How to make juice from watermelon. We reveal the secrets of the benefits of watermelon juice

Summer has a lot of gifts in store for us. This is a lot of fruits, vegetables, herbs. And each of them contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain healthy image life. For example, watermelon is not only a sweet treat for the whole family, but also a very healing delicacy.

Healthy berry

With the help of watermelons, you can cleanse the body of toxins, internal dirt that accumulates over the years. Especially if you pay attention to the state of love for bad habits, inconsistent lifestyle. But not all consumers know how healthy watermelon is, and do not always eat it correctly. It is generally recommended to take it on an empty stomach. Then, with its help, you can always maintain good shape and health, as well as recover from many diseases. It turns out that watermelon is very required product V modern life. It's a pity that you can only buy it for a short period of time a year. But it turned out that there are ways of canning. For example, you can prepare watermelon juice for the winter so that you can enjoy it during the cold season. It takes a little time and effort to prepare; in fact, this recipe is very simple.

Tasty and healthy drink

So, what is needed for this and how to make watermelon juice?

Required ingredients for preparation:

  • watermelons - 7 kg;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • citric acid - 6-8 g.

These products should yield one three-liter jar of juice.

Initially, watermelons are prepared. To do this, you need to divide them into medium-sized pieces, carefully separate the pulp, chop it, and strain the resulting mass effectively.

Next, set it on fire, wait until it boils and add the remaining ingredients - sugar and citric acid. It is necessary to mix the resulting liquid thoroughly and wait until the crystals completely dissolve. Boil over low heat for another 5-10 minutes. Now the watermelon juice is ready. It can be consumed immediately or preserved for the winter.

If the second option is chosen, then it is necessary to sterilize the jars well and pour watermelon juice into them, then roll them tightly. Turn it upside down and keep it this way until it cools completely. Be sure to store it in a cool place, otherwise the watermelon juice may spoil and the jars may explode. To avoid this, keep the product in the cellar or refrigerator. And use as needed. Remember that it is advisable to drink it in courses to get an amazing effect!

Benefits of the drink

The benefit of watermelon juice is that it helps strengthen immune system regardless of age category. It is also useful for people with kidney and cardiovascular diseases. According to the results of recent studies, scientists have found that with the help of nectar it is possible to reduce cholesterol, which, in turn, helps prevent atherosclerosis. In general, if we consider the entire body as a whole, then watermelon juice has a positive effect on its condition. Therefore, drink it both in summer and winter, and your health will improve!

Another variant

How to make watermelon juice at home in another way? To do this, you need to select a fruit of good ripeness, wash it well and cut it into pieces. Peel off the crusts, and carefully squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp. You can use special devices or use a regular sieve for wiping.

Required ingredients:

  • 8-10 kg of watermelon pulp;
  • 350 g sugar;
  • 9-10 g citric acid.

These products should make one five liter jar watermelon juice.

Watermelon juice: step-by-step recipe

Add sugar and citric acid to the watermelon pulp mass, boil and cook for about 3-5 minutes. Next, the jars are sterilized. When they dry, watermelon juice is poured into them. The next step is twisting the cans. We place them upside down in a warm place until they cool completely, after which we must put them away in a cold place. And we begin to use this healing drink instead of fashionable ones bought in the store. In summer, it is also recommended to quench your thirst not with lemonade from well-known companies, but with watermelon juice.

For patients with atherosclerosis, as well as people with joint diseases, watermelon juice is prescribed as a dietary remedy and is considered one of the best in therapy.

For people with kidney disease, it is recommended to drink about 2.5 liters daily. With the help of substances contained in watermelon, many salt stones dissolve and, thanks to their diuretic properties, leave the body very quickly. For some patients, experts prescribe it to drink at night.

In the treatment of liver diseases, watermelon juice is also used, which helps cleanse old internal impurities and new ones.

In a blender

You can make watermelon juice in a blender. The cooking recipe is almost the same as the previous ones, but there are still some minor changes.

Required ingredients:

  • watermelon pulp - 17 kg;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • lemon juice - 50-100 g.

