The best camel down blankets. How to choose a camel blanket? Rating of camel wool blankets

The right blanket can ensure good and deep sleep. It should not be too warm and heavy so as not to create overheating.

The lightness of the material and ease of care are the main qualities of only some of them. This article will help you decide once and for all how to choose a camel wool blanket.

In order for the blanket to serve long years and did not lose its basic properties, it should be selected according to several basic criteria.

Blankets that are comfortable in all respects are made from the wool of young camels; their cover is closest to down. Good producers indicate the “age” of their materials.

Touching the product will also tell you about good quality: if the blanket does not ripple and has a uniform fabric, this indicates its high class. The edge processing should be smooth. The cover (if provided) can only be made from natural materials, and most importantly, be suitable for long-term use.

The density varies from 200 g/m² to 420 g/m². Here everything depends on the period for which it is purchased. Accordingly, a denser product is designed for a colder season.

Don't know how to choose a camel wool blanket? We will help you with this! If you look at how blankets are made, you can divide them into 2 types.

  1. Closed wool. This type includes products made from the wool of more mature camels. To prevent the blanket from prickling, a certain manufacturing technology is used, which is why they are called quilted. The principle is this: the wool core is stitched between the two halves of the cover.
  2. Open wool. “Young” wool is already used here and the product itself is more reminiscent of a soft and beautiful blanket than a blanket.

Blankets are also divided into lightweight and regular. Here the main criterion is the density of the product. Heavier, warmer and, accordingly, dense products are classified as ordinary blankets. While blankets can be called lightweight. They have a more interesting design, they are lighter and are designed for the off-season; you can simply cover yourself with them in the evening while lying on the sofa.

Benefits of camel wool blankets

Why did these products deserve such love, and how to choose the right camel wool blanket? Let's discuss their advantages and consider a number of the main advantages of these blankets over other analogues made from natural raw materials (for example, sheep's wool).


The fibers inside have a hollow structure, due to this the weight of the finished product is several times less than that of a wadding blanket or a blanket made from sheep's wool. For comparison, you can see how much a 170 x 200 cm blanket made of camel and sheep wool weighs: 2000 g and 4000 g, respectively.


This is perhaps one of the biggest advantages of these products. Camel wool is truly unique, because its owners live in vast areas with very large temperature differences. There, for example, it is unbearably hot during the day, and at night there is a very high probability of freezing. The wool of desert ships does not lose its properties even when it becomes a blanket. Therefore, this product will warm you up at night, but at the same time in the heat it will give you the necessary coolness and will not allow you to overheat.


One of the important properties of camel wool products is the ability to absorb moisture (up to 30% of its own weight). Thanks to this, you don’t have to be afraid to sweat under such a blanket; it will perfectly take away all the excess and immediately release it into the air.

Durability and wear resistance

Many people have probably seen camel blankets passed down from generation to generation since Soviet times. It is generally accepted that camel wool blankets have a service life of about 7-15 years. Our history and experience prove that even with constant use, these products can easily last 30 years, or even more. At the same time, the maximum that threatens them is to simply become outdated in design terms.


After washing, such a blanket will not fall off, it will not hang around the cover in a shapeless lump.


They do not generate static electricity. Thanks to this, cracking is eliminated and even after sleeping on a blanket, the hair will not resemble a dandelion.

Ability to “breathe”

Again, due to the structure of the hair, camel wool products have excellent breathability, so it is almost impossible to sweat under them. In addition, they have a lot of health benefits:

  • blood circulation improves, due to this the process of tissue nutrition and metabolism improves;
  • toxins produced by the body are neutralized;
  • the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, a rejuvenating effect occurs;
  • there is protection against electromagnetic fields;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the body are relieved;
  • for osteochondrosis, radiculitis and arthritis, relief from pain and discomfort is stimulated.

Choosing a manufacturer

Do you want to buy a camel wool blanket? We will tell you how to choose a manufacturer right now!

There are several leading manufacturers: foreign (imported) brands and domestic ones.

The most famous foreign blankets are “GOBI”, produced in Mongolia. The products are 100% natural, the products contain only the wool of Mongolian camels without any impurities. Due to this, the brand is known all over the world, and is considered one of the best options in terms of quality and price.

AlViTek is a factory near Moscow that produces camel down and wool, both warm and lightweight. One of the collections is also called “GOBI”, so when purchasing this type you need to carefully look at where it was produced.

“Aelita” - quilts, thickened, regular and lightweight in cotton covers, produced in the city of brides and textiles - Ivanovo.

The Trinity Worsted Factory produces woven blankets. Their most famous products are: “Sahara” (made from camel down) and “Karakum” (camel wool).

"Runo" is another well-known Russian manufacturer. The “Karakum” brand consists of plaids of natural colors, which is undoubtedly a sign of quality.

“Dargez” is a production line of stitched blankets made of camel wool and down, presented in two collections: children’s “Camel” and adults’ “Sahara”.

“Lezheboka” produces Mongolian camels from the wool.

"Tailak" - a brand of all-season blankets good quality with decorative elements and unchanged healing properties.

Review of children's sizes

When considering the issue of buying a blanket for a child, the following requirements immediately come to the fore: highest quality, unpretentiousness and safety. Price, in the question of how to choose a camel wool blanket for a child, plays the last role.

Manufacturers have made it easier when choosing; they provide several sizes. Parents just have to consider the best option that suits the parameters of their baby and his crib. Size ranges available on the market: 110 × 140 cm, 100 × 150 cm, 100 × 140 cm, 100 × 135 cm.

