Non-standard opening. We consider types of non-standard doors

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As a rule, doorways are made in standard sizes. If you are the happy owner of such a design, you just need to choose a door for it to suit your taste.

How to determine the required door leaf size?

The optimal size of the door frame should be 2-3 cm smaller than the opening.

The easiest way to choose a door is to subtract 2 cm in width and height from the size of the opening. Please note: this size is not the parameters door leaf, and boxes.

For a standard opening, you can use the table below:

How to correctly measure a doorway?

The dimensions of the opening are measured at three points in width and at three points in height. Further, in the selection of designs, they start from the lowest value.

For example, at the bottom of the opening the width is 88 cm, at the top - 86 cm, and in the middle - 87 cm. We start from the smallest parameter - 86 cm. We subtract from it the gap for foaming (1 cm), since the door should not fit into the opening end to end. Otherwise, even with slight shrinkage of the house, it may become warped.

In addition, the opening may be “blocked” in some direction. The door must stand level in space, otherwise it will open or close spontaneously. Therefore, when taking measurements, you need to take into account the curvature of the wall - for this we use a building level.

If the distortions are large, the opening needs to be modified. If they are insignificant, the size of the door is selected taking into account the skew so that the structure is level. All these recommendations are given by the measurer if you purchase a door at a certified point of sale. He will explain how the door will stand, what nuances need to be taken into account, as well as what installation options are possible. Only after determining the size of the opening and its irregularities can you calculate required size front door.

But what to do if the opening is non-standard?

How to choose a door for a non-standard opening?

Installing a door in a non-standard opening requires non-standard solutions. Each case is considered individually. Sometimes a doorway can be expanded or, conversely, narrowed. Then it will be possible not to match the door to the opening, but to “adjust” the opening to the dimensions of the door frame.

In this case, doors must be selected in such a way that their dimensions are as close as possible to the dimensions of a suitable opening. For example, if the opening width is 80 cm, and size range doors - from 86 to 100 cm, then the doors should be chosen with a minimum width of 86 cm, and if possible, widen the opening. But it is worth noting that this possibility is not always available. And each case must be considered individually. However, there are general recommendations.

Installing doors in a narrow opening

If the opening allows, you can modify it. At the same time, it is worth considering that building regulations the supporting beam above the opening must rest on the wall by at least 15 cm. The opening can be modified if this value is greater, so that as a result it is 15 cm or more.

To expand the opening you will need a special construction tool: a hammer drill, an angle grinder, a diamond disc, etc.

Installing an entrance door in a wide opening

According to the rules, the platband must cover the gap between the door frame and the wall. If the gap is wider, it needs to be modified - narrowed to the desired size. You can lay it with bricks or install metal supports - a special square pipe.

If the opening is too low

As a rule, it is impossible to increase the height of the opening, because in this case the load-bearing elements of the building would have to be demolished. If the wall is made of brick or foam block, a load-bearing lintel or a metal corner is placed above the opening, which is laid with brick. If some of this brick is removed, the top of the opening may collapse.

If the opening is made of concrete slab, there is a metal fitting inside it, which is also load-bearing element. By cutting it, we violate the structure of the wall. This requires special permission.

If the opening is too high

Its upper part can be covered with bricks - in the same way as the width of the opening is completed.

What should be the opening for Torex doors?

Torex factory specialists recommend installing entrance doors taking into account the minimum gap of 1 cm and the maximum of 5 cm. To correctly determine the parameters of the opening and the possibility of expanding/narrowing it, it is better to contact a specialist. Moreover, when purchasing Torex doors, calling a measurer is free.

If in your case it is impossible to modify the opening, you can order Torex entrance doors of a non-standard size. You can find out more about this

Most houses have dimensions doorways They are made standard and choosing a door for them will not be difficult. But there are also some deviations that do not correspond to the basic GOST values. This option may be due to an extraordinary design solution, for example, this sliding doors. Therefore, their selection and purchase should not be left for later - if you do this before starting all the work, you can protect the walls from unnecessary influences.

Standard parameters

To ensure that doorways do not create inconvenience when moving and the use of doors is as comfortable as possible, at the design stage of a building, builders use the indicators established by GOST for calculations. They are developed based on the average size of the human body.

The height of the doorway and its width must not only meet the parameters, but also meet the requirements regarding the thickness of the walls, especially if sliding doors are installed in the pencil case.

Dimensions interior openings slightly different from the input ones.

