Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow at the edges. What to do if the leaves of Dieffenbachia turn yellow, the main mistakes when caring for the plant

1. The leaves of Dieffenbachia are almost all small and green (and should be 2/3 white), the same leaves that are, as expected, colored, begin to turn green a week and a half after their appearance.

Answer: Shadow is a flexible concept. The leaves may be small and green due to lack of light. A shadow is not darkness, it’s just that direct rays should not fall. Most variegated plants lose their leaf spotting when there is a lack of light. Or your land is bad. Try feeding it with fertilizers and replant it in special land

(for green leafy plants). And if you have an imported flower, there are almost always problems, because before sale it grew in ideal conditions.

2. My Dieffenbachia has yellow leaves on the bottom. What is this connected with? Answer:

This may be due to drafts, which Dieffenbachia does not tolerate (although not all varieties).

Answer: 3. Dieffenbachia is 3 years old, the trunk is becoming bare, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Just too old and time to trim?

Check if it is in a draft; this may cause leaves to fall. In addition, perhaps she is simply cramped in the potty. Try replanting and adding good soil.

Answer: 4. Dieffenbachia leaves are torn.

    The problem of many aroid lovers. Opinions:

    My huge Dieffenbachia has the same problem: the leaf does not have time to come out of the sinus, but is already opening, resulting in torn edges. No matter how much I looked for it, I couldn’t find it, but I found a way to fight it: when the new leaf is still tightly rolled up, I tie it with a soft thread so that it first comes out of the bosom, then I remove the thread, and it immediately unwinds without any damage. The main thing is not to trace the moment.

    The fact is that the leaves grow faster than they have time to unfold. I began to grow normally after applying urea and potassium-phosphorus fertilizer a week later. The leaves all unfurled, but some remained wavy, while the rest grew normally.

    My Dieffenbachia's young leaves also unfolded strangely when it was exposed to a draft. Moreover, the draft was very small.

What is your reason - decide for yourself.

5. Dieffenbachia produces new leaves - variegated ones, and then they begin to turn green from the edges to the center. I thought that the lighting was to blame - but moving it to another, brighter place did not help much.

Answer: This is a natural process - with age (after 7-8 months), the leaves become less variegated, the light center decreases, but the leaf does not turn completely green. If there is not enough lighting, then the young leaves will not be variegated. By the way, Dieffenbachia can lose color both from a lack of light and from an excess of light, for example, when exposed to direct sunlight.

6. What does Dieffenbachia love and fear?

2. My Dieffenbachia has yellow leaves on the bottom. What is this connected with? Dieffenbachia loves enough wet air, although, regardless of humidity, the lower leaves eventually age and fall off. Dieffenbachia does not like drafts, dryness, hypothermia and overheating. Dieffenbachia, for all its apparent strength, declines from cold or dry air, drafts, and, most importantly, does not tolerate hypothermia of the earthen coma. If it stands on the windowsill, it may get cold. When replanting, you can remove some of the roots, the plant will grow more rapidly. It has been noticed that the larger the pot, the larger the leaves.

7. How to root a Dieffenbachia shoot?

2. My Dieffenbachia has yellow leaves on the bottom. What is this connected with? Dieffenbachia shoots take root, as a rule, simply - you can root the shoots in water (as an option - in a dark bottle), the roots appear in 2.5-3 weeks, do not forget to add fresh water. Or just in the ground.

Plant it immediately in the ground in a small pot, and when the roots appear at the bottom of the pot, plant it in a decent-sized pot.

Answer: 8. I have a piece of Dieffenbachia trunk. But the trick is that I can't tell which way is up and which way is down.

If you don’t know where her “legs” are, I advise you to plant her “lying down”.

Answer: If you can see on a piece of stem which side the bud will grow on, then turn that side up. Find the node. The bud is a slightly elongated thickening near the node, it is slightly lighter than the trunk. So this bud is right above (!) the node. And below the node there are several smaller dotted bulges around the circumference, these are potential roots.

10. The leaves began to turn yellow and dry out, starting from the very tip. Maybe the pot is too big and the soil doesn’t have time to dry out?