Children's products are hypoallergenic, do not cause irritation, do not collect dust, are lightweight and do not shed. Manufacturers try to make their products as comfortable as possible for the most demanding of their consumers.

Not sure what the best camel hair blanket is? How to choose? Are you also interested in the price? In this article you will find answers to all your questions!


When choosing camel wool bedspreads, it is the price, oddly enough, that is an excellent measure of quality. This is explained by the fact that high-quality wool itself is not cheap, and fluff is even more expensive.

Of course, there is a range of prices, as with all types of goods, but we can say for sure that if the price tag for an adult blanket or blanket costs 1,500 rubles, then you can pass by. This product is either counterfeit, of poor quality, or a large percentage impurities of other, cheaper, types of raw materials.

The pricing policy for choosing blankets is as follows:

  • Children's sizes are available from 1,500 rubles;
  • from 4000-7000 rubles all-season single beds from domestic manufacturers are presented;
  • from 10,000 rubles the same blanket, only made in Mongolia;
  • from 11,000 rubles, products made from camel down are offered, which already belong to the elite category.

And if you still don’t know how to choose buyers, they will help you.

Woolen blankets made from camel hair have been valued since time immemorial. In Rus', such a thing was equated to gold, it was passed on by inheritance. And King Louis XIV had more than a hundred similar blankets. Why have they not lost their popularity today? The thing is that nothing better has yet been invented.

Types of blankets

Camel wool filling.

You can sleep sweetly under a blanket made of camel wool at any time of the year, be it winter, summer or off-season.

The textile industry is ready to offer a choice of lightweight, regular or all-season options. A lightweight, thin blanket, such as a camel wool blanket, is perfect for summer. In winter, use the regular model. And all-season products are a two-layer construction with the possibility of turning into a single-layer, which is why they can be used at any time of the year.

Based on the manufacturing method, blankets are divided into woven and quilted. Let's look at what each of them is.

  • Woven. Open model produced on weaving equipment. Products can be either light or heavy. Weight and softness depend on the quality of the wool. In adult camels it is rough, while in young camels it is softer. The fur of small camels is often used to make small blankets. A woven blanket made of camel wool is also used for purely decorative purposes.
  • Quilted. Closed model with filling in a case.

The material from adult camels is prickly. To prevent the wool from pricking, it is covered with a fabric cover and stitched over the entire area. The advantage of such options is a wide choice color range final product.

Models also differ in the type of firmware and filler distribution. They can be:

  • quilted;
  • cassette;
  • Kara-steppe.


The quilted option is the most inexpensive of those listed, but has a number of disadvantages. These include weak fixation of the filler, as well as uneven distribution, which over time leads to the formation of lumps. With this method, the stitching is done in parallel lines at a large distance from each other.

The cassette type is more expensive than the previous one. The cover is stitched in the longitudinal and transverse directions, forming cells (cassettes). The advantage of this type of assembly is the high-quality fixation of the filler.

Karostep stitching is a patterned stitch over the entire surface. This option, like the cassette version, holds the filler well, but after a certain time the hairs begin to break through the seams.

Advantages and disadvantages

The camel blanket has virtually no flaws and is considered a leader in its category. It is practical and durable. The warranty on a product with such a filler is more than 10 years, but in reality it can last much longer.


  • able to retain heat;
  • lung;
  • hygroscopic;
  • antistatic;
  • wear-resistant;
  • breathable;
  • retains its shape;
  • easy to care for;
  • useful for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.


  • allergenic;
  • attractive to house moths and dust mites;
  • expensive.

Which is better - a blanket made of camel or sheep wool?

If you are faced with a choice of which model to buy, made from sheep or camel wool, then weigh their pros and cons. This will help you purchase the best option that will serve faithfully for many years.

The advantages and disadvantages of a blanket made of camel material are discussed above. But when purchasing an item made of sheep wool, you will need to consider the following.


  • warm;
  • does not change the original shape;
  • It's inexpensive.


  • twice as heavy as camel down;
  • Washing is not recommended;
  • Due to the specific smell, regular dry cleaning is required.

What is better, camel wool or sheep wool? As can be seen from the qualitative and practical characteristics, sheep material loses. Even though it is cheaper, a blanket filled with camel hair is still preferable.

To understand which blanket is better to buy - camel or bamboo, you will also need to consider the main characteristics of these products:

Which material is preferable - bamboo or camel hair? The qualitative characteristics of each of them are good in their own way. However, those with allergies should opt for the bamboo option.

Camel and bamboo blanket.

How to choose?

How to choose a camel wool blanket that will last for years without losing its original properties? There are a number of parameters that you should pay attention to:

  • degree of heat;
  • density;
  • method of fixing the filler;
  • cover fabric;
  • type of filler;
  • workmanship.

Heat is indicated on the labels in the form of dots and there can be from one to five of them. The warmest is indicated by five dots. Another indicator of heat is the density of the material. For cold rooms in winter time Products with a maximum density of 900 g/m2 are suitable. The summer blanket has a density of 160–180 g/m2.

The most reliable method of fixing the filler is considered to be cassette.

The fabric of the cover should be made of cotton materials such as teak, satin, cambric, calico, percale or twill. The fabrics listed are light, durable and breathable. For the manufacture of expensive models, material obtained from eucalyptus fibers is often used.

The filler can be made from the fur of both young camels and adult camels, as well as from their down. The composition of the filler is indicated as a percentage on the label.

Signs of a quality product also include:

  • uniform distribution of filler (for closed models);
  • uniform texture (for open type);
  • processing of edges (covering with bias tape or overlock stitching);
  • evenness of seams;
  • density of the cover.

How to protect yourself from counterfeiting?

