Homemade wood splitter with your own hands. How to make a homemade wood splitter with your own hands

Chopping wood is an extremely tedious process, fraught with danger and taking a lot of time and effort. That is why many people who have to regularly perform this work try to purchase a special wood splitter or even make one themselves. Of course, to assemble a wood splitter with your own hands, you need drawings, photos, and instructions. But in addition, you need to know which model to give preference to.

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What types of wood splitters are there?

So, before answering the question of how to make a wood splitter with your own hands, you need to decide which model is the best solution for a specific user. Today, the three most common options are:

  • hydraulic;
  • electric;
  • manual (inertial).

Now let's look at each of these options in more detail, so that the potential user can choose the most suitable mechanism for splitting firewood.


Perhaps exactly hydraulic wood splitter is the most popular. The fact is that it is he who has the greatest productivity.

When working with such equipment, you can easily and quickly cut almost any wood, including wet and durable wood.

The main element of this wood splitter is the hydraulic cylinder. A log is placed on it, after which the cylinder, under the pressure of the liquid, pushes the sharpened blade.

Thanks to the significant pressure, the work is completed in a second. High productivity allows you to chop in the shortest possible time a large number of firewood

Important! When choosing the material from which the blade will be made on a hand-assembled wood splitter, give preference to the hardest grades of steel so that you do not have to sharpen it often.

Alas, this type of equipment is the most difficult to manufacture. Therefore, to construct a hydraulic wood splitter with your own hands, drawings will not be enough - you also need to have considerable experience working with such mechanisms.

Electric wood splitter

More a budget option, which also does not require special forces– observing certain safety precautions, even a ten-year-old child can successfully work with it. The operating principle is similar to hydraulic. However, here the blade does not split the log under the influence of a hydraulic mechanism. Here the main acting force is the electric motor.

Thanks to more simple device, it costs much less. And it will be much easier to assemble it yourself (if you have the appropriate components).

Important! When installing an electric log splitter, choose a location on a slight hill and be sure to place a rubber mat under it to avoid shorting if the ground is wet after rain.

However, there are certain limitations. First, you need to have a source of electricity nearby. However, in most dachas and private houses this is not a problem. Second, make sure the wiring can handle the additional load. A wood splitter with a gearbox, either a homemade one or a factory one, is equipped with a fairly powerful engine, and if the wiring is too weak, this can lead to knocked out plugs.

Manual (inertial) wood splitter

The layout of this type of wood splitter is simple, which makes it a certain popularity. No engine is needed for manufacturing, and even a person who is not too accustomed to working with his hands can handle the assembly.

A blade is installed on a long, about one and a half meter, metal pipe. A log is fixed under it, on which a log is placed. After this, the user simply swings the main working part down.

Muscular force combined with inertia easily splits most logs that would be quite difficult to handle manually.

In some cases, the wood splitter is modified. For example, the working part is equipped with a spring at the bottom, the other end of which is fixed near the block.

The user lifts the part with the blade manually, unbending the spring, and then abruptly releases it - under its weight and the tension of the spring, the blade delivers a strong blow, cutting even a problem log with knots.

You can also hang a small weight on the opposite end of the pipe - this will significantly facilitate the lifting process, although it will slightly reduce the impact power.

The advantage of a manual or inertial wood splitter is its simplicity, unpretentiousness and the ability to assemble from improvised means. But there is also a minus. You need to have a certain amount of physical strength to successfully chop enough wood. And this will take much more time than when working with a hydraulic or electrical device.

Which wood splitter to choose

The most common types of wood splitters are described above. They can be made by hand - some are simpler, others more difficult. But having a drawing, anyone can install a homemade wood splitter in their dacha.

It is very important to decide which device will become good choice for you. After all, manufacturing will take a lot of effort, time, and money. Therefore, the possibility of error should be excluded.

Let's start with the hydraulic one. Its main advantage is high performance and ease of operation. But there is also a minus - it is complicated, to create it you will need special equipment and certain skills that not every person has. Such equipment should be preferred in cases where the user will regularly work with a large amount of firewood.

The advantage of an electric wood splitter is its greater simplicity and power, which is not inferior to a hydraulic one. A very good solution for an ordinary summer resident - you can prepare several cubic meters of firewood with such an assistant without much difficulty. And in order to heat the bathhouse throughout the summer season, and during frosts to slightly heat the main living space, this will be quite enough.

Finally, a manual wood splitter. As already mentioned, it is simple. Almost everything you need can be found at a ferrous metal collection point, paying no more than a few hundred rubles for the necessary components, and sometimes much less. But to work productively with it, you need to have good physical fitness.

Although it is easier to chop wood with an inertial wood splitter than with a regular cleaver, it is still quite difficult. Therefore, it should be chosen only by people who have remarkable strength, but who are unwilling or unable to work as a cleaver. However, if you need to chop just a few logs into logs, without risking your health (inept handling of an ax often leads to serious danger) and without getting too tired, this solution will be successful.

Classification of wood splitters

In addition to those models that were described earlier, there are others. For example, with a cone-shaped cleaver. Very convenient solution, most often created on the basis of electrical equipment. Using any sufficiently powerful engine (suitable from a pump, motorcycle or even washing machine), high-quality equipment can be easily manufactured. The cone rotates at high speed - just bring the log to it and apply light pressure so that it splits along the fibers. There is no need to swing an ax - even an inexperienced user will take a matter of seconds to turn a heavy log into a pile of logs suitable for burning in a stove.

Drawing of a rack-and-pinion wood splitter.

Drawings of a rack-and-pinion wood splitter are also popular - many users want to make one with their own hands. Why is he interesting? In general, it is similar to a conventional hydraulic one. There is only one difference here. If in most wood splitters a blade is driven into a log, then on a rack splitter it’s the opposite - the log splits on the blade. To do this, a blade is installed on a suitable platform (usually made of thick sheet metal). A block of wood is placed in front of it, on which the moving part of the wood splitter presses. In a second, a thick, weighty log splits in half, then into four parts, and so on.

