Service vdgo. Maintenance of indoor gas equipment

Benefits for VDGO maintenance

The law on gasification states benefits and assistance to certain categories of people. The disadvantage of the document is that there is no supervisory authority to carry out this procedure. Therefore, each company decides this issue at its own discretion. For us this point is fundamental. We are ready to conclude a maintenance contract at any time gas equipment in a private house. With veterans of the Great Patriotic War We work for free.

VDGO maintenance: what is included?

Each home has its own system of gas appliances designed and installed, which can be either simple or complex. But no matter what system is functioning, maintenance of gas equipment in private homes involves a whole range of preventive work:
  • We check whether the in-house gas equipment is installed correctly in accordance with the standards, and check that it is functioning correctly.
  • We carry out maintenance gas boiler.
  • We look at the fastenings, whether the joints are hermetically connected, and analyze the integrity of the parts.
  • We check the condition of the taps and lubricate them for smooth operation.
  • We evaluate the thrust in ventilation pipes and chimneys.
  • We clean burners and carry out other work.
To order a one-time service or enter into an agreement for maintenance of indoor gas equipment once a year in our company, you need:
  • leave a request on the website;
  • sign and pay for the contract;
  • agree on a time convenient for you.
These measures cannot be carried out on your own without special training and experience. It makes no sense to entrust the maintenance of VDGO to private craftsmen, since their control will have no legal value. Let's take a closer look.

The law requires concluding a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment in a private home!

If you decide to conclude a contract for the maintenance of VDGO with our company, then one copy will definitely be sent by us to Mosoblgaz. This will mean that your gas equipment is properly maintained in accordance with the law and no gas outages will be threatened. Your home will always be warm and hot water, and we will make sure that it all works safely and reliably!

Often, owners of gasified houses in the Moscow region do not understand why they need a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment in a private house. Government Resolution 549, published back in 2008, states the right gas company to turn off gas in the absence of an agreement. The law also states that only a specialized company can carry out maintenance of indoor gas equipment.

It sounds scary, but in reality we are talking about current document, signed before the above date and still in force to this day. Having a current VDGO maintenance contract in hand, the owner can sleep peacefully. In case of absence or delay, it’s time to sound the alarm, unless, of course, you yourself are a talented gas worker with 25 years of experience, certified in the best traditions of the gas genre. But, remember about the shutdown... If the owner did not take care of it in a timely manner, the supplier will notify the residents of the suspension of obligations and gas supply.

The decree and the absence of a valid document are not the only reason to conclude an agreement for the maintenance of gas equipment in a private home. Self-preservation and common sense are much more important. Gas equipment is a complex device that, if used incorrectly or in the event of an emergency, turns into a time bomb. Is there anything else that needs to be said about the importance of carrying out competent servicing of a gas boiler and the qualifications of the engineers of the company with which the owners have close gas relations?

It is worth keeping in mind that if you conclude an official contract for the maintenance of gas equipment in a private home, its price will be much lower than the cost of emergency work in the event of a malfunction, which may result from untimely technical inspection.

Maintenance of gas heating boilers in private homes

Maintenance of gas equipment in a private home covers a wide range of objects, ranging from pipes for gas and water supply and related shut-off valves, ending with chimneys and ventilation ducts. But the most difficult and responsible task is the maintenance of gas heating boilers.

Commissioning and maintenance of boilers different manufacturers have their differences. At the Victoria company, engineers received personal certificates of training completed in all popular representative offices of equipment developers. This confirms that specialists have everything necessary knowledge to carry out service maintenance of gas heating boilers of any brands. Our craftsmen are trained in Mosoblgaz and have advanced training certificates for mechanics, which allows them to work with manufacturers of both imported and Russian production.

High-quality maintenance of gas heating boilers depends on other factors. We use modern diagnostic equipment from Germany: gas analyzers, anemometers, leak detectors. Often in companies, fault checking is carried out at the olfactory level. They came, inspected the boiler, turned on the gas, looked - it worked, great. We adjust the boiler for pressure. We use differential pressure gauges to adjust the gas supply, taking into account local pressure. We adjust the setting using a combustion gas analyzer. If the gas burns completely, there will be no soot or blockages in the heat exchanger and excessive fuel consumption. Proper tuning will reduce fuel consumption by up to 20%. Typically, maintenance of a gas heating boiler takes from one to three hours.

Almost every individual building has gas-powered equipment. Blue fuel is one of the cheapest. That is why, when installing autonomous heating systems, owners of private houses in the vast majority of cases prefer to install gas boilers. But this requires periodic maintenance of gas equipment in a private home.

Is a contract necessary or not?

Today we will look at issues related to this procedure. But before we dwell on the technical side of the matter, let’s clarify whether mandatory maintenance of gas equipment in a private home is necessary? Are “private traders” always required to enter into contracts for it?

