Why do the leaves of indoor gloxinia curl? Why do gloxinia leaves curl? Gloxinia begins to rot

This small and cute plant is unlikely to burn and leave anyone indifferent. The color range of beautiful flowers, as well as the variety of shapes and sizes, attract many gardeners.

It's no secret that proper care– the key to the health of any plant. If you neglect these rules, the consequences can be disastrous.

The most common problem with gloxinia is leaf curling. In order to prevent this problem, it is necessary to understand the causes and factors that influence this “disease”.

The plant does not like drafts - this is the first reason. This also includes sudden temperature changes. If gloxinia is too cold or hot, this can also cause the leaves to curl. It is necessary to indicate a favorable temperature - in summer gloxinia will feel comfortable at a temperature of 22 degrees, and in winter this figure can be reduced to 18 degrees. Pay attention to the temperature regime of your gloxinia. Correct the mistakes, and then the leaves will rise again and become “alive” and beautiful.

The next important factor is the condition of the air in the room. Too dry air can cause such deformation. You will immediately be able to recognize that this is the problem, since in such conditions the gloxinia leaves will certainly curl downwards. The gloxinia plant is very moisture-loving. Spray both the flower and the room around it. And then the problem will solve itself. It will be useful to wipe the leaves from time to time wet wipe or a rag. This will help speed up the healing process.

Also check the lighting condition and how much light your gloxinia receives. Lack of light can cause this problem. In this case, you can easily determine the influence of this particular factor. Along with curling, the shape of the leaves may also change. It lengthens a little. There is a possibility that there may also be brown spots on the leaves. It is possible that your gloxinia is in direct sunlight. Although gloxinia is a light-loving plant, sunlight must necessarily be absent-minded. Pay attention to this too. It is best to avoid such problems by placing the flower on the windows on the north or east side. If you follow all these points, gloxinia will certainly get rid of the problems of leaf curling or disease. Keep track of how much set your flower receives.

Be careful and observant. We hope that our recommendations helped solve your problem.

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If you are faced with the fact that the buds of your gloxinia started to rot, there could be several reasons for this problem. One of them is overwatering the plant. If the buds rot due to excessive soil moisture, you only need to adjust the watering. The buds may begin to rot if gloxinia grows in too acidic soil.

Try replanting the plant, completely replacing its soil. And another cause of rot can be excess nitrogen in the soil, which occurs due to the use of fertilizers containing nitrogen. To avoid this, use gloxinia exclusively complex fertilizers, which contain not only nitrogen, but also potassium, phosphorus and other useful substances.

To save a gloxinia tuber from rotting, treat the plant with a fungicide two or three times.


Anthracnose is a fungal disease. Its main symptoms are brown spots that suddenly appear on gloxinia leaves. Over time, the spots attack the shoots and trunk of the plant, which can cause them to rot and collapse.

If anthracnose is not treated, it may well lead to the death of your pet.

Anthracnose usually attacks those plants that have mechanical damage or grow without the right one. Its development is accompanied high humidity air and high level pH in the soil, as well as a lack of potassium and phosphorus.

To protect gloxinia from anthracnose, it must be sprayed with oxychome, cuproxate or copper oxychloride.

Anthracnose can be transmitted by equipment, pests and sediment. Therefore, you should not put the plant outside in rainy weather.

Get into the habit of disinfecting all equipment after use, and also make sure that the plant does not become the target of pest attack.

If gloxinia heavily infested with anthracnose, you will have to destroy it to prevent the fungus from spreading to other houseplants. On initial stage this disease can be cured, for which it is necessary to remove parts of gloxinia affected by the fungus and subject the plant to two or three times of fungicide treatment at intervals of one and a half to three weeks.

Ascochyta blight

Ascochytasis is fungal disease , the main signs of which are brown or red spots with a brown rim that appear on the leaves of the plant. The development of the disease is facilitated by high air humidity in the room where gloxinia grows.

