All styles in landscape design. Variety of garden styles

Outdoor design styles have evolved from attempts to imitate the best natural landscapes to decorate home gardens. Landscape design- this is not only the ability to transform the area around the house, it is the art of creating beauty and finding unity with nature. Before arranging the site, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with traditional and modern styles landscape design and their features.

Regular style

Classic or regular style creates a feeling of solidity, order and solemnity. This style implies clear lines and strict symmetry in the layout. The main elements of the concept are considered to be the presence of open space, ponds and fountains of predominantly rectangular shape, smooth parallel or perpendicular paths, and shaped trimmed evergreen bushes.

The bush looks great in the center of the flower bed, especially if it is trimmed into a ball, cone or other unusual shape. Caring for a garden in a classic style is comprehensive. Constant trimming of shrubs and mowing the lawn is required to keep the garden looking beautiful. Classic style creates the feeling that nature has completely submitted to man, and the location of every pebble and flower is carefully thought out.

High-tech style

This is the youngest of the landscape styles; it represents a set of design solutions that provide comfort and a minimum of garden maintenance. Modern garden style involves the use of materials such as concrete, metal, plastic, polycarbonate.

It is characterized by bright functional lighting, expressive lines, contrasting colors, regular geometric shapes.

Asymmetry is allowed if it merges into a single picture. For lighting, façade illumination and lamps are used. solar powered. For landscaping, it is better to give preference to trees with an original crown shape and plants with rich colors.

For landscaping in a modern style, use weeping birch, ornamental apple tree, blue spruce, barberry, rhododendron. Abstract sculptures are suitable as decorative elements. Within the framework of a modern style, ponds with a concrete or metal frame of an original shape are preferable.

English style

The traditional English or landscape garden style has its roots in British culture. A site arranged in this manner is full of alluring charm.

The main task English style- imitation of natural landscape. The style is characterized by asymmetry; the main features of this style are vertical gardening, a neat lawn, the absence of strict geometry, winding paths, benches made of natural materials, tall and shady trees.

Desirable small pond with aquatic plants and weeping willow. The style does not imply straight lines and outlines, figuratively trimmed trees and symmetrical paths. Its task is to preserve the naturalness of the plantings. Style dictates the selection of plants that grow well without direct sunlight. It's bright primroses, roses different shades, violets, forget-me-nots, rosemary, verbena.

Mediterranean style

The style reflects Mediterranean culture and combines elegant details with elements of nature. This style is inspired by Mediterranean landscapes.

Used for landscaping citrus, grape, succulents, lavender, sage, rosemary. The decoration of the garden is covered with climbing plants.

All details work to enhance the relaxing atmosphere. Like Mediterranean cuisine, the garden style is also a mixture of Southern Italy and the dry regions of Spain. Integral details include gravel paths, terracotta pots, ceramic tiles and a comfortable seating area.

Dutch style

This style is directly correlated with the nature of Holland and its landscape. The Dutch were forced to conquer every piece of land from the sea, so their gardens are very small.

This style is associated with tulips, mills and canals. The essential features of the Dutch style are careful zoning.

Besides, ordinary trees are replaced by dwarf ones, maintained on the territory perfect order, every square meter the area is used to the maximum. Bright color accents, original garden figures and art objects are also used to decorate the garden.

Country style

The garden in a rustic style resembles an idyllic picture. The style is characterized by some negligence and the absence of perfectly adjusted proportions. The overall impression of the site is influenced by the architecture of the house.

The style is vividly reminiscent of a country garden. The simplicity of creating a composition and the ease of caring for a garden in a rustic style will be accessible even to a beginner. Decorating in a rustic style requires simplicity of decorative elements.

Instead of exotic plants better use lilac, bird cherry, elderberry, rowan, various fruit trees, berry bushes, sunflower, peonies, poppies, sweet pea, asters, dahlias. The main path should be wide, and the smaller paths should be winding and narrow.

Garden paths are designed without the use of modern materials, and lumps or cobblestones are used. The decorative elements are a cart that looks like it was accidentally left on the lawn. A Russian well or an old shoe from which flowers grow, a wicker fence.

Minimalist style

A garden in this style is laconic and expressive in its simplicity. This is perhaps one of the most complex styles, mainly because it uses a minimal number of components that can convey so much.

Minimalism does not tolerate pretentious texture of materials; color elements should not be bright and conspicuous, garden paths should be smooth with accentuated contours. When choosing plants, it is better to give preference cypress, thuja, maple, juniper. Flowers in ceramic or concrete containers of strict geometric shapes will fit organically.

Garden furniture should also be decorated in a minimalist style. It could be simple easy aluminum or plastic furniture.

Colonial Landscape Design

Colonial style dates back to the time when Europeans arrived in America and had to re-adapt not only to a new way of life, but also to a different climate. Style combines two different cultures: colonialists and aborigines.

The diversity of local flora and the multinationality of the colonialists led to a striking style, which is characterized by comfort and slight carelessness. Characteristic elements of a colonial garden: clear zoning, stone paving stones, sundials, fountains, symmetrical straight gravel paths between flowerbeds, a low white fence.

The obligatory gardening part of the site in the colonial style is an echo of how the first settlers, in addition to the decorative purpose, also attached practical significance to the garden.

Landscape design in Art Nouveau style

One of the most elegant styles originated in interior design. The Art Nouveau or Art Nouveau style, which dominated at the beginning of the 20th century, had strong influence on culture in general and also on the world of landscape design. Simplicity is the principle of designing a garden in a modern style.

The garden, designed in the Art Nouveau style, is devoid of decorations and adheres to strict symmetry. The pond is usually located in the center of the site. The paths are paved with tiles with geometric patterns or slabs of only two colors are used - black and white.

Accessories are allowed, but not in abundance. A minimum of plants and a limited number of small architectural forms are used. These are simple fences and black trellises on white walls.

Scandinavian style

Scandinavian design is known all over the world and combines functionality with naturalness. The design is flexible and lively, without clear geometric shapes or bright accents. Despite its apparent simplicity, the style is phenomenally beautiful and takes the best from northern landscapes: Norwegian fjords, Finnish forests, Icelandic volcanic highlands.

