Choose a camel blanket. How to choose a camel wool blanket: advantages and disadvantages

The right blanket can ensure good and deep sleep. It should not be too warm and heavy so as not to create overheating.

The lightness of the material and ease of care are the main qualities of only some of them. This article will allow you to decide once and for all how to choose a blanket from camel hair.

In order for the blanket to serve long years and did not lose its basic properties, it should be selected according to several basic criteria.

Blankets that are comfortable in all respects are made from the wool of young camels; their cover is closest to down. Good manufacturers indicate the “age” of their materials.

Touching the product will also tell you about good quality: if the blanket does not ripple and has a uniform fabric, this indicates its high class. The edge processing should be smooth. The cover (if provided) can only be made from natural materials, and most importantly, suitable for long-term use.

The density varies from 200 g/m² to 420 g/m². Here everything depends on the period for which it is purchased. Accordingly, a denser product is designed for a colder season.

Don't know how to choose a camel wool blanket? We will help you with this! If you look at how blankets are made, you can divide them into 2 types.

  1. Closed wool. This type includes products made from the wool of more mature camels. To prevent the blanket from prickling, a certain manufacturing technology is used, which is why they are called quilted. The principle is this: the wool core is stitched between the two halves of the cover.
  2. Open wool. “Young” wool is already used here and the product itself is more reminiscent of a soft and beautiful blanket than a blanket.

Blankets are also divided into lightweight and regular. Here the main criterion is the density of the product. Heavier, warmer and, accordingly, dense products are classified as ordinary blankets. While blankets can be called lightweight. They have more interesting design, they are lighter and designed for the off-season; you can simply cover yourself with them in the evening while lying on the sofa.

Benefits of camel wool blankets

Why did these products deserve such love, and how to choose the right camel wool blanket? Let's discuss their advantages and consider a number of the main advantages of these blankets over other analogues made from natural raw materials (for example, sheep's wool).


The villi inside have a hollow structure, due to this the weight finished product several times less than that of a quilted blanket or a blanket made from sheep's wool. For comparison, you can see how much a 170 x 200 cm blanket made of camel and sheep wool weighs: 2000 g and 4000 g, respectively.


This is perhaps one of the biggest advantages of these products. Camel wool is truly unique, because its owners live in vast areas with very big difference temperatures There, for example, it is unbearably hot during the day, and at night there is a very high probability of freezing. The wool of desert ships does not lose its properties even when it becomes a blanket. Therefore, this product will warm you at night, but at the same time in the heat it will provide the necessary coolness and will not allow you to overheat.


One of the important properties of camel wool products is the ability to absorb moisture (up to 30% of its own weight). Thanks to this, you don’t have to be afraid to sweat under such a blanket; it will perfectly take away all the excess and immediately release it into the air.

Durability and wear resistance

Many people have probably seen camel blankets passed down from generation to generation since Soviet times. It is generally accepted that camel wool blankets have a service life of about 7-15 years. Our history and experience prove that even with constant use, these products can easily last 30 years, or even more. At the same time, the maximum that threatens them is to simply become outdated in design terms.


After washing, such a blanket will not fall off, it will not hang around the cover in a shapeless lump.


They do not generate static electricity. Thanks to this, cracking is eliminated and even after sleeping on a blanket, the hair will not resemble a dandelion.

Ability to “breathe”

Again, due to the structure of the hair, camel wool products have excellent breathability, so it is almost impossible to sweat under them. In addition, they have a lot of health benefits:

  • blood circulation improves, making it better the process is underway tissue nutrition and metabolism;
  • toxins produced by the body are neutralized;
  • the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, a rejuvenating effect occurs;
  • there is protection against electromagnetic fields;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the body are relieved;
  • for osteochondrosis, radiculitis and arthritis, relief from pain and discomfort is stimulated.

Choosing a manufacturer

Do you want to buy a camel wool blanket? We will tell you how to choose a manufacturer right now!