The following categories are distinguished according to GOST for doorways of regular size:

  • Width. Regarding this indicator, the parameters are divided. So, the entrance door should have an average width of eighty to one hundred centimeters, and for interior doors the size is 70 – 80 according to GOST.
  • Height. Standard values ​​are approximately two meters. This is quite enough to freely walk through the door without hitting your head on the frame. In addition, this value is the most optimal in relation to the height of the ceilings. This parameter is used for interior and entrance hinged doors.

If sliding doors are installed, their height will be greater than that of standard ones.

Why is it better to use standards?

Today, many factories producing metal entrance doors provide a wide range of products with standard opening dimensions. In addition, for classic models there is a wider choice of decorative elements than for doors that are made to order with individual parameters.

Standard models have an order of magnitude lower cost than custom-made ones, although the equipment and materials used are the same.

To install such a door, no additional costs will be required when closing the resulting gaps. Another important advantage is that even sliding doors can be installed in an order of magnitude shorter period of time.

Measuring the doorway

In order to measure the opening, you need to perform several steps:

  • Measure the height. Measurements should be made using the lowest location. If there is no narrowing anywhere, then any place will do. If there are doors, the height of the door leaf itself is taken for calculation. You can also take the distance from the floor to the center of the upper casing.
  • Determine the width of the opening. This indicator has highest value compared to the others. Measurement is taken at the widest part. The distance from wall to wall is taken. If there are no narrowings, then which area to measure will not play a special role. If there is a door, the door leaf itself is measured. If the box is not removed, you can take measurements using it.

  • Measure the depth. To do this, determine the thickness of the wall. It is important to take measurements not only at the top, but also at the bottom and in the middle. If the old box is still in place, its thickness is used. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that if there are deviations, and part of the wall does not coincide in size with the box, that is, it extends beyond its limits, then everything must be taken into account together.

Non-standard options

There is an increasing number of orders for doors with non-standard door opening sizes. This is explained by the fact that in this way property owners emphasize their individuality and unique style in the design of the premises.

Often, large entrances can be found in private houses, where the size of the building allows the use of such large openings. First, measure the width. If it reaches up to one hundred and fifty centimeters, then sliding or double doors, the halves of which are the same or differ in size. The height can also be increased, where the additional space is covered with a fixed insert.

All about the sizes of openings in the following video:

For interior doors Changes in the size of the opening are also possible, but not deviating too much from the specified GOST parameters. Larger size can be used if, for example, the entrance to the living room is decorated or if not ordinary doors are used, but with retractable mechanism. But for installing a bathroom, on the contrary, the width can be reduced within ten to fifteen centimeters.

Example of calculating door dimensions: height and width

For example, you can use this calculation. The door has dimensions of 2 meters by 80 centimeters, the thickness of the frame is 2.5 cm. For such a door, the size of the opening is calculated based on the fact that the width of the frame is added to the width of the door leaf on both sides. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the presence of the necessary installation gaps, which are also added on both sides by about one and a half centimeters.

Therefore, the calculation of the opening dimensions will be as follows:

80 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 88 (cm).

This width is considered the most ideal among most manufacturers. Installing the door will be easy and will not take much time. The height of the opening is calculated in a similar way, taking into account only the threshold, if any.

These are doors that are usually made individually to order. Such doors cost much more, and the wait for them takes longer. What are the types non-standard doors and in what cases such doors are installed, we will analyze in this material.

Any non-standard door is made to order, but not every custom door is non-standard. Standard doors- these are doors whose leaves have generally accepted sizes. In the door industry, door leaves with a width of 600, 700, 800 and 900 mm are considered standards. Some manufacturers have standard widths of 400 and 550 mm. The standard height of door leaves for all door manufacturers is 2,000 mm, and for some it is even 1,900 mm.

All door panels that do not meet these dimensions will be non-standard.

What are the sizes of custom doors?

Each manufacturer of interior doors has its own restrictions on the production of non-standard doors. Some make non-standard ones with 1 mm increments, others with only 50 or 100 mm increments. Some door manufacturers don't make custom doors at all.

The maximum height of interior doors can be 2,300 mm, and for some manufacturers it is 2600 mm or even 2700 mm. Minimum 1,800 mm. At the same time, a lot depends on the door model. Especially models with patterned glass are limited in possible non-standard options.