A characteristic feature of the style is boulders and flat stones of equal size, stacked in the form of steps.

The concept of the Scandinavian style is also implemented by coniferous and dwarf trees, fruit and berry crops, ornamental cereals, paths paved with stones different sizes, grottoes and stone arches, wooden sculptures, rattan garden furniture.

Chinese style

Chinese style is based on the teachings of Feng Shui. When planning a site, the main feature should be the naturalness of the landscape, the balance of shapes and sizes.

Chinese gardens are a spiritual sanctuary, a place where there is a keen sense of connection with nature, as well as a world in miniature. The most important principle of the style is the harmonious combination of garden landscapes and architecture. The lines of the buildings follow the natural lines of the surrounding landscape. The accents of the Chinese style are stones and water, while plants play a secondary role.

To the traditional elements of the garden in chinese style can be attributed interior walls for zoning the site, pavilions and gazebos, ponds with fish, stylized bridges, winding paths made of cobblestones or multi-colored pebbles.

Tuscan style

The roots of this landscape design come from the Tuscany region, located in southern Italy. This style recreates the atmosphere of the Old World.

The style combines rustic style with the elegance of the Italian Renaissance. The use of brick, forged elements, stone, authentic Tuscan plants, including cypress, citrus, olives, grapes, rosemary, lavender. Natural yet refined materials create a relaxing atmosphere with a special charm. Vivid details exterior - terracotta pots, decorative pond with amphorae, elements of the ancient era.

Japanese landscape design

The Japanese garden is characterized by restrained purity of style, compositional precision and asceticism. No details of the landscape should distract from the contemplation of natural harmony or immersion in one’s own thoughts. The manner is based on Buddhist and Taoist philosophy.

Japanese style strives to create miniature copies of nature itself. This practice is an art form in the Land of the Rising Sun. Elements of a Japanese garden imitate or symbolize natural elements. The delicate combination of stones, calm or running water, and plants creates a special world.

The stylistic features of the Japanese-style garden design are the asymmetrical layout of the site, paths paved with stones, a natural pond, sand decorated with wave-like patterns and symbolic compositions made of natural stone.

Used for landscaping plums, maples, pines, cherries, bamboo, pines, willows, peonies, chrysanthemums, bonsai. The view created in a Japanese garden is far from real nature, but is based on it. Japanese gardens are not meant for walking, but for contemplation. When creating a Japanese-style garden, a sense of proportion and taste is important.

Moorish style

The garden in this style is closed from prying eyes. This is the rightful heir to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Hidden behind high walls, this exotic oasis is filled with oriental luxury, bright colors, sweet aromas, lush greenery and fountain water sparkling in the sun.

The Moorish garden amazes with its pristine beauty; it seems to invite you to enjoy life and continuous pleasures. The geometric regularity of the landscape is combined with a large amount of vegetation. The paths are lined with ceramic tiles, the exterior decoration is fruit trees and roses with a thick, exciting aroma.

The center of the garden is a pond or fountain. The presence of a patio is a charming feature of the Moorish garden. Other important elements of this concept include wrought iron elements, wall fountains made of mosaic tiles, benches and tables covered with mosaic tiles.

Provence style

The Provence style garden is simple and cozy. Conceptual features of this stylistic direction reminiscent of the old days. Aged wood is used for garden furniture.

To decorate the site, wicker arches, paved paths with overgrown plants, stone wells, terracotta pots with planted plants are used. lavender, forged benches, arbors, entwined roses or grapes, an open terrace filled with flower pots.

For landscaping, drought-resistant shrubs and herbs, peach trees, cypresses and olives are used.

Eco style

This style implies complete unity with nature. The basis of the concept is the choice of plants that do not need frequent watering. It is preferable to choose local flora for landscaping the site.

Decorating a garden in an eco-style is preferred by people who care about the environment and treat nature with care for the sake of future generations. Even if there is no goal to arrange a garden with less natural resources, an eco-garden will help save money and minimize maintenance local area. The landscape is being transformed in such a way as not to disturb the miniature ecosystem and to preserve large trees.

The landscape design examples above are just some of the most popular styles. In the process of choosing from the whole variety artistic techniques To design an open area, you should take into account the features of the area, the architectural style of the house, and the size of the plot. But the main thing is not to forget that a garden is a reflection of the soul of its owner. Then the site will become a source of pride, and caring for it will bring pleasure.

Thoughtful layout of the territory, green spaces and their combination, small architectural objects - these are the elements on the basis of which landscape design styles are formed. They ensure harmonious compatibility of the strict forms of structures and buildings with the natural diversity of the flora. Following any of them in arranging a personal plot gives it modern look, demonstrates the refined taste of the owner.

An example of landscape design made in oriental style

The landscape design style itself is a set of characteristics, elements, techniques that determine the direction of development of design activities in gardens and other areas. Its varieties originated in different countries on the basis of national everyday and cultural traditions, forming features that today distinguish them primarily according to country characteristics. Only modernity has no national identity.

These are primarily such design genres as Japanese and Chinese. Landscape design also includes English, although it differs significantly from the first two. These three areas are united by the most important element - the natural beauty of nature. The landscape should be dominated by irregular natural forms, rather than strict straight lines of artificial man-made compositions.

Landscape style of landscape design

But chaos and abandonment of parts and objects are not allowed.


It was formed over several centuries, so its main feature is a certain sense of mystery. Some gardens are characterized by the presence of ancient or skillfully created stylized ruins, caves in which statues of saints are installed. Landscape design is unthinkable without natural water features. Artificial ones are allowed, but designed as if they were a gift from nature. The reservoirs are framed by sandy banks, semi-aquatic plants, and tall trees.

The main paths are laid out with natural stone or a material imitating it. Low shrubs are planted along them.

The English style is implemented in landscape design in large spaces. This is, in fact, a classic design method: an abundance of trees, shrubs, and herbs. Dense thickets play a major role.

An example of the English style in landscape design

They almost completely hide the building, especially if. Another feature of this flow is the complete lack of symmetry. Winding paths alternate with tiers of plants, bushes with lawns, flat areas with small hills. But the grass is still cut, violating the landscape genre.