There are several leading manufacturers: foreign (imported) brands and domestic ones.

The most famous foreign blankets are “GOBI”, produced in Mongolia. The products are 100% natural, the products contain only the wool of Mongolian camels without any impurities. Due to this, the brand is known all over the world, and is considered one of best options with a balance between quality and price.

AlViTek is a factory near Moscow that produces camel down and wool, both warm and lightweight. One of the collections is also called “GOBI”, so when purchasing this type you need to carefully look at where it was produced.

“Aelita” - quilts, thickened, regular and lightweight in cotton covers, produced in the city of brides and textiles - Ivanovo.

The Trinity Worsted Factory produces woven blankets. Their most famous products are: “Sahara” (made from camel down) and “Karakum” (camel wool).

"Runo" is another well-known Russian manufacturer. The Karakum brand consists of plaids of natural colors, which is undoubtedly a sign of quality.

“Dargez” is a production line of stitched blankets made of camel wool and down, presented in two collections: children’s “Camel” and adults’ “Sahara”.

“Lezheboka” produces Mongolian camels from the wool.

"Tailak" - a brand of all-season blankets good quality With decorative elements and constant healing properties.

Review of children's sizes

When considering the issue of buying a blanket for a child, requirements such as the highest quality, unpretentiousness and safety immediately come to the fore. Price, in the question of how to choose a camel wool blanket for a child, plays the last role.

Manufacturers have made it easier when choosing; they provide several sizes. Parents need to consider best option, suitable for the parameters of their baby and his crib. Size ranges available on the market: 110 × 140 cm, 100 × 150 cm, 100 × 140 cm, 100 × 135 cm.

Children's products are hypoallergenic, do not cause irritation, do not collect dust, are lightweight and do not shed. Manufacturers try to make their products as comfortable as possible for the most demanding of their consumers.

Not sure what the best camel hair blanket is? How to choose? Are you also interested in the price? In this article you will find answers to all your questions!


When choosing camel wool bedspreads, it is the price, oddly enough, that is an excellent measure of quality. This is explained by the fact that high-quality wool itself is not cheap, and fluff is even more expensive.

Of course, there is a range of prices, as with all types of goods, but we can say for sure that if the price tag for an adult blanket or blanket costs 1,500 rubles, then you can pass by. This product is either counterfeit or poor quality, or with a large percentage impurities of other, cheaper, types of raw materials.

The pricing policy for choosing blankets is as follows:

  • Children's sizes are available from 1,500 rubles;
  • from 4000-7000 rubles, all-season single beds from domestic manufacturers are presented;
  • from 10,000 rubles the same blanket, only made in Mongolia;
  • from 11,000 rubles, products made from camel down are offered, which already belong to the elite category.

And if you still don’t know how to choose buyers, they will help you.

A person spends a third of his life in the world of dreams, and whether his sleep is quiet or restless largely depends on correct selection irreplaceable sleeping attributes: comfortable bed, soft bed linen and a good blanket. The choice of the latter should not be given less attention than choosing a mattress of suitable hardness that is comfortable and safe for human health, which I already wrote about in. But today we will decide which blanket is better: camel or sheep, and how to care for them so that they serve you faithfully for many years.

Choosing a warm blanket for a good sleep

In stores today you can find a lot of warm blankets with various fillings: camel and sheep wool, bamboo, cashmere, synthetics, foam rubber, etc. And each blanket will have its own fan, who will be right, since there is no one type of filling suitable for absolutely all people .

Blanket with sheep wool filling

Sheep wool blankets have a number of advantages and disadvantages that are worth noting.

A blanket made from sheep's wool is twice as heavy as a blanket of the same size made from camel down. However, it also costs much less. A sheep blanket can retain its original shape for quite a long time and does not wrinkle as easily as a camel blanket, and all thanks to the natural curled structure of sheep wool.

The main advantage of a blanket filled with sheep wool is its excellent thermal insulation. These blankets are very warm!