A simple mechanism for chopping firewood from scrap materials

Our people are distinguished by their ingenuity and love for non-standard solutions. Therefore, many craftsmen make a mechanical wood splitter with their own hands. It consists of a frame with a knife attached on one side and a tight spring on the other. A block of wood is placed on the frame (usually not very large so that it can be easily split in one go), after which the spring is tightened. This is done either manually or using a special gate. Then the spring is suddenly released. She puts swipe

on a log that splits with a knife. The mechanism is simple, but at the same time reliable, effective and does not require much physical strength.

How to make a manual wood splitter with your own hands Let's start from the very beginning simple option

– we’ll tell you how to make a manual wood splitter at home. In fact, it’s not even a wood splitter, but a simple device that simplifies the process of chopping wood and makes it safer.

  • To do this you will need:
  • a thick metal sheet (7-10 mm thick) measuring 150x600 mm – the future blade;
  • metal plate 5 mm thick and 300x300 mm in size - base;

Now let's start assembling. The scheme of a homemade wood splitter is as simple as possible. The thick sheet is cut into pieces: one 150x300 and two 150x150 millimeters. They are sharpened on one side and welded to a metal base in the shape of a cross.

The rod is cut into two parts: 1 and 2 meters. The first is welded to the base from the side, strictly perpendicular. The second is bent into a circle and welded to the first at a height of 30 cm.

That's all, the design is ready. Now insert a log into the ring formed by the rod, resting it against the sharpened cross, and strike from above with a sledgehammer - it will split into four neat parts.

How to make a spring log splitter step by step

If you want to make a spring cleaver with your own hands, you don’t need drawings - the diagram here is as simple as possible. You only need a few details:

  • metal corners;
  • two pieces of channel;
  • a powerful spring (you can use a spring from a car);
  • a plate that acts as a knife (you can use an old cleaver);
  • hinge joint;
  • a piece of pipe whose diameter is slightly smaller than the diameter of the spring;
  • weighting material

When you have everything you need, you can start assembling:

  1. Using one channel as a base, weld a second one perpendicular to it.
  2. Prepare a site for installing the spring.
  3. Weld the pipe and spacers (corners) onto the base.
  4. Using a grinder, make a cutout on the beam through which the structure will be attached to the base.
  5. Weld the beam.
  6. Hang the beam with the hinge unit onto the support.
  7. Install the spring.
  8. Fix the boulder on the moving beam.
  9. Weld the weighting material on top of the boulder.

The structure is ready - you can paint it to protect it from rust.

Carrot wood splitter

This is the popular nickname for a wood splitter that uses a screw to split wood. Here the design is more complicated - to assemble screw wood splitter do it yourself, drawings, photos, instructions will be required.

  • Before you begin, prepare:
  • the engine is quite powerful and provides a rotation speed of 200-250 rpm;
  • cone with screw thread with a diameter of 5-6 cm and a length of 20-22 cm;
  • two rotation supports;
  • chain;

shaft 30 cm long and 3 cm thick.

Drawing of a carrot wood splitter.

  1. Problems usually arise when searching for a cone - the easiest way is to order it from turners or buy it in a store; it is not too expensive. Now get started:
  2. Install the shaft onto the bearing and weld the flange at the back.
  3. Place the cone on the shaft and secure it.
  4. Weld the supports to the bearing to secure the structure to the table.
  5. Place the structure on the table, fix and tension the chain between the flange and the motor.

If you use an electric motor, do not forget to protect the structure from moisture, and if possible, ground it.

How to make a hydraulic wood splitter

The hydraulic wood splitter is the most complex. Typically, the engine is a gasoline engine from a car or motorcycle. , It’s worth warning right away - its creation will not be cheap. But the comfort of work and productivity fully compensate for the costs. So, what do you need to assemble a gasoline wood splitter with your own hands?

  1. and how much will it cost?
  2. Engine with 12-14 horsepower - 14,000.
  3. Hydraulic distributor – 3500.
  4. Hydraulic cylinder 100x40x61 – 10500.
  5. NSh32 – 1500.
  6. Drive NSh – 4000.
  7. Hubs from a VAZ 1500 car.
  8. Engine pulley – 1000.
  9. V-belts – 900.
  10. 40 liters of hydraulic oil – 2500.
  11. Couplings and high pressure hoses – 2500.
  12. Flanges for NSh – 400.
  13. Metal plate – 1000.
  14. Metal profile – 4000.
  15. Fastening material – 700.
  16. Engine oil - 400.
  17. Rubber hose and clamps – 300.
  18. Paint – 600.
  19. 2 kg of electrodes f4mm and 5 kg f3mm – 1000.
  20. Wheels for an angle grinder (regular and clearing) – 700.

Brush for applying paint – 100.

In total, you will have to pay about 51 thousand rubles, and maybe more. If you have purchased all the necessary elements, you can get to work.

Assembling the frame

  1. The assembly proceeds as follows:
  2. Weld a 30x30 mm corner - a hub - to a 50 mm pipe. You should get two triangles.
  3. On the front axle, made from a 60x60 mm corner, weld spacers from a 30x30 mm corner.
  4. Attach the wheels to the axle.
  5. Weld a base onto the rear axle on which you will place the engine.
  6. Weld a strong channel frame.
  7. Assemble a movable structure from 80 mm channel.
  8. Weld a triangular platform from a channel that pushes the log onto the knife.

To prevent the log from falling, secure stops on both sides of the platform.

How to make a splitting knife A good cleaver is the basis for comfortable and safe work. A piece of Kamaz spring will do. Fortunately, its production is relatively simple procedure

– to make a firewood splitter with your own hands, you don’t need drawings. But you can’t do without tools - you’ll need a sharpening machine.

Sharpen the metal - the angle should be 60-70 degrees. Weld the knife onto the bed.

How to assemble the motor and oil tank

  1. You can use an empty propane tank as an oil tank. The work is as follows:
  2. Without pouring out the water, cut off the valve using a grinder.
  3. Create a sump - separate a quarter of the cylinder volume by installing a steel partition at least 10 cm high.
  4. Install a filter mesh equipped with a magnet 5 cm from the bottom. The filter will retain chips, increasing engine life.
  5. Weld the pipe - oil will flow through it into the pump. The fence should not reach the very bottom so that the pump does not suck up debris.
  6. Place the tank just above the pump using a level

How to make a wood splitter mobile

Do you want to be able to easily and quickly move a homemade wood splitter, made by yourself, that weighs a hundredweight or even more?