2. My Dieffenbachia has yellow leaves on the bottom. What is this connected with? But Dieffenbachia loves humidity. Tell me, who knows what this could be.

Do the ends dry out immediately, or do they turn yellow first? If the dry tip has a yellow rim, then this is due to overflow. It is very difficult to adapt to a large pot.

2. My Dieffenbachia has yellow leaves on the bottom. What is this connected with? She, of course, loves humidity, but not in the pot, but in the air. You probably need to spray more often and water less often. And one more thing - she really doesn’t like drafts (even small ones), i.e., even a small flow of air from the gap is enough for her to react.

11. All the new leaves come out with such difficulty and they are all somehow twisted and small.

Answer: She may be lacking light or nutrients. Have you replanted it or is it growing in peat? If you dare to replant, check the roots. Perhaps nematodes have infested (this causes the leaves to grow as if crumpled). 12. Dieffenbachia leaves “look” down, as if withering!

I think this is your look. Still

2. My Dieffenbachia has yellow leaves on the bottom. What is this connected with? withered leaf - it is sluggish, and you have normal elastic leaves. As new leaves grow, they become heavy (leaf size up to 50 cm) and droop. And in bush forms the leaves actually look up. It looks like a false palm tree and the leaves should be like that. In my opinion, there is no reason to worry, but it looks very cool.

13. Does she need a big potty, or does she prefer a cramped one?

2. My Dieffenbachia has yellow leaves on the bottom. What is this connected with? The larger the pot, the larger the leaves will be. Dieffenbachia wraps its roots around an earthen ball very quickly. For any plant, it is preferable not to have a cramped pot, but to have a slightly larger root system. If you transfer a plant, then increase the width and depth of the pot by 1-2 fingers - no more. If you plant from cuttings or replant with the destruction of the earthen clod, then it is advisable to choose a small container. It is better to replant after six months large capacity than to ruin a plant with rotten roots... 14. The lower leaves of the bush dieffenbachia have begun to turn yellow! At the same time, many new leaves appear. Do you think this is a natural process of the “old” dying off?

It depends on how many leaves turn yellow. In principle, yellowing and dying is precisely

Answer: lower leaves - quite healthy: new leaves grow, but old ones turn yellow and dry, this is natural. Of course, you can trim the dried edges, but carefully, along the edges, without affecting the living greenery.

16. Dieffenbachia leaves have a gray coating from water, although I wash the leaves regularly.

2. My Dieffenbachia has yellow leaves on the bottom. What is this connected with? Experts advise removing plaque non-alcoholic beer, diluted half and half with water. And just recently, someone shared a new recipe using buttermilk.

17. Dieffenbachia grows crookedly!

Answer: There is only one way out - light it from above, or constantly rotate it. You can also tie it tightly to something straight.

18. Something similar to a rash with reverse side leaves, and they begin to turn yellow and dry out. And - on the back side of the sheet I noticed little black crawling creatures. Brown spots appear on the leaves, the leaves wither and curl. What to do?

2. My Dieffenbachia has yellow leaves on the bottom. What is this connected with? The little black ones are either mites (they are very small, round) or thrips (larger and elongated). Brown spots may be from spider mites. In any case, "Aktellik", "Fitoverm" or "Agrovertin" will help.

If you don’t have anything at hand, immediately wash the plant with soap (leave the soapy plant in the bathroom for 20 minutes), then rinse. But this is, so to speak, ambulance, you still have to process it. You can use garlic infusion (pour 10 g of garlic into 1 liter cold water, leave for a day and spray, and be sure to spray it on the underside of the leaf). Yes, and you will have to wash and treat all the plants, plus the frames, window sills and everything where they stand (spider mites, for example, love all sorts of secluded places).

19. Dieffenbachia has bloomed! Is it better to prune it? How often do you do this with decorative foliage plants?

2. My Dieffenbachia has yellow leaves on the bottom. What is this connected with? It is important that the plant, which is kept for the sake of beautiful leaves, does not lose its main beauty. And flowering weakens it, the lower leaves become sluggish, and the plant may go bald. So - cut it off.