By embodying this classic East Asian design, you can touch the understanding national character Japanese For a European, this is an original, but at the same time very complex creative genre of design, the main idea of ​​which is the unity of nature and man. Without understanding this, its implementation is impossible. Its main elements are stones and water.

Japanese style of landscape design

And the predominant vegetation is:

  • Irises;
  • Ferns;
  • Hydrangea;
  • Heather.

Japanese style in landscape design does not tolerate brightness and splendor. It is characterized by exceptional simplicity and limited lines. In this it is similar to the Chinese design genre. In a country with a limited territory, picturesque corners have long been created in small pieces of gardens, where people came not for relaxation and entertainment, but in order to, in solitude, comprehend the truth of existence.

It is difficult to create such an atmosphere in a large area, so it is better to allocate a small area of ​​the estate for this. Elements of the Art Nouveau movement are completely rejected.


This style reflects the influence of ancient culture and the philosophical teachings of Feng Shui, based on the principles of universal harmony. The classic postulate of this theory: you can activate a particular space by placing an object there. In this regard, a significant role in the design is given not only to the objects themselves, but also to their location.

The Chinese landscape is designed to provide a harmonious combination of land, water and air. It is expressed by alternating open expanses of water and dense thickets of vegetation, hills and flat clearings.

This trend in design art is characterized by the presence of a dominant center. Therefore, the natural landscape is complemented by architectural structures around which secondary objects of the gardens are located. Natural and artificial elements are used, and it is quite difficult to find the line between them.

Decorating a classic Chinese garden

They are located, unlike the Japanese genre, in large areas on which you can build stairs and, and place bamboo or wicker around gazebos with curved roofs.

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Heating greenhouses in winter

Landscape design of a summer cottage should be classified as a landscape genre. He absorbed elements of the following styles:

  • forest;
  • Russian garden;
  • country.


Nature itself creates landscapes. The designer can only follow her example and take the most interesting elements when designing the landscape. Often the forest style in landscape design is implemented already finished site forests. Its size is not important here; the main thing is not to spoil the natural beauty with your intrusion. It is not so easy to combine a chalet-style house with dense thickets and large trees, highlight the main details, and make the minor ones less noticeable.

The paths are left with a natural grass look or covered with paving. Suitable materials for this are stone, brick, and log cuts. As small architectural objects, gazebos-houses, canopies, fences made of boards, simple homemade benches from logs or cut stumps.

Fences for flower beds, flowerbeds and beds are also made of wood. Often, on which adults and children swing with pleasure. An indispensable element of this direction is a vegetable garden, the set of vegetation of which is mixed: from vegetables to medicinal herbs.

Russian gardener

The landscape design of a summer cottage is not developed for contemplation, like, for example, Japanese or Chinese, but primarily for practical use and relaxation. Therefore, its layout cannot exist without the following objects:

Russian garden style in the design of a country courtyard
  • a garden with fruit trees and berry bushes;
  • front garden;
  • sown vegetable garden;
  • living area;
  • recreation area.

All of them are designed to create an atmosphere of rustic comfort. Russian style in landscape design includes paths, flower beds, and flower beds. Recently, recreation areas have been supplemented with reservoirs with reed thickets. Unpretentious but bright flowers are popular: nasturtiums, dahlias, peonies and even sunflowers. And in the household corner, rakes, pitchforks, shovels, buckets and watering cans are on display.


It came to us from America during the development of the Wild West. Country style in landscape design assumes the presence of the following elements:

  • gardens with fruit trees;
  • vegetable gardens, .

Its specific feature is the absence of lawns. Flowers grow right on a green lawn with untrimmed grass. Sheds or extensions to the house in the style of a chalet, entwined with climbing vegetation. In the yard there may be tubs with growing trees and shrubs, which are also never trimmed. Furniture placed on the premises is always made of wood.

Elements of its decoration are kept to a minimum. The utility area may contain a mixed set of utensils: wooden buckets, troughs, clay pots. This landscape genre is not without a certain touch of negligence.

Regular styles

They are characterized by regular shapes. They also do not exclude the motives of the Art Nouveau movement, which has elegance of lines and symmetry at every step. A regular creative genre is implemented, as a rule, in large areas, but is not excluded in small local areas.

An example of a modern garden design style

A central element is required, be it a huge building or a chalet around which everything else is placed. It looks good from above, so it is designed so that it can be admired from the balconies of houses and open terraces.

These styles include:

  • French;
  • Dutch;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Mediterranean.


Landscape style is the opposite. This regular genre has absorbed the design elements of the wealth and luxury of the Renaissance, but is completely independent. Its focal point is a modern residential building or wooden chalet. All other landscape objects are subordinate to it.

Pools, fountains, of various man-made shapes are required: round, oval, rectangular. Throughout the large area there are sculptures and structures built only to decorate the landscape.

Landscape design made in French style

The dominance of man over nature is felt everywhere. The trees in the garden area are planted in straight lines, the bushes are trimmed to depict a wide variety of shapes. They undergo periodic haircuts. The French style in landscape design is complemented by a greenhouse.

In the middle zone it is suitable for growing all year round not only flowers, but also citrus fruits. The Versailles regular genre is emphasized leading to the center of the composition, and. Everything is located on a flat plane, and if a difference in height is inevitable, then decorative steps are made.

Strict flower beds, impeccably trimmed trees and shrubs. It is based on stable, time-tested canons of classical art. This style landscape design will look best on areas big size- from 15 acres. Such a garden requires very careful care. . English style (landscape) - free placement of elements and complete lack of symmetry. This style is naturalness itself. It seems to merge with surrounding nature, there are no regular geometric and deliberately created forms in it. Best size plot for this style - from 12 acres.

. French style - clarity and perfect symmetry. A garden in this style is very elegant and cozy. The soul of the garden is harmony. A simple lawn, a few fruit and ornamental trees, a paved area next to the house, low borders along the paths, fountains... This style is suitable for both 6 acres, and for larger areas.

. Country style (rustic) - naturalness and ease. Everything about it reminds me of rural life. Country music is characterized by a certain carelessness, cheerfulness, and a motley mixture of bright colors. The garden should grow many beautiful flowers, characterized by simplicity and unpretentiousness. This garden does not require complex care and can be arranged on a plot of any size, but optimally - from 6 to 12 acres.