Equip it with small wheels, for example, from a garden wheelbarrow.

The most careful users also install brakes on the wheels.

But you can use several bricks to keep the structure securely in place.

What is the difference between a homemade wood splitter and a factory model?

The main difference is the cost. Even if you decide to make a hydraulic wood splitter, for the components for which you will pay about 50 thousand rubles, you will still save a lot. After all, the cost of a factory one starts at 100 thousand. There is no need to talk about screw or manual ones - they will cost several hundred or thousand rubles, because everything you need is available in many farms or can be purchased quite inexpensively.

Now you have a good understanding of the types of wood splitters and can easily make the right one.

Chopping wood is a useful activity for any physically strong, healthy man. But sometimes there are large volumes of firewood that need to be prepared in a short time; in this case, a special tool is used. A wood splitter is a device that is difficult to do without when you have to chop massive pieces of wood.

Features of homemade models

A wood splitter is especially necessary in private households, where it is necessary to heat the house using firewood. You can make such a tool with your own hands; it is not difficult and will save a significant amount of money. Working with solid wood is quite risky and you can get injured, so you should use good tool, observing the necessary safety regulations.

Mechanical units that help split solid wood and heavy logs tend to accumulate energy, they are economical, and they are easy to operate. There is no need for muscular strength to operate such devices. The units can cope with any logs and wooden ingots. They operate in push mode and can handle logs up to 35 cm long, no physical effort is required.

Pressure-action devices are driven by an internal combustion engine and can also be connected to an electric motor. They are not cheap, but their use almost completely eliminates the muscular effort that must be expended. Using this device, you can heat your house up to 350 square meters, while frosts can be Siberian, down to -35 degrees Celsius.

This unit is safe; the disadvantages include a rather complicated design and high energy consumption.

The return stroke of the pusher is usually no more than 7 centimeters per second. In a few hours, one person can prepare more than half a ton of firewood. You cannot work with wet wood; it is recommended to place wooden blanks in a woodpile under a canopy during the warm season. In about three months, the tree will “fit” to the required condition. Raw wood does not provide enough heat, the thermal conductivity is much lower (by 25%), the cleaver often gets stuck in it, and getting it out of there can sometimes be extremely difficult. A homemade wood splitter can be made no worse than a factory one, that is, it will have horizontal and vertical feeding of the workpiece.

For guidance, it’s worth saying what the approximate monetary savings could be:

  • good quality unit that works diesel fuel and designed for splitting pigs 25 cm in diameter, costs from 20 thousand rubles;
  • a machine that can “deal” with workpieces up to 35 cm, splitting them into 4-5 fragments, costs about 30 thousand rubles.


The most simple design A wood splitter is a splitting ax. To work with it, you need some practical experience. For experienced woodcutters, a splitting ax can be the main tool when processing massive wooden pieces; the ax size of this tool is up to one meter. Last years The cleaver is made from innovative materials, which allows it to be used more efficiently in the labor process.

Light ax handle durable material fiberglass allows you to work with this tool more efficiently. Over the two thousand years that the cleaving ax has existed, it has been continuously improved. The ax handle made of modern fiberglass completely eliminates vibration and painful feedback to the palm.

To harvest firewood in large quantities, push-type wood splitters are usually used. They have a rack or pinion pusher. Such a device pushes a massive wooden blank on the cleaver, which, in turn, splits it into several small parts. The feed speed of the workpiece is about 5 centimeters per second. Vertical wood splitters have a greater safety margin and are more compact. The disadvantage of this device is that there is a risk of ejection of the workpiece, which contains the following “difficulties”:

  • many layers;
  • a lot of knots;
  • There are various irregular cuts.

A horizontal wood splitter is safer. The worker does not risk getting hit by flying chips, because their speed can sometimes be very high. The vertical unit has a circular scattering of fragments, therefore, from a safety point of view, there are questions about this unit. Hydraulic wood splitter:

  • productive;
  • spends minimal energy;
  • safe to operate

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted: to work with such a device you need certain experience. And also under heavy loads, liquid may leak out of the device. The unit is easy to maintain; spare parts for it can always be found on the market.

The hydraulic log splitter does not have a return spring, and is also quite long time to switch – about 0.55 seconds. The period of time is quite significant, because the workpiece can split and fall into many fragments. Such wood splitters have a common drawback: their engine runs through a fluid coupling and sometimes cannot cope with the load. The engine usually operates in standard mode, consuming little fuel. A gear is attached to the flywheel (it is usually hydraulic, there is also a fractional one). This lever is a coupling with a pusher, which ensures that the lump is fed to the splitting knife.

There is enough energy to split almost any piece of wood.

Tools and materials

To create a screw cleaver you will need:

  • power plant from 1.5 kW;
  • shaft with mounted bearing;
  • drive belt;
  • threaded cone;
  • metal 6 mm thick;
  • corners 6, pipes 45 mm.

Tools you will need:

  • jigsaw;
  • welding machine;
  • turbine;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • scotch;
  • hammer;
  • wire cutters;
  • pliers;
  • tape measure and triangle ruler.

How to do it?

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare drawings and assembly instructions. A simple wood splitter with an electric motor can be assembled at home. Indicative in this regard is a hydraulic wood splitter, which can be made in the garage. The hydraulic system can be supplied from a mini-excavator or some other equipment. Productivity will be determined by the splitting force:

  • 20 cm half – 2 tf;
  • straight layer – 2.7 tf;
  • 25 cm – 2.4 tf;
  • 30 cm into 4 parts – 4 tf;
  • 30 cm into 8 parts – 5 tf;
  • 40 cm into 8 parts – 6 tf.

The power of the hydraulic pump is determined by the flow rate, which is on average 4.5 cm. Next, the efficiency is calculated and the engine is selected; its reserve should be 15% greater.

