The school's biggest problem is ensuring the safety of students. Checkpoint equipment

23. Inspection and passage of people, vehicles and cargo are carried out at checkpoints. By purpose they can be:

– checkpoint for passing people;

– checkpoint for entry road transport;

– Checkpoint for the passage of railway transport.

24. The number of checkpoints at a guarded facility of the penal system is determined depending on the length of the perimeter of the facility, its configuration, the intensity of traffic of people and vehicles through the checkpoint.

25. At the checkpoint for the passage of people and vehicles, a building with a height of no more than three floors is being built with a gateway and the premises of the PUTSO sentry operator located at the level of the top floor, or a one-story building without a gateway and the premises of the PUTSO sentry operator.

The choice of a checkpoint building depends on the nature of the security facility, the occupancy and the regime of detention of convicts in the penal institution. The checkpoint building is located so that its back side coincides with the security line (main fence).

The two-story checkpoint building provides for: a passage corridor, a room for accommodating a guard, a room for a PUTSO sentry operator, a gateway, and a room for a checkpoint sentry.

The one-story building contains: a passage corridor; guardhouse.

At the permanent checkpoint production facility A one-story building with a room for a PUTSO watch operator at the level of the ground floor covering is being built at a correctional system located remote from the institution, and a control platform is being equipped.

26. Facilities and structures at the checkpoint include:

– structures in the passage corridor;

– control platform;

– anti-ramming devices;

– inspection pits;

– overpasses for vehicle inspection.

Options for structures and structures at the checkpoint are given in Appendix 5.

27. Control equipment checkpoints for letting people through

1) To ensure access control A passage corridor is equipped at the checkpoint.

2) A cut-off vestibule is installed in the passage corridor, which is formed by the walls of the corridor and two lattice partitions made of vertical round steel rods with a diameter of at least 16 mm and transverse strips with a size of at least 60x5 mm. The clean cell dimensions are no more than 100x200 mm. Doors installed in lattice partitions are made similar in material and parameters to these lattice partitions.

3) Doors passage corridor(except for the doors of the cut-off vestibule) are made of reinforced construction. In the doors for passage to the airlock and entrance to the control platform, observation windows measuring 60x60 mm, locked from the side of the airlock (control platform), located at a height of 1.5 m from the floor, are installed.

4) The window in the passage corridor from the side of the sentry checkpoint is installed along the entire length of the cut-off vestibule and is equipped with a metal grill. To prevent an attack on a checkpoint sentry and to protect him from small arms fire, the window can be equipped with armored glass. Metal grate in this case it is not installed.

The window sill is located at a height of no more than 0.3 m from the floor. A window and (or) a retractable tray is installed in the window in front of the sentry checkpoint for receiving (issuing) documents and weapons from passing persons.

5) To provide the sentry checkpoint with an overview of the “dead zones” of the passage corridor, video surveillance equipment or mirrors are installed opposite the window, at the corners of the cut-off vestibule.

6) To suppress attempts to deliver weapons and other prohibited items to convicts and persons in custody, control and inspection devices are installed in the passage corridor.

7) All external entrance doors the passage corridor is equipped with intercoms with a calling button, viewing eyes with a rotating lid and electromechanical locking devices controlled from the sentry checkpoint room. It is allowed to install video surveillance devices instead of viewing eyes.

8) The doors of the passage corridor are equipped with electromechanical locking devices controlled from the checkpoint sentry room. The locks are controlled by the door locking mode, in which it is impossible to open one door if the second one is open. When an alarm signal is issued, the opening of all doors in the checkpoint passage corridor is blocked. Unlocking is carried out by the head of the guard.

28. Equipment of checkpoints for the passage of road and rail transport

1) At the checkpoint for the passage of vehicles, the following are arranged:

- control platform.

In pre-trial detention centers (prisons) only a gateway can be installed.

2) The gateway is equipped with:

– main (external) and auxiliary (internal) gates;

– anti-ramming devices;

– inspection pit;

– an overpass for vehicle inspection;

- lighting fixtures.

Options for gearbox equipment are shown in Figures 3.1 – 3.4.

3) The main gates are made as sliding single-leaf or double-leaf with electromechanical and manual emergency drive. The gate design is framed, metal, with continuous filling and no through gaps. In the gate at a height of 1.6 m it is allowed to install a closing viewing window measuring 150x150 mm. The gates are equipped with locking and locking (electric locking) devices.

Auxiliary gates are made as sliding or swing gates. The gate design is framed, metal, with continuous filling.

There are no wickets installed at the main and auxiliary gates.

An anti-ram stop is installed in the lock in front of the main gate.

4) On the outside of the main and auxiliary gates, at a distance of at least 3.0 m from them, a transverse line with the inscription “Stop” is drawn on the access platform, and a corresponding traffic sign is installed.

5) To prevent ramming of the lock gates by vehicles, straight sections of external and internal roads with a length of more than 50 m are not constructed before entering the lock. For the same purpose, it is possible to install an inspection pit in the gateway with an offset relative to the gate axis by 0.4 - 0.6 m.

6) Main and auxiliary gates, anti-ram stops and rigid barriers are equipped with automation and mechanization equipment.

Gate drives and anti-ramming devices, as well as electric locking devices, are equipped with remote control and automatic locking. Push-button posts remote control located in the inspection team room and in close proximity to the gate. The drive design provides for the possibility of switching to manual control in the event of a power outage. The gate drive control circuit is designed to ensure sequential opening (closing) of the main and auxiliary gates.

Locking of gates, anti-ramming and electric locking devices is carried out automatically when an alarm signal is given. Unlocking is carried out by the head of the guard.

The inspection team's room provides an overview of the entire gateway area.

7) Lamps for illuminating the gateway are installed on the walls or under the roof no lower than the level of the upper edge of the gate. The luminaires are equipped with mechanical protection.

8) Inspection of vehicles is carried out at a control site located inside the security facility. The dimensions of the control area are selected based on the dimensions of the inspected transport (for railway transport - the simultaneous location of at least three freight railway cars on it). The control platform is made with a hard surface. The fencing of the control area is arranged in accordance with paragraphs. 18 clause 17 of this Manual. A version of the control platform equipment is shown in Figure 3.5.

9) In the fencing of the control area, wickets (gates) are installed for passage (passage) into the restricted area of ​​the facility and into visible corridors, which are equipped with locking (gates - self-locking locking) devices and are blocked burglar alarm.

At the control site for motor transport, an overpass for vehicle inspection, an inspection pit and anti-ram barriers (anti-ram stop and flexible barrier), as well as a post for a service dog used during vehicle inspection are equipped. The anti-ram stop is installed at the exit from the control area in front of the main gate. Instead of an anti-ram stop, a rigid barrier can be installed one meter from the main gate. Flexible barriers are attached to the posts of the main (if the gate is swinging) and auxiliary gates, intended for passage into residential and industrial areas. The main gates, rigid barriers and anti-ram stops are equipped with automation and mechanization equipment. The design of the main gate provides for the possibility of emergency blocking when the inspection team sends an alarm signal in the event of an emergency. emergency at the control site. For inspection of railway transport, an overpass, side inspection pits and portable anti-ramming devices are equipped.

If necessary, a secure leash post for a service dog is set up at the control area near the main gate.

Security lighting fixtures are installed on free-standing supports along the fence line of the control area or on brackets along the top of the fence.

At the control site (in the gateway), sockets with a voltage of no more than 42 V are installed to turn on portable lamps and detection devices used during vehicle inspection; means of operational communication; ringing devices alarm system; places are equipped for storing equipment used during vehicle inspections.

10) Calling devices for alarm systems are installed in the room for the inspection team, on the overpass for vehicle inspection and in the inspection pit, as well as on the rest of the control area (gateway), so that in the event of an emergency a signal can be given from any place anxiety.

