Simple ideas for decorating your garden with your own hands. Unusual DIY garden decorations

Own plot outside the city with a beautiful garden - a great reason to take a break from the bustle and noise of the city. And it doesn’t matter at all how big the estate is and how often you get to spend time here. If you approach the design of your site creatively, it will always bring a lot of positivity, joy and inspiration.

We hope ours creative selection unusual ideas for the garden will charge you with an inspired impulse for ingenuity until the end of summer.

“Flower Bed”

Flowers in the garden are a familiar story. Why not diversify the green area and build such a romantic garden decoration in the form of a flower bed? Such a blooming art object can become a creative inspiration for creating romantic poems and songs.

Game of textures and proportions

This garden excites the imagination with its play of textures. Decayed trees are comfortably immersed in soft grass that does not need cutting (red fescue, from the Latin. Festuca rubra). A clay amphora of impressive size creates the impression that a mythical giant from a fairy tale lives here.

Patterned path

The highlight of your garden can be a path made of pebbles, but not a simple one, but lined with artistic patterns.

And this carpet is just a masterpiece!

Using leaves, concrete and plastic containers you can make blocks for garden path with a floral pattern.

Maze in the garden

Studies have shown that it is enough to go through the maze once, and you will return to normal. heartbeat, blood pressure will decrease and breathing will stabilize. Or you can combine business with pleasure and build a labyrinth in the garden or yard.

Garden decoration with spheres


Shining balls in the garden create a truly fabulous atmosphere. To do this, you can use a lamp on a support, hanging lamp or sphere-shaped, placed directly on the ground. Such decoration will become bright accent in a bushland and will fill the garden with shining magic.

An interesting idea for the garden is hanging lanterns made of paper. They will be an excellent decoration for an open-air celebration. Hang them directly on tree branches, and in the evening, thanks to miniature LEDs, the airy spheres will emit a romantic glow.

The unusual spherical fountain looks like a sculpture in the garden. Flowing water magically envelops rounded shapes, emphasizing their smoothness. And the lower hemisphere serves not only as a bowl for the fountain, but also as a mini-reservoir.

Outdoors bright glass bowl, scattering light, looks incomparable.

Geometry in the garden

Shrubs and trees can be given any shape by cutting them in a certain way. So, you can create floating balls on slender tree trunks or green spheres from bushes on the ground.

If the tree crown is only initial stage forming rounded silhouettes, spherical elements can be added with balls, placing them on the ground. Then they will harmoniously complement each other.

Precisely trimmed bushes and filigree planted trees, together with green lawns of grass carpets, resemble real geometric lines.

Spherical shrubs, placed in groups along sidewalks or along the perimeter of the site, are an excellent replacement for borders. They skillfully perform the function of zoning space.

Spherical flowerpots can become a magnificent garden decoration. They will look doubly impressive with lighting.

Floral composition

The center of the “universe” of your garden can be a luxurious floral composition with spherical motifs. The theme of roundness is skillfully completed by a large ball made of branches.

Artistic creativity on stones

Do you like to draw? Have you thought about trying it on rocks? Let your creativity be the center of attention, because painted stones in the form of colorful houses will become wonderful decoration garden However, you can draw anything - it all depends on your creative ambitions and skills.

Pebble house

Metal jewelry

The fence enclosing the garden can serve as a canvas for drawings, but unusual ones - made of metal.

But such colorful figures will fill the estate with a joyful fairy-tale atmosphere.

An elegant figurine-candlestick is another original idea for decorating a garden.

Openwork pebbles in the garden

There is nothing easier than covering large pebbles with lacy white shreds. Unexpected, simple and incredibly beautiful!

Hanging flower pots

Beautiful compositions from hanging flower pots on the fence they really look elegant and festive. Arrange your garden like this, and let there always be a holiday in it!

Where to sit?

An elegant forged metal swing or a bright butterfly bench will become not only your favorite place to relax, but also a chic decoration for your estate.

A bench made from old tree branches and tires covered with rope is another idea for outdoor garden gatherings.

Unusual options for places to stay can be continued. Bright solutions are presented in the following photos.

Artificial waterfall

You can look at the blazing fire and listen to the babbling stream endlessly. So why not be content natural phenomenon every day? You can arrange a mini-waterfall right at the table near your estate.


The owners of this garden are true music lovers. They built a pool that exactly replicates the shape of a violin with a bow (the photo shows a narrow strip of water in the background - this is the bow). Spending time in such a pool is a real pleasure. And at night, when it is illuminated with colorful lights, you can feel like a real Hollywood movie hero.

Restaurant by the pool

Why build a bar by the pool, if it is quite possible to build a whole restaurant, and set up places for vacationers right under the water.

Emitting light

It’s not difficult to create a glowing garden in the evening. Garlands, glowing flowerpots, LED strip, homemade lamps from an ordinary can, decorative lanterns - everything is in your hands.

Unusual fence

Behind such a bottle fence there simply must be a wine cellar.

Another original idea for your fence is to decorate it with colored glass balls. The effect is impressive, especially under sunlight.

Another bright selection of ideas for your garden can be seen in the following photos.

Despite the gradual decline in interest in growing on their own suburban areas different vegetable crops and the arrangement of dachas instead of vegetable gardens, however, there are people who continue to plant different agricultural crops on their plots.

And if you approach this process creatively and use different ideas for a vegetable garden, you can significantly reduce the work of garden owners.

Creating lazy beds

The creation of such beds allows you to reduce weeding, increase productivity, and such beds will also allow you to increase the time for rest.

To create such beds, you need to make a box or rectangle from boards tightly packed together. Instead of wood, you can use these Construction Materials like slate, sheets of metal and even permanent beds made of brick.

The size of such beds can be almost any, the main thing is that the plants in such beds are not crowded and they should be positioned so that they receive maximum sunlight during the day.

From inside the knocked together frame they attach PVC trims pipes, in the corners of the structure, as well as in several places along the long side of such ridges. The ends of such pipes should protrude slightly beyond the top edge of the boards. Subsequently, these trimmings will serve to insert arches onto which the covering material will be stretched, if necessary.

The boxes are installed on the site in a pre-selected place; it is recommended to lay fine mesh at the bottom of such beds. metal mesh, which in some cases can protect plantings from rodents. Soil is poured inside such beds of boxes and after filling the boxes, plants are planted.

IN summer period Such beds need to be watered almost every day in the morning or evening, especially in the heat. To facilitate this task, you can always install systems drip irrigation, which will allow you to water the plants not very often, but quite abundantly. This type of garden watering is easy to do with your own hands.

To plant plants, such beds are dug up in the spring, seeds or seedlings are planted, and then the soil is covered with mulch to eliminate weeds.

Such beds quickly pay for themselves even when growing cultivated plants Such beds can produce a good harvest.

Landscaping in the vegetable garden

Even when growing vegetables, each bed, as well as trees and shrubs, can become elements of landscape design. For example, when growing any climbing plants, you should use trellises along which the plant rises. And if you trim it and make it beautiful appearance, then such plants will decorate the garden plot.

It is recommended to install any small architectural forms, fill the paths with multi-colored gravel, plant plants not only strictly in straight lines, but also in spirals, in waves. The beds themselves along the perimeter with outside can be decorated with natural or artificial stone.

If you plan to make the walls of the beds from boards, then they should be sanded and covered in several layers with drying oil so that they retain their natural color for as long as possible.

To scare away birds that like to feast on almost any crops in the garden, it is recommended to install one or two scarecrows, which can also be beautifully and originally decorated and periodically moved from place to place to scare away birds and change general view garden plot.

To choose the most optimal arrangement of a vegetable garden that suits all the parameters to the tastes of the owners, it is recommended to look at numerous photos of a vegetable garden made with your own hands. And then choose the most best option garden design.

Creating a beautiful vegetable garden

It takes a lot of effort to create a beautiful vegetable garden, especially if the plot is on uneven terrain or at an angle. It is optimal if the garden is located on level ground.

But do not despair if the site is on a slope or on a hill; in such areas you can place beds in the form of terraces.

And if you systematize the beds, bushes, trees in a certain order, taking into account outbuildings then you can make a beautiful area.

Well, then all that remains is to maintain the entire area in proper condition so that it does not lose its beauty. To do this, it is first recommended to draw up a plan diagram of the site indicating its dimensions and, if possible (if any), the height difference should be indicated on the plan diagram.

This is necessary not only for the proper distribution of ridges and other plantings on the site, but also to ensure that certain crops do not oppress each other.

To create a certain effect, you can grow different plants that are compatible with each other in certain areas, especially for flowers and flowering plants. With their proper distribution, you can get a stylish, well-groomed and beautiful view the entire garden.

Maintaining a vegetable garden without much effort

IN modern world people are forced to work long hours during the week, and they do not always have the opportunity to tend to their garden in a timely manner.

In order for plants to grow and develop successfully, it is necessary to cultivate the beds. To facilitate this process, an automatic or semi-automatic system for watering cultivated plants should be installed.

If greenhouses are installed on the site, then they can also be equipped with similar irrigation systems and installed automatic systems ventilation of greenhouses. All this will greatly facilitate the work of the amateur gardener and grow a good harvest.

It is advisable to make the beds in such a garden universal so that different plants can be planted every year. This will avoid soil depletion, and periodic planting in the same beds different plants will avoid soil depletion.

Design your garden to your liking

Decorating a vegetable garden with your own hands, as a rule, does not cause any particular difficulties, but it all depends on the size of the plot, its area, topography, etc. The issue of garden design needs to be approached not only thoughtfully and carefully, but also creatively.

Before forming ridges and planting cultivated plants, taking into account those already growing (shrubs, fruit trees) it is necessary to display the entire site plan schematically, taking into account all plantings and outbuildings. The plan should show local area, as well as the territory of auxiliary buildings.

The plan should also show a place for relaxation, a place for a barbecue, and you can also provide a place to create a small pool.

When planting all the plants and arranging all the necessary zones, you should be guided by common sense; you should plant the plants so that they do not oppress each other, and you should also take into account the distance between them (they are specific for each crop) so as not to turn the garden into thickets of tropical impenetrable forests.

So, creating this or that garden design with your own hands is not particularly difficult; the main thing when creating a beautiful garden design is to adhere to the opinion of those people who have already used different techniques for creating a similar type of garden and dacha.

DIY vegetable garden photo

I would like the plot located next to my house or dacha to look like a piece of paradise. For a city dweller, this is, after all, more of a place for relaxation, although, if there are beds, this relaxation is very unique)) Nevertheless, decorating a plot - a country house, a garden plot, a personal plot - is a concern for all owners. The range of possibilities is wide. There are even different styles, so they all look different, expressing the individuality of the owner. True, this is the case if you decorated it yourself, on your own. Even if not everything follows the canons of landscape design... But for some reason it is precisely these areas, designed by amateurs, that are more comfortable.

Site layout

The first thing you should do when receiving a plot is to think about what and where you will have it. You decide where the house will stand - at the beginning of the plot, in the middle, closer to its far edge. Then you “arrange” the rest of the planned buildings. If you are planning to build, determine a place for a bathhouse, then place outbuildings - a barn, a chicken coop, vegetable garden beds and greenhouses, decide where the garden will be. Next come resting places - these are canopies and gazebos.

The main buildings are on the plan; now paths are being laid between them. Straight paths are needed only in one case, if the area is long and narrow. In this case, a flat path to its far end will visually make it closer. For all other objects, it is better to make them sinuous, with smooth bends.

Site plan - placing the house and main buildings

Now it's time to think about placing decorations for the area. First of all this. They are built quickly, planted with annuals in the very first season will delight you, while everything else is still under construction and is still far from beautiful. A longer task is the construction of rock gardens and rockeries. Pulling and laying a couple of tons of stones is no joke; besides, they are planted mainly with perennials, and they take their final appearance only after three to four years. And then, only on the condition that you immediately selected all the plantings and planted them correctly, which without experience is an unprecedented success.

Do you want to surprise your friends and neighbors? Paint the flowerpots with luminescent paint. When darkness falls, they will glow, giving your lawn an unusual look.

The second option for turning ordinary things into extraordinary is to use car paint with a chrome effect. Paint several stones or the same pots and get mirror stones...

Mirror balls are balls painted with chrome effect paint.

Another traditional type of jewelry is. Very small ones are built quickly - from a tire, in a couple of hours. Larger ones may take a couple of days to arrange. But there is no point in constructing ponds before the house is built and the paths are laid. Save this decoration for closer to the finish. Also, after the main construction, it’s time to install arches and canopies. And just at the end of the day, they begin to play with lighting, although there are very simple and original ideas. For example, take a tin can, make holes in it, but not just like that, but according to a pattern, creating a pattern. You can put an ordinary low-power lamp inside, and if there is no electricity yet, put a candle and place/hang it near the house.

A completely unsightly jar turns into a wonderfully beautiful lantern...

This decoration of the site can be hung in the garden or on the veranda. It’s not difficult to do, it looks great, although only in the dark))

A little about styles

Our most common Naturgarden style, although many owners are unaware of this. These are those areas that have everything at once - an entrance-front area, a garden-vegetable garden, a recreation area. Moreover, the areas are small and all, or almost all, zones are visible. Natural style allows, based on the existing topography and soil, to create areas with any landscape. Is there a swampy lowland? Equip it slightly by adding a pond or making a swamp, leaving natural plantings and adding decorative ones, beautifying the banks. You can make a dry stream or build a natural one. Is the area flat? Organize the area like a meadow, perhaps an alpine lawn. Put up a gazebo and plant ivy.

For romantic natures, the same style is more suitable. It is characterized by rose-covered, well-groomed lawns and flower beds, which are adjacent to thoughtfully overgrown secluded places.

Cozy places and arches, pergolas, flower beds, climbing roses - signs of a romantic style in the design of the site

Country style easily recognizable by its characteristic “household” decorative elements. Internal fences - or picket fences, flowers - in tubs, cans, carts. And garden furniture deliberately rough, if painted, then with a dark tinting composition, and not with covering paints.

English style amateurs can choose. Any free area is sown with lawn grass. This type of garden can be described in two words: “all in a heap.” In English gardens, everything can really be mixed: a garden/vegetable garden is a single concept, besides, flowerpots are placed everywhere, and all free spaces are occupied by grass. Another feature is the ivy-covered walls, a large number of roses, figurines and funny figures placed in suitable places.

Lush vegetation interspersed with manicured lawns - signs of an English garden

Classic garden are executed strictly according to plan. This is the option when everything is clear, boundaries, shapes, height of bushes and borders. Everything is lined up and straight. Ornate benches are installed in strictly designated areas, next to which decorative flowerpots with flowers, statues and columns are installed.

Clear geometry in everything is a sign of a classic garden

Fences and picket fences

First of all, the area is fenced off. It’s understandable: building materials need to be produced, but how to protect them? It's easier behind the fence. If possible, it is better to immediately install a beautiful, solid, reliable fence. Not all of them cost much. Budget options can also be very attractive. The main thing in this matter is the idea, and they are in the photo. So, a combination of long and short boards can create an interesting fence, more transparent at the top and almost without gaps at the bottom.

If the boards are placed edgewise, the effect is even more interesting. Now, if you don’t see it, you won’t believe it...

With thin fresh boards you can do beautiful fence, which uses the principles of wattle making. The boards are passed between the posts and bent.

A fence made of slabs is cheap and cheerful, but it’s a lot of work...

If funds allow, you can put up something monumental, such as a fence made of stone or brick. It will require a lot of work and money, but it will also last a long time.

My home is my castle…

For internal division of the site, such solid fences are useless. For a vegetable garden, you can install a trellis made of a thin bar, weave.

If you are “lucky” and there is a blank wall facing your garden, you can also decorate it with a kind of fence along which you can let climbing plants. Interesting option presented below. When the ivy grows a little it will be very beautiful. Instead of ivy, you can plant clematis. In winter, the view is worse, of course, but in summer...

How to decorate a garden plot with flowers

This part of garden arrangement brings the fastest results. Annual flowers bloom within a few weeks after planting, perennials also delight, growing more and more every week. Oh, and here we’ll post some interesting ideas that can give impetus to choosing a garden style.

Decorating a site often consists of little things. For example, normal wooden box easily turns into a garden decoration - interesting coloring and non-standard installation - hang on ropes, which are designed as hands. The pole is used as a basis for hanging pots with hanging flowers.

Sculptures are made from ordinary pots. They pick them up different sizes, fasten with wire, add a little paint or plants - everyone has their own fantasies... the result is marvelous figures.

Even leaky rubber gloves are useful. It's good that the colors are bright and the base is thick. They pour soil, plant annuals, tie them to trees or ropes, and nail them to fences. Fun and bright.

Highlights of our garden: ponds

Perhaps the second favorite decoration of the site after flower beds is. The picturesque combination of water and plants is mesmerizing and gives you coolness in the summer. Decorating reservoirs is a creative process and there are also many styles. You can make a flooring around it from boards. And so as not to have to worry about painting and impregnating them, they can be not wooden, but composite - there is one new material, in appearance very reminiscent of wood. The only difference is that it does not rot or change color. This material is called decking. It can be used for flooring open veranda or terraces near the pool. You can see an example of its use around a pond in the photo.

Flooring around the pond - it will be convenient to walk even after rain

You can also pave the space around with stone slabs. This arrangement will take more time, but many people like this option better. To prevent the entire finish from “floating”, you will have to remove part of the soil, fill it with crushed stone, compact it, and add a layer of sand on top. You can now lay slabs on it. The gaps can be filled with a mixture of sand and cement, the excess can be thoroughly swept away, and then either wait for rain or water the blind area - the cement will set, securing the slabs. The coverage will be reliable.

Using the same technology, you can line the edges with boulders collected on the river bank (or purchased at a garden center).

Boulders are a great way to decorate the edge of a pond

If they are made of paving stones, it makes sense to decorate the shore of the reservoir as well. The technology is known, only the material is different.

Paving stones - no need to look for anything, everything is in the store

Decorating a garden or cottage with improvised materials

As you probably understand, you can make a garden decoration from any object or thing. The main thing is the idea, then a little imagination and work, and the decor is ready. For example, you can make a table or a small terrace around a tree, and use this corner for relaxation.

Often stumps remain on the site. It takes a long time to uproot them, in the process they will trample everything around them... They stick out until they become rotten and crumble on their own. And you can make very interesting things from stumps. For example, use it as a flower bed.

And even a stump on a spring day...

Or make it out interesting figurine for garden.

About the prosaic but necessary - toilets

These buildings sometimes appear before fences, because without them it’s a disaster. Builders will develop all the nearby nooks and crannies, and who, I wonder, will like it. So the most necessary, perhaps, building. Why are we talking about toilets in relation to decorating a site? But because this building can be made in such a way that it does not have to be hidden. Showing off is also not an option, but there is no need to disguise it either. For example, a standard birdhouse can be made from logs. You'll get a mini-hut.

Costs little, looks good...

Plant a plant around it, make it pretty, and this corner of the garden will also be attractive. For example, like the photo below.

A few more options on the same topic. The same simple design can be designed in different ways. You choose the style depending on how the dacha or garden plot is decorated.

Well, if you need a stone toilet, then why not decorate it in the style medieval castle. Only crowds of tourists will need to be driven away...

Photo ideas for garden decoration

There are many ways to make your garden or summer cottage bright and beautiful. Several of the ones we liked for their uniqueness were collected into a photo gallery. Maybe some of them will help you decorate your corner.

Unusual gazebo - planted according to the frame lawn grass Swing made of large stones Cozy corner for relaxation - wooden benches, covered with colored dermantine. Even hemp can be useful in the household - they made a bench out of them

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Before you decorate your garden, consider whether these decorations will be “temporary” or whether they will remain on the site for several seasons. It depends on how you can decorate your garden - with products made from non-durable materials or solid structures.

Photos on how to decorate garden plot, and interesting ideas for garden design are offered on this page. You will also receive tips on where to place garden decorations and how to choose the right ones. garden figurines.

The number of garden decorations in the garden is generally not limited by the rules. There are only tips. It is not at all necessary that a lot of decorations and figurines are bad. Sometimes it's beautiful. It all depends on the situation and your taste. If you are unsure about a particular garden decoration, it is best not to purchase it.

Garden decorations, photos of which you see below, create coziness in the area, even if they are very small! First of all, these include garden figurines and sculpture. They produce a strong “local” effect, enlivening this or that corner of the garden, making it cozy and stylish.

The size does not matter for the effect produced, what matters is what kind of figure it is and how correctly, “in place” it is placed.

So, it’s decided - we’ll decorate the garden with our own hands and the photos presented on this page will help you navigate the variety of options offered.

Ideas for decorating a garden with sculptural figures

The basic principle of the idea for decorating a garden with sculptural figures is this: they should be good quality, neatly made.

The best option is ceramics or a special polymer resin.

A special chic is the hand-painted figures. Avoid cheap plastic stamps and overly repetitive themes, and remember that garden decorations should match the style of the garden. However, not everything is clear with stamping: a lot depends on the manufacturer. Sometimes there is literally nothing to take in stores, but in markets you can buy beautiful plastic figurines, but skillfully painted, in which the material is not at all conspicuous. The advantage of garden figurines is that they are mostly small objects; they are easy to rearrange, combine, and store in winter. And also, it’s quite possible to make them yourself. This is a chance to get unique items that you will not find in any other garden.

The figurines have two uses. Firstly, they are used by themselves, and secondly - as constituent elements various thematic corners, landscape miniatures. Either way, figurines and sculpture are creative additions to your space.

In addition to figurines and sculptures, there are some other items that can also be classified as garden decorations.

These are containers for plants, but only original, beautiful, artistic supports for plants, decorations, plugs, bird feeders and garden hanging modules, decorative balls for flower beds and decorative bridges.

How to beautifully decorate a garden and where to place the figures

If you don’t yet know how to beautifully decorate a garden and where to place the figures, remember the basic rule: garden decorations- these are things “for the soul”, mood, so arrange them as your heart dictates.

But remember that it is better to use garden decorations where you will see them often and can admire them.

Ideas for decorating the garden: combining functions

Most figurines and sculptures are individual “works” made from weather-resistant materials, simply decorations. But one of the ideas for decorating a garden is to combine functions.

So, for example, a garden figurine can simultaneously be a container, a fountain, a holder for bushes, and it can have a garden thermometer or lamp built into it.

Interesting ideas for the garden: choosing according to meaning

The choice of garden figurines is large, and everyone can choose to their taste!

One of the interesting ideas for the garden is choosing according to meaning. Firstly, each thematic corner has its own figurine.

So, naturally, you can buy a frog, a turtle, a fish, a heron for the pond, put a fisherman gnome on the bridge, put decorative mushrooms in the “forest” corner, put a figurine of a mole with a shovel at the entrance to the garden, put a decorative wheelbarrow with flowers or a mill etc.

How to decorate a garden plot with a collection of figurines

One idea on how to decorate your garden plot is to collect a collection of figurines. For example, a lot of gnomes can “settle” in a garden, all with different “tools” of labor, depending on the corner where they stand.

In addition, you can also come up with a “scenario” for which you will purchase or make figurines.

For example, if your theme is “fairy tale,” then you need to collect fairy-tale characters.

Garden decor ideas from various materials

There is a lot you can do on your own. Bring your design ideas to life! Moreover, you can easily find everything you need at your dacha.

Garden decor ideas made from various materials are embodied from different materials: cement, large and small stones, metals.

Garden design ideas can be realized from old pots, ropes, old tires and even polyurethane foam.

In the photo of how to decorate a garden, you can see that almost everything is made from unnecessary remnants of various materials.

Interesting design ideas for garden decoration

Main - interesting idea for garden decoration: for example, from an ordinary children's ball you can make a garden figurine in the shape of a berry.

Garden mushrooms can be made like this: the legs are made from sections of pipes, and the caps are cast from cement in an old bowl small size. Decorate the finished mushrooms with a mosaic and paint them.

Another design idea for the garden: after some training, you can sculpt animal figures from polyurethane foam. But first you need to do simple frame made of reinforcement or, for small figures, a frame made of plastic bottles and wires.

Decorating the garden plot with your own hands

Shiny and mosaic balls for flower beds can be made from ordinary balls.

You can decorate your garden with flower containers and mirrors by attaching them with silicone sealant.

Make containers for summer flies from coconut shells.

Brightly colored glass bottles can decorate a rockery or sculpture.

Swan figurines can be made from old tires and painted with façade paints.

How else to decorate a garden plot (photo ideas)

Look at the photo on how to decorate a garden plot: a stylish “bench that people don’t sit on” can become a decoration.

You can make an original stone decoration yourself from polyurethane foam, and then tint it with spray paint.

Lay out a mini painting of colored gravel.

Place several figurines on the steps or on a retaining wall.

A flower garden or landscape composition can be decorated with columns of colored concrete or painted logs.

Retaining walls, flower beds, rock gardens, and streams can be decorated with large sea shells.

How to decorate your garden in an original way

From the lid of a garden barrel you can make a stylish garden tray table with overlay glass, and you can decorate it in any style - from classic to high-tech, and change this decor as desired, laying out various flat objects under the glass: leaves, pictures, CDs. discs, shavings, tapes, fabric.

Pay attention to the photo: we always decorate the garden with our own hands in original ways. For example, a sundial made of decorative stones - fashionable novelty, which will be beyond competition.

A huge container in the form of an ordinary terracotta pot makes an impression thanks to the combination of a familiar shape but an unusual size.

Cart wheels, with all their simplicity, are a successful accent that has many applications.

Made of concrete, lined sea ​​pebbles, you can make small three-dimensional sculptures: an apple, a mushroom, a hedgehog and even a “toy” castle. Such works of art will certainly be garden accents.

New design ideas for garden decoration

“Green” sculptures can be figures made from decoratively trimmed bushes, or they can be formed by vertical gardening: you just need to select the appropriate support, for example, in the form of an umbrella, a house, or a baby elephant.

Another one new idea to decorate the garden - a decorative “hut” decorated with wood carvings. This is a job for a true master. But you can purchase such a product ready-made.

Flower boxes can be covered with wood cuts.

There are garden figurines - stones. These are not real stones, they are made from a special resin. In appearance, some of these stones can resemble sculptures. These stones can be used to decorate any garden composition.

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Every owner of a house with a garden plot or a summer cottage wants to make this place as comfortable as possible. Regardless of the size of the free land, the plot can be designed in several ways, the main thing is to correctly develop the design of the vegetable garden.

Regardless of the size, make beautiful vegetable garden won't be difficult

The design of the garden needs to be developed correctly

Planning garden and country house design

There are several options for planning landscape design, they reflect the main purpose of the land.

  • Rest area. If the owners are not summer residents and growing plants is not part of their plans, then the entire area is a place for rest and relaxation. If the footage allows, you can allocate a few meters for a garage, gazebo, or bathhouse. Fresh air conducive to picnics. Therefore, opposite the main house, or on the side, build a playground, patio, artificial pond.
  • Area for work. Suitable for those who like to grow, care for, collect and preserve plants. Here the main part of the territory is intended for beds, the rest for shrubs, garden trees. If the size of the plot allows, you can create a small recreation area, for example, a bench under a canopy.
  • Combination. The most current garden design option. You can work, then have a good rest. The main footage is allocated for beds. They can be combined. It is possible to plant berry bushes and fruit trees along the perimeter. Leave the rest of the space for a recreation area. This is a canopy, a gazebo, small pond, flower beds.

You can decorate your garden in different ways, it all depends on the preferences of the owners.

Everything on the work site is suitable for growing

In fact, if you take your landscaping seriously, you can create a small, free-standing oasis for relaxing with friends or family. The main thing is to follow a few basic rules.

  • Think about your style in advance.
  • Choose the right landscaping method necessary plants, trees, shrubs.
  • Arrange everything correctly.

The result will not take long to arrive; the garden design will amaze the imagination.

When creating a garden design, you need to think through everything in advance.

A vegetable garden can perform different functions; if it is a place for relaxation, then it is better to plant flowers there

If everything is done correctly, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Basic styles

If the site is designed by the owners themselves, then it is not necessary to comply with all design canons. This makes the atmosphere seem warmer and more homely. But you still need to have an idea of ​​style.


Vegetable garden design, for which adherence to geometric lines and general style. Lawns should be located evenly, flower beds should be symmetrical to each other. An original statue or fountain will look unusual


A more relaxed and natural garden design. When decorating, shrubs and spruce are preferred. You can build an artificial pond or stream


For it, it is better to buy wild flowers, from which you can build multi-level flower beds. You can place stones and pebbles around the perimeter


With good imagination this landscape design will require a minimum amount of investment. This style is characterized by a wicker fence, clay accessories, and standard flower beds. To enhance the style, you can build wooden structures with your own hands

There are many smaller styles for decorating a dacha and garden: oriental, Mediterranean, exotic, French, English. If it was not possible to find a solution in the family that would suit everyone, you can use combined design garden and vegetable garden.

When creating a design on your own, the atmosphere will be more homely

Vegetable garden in rustic style will great place for relax

Techniques for decorating a site with flowers

It is rare when there are no flower beds on a personal plot or dacha. They are the main decoration of the entire perimeter and landscape design as a whole. So that they please the owners all year round, it is necessary to choose the right seasonal plant species.

Flowers come in annuals, biennials and perennials. Depending on the specific species, they can spread out as a carpet or create a hedge. Majority experienced flower growers It is recommended to plant mainly bulbous, perennial plants on your site and dilute them with annuals. The compositions will always be different and unique.

It is advisable to plant flowers in the garden; they will harmoniously complement the overall picture.

You can choose plants that will delight you all year round

Flowerbeds can be arranged in different ways.

  • Rabatka. Strip of flower plants, located around the lawn. For this method For decoration, carpet varieties of flowers are preferable: chistets, echeveria. Due to the high density of the cover, you can make a composition of any complexity and color.
  • Border. Plants are arranged in the form of a border, preference is given to low-growing specimens: aster, Iberis, marigolds.
  • Mixborder. In this case, several types of flowers are used; the flowerbed can be made multi-level, of various shapes.

In addition to various types of flower beds, vertical gardening can be used to decorate the garden design. It will help hide an old, ugly fence, a blank wall, play the role of a living fence, or run along a gazebo.

Climbing plants are used in vertical gardening: hops, grapes, clematis.

With the help of flowers you can hide some of the imperfections of the area

Flowerbeds can be arranged in different ways

Techniques for decorating a site with trees and shrubs

As a rule, at all dachas, personal plots Several trees and shrubs are planted. The design of a garden at the dacha allows this. Trees can be both fruit and ornamental. Between them you can safely place beds with vegetable crops, the main thing is that they have enough sunlight.

The first ones are planted from the north so that they and the adjacent beds have enough sunlight.

A wonderful decorative element are coniferous trees. They make amazing hedge, which gives coolness in summer, pleases the eye with its rich green color in winter. Conifers are unpretentious in care and fit organically into any type of landscape design.

In most cases, thuja, spruce, pine, and juniper are used.

Usually several trees and shrubs are planted on the site

Trees can be fruit and ornamental

Coniferous trees will look very good in garden design

Basic rules for designing a small plot

Areas with small footage can also be beautifully and unusually decorated. In such cases, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rule: “Massive elements have no place here.”

All buildings, except the main one, should not be large. They can be hidden behind hedges or plantings. Even small buildings should be single, it is imperative to alternate the recreation area with decorative elements, gazebo, benches.

Areas with small footage can also be beautifully and unusually decorated

In small areas it is better not to use massive elements

Blind, high fences are prohibited by garden design. On small space they will create the impression of a cage, narrow the space even more, and air circulation will be disrupted. Can be replaced with a mesh fence and a picket fence.

You should not plant trees that can grow “to the skies.” It is better to replace them with low-growing ones.

To visually expand the space, it is necessary to avoid strict lines and angles. Everything should be streamlined and neat. Flower beds with plants should be oval or rounded. It is better to plant trees not one after another, but scattered, in different parts of the site.

To save money, it is better to plant perennial plants diluting them with annuals

You can decorate your area beautifully without much effort.

It is better to plant short trees

Design of beds, entrance and exit from the green zone

Before you start forming beds, the area needs to be cleared and divided into zones. If the place is on a hill where the wind often blows, you can build a low fence. But there is no need to block sunlight from the plants.

To make the beds different from each other, they are delimited by boards laid in different forms. You can play with these figures. For example, plant one type of flower in the center, then another and a third around it. The space between them can be filled decorative stones, green grass, gravel.

The landscape design of the garden looks amazing, where the compositions of vegetables and flowers are correctly selected. For example, calendula + garlic, basil, tomato, lettuce; marigolds + bell pepper, dill; peony + beans, peas; poppy + garlic, carrots; rose + beets, cabbage, lettuce; cloves + onion, cabbage.

Before you start, it’s worth dividing the area into zones

It is best to delimit the beds

How to save on design

You can decorate any area beautifully without putting in much effort and at minimal cost. When developing an original design, the main expense column is the purchase of seedlings, seeds, and decorative elements. A mixed-grass lawn will significantly reduce costs. You can buy inexpensive varieties and mix them with natural, naturally occurring weeds.

A beautiful flower garden is the result of a gardener’s creative imagination. To save money, it is better to plant in perennial plants, diluting them a little with annuals.

Climbing plants can be used. They are perennial, easy to care for and can change the direction of growth every year.

Video: Beautiful garden with your own hands. Landscape design