If you find signs of ascochyta blight in your pet, immediately remove the affected leaves and burn them. Treat the plant with Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate or fungicides such as Vectra, Abiga-pik. After seven to ten days, the treatment should be repeated.

Beautiful gloxinia flowers are a wonderful sight that the sea can give aesthetic pleasure. What problems a gardener may encounter and how to care for a flower - read in our materials.


Characterized by the appearance on the leaves of the plant dark spots round shape, having a brown center.

As the leaf grows, gaps appear at the site of these spots. If you find such signs, dry the plant immediately, as the development of this disease contributes to high humidity air. Copper-based preparations will help get rid of phyllostictosis, that is Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride or copper sulfate.


Refers to diseases fungal nature. Transported by raindrops and air currents. Optimal conditions for the development of septoria are:

  • keeping the plant in a room where the air temperature is from twenty to twenty-five degrees above zero, and the air humidity is at 98%;
  • moistening the leaves of the plant, the duration of which exceeds forty-eight hours;
  • poor lighting of the plant.

The main symptoms of septoria are the appearance of gray-brown spots on the leaves, reminiscent of rust, premature falling of leaves, bending and drying of stems and shoots. Any copper-based product or fungicide such as benomyl, mancozeb, chlorothalonil or maneb can be used to treat septoria. Treatment of the plant with one of these preparations should be carried out twice with an interval of seven to ten days.

Late blight

Late blight is one of the the most dangerous fungal diseases. It can spread through soil, planting equipment, contaminated planting material, as well as rainwater.

In soil, the causative agent of late blight can remain viable for up to eight years.

Infection of a plant most often occurs several months before the development of the main symptoms of the disease. The development of late blight is accompanied by the following circumstances:

  • too dense soil
  • stagnation of water in a flower pot
  • too dense placement of plants
  • using non-sterilized soil mixture
  • watering the plants with rainwater and frequent spraying
  • air humidity exceeding 80%
  • finding gloxinia in a room with an air temperature of seventeen to twenty-two degrees above zero, which drops to ten degrees at night

The main signs of late blight include:

  • the appearance on the leaves of brown spots surrounded by a pale green zone
  • moldy coating white on inside leaves, manifested in wet weather
  • drying of leaves in dry weather and rotting in wet weather
  • the formation of dark brown stripes on stems and leaf petioles
  • frequent wilting of the plant
  • the appearance of ring-shaped depressions on the gloxinia trunk below the soil level

It is very difficult to cure late blight, since its pathogen does not respond to known chemicals. That's why in the best possible way The fight against this disease is prevention. It should consist of spraying or watering the plant with solutions of fungicides such as cuprozan, polycarbocide, zineb, polymarcin or captan. Treatment with them should be carried out during periods that may contribute to the development of the disease, and the interval between treatments should be seven days.

Before planting or transplanting gloxinia, do not forget to sterilize the soil. Cuttings and roots should be placed in a captan suspension for five minutes before planting.

If the plant does become ill with late blight, you will have to part with it.

Gray rot

The main signs of gray rot can be called the appearance gray fluffy coating on gloxinia stems, leaf petioles and pedicels. In this case, the plant begins to rot very quickly. The reasons for the appearance of gray mold can be increased air humidity, too close arrangement of plants, lack of ventilation and compacted substrate.

To prevent the occurrence of gray rot, provide gloxinia with moderate watering, and add sand, vermiculite or perlite to the substrate to ensure good ventilation roots Ventilate the room in which gloxinia grows more often, but do not allow drafts to occur.

To treat gray mold, you can use fungicides, the interval between treatments should be seven days.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a disease fungal type. It is characterized by the appearance of a white cobweb coating on all parts of the plant, which then turns into powdery. The development of the disease is promoted by excessive watering of the plant, sharp drop temperatures, as well as dampness in the room. In addition, infection can occur through planting equipment. If the plant is completely affected by powdery mildew, it is advisable to destroy it. At the initial stage of the disease, spraying with any fungicide will help, which should be carried out not only for gloxinia, but also for standing nearby plants.

