What is the difference between artificial. How is artificial intelligence (AI) different from robotics? How to distinguish leather from eco-leather

Or is AI a part of robotics? What is the difference between these two terms? We will answer this question!

Robotics and artificial intelligence serve for different purposes. However, people often confuse them. Many people wonder whether robotics is a subset of artificial intelligence or whether they are the same thing.

The first thing to say is that robotics and artificial intelligence- it's not the same at all. In fact, these two regions are almost completely separate.

A Venn diagram of them would look like this:

We assume that people confuse these two concepts due to the overlap between them: artificially intelligent robots.

To understand how these three terms relate to each other, let's look at each of them individually.

What is robotics?

Robotics is a branch of technology that deals with robots. Robots are programmable machines that can typically perform a series of actions autonomously or semi-autonomously.

In our opinion, there are three important factors that define a robot:

  • Robots interact with the physical world using sensors and actuators.
  • Robots are programmed.
  • Robots are usually autonomous or semi-autonomous.

There are many opinions about what constitutes a "robot". Some experts say that the robot must be able to “think” and make decisions. However standard definition There is no “robotic thinking”. Requiring a robot to “think” assumes that it has some level of artificial intelligence.

Robotics involves the design, construction and programming of physical robots. Only a small part of it is related to artificial intelligence.

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science. It includes development computer programs to perform tasks that require human intelligence. AI algorithms can address issues of learning, perception, problem solving, language understanding, and/or logical reasoning.

AI is used in many ways in modern world. For example, AI algorithms are used in Google search, Amazon's recommendation program, and search engines SatNav. Most AI programs are not used to control robots.

Even when AI is used to control robots, AI algorithms are only part of a larger robotic system that also includes sensors, actuators, and non-AI programming.

Often AI involves some level of machine learning where the algorithm is “trained” to respond in a certain way to a specific input using known inputs and outputs.

The key aspect that distinguishes AI from more conventional programming is the word "intelligence." Non-AI programs simply execute a specific sequence of instructions. AI programs simulate some level of human intelligence.

What are artificially intelligent robots?

Artificially intelligent robots are the bridge between robotics and artificial intelligence. These are robots that are controlled by AI programs. Many robots do not use AI. Until recently, all industrial robots were programmed only to carry out a repetitive series of movements. As we already said, repetitive movements do not require artificial intelligence.

Non-intelligent robots are quite limited in their functionality. AI algorithms are often needed to enable a robot to perform more complex tasks.

Let's look at examples.

Example 1: Robot without AI

For example, you can easily program a robot to pick up an object and place it somewhere else. The robot will continue to select and place objects the same way until you turn it off. This is an autonomous feature as the robot does not require human intervention once you have programmed it. However, the task does not require any intelligence.

Example 2: Artificially intelligent robot

Imagine you wanted to add a camera to your robot. A robot's gaze falls under the category of "perception" and typically requires AI algorithms.

For example, let's say you want the robot to detect an object it was collecting and place it in a different location depending on the type of object. This involves preparing a specialized vision program to recognize various types objects.

IN Lately The demand for genuine leather products is no longer so strong. The reason is the emergence of less expensive, high-quality products made from eco-leather. The popularity of this material is explained by its differences in better side from other types of artificial material.

Eco leather- high-tech material that allows you to create wear-resistant products according to affordable prices. Ecological leather is in demand in such industries as:

  1. Furniture: production of upholstery for armchairs and sofas.
  2. Haberdashery: creating bags and wallets, briefcases and purses.
  3. Light: tailoring.

Many companies use eco-leather to produce car seat covers.

Artificially produced leather consists of the following layers:

The fabric base of the eco-material is made of natural or polyester materials.

The polymer coating of the eco-material is polyurethane. There are other types of artificial leather based on the following polymers:

  • polyacetal;
  • thermoplastic elastomer;
  • cellulose nitrate;
  • rubber.

The structure and structure of ecological leather is porous. Other types of artificial material may have the following structure and structure:

  • monolithic and porous-monolithic;
  • single-layer and multi-layer;
  • baseless on a fibrous basis;
  • reinforced

Depending on the conditions under which artificial leather is used, such varieties are known as: regular and frost-resistant, acid- and alkali-resistant, water-resistant, etc.