What is also important to know before buying a blanket made of sheep wool is that it is impossible to wash it yourself. Even in the delicate mode it is impossible to wash it - it immediately becomes rough and becomes unsuitable for further use. A sheep wool blanket should be dry cleaned periodically, at least once every three months.

Blanket with camel wool filling

A camel blanket is very light, warm and soft. You can sleep well under it at any time of the year - in the January cold and in the July heat. This blanket “breathes” very well and absorbs moisture perfectly.

Camel filling for blankets is distinguished by its heterogeneity - it consists of soft down and hard hair. Thanks to this, a couple of minutes is enough to warm up under a camel wool blanket.

Camel blankets vary in quality and softness, because so much depends on the age of the camel from which the wool was collected. In adults it is coarse, in young animals it is thin and soft. The older the camel, the more prickly the blanket will be, but such blankets are a godsend for people prone to arthrosis and arthritis.

A camel blanket is quite a practical item. It doesn't get moldy and isn't too difficult to care for, but the fur in it can become matted if you lie on it often. It is recommended to shake a camel wool blanket every morning after a night's sleep.

Blanket for allergy sufferers

Blankets filled with natural wool are quite popular and sell well, but they have one significant drawback - they can cause allergies in people prone to it. Moreover, an allergy to sheep or camel wool is not that uncommon, so before purchasing such a blanket you should conduct a small allergy test, especially if you are purchasing a blanket for your child. If allergies occur, give preference to hypoallergenic artificial fillers or bamboo blankets.

If you choose between a sheep and a camel blanket, the camel blanket has the best characteristics, but it also costs much more.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Camel wool blanket – perfect solution to ensure comfortable sleep. This is a traditional material that has been tested for centuries and in harsh conditions. Why it is valued and what to look for when purchasing - let’s take a closer look.

It could be:

  • with open wool (woven or fur);
  • with closed, when the filler is in a fabric cover (quilted, cassette or carostep).
Basic unique properties Camel hair is hidden in every hair, or rather, in its emptiness. In the middle of each is air. The inner surface of the villi can easily absorb moisture, and their outer side has water-repellent properties.

For a closed type of product, it is necessary to pay special attention to the composition of the fabric of the cover, which must be, firstly, natural, and secondly, durable.

The most popular are satin, teak and silk - these fabrics also have hygroscopicity, the ability to thermoregulate, and breathability, due to which they maintain the properties and characteristics of the blanket, rather than extinguish them.

How to choose a camel wool blanket

When choosing a product, it is important to study the main characteristics, as well as the positive and negative qualities encountered during operation. Additionally, pay attention to the methods of care, because buying a blanket, the care of which will cause great difficulties, is only worth weighing all the pros and cons.


  • Thermoregulation.

Camel wool has exceptional heat-regulating properties.

The camel's habitat is characterized by huge temperature changes, so its wool is unique and does not lose this property in a blanket - in cold weather it warms and retains heat, and in hot weather it protects from overheating and gives off the necessary coolness.

  • Breathability.

Due to their structure, the products allow air to pass through perfectly, have “breathable” properties and provide good air exchange.

  • Wear resistance.

It is believed that the average service life of these blankets is 7-9 years. However, this is a minimum; there are families in which they serve for decades, passed down from generation to generation.

  • Hygroscopicity.

During a night's sleep, we release about half a liter of moisture. Therefore, it is necessary that the bedding absorbs it while remaining dry. Camel fabric can absorb up to 30% of its own weight in moisture.

  • Ease.

Each fiber is hollow inside, making it very light.

For example, the weight of a woven blanket (plaid) measuring 180x200 cm is only 1300 grams. , quilted all-season blanket 170x200 cm – 2000 g. For comparison, similar products made from sheep wool will weigh 2600 and 4000 grams. respectively.

  • Healing properties.