Downy mildew

Downy mildew, or downy mildew, refers to fungal diseases. The development of this disease is facilitated by sharp temperature changes. Infection can also occur when watering or spraying the plant with rainwater. Downy mildew appears in the form of shapeless spots appearing on the leaves. These spots can be either pale yellow, yellow-brown, red-brown or purple, or colorless. Sometimes the spots are surrounded by a faint border. Over time they turn brown and dry out. On the inside of the leaves, islands of light powdery coating develop in parallel.

If such signs are detected, it is necessary to remove all damaged leaves from gloxinia, and then treat the plant with one of such preparations as “Abiga-pik”, “Bravo”, “Optimo”, “Previkur”, or others similar drugs.


Thrips are the most popular type of pest, attacking gloxinia. These insects feed on the sap of the plant, which leads to its death. The main signs of thrips are light dots, streaks and spots on gloxinia leaves. If you notice such symptoms, immediately isolate the pot with gloxinia from others. indoor plants and treat it with one of the insecticidal preparations. For these purposes, you can use Intavir, Aktara, Actellik, Fitoverm or Karate.

IN indoor culture Gloxinia is popular due to its abundant flowering. The birthplace of the flower is considered to be Central and South America. Despite its artificial origin, decorative gloxinia requires the same growing conditions as wild varieties. The main indicator of improper care are gloxinia leaves. They turn yellow, dry and wither, become covered with spots, and gloxinia leaves appear white coating. How to deal with gloxinia diseases. Treatment from specialists with a description of the signs of disease and detailed photos.

Why do gloxinia leaves turn yellow, wither and dry out? Description of the disease, treatment, photo

Gloxinia leaves may turn yellow, wither and dry out. Why does this happen, a description of gloxinia disease and its treatment.

A young gloxinia leaves drying on it. Gloxinia leaves dry when the plant goes to rest
. The dormant period of gloxinia begins immediately after flowering. Gloxinia does not have a clear framework for the rest period. This can happen in September-November. However, young plants that have not yet had time to grow a tuber do not need a period of rest. If gloxinia managed to grow a small tuber in the first year of its life and its leaves dry out, then these are the first signs of the onset of a dormant period. As soon as gloxinia leaves begin to dry after flowering ( young plant with a tuber and gloxinia, the age of which is more than 2 years), its watering should be reduced and wait until all the leaves dry. It is recommended to remove the plant from bright light at this time. This will speed up the process. You cannot cut off green and succulent leaves, thus forcibly sending gloxinia to rest. Only dried leaves are removed. All the leaves of the gloxinia have dried up, leaving only one bulb. More to the plant no light needed. The pot with the flower is taken to a dark place where the temperature is within +10...+12 degrees. Some gardeners dig up the bulb, place it in a mixture of peat and perlite, and place the bag at the bottom of the refrigerator (in the vegetable compartment), but in this case the temperature must be constantly monitored. After freezing, gloxinia will not germinate. The rest period of gloxinia lasts 3-4 months. Its end is indicated by young leaves on the tuber.

Gloxinia turns yellow lower leaves . Regardless of age (young gloxinia or gloxinia with a tuber), if the plant’s lower leaves turn yellow and dry, this indicates a lack of moisture. In this case, either increase the frequency of watering the plant, or increase the volume of the pot in which the gloxinia grows. In the latter case, you need to take a closer look at how quickly the earthen ball dries out. If this happens on the first day after watering and the soil lags behind the walls of the pot, then the leaves of gloxinia dry out and turn yellow from insufficient moisture. The volume of soil is not enough to provide the plant with the necessary supply of moisture. Frequent watering can be replaced by increasing the volume of the pot, then water will accumulate in the soil and the plant will not be in danger of drying out. However, in in this case You need to make sure that there is no stagnation of water in the pot.

How to store gloxinia in winter- more details in the article...

Gloxinia leaves dry out and spots appear from excessively high temperatures in the room where it grows and lack of watering. Brown spots on gloxinia leaves are sunburn, which appear on the plant if it is in open sunlight. Gloxinia does not tolerate direct sunlight, brown spots appear on its leaves, but at the same time it needs light, so it must be shaded and not carried into partial shade.