And the fittings are also selected with reserve;

  • hose;
  • valve;
  • flaps.

An important working element is the cleaver itself. It is made of durable metal (car spring or rail, for example). The workpiece is usually met by a vertical knife, which is sharpened on a straight line (symmetrical wedge). The horizontal knife stands a little further (18 cm), it is spent on the upper oblique wedge.

For better safe work, the vertical knife is applied from below, the height is about 35 mm, while the tool protrudes by 25 mm. This design will allow you to work with complex wooden elements, provided that they are placed evenly sideways at the bottom. The sharpening angles are as follows:

  • vertical knife is designed for soft wood – 19 degrees (three knife thicknesses);
  • for hard wood (including birch) – 15 degrees (3.8 knife thickness);
  • horizontal knives – 16 degrees;
  • the prick has an inclination angle of no more than 26 degrees (minimum 20 degrees), the thickness of the knife is 2.6;

A rack-and-pinion wood splitter is simpler and cheaper than a hydraulic unit (costs no more than 20 thousand rubles). Making it yourself is not very difficult. The pusher is fed using a gear rack, the transmission to the shaft works in such a way that the movement occurs no more than 4.5 cm per second. To make it, you need elements - just disassemble the old jack. The rack-and-pinion wood splitter does not have hydraulic components, and its maintenance takes a minimum of time.

Such a unit, from a safety point of view, is more preferable. The operating scheme is as follows: it operates when the lever is lowered, then the return spring element will lift the rack and tilt it back. The disadvantage of such a unit is that as the feed speed decreases, the thrust increases rapidly, and then also suddenly drops to zero. If there is a cavity or some other flaw in the workpiece, the unit will be subjected to too much stress, this can happen spontaneously, which can cause deformation of the machine or even its breakdown.

The hydraulic drive always works softer; the largest thrust coefficient occurs when there is a feed rate that approaches zero. If a workpiece that is too strong gets into the feed of the hydraulic unit, it will be pushed onto the splitter non-stop, which can lead to damage. For a rack-and-pinion log splitter (based on all the above comments) you need a more powerful engine. To calculate its power, you can simply shift the forces of the splitting, which exists for the hydraulic drive: a pig with a diameter of 20 cm is 2.6 tf, the efficiency in this case will be about 0.87.

Often, too thick dried bark interferes with the movement of the workpiece. As a conclusion, you can note: rack and pinion units are appropriate when the amount of work is relatively small, the work is done using muscle power.

For small preparations of firewood, a vertical screw splitter may be quite suitable. This device has low productivity; it is not afraid of various flaws in wood blanks. An electric motor for its operation can be low-power, only 2.8 kW - from a washing machine, driven by a pulley. With a low-power engine, such a unit will be able to “cope” with elements up to 42 cm in diameter and up to 65 cm in height. To create it, you will need an engine from a washing machine; the rotation speed of such a power plant may well be suitable. The disadvantage may be that by mounting the cleaver directly on the engine shaft, the engine housing may move and it will break.

In progress the main role is given to a cone-shaped nozzle, which has a thread and rotates at a speed of 160-1550 rpm (operating frequency is usually 300 rpm). Carving is done with the left hand due to the fact that most people are right-handed; their right hand is physically better developed.

The workpiece on a screw splitter is fed onto it along a vertical plane. During movement, the workpiece (its movement) is corrected by hand. This formulation of the question does not have the best effect on the level of safety, so you should take into account the fact that a screw wood splitter - this device is dangerous. The employee is required to constantly ensure that right hand there was not enough material left. If the cleaver gets stuck, the process of winding the workpiece will occur. To prevent such incidents from occurring, a spacer should be installed under the cleaver.

The assembly and operation of the screw unit can be affected by the rationality of the design, as well as the location of such components:

  • wedge stop;
  • drive pulley;
  • main shaft operation.

And it is also important what shape the cleaver itself is, how it is sharpened; such parameters will certainly affect the operation of the unit itself. The wedge stop is also important; it determines the safety of the unit and affects performance and reliability. If the stop is selected incorrectly, problems will arise with the engine; operation will occur with a high voltage of the power unit. Performance will be noticeably lower. You cannot leave the cleaver hanging without a lower stop. The wedge stop is attached to the base on the right. In this case, its length can be such that the spout is 1/4-1/2 longer than the thread distance.

The stop parameter corresponds to the diameter of the cleaver in a similar section (in this case, 4 heights of the threaded part are subtracted). The distance between the shank and the stop is about 1.8 mm, however, if the gap is 0.8 mm, it will be even better. The cleaver will “disturb” a little at first, but after a short time the grinding will occur and the product will last for quite a long time.

The vertical stop is 2/3 of the shank. For 76 mm the limits are limited to 52-62 mm. The workpiece must be pulled up manually after the cleaver has entered the tree quite deeply. If the cleaver has already entered too deeply into the material, it will be impossible to hold it with bare hands. The pulled-up lower part will hit the side of the stop. In this case, damage and defects may occur.

The unit must be made in such a way that the holder and the main shaft drive are made according to the instructions, in this case nothing will happen and there will be no damage. In a screw wood splitter, the inertial impulse for rotation is transmitted through a pulley. In this case, the pulley must slip if a “plug” occurs, otherwise an accident is inevitable.

In this regard, transmission using a chain is more rational and practical; there are noticeably fewer “plugs”. The chain itself has considerable weight, so the transmission is more rigid and allows it to overcome “obstacles.” If the workpieces have too many knots, then you will need to install a drive, which is presented in the form of a powerful driven pulley.

There is a carrot screw; this unit really resembles a root vegetable. The unit is simple to design and assemble; you can work with it when preparing a small amount of firewood. This device can also cut wood, so splitting with a screw provides a sufficient amount of sawdust. On the farm, this is sometimes in demand if there is a poultry house on the territory that needs to be heated.

