Why do indoor palm leaves turn yellow and fall off? Why do palm leaves dry out? The palm tree has turned yellow, what should I do?

The main cause of disease, as a rule, is improper care. The plant can get sick due to non-compliance with heat, humidity and lighting. Why does the date palm dry out and what signs can be used to determine what is wrong with the tree?

  1. If you notice that the trunk of a palm tree has become soft and emits an unpleasant smell with a hint of putrefaction, while the leaves have changed their color and become dark, almost brown, then most likely you have overdone the watering.

What to do? Of course, the first thing to do is stop watering and dry out the soil. It is better to remove the palm tree from the pot and carefully examine the roots. If the roots have darkened, become watery and soft, you are probably too late, and you will no longer be able to save the plant. If not all roots are dead, but there are still living ones, a separation operation must be performed. Cut off all bad roots and sprinkle the “wounds” with charcoal powder.

  1. Darkened tips of the leaves that acquire a brown tint are evidence that the air in the room is too dry, or the tree is exposed to draft conditions and is exposed to sudden change temperatures

What to do? Dead leaves are removed, and this should be done with a sharp knife, and not by tearing them off. At the same time, if you already have an adult date palm, and the leaves in the lower part of the plant turn yellow, this is a normal phenomenon characteristic of a developing plant.

This is the property of the date palm (drop lower leaves) used in ancient Egypt as a primitive calendar. In one month, a date palm has just enough time to grow one new leaf and one old one to die.

  1. If your date palm has a pale appearance, it may be due to excessive light or pest infestation, particularly red spider mites.

What to do? In this case, shade the plant a little to protect it from direct sunlight.

  1. You have noticed that the leaves of the tree are darkening, beginning to curl into a tube and fall off, and small brown plaques have appeared on their surface. In other words, the date palm dries up, what to do?

All these signs indicate that unexpected guests have settled on your tree. It could be a mealybug, or a thyroid gland, or spider mite. The procedure in this case is as follows:

  1. If you are watching normal condition and the growth of the date palm trunk, but the leaves dry out and curl at the edges (even if they do not change color), this indicates that you are not watering the plant enough, and the air in the room is too dry.

What to do? Carefully trim the dried edges without touching the green (living) part, so that a thin yellow stripe remains along the edges. Only leaves that have dried entirely can be completely removed, otherwise this problem will spread to other leaves. Place a container of water next to the plant, or move the pot away from heating devices, or come up with another convenient way to increase the humidity in the pot area.

It is assumed that it is the date palm (Phoenix) became the prototype of the legendary Phoenix bird, rising from the ashes. Indeed, in the dead, hot sand of vast deserts, palm trees rise as if from the ashes and give life to many plants, animals and people.

How to provide the date palm with proper care?

Growing a plant in room conditions, you need to provide him with the most acceptable care. If lighting is easier in this sense, then watering can be difficult to guess, because we don’t see what’s happening inside the pot, and piercing the soil in the pot is dangerous - you can damage the roots. You can check soil moisture in the following way. Tap the pot from top to bottom with your knuckles. A hollow sound means the soil is dry, a dull sound means the soil is wet.

At correct composition soil, you can water the pot until water flows into the pan. The water that spilled there should be removed after 2-3 hours, if it remains there. Water the palm tree, like most indoor plants, with settled water at room temperature.

Depending on the age of the plant, the composition of the soil also changes.

Date palm from seed

Not everyone knows that the fruit itself is made from an ordinary date that we buy in the store, or rather, from the stone that remains from it. True, this will take time. Place the date pit for several days in plain water, changing it daily. To make sprouts appear faster, it is recommended to scald the seed before planting. Dates that have been lying around for a long time are unlikely to sprout quickly, but nothing depends on us here.

The seed is pushed vertically into the ground so that the soil covers it by 1 cm. The ideal temperature for germination is 25-30 o C. Usually shoots appear after 2-3 months, but at first the tree grows very modestly. And only after 5-7 years will your room be fully decorated by a beautiful representative of the palm family.

Many people grow small indoor palm trees at home, because this exotic plant can bring city ​​apartment a little summer vibe throughout the year. But what to do if your pet starts to get sick? You can often see how the foliage of a palm tree begins to dry out. In this article we will talk about why the tips of palm leaves dry out and how to deal with this scourge.

Causes of palm leaves drying out

  1. The main reason for drying palm leaves is most often a lack of moisture or too dry air. Indeed, in nature, this plant lives in regions with high air humidity, so a certain amount of liquid is vital for the palm tree.
  2. However, there is another possible reason why the leaves of a palm tree dry out. For example, too frequent and abundant watering will also not have a good effect on the health of the palm tree. The roots may rot and the plant will die.
  3. In addition, do not forget about pests and diseases, which can also cause problems for the plant.

What to do if the leaves of a palm tree dry out?

Here's what to do if the tips of the leaves of a palm tree dry out:

  1. First of all, dried leaves should be carefully removed. If the entire leaf has dried, then it must be removed entirely, but if only the tip has begun to dry out, then only the dried part should be carefully cut off.
  2. Then, if the leaves of the palm tree turn yellow and dry out, you need to replenish the missing water as soon as possible. To do this, the plant must be regularly sprayed and watered properly. It is important that the earthen ball is moistened evenly. This can be checked by knocking on the pot in which the palm tree is growing.
  3. You should also periodically fertilize the palm tree with special liquid fertilizers.

If on home palm the leaves dry out, perhaps you do not comply with the conditions in which it needs to be kept. Tropical palms in winter period must be kept warm, while subtropical ones tolerate winter better in cooler conditions.

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Reasons: why palm leaves turn yellow

The question of why palm leaves turn yellow worries many lovers of home exotics. Palm tree refers to exotic plants, which have found application at home.

Yellowing of palm leaves is usually explained by incorrect conditions content.

Conditions for the existence of a tropical plant at home

There are many varieties of palm trees, but not all of them are suitable for growing at home. Palm diseases arise due to the peculiarities of their care. Do not forget that the homeland for most of these trees is the tropics, because they are called tropical. Accordingly, for a tree to function normally, it is necessary to create conditions that are as close to natural as possible. First of all, adequate watering should be ensured. The tropics are not only hot, but also very humid. The plant by its nature requires large quantity water. Provide the palm tree with daily watering in the warm season; in the cold season, it can be reduced to 3-4 times a week. If you normalize the watering regime, the yellow and dry tips of the leaves will gradually return to normal.

The most common cause of yellowing palm leaves is lack of moisture.

Dry air is another factor that leads to plant leaves turning yellow. In the tropics the air is never dry, so plants get used to high humidity, which is what they will demand at home. To humidify the air, place a humidifier or hang a container of water in the room where the plant lives. After some time, the leaves should be saturated with moisture and turn green.

If these measures do not help, then most likely the tree requires a pot bigger size. It is worth knowing that it has a very ramified root system and is not used to being cramped, so he will not put up with a small potty. The perfect solution- transplant it into a spacious tub. If you think that the tree has already been allocated a spacious home, then you shouldn’t touch it, but you can always feed the palm tree by specialized means from the shop. Sometimes a tree begins to get sick because it simply does not have enough vitamins to maintain a full life. It is not allowed to replant the tree often, as it does not like it.

Like others houseplants, the palm tree may be susceptible to attack by various pests. Under their influence, it begins to wither, as a result the leaves turn yellow and dry out. Inspect the tree carefully; if you find any insects, treat the plant with store-bought insecticides.

If, despite all the measures taken, the yellowness still does not disappear from the leaves, you should pay attention to the place where the tree is located. The indoor palm tree does not like drafts; it prefers a warm, quiet place, but not near a radiator. central heating. When the leaves of a palm tree dry, this means that the owner did not provide the tree with the freedom to which it is accustomed in its natural environment.

Why do the tips of the date palm leaves dry out? Why do spots appear? Date palm diseases may be related both with diseases and illiterate care .

Fungal and viral diseases

Responsible for date palm diseases various pathogens:

  1. Fungi.
  2. Viruses.
  3. Bacteria.

The most common fungal disease is gray spot. Signs of the disease are spots gray on leaves, more on older ones. As the disease progresses, black spots appear - these are fungal spores.

For treatment It is necessary to remove all infected parts before the disease affects the entire plant. Next, the palm tree is treated with fungicides - special antifungal drugs. The same means are applicable for another, no less common fungal disease- pink rot.

Bacteria lead to putrefactive processes. They are characterized by soft stems and leaves, which also become discolored and fall off. The appearance of bacteria is promoted by increased soil moisture and keeping them in a cold room.

If a mosaic-type pattern appears on the leaves, this signals a viral infection. Most often the plant insects infect, which must be destroyed indoors in a timely manner. They may be:

  • flies;
  • mosquitoes;
  • moths.

And other insects that can enter the room. For protection, mosquito nets should be installed on windows.

Once every six months it is necessary to carry out preventative treatment special plants chemicals.

Reasons for the loss of decorative appearance

Soil oversaturated with moisture can lead to the appearance of brown spots . Watering with cold water also leads to the same result.

Softening the trunk, together with a putrid odor, also signals excess moisture, life threatening plants.

To check, you need to remove it from the pot and inspect it. If dead roots are found, you need to separate them from the living ones and thoroughly clean them. Replant into another pot and into drier soil.

The leaves of the date palm are drying up, what should I do? If watering is insufficient, the leaves begin to wither and turn yellow. This may also be due to poor quality water- too hard or low in essential microelements.

But the same symptoms can also indicate too dense soil and associated moisture stagnation. The best solution in such a situation there will be a transplant into looser soil.

Brown coloration of leaf tips- the result of insufficient air humidity. The same symptom is characteristic of hypothermia.

Diseases and pests

Red spider mite is one of the main enemies of not only the date palm, but also many other indoor plants.

The size of the insect is only half a millimeter. It is bred in rooms with extremely low humidity and high temperature. It starts first in the stem, gradually spreading to the leaves.

Symptoms are gray or yellow spots and cracks. If no measures are taken, the green pet will die, completely covered in cobwebs. Particular attention should be paid in the spring, this is the time of the most likely infection.

Shchitovka also feeds on plant sap and spreads very quickly. Insects gradually cover the entire palm tree, its surface becomes like tiny scales. As a result of loss of juice, the foliage withers and turns yellow, and the shoots may dry out.


Date palm diseases: photos show how your plant can suffer from improper care or pests.

  • phosphamide;
  • fitoverm;
  • actellik;
  • pyrethrum.

The proportion of the chemical solution is 2 g per 1 liter. water. It is advisable to spray once a week.

Traditional disinfection is also suitable: wipe the infected areas with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol and spray the rest of the plant.

For health and freshness

How to rejuvenate a date palm? Renewal of the date palm consists of constant renewal of leaves that appear from above and die from below. Needs to be deleted wilting or dried lower branches.

Upper branches can't be trimmed! This can lead to the death of the plant. Drying of the upper branch is an unnatural process and signals a disease.

Proper care is a panacea for many diseases

The most susceptible to diseases are weakened plants that lack proper care (what are they like at home?). Compliance with all rules:

  • glaze;
  • feeding;
  • temperature;
  • light mode;

can prevent many diseases.

It is necessary to regularly inspect the plant, and if pests are found, destroy them immediately.

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Decorative palm trees have long been successfully used in the design and landscaping of houses, offices, resorts and sanatoriums, etc. Palm trees came to us from warm countries, therefore, when growing them, you must follow some rules.

The plant loves light, so the higher and more spacious the room, the more comfortable the southern beauty feels. Often, palm owners are faced with an unpleasant problem - succulent and green leaves “suddenly” begin to turn yellow and even fall off. As you understand, nothing happens suddenly, so you need to find out why the leaves of the palm tree turn yellow. To understand what's going on with your plant, you need to learn more about it. Perhaps then the cause of the disease or unusual behavior of the flower will become obvious to you.

Why do palm leaves fall and dry?

This question worries many gardeners. You can often hear that a palm tree grew and developed normally for three to five years, and suddenly the leaves began to turn yellow and dry, and sometimes even fall off. How to help the plant? What is he missing? Let's figure it out.

Experts in the field of plant growing are confident that when your home flower begins to turn yellow, this does not always indicate the presence of some kind of disease. This often happens as a result of the natural process of shedding the foliage of the false palm tree. This is vital for the plant for further growth and development. However, this always worries the owner of the palm tree. “The leaves have fallen, what should I do?” - beginner flower growers ask. When a plant loses its lower foliage, this indicates over- or under-watering.

Why do palm leaves turn yellow?

Professional flower growers explain this flower behavior for a number of reasons. First of all, they name too dry air and insufficient watering. Much depends on the temperature and light conditions in which the plant is located, and whether you care for it correctly.

Perhaps not everyone knows that some species in winter time need coolness.

Palm trees for warm rooms:

  • coconut;
  • areca;
  • chamedorea;
  • karyota;
  • acanthophoenix;
  • Phoenix Robelini - these plants need high temperatures and high humidity.

Varieties for moderately warm rooms:

  • Bonneti coconut;
  • Belmora);
  • clinostigma;
  • geonoma;
  • rapis;
  • rapalostylis;
  • sabal.

Palm trees for growing in cool rooms:

  • brachea;
  • Hamerops;
  • Washingtonia;
  • trachycarpus, etc.

The most common causes of yellowing foliage

One of possible reasons yellowing of palm leaves is heat air. Since these plants are native to the tropics or subtropics, many gardeners mistakenly believe that they need equatorial heat in winter. The flower gives an instant reaction - the leaves of the palm tree dry up.

Most palm trees feel comfortable at an air temperature of +16-20 °C. At the same time, the plant (especially in winter) does not need frequent watering; it is enough to moderately moisten the soil as the top layer dries.

Dry air

Almost all palm trees experience discomfort during heating season, since the air in our apartments becomes very dry during this period. Owners notice that palm leaves are drying out - their tips begin to turn yellow and die off quite quickly. Partial pruning does not give the desired result. It turns out that the plant just needs to create more humid conditions. We will tell you below how to humidify the air in your apartment. The plant should be sprayed with a spray bottle and monitor the condition of the soil, preventing it from drying out.


This southern beauty is sensitive to drafts. Palm leaves most often suffer from this. To prevent them from turning yellow, it is enough to move the flower to a safe place. When choosing a suitable corner, you should take into account the possibility of ventilating the room - without an influx of fresh air, the development of the flower will slow down.

Frequent replanting

Palm trees are plants that do not like frequent, and sometimes unjustified, disturbance. IN in this case we're talking about about the transplant. Sometimes the owner of a plant saw a beautiful pot in the store and decided to transplant a palm tree into it, without thinking about whether the plant needed it at the moment. Transplantation should be carried out only when necessary. But you shouldn’t allow the roots to be crowded in the old pot. This often leads to palm leaves turning yellow.

Diseases and pests. Shields

If spots appear on the leaves of a palm tree in the form of brown plaques, which gradually spread to the stems, this indicates that the plant is affected by scale insects that suck out healthy juices. The leaves quickly turn pale, dry out and soon fall off.

In this case, it is necessary to wipe the palm leaves with a soapy sponge, and then spray the plant with a 0.15% Actellik solution (according to the instructions).

Spider mite

This pest appears in dry air. Cobwebs appear on the stems, leaves wither, turn yellow and fall off. Wipe the damaged areas with a soapy sponge and wash under warm shower. Spray (moisten) the plant more often. In case of severe damage, spraying with Actellik is allowed.


These pests affect not only palm leaves, but also shoots and even flowers. The leaves become deformed, dry out and fall off. If not treated in a timely manner, the plant may die.

If you find signs of the disease, treat the problem areas with a soapy sponge and wash under a warm shower.

Leaves turn black

Owners often complain that palm leaves turn black. This phenomenon is associated with improper care behind the plant. There are two types of leaf darkening:


If the room temperature is too high, watering is carried out irregularly and in insufficient quantities, and hard water is used, then the plant responds to such “care” with darkened edges of the leaves. If you do not start the fight in a timely manner, your plant will die.


Such darkening usually occurs due to excessive watering, low air temperatures, drafts, or compacted soil in the pot. It is necessary to stop watering for at least two weeks. Loosen the soil in the pot more often to improve oxygen access to the roots. If no improvement is observed, then replant the palm tree in new soil.

After watering, a small amount of water should be poured into the pan, which will be absorbed into the ground within one hour. It must be drained or removed with a clean napkin. For watering, use only settled water, and only after it dries. upper layer soil.

Twice a month, plants must be fed with special liquid fertilizers for palm trees, which are sold in all flower shops. Regularly inspect the bottom of the flowerpots: are the roots coming out, are they pushing the soil out of the pot from above? In this case, transplantation into larger containers with fresh soil for palm trees is required.

The yellowed tips of the leaves should be trimmed, but in such a way as not to affect the green, living tissue of the leaf, leaving a thin strip of dry tissue. Otherwise, drying may accelerate and the leaf may be lost completely. Only remove leaves that are completely dry.

How to humidify the air?

Since we have already talked about the fact that palm trees need air humidification, we will discuss how to do this in a city apartment.


On a frosty day, do not try to open the windows wide in the room where the palm tree grows. Remember that frosty air is dry in most cases, so it will not affect the humidity in the room. At temperatures around 0 degrees, it is enough to open the windows every three hours for 10 minutes.

Natural evaporation of moisture

Hang wet terry towels over the radiators or place open containers of water next to them. Various tropical in beautiful vases additionally humidify the air.

Another helper in increasing humidity is an indoor fountain. Slowly evaporating moving water has a great effect on the condition of the air.

Popular types

Today there are many varieties of palm trees suitable for home grown. They have some features, which we will introduce you to using the examples of the most popular plants.

Date palm

Perhaps this is the most popular plant from the palm family. This is a very beautiful tree tropical flower. has a luxurious crown made up of feathery green leaves. palm trees parallel. The trunk of this plant is covered with the remains of leaf petioles.