In the case of overmoistening, yellowing of the leaves indicates that the tuber has begun to rot. In this case, the gloxinia is removed from the soil, the tuber is examined for rot, and all affected tissues are cut out to healthy ones. Places of cuts are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon, carry out a complete replacement of the soil, normalize watering.

Gloxinia leaves turn yellow when the veins remain green. These are signs of chlorosis. It occurs when the acidity of the soil decreases, which is the result of watering the plant with hard water. It is necessary to replant the plant and water it only with soft, settled water at room temperature. For replanting, acidic, light soil is suitable, which will allow air to pass to the roots. There should be no stagnation of water in it.

Gloxinia leaves curl
. This may be the result of an incorrect watering schedule. Due to excess moisture, gloxinia leaves curl in such a way that they resemble a spoon. At the same time, the gloxinia leaves hug the pot. In this case, normalizing watering will help eliminate the problem. It must dry out before the next watering. upper layer soil. Gloxinia leaves curl from low level air humidity and high temperature. In this case, place a container with wet expanded clay near the pot. It is also necessary to reduce the air temperature. Dry air can cause the tips of the plant's leaves to dry out.

Brown spots on gloxinia leaves
. This could be sunburn that appears on gloxinia leaves when the plant is in direct sunlight. Gloxinia leaves become covered with brown spots if they get water. Watering gloxinia is carried out carefully, along the edge of the pot. Brown spots on gloxinia leaves are a consequence of plant disease. For example, thrips leave brown spots in the form of a thin mesh. Thrips control is carried out in the following way: watering and spraying with Actellik, treatment interval is 10 days, treatment is carried out 2-3 times.

If gloxinia buds do not open for a long time, what should you do? The abundant and long-lasting flowering of a plant primarily depends on the conditions of its maintenance. So, bright, diffused light contributes to abundant flowering, regular feeding and watering. Do not allow the soil in the pot to dry out completely. Otherwise, the plant experiences not only moisture deficiency, but also starvation.

Relatively temperature regime. Not everything is so simple here. So, during the period when gloxinia awakens from winter rest and grows green mass, it is necessary to adhere to a temperature regime within +22...+28 degrees. During the period when the plant begins to lay buds, the temperature is reduced and kept within +18...+20 degrees. In cool conditions, gloxinia will have more buds than when high temperature. But, as practice shows, at low temperatures, gloxinia does not open its buds for a long time, and therefore during the flowering period the temperature of the flower is raised to +20...+24 degrees. Important condition abundant flowering: bright, diffused light, regular watering.

Gloxinia's buds have dropped and are drying up. Gloxinia at good care can lay a lot of buds, but the plant does not always have the strength to bloom them all, and therefore some of the buds sometimes dry out. The second and most common reason why gloxinia buds dry out is lack of moisture. This is easy to check. You need to carefully remove the plant from the pot without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball. Perhaps when watering, water wets only the top layer of soil, while the lower layers of soil remain dry. The plant is returned to the pot and the amount of water is increased during watering.

One of the reasons why gloxinia drops buds is a lack nutrients in the ground. Gloxinias are fed 2 times a month during intensive growth and flowering. It is also possible that the pot for gloxinia has become small. This can be checked if the plant is removed from the pot without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball. If the gloxinia roots have formed a dense web at the bottom of the earthen clod, then the pot has become small. In this case, do a careful transshipment. Take a larger pot, transfer the plant into it without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball around the roots, and add new soil. Gloxinia reacts normally to careful transshipment, and therefore it can be done at any time of the year.

Gloxinia leaves often become discolored. Many people mistakenly believe that light spots on gloxinia leaves are formed from an excess of light. Direct sunlight may cause burns on gloxinia leaves, but they Brown. This flower needs to be shaded from midday light. Oblique sun rays are more suitable here. So, light spots on gloxinia leaves appear from a lack of microelements in the soil. In particular, it is magnesium. That is why it is recommended to feed flowers with complex, mineral fertilizers, which also contain microelements. Balanced feeding 2 times a month is the key to good plant health and lush flowering.