. Ecodesign - recreation of the corner wildlife, and the main thing here is naturalness. Minimum intrusion into nature. A pond, “dry” retaining walls, large stones among plants, forest trees, shady corners - all this is about him. If you like to enjoy the view of a forest or meadow, this style landscape design- for you. It is economical and easy to clean. It is suitable for areas of all sizes and shapes.

. Japanese style - the center of peace and tranquility. Its mystery lies in its simplicity. This is a special philosophy. All elements are symbolic and full of hidden meaning. This garden is intended for contemplation and reflection, and therefore every detail in it should play a certain role. In general, a Japanese garden should help you detach yourself from your own thoughts and experience the beauty and infinity of the world. This style landscape design Suitable for plots of absolutely any size, but optimal from 6 to 8 acres.

. East style - colorfulness and cheerfulness. It is rich in bright accents and original details. Unusually cozy and conducive to communication. An abundance of sunlight is one of the requirements in this style. Patio, mosaic elements, fountains, carpet flower beds, domed roof structure and “lancet” windows for gazebos, a lot of ceramics. For oriental style The use of mirrors in garden design is typical. Eastern style in landscape design perfect for plots before 6 acres, with close proximity to neighboring houses.

. Fantasy - mystery style. There must certainly be some kind of secret in this garden, and a very ancient secret. Winding paths and paths leading to nowhere, old brick, moss on the stones, overgrown ponds and streams, dry trees and oddly shaped driftwood... All this gives rise to the image of the distant Middle Ages, Gothic. Best size plot for this style - from 8 to 25 acres.

. Mediterranean style - nostalgia for the sunny south. Turkey, Spain, Italy, Greece... Endless blue skies, refreshing breezes and short warm rains... There are no lawns in this style. Baskets and containers with fragrant plants are mainly used, which are displayed in picturesque groups on the patio or gravel backfill. Ceramics, handmade accessories, geometric patterns, sea shells, etc. are also used. Garden areas are visually separated by numerous wooden pergolas and trellises. This style looks great in small areas - from 6 to 8 acres.

. Exotic style - an image of distant tropical countries. A riot of colors, shapes, as well as fancy accessories (African idols, figurines of tropical animals and birds) and unusual combinations. This style of landscaping uses only natural materials: lots of stone, dark wood, gravel and sand. Plants are arranged in tiers, like in a jungle. Dense plantings, many hedges - not molded. Use a stream or swamp as a reservoir. Best size plot - from 6 to 20 acres.

. Romantic style(free) - the name speaks for itself. There are no strict boundaries in it. Complete freedom of creativity and imagination! The main thing here is harmony and peace, individual presentation and a sense of romance. Old, large trees with spreading foliage, many flowers, and climbing plants can grow in this garden. This style of landscape design combines landscape and regular, geometric shapes; there is both symmetry and asymmetry. The main thing is that such diversity does not violate visual harmony. It is best to arrange this style on the site - from 8 to 25 acres.

. Scandinavian style - conciseness, naturalness, simplicity and good quality. Accents and contrasts are required. Let them be few, but they should be bright. There are few garden accessories used, but they can be large. Some household items from the past are also used to decorate the garden in this style: cart wheels, old equipment, dishes, etc. Weaving is widely used: baskets, hanging panels, garden figurines. The Scandinavian garden promotes have a good rest and mood. Easy to care for. The best plot size for its installation is from 5 to 7 acres.

. High tech - modernity, dynamism, individuality. Here you can make even your wildest fantasies come true. First of all, high-tech manifests itself in a combination the latest materials and plants: from the most ordinary to the very spectacular. Unusual designs and accessories can become the highlight of the garden. There is geometric symmetry or asymmetry here. For this garden, it is important to choose plants with an interesting shape of leaves and crowns, making some eye-catching accents. Such light garden in care. The size of the plot does not matter.

. Modern - elegant and mysterious. The lines are smooth, flowing, bewitching, arched, as if flowing into themselves. It also has elegance and meaning. Landscape design of a garden in the Art Nouveau style - mainly carries decorative function. It requires careful care. Art Nouveau is characterized by plants with a sharp leaf shape, but there should be especially a lot of climbing plants (maiden grapes) on the site. In the modern garden they use only natural materials: natural stone, dark wood, forged metal with complex pattern. The optimal plot size for this style is from 10 acres.

. Baroque - chic, picturesque, sophistication. His soul is a rose. You won't see dark wood, sculptures or stones in it. The main colors of this style are red, yellow, orange, white and pink, as well as gold. Baroque combines elements of classical and romantic styles. This garden is luxury itself. Oversaturation of elements, abundance garden decor It's simply amazing. State lawns with flower borders, hedges, openwork gazebos, flower beds - islands, white forging and gilding - truly a palace outfit. Such a garden requires constant care. Best size plot - from 15 to 20 acres and more.

. Alpine style - beautiful mountain landscape. In such a garden, the house is usually located at the highest point of the slope so that a beautiful panorama opens up from there. Stone is the soul of such a garden. Here it is present everywhere: retaining walls, stone flower beds, streams and waterfalls, paved areas and steps, etc. Zones in an alpine garden should be partially visible and provide a single, interconnected picture, so solid partitions are not used here; basically, the garden is zoned by levels, podiums, and paving boundaries. There may be several in the garden alpine slides, rock gardens and rockeries. Cascade reservoirs are connected by streams. Gardens of rocks, mosses and heathers will definitely take you straight to the mountains... Alpine style trees - conifers (mountain pines, juniper, thuja, spruce, etc.) Alpine style plot size - from 6 to 30 acres.

. Forest style - a work of art created by nature itself. Intrusion here should be minimal. You just need to link the house with nature, place accents here and there, and emphasize a few things. The main thing is not to violate the originality of nature and use everything that is given. Key element- forest landscape and everything connected with it (wild flowers, ponds, streams, etc.) Redevelopment in the garden is minimal. The main material is wood. Everything should be made from natural materials. The size of the plot does not matter.