The watermelon must be thoroughly washed. Then it should be cut into pieces and the pulp separated. Next, grind it in a blender. Place the resulting mixture on the stove and bring to a boil. Boil for 5-6 minutes. At this point the jars are sterilized. And, after removing the juice from the heat, you need to pour the contents of the saucepan over them. Roll up in the usual way and leave to cool gradually, turning upside down. Next put it in a cool place. A wonderful drink is ready to drink!

In a juicer

You can also prepare delicious and healthy watermelon juice for the winter in a juicer. The cooking recipe is simple, absolutely anyone with this device can do it.

Initially, you need to fill the bottom saucepan with water, about 3 liters, but not less. At the top there will be watermelon pulp, pre-cut into large pieces. The seeds must first be removed. Depending on your preferences, you can add a little sugar. But we should not forget that watermelon juice prepared in this way already has a rather sweet taste. It is necessary to set the juicer to the maximum heating temperature and wait for the healing juice to appear through a special tube. This drink, prepared in this way, can be stored in the refrigerator, since it is pasteurized, or rolled into jars in a standard and convenient way for you.

Option three

There is one more great way preparations called: “Watermelon juice for the winter.” The recipe is a little different from the others; only healthy and nutritious products are used here.

Required ingredients:

  • watermelon pulp - 6 kg;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • cranberries - 1 glass;
  • ground cinnamon - 1-2 g.

Initially, you need to thoroughly rinse the watermelons. Divide each into several pieces. Peel and pulp, together with the unripe part, pass through a juicer. This is necessary in order to obtain a larger amount of citrulline, which is necessary to enrich muscle tissue with a variety of nutrients.

The cranberries also need to be passed through a juicer and combined with the watermelon mass. Add sugar to the resulting mixture and put on fire. When it boils, mark this time, add ground cinnamon and cook for another five minutes.

The jars are sterilized in advance, and when they are well dried, you need to start pouring the resulting watermelon juice into them. Then you should cover with the treated lids - and you can start rolling. Once completed, place it upside down until it cools completely. Well, then you will need to move it to a cool place! This cooking recipe is even more useful, since healing ones are also added. In addition to containing a large amount of vitamins, it also stabilizes blood pressure.

Drink made from crusts

You can also use watermelon rinds, but only if the most important ingredient is grown locally. own plot, without any nitrates. Preparing the drink is very simple. To do this, you need to peel the rinds and pass them through a juicer. The light green color drink with a savory taste will definitely please you. You can add cucumber to it or mix it with finely chopped watermelon pulp at a 1:1 ratio. Any of the selected options will be an excellent cooling and healing drink.

You can prepare watermelon juice for the winter and for cosmetic purposes. With its help, various masks and refreshing baths are made, which help heal wounds and get rid of allergies.

With regular use of this wonderful drink, you can forget about insomnia and significantly improve your mood. And it is especially useful for the male body.


Now you know how to prepare watermelon juice for the winter, the benefits and harms of which have been known since ancient times. There is a lot in such a berry useful properties. But you need to pay attention to contraindications. For example, patients with diabetes mellitus, prostate adenoma, and those with phosphate kidney stones should not consume either the juice or the watermelons themselves. Otherwise, health problems may arise.

Watermelon is 92% juice. The juice contains all the beneficial substances, excluding fiber, which is separated during filtering. Therefore, fresh juice is often even healthier than watermelon pulp. When squeezing, the white mass is taken near the crust, and it has a special composition. Therefore, all the elements present in the pulp are more concentrated in the juice. The benefits of watermelon juice are due to its strong cleansing effect. The juice is used for preventive, medical and cosmetic purposes.

The benefits of watermelon juice

Watermelon is a recognized dietary product and its benefits have long been known. Juice is a great way to use watermelon in a convenient package. So, in order to take a vitamin cocktail with you to the gym, it is better to pack it in a bottle than to carry a slice of watermelon. Using fresh juices reduces the burden on the digestive system, since juice does not contain dietary fiber. The juice has a beneficial effect on all organs:

  1. Kidneys and bladder receive alkaline feed. This reduces acidity, and stones and sand begin to shrink and dissolve. Due to potassium salts, the concentration of uric acid decreases.