A sliding splitter is another option. The shoulder is taken into account as 1.6 meters. Overload can be up to 40 kg. If the wood splitter is stationary, then in this case it can work as an inertial lever, that is, it can be lifted by the handle and then lowered with force onto the workpiece. If the cleaver is dynamic, then it can be easily moved along the lever, in which case it can be pressed. At the same time, the shoulder lengthens significantly. The lever wood splitter has a number of features:

  • It is best to use the “Arrow” cleaver; it is easy to buy;
  • the lever is supported by a spring in a horizontal position;
  • the spring must be well secured so that it does not fly off;
  • often the spring is passed into a moving pendulum guide.

If the mechanical unit is not attached to the base, then it is made with a diameter that is not inferior in size to the lever arm (a size taken that is 2 times larger than the size of the wooden workpiece). It makes no sense to create “mechanics” with a fixed cleaver that slides along a guide. Even if you hit the cleaver with all your might with a sledgehammer, it will often jam.

A cone-shaped wood splitter is also often used, which in private households (when relatively little firewood is needed) can cope with fairly heavy ingots (up to 55 cm in diameter). The cone is made 82-148 mm in size, the angle of inclination is about 16 degrees if the tree has small layers, and 19 degrees if the layers are straight. At a third of the height of the cone, the opening angle changes to 26-32 degrees. It is best to use a rack jack. A rack and pinion jack is preferable because it is very simple and reliable and is not afraid of heavy loads. With hydraulic device more work, and it is more vulnerable under excessive loads.

One more detail is important. The control rod of the conical splitter is usually made functional, using reinforcement or a rod of steel grade St47, with a diameter of at least 22 mm. The thread is made in the shape of a trapezoid (often sewer valves are suitable, where the steering wheel is removed and replaced with a lever).

You can also make a wood splitter in the form of a saber with your own hands; such a device is also called a saber. The lever arm here is at least 0.9 meters, made of soft wood (pine, birch). This type of wood splitter can only be used with soft trees. Also, at dachas, they install wood splitters for the winter using a lever operating principle, which can split workpieces up to 35 cm in diameter. The productivity of such a unit is not high, but such a device is quite enough to chop firewood for dinner. Using the pedal, the sliding stop is raised, then it is released and the pedal is pressed, so the workpiece is delaminated.

You can even make a wood splitter from a wheel; we will look at the technology below.

From the jack

A wood splitter can be made from a jack, which is manually driven using physical force.

The following materials will be required:

  • hydraulic jack;
  • steel sheet 5 mm;
  • channel or angle No. 8;
  • primer;
  • springs;
  • bolts and nuts.

List of tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • triangle ruler;
  • marker.

It is important to secure the vertical fastenings correctly; the lion's share of the load will fall on them. For these purposes, you will need a corner No. 8 or an I-beam. Then a wedge is made that cuts the wooden blanks. This element is made of steel or angle. It is also recommended to sharpen the wedge well, then the work will be more productive. The jack will be positioned against the lower stand, which must be slightly raised above the base. To do this, you need to weld several flat pieces of sheet steel. The jack must be well secured so that it does not jump out during operation. The element is additionally secured with clamps and nuts.

Springs will also be needed to return the element to its original state. You should also make a reliable frame, which is best welded from steel. In order for the support base to be firmly attached to the jack, it is additionally welded to it. round pipe. And you will also need to weld the mountings for the springs. The device is placed mainly in a corner; it can be additionally “grabbed” with bolts to two walls.

From a wheel rim

A wood splitter can be made from the wheel disk of a tractor or truck. Concrete can be poured into the cavity of such an element to increase the mass. A vertical mount, similar to a guillotine, is welded to the central block. The disk rotates, and the “guillotine” falls and hits the die, which is attached in the center. Working on such a unit is not easy; practical experience is required.

Security measures

Safety precautions should be observed during operation. The energy that is spent on splitting wood elements is quite significant. The rate of scattering of chips can be high. Before starting the drive, all fixing elements should be checked:

  • bolted connections;
  • joints;
  • pulley fastening;
  • cable;
  • engine mount;
  • knives must be in good condition, no chips or signs of corrosion.

Clothing with long sleeves should be loose and made of thick fabric, and should also include:

  • good work boots;
  • gloves;
  • glasses;
  • headphones.

The equipment must be located on a flat, stable surface that is not afraid of powerful vibration. Reinforced concrete slab– an ideal basis for basing such a unit. The machine can only process parts that correspond to the format of the equipment. And a few more tips:

  • when the machine is operating closer than three meters, it is not recommended to approach it;
  • the work area should always be fenced off with warning tape made of paper or PVC material;
  • equipment should only be operated under the supervision of an employee;
  • During operation, you should carefully monitor so that no foreign objects get into the unit;
  • Preventative inspections and test runs should be carried out regularly;
  • All equipment repair work is carried out with the engine disconnected from the network.

For some, chopping wood is an old Russian pastime. And in many regions of vast Russia, this is a way to survive and not freeze in winter. And in more civilized regions, there are stoves and fireplaces at the dacha. By buying ready-made firewood, you save time, but not money.

That’s why sawn logs lie in many firewood sheds, waiting for the owner with an axe.

To make this troublesome task easier, Russian “left-handers” began to make a wood splitter with their own hands. Such devices are also sold in stores, but 90% of residents of rural areas with stove heating use homemade devices.

Types of devices for splitting logs

Homemade hydraulic wood splitter

The principle of operation is that a pusher, driven by a hydraulic drive, feeds the log to the wedge system. A compressor is required to operate. It can be electric or internal combustion. The design is efficient and quite reliable, since there are few mechanical parts. Only the hydraulics themselves need maintenance.

Industrial hydraulic wood splitter

Making it yourself is quite problematic, unless you manage to get a hydraulic drive from decommissioned agricultural machinery.

The video shows an example of how a homemade wood splitter works. As you can see from the video, there is nothing super complicated in its design. The main hydraulic cylinder from the auger of a combine harvester has a rod stroke of 50 cm.

The pusher is driven by a rack-and-pinion pair; the mechanism is clear from the illustration. The drive can be electric or gasoline. The torque from the electric motor shaft is multiplied many times over using a gearbox.

Using a lever, the rack is pressed against the rotating traction gear, pushing the pusher onto the log. The spring then returns the mechanism to its original position. This type of wood splitter is not as powerful as a hydraulic one.