20. The tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow, and not only of old leaves, but also of relatively new ones. This yellowness still captures the edges of some leaves.

2. My Dieffenbachia has yellow leaves on the bottom. What is this connected with? Make sure to water the plant. If the tips are immediately yellow and dry, this is due to dryness (in addition to wiping, it needs spraying; in general, during the heating season, all plants need spraying in any case, well, except for cacti and succulents, of course). If the ends first become brown and wet, and then dry out, this is overflow. In addition, pest damage is possible.

The pest, in principle, is not so difficult to notice. For example, leaves turn yellow, but, as a rule, not only at the tips and edges, but also in the center, from spider mites. Look at the back of the leaf - the spider mite is the most difficult to identify: on the back of the leaf it looks like there are light, fine dust or grains of sand - you can take a magnifying glass or touch it with your finger - if they move, that means it’s definitely him. Dieffenbachia rarely gets sick and all its diseases are associated with improper cultivation. If the flower is selected right place

in the apartment and watering and other care requirements are adjusted, then it will delight its owner with gorgeous foliage. But what to do if its leaves begin to turn yellow? Why is this happening? Let's look into this in this article.

To determine what exactly Dieffenbachia is sick with, you should take a closer look at its charming foliage, and it will tell you everything.

Why do the leaves turn yellow and what to do? If a flower lacks diffused sunlight, its leaf blades first begin to discolor and lose beautiful drawing

, and then the leaf turns yellow and falls off. This often happens if in an apartment even in summer period

It’s quite gloomy because of the foliage of the trees planted outside the window. If it is not possible to move Dieffenbachia to another room or place it on a windowsill, then you should think about additional lighting for the flower.

When choosing a place for a plant, you should not expose it to direct sun, as its foliage will burn in 10 minutes in this case.

Leaves are drying Leaves may dry out if the plant is overfed with nitrogen fertilizers.

If this happens, the plant will require urgent transplantation into a new substrate with a complete flushing of the root system. Therefore it is purchased new soil , specially designed for planting a flower in it. New expanded clay is laid out on the bottom, but if it is not possible to purchase a new one, then the old one is doused with boiling water and dried. Dieffenbachia is removed from the old soil and the roots are washed. warm water

It will not be possible to remove excess fertilizers with water. root system It won’t stand it and will begin to rot.

Drying leaf tips

Most likely, Dieffenbachia's watering is not regulated or, when kept in winter, the air in the room where the plant lives is very dry.

IN winter time at low temperatures The tips of the leaf blades may also dry out. If you have decided on the cause, then spraying Dieffenbachia with a fine spray from a spray bottle will help increase air humidity.

They also select a pallet much larger size, than necessary, pour expanded clay onto it and pour water. And then a container with a flower is placed on the stones. Water evaporating from the pan increases air humidity. And since the pot stands on stones, the root system does not get wet and is not in danger of rotting.

Mistakes in home care

Various mistakes when caring for Dieffenbachia:

  1. Yellowing or drying of foliage– unregulated watering, dry air, excess fertilizer.
  2. Stem too elongated– the plant is in deep shade and needs to be moved to a brighter place.
  3. Leaf plates smolder at high air temperatures– move to a cooler place or, if possible, place the flower near the air conditioner.

When the air temperature is more than 35 degrees, the leaves burn from the temperature in a matter of minutes, exposing the trunk.

Flower diseases

Diseases do not visit this flower. All problems with leaves are only due to improper care.

Emerging brown spots along the edge of the leaf plates. It is a fungal disease that is spread by touching leaves between many flowers, e.g. flower shop. Treatment with any fungicide will help.

Black dry spots appear along the edge of the leaf plate, which gradually spread to the entire leaf, after which it disappears, and the blackness spreads further. Transmitted by fungal spores from other plants. It can also be caused by hot air and high soil moisture. Treatment with any fungicide.

This disease destroys the root system and root collar Dieffenbachia. The fungus that causes this disease can be found in the soil, and its progressive activity can be stimulated by too dry soil.

Therefore, properly regulated watering is very important. If the disease appears, it is worth treating the plant systemic fungicide. If this does not help, you need to think about re-rooting the plant.

This is when there are spots on the leaf plates that do not correspond to the grade. The plant stops growing and slowly dies. There is no cure for this disease yet, and the flower should be destroyed so that the disease does not spread to the rest of the collection of house plants.

Properly cultivate the plant and inspect it from time to time for diseases so as not to miss the initial stage.

Pests and their control

Problems with leaf platinums may indicate improper flower maintenance. This could also be the beginning of a pest infestation.

Dieffenbachia may have scale insects - small brown spots that can be easily removed with a fingernail. At the same time, a sticky coating forms on the leaf plates, which interferes with the photosynthesis of the plant. To get rid of scale insects, they are picked off by hand, and the loan is treated three times with an interval of 8 days with a solution made on the basis of Actellik.

Spider mites can be seen by the web that appears in the axils of the plant. It is removed using a cotton swab soaked in alcohol and treated with Actellik. Treat until no more webs form, which means there are no more spider mites on the plant.

Mealybugs damage the root system and can be noticed when replanting a plant. The soil is replaced with a new one, the container where Dieffenbachia grew is treated with boiling water. It is best to treat the roots themselves with Actellik to destroy mealybug eggs.

Inspect the plant at least once a month for pests.

Leaf senescence

Occurs in adult specimens and if the flower slows down its growth and does not form new growth, most likely this is due to the suspension of the flower’s vital activity (3). If this was noticed in spring time, then a simple replanting with a slight increase in capacity and replacing the soil with new soil will help. If the time for replanting is not suitable or it was done more than a month ago, then it is worth feeding the plant with special mineral fertilizers for decorative foliage plants.

Now they big choice and when purchasing, if you cannot choose for yourself, you should contact the sales consultant.

Natural drying of leaves

From about the second year of life, the lower leaf plates of the flower begin to turn yellow and fall off.. This occurs due to the natural shedding of aging foliage. After four years, when the flower grows to a height of one meter, Bottom part becomes bare due to the falling off of old foliage and Dieffenbachia takes on the appearance of a false palm.

Pruning will help here - the upper side shoots of the remaining trunk will sprout and Dieffenbachia will continue to grow, and the roots at the top will be sprouted in water and planted next to the bare trunk. Roots on growth in summer time appear very quickly within a couple of weeks, so you won’t have to wait long. In this way, you can create a lush bush.

Dieffenbachia beautiful tropical flower, which will help create comfort in the apartment, and caring for it is not difficult; you just need to adjust the watering and choose the appropriate place in the room for it.

Dieffenbachia is a popular indoor plant that is characterized by fast growth and bright green leaves. However, often gardeners are faced with the fact that the leaves of the plant begin to dry out, turn yellow and become deformed. How to properly care for the plant to prevent such phenomena?

Optimal conditions for the development of Dieffenbachia at home

Although Dieffenbachia is a favorite resident of the window sills of many homes and offices, it still requires a lot of attention to care. Dieffenbachia is very capricious, therefore, those who grow it often face various difficulties. You need to choose a place for a pot with an indoor flower based on the color of the leaves. If they are monochromatic, then the plant should be placed in the back of the room, away from the light. Dieffenbachia tolerates shade well. But in this case, she will need additional lighting, especially in winter. In any case, it is necessary to avoid windows on the south side, since direct sunlight may cause the plant to die.

The correct development of a tree also depends on temperature. So for the warm season permissible norm indoors should be + 21+25. In winter and autumn, the air temperature should be from +15 to +20. In places where it is located flower pot, there should be no drafts, wind or sudden temperature changes. To water Dieffenbachia, you need to use pre-prepared water, which infused for at least a day. In the cold season, you need to water the soil after it has been upper layer dried out a little. In summer and spring, watering should be regular and abundant. The soil should not dry out.

Dieffenbachia responds very well to water treatments, for this it needs to be periodically sprayed with a spray bottle. This must be done in such a way that excess moisture does not fall on the soil, it can be covered with polyethylene. If the plant is already large, the leaves can be wiped with a damp cloth. For the proper development of Dieffenbachia, feeding is necessary. To do this, you need to select fertilizers that do not contain lime. The procedure is carried out on average three times a month.

Features of growing Dieffenbachia (video)

Why do Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow and dry?

Since the exotic guest is quite capricious, her leaves often turn yellow and dry. This can be caused by both disturbances in the care process and diseases, which are quite common for this particular type of plant. Why do plant leaves turn yellow?

Violation of care rules

Several factors can lead to violation of plant care rules. In first place is improper watering – it can be either excessively abundant or insufficient. The air in the room where Dieffenbachia is located can be very dry. This also applies to office premises, where the lighting is in most cases artificial, and the flowerpot itself is on the windowsill, where it practically does not penetrate sunlight. No matter how strange it may sound, but pets may also be involved in violations of plant care. They may chew or scratch the leaves of the flower, but the damage may not be noticeable at first glance. In this way, an infection can be introduced that interferes with the normal development of the plant.

Dieffenbachia diseases and methods of their treatment

Dieffenbachia, like any living creature, can get sick and be affected by infections. Fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. Leaf spotting, which forms first at the edges of the foliage and then spreads to the entire blade, can be caused due to improper room temperature or high humidity. Also Excessive watering and accumulation of liquid in the soil can cause stains. To avoid such phenomena, it is necessary not only to reconsider the systematicity of irrigation, but also the water itself that is used for these purposes.

Anthractosis- at fungal disease stems and leaves are affected by small orange spots, which over time merge into one large lesion, leading to complete drying of the leaf. It occurs for the same reasons as regular spotting. Treatment of affected areas of the plant is carried out by spraying Dieffenbachia with fungicides.

Fusarios– an infectious disease of a flower that affects the roots and basal part of Dieffenbachia. Long orange spots appear on the affected areas, which lead to drying out and death of the plant. The appearance of such an infection is caused by overdried soil and lack of fertilizers. To cure a tree, you need to remove the roots from the pot, rinse it under water and get rid of the contaminated soil. Then spray the roots several times with preparations containing fungicides and transplant the plant into new ground.

How to deal with Dieffenbachia pests (video)

Yellowing and drying out of leaves can also be caused by root rot . To do this, as in the previous case, it is necessary to dig out the roots and clean them of infection. If the roots are black and have bad smell- This is a sure sign of the disease. It can be caused by overwatering. To treat Dieffenbachia, you need to clean the infected roots, replant it in a new place, treat the soil with a fungicide and reconsider the watering.

The leaves of the plant may be subject to bacteriosis, during which watery spots with clear boundaries along the edges appear on the affected areas. The development of this disease can be triggered by infection during transplantation or cuttings. To get rid of the infection, you need to spray the plant with preparations containing copper.

Dieffenbachia pests affecting the condition of leaves

  • spider mite
  • mealybug
  • scale insect

Natural causes

Yellowing of Dieffenbachia leaves can also be caused by natural causes. In general, this is a natural process that affects already old lower leaves. However, when the first spots and dry areas appear on the leaves, there is no need to rush to get rid of them and cut them off at the root. You need to wait until the leaves are completely dry and begin to fall off. Flower growers claim that pruning leaves causes great harm to the plant.

Why do droplets form on Dieffenbachia leaves?

It happens that drops form on the leaves of Dieffenbachia; flower growers call this “Dieffenbachia is crying.” In most cases, this is a natural process in which moisture is released through special mouths - hydathodes. If the phenomenon occurs quite often, you need to reduce the amount of watering, but do it carefully to prevent the soil from drying out.

What to do if Dieffenbachia has small leaves

It happens that the leaves of a flower develop disproportionately to the trunk; in a word, they are very small or can curl at the edges. Sudden changes in temperature in the room where the plant is located can contribute to this disorder. It is important to provide the flower with the correct humidity level, especially in winter, when the batteries in the house start to work. It is also recommended to spray Dieffenbachia leaves with special fertilizers.

Dieffenbachia leaf propagation technology

The beauty of Dieffenbachia is that it is quite easy to propagate. For this would be better suited already mature plant, whose age is more than two years. It is better to cut the leaf from the very top and as close to the trunk as possible., leaving a few buds on it. To avoid excessive sap production, reduce watering a few days before pruning. It is better to trim the cuttings with a sharp serrated blade so as not to injure the internal fibers. The trimmed top can be placed in water or immediately planted on ready-made soil.

Pests of indoor plants and their control (video)

Dieffenbachia, although it is quite demanding and capricious plant, still does not cease to be one of the most beloved flower plants. At proper care In 1 year, a fairly tall tree with large green leaves grows, which will become the main decoration of an apartment or office.

Dieffenbachia is a very common indoor ornamental plant, is part of the araceae family. The trunk of the plant is strong and fleshy, and the leaves are soft, oval-shaped, containing a characteristic light pattern on a dark green background, although they can be rich green depending on the variety. In total, the plant has a little more than forty varieties. They differ in shape, leaf structure and root system.

Despite the fact that this plant is characterized by good and rapid growth, it has increased sensitivity to some external factors, which leads to illness, loss of decorativeness, and sometimes even death. Here we will describe in detail situations in which the appearance of the plant suffers. Most often these are problems with leaves.

Growing difficulties

  • The very first difficulty that novice gardeners encounter is the yellowing of the leaves of Dieffenbachia. This usually happens with the lower leaf blades. The reason for this may be the natural aging processes of the flower, in which case they are isolated in nature. Or, one might think that this situation is caused by excessive watering; the leaves turn yellow en masse and often. Sometimes this situation is possible when a houseplant experiences sharp drop temperature. You can get rid of the problem by adjusting the frequency of watering. It should be plentiful, but not frequent, and the water should be used at room temperature.
  • The next most common problem is dry tips of the leaves of the flower. Let's figure out why in Dieffenbachia sometimes only the tips of the leaves dry, and sometimes the leaves dry out completely. If the problem relates to adult leaves that have a lower location, then this situation is evidence of natural aging. But if the process affects all leaves or most of them, then you need to look for the reason why Dieffenbachia suffers insufficient hydration and dry air or too high a temperature. Then the plant needs to be sprayed more often and moved a little further from the window. A similar problem can arise when an indoor flower is located in a place where there are often drafts. In a word, if the leaves of Dieffenbachia begin to wither, then this is a signal that caring for the plant does not meet its needs and needs to be adjusted. If the plant has nevertheless lost its decorative effect and the stem is very bare, then the problem can be solved by cutting off and rooting its top.
  • Another more serious cause of leaf wilting is disease. Thus, ankyrosis is manifested by the presence of large spots on the leaves of the plant, which gradually cover the entire surface of the leaf plate, the latter subsequently drying out completely and dying. The disease provoking factor is heat and indoor humidity, as well as excessive watering. In addition, the disease can be transmitted through infected plant parts. You can get rid of the disease using fungicidal agents. Required condition The cure is to optimize watering and temperature conditions.
  • Damage to Dieffenbachia by pests can manifest itself with similar symptoms. Most often these are thrips, spider mites and scale insects. The leaves take the first blow, then the root system and the entire bush as a whole are affected. You can clean Dieffenbachia from pests using swabs soaked in soapy water or beer, or you can use garlic infusion. In case of very severe infection, you cannot do without the use of karbofos or actellik. Fifteen drops of the product are diluted in a liter of water and used to spray the plant.

Rules for caring for Dieffenbachia

In order for this wonderful ornamental plant to please its owners with health and beauty, they must provide it with not numerous, but mandatory conditions.

  • The permanent location of the bush should be well lit in the cold season, and in summer it is better to place the flower near a window, but not directly in front of it, since open sunlight is dangerous for its leaves. Staying in the shade for a long time leads to loss of brightness and color.
  • The optimal air temperature for Dieffenbachia in summer is within twenty-five degrees Celsius. But provided that it is well moistened, the plant tolerates thirty-degree heat quite well. Winter temperature should not be below sixteen degrees Celsius. Moreover, the plant does not tolerate drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations. Therefore, if the room is often ventilated, then Dieffenbachia should either be moved to another room or placed in a “secluded” corner of the room, inaccessible to fresh air flows.
  • The main requirement for Dieffenbachia is watering. The entire growing season must be accompanied abundant watering, so that the soil in the pot is moistened all the time, but does not stagnate. A sign of overwatering is the appearance of brown and yellow leaves at the plant. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to use this technique when growing Dieffenbachia: once a month, stand the earthen lump of the plant in water for fifteen minutes, with the opportunity to drain off excess water after the procedure. It is very important to use settled water (preferably purified) at room temperature for irrigation. If the water is too cold, this will also soon affect the condition of the leaves. indoor flower, they will curl and turn yellow.
  • Air humidity is another important point at home growing Dieffenbachia. Since this is a tropical plant, it simply needs regular spraying. During the summer, the plant needs a weekly shower. It will not only moisturize the leaves well, but also rid them of dust. When the ambient temperature reaches twenty degrees, it is recommended to place containers of water around the plant, or place the bush on moistened gravel.

Yellowing of Dieffenbachia leaves is a phenomenon that many gardeners encounter. And the reasons contributing to the development of such a disease can be very different. Conventionally, they can be divided into three large categories: improper care, pests, diseases. Let's look at each of them in more detail. Today we will talk about why Diefenbachia leaves turn yellow.

Dieffenbachia is a rather unpretentious, easy-to-care plant. But, nevertheless, accustomed to a humid, warm tropical climate, it makes a number of demands on the conditions of its maintenance. And the main parameters that the gardener should pay special attention to are: light level, watering, soil and temperature.


Dieffenbachia prefers in the range of 2500 - 2700 lux, so it must, on the one hand, be protected from direct sunlight, and on the other, use additional lighting in the dark season, creating a daylight period of at least 10 hours.

Too much sun can cause leaves to burn, resulting in dry brown spots on the surface surrounded by large yellowed areas. To return the plant to an attractive appearance, the affected leaves can only be cut off; they will not recover.

Lack of light will also negatively affect the color of the leaves. For a plant located in the shade, at the back of the room or on a north window, the leaves will first turn pale and then acquire a yellowish tint. But it’s quite easy to deal with such a problem - you just need to change the level of illumination and the Dieffenbachia will return its green color.


The correct watering regime is another condition, the observance of which will reduce the likelihood of yellowing of the plant’s leaves. Unfortunately, as a result of flooding, a change in leaf color rather signals the death of the plant due to loss of roots. Moreover, yellowness is already last stage, agony, accompanied by blackening of the stems.

Here, the gardener’s mistake when caring for the plant is waterlogging of the soil. In soil that is not allowed to dry sufficiently between waterings, soil aeration deteriorates and the roots begin to suffocate and rot.

The development of algae on the soil surface helps speed up the process. On initial stage the plant is quite easy to save by replanting it in another soil, first clearing it of unsuitable soil and removing rotten roots.

The need for a transplant can be determined by a number of external factors: the surface of the soil becomes slimy, with a greenish coating, but even if it dries out and visual signs of rotting disappear, with subsequent watering an unpleasant odor comes from the soil. To avoid the development of rot at the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to form a good drainage layer to prevent stagnation of water, and the pot itself should be selected according to the size of the root system.

Another mistake is over-drying. Although it has a less detrimental effect on Dieffenbachia, it can also lead to the death of the plant. But here the leaves will most likely not turn yellow, but turn brown and dry out.

And the third mistake is watering with hard water, which leads to chlorosis of the leaves: their paleness and yellowing. To prevent and treat this whitening, the plant should be watered only with soft, well-settled water and periodically fed with iron chelates.

Soil and fertilizing

Dieffenbachia prefers air- and moisture-permeable, slightly acidic high percentage content of humic acids, phosphorus and potassium. To grow it, various manufacturers offer ready-made earthen mixtures, which can be purchased at flower shops.