Date palm has unisexual, wind-pollinated, three-membered flowers, which are collected in paniculate inflorescences. This tree also has fruits - berries with hard seeds. In some species they are edible. Today, many lovers of indoor flowers grow a date palm. Are the leaves of this plant drying out? Yes, with improper care.

In order for your plant to develop correctly, place it in a well-lit area, do not forget to spray the crown with water, provide abundant watering in the summer, and reduce it to a minimum in the winter. The date palm loves clay-turf soil. When transplanting a plant into a larger container, the old soil must be completely replaced.


This is a beautiful large plant with a magnificent fan-shaped crown. It can decorate a spacious room or office space. Butia loves bright light and sun, as well as warmth and freshness wet air. That is why in summer time she feels comfortable at +20-25 °C, and in winter - at +12-15 °C.

It does not need to be watered frequently and abundantly: in summer watering is done once a week, and in winter even less often. IN last years At home, dwarf individuals of this species are quite often grown. Their height does not exceed forty centimeters. Feature this palm has a capitate thickening at the base. This is a palm tree with long leaves (up to four meters). They are quite rigid, arched, divided into leaf plates. In young plants they are covered with fluff, and in adults they are covered with thorns.

From the axils of the leaves (upper) grow panicles-inflorescences with beautiful red flowers. Then their place is taken by pleasantly smelling oval-shaped fruits, which are a little reminiscent of apricots.


A spectacular fan-shaped plant. The leaves of the palm tree (you can see the photo below) are colored juicy light green color. They are located on a smooth thin trunk of gray-green color. This type of palm tree is widely used in the interior of houses and apartments. But it should be remembered that for active growth and development for Livistona, certain conditions must be created: good lighting, abundant watering, high humidity and air temperature not lower than +20 °C, wiping and spraying the leaves.


Slow growing and low maintenance palm tree. Narrow leaves with thorns distinguish it from many relatives. With proper care it grows up to five meters in height. Prefers loose soil, regular but not very abundant watering, loves periodic replanting and sunlight.


The magnificent feathery leaves of this indoor palm tree are the main, but not the only advantage of the plant, which comes from the islands off the coast of Australia. Varieties of this plant take root well indoors and tolerate a lack of light. It is important that their foliage does not dry out or turn pale. It remains green and dense even in very dry air.

The plant is resistant to other pests. This endurance predetermined the popularity of this palm tree for landscaping apartments and offices. Howea grows much more slowly than other species. The emerging young leaves are located almost vertically inside the crown.


There are two types of this palm - Washingtonia filifera and Washingtonia robustra. The first is a massive fan-shaped plant native to the arid regions of the United States. Palm tree with large gray-green leaves. The plant has a strong gray trunk. This variety easily tolerates air temperatures down to +8 °C. The height of such a palm tree can reach 15 meters, and the circumference of the trunk can be one meter.

The second variety is more miniature. This palm grows mainly in Mexico. It belongs to the fan-shaped plants; white veins and orange thorns are clearly visible on the leaves. The leaves have a purple hue. It grows well at home if the room is warm. Doesn't require too much abundant watering. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum. It is necessary to plant the plant in fairly tall pot and place it in a bright place, but so that direct sunlight does not hit the crown. Dried leaves must be removed regularly.


This palm has a highly branched tree-like stem, which is crowned with a tuft of large glaucous or green leaves. They can have different edges: jagged and smooth, with sharp spikes at the ends or threads. Flowering is abundant. Flowers appear on the tree in the shape of a bell or a bowl. Typically painted in White color. Sometimes they have a cream or sandy tint. The flowers gather in a large panicle. Unfortunately, at home the plant blooms extremely rarely.

The brightest place in the house should be reserved for the yucca; it feels quite comfortable even in the brightest sun. That is why, with the onset of summer, she often moves to Fresh air. This palm should be watered sparingly between April and October. To prevent the leaves from turning yellow, add a special liquid fertilizer for palm trees to the water for irrigation once a month. During extreme heat, place the plant in the shade and spray it with water in the morning. In autumn and winter, it is quite happy with a temperature of + 10 ° C; reduce watering at this time.


It is a low palm with fan-shaped, bluish-green leaves that are widened at the base. The trunk is covered with the remains of petioles. The plant grows naturally in the subtropics of the USA, and at home for its successful development it should be general recommendations for palm trees.

Now you know why palm leaves dry out, why they turn yellow or black, so you can avoid unwanted problems. Proper care behind a plant will turn it into a luxurious decoration for your home. We hope that the description of popular varieties of palm trees and their photos presented in the article will help you choose the plant you like.