However for home use it fits quite well. The cost of the device is quite affordable. Disadvantage - the working gear wears out quickly and the pair requires replacement.
You can make such a device yourself.

This video shows a homemade rack and pinion wood splitter with a belt drive. Nothing fancy, a simple and effective design with productivity that is higher than that of a hydraulic wood splitter.

Screw (cone) wood splitter

Homemade screw wood splitter

The most popular design of this device. Available in different sizes and price categories. The operating principle is simple - the log is fed onto a rotating cone made in the form of an Archimedean gimlet.

In all areas of economic activity where, for one reason or another, work such as chopping wood becomes relevant, wood splitters are used.

Modern, high-tech mechanisms not only easily cope with the tasks assigned to them functional responsibilities, but are also distinguished by their simplicity of structural structure, so they can be made by hand if desired.

How to make a wood splitter yourself? What are its types? What technical characteristics should the mechanism have to ensure an uninterrupted and highly productive workflow? We will talk about this and much more in more detail in the article.

What is a firewood cutting machine?

A wood splitter or firewood harvesting machine is a mechanized device designed to trim and split logs and wood into logs.

It is characterized by high technical and quality indicators, functionality and practicality, ease of operation and accessibility Maintenance, has a compact size and, if necessary, can be easily transported from one place to another.

An important feature of the machine is its large working life. The splitting axes are equipped with reliable and wear-resistant parts, so they can withstand any load, they can be used in any climatic conditions, ensure an uninterrupted work process for a long time, and do not require regular expensive maintenance.

There are many types of wood splitters. They can be equipped with gasoline, diesel and electric engines, differ in structural structure, and are divided into professional and household ones.

Structural structure and operating principle

The design of wood splitters, including homemade ones, is quite simple and largely depends on their type. The installations are equipped with the following main mechanisms:

  • Engine. It can be gasoline or electric. The user independently determines which unit can provide the required performance under given operating conditions.
  • Gearbox. Increases torque, reduces revs and ensures consistent air pressure before every hit. It is characterized by reliability, endurance and wear resistance.
  • The frame is the stationary part of the wood splitter, made of durable and resistant mechanical stress metal A motor, gearbox and working cone for splitting and trimming logs are attached to it.
  • Bearings. They are an indispensable part of the support; they support a movable structure - a working cone mounted on a shaft with a given rigidity.
  • Working cone. Made of durable and reliable metal, has a threaded attachment - a gimlet.

Each structural element of wood splitters can be selected individually, depending on the needs and requests of the user. In this case, the devices meet the requirements as clearly as possible and provide the necessary operating performance.

Depending on their structural structure, wood splitters differ in their operating principle. Most often in practice, a wood chopping machine is used, which is equipped with the following components:

  • Bed;
  • Gearbox;
  • Engine;
  • Working cone.

This cleaver works according to the following principle: it launches a shaft through a gearbox, on which, in turn, the gimlet is located. It rotates, screws into the block and splits it into several parts.

A cylinder is adopted in the hydraulic log splitter; it receives the necessary charge of energy from the motor and facilitates its transmission to the hydraulic rod, which drives the stop.

The smooth operation of the mechanism ensures that the blade enters the block without impact, as a result of which it splits into pieces without being compressed.

If the power of the wood splitter is not enough to crush the logs, the cylinder stops working and the pump operates in idle mode, which prevents the device from breakdowns.

Distribution by classification criteria

Wood splitters can be divided into several types; below we will look at the principle of the division.

By scope:

  • Household. The devices have low power and performance and are characterized by average technical indicators. Their advantages are mobility, versatility, compact size and the ability to fully operate in any climatic conditions, availability of repair and maintenance, and low cost.
  • Industrial. Machines with high technical parameters, characterized by a long working life, excellent performance and the possibility of long-term operation without interruptions.

According to the method of laying the log:

  • Horizontal. The logs are placed in a special horizontal trench. Their advantages: versatility, practicality, functionality.
  • Vertical. The log in the devices is installed vertically. Their advantages: compactness, functionality, reliability. Disadvantages: the need to strictly adhere to safety regulations.
  • Mixed. This class of wood splitters includes industrial units used in the continuous production of firewood.

According to the motor power source:

  • Electrical. They are equipped with electric motors, are environmentally friendly, easy to repair and easy to operate, have compact dimensions and can be easily transported from one place to another.
  • With a gasoline engine. Unlike electrical analogues, they can be used at sites remote from centralized network. They require minimal maintenance and repair costs, are functional and highly productive.
  • With tractor traction. Their main advantage is a large working resource.
  • With combined motor. They can be equipped with a tractor drive and an electric or gasoline engine and are used exclusively in the industrial sector.

According to the principle of operation:

  • Hydraulic. They have excellent technical and performance characteristics, ensure a safe and smooth workflow.
  • With a cone. Wood splitters specified type They are classified as screw mechanisms with great reliability and power. Their features are a simple structural structure, reasonable cost and excellent quality indicators.

By mode of transportation

  • Stationary. They are solid machines or massive industrial models that are difficult to transport.
  • Mobile. Equipped with wheels that facilitate the movement of devices.

Before choosing a specific version of the wood splitter, you need to decide with what intensity it will be used; its specifications. Main technical characteristics of the machines:

Requirements that mechanisms must meet

  • Height from floor to cone is about 80 cm.
  • Minimum engine power from 2 kW.
  • The fit on the gearbox or motor shaft is tight.
  • The material for making the cone is hard steel.
  • Equipped with an oil cooling radiator and a rigid frame structure.
  • Availability of oil heating function in the hydraulic system.

Step-by-step plan for manufacturing a screw machine

Homemade wood splitter screw type It's very easy to do. The component parts will require a threaded cone nozzle, a frame made of durable and mechanically resistant steel, an engine of a certain performance, a reduction gearbox and a shaft.

The motor and gearbox are attached to the frame. The working cone is mounted on the shaft and driven through a reduction gearbox using a motor. Important things to consider:

  • It is prohibited to connect the attachment directly to the motor; this is contrary to safety regulations.
  • Belt and chain drives must be placed in a special protective casing.
  • The electrical part of the log splitter must be performed by a qualified technician.
  • The permissible rotation speed of the nozzle is at least 250 - 300 rpm. If it is less, the cleaver will provide minimal productivity.