Therapeutic effect

  • enhances tissue nutrition, improves metabolism;
  • neutralizes toxins produced by the body;
  • has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, increases skin firmness and elasticity;
  • helps relieve inflammatory processes in the body;
  • protects against the effects of electromagnetic fields;
  • helps relieve pain from arthritis, radiculitis and osteochondrosis;
  • improves the functioning of the circulatory system, enhancing blood microcirculation.


  • May cause allergic reactions.
There is information that camel wool is hypoallergenic. This is not entirely true. An allergic reaction to the wool itself is quite rare. But the lanolin contained in it is an allergen. It is also loved by various microorganisms, whose waste products can cause a reaction.

In addition, you may have an allergic reaction to the chemicals used in dry cleaning.

So people prone to allergies or suffering from bronchial asthma should use these products with great caution. It may well be suitable, which is considered safe even for people with bronchial asthma. But it is advisable to refuse.

  • Quite difficult to care for.

If washing is allowed, hand washing is preferable; it requires the use of special products. Must be protected from moths.

  • High price.

However, with proper care, this disadvantage is compensated by the practicality and durability of the blanket.

Manufacturers and price review

A high-quality camel blanket cannot be cheap.

The following parameters influence pricing:

  • Quality and quantity of raw materials.

It is heterogeneous - it consists of guard hair and downy undercoat. Both wool and down are used, which are separated by hand. But the latter is more valuable. By international standards, Mongolian Bactrian fluff is considered to be of the highest quality.

The most valuable is the down of young non-working camels (Baby camel) for its special softness and lightness. Blankets made from camel down belong to the elite category, their cost starts from 10,000 rubles.

Wool is cheaper than down, because... it is rougher, heavier and tougher. Products made from it will cost 3000-7000 rubles.

Price 2000-3000 rubles with indication on the label “wool – 100%” - most likely you are looking at a filler made from a mixture of camel and sheep raw materials. Good manufacturer will indicate the percentage, and it will most likely be 40x60 or 50x50.

Blanket heavier with mixed filler, more voluminous, but cheaper and still natural.

Cheaper than 1,500 rubles - option with thermally bonded filler. This is a homogeneous fabric, to obtain which the wool is passed through a hot roller, where it is glued together using synthetic fiber. The percentage of camel component in such a filler is directly proportional to the price of the finished product.

How to choose a camel blanket and not a fake?

Product data

Pay attention to the composition indicated on the sew-in label. When using a natural component, it must be indicated “camel wool - 100%”. If it is simply written “camel”, then the manufacturer is hiding from you exactly how much wool there is and what type of wool it will be (most likely, it will be a thermally bonded type of filler).
The manufacturer, who has nothing to hide, will provide full information about yourself, about the composition of the filler, about the fabric of the cover, about caring for the product on a sewn-in label that will retain the information for a long time. Pay attention to the quality of workmanship and packaging. This can say a lot.

  • Method of assembling the blanket and material of the cover.

In descending order of price: cassette, carostep-quilted and silk-satin-teak, respectively.

  • Manufacturer.

Fame, positive reviews and a long history of the manufacturer always increase not only the prestige of the product, but also its cost.

Some well-established companies: Billerbeck (Germany), Irisette (Germany), Jork&Larsen A/S (Denmark), Dargez (Russia).

Which color to choose

The colors of products made from open wool are not very diverse. This is due to the fact that camel hair cannot be dyed, so all colors are the natural color of the animal.

The color range is from white to dark brown (beige, cream, light brown, brick - 14 shades in total). The color depends on the age and breed of the camel. Most appreciated White color, since all camel cubs up to one year old have a white color, and it is their coat that is characterized highest quality.

Despite the apparent monotony, it is these warm and calm natural tones that have the most beneficial effect on the body, as evidenced by numerous reviews of people who have been using this product for many years.

How to use it correctly - with or without a duvet cover?

For everyday use, a duvet cover is definitely a must. He performs protective function, protecting from dust and dirt of all kinds. In addition, it is more hygienic - we wash bed linen much more often than the blanket itself. However, the therapeutic effect is stronger if the skin is in direct contact with the fur. Therefore, if you are the owner of a woven or fur product and want to conduct a “camel therapy” session, then it is more advisable to remove the duvet cover for the duration of the session to ensure direct skin contact with the open product.

In order for the blanket to serve for a long time without losing its positive properties, it is important to follow simple rules of care:

  • washing is allowed, ideally by hand, but machine washing in a gentle mode is also allowed. The maximum permissible water temperature is 30 degrees C;
  • it's better to wash by special means containing lanolin;
  • squeeze gently and carefully, without squeezing tightly or twisting;
  • After washing, dry in a horizontal position in a well-ventilated area;
  • bed linen, in particular duvet covers, should be made of natural fabrics with good hygroscopicity and breathability;
  • it is necessary to ventilate the blanket at least twice a year, preferably fresh air, but protect from exposure to direct sunlight;
  • store in a well-ventilated area in a cotton bag, separate from other bedding.

Video review of Tailak camel down blanket.

In the ratings of popular bedding made from natural materials, products made from camel and sheep wool traditionally lead. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question which of them is better, because buyers choose things based on personal preferences: some categorically do not tolerate prickly things, others cannot stay warm under a thin blanket, others suffer from allergies, so they choose bedding carefully. Which blanket to choose?

Types of wool blankets: woven, non-woven, with wool filling

Depending on the manufacturing technology, blankets come with open and closed wool. In the first case, the material is in contact with the skin, in the second, it is hidden in the case. Types of wool blankets:

Woven Wool Blanket
  • Woven. They are made by plain weave of threads, pre-cut and combed until smooth. These are more likely not blankets, but thin blankets. Often, cage-like patterns are applied to their surface. Woven products are soft and light, but cannot provide warmth on a cold winter night.
  • Non-woven. Made by gluing wool and synthetic fibers together to form a dense wear-resistant fabric. The density of these products varies between 100–500 g/sq.m. m, so they can be used both as a blanket and as a winter blanket.
  • Quilted with wool filling. In this case, the wool is placed in a case, and the product is stitched with a thick thread so that the filler is distributed evenly and does not bunch up. Like non-woven blankets, quilts are used in both summer and winter, making them the most popular variety of wool blankets.

All Season Quilt

Who is not suitable for natural wool bedding?

The main danger of using wool bedding is the risk of developing an allergic reaction. You should not buy such things for people suffering from bronchial asthma, allergies to dust or pet dander. If a person does not suffer from these diseases, but has been diagnosed with intolerance to other components, before purchasing, you need to do an express test for an allergic reaction - “walk” among the racks of woolen textiles, touch them with your hands. If it does not cause a rash or other unwanted symptoms, the item can be purchased.

Properties of sheep wool

Sheep wool duvet filler

Despite the fact that modern synthetic fillers are in no way inferior to natural ones, and sometimes even surpass them in operational characteristics, people often prefer sheepskin blankets. This material is valued for its softness and good thermal conductivity, allowing you to create comfortable conditions during sleep. These properties are given to the material by lanolin - wool wax, characterized by anti-inflammatory and stimulating effects - it eliminates joint pain and improves blood flow.

Advantages of a sheep blanket

The value of such a blanket is determined by such properties as:

Sheep wool blanket
  • high hygroscopicity - even if a person is hot under such a blanket, he will never sweat;
  • good breathability;
  • antistatic;
  • high thermal conductivity, allowing you to maintain a comfortable microclimate during sleep;
  • hygiene - high lanolin content prevents damage to the material by pathogenic flora;
  • the ability to self-clean - although the blanket literally “repels” dirt from itself, you need to periodically shake it off dust and ventilate it;
  • affordable price.

One of the advantages of a sheepskin blanket is its ability to support comfortable temperature body and can be used at any time of the year. It is necessary to select a product of optimal density.

To determine the thermal conductivity of a blanket, you need to look at the number of circles on the label. One circle marks blankets for the warm season, two and three – blankets that are used in winter in a heated apartment, four and five – very warm products for use in harsh climatic conditions.