If the soil is unsuitable, dense, with an imbalanced salt balance, then the roots will not be able to perform their function and, as a result, nutrients will become inaccessible to the plant. On appearance Dieffenbachia will be reflected, in particular, by yellowing of the lower, adult leaves. In addition, the plant will slow down in growth, and new growth will be weak and underdeveloped.

When there is a lack of phosphorus or potassium in the soil, as well as when there is an excess of nitrogen, the plants turn yellow upper leaves. Therefore, feeding should be done strictly in doses, choosing balanced complex fertilizers for decorative foliage plants.


Dieffenbachia highly prefers moderate temperatures throughout the year. And although it can survive a short-term drop to 10 - 12 °C, after that its lower leaves will turn yellow.

In addition, the plant really does not like temperature changes, especially constant drafts. Under their influence, the leaves at the edges will first begin to turn yellow and then dry out. This is a fairly common phenomenon called necrosis, which many gardeners encounter.

Pests that cause Diefenbachia leaves to turn yellow

Like many houseplants Dieffenbachia periodically suffers from the invasion of pests such as mealybugs and, the most common -. They all suck juice from leaves and shoots.

Sometimes yellowing of the leaves just indicates the presence uninvited guests. This is especially pronounced when there is a defeat spider mite. In the first stages, on the green surface of the leaf with outside groups of tiny yellow dots can be seen. They gradually grow, discoloring more and more space.

At the same time, from the inside the leaf itself and the petiole are covered with a thin cobweb. Tiny brown “dots” - ticks - scurry along it. Damaged leaves can no longer be restored; they can only be cut off.

If this measure turns out to be insufficient to completely destroy the pests, the procedure can be repeated.

One of the most unpleasant reasons appearance yellow spots on the surface of Dieffenbachia leaves. For example, fungal, viral and infectious diseases plants.

Fungal diseases

Anthracnose– large black-brown spots with a yellowish border grow along the edge of the leaf blade and next to it. The leaf gradually dries out and dies. The disease is carried by infected plant remains preserved in the ground, and the fungus is provoked by waterlogging of the soil.

Root rot – depressed spots appear on the root collar dark spots, the roots are covered with light gray mycelium. As the disease develops, the leaves of the plant turn yellow, lie down and Dieffenbachia dies. The fungus is transmitted through the soil and begins to actively develop in a new place.

Leaf spot - manifested by the appearance on the leaves of small brown spots with an orange border, which gradually grow and cover the entire surface of the leaf plate. Infection occurs through plant debris of diseased plants and water and is aggravated by waterlogging.

Fusarium- primarily affects the root and root collar, which is manifested by the formation of dark depressed spots of an elongated shape on it, and on the scraps you can see the mycelium of the fungus of a light pink color. The infected plant turns yellow and withers. The disease is transmitted through contaminated soil, as well as through contact between a sick person and healthy plants. The development of the fungus is promoted by overdrying of the earthen clod and lack of potassium.

Bacterial diseases

Bacteriosisdangerous disease, which invariably leads the plant to death. In infected specimens, watery areas with clearly defined boundaries appear on the stems and leaves. The disease is transmitted from a diseased plant to a healthy one through damaged areas. It cannot be treated. To prevent the spread of the disease, infected plants must be destroyed.

Viral diseases

Bronzing – in Dieffenbachia it appears in the form of yellow round and ring-shaped spots on the surface of the leaf plate. The affected leaves gradually wither, but remain on the shoots.

Viral mosaic - a disease in which round, dark green spots with a light center appear on the leaves in large numbers. Dieffenbachia itself stops developing and stops growing.

The transfer of viruses from an infected plant to a healthy one occurs either through contact or by various pests. Such diseases cannot be treated and the infected plant is destroyed.

Why do Diefenbachia leaves turn yellow: aging factors

Dieffenbachia is a fairly fast-growing plant, which tends to expose its stem during growth. Therefore, if one of the lower leaves has turned yellow, then there is nothing terrible about what happened. This is natural aging and death.

Attention! When contacting Dieffenbachia, care must be taken, as its juice is poisonous to humans.