Planting and replanting azalea, a green beauty in your home. Growing azaleas at home: all the rules and subtleties Will rhododendron grow in a large flowerpot?

Rhododendron - beautiful decorative woody plant, constituting the most numerous genus. It is deciduous, evergreen or semi evergreen bush arnica, which grows on average to a height of 2 meters, is rarely a short tree. There are up to 1,300 wild species in the genus. About 600 species and up to 8,000 varieties are used in horticulture. The decoration of this beautiful bush are not only flowers that are collected in lush inflorescences at the ends of the shoots, but also rich greenery. Flowers can be very diverse in shape - funnel-shaped, bell-shaped, tubular. The color of the flowers, the number of which reaches 20-30 in an inflorescence, varies: it can be white, pink, golden yellow, creamy yellow, red, dark purple, blue-violet, lavender blue, etc. Against the background of leathery glossy leaves, branch flowering plant It looks very beautiful - like a bouquet.

Indoor rhododendron is often called an azalea, although in fact, it is the same rhododendron, only azalea has smaller and thinner leaves and its flowers have five stamens, while rhododendron has ten. The plant has a superficial root system and therefore it is better to grow them in wide rather than deep pots and bowls. Do not bury it when planting root collar plants, it is better to lightly mulch it with rotted oak leaves, rotted pine needles or fine-grained pine bark. Indoor rhododendron, like all rhododendrons, is a lover of acidic soils. For good growth and for well-being, they require an acidity level of pH 4-5. They prefer well-drained soil rich in humus and potassium.

Some plants require regular pruning. It is produced in May, when the plant has finished flowering. At the same time, all diseased, dry and overgrown shoots are removed. Young azalea shoots are pinched, leaving only 4-5 leaves - this contributes to more lush flowering. If the crown is very dense, flowering will not be abundant. When buds and buds appear, the plant is pruned, removing excess shoots and leaving only flower buds on the main shoot.

Up to 3 years old, it is advisable to replant indoor rhododendron annually. Replanting can be done a month after the plant has flowered. It is important that the soil for planting is moisture-permeable, saturated with nutrients, sufficiently acidic, without chlorine and lime. In summer, the plant will feel great in a shady corner on the balcony or open veranda, without drafts and subject to regular watering. For irrigation, if possible, use soft (chlorine-free) water. It is advisable to spray rhododendron leaves regularly.

Indoor rhododendron grows very slowly - in 10 years the growth may not exceed 50 cm. This delicate plant is often damaged various types mushrooms, in which the leaves turn brown and dry out. Azaleas also suffer from spider mites, azalea aphid. Flaw nutrients characterized by a change in the color of the leaves (their shine decreases, they become light), flower buds are not laid, and the leaves begin to fall rapidly already in August-September.

The rhododendron plant is considered to be heat-loving and exotic, however, many of its species have successfully adapted to survive even in harsh snowy winters. Some plant species need light shelter in winter, these are: Fortune rhododendron, Pontic rhododendron, carpal rhododendron, Atlantic rhododendron, coarse-haired rhododendron, etc. Short-fruited rhododendron, tree-like rhododendron, plum-leaved rhododendron, sea buckthorn rhododendron, pink rhododendron, Japanese rhododendron and many others can overwinter without any shelter.

According to the flowering period, plants are conventionally divided into 2 groups:

  • early bloomers, in which flowers begin to appear in mid-spring;
  • late bloomers, beginning to bloom in early summer.

Plants also differ in their light-loving qualities. Diffused, soft, but intense light is preferred by rusty, golden, dense, Japanese, yellow, Kamchatka, equal-tall and Atlantic rhododendrons. Rhododendrons of Schlippenbach, Kochi, and Albrecht can be classified as light-loving. For shaded areas, it is better to choose shade-tolerant varieties: Daurian, Caucasian, Pontic, sea buckthorn, Smirnova, bare-flowered, largest and Fortune rhododendron.