Good blankets have always been appreciated and expensive. Therefore, very often there are sellers who try to make money on goods that are in great demand by “sliping” more cheap, usually sheep or synthetic filler, instead of the declared one.

Let's look at the difference between a fake and a quality item:

  1. By weight. Camel material is much lighter than sheep material.
  2. In terms of hardness. Natural raw materials are soft, while synthetic ones are rough and hard.
  3. By color. Wool is difficult to dye, and therefore high-quality products are produced in brown and beige colors.
  4. By smell. Material made from sheep will have a specific smell, while a synthetic product will have no smell at all.
  5. To the touch. Sheep material is drier and resembles felt.
  6. By burning. If you set fire to camel hair, it will not burn, but melt and smell like a burnt feather.

Main Dimensions

Common sizes:

One and a half:

  • 140x205 cm;
  • 145x205 cm;
  • 150x210 cm;
  • 155x215 cm;
  • 160x220 cm.


  • 172x205 cm;
  • 175x205 cm;
  • 180x210 cm;
  • 200x220 cm;
  • 240x220 cm.


  • 110x140 cm;
  • 100x135 cm;
  • 100x140 cm;
  • 100x150 cm.

European standard:

  • 155x215 cm;
  • 172x205 cm.

Main manufacturers

Popular and proven Russian manufacturers:

  • HitTex;
  • OL-tex;
  • Elf;
  • AlViTek;
  • Karakum;
  • VulTex;
  • Aelita;
  • Trinity Worsted Factory.

Foreign companies:

  • GOBI (Mongolia);
  • Billerbeck (Germany - Ukraine).

The GOBI brand is known all over the world. The company produces only 100% natural products. If you want to buy the best blanket made of camel hair or down, then you can safely choose this brand. And in general, try to choose a blanket whose wool is collected from Mongolian camels.

Price range

How much a product in this category costs depends on its following characteristics:

  • filler quality;
  • density;
  • size;
  • forms;
  • manufacturer.

If you buy products from well-known brands, you will have to pay a decent price. You should know that a natural and high-quality item cannot be cheap. Therefore, do not buy goods on promotions or sales.

Approximate price range:

  • from 1,500 rub. - on a children's bed;
  • from 4,000-7,000 rub. - for a single bed;
  • from 10,000 rub. - the same size, but made in Mongolia;
  • from 11,000 rub. - luxury products.

In most cases, price is an indicator of quality. And if they try to sell you a cheap product by any means, then pass by. The product will probably be of poor quality.

How to care?

Changing an expensive item is often problematic. Let's look at tips on how to care for a camel wool blanket so that it lasts as long as possible:

  • Use a duvet cover to prevent stains.
  • Ventilate regularly.
  • Remove stains locally by special means containing lanolin.
  • Periodically take the product to dry cleaning.
  • Store the item in a cotton bag.
  • Follow the directions for use on the label.

These tips will help you avoid unscheduled washing, which does not have the best effect on the condition of the garment.

How to wash correctly?

To hand wash a camel wool blanket at home you need:

  1. Fill the bath with water (t about 30 o C).
  2. Add special detergent.
  3. Soak the blanket for several hours.
  4. Wash, lightly wrinkling it.
  5. Drain the dirty water and fill the bathtub with clean water.
  6. Rinse well.
  7. Hang to drain water, folded in several layers.
  8. Squeeze carefully.
  9. Air dry.

Is it machine washable?

IN washing machine You can only wash a small blanket or blanket. Things large sizes will not fit in the drum or may overload it. Some recommendations:

  • To washing machine not broken, choose gentle mode.
  • Set the temperature to no more than 30 o C.
  • Add a little detergent so as not to repeat rinsing.
  • Do not wring out, otherwise the item may lose its shape.

It’s hard to say which blanket is better to choose. Each model has its own advantages. So the choice is yours.

The main determinant of a comfortable sleep is a good blanket. It is important that it provides warmth and comfort, does not give Greenhouse effect, gave a feeling of security and contributed to relaxation of the body. And although modern technologies allow the production of new types of fiber with a light structure, woolen bedspreads do not lose their positions and are popular despite the times. A blanket made of camel wool ranks first in the popularity of natural models; it has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Fiber production process

Such blankets are made from two types of camel wool:

  • one-humped - dromedaries, living in the driest areas of the world (producing about 4 kg of wool per individual);
  • Bactrians - Bactrians, living in Mongolia, Kazakhstan, China (providing up to 10 kg of material from a large animal).

The wool of the second group of camels is especially soft and thick. It is so good that not only blankets are made from it, but also pillows, socks, belts, and clothes. These are thin fibers of varying thickness (from 6 to 120 microns), which depend on the breed and are not inferior in quality to the wool of fine wool Australian Merinos.

Suitable wool removed during shearing or lost during shedding is used for production. It comes in beige, brownish, cream and brown shades.

The most valuable type of raw material is fluff or undercoat: This is the softest light fiber, so valuable and warming that it is used in the uniforms of divers, polar explorers and astronauts. Typically, haircuts are carried out immediately after molting (late spring-early summer). The undercoat is combed out by hand. Then the raw materials go through a sorting process, after which they enter production.

Depending on the type of blanket, the wool remains as a fiber filler or goes into the spinning mill. To save as much as possible beneficial features material, they try not to subject it to painting or additional processing. The most valuable product for blankets is the wool of the Mongolian non-working Bactrians. Of the shades, cream is more appreciated.

Today, camel wool blankets differ from their Soviet-era counterparts. The reason for this was new technologies, thanks to which the texture of products became soft, pleasant to the body and attractive to the eye.

Advantages and disadvantages

Camel wool blankets can create cozy atmosphere to the user:

  • They are convenient and practical to use, have a lot of useful properties.
  • Like their analogues and sheep's wool, they have “dry” heat, retaining the user’s heat, preventing the person from overheating and the formation of sweat. Due to low thermal conductivity, the blanket maintains the desired temperature inside, no matter what the temperature in the room.
  • It is worth noting the excellent breathability of the fiber composition. Regardless of the production method (woven or fibre), an ideal climate is created under such a blanket: in addition to warming, the body can “breathe”.
  • The thermal insulation properties of camel wool blankets are inferior to products made from bird down, standing out favorably against the background of any other analogues (even Australian merino sheepskin). They are better and warmer than bamboo, down, cotton products, not to mention analogues made from synthetic fibers.
  • Compared to sheep's wool, These blankets are much lighter, and therefore more convenient to use: they do not create the feeling of a shell, which many users do not like.

  • Camel wool fibers are quite elastic, they can for a long time maintain its shape, which provides the blanket with an attractive appearance for many years. Moreover, in most cases, such products do not roll up, do not cake, and do not form lumps or voids, as in cotton analogues.
  • One of the benefits of camel blankets is their neutrality. They do not accumulate static electricity, which eliminates negative impact on the body. In addition, such bedspreads are hygroscopic. Due to the hollow structure of the hair, wool is able to quickly absorb moisture from the outside and release it back into the air.
  • In addition, camel wool blankets also have useful qualities. Moreover, today they have been scientifically confirmed, so such blankets are recommended by doctors for those who have various diseases.
  • Along with the therapeutic effect, it also has a relaxing effect. A considerable part of users note that sleeping under such a blanket is a pleasure. Today, these products are so soft and high-quality that they promote good rest, relaxing muscles, soothing nervous system after a hard stressful day, restoring the skin after cosmetics, stopping nervous itching and creating all the conditions for a restful sleep.
  • Due to large selection sizes offered by brands for sale, you can buy a product not only for adults, but also to please kids. Moreover, if previously such products almost always contributed to discomfort, tingling the body even through textiles, today they are so comfortable that they equip sleeping area

as a mattress cover, promoting restful sleep for babies.

Unfortunately, such excellent, warm, and most importantly, natural material is not suitable for every user. It is not suitable for those who are allergic to wool, no matter what nano-modern processing technology it is subjected to. Even if you buy a closed model, you won’t be able to deceive the skin: redness, irritation and skin itching will make themselves felt.

Despite the fact that manufacturers claim a long service life and special durability of such bedspreads, rugs, and blankets, in reality, during operation, everything may be different. And the reason does not lie in the deformation of the bedspread: the problem lies in improper use, storage and care. Such products are loved by dust mites and a special guest of wet rooms - moths.

Despite the excellent properties of camel wool, it can add problems in care. When choosing a product of an open or closed type, it is worth keeping in mind that it requires careful and careful handling, especially if it is not packed in a case.

Medicinal properties Attention has been paid to blankets made of camel wool for a long time, noting that, together with medical procedures, such blankets can speed up the recovery of the body. Users who have tried the “work” of camel blankets for more than six months note several healing properties.

  • Such products:
  • have an antibacterial, antiseptic effect on the user;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • promote rapid recovery from colds;
  • relieve fatigue and blues;
  • reduce pain in the lower back and spine, alleviating the unpleasant symptoms of rheumatism, osteochondrosis, radiculitis;
  • normalize metabolic processes, blood flow, sebaceous glands and pulse rate;
  • rid the body of toxins;
  • relax muscles, restore them after sprain or injury;
  • indicated for sinusitis.

According to some observations, a camel wool blanket can soothe the skin and have an anti-inflammatory effect. It may not be suitable for asthmatics.


Camel wool blankets differ in the production method. They can be:

  • open type– double-sided models in the form of a soft canvas made of the wool of young camels with an edge treated with knitted edging. These are comfortable blankets that can be used as a blanket, bedspread on a bed or sofa;
  • closed type– quilted products with a wool core and textiles on the top and bottom (blankets in a woven cover).

Products of the first group are woven or fur. Unlike the second category, they are more functional, since in addition to their main purpose they can serve as a blanket or bedspread for a bed (sofa).

The second models differ in the quality of the filler: they usually use coarser material - fiber from adult animals, which is easier to process, so such blankets also do not prick the skin.

One of the differences in the production of blankets is the woven and non-woven method, as well as the density of the fiber.

Density is conventionally divided into two categories, which determine the weight of the product. A camel blanket can be:

  • lightweight (up to 200 grams per sq. m)– intended for the off-season, cloudy and damp summer nights (thin);
  • universal (up to 400 grams per sq. m.)– designed for the cold season, therefore warmer and denser (voluminous).

One of the interesting and increasingly popular varieties of camel blankets is the 4-season or “two-in-one” model. Externally, such a product is a construction of two panels of different densities. These are two blankets fastened together with buttons. If it’s cold, you can cover yourself warmer; in the off-season, one of the blankets is enough.


The size range of camel wool blankets is divided into children's, one-and-a-half-size, double and Euro-size. This factor is one of the most important when purchasing: not only the price of the product depends on it. In order not to huddle under a short and narrow blanket, tucking your legs in, buy it with a reserve.

To make it easier to decide, it is worth noting for yourself the desired length from the most popular dimensions, for which it is easier to buy a duvet cover:

  • children'ssize ranges with dimensions 100 x 135, 100 x 140, 100 x 150, 110 x 140 cm;
  • one-and-a-half-sleeper– styles with length and width 140 x 200, 140 x 205, 150 x 200, 155 x 200, 160 x 210 cm;
  • double– models with parameters 170 x 200, 175 x 205, 180 x 210 cm;
  • eurostandard– varieties of spacious dimensions: 200 x 210, 200 x 220 cm.

Based on the basic dimensions, choosing a blanket in accordance with your build will not be difficult.

Types of fabrics for quilted covers

The modern textile market offers a lot of options for blanket covers. Some of the most popular fabrics involved in the production of quilted camel wool models today are:

  • calico;
  • satin;
  • batiste;
  • twill;
  • percale;
  • jacquard;
  • polycotton;

Basically, dense textiles of natural origin are involved in the production. Fabrics may differ in weave (plain or twill). They do not slip inside the duvet cover, so the duvet will not bunch up, always remaining neatly packed and even.

As for color, closed models are often performed in light colors with a small print of a plant theme. Closed-plan children's rulers are decorated with funny designs in the form of soft toys or fairy tale characters.


  • Regardless of the type of product, it should look neat: there can be no protruding stitches, shaggy material, uneven edges, or untreated areas;
  • if you liked the quilted version of the blanket, a prerequisite is natural and dense textile cover;
  • Wool density is a special topic: those who are constantly cold need thick products - 420 grams per square meter. m., for other users universal models with a density of 200 grams per 1 square meter are suitable. m. (it is important to pay attention to the number on the label);
  • It is important to choose the size of the blanket for a specific user, taking into account height and additional girth in width. Preferably universal option

Considering all the nuances, do not forget about the price: as a rule, a quality item is not cheap. The main part of the line exceeds the cost of analogues made from sheep wool. If the price is too sweet, most likely it is a low-quality product or a mixture with the addition of sheepskin (sometimes synthetics).

In some cases, under the guise of camel wool, sellers manage to sell a product that has nothing even close to such blankets. If the seller talks non-stop, does not give the buyer a chance to insert his question, and insists on the need for an immediate purchase, it is worth thinking about the quality of the store’s products.

The best manufacturers

When searching for a quality blanket, every buyer is concerned with the question of which store to choose and which model will be ideal. It's hard to imagine without familiarizing yourself with the products. brands included in the ranking of manufacturers quality products:

  • Gobi– 100% wool blankets from the leader in quality products, a world-famous Mongolian company (inexpensive and high-quality models for adults);
  • "AlViTek"– a brand that produces quilts made from camel down and wool: universal and lightweight versions, as well as a special “Gobi” model (not related to the Mongolian factory);
  • "Aelita"– quilted models of the Ivanovo company of standard and lightweight design, packaged in textile covers of natural origin (high-quality blankets with excellent thermal insulation properties);
  • Dargez– “breathable” models from famous manufacturer quilted from wool and down, produced in two collections: children's “Camel” and adult “Sahara”;
  • "Fleece"– a Russian manufacturer specializing in the production of plain woven patterns in natural tones, made from wool and camel down (unique luxury blankets);
  • Billerbeck– products of a German company with excellent quality and practical characteristics.
1 Luxury quality
2 Best gift
3 Wide use
4 Lowest prices

On average, a person spends a third of his life sleeping, and it is very important that the body really rests and gains strength. This can be affected not only by a high-quality mattress or pillow of the correct shape, but also by a blanket. Agree, even lying down for an hour under a pleasant-to-the-body, light-weight and warm blanket is a pleasure. When choosing a model, it is important to pay attention to the size, material of the case and, of course, the filling.

The most common types of fillers:

  • Down - allows air to pass through and retains heat;
  • Wool – adapt to a person’s temperature and do not cause sweating;
  • Camel - considered valuable, durable and cozy.

Currently on the market home textiles In Russia and the CIS countries, a huge range of companies producing bed linen is offered, and it may be difficult for an ordinary buyer to choose the best option. To do this, we have created a rating of the best manufacturers of blankets, both budget and luxury.

The best wool blanket manufacturers

Wool is superior to padding polyester and others artificial fillers due to its thermoregulatory qualities. Under such a blanket you will not be cold or, on the contrary, hot. Depending on your natural body temperature, it will either cool down or warm up - the best option for summer season. Another advantage of this type of blanket is durability. The service life can reach several decades! A wool blanket is easy to care for, due to its elasticity, it is easy to wash and dry yourself.

4 Ol-Tex

Review leader
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.4

The production of Ol-Tex brand blankets is carried out under constant quality control: from the stage of purchasing raw materials to delivery of products to store shelves, which is confirmed by certificates of conformity, many awards and diplomas. The manufacturer uses modern equipment and the best hypoallergenic fiber, which holds its shape for a long time even after washing.

In the company's assortment you will find wool models included in the Merino collection. Merino sheep have the most luxurious wool - thin and soft, highly breathable due to its curly structure, and, as the manufacturer claims, has a positive effect on joints. Blankets are made in the following sizes: single (1.40 x 2.05 m), double (1.72 x 2.05 m), European standard (2.0 x 2.20 m). For the winter season, a model with a density of 300 g/m² is offered, and for warmer seasons - 200 g/m².

3 Sloths

The best ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.5

The Lezheboka company has been successfully competing in the home textile market not only in Russia, but also in Europe for more than 15 years. The brand focuses more on high-quality natural materials, but the prices will please everyone. A striking example was the all-season “Sheep” collection, the blankets of which are made from 100% wool, directly from sheep, in four size variations: 200x220, 172x205, 140x205 cm; even provided children's version– 100x140 cm, with a print depicting cute sheep.

Wool filling with a density of 300 g/m2 in combination with quilted cotton perfectly warms and retains heat, therefore, although the manufacturer claims that the blanket is suitable for any season, based on reviews on the Internet, it will still be the best option for the winter.

2 Nature's

Selected raw materials
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.9

For the sale of blankets, the Natures company purchases raw materials that meet all safety standards from farms in Rostov-on-Don. It is carefully sorted and treated with antiseptic agents using the best German equipment. Fabrics for sewing covers are imported from abroad and are wear-resistant. Appearance blankets from the manufacturer's assortment are discreet, refined.

Models made from sheep wool, both ordinary and Australian or Merino, with a density of 300 g/m2, stand out. For example, the Australian Wool blanket is made from elastic wool from Australian sheep, which does not shrink after dry cleaning. The model will be delighted by the textured pattern in the form of flowers on cotton, silk-quilted, golden-cream fabric. There is also a children's version of a blanket 100x150 cm of the same density, but made of merino wool in a natural cotton cover.

1 Primavelle

Rare types of wool fillers
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 5.0

The Primavelle brand boasts the best assortment of wool fillings; its arsenal includes wool from cashgora (goat), alpaca, yak, merino and ordinary sheep. For sewing covers, the company often chooses natural fabrics of European quality, including percale, cambric, and satin. For some models of blankets, the manufacturer resorts to the use of unique impregnation technologies that have a positive effect on sleep, for example, with silver ions or Aloe Vera, for which he has received awards and diplomas more than once.

The most interesting model of a wool blanket is Apollina, weighing just over 2 kg, which, despite its density of 150g/m2, is ideal for winter, as it is made of soft and warming satin filled with cashgor wool. It is impossible not to mention the warm model made of merino wool, which adapts to the natural temperature of a person, Lamb, which captivated everyone with its beautiful stitching on a satin cover.

The best duvet manufacturers

Down is one of the lightest raw materials with high heat retention rates, which is very important in winter. For example, the same goose down is adapted to cold temperatures down to -30°C. The branched structure of such fiber is responsible for the accumulation of a large volume of air, which, under the influence of the human body, heats up and retains heat, protecting against the penetration of cold. However, a duvet requires careful care, so washing and drying can be difficult.


Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.4

UNEKT is, according to reviews on the Internet, one of the best manufacturers of budget duvets. The company follows trends and often updates catalogs, listening to the opinions of customers. For example, Enekt launched a blanket made from a rather popular filler - goat down. Moreover, the down is diluted with polyester fiber, due to which the blanket does not accumulate odors and dust.

Also worthy of attention is the model made of swan down with a density of 350 g/m2, in a polycotton cover with neat stitches, under which you will not sweat, but will remain warm, adapting to your body temperature. Also, the difference between the products of this company and its competitors can be considered ease of care; UNEKT blankets can be washed, because they do not lose their shape.

3 AlViTek

Product durability
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.6

The main concept of the AlViTek company: “Even the most demanding buyer should be satisfied with the quality of the product and its service life.” Thus, this brand can safely be given the title the best manufacturer durable blankets. A striking example was the warm down line “Dolce”, divided into “Lux” and “Extra” models. There are 3 size options for your choice: 140x205, 172x205, 200x220 cm.

A mixture of 100% natural goose down and feathers is subject to mandatory antistatic and antiseptic treatment, so that during operation the blanket does not accumulate dust and bed mites. The “Dolce Extra” model is decorated in blue color, and “Dolce Lux” is in white. The cover is made of downproof natural teak.

2 Walter

Eider models
Country: China
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Walteri brand has been creating luxury blankets and other home textiles for more than 10 years, and is also a regular at exhibitions in Russia, where it has won prizes more than once. If you want the blanket to warm well and last as long as possible, then you should pay attention to the company’s down models, for example, made from warm but incredibly light eider down with a density of as much as 600 g/m2 - not every manufacturer can boast of such an offer.

The eider is a type of duck adapted to the harshest Arctic conditions northern coasts, down to -50 degrees. A luxurious white blanket in 3 size variations (145x210, 175x215, 195x215 cm) is made of natural satin jacquard, which is characterized by high strength and durability. The silky feel of the material is great for keeping down and retaining body heat while absorbing moisture so you don't sweat.

1 MirSon

Multi-stage quality control in laboratory conditions
Country: Italy
Rating (2019): 5.0

MirSon creates both demi-season and summer, warm and extra-warm blankets using only best fluff, hand-sorted, odorless and suitable for allergy sufferers. You will also be pleased with the wide size grid, which adapts even to the most non-standard dimensions beds. Business card The manufacturer's list of duvets includes the Luxury Exclusive model. The filler goes through 23 stages of purification and 8 stages of quality testing in laboratory conditions, in fact, like all the company’s products.

Airy and comfortable, it is ideal for use in the summer, as you literally won’t feel its weight on you. It is curious that the model can boast of the highest possible elasticity indicator - Fill Power 800. The cover is made of Italian natural fiber mako-batiste - delicate, smooth, and not afraid of washing. This blanket will serve you for at least 20 years.

Best Camel Blanket Manufacturers

Camel fiber is one of the most valuable, since the desert animal can be sheared only once a year, and the output will be an average of 5 kg of wool per camel. It is generally accepted that camel blanket activates blood circulation. The porous structure of such fiber warms and retains heat well, regulates moisture levels and allows air to circulate. You will also be surprised by the wear resistance of a camel blanket, provided proper care, it will easily serve you for 20 years.

4 Tradition

Lowest prices
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.2

The young company “Tradition”, 10 years later, has now acquired more than 1,000 branches throughout Russia and the CIS countries. The manufacturer offers camel blankets with a themed design for a ridiculous price. Thanks to the lightness and thinness of the blankets, which does not affect the quality in any way, they are easy to wash and dry, and what is equally important, you will feel an airy cloud on you while you sleep. Blankets are sewn in the following variations: euro, 2 and 1.5 sleeping; with a density of 300g/m2 and 150g/m2 (lightweight).

The same collection of camel blankets also includes models made of polyester teak, stitched with silver thread on a multi-needle machine, which allows you to securely fix the filling so that the blanket does not lose its shape during use or after washing. Although the blankets contain only 20% camel wool, and the remaining 80% is synthetic fiber, they do a good job with their main task - to warm and retain heat.

3 Don Textiles

Wide use
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.5

In home textile stores since the beginning of 2000 in Russia, Donskoy Textile is considered the most popular brand of camel blankets, since it adheres to an affordable pricing policy for a 100% natural product. Another argument was the wide size grid (10 variations). Although the manufacturer positions its blankets as camel, it does not hide the fact that it consists of 80% camel wool, which is purchased from the Kyzyl Kum deserts, and 20% sheep wool, which acts as a natural binding material.

Beautiful and cozy, in a teak case, they breathe, allow air to pass through, but at the same time retain heat. Camel blankets from the Donskoy Textile company are made in two versions: for all-season use, when the temperature in the house does not drop below 17 degrees, you should choose a model with a density of 300 g/m2, and if you need a warmer blanket, then with a density of 600 g/m2.

2 Goldtex

Best gift
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

Products under the Goldtex brand are often purchased as a gift due to their unique design, which is worked on by the best designers who follow the latest trends in home textiles. The company's blankets are hypoallergenic, and their quality is confirmed by the EAEU certificate. Goldtex work with 4 main sizes - single, double, euro and euro-maxi. The pride of the manufacturers is the Golden Camel camel wool collection.

To sell camel blankets, the desert animal is combed and its softest undercoat is obtained, which tends to control the optimal level of moisture and heat. To sew the cover, teak or satin-jaquard is used - in both cases, the fabric is pleasant to the body. The density of the blankets is also different - 300 and 350g/m2. The oriental style is also maintained: quilted smooth patterns in the form of waves on a beige background are reminiscent of sand dunes.

1 German Grass

Luxury quality
A country: Austria (produced in Russia)
Rating (2019): 5.0

German Grass brand products are a simultaneous combination of aesthetics, comfort and quality. Fillers are processed using the best proprietary technologies and undergo the most stringent testing before hitting store shelves; You are guaranteed not to find any blankets on sale with defects, uneven seams or loose fluff. The company offers lightweight, all-season, warm models. To create a collection of Camel Grass camel wool of different densities, the manufacturer used only soft camel fluff, which is combed by hand.

To ensure that the filler does not lose its quality during use and washing, the raw materials are combined into a layer using biocomponents under thermal influence, but this is a 100% pure product without chemical impurities. Satin was chosen for sewing the cover, which is often used for the production of children's bedding, since the fabric does not cause allergic reactions and is very pleasant to the body.

Relax and calm down “in the arms” of a cozy blanket... What could be more desirable after a busy working day? A wrapping sleeping attribute can gently envelop the body, giving warmth and peace, or it can prick unpleasantly or, with its own weight, prevent you from sweetly turning over to the other side. That is why so much attention is paid to the filling from which the blanket is made; one of the options is camel hair.

What are the benefits of camel wool as a material for blankets?

The desert is a place where it can be incredibly hot during the day and unbearably cold at night. Camels living in such conditions are forced to cope with temperature changes, and wool helps them in this, the unique properties of which provide life-giving coolness in the heat and warmth in the cold. People have learned to use the wool of desert animals for their own benefit, and blankets are just one example of what is made from it.

Wool saves camels from the scorching sun and cold desert nights, from which people have learned to make practical blankets

The material contains lanolin - wax, which, when heated by body heat, is absorbed, providing a beneficial effect on the body.

  • Sleeping under a blanket made of desert animal fur:
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • restores the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • smoothes out the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields;
  • normalizes the function of the circulatory system;
  • eliminates toxins eliminated by the body;
  • relieves inflammatory processes; reduces painful sensations
  • for osteochondrosis, arthritis, radiculitis.

    The table below will introduce other advantages and disadvantages of the products.

  • Table - advantages and disadvantages of a camel blanket
  • Thermoregulating properties keep you cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather;
  • due to excellent breathability, the product has a “breathable” structure;
  • durability: the service life of the blanket is 7–15 years or more;
  • the inner surface of camel wool fibers absorbs moisture, and the outer surface is characterized by water-repellent properties, so the blanket absorbs moisture and quickly releases it into the air, while remaining dry, which is important, since during sleep the human body secretes on average up to 0.5 liters of liquid;
  • the product is lightweight, for example, the weight of a blanket 180x120 cm is approximately 1.3 kg, while a sheep wool product of the same size weighs about 2.6 kg;
  • holds its shape without falling off;
  • does not generate static electricity.

    Varieties of camel wool blankets

  • Blankets available for sale:
  • with open wool (fur or woven);

  • with closed wool (karostep, quilted, cassette) - the filling is “packed” in a case.

    If camel wool is not “packed” into a cover when sewing, the blanket is called a product with open filler

    Video about camel hair

    Secrets to choosing the best blanket

    When planning to purchase a blanket, there are several factors to consider.

    Raw materials

  • The product can be made from:
  • Downy undercoat. Blankets made from camel down are considered elite; their price at the beginning of 2018 starts from 10 thousand rubles. Mongolian bactrian down is the highest quality raw material used in the production of blankets. The down of camel calves that are not yet burdened with work is also valuable. This material is labeled as Baby camel.
  • Guard hair. Wool is heavier and stiffer, and therefore cheaper; the cost of products is 3–7 thousand rubles.
  • Thermally bonded filler. The wool is passed through a hot roller, through which it is glued together with synthetic fiber. The proportions of the natural component determine the cost of the product; usually the price of such a blanket ranges from 1,500 rubles.

  • The wool and down of young camels are considered the highest quality raw materials for the production of blankets

    A sewn-in label will tell you a lot. If there is a label “camel wool 100%”, there is no doubt about the quality of the raw material. If the label simply says “camel hair,” it is possible that the product is made from a blended material or heat-bonded fiber. The surest way to purchase a quality blanket is to buy products from trusted manufacturers (see information below).


    The degree of warmth of the product depends on the density indicators (measured in g/m²), the number of points indicated on the packaging will also tell about this characteristic:

  • summer (160–180 g/m², 1 point) - the product can be used as a blanket or in the summer;
  • light (200–220 g/m², 2 points) - suitable for well-heated rooms;
  • all-season (350 g/m², 3 points) - can be used all year round, universal solution;
  • warm (420–500 g/m², 4 points) - suitable for frosty winter nights;
  • very warm (900 g/m², 5 points) - an excellent option for those who are constantly cold and for cold rooms.
  • Case and assembly method

    When purchasing a blanket with closed wool, it is important that the cover is not only durable, but also made from natural fabric (silk, satin and teak are the most valued, as they are hygroscopic and have thermoregulating properties, which allow them to maintain the properties of camel wool, rather than blocking them ). According to the assembly method, closed blankets are divided into 3 categories:

  • Quilted. The product is stitched with parallel lines located at a large distance from each other. The fixation of the wool is weak, the material is distributed unevenly, and may form clumps.
  • Karasteppe. Stitches forming patterns that are located over the entire area of ​​the product. This method of stitching provides a more reliable fixation, but during use the wool may become tangled.
  • Cassette. The blanket is stitched with transverse and longitudinal stitches, due to which cells are formed. The wool is securely fixed without moving from cassette to cassette.

  • A cassette blanket is considered the most practical, since the filler does not clump into clumps during use of the product


    The blanket must be carefully inspected before making a purchase:

  • if the wool is open, the surface of the product should be uniform with a minimum number of prickly inclusions;
  • there should be no stray hairs;
  • The edges of quality products are smooth, trimmed with bias tape or stitched with an overlocker.
  • The table below provides an overview of manufacturers whose products, judging by reviews on forums, are currently the most in demand.

    Table: overview of popular manufacturers

    How to choose a blanket for little ones

    Wise mothers choose blankets made of camel down and wool for their children, because such products:

  • very light;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • do not cause irritation;
  • do not shed;
  • do not collect dust.

  • Under a light and cozy blanket made of camel wool, your baby's sleep will be sweet and calm.

    In addition to the characteristics described above, when buying a blanket for a child, it is important to take into account the size of the product: it must correspond to the height of the baby and the area of ​​the crib. The most popular indicator is 110×140 cm, other options:

  • 100×150;
  • 100×140;
  • 100x135.
  • Features of operation

    When using a blanket, it is important to follow the following recommendations to extend the life of the product:

  • The healing effect is greater if the wool is in contact with the skin, so for health purposes, a fur or woven blanket can be used from time to time without a duvet cover.
  • However, with constant use, “packaging” is necessary to protect the product from contamination and eliminate the need for frequent washing. The duvet cover should be made of natural fabric with breathable and hygroscopic properties. It is recommended to ventilate the cloth twice a year, hanging it on fresh air
  • in a place protected from the sun.
  • Store the product separately from other bedding in a cotton bag.

    How to wash

  • Basic Rules:
  • Before washing, it is advisable to knock out the blanket to get rid of small dirt and dust and thereby make washing easier.
  • You cannot use powder, as it is difficult to wash out. You need to purchase gel for wool products. It is desirable that the product contains a lanolin extract: Domal, Lama Gold, Lana Care, etc.
  • The use of conditioners and bleaches when washing blankets made of camel wool is unacceptable.
  • The temperature should not exceed 30 °C.
  • After washing, the product must not be twisted. The blanket needs to be held suspended to allow the water to drain, then squeeze it out with light movements, moving your hands from top to bottom. Then leave to dry in a well-ventilated place, protected from the sun. The product must be laid out horizontally, avoiding bending. You can spread the blanket over clotheslines or on a floor drying rack. To make the product dry faster, you can put a sheet under it: the material will absorb excess moisture.
  • You can dry clean the product, but if you use this method frequently, the lanolin will be washed out of the wool, and the blanket will lose its healing properties.


    Handwash product is carried out as follows:

  • Dilute the detergent in a basin filled with water, following the recommendations on the package. If the product is too large to fit in the basin, you can fill the bathtub.
  • Immerse the blanket in the solution and beat it with light blows with your fists.
  • Leave for 15–20 minutes.
  • Drain the water and squeeze it out of the blanket, beating it with light movements, without twisting.
  • Pour into the basin clean water, rinse the product, lightly beating. Repeat the procedure until the soap solution is washed out.

  • Hand washing is the best option for a camel wool blanket

    In the typewriter

    You can machine wash the product at your own risk:

  • Pour a special detergent into the compartment.
  • Load a blanket into the drum.
  • Set the mode to “Wool” or “Delicate”. Disable spin.
  • Wait until the end of the program.
  • Let the blanket drain on the rack above the bathtub.
  • Dry horizontally, ventilate.