  1. First you need to inspect all elements of the equipment to make sure there are no bolts, nuts and other foreign elements.
  2. If faulty parts are found, it is better to replace them.
  3. The mechanism is installed on a flat surface approximately 50-70 cm high from the floor. The work area should be wide enough.
  4. Make sure that the wood splitter is secure and does not swing; if necessary, ensure its stable position using available means.
  5. Before starting work, you need to slightly loosen the position of the air plug (screw) so that air can flow into the oil tank. At the end of the work, the screw is accordingly tightened back.
  6. Before starting work (especially after a long break), you need to make sure that the device is functioning normally - to do this, you need to let it idle for 1 minute. If there are no extraneous sounds or noises, you can start working.

Features of working with a wood splitter

During work you need to follow several rules:

NOTE. Knocking out a stuck block with a hammer, axe, crowbar and other similar objects is quite risky - such actions can lead not only to damage to the working surface of the device, but also to its accidental startup. In this case, the wood splitter may fail, and such a breakdown cannot be repaired with your own hands.

Change of oil

Along with periodic inspections and replacements of failed mechanism elements Maintenance wood splitter is to change the oil in a timely manner. This should be done in this order:

NOTE. During operation, it is important to regularly check the oil level. The reference position is between two grooves on the bolt surface.

Possible faults

type of problem probable reasons remedial measures
wood does not split incorrect position of the chock The block should be placed flat on the work surface
the chock exceeds the permissible dimensions you need to take a log of different sizes or reduce the block
the cleaver's blade is worn out sharpen the blade
the pushing element does not move evenly, but with jerks, extraneous noises are heard insufficient amount of hydraulic oil check the level and add until the oil reaches the line between the grooves of the control bolt
Air has accumulated in the hydraulics bleed air from the system
the engine runs normally, but the cleaver does not move valve does not open check. how does the valve work
levers are deformed give them the correct shape or replace them with new ones

You can clearly see how to work on this model of wood splitter with your own hands: