Japanese curtains for the home. Choosing a cornice for Japanese curtains

They are smooth and perfectly even fabrics that express restraint and emphasize rigor in the design of the room. These canvases do not have any decorative elements, there is no design on them, and besides, the curtains themselves are most often made of a plain material. That's why you can make it yourself Japanese curtains it is often not difficult.

The most difficult thing in the functionality and execution of this type of curtain is the cornice, but you can buy it in the store. Special sewing skills are also not required to create such curtains. Before you start sewing, you need to make certain measurements.

To calculate the amount of material needed to make this type of curtains, you need to measure the window opening or that part of the room that will be separated by these curtains. Measurements must be taken from the cornice line to the floor, or to the level where the end of the canvas is planned. This way the length of the required panel for sewing curtains is determined. A few centimeters must be added to the measured length to process the edges and cuts of the fabric.

To determine the width of the required amount of canvas, you should measure the width of the window opening or focus on the length of the cornice. The measured value must be converted to centimeters.

For example, 3 m 60 cm is 3 x 100 + 60 = 360 cm.

This manipulation is necessary for a more convenient and simple calculation of the number of fabric cuts. This style does not allow voluminous curtains, so the width of one fabric section most often does not exceed 60 cm. Occasionally, if the width of the window opening is very large, for example, a glazed wall, a fabric screen width of 1 m is allowed. When to create Japanese curtains for a regular window opening it is necessary stick to 60 cm.

The resulting value for the width of the window opening in centimeters must be divided by 60. For example, 360 divided by 60 equals 6. This means that for the previously measured width of the window opening, which was 3 m 60 cm, six fabric screens of 60 cm each are needed.

If the value is not divisible by 60 without a remainder (for example, when dividing 370 cm by 60 there will be a remainder of 10 cm, when dividing 390 cm by 60 there will be a remainder of 30, and so on), you need to round the resulting value to big side, adding one unit to it. For example, the width of the window opening was 3 m 85 cm. This means that the width of the window opening is 385 cm.

385 / 60 = 6 and the remainder is 25 cm.

This means that you need to add one to the resulting value of 6 (it indicates the number of required fabric cuts).

This means that for a window opening measuring 3 m 85 cm, 7 fabric cuts are needed. In this case, they will overlap slightly, partially covering each other. Japanese style allows such an arrangement of individual segments of this type of curtain.

How to calculate the amount of material needed

Knowing the length and number of screens, it is easy to calculate the amount of material needed. It is best to choose a canvas whose width is 60 cm. By purchasing such a canvas, the need for additional processing of edges and cuts disappears.

A material whose width is 120 cm will not be suitable, since it cannot be divided into 2 canvases of 60 cm each, because the cuts made will need to be processed, and this will take several centimeters from each edge. It is best to choose a cloth with a width of 140 cm if you could not find a cloth with a width of 60 cm. By cutting a cloth with a width of 140 cm into 2, you get two pieces of 70 cm each. This means that 5 cm is required for processing one side of the side cut. This is enough to carefully and beautifully process the cut.

Having chosen the width of the required material, you need to dial correct amount length. The length of the selected fabric for one Japanese panel is the length of the panel itself plus 10 cm for processing the bottom edge and top cut. The resulting figure must be multiplied by the number of fabric cuts, and if the selected fabric has a width of 140 cm, you can divide the resulting value by 2 and round it to the larger side.

As an example, below we will show calculations of the amount of panel required for a window opening 385 cm wide, for which, as was previously calculated, 7 fabric panels are needed. In this example, the distance between the cornice and the floor is 215 cm.

So, to sew blinds you need 7 fabric panels 60 cm wide and 215 cm long.

The length of the panel for sewing one panel is 215 + 10 cm = 225 cm. You need 7 such cuts.

225 * 7 = 1645 cm. This is the length of the fabric that will be required to sew curtains for this window opening.

If the material for sewing has a width of 60 cm, then you should buy 1645 cm of this fabric. Slightly rounded given value, it turns out 16.5 meters of fabric.

If the selected material has a width of 140 cm, to sew curtains for a given window opening, 1645 cm should be divided by 2.

1645 / 2 = 822.5 cm of canvas. Rounding the value a little, we get 8.25 meters of fabric.

Which material to choose

Creating curtains in this style requires a panel made of natural fabrics: cotton or linen. It was from such materials that such curtains were originally sewn. Therefore, when sewing such curtains, you should choose only natural fabrics. Due to the particular location of the screens, it is desirable that the fabrics be heavy. In addition, it is necessary that they do not stretch over time.

Besides, required condition when choosing fabrics - their ideal smoothness with the absence of any folds. The material must be perfectly ironed and even, there should not be a single bend or fold on it. Particular attention should be paid to this point in fabric processing.

Other required materials

List of materials (except fabric) required for sewing Japanese curtains:

  • thread to match the cloth - a whole spool, and if it is not possible to buy one - several spools;
  • Velcro for attaching curtains to the curtain rod;
  • weights.

In addition, you may need sewing pins to attach the Velcro or thread to baste it.

width of one panel * per number of panels = length of required Velcro.

For the above example, you need 7 * 60 = 420 cm of Velcro. It is better to take a little more - about 450 cm.

Special weights for Japanese curtains can be bought in specialized stores or ordered online. Their number is equal to the number of fabric panels, and the width should be selected based on the width of one piece of fabric.

Master class on sewing Japanese curtains

The first step in sewing curtains must be the purchase of a special cornice. If you sew curtains in a strict style, but without buying a special cornice, which, by the way, is almost impossible to make yourself, you will not be able to hang them and use them.

The second stage will be to attach the cornice in the place above the window opening.

The third stage will be processing the fabric. To begin with, the canvas must be cut into panels. When cutting the canvas, you should remember that allowances must be made on all edges to process the cuts. An exception is the purchase of fabric 60 cm wide. In this case, allowances should be made only for processing the upper and lower cuts

When the material is cut into pieces, the next (fourth) stage of processing will be thorough ironing. This stage cannot be neglected, otherwise instead of strict curtains in Japanese style there will be wrinkled pieces of fabric covering the window.

The fifth stage will be processing the cut. If side cuts need to be processed, they are done first. When the side cuts are processed, you can begin processing the top and bottom cuts.

Velcro is sewn to the top one. This is done like this: the top edge is folded twice the width of the Velcro. In this case, the cut should be hidden inside the seam. It is necessary to first stitch the fold of the cut, and then attach Velcro to it. Before attaching the Velcro, it is advisable to baste it or pin it with pins, since it may move out during attachment. Velcro is sewn on the wrong side of the material. When processing, all edges are wrapped on the wrong side.

The next (sixth) stage of processing the curtains will be processing the bottom edge. It must be sewn up in the form of a drawstring so that a weighting agent can be inserted into the resulting fabric pocket. It is necessary to maintain curtains in a perfectly even and smooth condition.

The seventh and final stage of making blinds will be attaching them to the cornice. As mentioned above, a special cornice is needed for these purposes.

As can be seen from the information described in this article, stitching panels requires very precise counting and calculation. Sewing such curtains with your own hands is not that difficult, however, this process requires a certain level of quality and accuracy. The above step-by-step instruction included all stages of manufacturing this type of curtain. Curtains made in a simple style greatly emphasize the elegance and strict style of the room. Such curtains are suitable for decorating guest rooms, bedrooms, and are also used to create cafes and restaurants in oriental style. When decorating rooms with such curtains, you must adhere to the style in the design of other elements. When choosing this style for a room, you need to consult with a designer or conduct research on this topic. In addition, all design elements must match each other, which should be kept in mind when choosing colors.

Fans of minimalism will definitely be pleased with the fashion trend - Japanese panels, or as we are more accustomed to calling them, Japanese curtains.

Almost any curtain store can offer a huge variety of these.

With their help, you can visually increase the space of the room and at the same time reliably protect it from sunlight. But if you are fond of sewing, you can try to make Japanese curtains with your own hands, and we will teach you how.

Japanese panels are first and foremost stylish decor, which can be used to decorate windows, doors and zoning the space of a room. Why panels? Because of them appearance. They are more similar to vertical blinds, but they can only be moved in one plane. These are strips of fabric with a width of 0.4 m to 0.8 m, which are attached to the cornice. Special weights are attached to the bottom of the curtains, or, if the fabric is too light, a special frame (frame) is created.

Curtain panels can be of different shades, with different patterns, and various textures. The number of panels can reach up to 10-12 pieces, which allows you to freely and quickly change the design to suit your mood.

Advantages of Japanese curtains

In addition to the excellent design project, Japanese curtains have a number of undeniable advantages:

Important. Japanese panels look quite impressive in combination with panoramic windows.

Which room should I hang it in?

The beauty of Japanese curtains is that they go well with many interior designs. They will look best in the living room. Since this main room, you can try experimenting with translucent fabrics, bright colors, different textures and large patterns. It all depends on your wishes.

For the bedroom you should choose laconic, restrained tones. To add liveliness to the interior, you can add a panel with images of flowers, birds or a graphic design. It is also advisable to limit the number of panels. Remember, in the bedroom, the simpler the better.

Japanese curtains will be a wonderful addition to the interior. The main thing to pay attention to is the location. kitchen stove in relation to curtains.

If too close, it is better to use fire-resistant fabric. It is better to choose flowers that are less susceptible to contamination, otherwise the amount of time spent on maintaining their cleanliness will unpleasantly surprise you.

Which material to choose?

Following the classic traditions of the East, to create Japanese curtains it is better to give preference to natural fabrics such as silk, linen and cotton. The curtains, created using bamboo, rice paper or reeds, look very beautiful, but at the same time unexpected and bright.

If your budget is quite modest, but you really want Japanese curtains, you should choose colored plastic as the material. In addition, you will need a set of special strips that will act as a weighting agent for the curtains and prevent wrinkles from appearing.

! Important. The panel material is easy to change. In summer, you can use translucent fabrics that will add lightness to the interior. In winter, you can give preference to heavy, dense fabrics - they will create special atmosphere coziness and comfort in the home.

Step-by-step instruction

As already noted, sewing Japanese curtains with your own hands is not at all difficult, and even a novice master can cope with this task if desired. The main thing is to strictly follow the sewing algorithm.

Guided by this algorithm, you will soon admire finished product decorating yours.

Japanese panels are smooth, narrow sheets of fabric, secured at the top with a cornice holder and at the bottom with a weighting material.

For such panels, special cornices are produced that have various options fastenings, both to the ceiling and to the wall:

As a rule, the length of the upper holder of Japanese panels is 60 cm. This value is considered the standard.

In the most common purchased cornices for Japanese panels, the hard part of the Velcro tape is glued to the upper holder bar, and the Japanese panel itself is held on this bar due to the fact that the soft part of the Velcro tape is glued to its upper part (top):

But there are other designs of top holders for Japanese panels. For example, as on this cornice, in which the holders are a snap mechanism:

And in in this case the holder is made as metal structure, on which a Japanese panel is hung, the top of which is made in the form of a drawstring:

Therefore, before calculating the cut for a Japanese panel on a purchased cornice, familiarize yourself with its design.
Japanese panels can be made simple, from one type of fabric, when the weighting material at the bottom is simply inserted into a drawstring that is not covered by anything:

It is also possible to make Japanese combined panels, which usually consist of two types of fabric: the top is made of transparent fabric, and the bottom panel is made of non-transparent fabric. The bottom non-transparent strip plays a role decorative element, which simultaneously covers the weighting material:

Let's calculate the cut sizes for Japanese panels.
So, as purchased cornices, as a rule, have standard length holders for Japanese panels and it is 60 cm, then the cut width is the same for all Japanese panels. And it is equal:
Shir. Kr.=60cm+3cm.+3cm.=66cm.
3 cm is the allowance for finishing the side seams with a hem seam.
Now let's calculate the cut length (height) of the Japanese panels.
If you calculate the height of the cut for simple Japanese panels, then you need to take the height of the finished Japanese panel, add 1 cm to it for processing the upper edge (top) 1 cm with Velcro tape, plus add an allowance for making the drawstring:
High Cut=h+1cm+Wide.
Let's look at the cutting diagram:

If you want to make combined Japanese panels with a lower decorative strip, then the height of the cut must be calculated for two elements. First, decide on the height of the finished Japanese panel, then you need to make the lower element. Then, in order to calculate the height of the cut of the upper element, you need to subtract the finished height of the lower element (bar) from the finished height of the panel and add 1 cm to the resulting value. for processing the top with Velcro tape, plus all this, an allowance for making the drawstring.
High Kr. Top=H-h2+1cm.+Width.
Let's look at the diagram:

Now let's look at the manufacturing technology of Japanese panels.
I will look at this using the example of manufacturing combined Japanese panels. Initially, you need to make the lower strips for the Japanese panels:

As a rule, such planks are glued adhesive materials, to give them rigidity, just like rigid bandeau lambrequins.
When the lower elements are ready, we decide on the cut height for the upper elements and cut them “by thread”, that is, we cut the fabric, pull out the thread and make the cut along the laid path:

Then the upper and lower parts of the Japanese panel must be connected, making a drawstring. It is better to stitch the drawstring with mono thread. Mono thread is a thread in the form of a very thin fishing line; therefore, stitches made with mono thread are practically invisible:

The next step: you need to fold those Japanese panels that you want to make equal in height (for me these will be two side panels) and align their top edge.
In conclusion, the upper edge must be treated with Velcro tape, insert the weighting material into the drawstring, and hang the Japanese panels on the upper holders of the curtain rod:

Upper weighting holders for Japanese panels can be made independently.
Such holders will fit the ceiling cornice, and they are good because if you want to change the usual and boring curtain for more exotic Japanese panels, you will not have to change the cornice, and you can set the length of the upper holders yourself.

How to make your own top holders for Japanese panels and the process of making them, see my video tutorial “Do-It-Yourself Japanese Panels”:

How to make Roman panels like these that can be hung on round cornice, look in .

Japanese curtains do not have a single name in the design world. Floor blinds, Japanese panels, screen curtains, Japanese curtains, panel curtains - this is the many-sided unity of Japanese curtains. All names are actually straight canvases, the width of which perfectly blocks direct sunlight, keeping the house cool even on the hottest summer day.

Advantages of Japanese compositions:

  • do not burden the interior style, imparting elegance, conciseness and restraint;
  • practical, do not require special care, durable;
  • multifunctional and original.

Japanese panel curtains can be used as standard window curtains, decorative design arches or large doorways, as a mobile screen partition or as a “soft” door to a niche. For all types of operation, Japanese curtains require various curtain rods and components.

The Japanese curtain rod in the photo clearly demonstrates the design: the upper structure of the Japanese curtain is attached directly to the curtain rod panel, while Bottom part The curtains are equipped with a weighting strip, due to which the geometry of the curtains is maintained smooth and without wrinkles. Individual characteristics Japanese curtains also require a unique cornice.

Varieties of cornices for Japanese model curtains

The designs of cornices are distinguished by the number of rows of guide panels, material and method of control and fastening. The most practical materials Plastic and aluminum are used to make cornices for Japanese curtains. Visually, a cornice for Japanese curtains looks like an aluminum or plastic strip with numerous tracks.

Depending on the number of guide tracks, cornices are divided into subtypes:

  • Double-row models are in great demand among consumers due to their simplicity of design: two tracks along which straight blades move and connect to each other. You can make such a cornice with your own hands by watching the master class.
  • Three-row cornices allow you to install three rows of different not only color scheme curtains, but also according to the material. The photo wonderfully demonstrates how harmoniously fabric, bamboo, linen, and rice paper are combined.
  • Four- and five-row designs have 4 and 5 guide tracks, respectively. These types of cornices are designed for creative people who love to create extraordinary compositions. The number of panels allows the use of both thin and thick fabrics, different color palette and varied texture with Japanese national patterns and designs.

Each blade requires fastening. As a rule, they are not purchased separately, but are purchased together with components.

Methods of attaching Japanese paintings to the cornice

The most common method of attaching curtains is panels with Velcro - Velcro tape, which is usually included in the packaging of the components.

The master class shows in detail how the tape is stitched along the top of the canvas and attached with the sticky side to the panel, which is inserted into the guides of the cornice. The curtain rods themselves for Japanese curtains can be either ceiling or wall mounted. The method of sticking curtains is ideal for ceiling cornices.

The second option for attaching Japanese blinds remains standard hinges, but a unique fastening system has been thought out for them as well. Components for curtain rods for Japanese curtains are often included in the list original item for attaching curtains to the cornice - hangers for loops, which move easily and silently along the ceiling cornice and are equipped with a fastener for each loop. There are several ways to move Japanese canvases.

Types of cornice control:

  1. Manual control. To control the ceiling cornice with your own hands, you need to purchase a long cane, which is used to move both one curtain and combined groups of curtains, dependent on each other, to the sides.
  2. Mechanical control also counts manually, only instead of a cane, the curtains are controlled using a cord.
  3. The automatic type of control implies the presence of a remote control for the owner and an electric drive for the curtains. Ideal for extensive compositions of five or more canvases.

After watching the video, you can create a cornice for Japanese curtains with your own hands and the selected type of control. But if you don’t have the time and desire to create a cornice masterpiece, you can turn to the well-known company IKEA.

Japanese curtains and curtain rods for them from IKEA

A variety of Japanese panels, curtains and cornices, hanging elements and components - all the attributes necessary for interior design in the unique styles of minimalism and hi-tech can be simultaneously purchased at IKEA.

The popular Swedish company IKEA is constantly adding to its already chic assortment. modern innovations Japanese paintings and improved cornice products. Cornices for Japanese curtains at IKEA are high standard quality, variety of designs with different types management for every taste and budget.

Whatever method is chosen - making Japanese curtains and cornices with your own hands or purchasing a ready-made composition - in any case, extraordinary canvases with original cornices will bring both luxury and comfort to every home.

In contact with

The Japanese style in the interior of the room is characterized by simple lines, discreet colors and at the same time elegance. Making Japanese curtains with your own hands is easy even for beginners who are barely familiar with sewing machine. Such a window design detail, made independently, will emphasize the individuality of the hostess and her independence from standard design solutions. What are Japanese curtains, how to sew them?

Features and Benefits

Japanese curtains resemble vertical blinds. They consist of a series of rectangular panels, the width of which can reach up to 1 meter. The material is stretched, reinforced with a frame at the top and bottom for rigidity. Each panel sits on its own curtain track, allowing you to move them individually to change the design of the curtain. You can move the panels in different directions, move them all at once, or move them in the form of a ladder.

Japanese curtains can be used not only on the window, but also for decorating a doorway, dividing a room into functional areas. They are suitable for many interior styles. The best way they look great on wide windows. Thanks to their fold-free design, the panels do not collect dust, making them convenient and easy to care for.

Japanese curtains have other advantages:

  • natural fabrics are used for their sewing, which ensures environmental friendliness;
  • during their manufacture there are no restrictions on the choice of shades of material;
  • to control them, you can use either a manual or an electric mechanism;
  • It’s easy to create such curtains with your own hands using an accessible sewing master class.

How to choose material?

Classic fabrics for sewing Japanese curtains are linen, silk, cotton. Original samples are made from reeds, bamboo, jute, and rice paper. Panels suitable for budget option, can be made of colored plastic. In addition to the material, you should also prepare weight strips to secure the lower part of the curtain.

Modern styles make it possible to use both hard, dense materials, as well as weightless and transparent materials for the manufacture of Japanese curtains, the main thing is that they are natural. Thanks to the ease of replacing the panels, the fabrics can be changed every season. Best used for winter dense material: it does not stretch and creates a cozy atmosphere in the room. Curtains for summer period can be sewn from the lightest fabrics.

How much material will be needed? When using a special cornice for Japanese curtains, the width of the panels should be exactly 60 cm. You can also use another method of attaching the canvas: in this case, you should choose custom size. To determine the length of the fabric, you need to measure the distance from the cornice to the floor and add 10 cm for allowances. If it is necessary for the panels to go end-to-end, the width of the window should be divided by 60: the number of panels will be obtained. You can increase the number of panels so that they overlap each other. A special master class will help you determine the correct fabric size.

Choose calm, natural shades of fabrics: green, brown, blue, as well as pastel colors: beige, sand, white, soft pink. Such colors do not carry a load, but help add harmony, peace and cleanliness to the interior. You can add expressiveness to the atmosphere by using bright colors: orange, red, lemon.

To increase the level of illumination in the room, the curtains should be made transparent. You can combine light panels with pale blue or pink. If you need to reduce light in a room, it is better to sew curtains from a dark, opaque material.

To sew Japanese curtains, you can choose fabric with a pattern. These may be not too voluminous images of birds, trees, sakura branches, oriental symbols and, of course, hieroglyphs. The combination of white fabric and a bright print looks good. You can alternate plain canvases and canvases with a pattern. When choosing material with pictures, be careful: they should not go beyond the panel.

Step-by-step instruction

The master class will tell you how to quickly and easily make Japanese curtains with your own hands. It is very important to follow the instructions exactly. In this case, the canvases will be identical and perfectly smooth.
This master class will be understandable even for beginners.

  1. Cut strips of the selected material 60 cm wide, adding a few centimeters for allowances, side overlay and fabric shrinkage. It’s better to cut all the panels at once to save a lot of time.
  2. Sew side seams. At the bottom of each panel, sew drawstrings into which weight strips will be inserted.
  3. Sew Velcro onto the top of each piece. With its help, each panel of the Japanese curtain can be attached to a separate guide on the cornice.
  4. Before sewing on the Velcro, iron it thoroughly. The panels should also be ironed along their entire length. This is very important point when making Japanese curtains with straight lines on the side seams. Iron the fabric taking into account its features.
  5. Apply Velcro to the top of the canvas. Secure it with pins and stitch. Fold the Velcro inside out and sew again.
  6. Finally, insert a weight bar into the drawstring on the bottom of each panel.
  7. Japanese curtains are ready! You can hang them on the cornice and admire the new interior.

Using the master class, you can sew Japanese curtains at home yourself, but you won’t be able to make a curtain rod for them yourself. He is aluminum profile with several rows into which guides with top part panels. The movement of the canvas in the cornice can be carried out using a special cord or electrical mechanism. It can be directed from one edge to the other or from the center in both directions. Depending on the characteristics of the desired interior, the cornice for Japanese curtains can be attached to the ceiling or to the wall.

Japanese curtains are easy to use and care for. In addition, they are easy to make with your own hands using an accessible master class. You only need to buy everything in the store necessary materials and a special cornice. The ease of replacing panels will allow you to enjoy different models, changing them depending on the time of year or situation.

Japanese curtains suit many people modern styles interior By sewing them with your own hands, you will add originality to the interior. The main thing is that the panels are combined with environment and created a single composition with it.