Hydraulic cleaver production technology

Making a homemade hydraulic wood splitter is much more difficult than a cone splitter. The most complex component of the device that needs to be produced is the hydraulic part, consisting of a hydraulic cylinder with a pusher, a hydraulic fluid flow control unit and a pump, an oil tank and a motor driving the pump.

All these mechanisms can be purchased in specialized stores at an affordable price.

The basis of a homemade wood splitter is the frame. It is recommended to make it from a particularly durable material that is wear-resistant to mechanical stress.

During the design of the frame for homemade machine To chop wood, it is necessary to provide for its installation on wheels or a ready-made chassis. In the future, this will make it possible to easily and quickly move the device to the work site.

There is no clear diagram of how to make a cleaver with your own hands, since many nuances are permissible in its design, it all depends on the selected initial mechanisms.

Before you do homemade device, it is advisable to evaluate its economic benefits. If you need a little firewood, then it is better to buy it than to spend money on making a splitting ax.

It’s not difficult to make a machine for chopping wood yourself; the main thing is to stock up on the necessary components in advance. A homemade hydraulic cleaver works more efficiently than a cleaver with a cone, but its structural structure is an order of magnitude more complex than its design.

Manual chopping of firewood is a difficult and tedious task, which can be made easier by using various types of special equipment, including modern or homemade wood splitters. A do-it-yourself wood splitter is a necessary and affordable device that greatly facilitates the independent preparation of firewood.

What is a wood splitter, the history of the device and its purpose

A log splitter is a machine designed for splitting firewood. This type of tool is often called a wood splitter, cleaver or firewood splitter. At the same time, wood splitting machines also trim firewood and split it into individual logs.

The first mechanisms for chopping wood appeared in Europe in the 16th century. They were purchased by owners of large industrial enterprises in order to create thermal energy. Replacement of traditional manual labor helped to process firewood faster. Since then, engineers have created several types of wood splitting machines, differing primarily in their operating principle.

Small volumes of firewood were handled with conventional mechanical wood splitters, which were distinguished by their simplicity of design, as well as a minimal number of complex components. The simplest mechanical wood splitters resembled an ordinary well crane, but instead of a bucket, a cutter with handles was attached to this design. The post joint and crossbars were hinged using a good lubricant. The operating principle of this design is intuitive and involves installing a block of wood on a stand with a sharp pull of the lever down. The inertia of the cutter gained significant strength, due to which the log was split, and the whole process was repeated until a log of the required thickness was obtained.

Modern wood splitters are most often hydraulic devices and are widely used for quick and easy cutting of logs. The main advantage of using any modern wood splitter is the highest possible safety, therefore petrol or electric type splitting axes are many times superior to the now traditional ax in most respects.

General classification

All types of wood splitters differ in the method of stacking logs, the volume of processed wood, mobility and type of drive.


In horizontal models, the log is laid inside a horizontal groove, after which the laid element is pushed towards the knife. In some tools, the log may lie motionless inside the groove, and the knife itself moves towards it. Horizontal models can have short legs (desktop) and long legs (for full-length work).

The machine is a strong horizontal frame on which a splitting chute with a dividing knife is installed


In vertical models, the log is installed vertically, and the knife is pushed from above by means of a hydraulic cylinder. The efficiency of this machine is higher than that of horizontal models, which is due to the lack of movement of the log during the splitting process without creating additional friction. However, working with crookedly sawn elements requires holding them manually, which goes against the safety precautions for operating this equipment.

The machine has a robust vertical structure


Industrial log splitters, most often equipped with an electric motor, are used with a 220 or 380 V motor with a power of 3 kW or more.

Industrial wood splitters are very powerful and can cope with huge volumes of firewood.

Household wood splitters

Household models are distinguished by maximum structural simplicity, extreme ease of operation and absolute unpretentiousness in terms of maintenance.

The design of the simplest mechanical wood splitter resembles a well crane

Types by drive type

With an electric, gasoline engine, with a power take-off shaft or with a hydraulic system and a combined type of drive (according to the type of drive).

Gasoline log splitters are suitable for medium-sized businesses

A small electric wood splitter is perfect for home use.

Stationary and mobile

The first version of such mechanisms is usually represented by massive industrial models or entire multifunctional machines. Operation of a stationary wood splitter in living conditions most often it is not at all practical. Mobile or mobile models are equipped with transport wheels, which greatly facilitate the movement of the device to almost any place of work and are optimally suited for domestic use.

Classification of homemade wood splitters

Do-it-yourself wood splitters can be mechanical and equipped with conventional electrically driven hydraulic, rack and screw type. Cone and screw wood splitters are represented by a cone “screw”, which, when “drilled” into a wooden workpiece from the bark side, splits it into pieces or so-called logs.

External characteristics of the rack and hydraulic drive of the wood splitter

Rack-type wood splitters split logs by striking a rack with a tip at the end of the log. Hydraulic wood splitters function similarly to rack and pinion models, but the drive operation depends on a hydraulic pump, and is designed for processing large, knotty logs. It is important to remember that hydraulic models have significant power indicators, and accordingly, it is more difficult to manufacture them yourself than simpler cone designs.


This version of the device is quite simple to make with your own hands and subsequent operation. Most good options are represented by units built on the principle of a lever, including models supplemented with a spring, and inertial devices based on a pair of pipes with different diameters. The device operates using a return mechanism, and thanks to the presence of powerful return springs in the design, very high productivity of the wood splitter is ensured with a quick return of the mechanism to its original position.

Electrically driven

Wood splitters equipped with an electric drive can have rack, hydraulic and screw versions.