If you want to become the owner of the most luxurious indoor flower, then the azalea will be worth your attention, which is famous for its gorgeous and abundant flowering. But it often happens that after purchasing a flower, after some time it begins to die. The fact is that azalea is very whimsical and capricious plant which needs special care. If you want a flower to delight you with lush and unusual flowers, then you have to create for it ideal conditions.

Fastidious beauty indoor azalea: how to care for it at home photo

This name is given to a certain group of plants belonging to the genus Rhododendron from the Heather family (Ericaceae). At the moment, the flower belongs to a separate genus called Azalea.

Indoor rhododendron

Azalea or, as it is often called, rhododendron, is one of the unique and incredible indoor plants. She won the love of those around her thanks to her lush inflorescences, capable of awakening spring even on the coldest winter evening. Although some are afraid to have her because of her capricious nature.

Azalea or alpine rose is a small, rich green bush strewn with many bright flowers.

There are many different types of azalea inflorescences, among which there are: simple and double, corrugated or fringed.

In addition, this small bush can also decorate a wide color palette: pink, white, red, purple shades of flowers. And also mixed colors, or changing into each other. Depending on the flowering period, there are both early and late flowering plants.

Is azalea a flower or a tree?

azalea tree

A dwarf flowering bush is evergreen, whose homeland is China and Japan. Also found in the area southern Europe and North America.

"Azalea" translated from the original Greek means dry. It received such an unusual name because of its appearance, since it is basically a small dry shrub.

In Russia, this plant began to spread at the beginning of the 20th century. The first places where one could meet such unusual flower, were botanical gardens and greenhouses.

« Pink tree"why such a name? Yes, because rhododendron from Greek is divided into two parts: “rhodon” means rose, and “dendron” means a simple tree.

In the East, azalea is considered a symbol of peace and joy. Besides, in eastern countries from such unusual plant create beautiful bonsai. As a rule, to create bonsai compositions, samples of these varieties are selected: Rhododendron impediteum and Rhododendron indicum


Nowadays there are many different domestic varieties, which originated from two main species.

  • Indian azalea, Sims rhododendron or as it is also called Simsi azalea (Latin name Rhododendron simsii)

The shoots of this species are covered with small bristles. The flowers are funnel-shaped and their circumference does not exceed 3.5 cm. The colors of the inflorescences can consist of two shades or be decorated with small specks.

  • Japanese azalea or obtuse rhododendron (Latin name Rhododedron obtusum)

This type of plant has shiny leaves and funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of no more than 3 cm. It has the status of the national flower of Japan, not falling behind sakura in its popularity. Quite often used in Japanese compositional gardens.

The most popular varieties of indoor rhododendron

Caring for azaleas at home

Azalea flower

In our houses and apartments climatic conditions Not suitable for azaleas at all. The fact is that the ideal weather for an unusual bush, from the end of November to the very end of January, is warm, slightly foggy autumn days.

The plant requires a temperature of +10 to +12°C, and sometimes in the presence of high air humidity, a night temperature not exceeding +6 to +8°C is sufficient for rhododendron.

In special greenhouses, maintaining ideal conditions for a flower is not difficult, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about our apartments.

A flower installed close to a radiator begins to suffer from a chronic lack of moisture, beautiful and lush flower, just recently blooming, before our eyes turns into a dried out dying bush.

How to properly care for azaleas at home

But, even despite their vagaries in care, many indoor gardeners give their preference to azaleas.

If provided proper care, then you will surely be able to enjoy original flower in his apartment. And it is possible, and even desirable, to admire such beauty during flowering not only on your own, but also in the company of close friends.

Let us repeat that indoor rhododendron is a very capricious creature. In order for this plant to delight you with its inflorescences, it will need decent care, which is described below.

What should the lighting be like?

After you become the owner the most beautiful flower we need to find the best one for him appropriate place. Azalea is a light-loving plant, but strong sunlight can kill it.

From October to November, buds begin to form on the plant, so you need to provide it with sufficient light. For this, fluorescent lamps are suitable, which can be used to periodically illuminate the azalea.