Eco-leather is so close in some properties to natural leather that sometimes only specialists can distinguish them. This applies to the case where the polyurethane substitute material is of very good quality.

How to distinguish leather from eco-leather

If a person decides to purchase an item from natural material, he should be careful not to make a mistake. After all, unscrupulous sellers may offer polyurethane leather instead of natural leather.

It is necessary to take into account a number of features that eco-leather has:

  1. It heats up just like natural material, from human heat upon contact with it. Leaves no traces of moisture.
  2. The design on the front side is very close to the natural design.
  3. Not subject to significant deformation: when stretched, it quickly restores its shape. The fabric feels soft and stretchy to the touch.
  4. Absorbs moisture well.

How to distinguish leather from eco-leather on a jacket

The first thing you should do is find the label on the jacket where the sign is indicated. If the sign is in the form of a diamond, it is a product made from environmentally friendly material. If there is no label on the product, you need to find the raw edge and take a good look at it.

Natural material will not delaminate. But if the cut shows a top coating in the form of a film, and on the bottom layer there is fabric, it is polyurethane leather. If you cannot find the raw edge of the product, pay attention to the seams.

A leatherette jacket usually has closed seams and is very thin to the touch. A product made of natural material may also have closed seams, but when you feel them between your fingers, a “roller” is felt.

A jacket made of natural material will have a specific leather smell. So you can just smell the thing. But some manufacturers resort to tricks, impregnating leatherette with special aromatic solutions - they do not recommend completely relying on such experience.

The weight of the jacket also matters - things made of leatherette are usually light.

Eco-leather products have rich shades. This is because the dye adheres better to the polyurethane coating, therefore the colors look brighter.

Testing a piece of material with fire is an unreliable method, since special additives are added to modern leather substitutes.

A dubious method of checking authenticity is also exposing the material to water. Leather is known to absorb water, but if the surface of the product is treated with a water-repellent compound, the test result will be incorrect.

It would be much easier to distinguish leather from ordinary leatherette. The reason is that the properties of other types of artificial leather differ significantly from the properties of polyurethane and natural leather for the worse.

What is the difference between eco-leather and leatherette

No plasticizer additives are used in the production of eco-leather. Another feature in the production of ecological leather is a special attitude towards the base of the polyurethane film: the material does not test various types loads

The result is that eco-raw materials acquire a flexible structure and elasticity. Polyurethane film occupies no more than 25% of the total mass. Therefore, we can safely say that eco-leather is a fabric impregnated with polyurethane. And for leatherette you can choose a definition: a sheet of polymer reinforced with fabric.

The breathability of eco-leather is significantly higher than that of other leatherettes. This was achieved due to the fact that during the film application process, pores are formed through which air and water vapor pass, but not the water itself. The polyurethane network is very mobile, so polymers can rearrange under the influence of mechanical loads and temperature changes. These abilities explain their resistance to wear and very low temperatures. The polymers of films of other types of artificial leather wear out faster and crack in severe frosts.

Reference! Polyurethanes can even eliminate damage to the polymer network during deformation due to the presence of special groups of atoms that natural leather has.

What is the difference between eco-leather and leatherette?

The leatherette base is made of cotton fabric. The coating of this type of artificial leather is cellulose nitrate, which can be applied not only to one side of the fabric, like eco-leather, but also to both sides.

Unlike ecological leather, leatherette has the following features:

  1. Easily wears out. The wear process can only be stopped if the new product is treated with silicone-based varnish.
  2. Can't stand it low temperatures: cracks in the cold.
  3. It is highly flammable and burns quickly. In fire hazardous areas it is not permissible to decorate furniture and doors with leatherette.
  4. When burning it is released bad smell rubber. Substances released during combustion are very toxic.
  5. Shows resistance to moisture: prevents water from penetrating into the lining material.
  6. Leatherette can be easily damaged without much effort.
  7. Changes color when bent.
  8. Has low thermal conductivity. Leatherette items are cold to the touch. Even if you hold them in your hands for a long time, they hardly heat up.
  9. The top layer pattern is uniform, only vaguely reminiscent of the pattern of natural porosity.
  10. Mainly used as a finishing material.
  11. It gets tougher over time.
  12. It is sensitive to ultraviolet rays. It is better to cover the door with leatherette from the inside.
  13. Does not allow air to pass through. A person is clearly uncomfortable in clothes and shoes made of leatherette. It is highly undesirable to purchase such products, only in case of a shortage of funds.