Created: November 23, 2015 Views: 36208

is a beautiful indoor plant that pleases the eye with its decorative greenery and bright, exquisitely shaped flowers. The homeland of this exotic beauty is Brazil. But today it has successfully undergone acclimatization and is perfectly grown by gardeners at home.

However, it should be noted that gloxinia is a rather demanding plant. It needs proper care and daily attention from the grower, and then the exquisite flower will delight you with its shapes and colors.

When starting to grow gloxinia, everyone, both experienced and just beginning gardeners, should have a clear idea of ​​what kind of care the flower needs, as well as what problems it may encounter and how to prevent them.


The pretentiousness of the plant requires strict adherence to all the rules of growing at home; any violation can lead to the flower starting to hurt, its leaves turning yellow and withering, and the buds drying out, turning black, and rotting without any bright colors.

Light-loving gloxinia, with a sufficient amount of bright light, has a juicy green leaf color and a well-formed rosette. If there is too much sun and its rays are burning, then the plant will begin to fade, the leaves will lose their juiciness and droop, the unopened buds will begin to dry out and their number will noticeably decrease. Also health and appearance flower directly depends on proper watering, timely feeding, temperature conditions and other points. Let's look at them in more detail.

Why do the buds dry out?

One of the reasons why buds dry out is lighting. Too much light is bad, too little is also a disaster. Therefore, when choosing a place for a pot with gloxinia, it is necessary to take this feature into account and position the plant so that the lighting level is optimal. Then the flowering will be abundant and bright.

Also among the reasons that can lead to gloxinia buds drying up without blooming are:

  • excessive soil and air moisture;
  • cold;
  • high temperature in the room;
  • stale air;
  • drafts;
  • excessive or insufficient feeding;
  • dry air.

As you can see, the factors on which the duration and abundance of flowering depend a large number of. And when a problem is identified, it is worth considering all of them in order to provide timely assistance to the flower and not lose it.

Watering the plant is the next point that needs to be paid attention to. If it is carried out incorrectly, the buds do not open, the leaves die, and the root system suffers.

Proper watering is important for gloxinia. Water must flow to the roots through the soil, so it is carefully poured over the edge of the pot so as not to flood the rosette. Excess water removed from the pallet so that the roots do not begin to rot. During cold weather, watering can be reduced to spraying, but it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil and prevent it from drying out, understanding that for normal growth the plant needs moderate moisture. For watering and spraying, only settled water at room temperature is used.

Gloxinia requires special attention during heating season. At this time, the air in the room is quite dry; under such conditions, the buds rarely open. It is recommended to periodically spray the flower, however, in this matter one should adhere to the “golden mean”. Excessiveness harms the plant.

These are the main points of care, the violation of which can disrupt the proper growth and flowering of gloxinia. But besides them, you should understand that if the temperature is too low and in drafts, gloxinia buds also wither and fall off.

Now about feeding. The lack of nutrients in the soil does not allow the plant to gain strength and fully realize itself: to form flower stalks and bloom. If the buds turn black and then begin to dry out, then this is a sure sign that the soil has a low amount of microelements. To mean, indoor flower needs feeding. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are best suited for these purposes.

Peduncles also dry out when gloxinia is damaged by pests of indoor plants such as:

  • spider mite;
  • thrips.

If they are detected, the flower should be immediately treated with insecticides.

Why do buds rot and not bloom?

At improper care for gloxinias, their buds not only dry out, but also rot. And this happens for several reasons. The first thing you should pay attention to is the condition of the soil. If the soil in the pot is too wet and practically does not dry out, then this may well lead to the formation of rot not only on the tubers, but also on the surface of the flower. If this is the reason, then reducing watering helps restore the plant's condition.