11) The control platform (gateway) is equipped with video surveillance equipment.

Access control at the enterprise


To organize access control, the enterprise is equipped with checkpoints. The checkpoint equipment must provide the necessary throughput and the ability to thoroughly check passes and documents of passing persons, inspect all types of transport, transported cargo and meet the following requirements:

- exclude the possibility of unauthorized entry of people and vehicles through the checkpoint into the facility (from the facility);
- help reduce the time for checking documents, inspecting vehicles and material assets;
- help eliminate (minimize) security guard errors when allowing people and vehicles through;
- provide security measures for security guards during vehicle inspections;
All types of checkpoints must be equipped with the necessary types of communication and alarm systems to call the security reserve. It is recommended to have an internal telephone number and a list of telephone numbers for the enterprise administration at the checkpoint.

Checkpoint for the passage of people.
To control persons entering the facility and individual buildings (premises), checkpoints are built. It is recommended to equip each human checkpoint with: a security room, a room for screening citizens, a storage room, a wardrobe, a turnstile with locking devices.
The placement of premises is determined by the projects and depends on the means of mechanization, gearbox automation and the characteristics of the enterprise.
Passages are arranged in the control room, which are equipped with technical security means and physical barriers. The equipment set usually includes:

- means of mechanization, automation, access control systems;
- physical barriers (fences, turnstiles, gates;
- main and backup lighting;
- communication and alarm systems;
- video monitoring systems.
Various turnstiles can be used as access control devices. Turnstiles are designed to control the flow of people and regulate entry (exit). Recently, electromechanical turnstiles have become most widespread. Electromechanical turnstiles, unlike mechanical ones that are cumbersome and inconvenient to operate, are easily controlled from the security guard’s remote control and can operate as part of automated system access control.
When choosing a turnstile, you need to keep in mind that they come in “normally open” and “normally closed” types. “Normally open” turnstiles (for example, sliding ones, which until recently were installed in the Russian metro) are used quite rarely in world practice. They can hit a passerby and do not allow effective control.
To implement reliable control, “normally closed” turnstiles are more often used: rotary “turntable” turnstiles, tripod turnstiles and gates.
Gates are used to control the flow of people - organization - organizing free passage in one direction (to the entrance or exit) and prohibiting passage in the other. Gates are widely used in shops, airports, and train stations. The use of gates for access control is ineffective, this is due to the fact that the gates do not separate the flow of people one by one, since after opening the gate several people can pass through it. Gates can be installed to organize a free exit, while entry control is entrusted to tripods or “turntables”.
Tripod turnstiles with three barrier bars are one of the most optimal means to control authorized passage. The tripods have a modern, elegant look and are easy to install. Tripods allow for effective access control, as they separate the flow of people one at a time, while providing high throughput. Tripods can be used in electronic checkpoint systems, including in conditions of a large flow of people. To prevent the possibility of crawling under the turnstile bars or jumping over them, it is recommended to install special sensors on the turnstile that are triggered when an unauthorized entry is attempted.
Rotary turnstiles are used in cases where it is necessary to completely cover the passage area. They can vary in height - from waist turnstiles to full-height turnstiles, which are structurally similar to revolving doors.

Motor transport checkpoints.
The motor vehicle checkpoint includes an inspection platform and office premises. The inspection area is intended to accommodate vehicles during inspection. Inspection sites can be located both on the territory of the enterprise and outside it, in the area directly adjacent to the main gate of the checkpoint. The inspection platform must meet the following requirements:

- have sufficient area to accommodate inspected vehicles, technical means to ensure normal working conditions for the security guard;
- exclude the possibility of unauthorized entry into the facility (from the facility) of people and vehicles;
- ensure, at the established traffic intensity, at any time of the day and year, inspection of motor vehicles and transported goods;
- be isolated from other structures that are not related to the security of the facility and the checkpoint equipment;
- ensure security measures for security guards when performing their duties.
The dimensions of the inspection area are set depending on the dimensions of the transport and the goods being transported and can be: 10-12 meters in length and 5-6 meters in width.
On the territory allocated for the construction of the inspection platform, the terrain is graded in such a way that rain and melt water do not linger on it. The transverse slope of the inspection area is made at least 2% from the place where the guard is posted in the direction of its sides (perpendicular to the roadway). The surface of the inspection area is covered with concrete or asphalt.
On the roadway of the site there is a designated stopping place for vehicles for inspection, limited by two “STOP” lines painted in white.
Before entering the inspection area, on the outside of the main and auxiliary gates (barriers), no closer than 3 meters from them, a transverse line and the inscription “STOP” are also applied. In order to ensure traffic safety, at least 100 meters from the gate with right side or a sign “Move in one row” is installed above the road, and 50 meters from the sign - a speed limit sign of up to 5 km/h.
Motor transport checkpoints can be equipped with traffic lights, scales for weighing vehicles, an inspection pit or overpass for inspecting cargo, and mechanized devices for automatic opening and closing gates with locks.
Inspection areas along the perimeter are equipped with physical barriers and an alarm line. Sites, as a rule, are fenced off with a visible fence made of metal mesh or decorative grilles up to 2.5 meters high. The site is equipped with main and auxiliary mechanized gates. The main gate is installed on the line of the main fence of the facility, and the auxiliary gates are installed on the opposite side of the inspection area. Instead of gates, mechanized barriers can be used. At automobile checkpoints, gates with and without height restrictions are used. By design, they can be hinged or sliding (retractable). Swing gates must be equipped with latches.
To regulate the movement of vehicles passing through the passages of checkpoint inspection areas, two-section traffic lights with red and green lenses can be used.
The electromechanical equipment of gearboxes for road transport usually includes:
- electric motors, gate drive;
- Limit switches, automatic shutdown of electric motors when the gate leaves are completely closed and open;
- magnetic motor starters;
- electrical equipment of traffic lights;
- cable and power lines.
Group switchboard(control panel) can be installed in the checkpoint room, and in the absence of a checkpoint building in a special metal cabinet directly at the inspection site.

III. Checkpoint equipment

24. Inspection and passage of people, vehicles and cargo are carried out at checkpoints. According to their purpose they can be;

checkpoint for passing people;

Checkpoint for vehicles;

Checkpoint for the passage of railway transport.

The number of checkpoints at a guarded facility of the penal system is determined depending on the length of the perimeter of the facility, its configuration, the intensity of traffic of people and vehicles through the checkpoint.

25. At the checkpoint for the passage of people and vehicles, a building with a height of no more than three floors is being built with a gateway and the premises of the PUTSO sentry operator located at the level of the top floor, or a one-story building without a gateway and the premises of the PUTSO sentry operator.

The choice of a checkpoint building depends on the nature of the security facility, the occupancy and the regime of detention of convicts in the penal institution. The checkpoint building is located so that its back side coincides with the security line (main fence).

The two-story checkpoint building provides for: a passage corridor, a room for accommodating a guard, a room for a PUTSO sentry operator, a gateway, and a room for a checkpoint sentry.

The one-story building contains: a passage corridor; guardhouse.

At the checkpoint of the permanent production facility of the penal system, remote from the institution, a one-story building is being built with the premises of the PUTSO watch operator at the level of the ground floor covering and a control platform is equipped.

26. Facilities and structures at the checkpoint include:

Structures in the passage corridor;

Control platform;

Anti-ramming devices;

Inspection pits;

Overpasses for vehicle inspection.

Options for structures and structures at the checkpoint are given in Appendix 5.

27. Equipment of checkpoints for the passage of people

1) To ensure access control at the checkpoint, a passage corridor is equipped.

2) A cut-off vestibule is installed in the passage corridor, which is formed by the walls of the corridor and two lattice partitions made of vertical round steel rods with a diameter of at least 16 mm and transverse strips with a size of at least 60 x 5 mm. The clean cell dimensions are no more than 100 x 200 mm. Doors installed in lattice partitions are made similar in material and parameters to these lattice partitions.