Are there any disadvantages?

Despite the many advantages, experts recommend carefully choosing a sheepskin blanket. Perhaps you should take a closer look at other materials. Disadvantages of using a sheep's wool blanket:

  • allergy, including due to the fact that sheep's wool is an ideal environment for dust mites;
  • a specific smell due to animal fat (this blanket should be ventilated after purchase);
  • some difficulties with care - the blanket cannot be washed or wetted excessively, so a duvet cover must be put on it, and heavily soiled items must be dry cleaned;
  • heavy weight.

Blankets made of camel hair or down

The main advantage of camel wool and down is the special structure of the fibers: they are hollow inside and smooth outside. Thanks to this feature, these fibers are light and soft, but at the same time strong and elastic.

Camel wool is a more environmentally friendly material than sheepskin, because it does not lend itself to any chemical treatment and is not dyed, so these blankets are suitable even for babies.

What is the difference between down and wool?

The difference between camel down and wool is that the first material is soft and pleasant to the touch, the other is rough and prickly. Camel down is the camel's undercoat, which prevents hypothermia. This material is often used to make baby blankets. Wool is the outer coat that protects the animal from damage. Despite the different tactile sensations, both fibers have good thermal conductivity and hygroscopicity.

Positive qualities of a camel blanket

Camel blankets are characterized by the same advantages as products made from sheep's wool. They also allow air to pass through well, absorb moisture and provide a comfortable microclimate - under a camel blanket it is neither cold in winter nor hot in summer. Other advantages of camel blankets:

  • low risk of developing allergies;
  • one of the highest thermal conductivity rates among all natural materials, allowing a person to instantly warm up;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • antistatic;
  • light weight;
  • light therapeutic effect - the blanket warms sore joints and massages the skin, accelerating blood flow;
  • good wear resistance - the product lasts for at least 10 years, and with careful use the item can last for several decades without losing its properties.

Disadvantages of products made from wool “ship of the desert”

It may seem that a camel blanket has few flaws, but this is not the case. Like any wool product, a camel blanket requires proper care. Unlike sheep's wool bedding, they can be washed, but in extreme cases and on a delicate cycle with a soft gel and without spinning. You should not overuse washing, as this will cause the item to fall off and lose its properties. Other disadvantages of camel blankets:

  • limited color palette– from white to brown;
  • unpleasant tactile sensations – products made from the wool of an adult animal are itchy;
  • high price.

Comparison of blankets made of sheep and camel wool: which is lighter, warmer and less itchy?

Both types of blankets have their pros and cons, so the question arises: which one is better to choose? Both blankets provide good warmth in cold weather, are characterized by good wear resistance and do not require complex care. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is recommended to proceed from the purpose of use (for sleeping, sitting on the veranda in the evening or in a chair in front of the TV, etc.) and the price of the blanket. To decide which wool has best characteristics, it is recommended to use the table of the correlation of the main properties of each material:

Sheep's wool Camel's wool
Weight Medium weight, but a warm winter blanket is bulky and heavy Thanks to the hollow structure of the fibers, the blanket is much lighter than a sheepskin product of the same size
Thermal conductivity High thermal conductivity, allowing you to retain heat and add up to 5 degrees to the body temperature of a sleeping person Warms better than a sheepskin blanket and allows you to instantly warm up
Tactile sensations Soft and pleasant to the touch Depends on the type of material (down or wool) and the age of the camel. The undercoat of young camels is soft and pleasant to the touch, while the hair of adult animals is prickly.
Resistance to deformation Thanks to the curled fibers, sheepskin is more resistant to deformation than many natural fillings Resistant to deformation and can last for decades with proper care

When a person cannot decide which blanket to choose, if funds allow, it is better to buy 2 products: a thick one made of camel wool for cold winter nights and a thin woven one made of sheep wool for the warm season. There is no need to refuse the purchase if the material is itchy, you can just put on a duvet cover. This will not only relieve discomfort, but will also make the blanket even warmer and help maintain its performance properties for a long time.