The diuretic effects of the juice allow you to remove excess fluid from the body. A person loses weight, poisons and waste are washed out of the kidneys. This has a beneficial effect on the work of kidney cleansing. However, simultaneous consumption of juice and salty foods, on the contrary, will lead to swelling. Sodium retains water in cells, and therefore watermelon will add more water to the body.

  1. Painful diseases, such as arthritis, gout, recede before the cleansing effect of the juice. Present B vitamins and the strongest antioxidant ascorbic acid help reduce deposits, causing pain. Has special properties folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on all human organs. It is involved in the formation of hemoglobin and improves the functioning of the spleen.

All minerals represented by salts pass into the juice:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • gland;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • potassium

Using watermelon juice is beneficial for the liver, but only if there is no pancreatitis. The juice consists of 80% distilled water and the toxins retained by the liver pass into the solution. Lycopene, present in the juice, is a preventative against neoplasms.

Watermelon juice relieves irritability and aggressiveness well. With reduced immunity, the drink gradually improves health. In a word, fresh juice not only completely replaces fresh juice, but it is also much more convenient to use. At the same time, you need to know that only fresh juice is healing. It turns sour quickly and cannot be stored in the refrigerator.

To use this product, it must be canned. The industry does not produce watermelon juice, as it works on concentrates. It is not yet economically profitable to obtain watermelon concentrate. Therefore, canning juice at home is the only way to stock up on this healing product for the winter.

How to properly prepare watermelon juice?

Fresh juice is prepared using a juicer or by squeezing through layers of gauze. Sliced, peeled watermelon is cold pressed. This juice must be consumed immediately.

One glass of watermelon juice contains almost daily requirement in minerals for humans.

There is a recipe for watermelon juice, when the squeezed product can be stored after a short temperature treatment. So, juice squeezed from 9 kg of watermelon pulp, with the addition of 300 g of sugar and 10 g of citric acid, is boiled for 5 minutes and rolled into sterilized jars for winter use.

The juice can be preserved without adding chemicals: 0.7 kg of juice and 300 g of sugar are brought to a boil, 5 g of lemon juice are added and rolled into prepared jars. But boiled watermelon juice is especially loved by local residents of the watermelon region.

Preparation of watermelon honey or nardek is a long process of repeated evaporation of the juice and filtering it after another reduction in volume. As a result of boiling, a light brown, viscous mass, like young honey, is obtained. This product is used as medicine or in cooking. In winter, all products made from watermelon juice are sources of useful elements.

For whom is watermelon juice contraindicated?

Despite all the benefits of watermelon juice, harm is noted in some cases. So, those who have large stones in their gallbladder and kidneys should not drink juice. They may begin to move, which is dangerous and causes excruciating pain.

Watermelon juice is contraindicated for diseases:

  1. Colitis, intestinal adhesions.
  2. Pancreatitis.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Urinary incontinence.

Nursing mothers should drink it with caution; the baby may develop intestinal colic.

Making watermelon honey - video

Beneficial substances contained in watermelon juice: vitamins C, PP, E, A, B1 and B2, beta-carotene, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium, as well as glucose, fructose, sucrose, organic acids, etc. d.

Drinking watermelon juice has a beneficial effect on diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and metabolic disorders. Having the ability to remove excess fluid from the body, while simultaneously providing it with easily digestible sugars, watermelon juice is effective for edema of any origin.

For kidney stones, watermelon juice brings double benefits to patients. Firstly, the substances that make up the drink help reduce the acidity of urine, which, in turn, leads to the dissolution of salts. Secondly, the powerful diuretic effect of the drink promotes the rapid removal of these salts from the body.

Due to the high content of the antioxidant lycopene, watermelon juice reduces the risk of the occurrence and development of cancer and protects DNA from damage.

Another valuable substance found in watermelon juice is the amino acid citrulline. When ingested, citrulline is converted into arginine, which is necessary for a better supply of muscle tissue with oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, people who are actively involved physical labor, it is beneficial to drink watermelon juice regularly.