Also, the buds rot if the soil in the pot is too acidic and contains a lot of nitrogen. In this case, it is recommended to replant the flower. And for feeding, use special fertilizers that contain potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and other elements. If such a problem arises, the rotting bud is torn off and the plant is treated with a fungicide. For these purposes, use “Fitosporin”, “Maximom” or other drugs of this group. Dosage and frequency according to the instructions for use.

Gloxinia inflorescences also rot when they are too cold. Low temperature can cause enormous harm to the plant.

In any case, if rot appears, then it is necessary to establish the cause and eliminate it. Then remove all parts of the flower that are rotting, and only then treat the plant with anti-rot preparations.

Flower maintenance conditions

As we found out above, the main reason why inflorescences die (rot, dry out) is violations in the care of the plant, which then entail the occurrence of a number of diseases and the appearance of pests. Therefore, in this section we will briefly consider the main points of growing gloxinia.

Location. The flower pot must be placed on the windowsills on the east and west sides. During the short period daylight hours he is provided with additional lighting.

The optimal temperature for growing the plant is 18-20 degrees. Often in apartments it is a little higher, so the window sill a good place for flowerpots.

Watering is carried out along the edge of the pot so that water does not get on the flower or through the tray (the pot is placed in water for 15-20 minutes, then the liquid is removed). Water once a week, spray once every three days with warm, soft water.

It is important to properly send the plant to rest. When the flower fades, they stop watering it, and the entire surface part dies. It must be placed in a dry and dark place where the air temperature should be between 10-18 degrees. Tubers can be stored in winter both in pots, and you can place them in river sand. They need to be protected both from drying out and from excess moisture.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that young annual plants are not sent to rest. They spend the winter on the windowsill.

In February, adult tubers are planted in specially prepared soil and placed in a warm and bright place. The pot should be wide, but the depth should be average. The drainage layer is laid down, and then the soil. You can buy it in a store or prepare it yourself. Considering any gloxinia to loose and pH-neutral soil.

These are the key points that novice gardeners should know so that the capricious and demanding plant pleases the eye.

The first time I was faced with the problem that the leaves of my beloved gloxinia were drying out, I could not solve it safely, but, as it turned out, not for long, because I did not use methods of treatment, but prevention, or, as some doctors say in the case of human diseases , healing symptoms, but not eliminating the source of the problem.

As it turned out, it was necessary to carefully study the problem of why gloxinia leaves dry out, and immediately, purposefully fight precisely the cause of the disease.

There are several significant reasons that are most often encountered (mine was among them), so the advice and instructions in this article are very universal. The most common reasons why gloxinia leaves dry out are: improper watering. Gloxinia, as it turned out, reacts very violently to all kinds of deviations from the norm, therefore, as soon as it was transfused, a terrible process of getting rid of the excess began in my gloxinia. Most often, this plant makes it clear that something is wrong by displaying its leaves - this is how it draws attention to internal problems.

It would seem that gloxinia should have a normal attitude to watering and excessive watering will not kill it, but practice shows completely different results - gloxinia has very sensitive roots, so they immediately begin to rot or stop functioning normally as soon as we fill the gloxinia with water. What to do in this case is not to hesitate and replant the plant, which I strongly recommend, because gloxinia will not be able to recover normally only by bringing the series of waterings back to normal - they need to be introduced as a regulating factor after replanting.

If gloxinia has recently appeared in your home, then the main reason why its leaves dry out or completely dry out is acclimatization. Unfortunately, we can predict with a small degree of probability how gloxinia will behave in a given environment. For this, there are special parameters for caring for the plant, observing which we bring our living conditions for gloxinia closer to the ideal, but it is impossible to calculate everything in advance.

What to do in this case? Try to create as much as possible comfortable conditions, water and feed it properly, but care must be extremely meticulous.

How to treat gloxinia? It is necessary to remove the affected areas, treat the cut areas, and then apply a soap solution and special preparations. Let the plant dry thoroughly and then repeat the steps again. During this period, you need to minimize watering and fertilizing, and, if necessary, even replant the plant, otherwise it will not survive.

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