Most important attribute good and healthy sleep- this is a blanket. It must be properly selected to retain heat without creating greenhouse effect. It is also worth remembering that you need to pay due attention to those models whose care does not require unnecessary hassle. Blankets made from camel wool have all these qualities, which have long been gaining popularity among buyers. From this article you will learn what a camel wool blanket is, which company is better and whether it is worth purchasing.

Making the right choice

The most popular products made from camel wool are blankets. It is not surprising, because such a thing is of very high quality and durable. To make an informed choice, you must follow these recommendations:

  • Make sure that the camel’s “age” is small. The warmest and softest blankets are made from the wool of young animals, because their fur is very similar to bird fluff.

Important! Many manufacturers indicate that their products are made only from camel down.

  • Pay attention to non-tactile sensations. Touch the blanket - it should not be scratchy. High-quality products should not prick even without a duvet cover.
  • It is important that the bedding attribute is uniform. Hairs should not fall out of the finished product. On the contrary, it should be so that it would be problematic to pull them out.

Important! While it is difficult to pull out the fibers, the felting technique of the product was very high quality.

  • The best manufacturers of camel blankets carefully finish the edges of their products and ensure that they are even.
  • Pay attention to the case. It is often included with a camel blanket and is usually made of fabric. Make sure the fabric is natural.
  • Decide in advance what density product you want to purchase. Thicker blankets are most often used in winter, and lighter ones in summer.

Important! The density of camel can be found on the label.

  • One of the main points when choosing is the price. As a rule, products made from camel wool are much cheaper than products made from sheep wool or down. For this reason, high-quality products simply cannot have a low price.

Advantages and disadvantages

Products made from camel wool are leaders in their segment. It is not surprising, because they have a huge number of advantages, which is why they have become popular:

  • Lightness is perhaps the main advantage of this product.
  • High heat retention - such products can only be compared with down ones.
  • Durability - such blankets will last you from 10 to 30 years.
  • Hygroscopicity - products made from such wool perfectly absorb moisture and quickly evaporate it.
  • Elasticity - retains its original shape for a very long time.
  • They do not generate static electricity, which cannot be said about other materials.
  • Air circulates well.

Before choosing a camel wool blanket, you need to understand its disadvantages. There are at least a few of them, but they are there:

  • In rare cases, the bed attribute may prick.
  • Allergies may occur.
  • High price.

Popular manufacturers

The domestic market offers both domestic and imported products. Let's look at which company makes the best camel wool blanket, so that you can evaluate in the store how quality products differ from fakes:

  • GOBI - blankets made from Mongolian camel wool, which is considered one of the best. This brand is popular all over the world. Not surprising, because the quality of the products combined with the price are among the most reasonable.

Important! These products are 100% natural and do not contain any synthetic impurities.

  • AlViTek is a Russian product. Blankets of this brand are made in the Moscow region and have many warm and lightweight varieties.
  • Aelita is a company in Ivanovo. They have both lightweight and thickened models. The covers are made only from natural materials.
  • Fleece is another Russian manufacturer with quality products home textiles.
  • Dargez is a concern that is focused on the production of home textiles. Issues quality products made of camel wool: “Sahara” - for adults, “Camel” - for children.
  • Couch potato - domestic manufacturer, which produces quilts for all seasons. The product is made from Mongolian camel down.

How to care?

In order for the selected camel blanket to serve you for as long as possible, we recommend that you follow some simple rules care:

  1. Always use a duvet cover.
  2. A newly purchased “camel” needs to be kept in the fresh air for an hour so that it gains oxygen. The same procedure must be repeated approximately once every six months.
  3. Follow washing recommendations.
  4. Use specially designed balms for wool products.
  5. Dry only on a horizontal surface, in fresh air. Make sure there is no direct sunlight.