3) The doors of the passage corridor (except for the doors of the cut-off vestibule) are made of reinforced construction. In the doors for passage to the airlock and entrance to the control platform, observation windows measuring 60 x 60 mm, locked from the side of the airlock (control platform), located at a height of 1.5 m from the floor, are installed.

4) The window in the passage corridor from the side of the sentry checkpoint is installed along the entire length of the cut-off vestibule and is equipped with a metal grill. To prevent an attack on a checkpoint sentry and to protect him from small arms fire, the window can be equipped with armored glass. In this case, a metal grill is not installed.

The window sill is located at a height of no more than 0.3 m from the floor. A window and (or) a retractable tray is installed in the window in front of the sentry checkpoint for receiving (issuing) documents and weapons from passing persons.

5) To provide the sentry checkpoint with an overview of the “dead zones” of the passage corridor, video cameras are installed or mirrors are installed opposite the window, at the corners of the cut-off vestibule.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 17, 2013 N 94)

6) To suppress attempts to deliver weapons and other prohibited items to convicts and persons in custody, control and inspection devices are installed in the passage corridor.

7) All external entrance doors of the passage corridor are equipped with intercoms with a calling button, viewing eyes with a rotating lid and electromechanical locking devices controlled from the sentry checkpoint room. It is allowed to install video cameras instead of viewing eyes.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 17, 2013 N 94)

8) The doors of the passage corridor are equipped with electromechanical locking devices controlled from the checkpoint sentry room. The locks are controlled by the door locking mode, in which it is impossible to open one door if the second one is open. When an alarm signal is issued, the opening of all doors in the checkpoint passage corridor is blocked. Unlocking is carried out by the head of the guard.

28. Equipment of checkpoints for the passage of road and rail transport

1) At the checkpoint for the passage of vehicles, the following are arranged:

Control platform.

In pre-trial detention centers (prisons) only a gateway can be installed.

2) The gateway is equipped with:

Main (external) and auxiliary (internal) gates;

Anti-ramming devices;

Inspection pit;

Overpass for vehicle inspection;

Lighting devices.

Options for gearbox equipment are shown in Figures 3.1 - 3.4.

Figure 3.1 - Option for equipping a checkpoint for passing people and vehicles with a control platform

Figure 3.2 - Option for equipping a checkpoint for passing people and vehicles with a gateway

Figure 3.3 - Gateway equipment option

Figure 3.4 - Option for equipping a checkpoint control platform for the passage of railway transport

3) The main gates are made as sliding single-leaf or double-leaf with electromechanical and manual emergency drive. The gate design is framed, metal, with continuous filling and no through gaps. In the gate at a height of 1.6 m it is allowed to install a closing viewing window measuring 150 x 150 mm. The gates are equipped with locking and locking (electric locking) devices.

Auxiliary gates are made as sliding or swing gates. The gate design is frame, metal, with continuous filling.

There are no wickets installed at the main and auxiliary gates.

An anti-ram stop is installed in the lock in front of the main gate.

4) On the outside of the main and auxiliary gates, at a distance of at least 3.0 m from them, a transverse line with the inscription “Stop” is drawn on the access platform, and a corresponding traffic sign is installed.

5) To prevent ramming of the lock gates by vehicles, straight sections of external and internal roads with a length of more than 50 m are not constructed before entering the lock. For the same purpose, it is possible to install an inspection pit in the gateway with an offset relative to the gate axis by 0.4 - 0.6 m.

6) Main and auxiliary gates, anti-ram stops and rigid barriers are equipped with automation and mechanization equipment.

Gate drives and anti-ramming devices, as well as electric locking devices, are equipped with remote control and automatic locking. Push-button remote control posts are located in the inspection team room and in close proximity to the gate. The drive design provides for the possibility of switching to manual control in the event of a power outage. The gate drive control circuit is designed to ensure sequential opening (closing) of the main and auxiliary gates.

<...>anti-ram and electric locking devices are carried out automatically when an alarm signal is given. Unlocking is carried out by the head of the guard.

The inspection team's room provides an overview of the entire gateway area.

7) Lamps for illuminating the gateway are installed on the walls or under the roof no lower than the level of the upper edge of the gate. The luminaires are equipped with mechanical protection.

8) Inspection of vehicles is carried out at a control site located inside the security facility. The dimensions of the control area are selected based on the dimensions of the inspected transport (for railway transport - the simultaneous location of at least three freight railway cars on it). The control platform is made with a hard surface. The fencing of the control area is arranged in accordance with paragraphs. 18 clause 17 of this Manual. A version of the control platform equipment is shown in Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5 - Control platform equipment option

9) In the fencing of the control area, wickets (gates) are installed for passage (passage) into the restricted area of ​​the facility and into visible corridors, which are equipped with locking (wickets - self-locking locking) devices and are blocked security detectors. The perimeter fence of the control area is equipped with a detection line.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 17, 2013 N 94)

At the control site for motor transport, an overpass for vehicle inspection, an inspection pit and anti-ram barriers (anti-ram stop and flexible barrier), as well as a post for a service dog used during vehicle inspection are equipped. The anti-ram stop is installed at the exit from the control area in front of the main gate. Instead of an anti-ram stop, a rigid barrier can be installed one meter from the main gate. Flexible barriers are attached to the posts of the main (if the gate is swinging) and auxiliary gates, intended for passage into residential and industrial areas. The main gates, rigid barriers and anti-ram stops are equipped with automation and mechanization equipment. The design of the main gates provides for the possibility of emergency blocking when the inspection team sends an alarm signal in the event of an emergency at the control site. For inspection of railway transport, an overpass, side inspection pits and portable anti-ramming devices are equipped.

If necessary, a secure leash post for a service dog is set up at the control area near the main gate.

Security lighting fixtures are installed on free-standing supports along the fence line of the control area or on brackets along the top of the fence.

At the control site (in the gateway), sockets with a voltage of no more than 42 V are installed to turn on portable lamps and detection devices used during vehicle inspection; means of operational communication; STS; places are equipped for storing equipment used during vehicle inspections.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 17, 2013 N 94)

10) STS are installed in the premises for the inspection team, on the overpass for vehicle inspection and in the inspection pit, as well as on the rest of the control area (gateway), so that in the event of an emergency an alarm signal can be given from any place.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 17, 2013 N 94)

11) The control platform (gateway) is equipped with two video cameras located in opposite corners diagonally. The image from the video cameras is displayed on video control devices in the premises of the inspection team, the NK and the deputy head of the penal institution for security.


1.2. PERIMETER FENCES, SEPARATE AREAS OF THE TERRITORY 1.2.1. The fencing is divided into main, additional and warning.

1.2.2. The fence must prevent the accidental passage of people (animals), the entry of vehicles, or make it difficult for violators to enter the protected area without passing the checkpoint.

1.2.3. The fencing should be made in the form of straight sections, with a minimum number of bends and turns, limiting observation and complicating the use of technical security measures.

1.2.4. There should not be any extensions adjacent to the fence, except for buildings that are a continuation of the perimeter. The windows of the first floors of these buildings facing an unguarded area should be equipped with metal bars, and, if necessary, with metal mesh.

1.2.5. The fence should not have holes, breaks or other damage, as well as unlocked doors, gates and gates.

1.2.6. The selection of structures and materials for the main fencing of the facility, ensuring the required reliability of protection of the facility, is made in accordance with. applications No. 1 and No. 2.