In our online door store, each door has information on the possible order sizes of non-standard doors in its card. In addition, on the website, by choosing a non-standard size of door leaf and components, you can immediately see the cost of such doors and their production time. The price of non-standard doors in size is always 30-50% higher.

What types of non-standard doors are there?

Door shapes can be arched or radius (curved). There are two types. In the first case, the doorway has the shape of an arch, and the door leaf on top is rounded to fit this arch.

In the second option arched doors Only the door leaf has a rounding in the form of an arch. in fact, this is such an interior door, top part the canvas of which is fixed in the opening to form an arch.

If you do not want to overpay 20-50 percent for non-standard interior doors, then you need to decide on the doorway in advance.

You need to start from the doors you like, the variety of which can satisfy even the most fastidious taste. Basically, doors are produced in standard sizes: 2 meters high and 60, 70, and 80 cm wide.

Helpful information:

Less common is a standard with a width of 40, 55 and 90 cm and a height of 1.9 meters. The thickness of the door frames can vary in the range of 1.5-4 cm.

Table of standard opening sizes

Depending on the room, it may be used standard size doors.

This is how they usually put it:

  • in the bathroom and toilet, the height of the opening is usually from 1.9 to 2 meters, width 55-60 cm, depth 5-7 cm.
  • in the kitchen height 2 meters, width 70 cm, depth 7 cm.
  • in the bedroom or living room, the height of the doorway will be 2 meters, width 80 cm and depth from 7 cm to 20 cm.
  • if the bedroom door has double doors, then only the width will change: it will be either 2*60 cm or 40+80 cm.

After plastering and leveling the walls, the depth of the doorway will increase accordingly.

These dimensions of doorways are very difficult to overestimate. After all, if you did not take them into account in your calculations, you may encounter a problem when your door frame does not fit into the opening. And not every opening can be enlarged; sometimes this is impossible due to the specific layout or design of the wall. If this bearing wall, then you will also face a number of difficulties.

Even a simple wall from plasterboard it is not easy to reduce due to transfer metal profiles. IN in this case you will have to overpay for non-standard sizes of interior doors.

There is also the opposite situation, when the doorway is much more doors. Here you will also overpay specialists when installing the door, for narrowing the opening.

An unpleasant situation may arise when, as a result of reduction, the platband cannot close the hole in doorway. In this case, you will need to seal up the uncovered sections of the wall, glue wallpaper or lay tiles. It’s good if the room hasn’t been glued up yet, but if it has been, then everything will have to be re-glued.

Therefore, even at the project stage, you need to decide on the size of the doorways, then you won’t have to overpay for non-standard doors or redo the opening.

What you need to know to calculate a doorway:

  • height and width of the proposed door
  • door frame thickness
  • box width
  • width of platbands
  • the box will be with or without a threshold.

Suppose you need a door measuring 2 by 0.8 meters and 2.5 cm thick. To calculate the dimensions of the doorway, you need to add the dimensions of the frame to the dimensions of the door, plus an installation gap of 1 to 2 cm on each side.

Figure y shows a diagram of a doorway with a door and dimensions. Using these data, we can easily obtain the opening width of 800+30+30+10+10+4+2=886 mm or 88.6 cm.

You can find out the width of the frame on the website of the manufacturer of the doors you like.

  • with a threshold of 2000+30+30+10+5+3=2078 mm. or 2 meters and 7.8 cm..
  • without threshold 2000+30+10+5+3=2048 mm. or 2 meters and 4.8 cm..

Please note that the most common thickness is 7.5 cm and therefore many manufacturers adhere to this particular size.

If the wall is thicker or thinner than the box, then you will need to install an extension or cut the box lengthwise, respectively. Without these operations you will not be able to and everything will look much worse.

This article will be entirely devoted to residents of the private sector, or rather to solving the problem of installing standard interior doors in their non-standard openings. Moreover, we will not destroy anything, we will not even take out the old box (loot), which will significantly save us replacement costs door block and speed up the process itself.
Of course it could be dismantled old block and widen the opening, but I would advise not to do this unless you know exactly how your house was originally built.
I know from my own experience that most private sector houses were built using economic methods without compliance and it is difficult to predict the consequences - will the opening collapse or simply deform after dismantling the old door block and further destruction, or not. Question: “Why tempt fate?” When you can take the path of least resistance.