What is the difference between Alcantara and eco-leather?

Among modern materials Recently, Alcantara material has become very popular. Many car enthusiasts are interested in having the car interior covered with this unique fabric that imitates natural suede.

They produce this faux suede by improved spinning method. The result is a very thin fiber, which is then pierced and impregnated adhesive composition. The inner surface of the woven material is treated with abrasive. As a result, the pile rises and the fabric becomes soft and silky.

Differences between Alcantara and eco-leather:

  1. More susceptible to contamination due to the presence of small fibers on the surface.
  2. Heats up less under the sun's rays.
  3. More pleasant to the touch.
  4. Requires more careful care. If staining liquids get on the surface, you have to wash the fabric.
  5. More elastic. Alcatara car seat covers can be easily applied to the seats. But if eco-leather covers are not tightened correctly, then over time cracks appear in the material.
  6. Products made from Alcatara are more expensive than those made from eco-leather.

It is impossible to say for sure who is more susceptible to wear and tear of Alcantara or eco-leather - it all depends on how well they were made.

Artificial and synthetic fibers can be used in the production of fabrics. What are the specifics of both?

What are man-made fibers?

TO artificial It is customary to refer to fibers that are made by processing natural raw materials - complex compounds classified as high-molecular. Cellulose, silk, wool, keratin and other proteins can be used as such.

Examples of man-made fibers that have wide application in the textile industry - viscose, silk on an acetate basis. These substances are obtained from cellulose. Which, in fact, is one of the main materials for the production of artificial fabrics.

What are synthetic fibers?

TO synthetic It is customary to refer to fibers that are made using low molecular weight substances, often of inorganic origin. These are compounds of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen. Their processing can be carried out by polymerization or polycondensation.

If we're talking about about polymers, they are produced from products resulting from the processing of oil, gas or coal (for example, benzene, acetylene or ammonia) or formed as by-products of various chemical industries.

During the processing of raw materials, the synthetic fiber manufacturer may, at its discretion, regulate them chemical composition and thus establish the desired consumer properties of the corresponding materials and their structure.


The main difference between artificial fibers and synthetic ones is that natural substances are used as raw materials for the production of the former. The release of the second involves the use of low molecular weight inorganic substances, which are rarely found in their natural form, as well as obtaining compounds that are practically not formed in nature.

It is worth noting that in any case, artificial and synthetic fibers are usually separated from natural ones when classifying certain goods, since in their finished form neither the first nor the second have direct natural analogues that could be used as third ones.

But artificial fabrics in general are considered to a certain extent more natural than synthetic ones, since, as we noted above, substances present in nature are used as raw materials for their production.

The initial natural raw material for artificial fabric - for example, cellulose - is, one way or another, the basis for the formation of the corresponding product. For example, cellulose treated with sodium hydroxide followed by polymerization turns into viscose.

In turn, the chemical composition of synthetic fabrics can be significantly more complex. From the components of the raw materials used for their production, it is sometimes difficult to identify the main one.

Having determined what the difference is between artificial and synthetic fibers, we will reflect the conclusions in a small table.

Modern technology allows even artificial leather to give a “natural” appearance. But there are still some recommendations that will help “expose” a fake. What to be guided by when choosing this or that product? Let's try to understand the differences between genuine leather and artificial leather.

We all know how difficult it can be to choose the right shoes, briefcase, wallet or gloves, and even if you are guided by the criteria that distinguish quality product from second-rate ones, such as: genuine leather, good workmanship, high-quality assembly of the model, comfort and beauty, often a model that looks quite attractive at first glance turns out to be completely unsuitable for use.

Types of leather

There are many classifications of leather, which differ in the type and age of the animal from which they are obtained, and in the methods of processing and coloring. Here are some examples.

Morocco- vegetable-tanned goatskin leather, lightly tanned and brightly colored.

Velours- made from leather with defects on the front surface; This is chrome-tanned leather, finished on the bakhtarma side to look like velvet using special grinding.

Suede- leather from the skins of elk, reindeer, wild goat, etc., fat tanned; the front side is melon; the pile is thick, but not fluffy and without shine; the skin is soft and does not absorb water well.

Shagreen- soft vegetable tanned leather made from sheep or goat skins, with a beautiful fine relief pattern.

Laika- leather from the skins of sheep, goats, dogs; tanning with aluminum alum using salt, flour and yolk; the leather is soft, thin, and is used for making gloves.

Split- occurs when thick skin doubles; often imitates more expensive types of leather when an artificial pattern is applied to it; at the front split ( upper layer) one side is leather, the other is melon; More often than not, split leather does not have a leather surface and is therefore fragile.

To obtain leather, the skins are first preserved, then dehaired, tanned, fattened and dyed. Tanning is now underway combined methods- mineral, vegetable and synthetic tannins.

How soft artificial leather is made

The technologies for manufacturing soft artificial leather are quite diverse, but three main stages can be distinguished: preparation of the fibrous base, application of polymer coatings, and final finishing.

Fabrics, knitwear, paper and various non-woven materials made from natural, artificial or synthetic fibers are used as a fibrous base. The properties of soft artificial leather are largely determined by this important element designs: the base material determines the qualities of the finished leather, such as strength, stretchability in various directions, ability to drape, etc. To give greater strength and density, fibrous bases are often impregnated with polymer compositions.

Then a coating is applied to the surface of the fibrous base - from melts, solutions and dispersions of polymers, using various technological methods and equipment. Important points At this stage of the technological process, uniform application of the coating and its fixation on the surface of the base are important. Penetration of the polymer into the coating can be either through or surface. A combination of through impregnation of the fibrous base followed by the application of a top polymer coating is often used.

Furniture artificial leathers, as a rule, have a porous structure, for which they can be used various ways pore formation: mechanical foaming, chemical foaming by decomposition of the pore-forming agent, leaching of water-soluble salts, phase separation of polymer solutions, sintering of powdered polymers, perforation, etc.

In addition to the original polymer, the composition of artificial leather may include special additives: substances to facilitate the processing of the polymer mixture during the production process and increase the frost resistance of the finished material - plasticizers; fillers to impart specific qualities to the skin; pigments and dyes; stabilizers (anti-aging agents, stoppers, inhibitors) to preserve the properties of the material.

As methods final finishing various techniques are used: grinding, crumpling, embossing, applying a varnish or matting layer, applying printed design etc. Decorative effects The resulting designs are striking in their diversity. The finished material can imitate the texture of fabric, genuine leather and suede; there are multi-colored leathers and those that change their color - the so-called. “chameleons”, metallic leather – truly limitless scope for the designer’s imagination.

There is an “intermediate” version of the material - pressed leather.

Pressed leather

Pressed leather is a material produced under pressure from natural leather production waste: scraps and scraps, chrome shavings, tanning dust and other waste. Pressed leather also contains binding fibers. They can be made from any synthetic material: polyester, polyamide, polyethylene... When heated, they melt and glue all the “particles” together. Another component is synthetic thermoplastic resins. They are introduced for additional gluing and strengthening of the fibrous structure. Thanks to resins, a material with low air and moisture permeability is obtained. The strength of such a bag is low, unlike a natural one.

What is the difference between artificial leather and genuine leather?

The easiest way to determine the material from which shoes are made (gloves, briefcase, etc.) is to carefully look at special sticker on a product with graphic marks). Such stickers are mandatory for manufacturers and importers from EU countries. The stickers indicate what type of material is used in the parts of the product. If the product does not have such a sticker, then there are several ways to distinguish natural leather from artificial leather, but some of them, due to the development of new technologies, are already outdated. For example, for a long time It was believed that genuine leather was the only material that did not burn, but smoldered, so the first aircraft had the entire cabin lined with genuine leather. But this method when buying shoes can hardly be used, in addition, modern faux leather charred in the same way as natural. A composition has already been invented that gives artificial leather a natural smell.