1.2.7. Additional fencing should be installed to strengthen the main fencing. The upper additional fence is installed on the main fence if the height of the latter is at least 2.5 m. It can be a canopy made of 3-4 rows of barbed wire, engineering tool protection type "Spiral ARK" or other device. The lower additional fence for protection against undermining must be installed under the main fence with a depth of at least 50 cm into the ground. It must be made in the form of a concrete base or a welded grid made of reinforcing steel rods with a diameter of at least 16 mm, with cells measuring no more than 150x150 mm, welded in the crosshairs.

1.2.8. On the roofs of one-story buildings adjacent to the fence, additional fencing should also be installed.

1.2.9. It is recommended to install a warning fence at objects of the AI ​​subgroup. It can be located both from the outside and/or from inside main fence. The height of the warning fence must be at least 1.5 m. Signs such as “Do not approach! Restricted area” and others must be placed on the warning fence.

1.2.10. The safety fence must be visible and made of picket fence, metal mesh, smooth or barbed wire or other material.

1.2.11. For ease of maintenance of technical security, communication, warning and lighting equipment, and inspection of the area, the warning internal fence should be divided into separate sections. A gate must be provided at each site.

1.2.12. If it is impossible to equip vulnerable areas of the fence with technical security means, it is necessary to place security posts in these places (post “mushrooms”) or carry out other engineering, technical and organizational measures to strengthen security.

1.2.13. If necessary (specified in the technical specifications, inspection report), an exclusion zone is arranged along the main perimeter fence between the main and internal warning fences.

In the rejection zone there are:

    security alarm systems;

    security lighting, security television;

    security posts (guard "fungi");

    means of communication of posts and security squads;

    directional and warning signs.

1.2.14. The rejection area must be carefully planned and cleared. It should not contain any buildings or objects that would impede the use of technical means of protection and the actions of the security service. The exclusion zone can be used to organize security of the facility with the help of service dogs. In this case, the exclusion zone must have a warning mesh or picket fence with a height of at least 2.5 m. The width of the exclusion zone in which perimeter security technical means are located must exceed the width of their detection zone.

1.2.15. To detect traces of unauthorized persons when attempting to penetrate the protected perimeter, a control-trace strip (CTS) should be used, which is a strip of loosened and leveled soil with a width of at least 3.0 m. If there is a limited exclusion zone along the perimeter, the width of the TSP can be reduced to 1 .5 m.

1.2.16. In rocky areas of the terrain, the CSP is created by pouring sand or loosened soil. The installation of a PCB in snowy and sandy areas is not required.

1.2.17. There should be no objects at the checkpoint that facilitate the passage of intruders and make it difficult to detect their traces.

1.2.18. The need for a PCB device should be determined by the design assignment.


1.3.1. Gates are installed at road and railway entrances to the facility. Along the perimeter of the territory of the protected facility, both main and emergency or emergency gates can be installed.

1.3.2. The design of the gate must ensure its rigid fixation in the closed position.

1.3.3. Gates with electric drive and remote control must be equipped with emergency stop and manual opening devices in the event of a malfunction or power failure.

1.3.4. Gates should be equipped with limiters or stoppers to prevent arbitrary opening (movement).

1.3.5. Locking and blocking devices when the gate is closed must provide adequate resistance to destructive influences and remain operational at high humidity in a wide range of ambient temperatures (minus 40 to +50 ° C), direct exposure to water, snow, hail, sand and other factors.

1.3.6. When using locks as locking devices for main gates, garage-type locks or padlocks should be installed.

Rarely opened gates (spare or emergency) on the side of the protected area must be locked with bolts and padlocks.

1.3.7. The gate should be locked with a mortise lock, a rim lock or a deadbolt with a padlock. It is recommended to strengthen the protection of gates in the same way as the methods for strengthening doors and their frames given in Appendix No. 5.

1.3.8. In certain areas of the territory and on the outside of the gates at objects of the AI ​​subgroup, special devices should be installed to limit the speed of vehicles, and at particularly important objects - anti-ram devices or use a sluice gate system.

1.3.9. The selection of gate designs and materials that provide the required reliability of facility protection is made in accordance with Appendices No. 1 and No. 3.



A checkpoint regime is a set of organizational and legal restrictions and rules that establish the procedure for the passage of facility employees, visitors, transport and material assets through checkpoints into individual buildings (premises).

Access control is one of the key points in organizing a security system at an enterprise. From this perspective, the access control regime is a complex of organizational measures (administrative and restrictive), engineering and technical solutions and actions of the security service.

The organization of the checkpoint regime is somewhat complex. The fact is that the mechanism for implementing the access control regime is based on the application of “prohibitions” and “restrictions” in relation to subjects crossing the borders of protected objects in order to ensure the interests of the enterprise. Such a mechanism must be impeccable in terms of compliance with the requirements current legislation.

Here we discuss the main directions for creating an access control regime at an enterprise: methods for determining and assessing initial data; development of activities and regulatory documents; checkpoint equipment.

General provisions

The access control regime (as part of the security system) must comply with current legislation, the charter of the enterprise, as well as other regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.

The main goals of creating a checkpoint regime are:

    protecting the legitimate interests of the enterprise, maintaining internal management procedures;

    protection of enterprise property, its rational and effective use;

    growth of enterprise profits;

    internal and external stability of the enterprise;

    protection of trade secrets and intellectual property rights.

Access control mode as part of the security system allows you to solve the following problems:

    ensuring authorized passage of employees and visitors, import (export) of products and material assets, rhythmic operation of the enterprise;

    preventing uncontrolled entry of unauthorized persons and vehicles into protected areas and into individual buildings (premises);

    timely identification of threats to the interests of the enterprise, as well as potentially dangerous conditions that contribute to causing material and moral damage to the enterprise;

    creating reliable guarantees for maintaining organizational stability of external and internal relations of the enterprise, developing a mechanism for prompt response to threats and negative trends;

    suppression of attacks on the legitimate interests of the enterprise, the use of legal, economic, organizational, socio-psychological, technical and other means to identify and mitigate sources of threats to the security of the enterprise.

Access control regime can be defined as a system for providing regulatory, organizational and material guarantees for identifying, preventing and suppressing attacks on the legal rights of an enterprise, its property, intellectual property, production discipline, technological leadership, scientific achievements and protected information, and as a set of organizational and legal restrictions and rules establishing the procedure for the passage of facility employees, visitors, transport and material assets through checkpoints.

Regulatory guarantees consist of the interpretation and implementation of legal norms, clarification of the limits of their validity, the formation of necessary legal relations, determining and ensuring the lawful activities of the divisions and employees of the company regarding its safety, the use of restrictive measures, the application of sanctions to individuals and legal entities that infringes on the legitimate interests of the company.

Organizational guarantees are formed by developing, building and maintaining high efficiency of the general organizational structure for managing the process of identifying and suppressing threats to the company’s activities, using an effective mechanism for stimulating its optimal functioning, and appropriate personnel training.

Material guarantees are formed through the allocation and use of financial, technical, personnel, intellectual, information and other resources of the company, ensuring timely identification, mitigation and suppression of sources of threat, prevention and localization of possible damage, creation favorable conditions for the activities of the company. These guarantees fill regulatory and organizational safety measures with practical content and create a real basis for the development of a company’s safety culture.

The main measures of the access control regime are developed by the security service, approved by the head of the company and documented in instructions on the access control regime. Responsibility for organizing the access control regime rests with the head of the security service. The practical implementation of the access control regime is entrusted to the security (checkpoint duty officers, controllers, security guards), whose employees must know the rules of the access control regime established at the facility, current documents on the procedure for allowing employees and visitors to (from the facility), import (export) ) inventory items. The access control regime can be established both throughout the facility and in individual buildings, buildings, departments, storage facilities and other special premises.

Access control requirements must be communicated to every employee of the facility. All workers and employees of the facility are required to comply with them. For each case of violation of the access control regime, an administrative investigation must be carried out.

The responsibilities of security guards under the checkpoint regime are defined in the instructions and in the job responsibilities of checkpoint controllers.

Preparation of initial data

Entrepreneurship and prohibitions (restrictions) are contradictory in nature, and the art of the designer of the access control regime lies precisely in finding a reasonable balance between the necessary restrictions and the interests of the enterprise.

The development of measures and regulatory documents for the access control regime begins with determining the initial data. Evaluating the initial data, the developer determines the main provisions of the instructions on the access control regime. It is advisable to propose the following sequence for determining and assessing the initial data:

1. The organizational structure of the enterprise, the location of its individual elements and the nature of production (activity) on them. Clarification of these issues allows us to solve the following practical problems:

    identify objects, sites, buildings and premises where it is necessary to organize access control;

    determine the nature of checkpoints (checkpoints) for the passage of employees and vehicles.

2. Assessment of the “daily volume” of flows of vehicles, cargo, material assets and people (company personnel and visitors) passing through the checkpoint and into individual buildings (premises). Only based on an assessment of the actual state of checkpoints can the throughput of existing checkpoints be assessed and brought into line with the tasks of the main production at the facility. Such an assessment will allow you to choose the best option for automation and control of access to protected areas.

3. Selection (in order of importance) of the category of objects, vehicles and cargo, as well as the category of persons crossing established borders. To achieve clarity in the definitions, it is proposed to classify the premises and territory of the facility depending on access conditions and the degree of security.

To clearly organize access control, it is necessary to divide enterprise facilities (buildings, premises) into publicly accessible, closed and limited access. Determining the categories of the regime can give a clear answer to questions that need to be clarified when organizing the access control regime and developing the initial documentation for equipping the facility with technical security means.

Assigning a specific category to a premises helps regulate and justify:

    conditions for access of enterprise employees and visitors to the facility;

    proposals from the enterprise administration for the production optimal option the procedure for allowing persons, vehicles and material assets to enter the facility;

    presence and type of physical security;

    types of technical means used to ensure safety.

Development of instructions on access control

Practical solutions to issues related to the organization of access control are formalized in the form of “Instructions on access control.” The specified instruction must define a system of organizational and legal security measures establishing the permitting procedure (regime) for passage (travel) to the site (from the site), and may include:

1. General Provisions. This section specifies:

    regulatory documents on the basis of which the instructions were drawn up;

    definition of the access control regime and the purpose of its introduction;

    officials who are entrusted with the organization and practical guide checkpoint system;

    sanctions for violators of the access control regime;

    requirements for equipment of various premises.

2. The procedure for passing enterprise employees, business travelers and visitors through checkpoints. This section recommends:

    list all checkpoints and their purpose, description, location and establish their uniform numbering;

    set out the requirements for gearbox equipment;

    establish the procedure for the passage of employees and visitors to the territory of the facility and to categorized premises;

    determine the rights and main responsibilities of checkpoint controllers;

    establish premises where it is prohibited to receive visitors and representatives of third-party organizations.

3. The procedure for admitting vehicles to the facility, exporting products, documents and material assets. This section specifies:

    the procedure for admitting vehicles belonging to the facility to the territory of the facility (from the facility);

    the procedure for entry and parking on the territory of a transport facility owned by employees as personal property;

    procedure for the passage of vehicles of third-party organizations that arrived with cargo at the facility during business hours and not work time;

    procedure for export (import) of inventory items;

    rules for processing documents for the removal (removal) of material assets from the territory of the facility.

4. Types of passes, the procedure for issuing them. This section defines:

    types of passes, their number and status;

    description of passes;

    procedure for registration and issuance of passes;

    procedure for replacement and re-registration of passes;

    measures in case of loss of a pass by an employee.

5. Responsibilities officials to maintain the access control regime.

6. Accounting and reporting, the procedure for storing passes and seals.

Depending on the structure of the enterprise and the nature of its activities, the instructions may contain other sections.

When developing instructions on the access control regime, the types and groups of passes that will be valid at the enterprise are determined.

On large enterprises As a rule, several types of passes are established. These can be permanent, temporary, one-time or material passes. Samples of pass forms are developed by the facility administration (security service). In their appearance and content, passes must differ from each other and have certain degrees of protection. All types of passes, with the exception of material ones, are processed and issued by the pass office (or other department) upon written requests. Types of passes are determined depending on the specifics of the enterprise.

Permanent passes are issued to facility employees hired for permanent job, as well as employees of other organizations constantly servicing the facility. Permanent passes can be divided into groups, their number and purpose are determined by the instructions on the access control regime. Permanent passes can be kept both in the hands of facility employees and in booths at checkpoints. Permanent passes of persons leaving the facility for a long time (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.) are deposited in the pass office (HR department), and when storing such passes in the checkpoint cabin in the cell (where the pass is stored) corresponding mark. The passes of those dismissed from work are destroyed in accordance with the established procedure.

Temporary passes are issued to persons working under a contract, on temporary work, seconded to the enterprise, and are usually stored at the checkpoint. The validity period and procedure for issuing temporary passes is determined by the instructions on the access control regime. Temporary passes can be with or without a photo. Temporary passes without a photograph are valid only upon presentation of an identification document.

One-time passes(for visitors and clients) are issued to one person and only for a one-time visit to the enterprise and its divisions. The pass is issued and is valid upon presentation of an identification document. One-time passes must be periodically changed according to the color of the forms and other characteristics.

A one-time pass issued to the driver of a vehicle can also serve as a one-time pass for transport.

A one-time pass is valid for entering the territory of the facility or its subdivision for a certain time.

Control over those visiting the enterprise with a one-time pass is carried out using a mark on the back of the pass, which indicates the time of the visit, certified by the signature of the person who received the visitor.

A one-time pass is confiscated at the checkpoint by the controller when the visitor leaves the site and is handed over to the pass office. The controller reports to the head of the guard (checkpoint duty officer) about persons who do not leave the facility after the expiration of the pass, so that measures can be taken to determine the reasons for the delay. The names of persons who visited the facility with a one-time pass may be recorded in a special accounting book.

Material passes for the export (removal) of inventory items are issued by the administration of the enterprise. The validity period of the pass is determined by the instructions on the access control regime. Material passes must be confiscated at the checkpoint and handed over to the pass office.

Samples of valid passes must be available at the checkpoint. Funds are allocated for training security workers required amount sample passes.

Checkpoint equipment

To organize access control, the enterprise is equipped with checkpoints. The checkpoint equipment must provide the necessary throughput and the ability to thoroughly check passes and documents of passing persons, inspect all types of transport, transported cargo and meet the following requirements:

    exclude the possibility of unauthorized entry of people and vehicles through the checkpoint into the facility (from the facility);

    help reduce the time for checking documents, inspecting vehicles and material assets;

    help eliminate (minimize) security guard errors when allowing people and vehicles through;

    provide security measures for security guards during vehicle inspections.

All types of checkpoints must be equipped with the necessary types of communication and alarm systems to call the security reserve. It is recommended to have an internal telephone number and a list of telephone numbers for the enterprise administration at the checkpoint.

Checkpoint for the passage of people

To control people entering the facility and individual buildings (premises), checkpoints are built. It is recommended to equip each checkpoint with a security room, a room for screening citizens, a storage room, a wardrobe, and a turnstile with locking devices.

The placement of premises is determined by the projects and depends on the means of mechanization, gearbox automation and the characteristics of the enterprise.

Passages are arranged in the control room, which are equipped with technical security means and physical barriers. The equipment set usually includes:

    means of mechanization, automation of access control systems;

    physical barriers (fences, turnstiles, gates);

    main and backup lighting;

    communications and alarm systems;

    video monitoring systems.

Various turnstiles can be used as access control devices. Turnstiles are designed to control the flow of people and regulate entry (exit). Recently, electromechanical turnstiles have become most widespread. Electromechanical turnstiles, unlike mechanical ones that are cumbersome and inconvenient to operate, are easily controlled from the security guard’s console and can work as part of an automated access control system.

When choosing a turnstile, you need to keep in mind that they are “normally open” and “normally closed”. “Normally open” turnstiles (for example, sliding ones, which until recently were installed in the Russian metro) are used quite rarely in world practice. They can hit a passerby and do not allow effective control.

To implement reliable control, “normally closed” turnstiles are more often used: rotary turnstiles, tripod turnstiles and gates.

Gates are used to control the flow of people, organize free passage in one direction (to the entrance or exit) and prohibit passage in the other. Gates are widely used in shops, airports, and train stations. The use of gates for access control is ineffective, this is due to the fact that the gates do not separate the flow of people one by one, since after opening the gate several people can pass through it. Gates can be installed to organize a free exit, while entry control is entrusted to tripods or turntables.

Tripod turnstiles with three barrier bars are one of the most optimal means for monitoring authorized passage. The tripods have a modern, elegant look and are easy to install. Tripods allow for effective access control, as they separate the flow of people one at a time, while providing high throughput. Tripods can be used in electronic checkpoint systems, including in conditions of a large flow of people. To prevent the possibility of crawling under the turnstile bars or jumping over them, it is recommended to install special sensors on the turnstile that are triggered when an unauthorized person attempts to pass.

Rotary turnstiles are used in cases where complete blocking of the passage area is necessary. They can vary in height - from waist turnstiles to full-height turnstiles, which are structurally similar to revolving doors.


A checkpoint regime is a set of organizational and legal restrictions and rules that establish the procedure for the passage of facility employees, visitors, transport and material assets through checkpoints into individual buildings (premises).

Access control is one of the key points in organizing a security system at an enterprise. From this perspective, the access control regime is a complex of organizational measures (administrative and restrictive), engineering and technical solutions and actions of the security service.

The organization of the checkpoint regime is somewhat complex. The fact is that the mechanism for implementing the access control regime is based on the application of “prohibitions” and “restrictions” in relation to subjects crossing the borders of protected objects in order to ensure the interests of the enterprise. Such a mechanism must be impeccable in terms of compliance with the requirements of current legislation.

This article discusses the main directions of creating an access control regime at an enterprise: the methodology for determining and assessing the initial data; development of activities and regulatory documents; checkpoint equipment.

General provisions

The access control regime (as part of the security system) must comply with current legislation, the charter of the enterprise, as well as other regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.

The main goals of creating a checkpoint regime are:

  • protecting the legitimate interests of the enterprise, maintaining internal management procedures;
  • protection of enterprise property, its rational and effective use;
  • growth of enterprise profits;
  • internal and external stability of the enterprise;
  • protection of trade secrets and intellectual property rights.

Access control mode as part of the security system allows you to solve the following problems:

  • ensuring authorized passage of employees and visitors, import (export) of products and material assets, rhythmic operation of the enterprise;
  • preventing uncontrolled entry of unauthorized persons and vehicles into protected areas and into individual buildings (premises);
  • timely identification of threats to the interests of the enterprise, as well as potentially dangerous conditions that contribute to causing material and moral damage to the enterprise;
  • creating reliable guarantees for maintaining organizational stability of external and internal relations of the enterprise, developing a mechanism for prompt response to threats and negative trends;
  • suppression of attacks on the legitimate interests of the enterprise, the use of legal, economic, organizational, socio-psychological, technical and other means to identify and mitigate sources of threats to the security of the enterprise.

Access control regime can be defined as a system for providing regulatory, organizational and material guarantees for identifying, preventing and suppressing attacks on the legal rights of an enterprise, its property, intellectual property, production discipline, technological leadership, scientific achievements and protected information and as a set of organizational and legal restrictions and rules establishing the procedure for passing through checkpoints of facility employees, visitors, transport and material assets.

Regulatory guarantees consist of the interpretation and implementation of legal norms, clarification of the limits of their validity, the formation of necessary legal relations, determining and ensuring the lawful activities of divisions and employees of the company regarding its safety, the use of restrictive measures, the application of sanctions to individuals and legal entities that infringe on legitimate interests companies.

Organizational guarantees are formed through the development, construction and maintenance of high performance of the general organizational structure managing the process of identifying and suppressing threats to the company’s activities, using an effective mechanism to stimulate its optimal functioning, and appropriate personnel training.

Material guarantees are formed through the allocation and use of financial, technical, personnel, intellectual, information and other resources of the company, ensuring timely identification, mitigation and suppression of sources of threat, prevention and localization of possible damage, and the creation of favorable conditions for the company’s activities. These guarantees fill regulatory and organizational safety measures with practical content and create a real basis for the development of a company’s safety culture.

The main measures of the access control regime are developed by the security service, approved by the head of the company and documented in instructions on the access control regime. Responsibility for organizing the access control regime rests with the head of the security service. The practical implementation of the access control regime is entrusted to the security (checkpoint duty officers, controllers, security guards), whose employees must know the rules of the access control regime established at the facility, valid documents according to the procedure for admitting employees and visitors to the site (from the site), importing (exporting) inventory items. The access control regime can be established both throughout the facility and in individual buildings, buildings, departments, storage facilities and other special premises.

Access control requirements must be communicated to every employee of the facility. All workers and employees of the facility are required to comply with them. For each case of violation of the access control regime, an administrative investigation must be carried out.

The responsibilities of security guards under the access control regime are defined in the instructions and in job responsibilities checkpoint controllers.

Preparation of initial data

Entrepreneurship and prohibitions (restrictions) are contradictory in nature, and the art of the designer of the access control regime lies precisely in finding a reasonable balance between the necessary restrictions and the interests of the enterprise.

The development of measures and regulatory documents for the access control regime begins with determining the initial data. Evaluating the initial data, the developer determines the main provisions of the instructions on the access control regime. It is advisable to propose the following sequence for determining and assessing the initial data:

  1. 1. The organizational structure of the enterprise, the location of its individual elements and the nature of production (activity) on them. Clarification of these issues allows us to solve the following practical problems:
    • identify objects, sites, buildings and premises where it is necessary to organize access control;
    • determine the nature of checkpoints (checkpoints) for the passage of employees and vehicles.
  2. 2. Assessment of the “daily volume” of flows of vehicles, cargo, material assets and people (company personnel and visitors) passing through the checkpoint and into individual buildings (premises). Only based on an assessment of the actual state of checkpoints can the throughput of existing checkpoints be assessed and brought into line with the tasks of the main production at the facility. Such an assessment will allow you to choose the best option for automation and control of access to protected areas.
  3. 3. Selection (in order of importance) of the category of objects, vehicles and cargo, as well as the category of persons crossing established borders. To achieve clarity in the definitions, it is proposed to classify the premises and territory of the facility depending on access conditions and the degree of security.

To clearly organize access control, it is necessary to divide enterprise facilities (buildings, premises) into publicly accessible, closed and limited access. Determining the categories of the regime can give a clear answer to questions that need to be clarified when organizing the access control regime and developing the initial documentation for equipping the facility with technical security means.

Assigning a specific category to a premises helps regulate and justify:

  • conditions for access of enterprise employees and visitors to the facility;
  • proposals from the enterprise administration to develop an optimal option for the procedure for admitting persons, vehicles and material assets to the facility;
  • presence and type of physical security;
  • types of technical means used to ensure safety.

Development of instructions on access control

Practical solutions to issues related to the organization of access control are formalized in the form of “Instructions on access control.” The specified instruction must define a system of organizational and legal security measures establishing the permitting procedure (regime) for passage (travel) to the site (from the site), and may include:

  1. 1. General Provisions. This section specifies:
    • regulatory documents on the basis of which the instructions were drawn up;
    • definition of the access control regime and the purpose of its introduction;
    • officials who are entrusted with the organization and practical management of the checkpoint system;
    • sanctions for violators of the access control regime;
    • requirements for equipment of various premises.
  2. 2. The procedure for passing enterprise employees, business travelers and visitors through checkpoints. This section recommends:
    • list all checkpoints and their purpose, description, location and establish their uniform numbering;
    • set out the requirements for gearbox equipment;
    • establish the procedure for the passage of employees and visitors to the territory of the facility and to categorized premises;
    • determine the rights and main responsibilities of checkpoint controllers;
    • establish premises where it is prohibited to receive visitors and representatives of third-party organizations.
  3. 3. The procedure for admitting vehicles to the facility, exporting products, documents and material assets. This section specifies:
    • the procedure for admitting vehicles belonging to the facility to the territory of the facility (from the facility);
    • the procedure for entry and parking on the territory of a transport facility owned by employees as personal property;
    • the procedure for passing vehicles of third-party organizations that arrived with cargo at the facility during working and non-working hours;
    • procedure for export (import) of inventory items;
    • rules for processing documents for the removal (removal) of material assets from the territory of the facility.
  4. 4. Types of passes, the procedure for issuing them. This section defines:
    • types of passes, their number and status;
    • description of passes;
    • procedure for registration and issuance of passes;
    • procedure for replacement and re-registration of passes;
    • measures in case of loss of a pass by an employee.
  5. 5. Responsibilities of officials to maintain the access control regime.
  6. 6. Accounting and reporting, the procedure for storing passes and seals.

Depending on the structure of the enterprise and the nature of its activities, the instructions may contain other sections.

When developing instructions on the access control regime, the types and groups of passes that will be valid at the enterprise are determined.

Large enterprises, as a rule, install several types of passes. These can be permanent, temporary, one-time or material passes. Samples of pass forms are developed by the facility administration (security service). In my own way appearance and the contents of the pass must differ from each other and have certain degrees of protection. All types of passes, with the exception of material ones, are processed and issued by the pass office (or other department) upon written requests. Types of passes are determined depending on the specifics of the enterprise.

Permanent passes are issued to employees of the facility who are employed on a permanent basis, as well as to employees of other organizations that constantly service the facility. Permanent passes can be divided into groups, their number and purpose are determined by the instructions on the access control regime. Permanent passes can be kept both in the hands of facility employees and in booths at checkpoints. Permanent passes of persons leaving the facility for a long time (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.) are deposited in the pass office (HR department), and when storing such passes in the checkpoint cabin in the cell (where the pass is stored) corresponding mark. The passes of those dismissed from work are destroyed in accordance with the established procedure.

Temporary passes are issued to persons working under a contract, on temporary work, seconded to the enterprise, and are usually stored at the checkpoint. The validity period and procedure for issuing temporary passes is determined by the instructions on the access control regime. Temporary passes can be with or without a photo. Temporary passes without a photograph are valid only upon presentation of an identification document.

One-time passes(for visitors and clients) are issued to one person and only for a one-time visit to the enterprise and its divisions. The pass is issued and is valid upon presentation of an identification document. One-time passes must be periodically changed according to the color of the forms and other characteristics.

A one-time pass issued to the driver of a vehicle can also serve as a one-time pass for transport.

A one-time pass is valid for entering the territory of the facility or its subdivision for a certain time.

Control over those visiting the enterprise with a one-time pass is carried out using a mark on the back of the pass, which indicates the time of the visit, certified by the signature of the person who received the visitor.

A one-time pass is confiscated at the checkpoint by the controller when the visitor leaves the site and is handed over to the pass office. The controller reports to the head of the guard (checkpoint duty officer) about persons who do not leave the facility after the expiration of the pass, so that measures can be taken to determine the reasons for the delay. The names of persons who visited the facility with a one-time pass may be recorded in a special accounting book.

Material passes for the export (removal) of inventory items are issued by the administration of the enterprise. The validity period of the pass is determined by the instructions on the access control regime. Material passes must be confiscated at the checkpoint and handed over to the pass office.

Samples of valid passes must be available at the checkpoint. The required number of pass samples are allocated for training security workers.

Checkpoint equipment

To organize access control, the enterprise is equipped with checkpoints. The checkpoint equipment must provide the necessary throughput and the ability to thoroughly check passes and documents of passing persons, inspect all types of transport, transported cargo and meet the following requirements:

  • exclude the possibility of unauthorized entry of people and vehicles through the checkpoint into the facility (from the facility);
  • help reduce the time for checking documents, inspecting vehicles and material assets;
  • help eliminate (minimize) security guard errors when allowing people and vehicles through;
  • provide security measures for security guards during vehicle inspections.

All types of checkpoints must be equipped with the necessary types of communication and alarm systems to call the security reserve. It is recommended to have an internal telephone number and a list of telephone numbers for the enterprise administration at the checkpoint.

Checkpoint for the passage of people

To control people entering the facility and individual buildings (premises), checkpoints are built. It is recommended to equip each checkpoint with a security room, a room for screening citizens, a storage room, a wardrobe, and a turnstile with locking devices.

The placement of premises is determined by the projects and depends on the means of mechanization, gearbox automation and the characteristics of the enterprise.

Passages are arranged in the control room, which are equipped with technical security means and physical barriers. The equipment set usually includes:

  • means of mechanization, automation of access control systems;
  • physical barriers (fences, turnstiles, gates);
  • main and backup lighting;
  • communications and alarm systems;
  • video monitoring systems.

Various turnstiles can be used as access control devices. Turnstiles are designed to control the flow of people and regulate entry (exit). Recently, electromechanical turnstiles have become most widespread. Electromechanical turnstiles, unlike mechanical ones that are cumbersome and inconvenient to operate, are easily controlled from the security guard’s console and can work as part of an automated access control system.

When choosing a turnstile, you need to keep in mind that they are “normally open” and “normally closed”. “Normally open” turnstiles (for example, sliding ones, which until recently were installed in the Russian metro) are used quite rarely in world practice. They can hit a passerby and do not allow effective control.

To implement reliable control, “normally closed” turnstiles are more often used: rotary turnstiles, tripod turnstiles and gates.

Gates are used to control the flow of people, organize free passage in one direction (to the entrance or exit) and prohibit passage in the other. Gates are widely used in shops, airports, and train stations. The use of gates for access control is ineffective, this is due to the fact that the gates do not separate the flow of people one by one, since after opening the gate several people can pass through it. Gates can be installed to organize a free exit, while entry control is entrusted to tripods or turntables.

Tripod turnstiles with three barrier bars are one of the most optimal means for monitoring authorized passage. The tripods have a modern, elegant look and are easy to install. Tripods allow for effective access control, as they separate the flow of people one at a time, while providing high throughput. Tripods can be used in electronic checkpoint systems, including in conditions of a large flow of people. To prevent the possibility of crawling under the turnstile bars or jumping over them, it is recommended to install special sensors on the turnstile that are triggered when an unauthorized person attempts to pass.

Rotary turnstiles are used in cases where complete blocking of the passage area is necessary. They can vary in height - from waist turnstiles to full-height turnstiles, which are structurally similar to revolving doors.

Transport checkpoints

The transport checkpoint includes an inspection platform and office premises. The inspection area is designed to accommodate vehicles during inspection. Inspection sites can be located both on the territory of the enterprise and outside it, in the area directly adjacent to the main gate of the checkpoint. The inspection platform must meet the following requirements:

  • have sufficient area to accommodate inspected vehicles, technical means to ensure normal working conditions for the security guard;
  • exclude the possibility of unauthorized entry into the facility (from the facility) of people and vehicles;
  • ensure inspection of motor vehicles and transported goods at the established traffic intensity at any time of the day and year;
  • be isolated from other structures that are not related to the security of the facility and the checkpoint equipment;
  • provide security measures for security guards while performing their duties.

The dimensions of the inspection area are set depending on the dimensions of the transport and the goods being transported and can be: 10-12 meters in length and 5-6 meters in width.

On the territory allocated for the construction of the inspection platform, the terrain is graded in such a way that rain and melt water do not linger on it. The transverse slope of the inspection area is made at least 2% from the place where the guard is posted in the direction of its sides (perpendicular to the roadway). The surface of the inspection area is covered with concrete or asphalt.

On the roadway of the site there is a designated stopping place for vehicles for inspection, limited by two “STOP” lines painted in white.

Before entering the inspection area, on the outside of the main and auxiliary gates (barriers), no closer than 3 meters from them, a transverse line and the inscription “STOP” are also applied. In order to ensure traffic safety, a “Single Line Driving” sign is installed at least 100 meters from the gate on the right side or above the road, and a speed limit sign of up to 5 km/h is installed 50 meters from the gate.

Transport checkpoints can be equipped with traffic lights, scales for weighing cars, an inspection pit or overpass for inspecting cargo, and mechanized devices for automatically opening and closing gates with locks.

Inspection areas along the perimeter are equipped with physical barriers and an alarm line. The sites, as a rule, are fenced off with a visible fence made of metal mesh or decorative gratings up to 2.5 meters high. The site is equipped with main and auxiliary mechanized gates. The main gate is installed on the line of the main fence of the facility, and the auxiliary gates are installed on the opposite side of the inspection area. Instead of gates, mechanized barriers can be used. At automobile checkpoints, gates with and without height restrictions are used. By design, they can be hinged or sliding (retractable). Swing gates must be equipped with latches.

To regulate the movement of vehicles passing through the passages of checkpoint inspection areas, two-section traffic lights with red and green lenses can be used.

The electromechanical equipment of gearboxes for road transport usually includes:

  • electric motors, gate drive;
  • limit switches for automatic shutdown of electric motors when the gate leaves are completely closed and open;
  • magnetic motor starters;
  • electrical equipment of traffic lights;
  • cable, power lines.

A group distribution board (control panel) can be installed in the checkpoint room, and in the absence of a checkpoint building, in a special metal cabinet directly at the inspection site.

Admission to the territory of the enterprise for employees, visitors, vehicles

The passage of employees and visitors to the territory of the facility, to individual units and back is carried out through checkpoints using passes installed at the facility. The pass must be the main document giving the right to passage.

After hours, weekends and holidays admission of employees to the facility must be limited and made on the basis of preliminary applications (lists) from the heads of departments, endorsed by the head of the security service, with the presentation of a permanent pass. At enterprises with a shift work schedule, special shift inserts may be issued for the pass.

Special service personnel on duty at the facility (electricians, plumbers, communications workers, etc.), working in shifts, are allowed into the facility territory after hours, on weekends and holidays according to lists signed by the heads of the relevant services and approved by the head of the security service.

Based on the current legislation and the decision of the administration, certain categories of persons have the right to enter the facility without a pass upon presentation of their official identification. These include:

  • prosecutors;
  • police officers by territoriality;
  • labor inspectors, boiler inspectors, energy inspectors by territoriality;
  • officials and certain categories of employees of the sanitary and epidemiological service of health authorities carrying out sanitary supervision.

In order to implement access control on the territory of the facility and in its structural divisions the order of the director of the enterprise approves the list of categorized divisions (premises). In these premises, a special regime is established and increased responsibility for its compliance by employees of these units. Admission to these premises is carried out strictly according to the list agreed with the security service. The admission of visitors to third-party organizations and enterprises is, as a rule, limited as much as possible.

Lists of employees who have access to these premises must be posted in all premises of categorized units. Upon completion of work, all premises are inspected by department duty officers and persons responsible for their fire safety condition. At the end of the working day, the categorized premises are locked, sealed and handed over to security.

A security representative checks the alarm in the presence of employees renting out the premises. The keys to these premises in sealed cases are handed over to the head of the guard against signature.

Receiving keys and opening premises equipped with a security alarm are carried out by persons who have the right to open these premises upon presentation of a permanent pass. Lists of persons who have the right to open (close) the specified premises, indicating the numbers of the seals used to seal the premises and office telephone numbers, are signed by the head of the unit and approved by the head of the security service.

All persons attempting to pass through the checkpoint without presenting a pass, using someone else’s or an incorrectly issued pass, or to bring prohibited items into (from the facility) are detained and handed over to the enterprise security service. For each fact of detention, the head of the guard or the person on duty at the facility draws up a memo about violation of the access control regime.

Admission to the territory (from the territory) of the enterprise of vehicles belonging to the enterprise is made upon presentation by the driver personal pass with a special code or transport pass and waybill. Loaders and accompanying persons traveling with transport are allowed through the checkpoint on a general basis.

All vehicles When passing through a checkpoint, they are subject to inspection. Entry and parking on the territory of the enterprise of transport owned by employees as personal property is permitted according to special lists.

Vehicles of third-party organizations that arrive with cargo at the enterprise during working hours are allowed into the territory on official notes with inspection at the transport checkpoint.

Railway transport and the crews serving it are allowed into the enterprise using passes of the established form, according to lists or in another order, established by the instructions about access control.

Sealed wagons and containers are passed through the checkpoint after their external inspection, if the seal imprints correspond to the imprints in the shipping documents or invoices. In the event of a discrepancy between the prints, the detection of breaks in the car (container) or a broken seal, the car (container) is subject to opening and inspection in the presence of representatives of the administration and the railway.

Pick-up and take-out finished products and other material assets from the territory of the facility is carried out using material passes of the established form.

All documents for material assets exported (removed) from the enterprise are registered in the pass office according to the accounting book and then transferred to the accounting department. Documents for the export (removal) of material assets must be issued only for the amount of cargo (places, weight, etc.) that can be exported (carried out) at the same time, and are valid only on the date specified in the permit document.

Construction and wood waste, waste paper, scrap metal, metal shavings are recommended to be removed from the territory of the enterprise according to an invoice order, as material assets. Removal of various garbage, soil and snow from the territory of the facility can be carried out without paperwork, but with mandatory registration at the transport checkpoint.


The access control system is inextricably linked with the process of ensuring enterprise security. Any security system designed to protect an object from threats associated with human actions, man-made or natural forces must include an identification system based on the “friend/foe” principle or by access level to protect both the object from the penetration of unauthorized persons and the person from dangerous factors, if they exist at the site.

By establishing and ensuring the order of movement of personnel and visitors around the enterprise, the access control system solves not only the security issues of the enterprise, but also the issues of rational labor organization.

Organizational and administrative measures and engineering technical solutions in the access control system cannot exist in isolation from other elements of the facility’s security system and must fit organically into it. That is why access control systems are a mandatory structure of integrated security systems.

The concept of building integrated enterprise security systems must define the goals and objectives of the security system, the principles of its organization, operation and legal basis, types of security threats and resources to be protected, as well as the main directions of work to implement a set of security measures, including access control.

Considering the role and place of the access control regime in the security system, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach to the development of access restriction measures. When solving the problem of countering a particular threat, all elements of the system are considered together: the actions of security units, technical solutions and organizational and administrative measures. The use of an integrated approach at the stage of development of the access control system will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenditure of time and resources when creating an integrated enterprise security system.

Naturally, creating an integrated security system requires significant costs. However, if you carefully evaluate all the negative factors affecting the activities of the enterprise, these costs do not seem so large, since they ensure sustainable economic development enterprises and minimize possible losses.

In addition, the process of creating an integrated security system can be extended over time, taking into account the material capabilities of the enterprise and the conditions of its activity in the market.