The most suitable temperature for indoor rhododendron

For a flower to survive in an apartment, it will need a positive temperature, varying from 10 to 14 degrees during the daytime, and from 6 to 8 degrees at night. high humidity. This mode is most suitable for warm, slightly foggy autumn. If you follow all the necessary rules for caring for the plant, it will grow well even at a temperature of 18°C.

The most dangerous time of year for azaleas is summer, because the sweltering heat can quickly kill it. Will help the flower survive at this time balcony, provided that it is not located on the south side. You can also save the plant using an air conditioner, setting its temperature no higher than 20°C.

Proper watering is the key to successful growth and beautiful flowering

In order to grow a flower at home, you need to follow some rules for watering it.

For rhododendron it is very important that the air humidity is high. An azalea growing in an apartment suffers from dry air in heating season. To prevent the plant from dying, be sure to regularly spray it with settled water.

Do I need to fertilize a houseplant?

There are special fertilizers for azaleas, which are: ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfite, ammonium sulfate and superphosphate, used once a week in spring and summer.

In winter and autumn, when buds appear, you need to dilute superphosphate with water in a ratio of 15 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water.

Azaleas differ from most plants in that they prefer to grow in acidic soil.

When choosing a soil, you should choose the following options.

  1. Heather soil is most suitable for azalea growth.
  2. Peat soil is no less suitable.
  3. You can create the soil yourself, using 2 parts of a coniferous mixture and one part of peat soil, adding a little river sand to the resulting soil.
  4. Also, the plant will feel good in soil purchased from special stores and sold for acidophilic plants.

When and how to prune an azalea

If you want the plant to grow and develop properly, you need to trim unnecessary shoots at a certain time, as well as pinch some of its stems. As a rule, pruning of the plant should begin in early May.

Remember, the splendor of the bush determines how many flowers it will produce.

The more foliage you leave, the fewer buds will form.

Be sure to remove all weak and elongated leaves.

All last year's stems should also be shortened.

Thanks to pruning, you can form a healthy and luxurious bush. In order to prune the plant, you need to stock up on sharp pruning shears, wiping it with alcohol in advance. To prevent infection from entering wounds.

How to care for an azalea in a pot and form a beautiful crown

The crown of an azalea can be in the form of a small tree or bush.

Azalea bonsai

  • If you want to form a tree, then you need to find the straightest and strongest branch from a small bush. It will serve as the future trunk, on which all other shoots should be removed.

    Once the length of the shoot reaches the size most suitable for you, you need to pinch its top, which will allow the tree to begin to produce branches. In the future, you need to regularly turn the growing tree and pinch the side branches in a timely manner. This will allow you to form a crown on the azalea like a tree.

  • If you want to make a bush, then you need to pinch the cuttings, stepping back from the ground about 10-12 cm. The upper parts of the side branches also need to be pinched, not forgetting to turn the plant, which will allow it to be not a one-sided, but evenly developing bush.

Transplanting a plant

After the beauty has bloomed for the first time, it is recommended to replant it.

The azalea root system is quite superficial, so it needs to be replanted in a low pot. Also its roots are very delicate, so you should not loosen the soil around the bush. This was the reason why this type of plant is not replanted, but transshipped.

Do not disturb the earthen ball under any circumstances or try to clear the root system of old soil.

You need to add fresh soil to the container where you will replant the bush. In order for a young azalea to grow and develop well, it must be replanted once a year, carrying out the procedure in the spring. An adult azalea requires replanting once every 2 or 3 years.

Reproduction of azaleas, what methods exist

Practiced somewhat perfectly in various ways, thanks to which you can breed this plant:

  1. Seminal
  2. Cuttings
  3. Dividing the bush
  4. Vaccination method

Growing azaleas from seeds

This is a rather complex and labor-intensive process. It is most often used by flower growers to breed new exotic varieties.

Propagation by cuttings

Usually, indoor rhododendron or azalea are bred in this way. The most suitable period is summer.

To do this, you will need semi-lignified cuttings that have buds. They need to be planted in the ground, covered glass jar or by package. Do not forget to water and spray the cuttings generously. Do not allow flower buds to appear on it.

It will take about 2 months for the cutting to take root. At this moment it must be transplanted into a previously prepared container. To form required type crowns, pinch out extending trunks.

Cuttings of azaleas in summer video review:

Dividing the bush

As a rule, it is used only if the azalea bush is at least 3-4 years old. The plant is divided into several parts, taking into account the fragility and tenderness of the root system, which is very easy to damage.


Use at home this method reproduction is impossible. It is used only by professional flower growers.

More often, this method is used to combine several different varieties on one master sample.

The result obtained is a stunning success, since inflorescences will appear on such an azalea different shades, and even on one bud there is a visible color mixing.

Basically, such examples of the art of breeders can be observed at various exhibitions and presentations.

What can rhododendron suffer from, and what pests can attack it?

This type of plant is quite susceptible to attack by a wide variety of pests, among which it is worth noting:

An unusual pest that damages azalea leaves, after which they begin to dry out and soon crumble. Adult pests move onto healthy leaves, forcing them to curl into tubes, where they can continue to grow until they are dealt with.

  • Greenhouse whitefly.

It also attacks foliage, leaving sugary secretions on it, where the sooty fungus lives. This pest can carry some diseases that are dangerous to many indoor plants.

  • Greenhouse aphid.

Aphids live in large groups, so if it attacks a plant, then most of the leaves on the bush are twisted. In addition, due to this pest, the development and growth of the plant may be delayed.

  • Strawberry mite.

Is the most dangerous pest capable of attacking this flower. Only the leaves that appear are not even, but take on the appearance of a boat. Not just a few large healthy buds appear on the plant, but many small ones. Leads to a slowdown in plant growth and subsequently to its death.

  • Flat red tick.

It can damage both cuttings and queen cells, as well as adult plant bushes. Leads to browning, wilting and shedding of leaves.

These plants, like no other, are susceptible to some kind of illness.

Diseases can be:

  • powdery mildew
  • chamois rot
  • rust
  • fusarium, etc.

In order to deal with them, you need to purchase the appropriate preparations and treat the azalea with them, according to the recommendations.

How to choose a healthy plant

When you decide to buy yourself an azalea, be sure to choose a medium-sized plant. The fact is that it is very difficult for larger flowers to take root in a new place, but small azaleas may die due to lack of strength. Inspect all the leaves to make sure the plant is healthy.

We offer simple methods for rejecting unsuitable plants:

  • When buying an azalea, pay attention to the presence of unopened buds; if there are many unopened buds, then long flowering and joy are guaranteed.
  • Dried leaves speak of negative phenomenon– drying out your indoor pet. The survival rate of such a specimen is quite low!
  • When azaleas have very large and dark foliage, one can immediately suspect that hormonal feeding was used. It is better to refuse this offer.
  • When lightly shaken, the leaves should not fall off. This is also a bad sign.
  • If you find that there are traces of cobwebs, any stains or insects on it, then you should postpone the purchase until you find a healthy azalea.

Growing azaleas at home video:

The rhododendron plant comes from the Heather family. Translated, the name rhododendron means pink tree. This is a fairly well-known plant for growing at home, and the common people call it indoor rhododendron.

General information

The plant is distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. Less common in Japan, Asia, North America. In the Ukrainian expanses, this plant grows in the subalpine zone, and only Carpathian rhododendron. But only there they call it in their own way “Chervona Ruta”. This species is listed in the Red Book.

The rhododendron flower grows in nature both in groups and as single individuals. It is found on mountain slopes in swampy areas and in the tundra.

Rhododendron is an almost evergreen shrubby plant or trees. Height miniature species ranges from 10 cm to one meter, and there are exceptions, the height of which is about 30 meters.

Leaves of the plant various shapes and in size too. The foliage is arranged in a spiral shape. The leaf shape is an oblong oval with slight pubescence. Inflorescences are presented in racemes or corymbs, sometimes singly. The corolla has a sunny or pinkish tint.

The fruits are formed in the form of capsules with many seeds. There are about 1,300 plant species in the natural environment.

Varieties and types

This is a deciduous species, reaching a height of up to 2 meters. The shoots of the plant are directed upward. The ellipse-shaped foliage is about 4 cm in length and up to 1.5 cm in width. The inflorescences are single, soft purple in color. Flowering begins in mid-summer, after the leaves have fully appeared.

Accelerating bush. The height of this species is about 3 meters. The foliage is oblong, about 12 cm long. The inflorescences are represented by up to 10 flowers in racemes and have a pleasant aroma. Flowering occurs at the end of spring.

It is an evergreen bush with many leaves, reaching a height of 4 meters, but to a greater extent the width of the bush exceeds its height. The shape of the leaf is in the form of an ellipse, about 15 cm long. There are up to 20 flowers in the racemes. The corolla of the flower is purple. Flowering begins at the end of spring.

The accelerating species is about two meters in height. The leaves are shaped like maple leaves and are found at the ends of the stems. The inflorescences are pale pink with splashes, the flower diameter is about 10 cm.

This is a bush, about 2 meters tall. The shape of the bush is decomposed. The foliage is elongated, about 10 cm in length, slightly pubescent. In autumn it has a yellowish-red tint. The inflorescences are scarlet, sunny in color, about 8 cm in diameter with a pleasant aroma. Flowering begins in the last month of spring. Flowering duration is more than a month.

Quite common. Due to the abundance of flowers, leaves are almost completely invisible. Height is about one meter. Inflorescences are bell-shaped. The color of the flower is scarlet, yellow or pink.

Is not large sizes bush up to half a meter in height. Adults of the plant have a dark gray bark tint. The leaves of the species are elongated with a rounded end. Young individuals have an individually pleasant, but more pungent aroma.

The inflorescences of the species are light pink in color and have no aroma. There are about 15 flowers in the racemes. Flowering lasts throughout the summer.

Height is about 1 meter 20 centimeters. With a brown tint to the bark. The shoots are more accelerating in nature.

The foliage is oblong and oval shaped. WITH inside the leaf is covered with hairs. The flowers are clustered in corymbs of about 8 pieces. The diameter of the inflorescence is about 3 cm. The shade of the petals is light or pale pink. It blooms in spring and is a good honey plant. The hybrid species is quite demanding in care and planting.

Not a large shrub. The shoots are spreading. The foliage is alternate, about 8 cm long, the surface of the leaf is olive in color, and the inside is a less clear shade. Inflorescences on high stalks, about 5 flowers on one. After flowering, a fruit capsule with small seeds is formed. The aroma of the plant is similar to that of fresh strawberries.

Not a three-dimensional tree shaped like a ball. The foliage is narrowed, dense, glossy on the outside. The leaves have a dark olive hue on the outside, and on the inside they have a chocolate hue with small fibers.

The inflorescences are about 7 cm in diameter. Beginning flowering, the petals have a pale pink tint, and by the end they acquire a rich White color. Flowering begins towards the end of spring.

Has a spherical bush. A hybrid plant from Rhododendron katevsbinsky. The species was developed in 1851. The height of the plant is about 3 meters. The foliage is medium sized and elliptical in shape. Inflorescences with a pink tint and purple spots. Flowering begins in late spring and lasts about a month.

Rhododendron planting and care

The planting location should be slightly shaded. Preferably the northern part. It is preferable to plant rhododendron in early spring, in the first months of spring.

Rhododendron is transplanted in the fall before the onset of frost. Also, replanting can be done at any necessary period, only a month before flowering, or after the plant has flowered in a few weeks.

Soil for rhododendrons

The soil for planting should be light, loose with good layer drainage It is important that the soil is acidic and with sufficient fertilizer. High peat and loamy soil in a ratio of 8:3 are suitable.

It is necessary to avoid stagnation of moisture, otherwise the plant will die. The plant must be planted in a prepared hole about half a meter in diameter and the same depth.

To acidify the soil for rhododendrons. It is necessary to add recycled sawdust from coniferous trees or rotted pine needles.

At home, you can check whether your soil needs acidification. To do this, you will need to pour boiling water over currant or cherry leaves, and when the water has cooled, throw in a little earth. If the water changes color to blue, then the soil needs acidification, if it is red, then it is normal. And if the color changes to green, then the soil is neutral.

Caring for the plant does not require special skills, you just need to loosen the soil and remove weeds in time.

Watering rhododendrons

It is preferable to provide moderate moisture to the plant. Water must be settled or, if possible, rainwater. The soil should be moist to 30 cm deep. You can determine whether watering is necessary by the appearance of the foliage; if they become faded and dull, then moisturizing is necessary.

Rhododendron loves fairly humidified air, about 65%, so it requires frequent spraying of the leaves.

Fertilizer for rhododendrons

The plant should be fertilized starting from early spring until the end of flowering in mid-summer. Fertilize with cow liquid manure along with water in a ratio of 1:15. Before fertilizing, the plant must be watered.

The most practical option fertilizer is used in early spring with mineral and organic complex fertilizers. During flowering with cow dung.

Autumn fertilizers for rhododendrons are necessary after flowering. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are suitable for this.

Pruning rhododendrons

The plant needs to be pruned as needed to create the desired shape. Pruning is done in early spring, before the start of the growing season. Dry shoots are cut off and old branches, about 4 cm thick, are rejuvenated.

Plants that have not overwintered well or are outdated must be completely rejuvenated by cutting off all shoots at a height of about 30 cm from the ground.

Sheltering rhododendrons for the winter

It is necessary to cover the plant if you have hot and frosty winters. To do this, the bush is covered with dry leaves and sawdust. And the shoots themselves are covered with spruce branches and insulated with burlap.

Insulation must be removed after the snow melts in early spring.

Propagation of rhododendrons by cuttings

To do this, cut cuttings from adult large plants about 8 cm long. Place them in a growth stimulator for half a day. And then they are planted in a mixture of peat and sand in a ratio of 3:1, then covered with cellophane, making a greenhouse.

Periodically opening for watering and ventilation. Rooting occurs up to 4.5 months. After rooting, the cuttings are transplanted into a mixture of peat and pine needles.

Reproduction of rhododendrons by layering

To do this, in the spring, dig a young shoot into a small hole about 16 cm deep and sprinkle it with soil, within summer period water, and when rooting occurs, replant separately.

Rhododendron propagation by seeds

The seeds must be sown in a container with prepared peat to a depth of about a centimeter. Cover the container with glass and periodically ventilate and moisten the soil. The temperature required for seed germination is about 15 degrees.

  • Rhododendron does not bloom The reasons may be different, the soil may not be suitable, there is little light, a lot of nitrogen fertilization, leading to the growth of branches and leaves, but flowering does not begin.
  • Rhododendron leaves turn yellow from excessive moisture in the root system, it is necessary to monitor moderate moisture.
  • Rhododendron doesn't grow due to lack of fertilizers, not acidic soil or too much sun shining, and the plant suffers from the heat.
  • Rhododendron sheds its leaves The reason for this may be dry soil, unsuitable land for planting, or your plant is being attacked by pests.
  • The rhododendron withers and the leaves turn brown The reasons are most likely dry air and insufficient spraying. There may also be excessive exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Rhododendron leaves are pale green at insufficient lighting leaves become pale and faded. The second reason is the lack of watering of the plant.
  • The buds of the rhododendron did not open the reason is the increased air temperature, the optimal temperature for the plant indoors is about 16, and outdoors is within 22 degrees.
  • Rhododendron leaves have turned black The cause was the disease chlorosis, which manifests itself when there is a lack of acidity in the soil.
  • When pests appear on the plant , it is necessary to treat the rhododendron bush with an appropriate insecticide.
  • Indoor rhododendron (azalea) belongs to those plants that amaze with their appearance, fit perfectly into any interior, fill the rooms with a pleasant aroma and give them brightness. Flowers that bloom in winter create a unique atmosphere in the house. Of course, azalea is a very spectacular plant, but it is not easy to care for. To grow this flower, you have to work hard. The efforts made are justified when the rhododendron gives its owners beautiful flowers. When choosing a suitable place for a flowerpot, you must take into account that the leaves and stems contain toxic substances. The plant must be positioned so that animals and children cannot reach it.

      Show all

      Types and varieties

      Azalea belongs to the Heather family and can reach a height of 50 cm. There are about 2000 varieties of this plant, but usually only 2 types are cultivated at home:

      • Indian. A plant of this species grows in mountain forests, where there is no lack of moisture and coolness. This is the main azalea species used to produce a large number of hybrids. Flowers are large (up to 5 cm in diameter), rich Pink colour. Among the hybrids there are red, yellow, cream and white flowers, as well as variegated ones.
      • Japanese. This is a less common shrub that grows in mild climates with sufficient moisture levels. Its flowers are not as large as those of the Indian rhododendron and are lower and resistant to low temperatures. The plant blooms in white, red-orange, red, pink or lilac. Sometimes on one bush you can observe flowering in different shades.

      In addition to the considered types of azaleas, there are ampelous and pyramidal types of rhododendron. Usually plants suitable for indoor growing, belong to evergreen varieties, less often they are representatives of deciduous varieties.

      Azaleas bloom profusely for about two months; with the onset of the dormant period, they need shade and cool air.

      Varieties by flowering time:

      • Early flowering. This group includes plants that bloom between October and January. Its representatives are the varieties Adventglockchen, Erie, Orange Boven, Doberlug, Enzette Dagmar, Weisse Schame, Helmut Vogel, Dresden 1936.
      • Medium late flowering. These azaleas bloom from January to March. The list of plants is represented by the varieties Leopold Astrid, Apollo, Avenir, Florida, Knut Erven, Max Shamet, Albert Elizabeth.
      • Late flowering. The flowering period lasts from February to May. At this time, Sakuntala, Ernst Thirs, Concinna, Hexe, Niobe, Coelestinum, Professor Wolters bloom.

      The most suitable varieties for growing at home are Concinna, Niobe, John Herens, Albert Elizabeth, Verveniana rosea, Esmeralda, Eggebrechti, Adventsglockchen, Fritz Saidor, Celestina.

      Temperature and lighting

      When growing at home, the room should be light and cool. Optimal temperature air is 10-15°C, this figure cannot exceed 18°C.

      In autumn, when flower buds appear, it is recommended to provide more low temperature air than the rest of the time - about 6°C. This can be done by temporarily moving the indoor rhododendron to the basement, balcony or other cool place. Before flowering, it is necessary to return to the previous temperature values. Often gardeners use a trick and use melt water for watering or add ice to the flowerpot, laying it around the edges of the pot.

      The correct temperature is great importance. For example, if it is 12°C, the flowering period will last 60 days, but at a temperature of 20°C, the azalea will not bloom for long - only 14 days. Most abundant flowering possible upon admission fresh air V large quantities. Rhododendron in a pot can be left on the terrace all summer, protecting it from direct sunlight, and the rest of the time the room in which the bush is located is often ventilated. But do not forget that this plant is sensitive to significant temperature fluctuations. The azalea should be in the shade, it must be protected from frequent changes in soil and air temperature, otherwise premature bud release may occur.

      Watering and fertilizing

      It is very important to provide the plant with proper care, because its condition and the duration of the flowering period depend on this. 10-20 minutes after watering the rhododendron soft water its excess must be drained. The soil should be well moistened, but not flooded. It must not be allowed to dry out. In cases where the soil is still dry, it is necessary to wet the plant in the shower, maintaining the water temperature between 28 and 30°C.

      If during the growing season the soil must be moistened frequently and abundantly, then during the dormant period moderate watering is required. Also, spraying should be done at least 2 times a week.

      To feed, 2 times a month you need to water the bush with water to which 1 tsp was added. citric acid. If this rule is regularly followed, the acid balance of the soil is maintained. It is recommended to apply small portions daily after watering. complex fertilizer in liquid form. To determine the optimal amount of fertilizer for one day, the monthly norm must be divided by the number of waterings.

      When the buds form and the azalea grows at an accelerated pace, they use classic fertilizers. It is enough to add them every 20 days. Apply organic fertilizers, then mineral, later again organic, etc.

      When and how often to prune rhododendron?

      You need to monitor when the buds fade and remove them, otherwise there will be much fewer flowers than there could be. After pruning, it is recommended to replant the bush, choosing a larger container for it.

      When the flowering period is over, remove 5 cm of each branch on which there was a flower. Weakened shoots are removed completely. Thanks to such actions, the growth of young strong stems will occur. When three pairs of leaves grow on them, and this happens 3-4 weeks after pruning, you need to pinch the tops of the shoots. The listed manipulations are repeated annually.

      Transplantation and propagation

      Care involves replanting after purchase, then annually for three years, and later once every two years. They use soil purchased from a special store, since it has a special composition. It can be either heather soil or a mixture including peat and coniferous soil, sand.

      When growing rhododendron at home, it should be replanted as needed. If the surface of the soil is covered with moss, or the roots of the plant are visible, the azalea must be replanted.

      Summer for breeding indoor rhododendron semi-lignified cuttings with a length of at least 6 cm are used. The age of the cuttings used should be 4-5 months, they are cut at an angle. Reproduction is carried out at temperatures from 20 to 25°C.

      Before planting, you need to immerse the seedlings in a solution prepared on the basis of a drug, the components of which have a positive effect on the root system of the plant. The processing time should be at least half an hour. It can be extended up to an hour. It is necessary to create a drainage layer in the pot by filling the container 3-5 cm with layers of sand and coniferous soil. Remove 4 leaves from the bottom of the cutting. You need to plant azalea cuttings by immersing them 1-2 cm in the ground. It is recommended to cover the seedlings with film or glass. During the period when they take root, ventilate the room as often as possible - at least 3 times every 7 days. Usually it lasts 1.5 months.

      5-6 days before the day on which the seedlings are planned to be transplanted, they are removed from under the shelter. Cuttings with a developed root system are planted in pots using coniferous-peat soil. Then they provide shelter again for 11-14 days.

      To make flowering more intense, it is necessary to periodically pinch the tips of the shoots. It is enough to do this 3 or 4 times a year. The apical bud is removed for the first time on the 31-46th day after the end of the flowering period, when young shoots have four pairs of leaves. When performing this action one last time, the variety is taken into account. If the azalea is early, the last pinching must be done before July 15th. For late plants, pinching should be done in early August.

      When growing the plant, the leaves may turn yellow. This happens due to clay contained in the soil or water. The problem is eliminated by watering with acidified water.

      If the leaves are wrinkling, there are a variety of reasons to consider. This may be a lack of moisture, an increase in the recommended temperature, exposure to sunlight, or dry air. The problem is being solved in the following way: put the pot in the shade, water and spray more often and more abundantly, ensure the presence humid air.

      What pests affect azalea?

      Indoor rhododendron is susceptible negative influence Tarzanemus mite and hairy aphid. Mites cause serious damage to the plant; they attack flowers, buds, and young leaves. It is very difficult to see these insects without a magnifying glass. They can often be detected when light leaves appear, shoots curl, and flowering does not occur. To cure the plant, you need to apply an infusion of wood ash and spray it four times, maintaining an interval of 7-8 days. To prepare this product, you need water (10 l) and ash (500 g). The components are combined and left to infuse for 24 hours, after which they are filtered and used for their intended purpose.

      Hairy aphids damage young stems and sometimes affect leaves. For minor damage, the problem can be solved with soapy water. It is enough to wipe the plant with a cotton pad soaked in it and repeat this procedure after 7-10 days or spray the azalea with calendula tincture purchased at the pharmacy.

      The septoria mushroom, which provokes the development of septoria, can also harm rhododendron. This disease can be identified by rusty or grayish-brown spots on the leaves. If not taken promptly necessary measures, the affected leaves will fall off. Treatment requires Bordeaux mixture in the form of a 1% solution. The affected areas of the plant are treated for 10 days, once daily.

      When purchasing an azalea for your home, you need to provide it with proper care. According to gardeners, when creating optimal conditions Perhaps the flowering is so wild that even the greenery is not visible.