Treatment with watermelon juice gives good results with cholelithiasis, atherosclerosis, chronic constipation, iron deficiency anemia, colds and joint diseases. Traditional medicine also recommends this drink as effective remedy to strengthen the immune system during the recovery period after operations and infectious diseases, as well as to relieve nervous tension during irritability and insomnia.

Watermelon juice is also used in home cosmetology to prepare masks, lotions, tonics, etc. Baths with the addition of watermelon juice have anti-allergic and wound-healing properties.

In order to prepare watermelon juice at home, you need to select a ripe, juicy watermelon, wash it thoroughly, cut it into several pieces and peel the rind. Then cut the pulp into small pieces and squeeze out the juice using a juicer.

Just like other fruit and vegetable juices, you can prepare watermelon juice for future use. To get 5 liters of juice you need to take:

8-9 kg of watermelon pulp;
- 300 g granulated sugar;
- 10 g citric acid.

Add granulated sugar and citric acid to thoroughly crushed watermelon pulp. Bring to a boil and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Then pour the juice into dry, sterilized jars and roll up.

How much summer brings us healthy fruits, berries and vegetables, and how in our latitudes we especially want to preserve this breath of sun and benefits. Watermelon juice for the winter will help us do this, which is literally created to give us vitamins in the cold and awaken wonderful summer memories. In addition, preserving it will not be difficult even for an inexperienced cook, not to mention those who are good at making twists, but have not yet tried to make just such a one.

We have selected recipes for you on how to preserve watermelon juice, because there are several ways to preserve it!


  • — 10 g + -
  • — 400 g + -
  • Watermelon pulp (without seeds and rinds)— 10 kg + -


  1. We prepare jars and lids in advance, sterilizing them and placing them on a towel. From the specified amount of ingredients, the output will be approximately 6-6.5 liters of juice.
  2. Carefully wash the ripe red watermelons, cut them as usual, then cut off the rinds with a knife and remove the seeds. Chop the pulp into cubes and weigh.
  3. We pass it through a juicer, and then we can additionally strain the cake through several layers of gauze or pass it through the unit again.
  4. Put the juice on the fire, bring to a boil and add sugar and citric acid. Continuously stirring and removing the foam, keep the juice on low heat for another 6-7 minutes and turn off.

Pour into jars immediately and seal as usual.

It is better to store such juice in winter in a cool, dark place - a cellar or basement.

If the watermelon juice seems a little bland, despite the addition of citric acid, combine it with plum, blackcurrant or apple juice during cooking. The main condition for the second component should be sourness and some sharpness of taste, which will be perfectly balanced by watermelon sweetness.

Watermelon juice for the winter in a juicer

If you are lucky and have such a useful device as a juicer on your farm, you should definitely use it!

  1. Pour 2.5 - 3 liters of water into the lower container, and put the pulp, cut into pieces, into the upper container.
  2. Sugar may not be added, since the juice prepared in this way is more concentrated and, therefore, sweeter.

The big advantage of juice from a juicer is that it is already pasteurized when it comes out - this will make it possible to store it in the refrigerator for several days or immediately pour it into clean jars for the winter.

Well, when you want to get a product that has not undergone heat treatment, you need to turn to the freezer.

To do this, we just need to squeeze the juice from one ripe fruit. Since the volumes will not be the same as if you use a juicer, this can be done by simply rubbing the pulp through a sieve or grinding it with an immersion blender.

  • To do this, cut the watermelon into pieces, remove the rinds and seeds, and lower the blender whisk into the resulting slurry.
  • Wipe the finished puree through several layers of gauze.
  • There won’t be too much juice, but it should immediately be poured into ice molds or silicone molds for baking, depending on how we plan to use the healthy drink later.

How to Use Frozen Watermelon Juice

In our case, the dosage will be very small, but we will use watermelon juice in cubes in small doses.