To work we need this:

  • Grinder with cutting wheel for metal and wood.
  • Drill.
  • Belt sander.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Set of chisels.
  • Wood saw.
  • Gun for polyurethane foam.
  • Clamps.
  • Electric miter saw.
  • Level.
  • Fraser.
  • Screwdriver.

Let's get to work.
We measure the opening where we will install the doors.
In my case, the height dimension from the floor to the top horizontal lintel of the old box (lutka) is 1810 mm.
The width from the left pillar to the right pillar is 900 mm.
This means that we need a door leaf measuring 1740×800 mm, taking into account the thickness of the bar new box from MDF and gaps for polyurethane foam.
Therefore, we will reduce the door only in height, but the width remains unchanged, because it's standard.
How to remodel doors right size I talked in one of the first articles on my site about and in an article about
As you understand, there are several ways to reduce, so use the one that suits you best.
Let’s assume that you don’t have a grinder or a router on your farm – that’s okay. You can do without this tool.
I suggest you another way to shorten.
By the way, the simplest one.
For this we need a very ordinary wood hacksaw.
note The hacksaw teeth should be fine.
The principle of operation is this.
First, along a pre-drawn line, we cut one side of the door leaf.

The saw should not go out, what is called “flying out”!

Then we turn it over and finally cut off the part of the door we need.

I think this method is suitable for anyone who can hold a hacksaw in their hands.
Of course, the main disadvantage of this method is that only hollow door panels can be cut this way.
Although hollow doors are now in demand over solid doors.
So, after pruning, the resulting voids must be sealed wooden slats using PVA glue or wood glue.
More little advice.

Cleaned edge door covering from fiberboard it is better to sketch with a black marker for a better appearance.
The door is ready.
Assembling the box (loots).
We measure the required size and mode.
I cut horizontal (transverse) ones, each 850 mm long. If the door is 600→650 mm wide; 700→750 mm; and 900→950 mm.
I cut the vertical posts 5 mm larger than the height of the door leaf - this will be 1745 mm.
note To ensure that each pair of blanks for the future box is absolutely identical, I always use a stop when cutting.

Even a wall can serve as a support.
Also cut decorative overlays, only in different sizes.

I cut horizontal (transverse) ones, each 805 mm long.
For vertical risers, I cut 18 mm less than the height of the risers themselves (1745 mm minus 18 mm - this will be 1727 mm).

I'm fastening door frame using 4x50 mm screws.
Mortise of lock and hinges.
To mortise the lock, I use a drill with a drill bit and a router with such a cutter.
By the way, I recommend this simple and at the same time very easy-to-use cutter to everyone!

To insert hinges, like all craftsmen, I use a regular cylindrical cutter.
Installation of a new, converted door block into an old frame (lutku).
To install, you must do the following.
✓Remove old doors.
✓Cut off old ones with a grinder door hinges, hooks, hooks and everything that may subsequently interfere with installation.

If you feel sorry for the old awnings, you can try to unscrew the screws and remove them.
I'll be honest, it's not always easy to do this.
✓Cut out the protruding part of the door threshold.

✓To do this, using a grinder and a cutting wheel on wood, we make thick cuts. Can be done with a hand-held electric circular saw.
If you don't have both, then use an axe.
✓Then we remove the unnecessary things with a chisel and thereby compare the threshold with the floor level.

✓We install the new box level and fasten it using wedges and screws (4x60 mm) to the old box.
note that I cut the wedges from scraps of a new MDF box.
✓We additionally strengthen it with polyurethane foam.
Installation of additional (expansion) strips.
Since in my version the depth of the old box is 150 mm plus uneven wall, I do not cover the new standard one (100 mm) and therefore the remaining 50-65 mm, depending on the curvature of the wall, I need to cover with the help of an additional strip.
In order to install extras, I do the following operations.
✓I measure the missing millimeters of width around the perimeter.

✓First I cut to length with a miter saw.

Horizontal strips - 850 mm.
Vertical - 1770 mm.
✓I cut the required width along the line with a jigsaw.

✓I install the top and bottom first, and then the sides.
To ensure a tight connection to the box (loot), I prop it up with wedges.
✓I secure everything around the perimeter with polyurethane foam.
Platband installation.
Everything is simple here.
✓I cut at an angle of 45° using miter saw. You can use a wood saw and a miter box.
✓I nail the trim with decorative nails with small heads to the box.
note , that this can only be done after the polyurethane foam has completely dried!
✓Then I paint over the hats with a black marker so that they don’t shine.
That's all, let's admire the work done.