In practice, when buying shoes, you can use in the following ways determining the naturalness of leather.

  • If you apply the inner surface of the palm to the material for ten seconds, the natural leather will heat up, begin to transfer heat to the palms and give a pleasant warm feeling, while artificial leather slightly moisturizes the palm, it will give off a chill and a slight sweat will remain on it after removing the hand.
  • The folded edges of natural leather have a more rounded outer fold; artificial materials– slightly flattened and, as a rule, natural leather is thicker than artificial leather.

There are several other methods you can use.

  • For example, when choosing shoes, bend the shoe in the toe or press on the top of the sock with your finger, and the appearance of small wrinkles at the moment of bending or pressing, and then when the material is straightened, the disappearance of these wrinkles is a sure sign of the naturalness of the leather.
  • The underside of real leather should be fleecy. You can tell what kind of skin you have by smell.
  • In natural leather it is specific, peculiar only to it. If the smell is sharp and unpleasant, it means the product is made of artificial leather.

The naturalness of leather can be determined by carefully looking at its cut.

  • Leatherettes, as a rule, have a textile or polyamide base. And finally, on new leather, if the sellers allow, you can drip plain water. Natural leather will absorb moisture and darken in this place, while artificial leather will remain unchanged.
  • During wear, natural leather is deformed to fit the foot, while artificial leather retains the shape of the last.

Genuine leather can vary in appearance and consumer properties; the most popular and always in fashion are smooth leathers. They are practical, beautiful, their appearance easily restored cosmetics.

And finally, pay attention to the packaging in which the product is sold. Reputable companies care not only about the quality of their products, but also about the beauty of the packaging.

Happy shopping to you!

With the development of technology, artificial marble has appeared on sale for architectural and interior work. Such materials allow you to make a budget-friendly and quite beautiful renovation, but they are far from the aesthetics and nobility of natural marble. Let's figure out what features natural stone has, how to recognize its artificial counterpart, and how to choose real high-quality marble.

Origin of natural marble

The history of marble goes back thousands of years. “Brilliant stone” (from the Latin marmaros) was discovered by the ancient Greeks - a beautiful, durable and easy-to-work material that was ideal for the construction of temples and palaces. The remains of majestic structures are still preserved in the territories where the ancient Greeks and Romans lived.

Durability, easy processing and unique patterns are due to the origin of marble. Under pressure earth's crust carbonate rocks(limestone, dolomite and others) undergo metamorphism - they recrystallize and become harder. In this case, the grains of calcite, the main marble mineral, adhere closely to each other, so the material is well polished. Also, during metamorphism, calcite crystals grow together with mineral and organic impurities, which form the basic color and unique pattern of the marble vein.

Main types of marble by color

    White marble. The snow-white stone is almost pure calcite. It is soft enough for making sculptural compositions, figurines and complex decorative items. The most valuable is Carrara marble from Italy, milky white or delicate blue tint. Domestic Sayan marble has a wavy pattern of white, pink and cream veins. The most common is gray stone - its deposits are found in many countries.

    Black marble. The stone is rare and, due to its volcanic origin, has increased hardness. The dark color is due to impurities of bitumen and graphite. Almost uniform black marble is mined in Spain and Turkey. China has deposits of black and gold marble, which is ideal for decorating luxurious interiors.

    Beige marble. Color-forming mineral impurities are compounds of manganese and limonite. Shades of the material vary from cream to light brown. Compared to other types, beige marble is more durable, therefore it is optimally suited for cladding facades, finishing floors, making architectural and landscape elements. The most popular varieties are Spanish “emperadors” (in our catalog these are Emperador Dark 1st grade, Emperador Dark Extra, Emperador Light). Italian and Turkish materials are also valued.

    Red marble. Bright original shades are created by iron oxides. Red stone is more often used for decoration public places, because it looks solemn. Discreet burgundy and brown shades are perfect for residential buildings and apartments. Material is imported into our country mainly from Turkey and Italy.

    Pink marble. The color is also formed by iron oxide, but there is less of it than in red varieties. Homogeneous materials are practically never found: the main pink background is interspersed with white, gray, green, and red veins. The main suppliers of the material are China and Egypt.

    Yellow marble. Impurities of iron and manganese carbonates give the material an interweaving of beige and golden stains. “Sunny” marble looks ideal on the facades of Art Deco style houses and fills the interiors with homely warmth and comfort. The main places of production are Italy and Egypt.

    Green marble. The depth of green is determined by the presence of chlorite, serpentine and other iron silicates. Italian Verde marbles are especially beautiful, the pattern of which resembles sea waves. Also, green stone with a unique color is mined from deposits in India and Greece.

    Blue and light blue marble. Depending on the amount of diopside, shades vary from soft blue to rich purple. Such materials are perfect for cladding bathrooms, swimming pools, and fountains. In our country, the stone is mined in the Ufaleysky deposit in the Urals. There are also blue varieties of marble in Turkey and Italy.

For your convenience, we have created a map of marble, where we have grouped the stones according to the most popular requests - colors, countries of origin, types.

Natural marble of any type is beautiful and in demand, but is quite expensive. It is not surprising that manufacturers have found a way to create a budget analogue - artificial stone. Today, there are several technologies that turn polymers and pigments into quite skillful imitation marble.

Classification of artificial marble

    Cast marble- composite material based polyester resins and filler in the form of crumbs of marble, quartz and other rocks. Table tops, window sills, sinks, balusters, and sculptures are cast using molds.

    Oselkovy marble- variety decorative plaster. White or colored gypsum mass is diluted with adhesive water, poured into the matrix or applied to the surface. The result is a product or coating without seams.

    Flexible marble- decorative finishing panels. The base is a slab of flexible plastic; the decorative layer, 2–3 mm thick, is a mixture of epoxy resin, ground marble and pigments.

First of all, you need to determine what kind of marble is in front of you - artificial or natural. At first glance, the materials are similar, but upon closer examination artificial marble there is no unique aesthetics and richness of shades that are inherent natural stone. In addition, natural marble is colder and heavier, its surface has a matte shine, and a crystalline structure is visible at the fracture. For comparison fake diamond It has room temperature, the obligatory gelcoat coating gives a glossy effect, the fracture site resembles plastic in structure.

When choosing, you need to check not only the natural origin, but also the quality of the marble. The following characteristics deserve attention:

    Type of rock. Metamorphic marble has good strength and hardness, is resistant to abrasion, can withstand constant contact with water, is not destroyed by frost, and does not fade in the sun. That is, from the material you can make facade cladding and strong columns, floor coverings and durable table schnitzes.

    Softer limestone and dolomite marbles are recommended for interior wall decoration. To determine the type of rock, examine the place of the chip: in metamorphic marble the crystals are clearly visible, in limestone rocks the chip looks like pressed clay. Polishing quality. The surface at hand should be smooth, without veins or cavities. A perfectly smooth structure indicates the presence of resin - this is factory polishing, where last stage

    the surface is filled with varnish. It is better not to use tiles without such treatment in damp conditions, and slabs - for making kitchen tables. Geometry of slabs.

    The shape of the block should be straight, without a visible arc. The declared thickness may have an error within 2–3 mm, but it is uniform over the entire area - for example, a slab with one end of 30 mm and the other of 26 mm is considered defective. Tile calibration. facing tiles select a few pieces from the lot and measure their sides. The allowed tolerances for calibrated tiles are no more than 1 mm, otherwise you will get unsightly “greasy” seams and you will have to pay extra to the installers.

At KAM Group of Companies you can buy a natural stone from the best deposits in the world - the assortment includes white and colored marble with uniform colors and original patterns. We have a powerful production base and guarantee high quality cutting and polishing, exact dimensions of slabs and tiles.

To choose beautiful natural marble for interior decoration, facade and landscape works, look at the stone catalogue. If you need expert help, call us or ask a question via chat.