  1. A few of these sweet cubes would be good to add to cocktails or glasses of champagne or pure mineral water.
  2. In addition, frozen watermelon juice for the winter is good for cosmetic purposes - you can wipe your face with it.
  3. If we pour the juice into larger silicone molds, after thawing it can be drunk on its own, adding honey or lemon if desired.
  4. Also, in addition to watermelon juice, you can prepare compote for the winter, and put the crusts on the delicious transparent jam with candied fruits.

Now you know how to quickly and efficiently make watermelon juice for the winter, the preservation recipes for which give you complete freedom of action.

Watermelon drinks, two cocktails from the chef

If you want to surprise your guests with tasty and unusual, but not difficult to prepare, watermelon drinks, use our chef’s recipes.

Many people call watermelon a fruit and berry crop, although botanists say that it is a melon crop, and the fruit is correctly called pumpkin. It’s just that such multi-seeded fruits are relatives of berries, so people get confused, but the usefulness and taste of watermelons do not suffer at all from this: watermelons are not only tasty, sweet and refreshing - they are highly nutritious fruits, and they also perfectly cleanse the body of accumulated dirt - and that’s what we Today we get a lot, taking into account the environment, nutrition, lifestyle and bad habits.

Unfortunately, most people, when buying a watermelon, think that it is just a sweet treat, but about it healing properties they forget or don’t even know it, and eat it incorrectly - for example, for dessert after a heavy lunch or dinner.

We will devote today's material to watermelon juice and its health benefits.

It is also not very common for us to drink watermelon juice, but meanwhile, it helps to maintain excellent shape, maintain health and get rid of many chronic diseases - it preserves all the valuable substances contained in the watermelon itself. On hot days summer days When you're so thirsty, don't drink Coca-Cola, Sprite or lemonades with dyes: drink a glass of aromatic, pure and fresh watermelon juice - don't be too lazy to prepare it yourself.

Useful composition

The composition of watermelon juice is truly healing and very healthy. Watermelon juice contains a small amount of protein and fat, carbohydrates - including a lot of sugars, and dietary fiber; organic acids and a lot of pure natural water. Vitamins – beta-carotene, PP, A, groups B, C, E; minerals - potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

All these substances in watermelon are in such a form that, when they enter the body, they have a very beneficial effect on all organs and systems, improve well-being and alleviate the course of many diseases.

What are the health benefits

Like the pulp of watermelons, their juice is useful for all people - at any age: it removes toxins and waste, normalizes digestion, improves metabolism, quenches thirst and strengthens the immune system; relieves the condition of intestinal atony, hypertension, kidney and cardiovascular diseases.

For edema of any origin, watermelon juice is useful and irreplaceable - it removes excess fluid from the body, but at the same time provides it with easily digestible fructose, glucose and sucrose, and also neutralizes excess acids and helps eliminate excess cholesterol.

For atherosclerosis, joint diseases and diabetes mellitus Watermelon juice, along with tomato juice, is considered one of the best dietary juices.

Watermelon juice is useful for gallstone disease and anemia; since it contains more than 80% of very pure distilled natural water, it perfectly helps treat liver diseases, and flushes out all toxins: both those that enter the body from the outside and those that are formed inside.

The antioxidant lycopene, which is even more abundant in watermelon juice than in tomatoes, protects our DNA from damage and prevents the occurrence and development of cancer.

Another substance is the amino acid citrulline, also found in watermelon juice. large quantities, is converted in the body into arginine, thanks to which our muscle tissue is better supplied with blood, oxygen, hormones and nutrients - so watermelon juice is necessary for athletes and people engaged in active physical labor.

To get more citrulline, to squeeze the juice, you need to take not only the red pulp of the watermelon, but also the white pulp located near the rind, cutting off as much of it as possible.

If you drink watermelon juice regularly, irritability and insomnia will go away, sleep will normalize and your mood will improve; men maintain and increase healthy sexual activity. During pregnancy and menstruation, watermelon juice relieves bloating, removes excess fluid and relieves women from pain and discomfort.

The benefits of watermelon juice for weight loss have been proven. Many therapeutic diets use watermelon juice with pulp; It has also been used in fasting diets for a long time and with great success.