. Architectural style - this is the correctness of forms, clarity, engineering calculation. Although it intertwines regular, modern and high-tech styles, it has its own “ideological foundation”. An individual approach is the main thing in such a garden. Emphatically geometric lines and shapes reign here: squares, circles, triangles, etc. Characteristic feature architectural style- a theme repeated in several elements. A certain rhythm should be visible in it (square border - square pond - rectangular paving elements). Symmetry is a must in this garden. The range of light colors and their shades predominates. The best plot size for a garden in this style is from 6 to 20 acres.

. Minimalism - conciseness, simplicity and expressiveness. If you are a lover of restraint and modern style, then minimalism is designed specifically for your garden. Geometry here means compositionality, and not the use of only symmetry and regularity. There are a lot of pavings here. Use only one material in the garden. Here you will not find winding paths, many outbuildings, or a lawn decorated with flower borders. The line and shape of each planning element is revealed as much as possible. A small number of details. The motto of minimalism is “more in little.” In this garden, it doesn’t matter “what”, but what matters is “how”. Optimal size plot - from 6 to 12 acres .

Have you ever wondered why, if there is a garden plot various expensive items and rare plants, it still doesn't look good? This happens because the garden does not have a design or, in other words, a landscape style. Most likely, not a single person will immediately answer the question of what style he prefers in the garden. But this is not necessary. When designing landscape design, it is important to understand what a person gravitates towards, to feel the mood, the image of the future garden.

And here it is not at all necessary to be attached to the generally accepted stylization: Japanese garden, English garden, country garden, etc. The main thing is to determine the basic elements for yourself, and then improvise, using all your imagination and imagination. But to choose yours landscape design style, you need to at least know what to choose from. And to do this you need to get acquainted with a wide variety of garden styles.

Classic (regular) garden style

The classic or regular garden style involves a geometrically correct layout with pronounced symmetry and regularity of the landscape composition.

Basic elements of a classical garden

  • straight alleys that are axes of symmetry
  • clear geometric shapes of flower beds, lawns, paving paths, ponds
  • fountains located in the center of the site or in the center of the composition created on the site
  • topiary plants
  • a natural stone
  • presence of open spaces
  • classic form of garden gazebos placed at the intersection of paths
  • ground area

Classic garden color palette

Classic regular style colors: white, beige, sand, blue, light terracotta.

Regular garden accessories

  • antique sculpture, stone balls
  • arches, classic columns, flowerpots
  • wrought iron pergolas and benches
  • classic style borders

English (landscape) garden style

The attractiveness of the English or landscape garden style lies in the soft lines and smooth contours of the garden, as well as the naturalness of nature, which has a relaxing effect on a person exposed to many stresses in modern life.

Basic elements of an English garden

  • winding paths made of natural materials
  • a large number of perennials placed in mixborders
  • the presence of neat green lawns, which are not only an object of aesthetic pleasure, but also a relaxation area
  • pond in landscape style
  • decorates the entrance to the house climbing plant, entwining the facade of the house
  • complete lack of order and strict geometry
  • gate entwined with vines

English garden color palette

English style colors: green in various shades, silver.

English garden accessories

  • benches made from natural materials, located under trees or on retaining walls
  • antiques, handicrafts
  • ceramic tiles embedded in the path
  • containers or flowerpots for flowers

French landscape garden style

French landscape style is considered the most complex style in landscape design of a site. The French garden is a garden for relaxation. It has both romance and sophistication. One of the most famous components of the French style is the Provence stylization.

Basic elements of a French garden

  • small paved area near the house
  • small, strictly shaped lawn
  • fruit or ornamental trees in small quantities
  • natural materials, basic material
  • sandstone or red brick
  • low curbs along paths
  • presence of herbs
  • raised mini garden
  • climbing roses

French garden color palette

French style colors: gray, blue, dark green, purple, yellow, dove, red on a green background.

French garden accessories

  • wooden pergolas
  • forged grilles
  • wicker furniture
  • indoor plants on the veranda
  • rocking chair
  • small barbecue
  • terracotta colored pots

Country landscape style (rustic)

The rustic or country style can be considered the most ancient of all landscape design styles, because human society began to develop from small settlements, modest houses with simple lawns of wildflowers and fruit plants.

Basic elements of country style

  • lush flower beds of wild plants
  • natural lawns
  • small natural style pond
  • paths made of tree bark, gravel or tree cuts
  • hand-made products
  • association of fruit and flower crops in one composition
  • orchard and vegetable garden

Rustic color palette

Country style colors: white, yellow, red, all bright colors.

Country style accessories

  • wooden fence or wattle fence
  • benches and wells
  • pergolas made of timber or logs
  • wooden barrels
  • rustic pots or cast iron pots
  • birdhouses, houses and bird feeders
  • small architectural forms in the form of domestic animals and poultry from natural materials (wood, clay, stone)

Eco-garden style

Currently, eco-style in the garden is very popular. He recreates a corner of wild nature on the site. Such a garden is completely undemanding to care.

Basic elements of eco landscape style

  • the presence of only natural materials in the garden
  • combination of plants and stone
  • a mixture of garden flowers and wild plants
  • natural lawn of wildflowers
  • forest plants
  • intermittent paving, with grass or ground cover planted in between
  • minimal interference with existing flora and natural landscape

Eco-garden color palette

Eco-style colors: natural colors.

Eco-style accessories

  • rough garden furniture
  • fire pit
  • hut or simple canopy
  • stumps, tree cuts, snags, log benches
  • crafts from vines and branches
  • plank or log bridges
  • lamps in the treetops

Japanese and oriental styles

Traditional Japanese gardens are designed for quiet contemplation, providing a spiritual refuge for its inhabitants. When creating an oriental garden, the main attention is paid to nature. The elements of a Japanese garden symbolize natural elements. Geometric shapes and artificial materials are not used in oriental landscape design. The garden should have a natural and harmonious appearance that invites contemplation.

In Russia, the Japanese garden style is not used in its pure form; the motifs, techniques and symbolism of this garden are used here. There is no need to make the entire area in Japanese style; it is better if only some corner of the garden is “Japanese”.

Basic elements of a Japanese garden

  • availability of water in the garden in any convenient form (ponds, bowls of water, stream, etc.)
  • stone and plants
  • asymmetry
  • combined paving, step-by-step paths
  • "dry" stream, rock garden, gravel, large smooth boulders
  • bamboo fences, moss (or bryozoan) under trees
  • hilly tree crowns

Japanese garden color palette

Colors of Japanese and oriental styles: gray, green, brown, white. Smooth transition from color to color. One or two color accents.

Japanese and oriental garden accessories

  • bridges over water
  • "dry" stream
  • flat stone
  • stone lanterns
  • stone benches
  • bamboo products
  • gazebos in the form of a “tea house”
  • ropes, winding driftwood, roots
  • white ceramics

Muslim (Islamic) garden

A Muslim or Islamic garden is like an oasis in the desert. The main purpose of an Islamic garden is to create an atmosphere of deep relaxation. And the tool for creating such an atmosphere is the smell of flowers and fruit trees.

Basic elements of a Muslim garden

  • regular style, privacy, “closedness”
  • the presence of a brick or concrete fence
  • geometry in the garden (square or rectangle, less often – circle)
  • rectangular pond using oriental mosaic
  • porcelain stoneware paving
  • fruit trees, fragrant flowers and herbs
  • places to rest in the shade of trees
  • stone chor-bak

Muslim garden color palette

Muslim style colors: bright colors.

Accessories of a Muslim (Islamic) garden

  • wooden or stone benches with plenty of cushions
  • gazebo in Muslim style
  • design of the entrance to the garden using elements of oriental style (arch with mosaic elements, curtains made of glass pendants, etc.)

Garden in the style of Russian classicism (noble estate)

Russian noble estate

The noble estate is known to us from Russian literature of the 18th century. A garden in the style of Russian classicism assumes a wide scope, and this is only possible on large areas. The style is mixed, including both regular and landscape elements. A distinctive feature of the Russian landscape is the combination of utilitarian and artistic functions.

Basic elements of a Russian garden

  • lawn, alleys, fountains
  • landscape view pond
  • rotunda gazebos or pavilions
  • shady corners
  • classic lanterns
  • sculptures
  • winding paths
  • old, large trees with a spreading crown

Color palette of the Russian noble garden

The colors of the Russian noble garden: light, without bright spots. White, cream, sand, blue, blue, light terracotta, yellow, pink.

Accessories of a Russian garden (noble estate)

  • classical sculpture
  • Forged Products
  • arches, flowerpots, antique garden lights, columns, cast iron benches
  • raised flower beds

Mediterranean garden style

The Mediterranean-style garden is intended primarily for relaxing on the outdoor terrace or by the swimming pool. This is the most “summer” garden. If you create a Mediterranean landscape on your property, then every time you leave your home you will be immersed in a different world. The smell of aromatic herbs, the sound of rushing water and the warm color of terracotta - all this will invite you to sit down and drink a glass of wine. All you will miss at this moment is the view of the sparkling blue ocean.

Essential elements of a Mediterranean garden

  • contrast between shadow and light
  • presence of a patio
  • large area paving
  • citrus plants in terracotta pots
  • white walls
  • swimming pool
  • garden furniture

Mediterranean garden color palette

Mediterranean style colors: beige, sand, terracotta, white, azure blue, blue, yellow, orange, red.

Mediterranean garden accessories

  • terracotta pots
  • white plaster
  • gazebos in the form of pergolas with a canopy or umbrellas
  • mosaic in paving
  • painted wooden benches
  • indoor plants on the terrace
  • shutters on the windows

High-tech landscape style

High-tech style is a garden style for busy people. To create high-tech garden elements, we use modern materials, namely: polycarbonate, composite materials, glass, metal, plastic, etc. The uniqueness of the garden is achieved by creating interesting designs, original forms of plants and the way of arranging decorative elements.

Basic elements of a high-tech garden

  • contrast
  • well processed wood and concrete
  • glass, metal, polycarbonate, modern composite materials
  • colored landscape lighting
  • modern lamps
  • colored and white gravel
  • paving of the correct geometric shape
  • ponds of original shape, framed in metal or concrete

High-tech garden color palette

High-tech style colors: silver, white, cream, sand, light gray, green, blue, purple. For accents: orange, red, yellow, black.

Garden accessories in high-tech style

  • solar-powered lamps, LED lamps and pole lamps
  • abstract sculpture
  • flowers in containers of clear geometric shapes, outdoor vases
  • balls, cubes, columns made of metal, glass, ceramics
  • CDs on tree branches
  • corrugated fencing

Art Nouveau style (art nouveau)

Art Nouveau garden

Art Nouveau style is known for its streamlined shapes. It's aesthetic and sophisticated style. As a rule, in an Art Nouveau garden, more attention is paid to small architectural forms and structure, rather than plants. Art Nouveau style, otherwise known as art nouveau, creates the impression of elegance and high cost. The peculiarity of this style are winding, smooth, arched lines.

Basic elements of a modern garden

  • simplicity and smooth lines
  • repetition of decorative elements (the pattern should be repeated in different design elements: in paths, plantings, ornaments on buildings, etc.)
  • unity of style between home and garden
  • a stream or a fountain, or the absence of a body of water
  • many accents
  • modern materials

Modern garden color palette

Art Nouveau colors: chocolate, black, red-brown, beige, dark gray, silver, pink, blue, purple, white. Contrast will be created by: yellow, red, fuchsia.

Garden accessories in Art Nouveau style

  • large slabs, paving slabs, paving stones, garden parquet, natural and artificial stone are used for paving
  • furniture and flower containers (made of concrete or terracotta) with strict outlines
  • benches, gazebos, lanterns and fences must contain a forged base with a floral ornament characteristic of Art Nouveau
  • figurines of birds, insects in bronze

Minimalist garden

Garden minimalism came to us from the interior. It implies simplicity and concise design. But implement this landscape style It's not so easy in the garden. After all, you need to try very hard to express the idea as much as possible, having a minimum of components at your disposal.

Basic elements of garden minimalism

  • studio plot
  • zone distribution lines are level differences
  • clear and straight lines of paths
  • textured materials
  • stairs of various shapes
  • geometric pond

Color palette of garden minimalism

Colors of the minimalist landscape style: silver, cream, white, beige, light terracotta.

Accessories for minimalist garden style

  • boulders
  • mirrors
  • abstract sculpture
  • lamps
  • light, transparent garden furniture made of plastic or aluminum

Creating the garden of your dreams requires a lot of effort, investment, style searches, and time. The value of landscape design lies in the ability to competently and logically distribute and break up space, and place floral and other plant accents on the site. This requires a special creative approach.

Let's take a closer look at the nuances of site design in this article.


It is human nature to surround yourself with beauty. Today you can create natural harmony and landscape beauty with your own hands. The main thing is to follow the chosen direction. And the choice here is really very large. The modern style design of a garden or personal plot can tell a lot about the owner: his tastes, preferences, knowledge.

Today in country villages you can find both individual trends and a mixture of styles. Eclecticism has its own characteristic features here too - in one corner you can see Alpine design, in the other - avant-garde. The use of different styles allows you to find a solution for a specific site using modern construction, covering and other materials, for example, geotextiles.

Stylistic decisions

In landscape design, all attention is paid to details: the shape of alleys and paths, the selection of plants, the color palette of the entire site, the presence of ponds and hills. The selected styles may differ in popularity, but not in energy.

Any landscape is good if it is made with soul. For example, you can organize a chalet on flat terrain. But let’s focus on the most common styles.


This style is the most natural, classic. There is another popular name for it - English, so it is named for its commitment to classicism and traditions. A characteristic feature of this genre is the strict symmetry inherent in the landscape style. This applies to both the layout of the site and trimmed bushes. The naturalness of wild nature is absent in this aspect - everything is ruled by rationality and regularity in garden care.

You can also come across such a name for the landscape style as cottage style. Wealthy people living in cottages outside the city need a calm, predictable atmosphere, at the same time not without some lush vegetation. Certain types of plants are suitable for this, for example, bright, catchy spirea.

Signs of landscape style in garden landscape design:

  • straight paths, paths and alleys;
  • strict outlines of flower beds;
  • classic look of trees and ponds;
  • the presence of fountains (especially in the middle of the composition);
  • the presence of gazebos at the intersection of paths.

Landscape design is best for large plots (at least 15 acres). Color palette The landscape can be anything, the transition of shades should be soft.

To make the design more natural natural materials are often used (stone, wood).

In landscape style, it is preferable to use topiary plants - linden, thuja, pyramidal poplar, and maple are suitable for the main vegetation. Grapes, jasmine, lilac, and juniper will be worthy decorations of the garden.

It is better to install a gazebo in a round shape with an imitation of an ancient Greek portico, or you can use pergolas. The garden will be decorated with cast or forged benches and ledges. To complete the composition, sculptural figures, columns, flowerpots on legs and arches are suitable.

In the landscape style and in any of its varieties, there is romance and a desire for harmonious combinations, correct geometry (combinations of both strict and more loyal shapes and sizes), much depends on general style site design.


Strictness and symmetry are also present in the regular style of landscape design. This is more French chic with popular centerpiece compositions.

All attention is given to the key object in the landscape. The central figure is a sculpture, a tree, a fountain, a bush, and even a house. All objects are arranged symmetrically in relation to each other. Although it is worth emphasizing that experiments are appropriate in a regular style. You can put up a classic gazebo and plant a motley flower bed around it. The pond can be natural or artificial, as well as a gazebo (for example, made of bushes).

The choice of plants for a regular garden is based on fundamentally important factors:

  • strict symmetry and axial compositions;
  • central or key figures;
  • neat lawn and paths;
  • symmetrical arrangement of flowers, shrubs and trees;
  • flower beds planted in a certain order;
  • the presence of gazebos made of plants (bosquets) is welcome;
  • the main flower garden in a regular garden usually consists of a long flowering plants(for example, marigolds or pergolas);
  • It is better to choose bush plants that retain their shape for a long time after cutting (for example, barberry, maple, hawthorn, spirea);
  • symmetrical cultural plantings can be diluted with plant species from the natural environment.


The sophisticated and free Scandinavian style in landscape design attracts with the chaotic distribution of trees, flowers, bushes or sculptural figures on the site, the abundance of vegetation of different varieties and their bold combinations. At the same time, in the design of such a garden there is a clear line of harmonious combination of all elements, right down to the garden furniture.

On many modern areas the gaze catches on the beautiful wicker or wooden furniture. It creates an indescribable feeling of homeliness and comfort.

Some designers advise moving away from stereotypes and giving preference not to finely crafted benches, but to large hewn logs. Even a simple snag under a bush can bring more positive emotions than a chic sculpture.

In the Scandinavian style, the emphasis is on natural beauty and naturalness, natural shades in landscape design. The presence of pebbles, cobblestones and branches “accidentally” found around the bend in the path is welcome.

Unusual shapes of objects are considered appropriate here.(benches, tables, awnings). Next to a high hedge there may be a beautiful canvas of flowers. In general, there should be plenty of greenery in such a garden.

In Scandinavian style, details play an important role. So, some rustic utensils can dilute the overall picture.

The main points that decide a lot in the Scandinavian style of site design:

  • mandatory presence of stones (from ordinary and unprocessed blocks to small pebbles);
  • artificial grottoes against the backdrop of various plants create a natural phenomenon;
  • the presence of decorative elements made of wood or stone;
  • no asphalt paths, only grass or stone;
  • free rectangular areas are also created from stone, and brightly colored plants and even berry bushes are planted around the perimeter;
  • There should be no clear zoning on such a site.

Russian estate

Of great interest in landscape design is the design of a garden in the style of a Russian estate. The main difference between this design is that it skillfully combines beauty and practicality. In such a garden, both bright flower beds and neat vegetable beds look great.

Harmony is the main factor for success in the design of a Russian estate. But it is worth considering that a vegetable garden is inappropriate here for everyday use. It's more like decorative element landscape. In this style mini-gardens are practiced “for the soul and benefit”- this is one of the conditions for decorating a garden in the Russian style.

The natural environment, even some carelessness and randomness of the vegetation on the site are also one of the characteristic features of this style.

The garden requires regular care, but without fanaticism. It is more difficult to create a natural or natural landscape under the guidance of a gardener. In this case, you can do without cutting the bushes, but the lawn must be well-groomed. In a Russian garden you can use both plants typical of Russian latitudes and exotic ones.

Particular attention is paid to the topic of zoning on the site, when it needs to be divided into recreational and functional zones.

Using the example of many areas, you can see the placement of accents from stones, architectural elements, vegetable hedges, and gazebos. If we take examples of what ancient Russian estates looked like, we can recall vast areas with forest, where birch, oak, conifers. Next to the house there were always lilac bushes and fragrant flowers.

The breadth and generosity of the Russian soul is expressed not only in song, but also in space. Moreover, to feel free, you don’t have to have large plots of land. The main thing is the competent use of landscape space.


This is a themed garden that evokes East Asian philosophy. A feature of a Japanese-style garden is maximum unity with nature. At the same time, here you will not find chaotic planting or “randomly” scattered stones and sculptures. Landscape design in Japanese style is possible even on a miniature plot, where several dwarf plants of a variety of conifers are usually located.

Thanks to the sophisticated psychology of Japanese designers, a unique, inimitable landscape is created on the site, which does not accept regular geometric outlines. The Japanese garden is characterized by the creation of several functional zones at once, regardless of the area.

The interzonal space has very smooth transitions thanks to the right choice plants and materials. A garden in a classic Japanese style appears only in calm, delicate colors.


Another type of Asian-style plot is the Chinese garden. It is not always possible to arrange a garden in this style the first time. Although it seems that the ideas of the Chinese garden are simple, they are easy to implement.

The main subtleties of Chinese landscape design are that different styles can easily be combined here. For example, it is easy for the uninitiated to confuse Japanese and Chinese landscape design. In fact, there are a lot of differences here. The Japanese style, like the Chinese, emphasizes the superiority and beauty of nature itself. However for the Chinese it is important to emphasize the man-made nature of the garden.

The elements of water, fire and earth are the main components of the landscape.

When designing a site, wood and metal are necessarily used. The design options for such a garden are extremely varied. So before you change general form plot, it is worth deciding on the directions of design in the Chinese style:

  • a classic version of garden design - with bright colors and smooth transitions, with many decorative elements;
  • creating a philosophical garden - a corner for solitude and reflection, without bright spots of color;
  • home garden - more like a small decorative vegetable garden;
  • calm or aggressive garden in the Chinese style.

The entire landscape is arranged for tall or, conversely, low plants. But a full-fledged Chinese-style garden can only be laid out on a large area.


The sophisticated rustic country style is attractive because it seems very familiar and familiar to many. This rural style in the design of a site has been known for a long time; subsequently, designers managed to find other approaches to designing a garden in an eco-style.

Free flight of imagination against the backdrop of a natural riot of colors, lush flower beds, low hedges with a mysterious gate. Free eco-style in the design of the site implies naturalness and low maintenance.

Landscape design in country style can be arranged even in a summer cottage.

Main features of country style:

  • presence of trees of different sizes;
  • rural simplicity;
  • romance;
  • bench near the house;
  • a low white fence or fence;
  • fragrant berry bushes and small fruit trees;
  • country gazebos;
  • all kinds of paths and paths bordered with flowers.

To create a country-style garden, three main principles are used. Site design should be built on romance, softness, without inclusions of exotic flowers. Preference is given to hydrangea, phlox, peonies, lilac or jasmine. Suitable decorative frames include daisies, cornflowers, field herbs, yarrow and plantain.

Romance is characterized by slight negligence - in such a garden you will not see perfectly smooth paths and an English lawn. It creates the feeling of the presence of a piece of the environment in the garden, without human intervention.

Artificial decorative materials are practically inappropriate here; even elegant plastic figurines will stand out noticeably against the general background of calm and natural harmony. But the presence is welcome clay pots, wooden watering cans, carts with vegetation and even old wheels.

Country style includes accessories that recreate the old country style. For example, a small mill if a stream flows nearby, a gazebo from a rose garden, a wooden trough or bucket.

Country-style humor includes clay figurines of gnomes or wooden sculptures of animals.


The modern style of the garden plot has been embodied in a striking example of Art Nouveau. There is also a mixture of minimalism and hi-tech here. This style reflects the individuality of the home owners, who prefer a bright urban style in design.

A Art Nouveau style garden does not take up much space. Everything you need is already at hand - a lawn with clear lines, a couple of bushes, flowers and herbs in the corner, free planning or zoning, perhaps the presence of a pond or stream. The geometry of the garden here seems more symbolic, natural, and unpretentious.

The presence of forging elements in the garden on a bench and a German-style lantern will perfectly complement the overall appearance of the site. The simplicity of the garden lies in the fact that it is clearly visible from any side.

The Art Nouveau landscape also implies the presence of contrasts. This applies to shapes, lines and colors, horizontal and vertical transitions, the play of light and shadow. When organizing a stylish garden, you need to select plants, preferably exotic species. The more unusual or unusual the colors of large leaves garden plants- all the better . Bushes can be trimmed in the most unusual shape and made spherical, rectangular with transitions. Preference is given to bushy plants, which are easy to give the desired geometric shape.

The well-groomed Art Nouveau style garden contrasts with lush vegetation of asymmetrical shapes.

You can plant rhododendrons, giving them, on the one hand, a fancy look, and on the other hand, leaving them in a slightly original form. From plants unchanged For a long time, virgin grapes, clematis, bindweed, and hops have been companions in the Art Nouveau style..

Original patterns on a green carpet are created by a contrasting combination of floral plants. Bionics, vintage and architectural forms in landscape design in the Art Nouveau style can combine the characteristic features of classical design elements; any theme can be chosen.


The exquisite look and romance of a garden in the Provence style goes back to its original source - French Provence. This style with lavender fields, winding paths, ornate decorative elements on stone walls fills the garden with indescribable charm.

Soft, invigorating style Provence in landscape design represents both Mediterranean and Italian design. Designing a garden in this style is typical mostly for countries with arid, hot climates.