Hydraulic version of the wood splitter with a vertical type of layout

The device of a rack wood splitter

The rack version is represented by the following elements:

  • 1 - rotary mechanism for adjusting the height of the knife;
  • 2 - hydraulic tank;
  • 3 - hydraulic cleaver knife;
  • 4 - stationary tray;
  • 5 - splitting workpiece;
  • 6 - fixation brace in the upper part of the knife;
  • 7 - movable thrust heel;
  • 8 - front support of the hydraulic cylinder;
  • 9 - hydraulic distributor;
  • 10 - hydraulic cylinder;
  • 11 - rear support for the hydraulic cylinder;
  • 12 - electric motor;
  • 13 - input device for the electrical network;
  • 14 - filler pipe of the hydraulic tank;
  • 15 - bracket for hydraulic pump;
  • 16 - frame.

Screw wood splitter device

In the screw version of the wood splitter, the dimensions of the drill, as well as the optimal inclination angle of the cone, determine maximum dimensions logs to be broken are selected individually or in accordance with table values.

Table: parameters of screw type wood splitters

Step-by-step instructions for making your own tool

Of course, the easiest and fastest to make yourself is a mechanical type of tool, which does not require the use of special components or any professional equipment. However, an electric wood splitter has more wide application, it is practical and very easy to use.

Mechanical option

The most popular and easiest to make yourself is the standard rack design.

The rack wood splitter is the easiest to manufacture

Electric wood splitter

To independently manufacture a unit for chopping wood with an electric drive, you should prepare the materials presented:

  • steel frame for fixing all elements of the installation;
  • an engine whose power is selected according to individual needs;
  • shaft mechanism;
  • reduction gearbox;
  • conical nozzle with thread.

Three types of motors can be used: commutator, with electronically control or asynchronous, but the latter option is the most popular and widespread.

A simple but functional mechanism under the simple name “Carrot” is easily made independently and does not require the use of high-tech or too expensive parts. Self-production involves preparing a drive, a simple gearbox with a belt drive, a pair of bearings and a shaft, as well as a threaded cone and a frame table.

Before making a wood splitter, familiarize yourself with the diagram of its structure

A drive with a power rating of about 2 kW or more can be removed from any old washing machine, and the most complex part of such a system is represented by a cone, which is purchased ready-made or made to order. Quick and easy splitting of wooden blocks occurs due to the process of screwing the cone into the wood fibers.

The rack and pinion design is less popular due to increased level dangers when using this device. In this case, the rack and pusher plate must be placed on a carriage moved along the frame. Maximum attention will need to be paid to the stability of the frame, as well as quality characteristics installed rail.

The operation of such a homemade design requires a very careful calculation of the rotation speed of the gear, which transmits force to the rack. Most often, splitting logs using such a wood splitter is done easily and quickly. The operator sets the device in motion by pressing the rack against the gear. As a result of releasing the handle, the contact with the operating gear decreases, which is due to the presence of a spring and the operation of the return mechanism.

Related videos

https://www.youtube.com/embed/Qrh8eHnFD7E https://www.youtube.com/embed/iIiiUqyiaGM https://www.youtube.com/embed/BZXmsj8Nlkg

Precautionary measures

Working on electric wood splitter models requires special attention and increased caution:

  • The wood splitter may only be used for its intended purpose;
  • Before use, you must carefully read the instructions;
  • Do not operate the wood splitter if there are third parties, especially children or animals, in the operating area;
  • When working, special gloves and personal hearing and vision protection are used;
  • Do not leave a running machine unattended;
  • hands must be kept at a sufficient distance from the cutting mechanism;
  • before work, you need to make sure that all components are securely fixed;
  • The wood splitter must be serviced, repaired or transported when it is turned off.

It is forbidden to split logs or logs that are too large or contain nails or other foreign objects that could cause damage to the device. Must be checked before use hydraulic system and make sure there are no oil leaks.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade and purchased models of wood splitters

Homemade wood splitters, as a rule, are noticeably inferior to factory installations, not only in terms of power, but also in terms of external data.

However, if it is necessary to process a small volume of wood under conditions homemade, do-it-yourself devices fit very well and have a number of advantages, presented by:

  • low cost compared to professional machines;
  • easy self-assembly using the simplest materials;
  • gaining experience in the manufacture of household devices.

However, during the self-assembly process, all aspects must be taken into account. design features mechanism, therefore, along with factory settings, all self-made wood splitters meet a set of basic minimum requirements:

  • standard minimum motor power is about 2 kW;
  • manufacturing of all stationary and moving elements based on hard steel or sufficiently strong alloys;
  • the minimum distance from the cone of the device to the floor is 80–90 cm;
  • the number of revolutions for installation in domestic use is 400–500 per minute.

Wood splitters can not only be made independently, but also purchased ready-made, assembled. The fundamental difference is represented by the price, since the cost of fairly powerful models is several tens of thousands of rubles. The main advantage of such a factory assembly is that there is no need to waste time and effort on manufacturing, and the finished unit is safer to operate. The dimensions of the installation are selected strictly individually, but the standard version of the wood splitter requires compliance with the dimensions L/W/H at the level of 85/40/65 cm.

Simple mechanical, saber and foot-operated log splitter

Table: comparison of factory-assembled wood splitters

Model Type Safety and reliability Power Cost, rub)
Champion LSH5000 electric (230 V)
High 2.2 kW from 17 thousand
AL-KO KHS 5204 electric (230 V)
High 2.2 kW from 19 thousand
Texas 520H electric (220 V)
High 1.5 kW from 20 thousand
Raptor t700 electric (230 V)
High 2.2 kW from 25 thousand
AL-KO KHS 3704 electric (230 V)
High 1.5 kW from 19 thousand
PROFI PLS 700E electric (230 V)
High 2.3 kW from 19.5 thousand
Texas 600VG Petrol
High 3.7 kW from 55 thousand
CHAMPION LSV6000 electric (230 V)
High 2.7 kW from 38 thousand
MTD LS 550 Petrol
High 5.5 kW from 220 thousand

As operating practice shows, a homemade wood splitter can be configured to comfortable work and practical use, such a DIY design costs an order of magnitude cheaper than ready-made and modern factory products.

In the presence of necessary materials it is quite possible to make one of the variants of a simple mechanical wood splitter with your own hands or equip such a device with an electric drive, which is the best option for working with small amounts of firewood.