Treatment with watermelon juice

Of course, I couldn’t miss all the benefits and properties of watermelon juice. ethnoscience. There are many recipes for treating diseases and illnesses with watermelon juice. Here are some of them:

For kidney stones, it is recommended to drink up to 2.5 liters per day; Watermelon juice is especially often prescribed for disorders of water-salt metabolism, excess uric acid, oxalates, urates and calcium salts. The acidity of urine under the influence of substances that watermelon juice is rich in decreases, and many salts become soluble, and the pronounced diuretic effect of the juice helps the body get rid of these salts faster.

After operations and serious illnesses, watermelon juice helps to recover; for constipation and digestive disorders, you should start the day with a glass of freshly squeezed watermelon juice; If you are obese, you can drink up to 1.5 liters per day.

For colds and acute respiratory viral infections, when there is a fever, it is good for patients to give freshly squeezed juice of ripe watermelon - it not only quenches thirst, but also literally washes away the infection; You can get an even greater effect if you mix it with green apple juice.

For pharyngitis and sore throat, you need to gargle with watermelon juice 4 times a day - ¼ cup per gargle; continue rinsing for 4 days.

For iron deficiency anemia, eat 600 g of red watermelon pulp 3-4 times a day, or drink 200 ml of watermelon juice.

For cholelithiasis, drink watermelon juice 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 2/3 cup.

For salt deposits, arthritis, atherosclerosis and gout, it is recommended to eat 500 g of watermelon pulp 3 times a day, or drink 150 ml of juice.

After chemotherapy, operations with anesthesia, hepatitis and intoxication, drink a glass of watermelon juice 3-4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals; If you suffer from heartburn, just drink a glass of juice to make it go away.

The use of watermelon juice in cosmetology

Watermelon pulp and juice are also used in cosmetology: they are used to make homemade masks, tonics, lotions, baths, and are used for cosmetic and refreshing baths - such baths help with allergies and have wound-healing properties.

In order to prevent diseases, watermelon juice is usually drunk half an hour before meals, or an hour after it, in small sips.

How to make at home

It's easy to make watermelon juice at home. You need to choose a good watermelon - ripe and juicy, and be sure to wash it properly, and only then cut it, peel the pulp, cut into pieces and squeeze out the juice using a regular, but better auger juicer: This juicer allows you to squeeze the juice out of any fruit completely - the pulp remains almost dry. If you use a regular juicer, you can squeeze the juice a second time: grind the remaining juice in a mixer and squeeze the juice through several layers of gauze. You can add other freshly squeezed juices to the resulting juice: apple, cranberry, currant; You need to drink all the juice during the day - no need to leave it “for tomorrow” even in the refrigerator.

Watermelon juice for the winter

One of the useful medicines that can be made at home for the winter is canned watermelon juice. Certainly, useful substances it will contain less than fresh, but it will still have diuretic properties, and at the same time it will remain tasty and refreshing. The watermelon pulp must be thoroughly crushed, add sugar, citric acid, and cook for 4-5 minutes, then pour into sterilized, dry, clean jars and roll up with sterilized lids. To get 5 liters of watermelon juice, you will need 8-9 kg of watermelon pulp, 300 g of sugar and 10 g of citric acid. You can mix watermelon juice with cranberry, currant, apple or plum puree.

Be careful!

If there are at least a few compacted formations in the watermelon pulp yellow color, similar to lumps, ranging in size from 3 mm to 2 cm or more, then the juice from such a watermelon cannot be consumed. It’s also better to throw away the watermelon itself, and don’t buy any more watermelons in this store (this market, etc.). It is almost impossible to identify such a watermelon when purchasing, although experts offer some methods: for example, if you knock on a watermelon, and the knock will be as if it were a deflated ball, it contains a lot of nitrates; if the watermelon does not crack when squeezed, it means that it has ripened in an unnatural way - it was “helped” by large portions of nitrate fertilizers.

There are contraindications

For pancreatitis and diabetes, watermelons and watermelon juice are contraindicated. You should also not eat watermelons if you have adhesions in the intestines and prostate adenoma, flatulence and phosphate stones in the kidneys.

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