There are directly opposite views on this matter. Some consider this mandatory, others are of the opinion that the main thing here is the desire of the owner. Let's try to clarify. Russian Government Decree No. 549, issued in 2008, states that the resource supply organization (that is, gas workers) has the right to stop gas supply in the absence of such a document.

This is where the origins of the confusion lie. IN in this case means a valid contract, that is, drawn up before the date indicated above and not expired according to the deadline. If there is a valid contract, the owner is not required to sign a new one. But if there is none, it must be concluded.

This must be done at least for security reasons. Gas technology refers to equipment higher level difficulties. proper maintenance or self-repair it is subject only to a person who is a professional in this field. Ordinary citizens are not able to carry out high-quality technical work in private homes without knowing all its techniques and nuances.

What is checked during maintenance

This procedure includes a number of complex technological operations. What exactly will need to be checked when servicing gas equipment in a private home?

Using gas analyzers, technicians monitor the tightness of the pipeline, without relying on their own sense of smell. The inspection is subject to checking the operability of the equipment, that is, its technical condition in all modes that are provided. They are interested in the degree of wear and tear of everyone components and their suitability for subsequent use. To do this, the equipment is subjected to complete or partial disassembly and inspected in order to identify signs of resource depletion.

The readiness of protection systems can be checked by making them operate under conditions simulating various emergency situations.

Be on the lookout

The entire variety of gas boilers available differs not only in brand, appearance and a set of parameters, but also according to their own constructive solutions. And therefore, for the maintenance of a specific model, the list may differ from another similar one.

That is why there is no point in providing an exact list of operations. But it is necessary to know their approximate composition in order to monitor the conscientiousness of the specialist’s actions. Scroll necessary operations is given in the documentation supplied with the unit.

With whom is the contract for servicing the gas equipment of a private home concluded?

This question is one of the most important. The best option it will be concluded with the organization that supplies gas. In this case, all claims identified during the inspection of the system will be presented by its employees to their colleagues. Suppliers usually have their own service departments.

Sometimes it is more convenient to conclude an agreement with the structure that works closely with the boiler supplier. This option is preferable for places where calling gas workers sometimes becomes a problem.

There are also companies whose specialization is the provision of such services. In both this and the previous case, it is necessary to clarify the series important points: does such a structure have certification not for the maintenance of gas equipment in general, but for specific brands of products. You should also inquire about the contractor’s material resources.

What else is important

Having good specialists who can assemble and disassemble the unit and identify faults is not enough. Sometimes you cannot do without complex and expensive equipment - some of the work on servicing gas equipment in a private house cannot be performed “on site”.

For example, we can talk about cleaning the internal cavities of heat exchangers. If your device is under warranty, inquire about the right to organize maintenance during this period. You should also be interested in the time frame in which requests are completed and warranty periods after repairs.

It would also be useful to collect feedback from people who have experience working with this organization. Also important factors are the price of servicing gas equipment in a private home and the list of services that are free. Before making a choice, it will be useful to compare the conditions with those accepted in other organizations.

Price issue

Unfortunately, within the framework of a separate article, we cannot provide the reader with detailed information regarding the specific prices of a particular supplier organization. As already mentioned, due to competition in the era market economy the number of providers of such services is not one or two. And each of them has a price list consisting of a long list of items.

You can navigate this issue by comparing the prices of private suppliers with those that can be found on the website of the familiar and most in-demand JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye according to a unified price list for the population. We repeat, we do not have the opportunity to provide the entire list of tariffs (23 sheets) - the reader can easily find the relevant information by visiting the supplier’s office or the corresponding Internet resource.

But for general orientation, we present standard prices for maintenance of in-house or in-apartment gas equipment. The exact amount contained in the contract will depend on the composition of household equipment that is used in each specific case (gas stove, gas instantaneous water heaters, gas metering device, gas tap, etc.). The cost of maintenance services is:

  • For hob- 334.74 rubles;
  • For oven- 203.56 rubles;
  • for a stove with two burners - 334.74 rubles, with three - 389.02 rubles, four - 443.31 rubles;
  • for a water heater - 890.06 rubles;
  • for a boiler with a power of up to 30 kW - 913.37 rubles, from 31 to 60 kW - 1079.87 rubles, from 61 to 140 kW - 1079.87 rubles.

Remember that, as in any area of ​​service delivery, there is a phenomenon called unhealthy competition. It is customary for organizations to win over clients, taking advantage of the public’s lack of awareness of technical issues and sometimes even resorting to intimidation. If you have an existing document that is not expired, it makes sense to call those with whom you currently have a contract for servicing gas equipment in a private home (the gas technicians’ telephone number should always be at hand). You will inform them about the visit of competitors and new offers.

Sometimes representatives of the service department put forward more than persistent proposals to renew the contract due to the increased cost of servicing gas equipment in a private home. Often this phenomenon can be found in rural areas, where the population is much less informed. You shouldn't fall for such actions. As long as the document has not expired, any prices remain the same (they should not be confused with gas supply tariffs).

Sometimes you can hear about the substitution of the concepts of maintenance and repair. According to the contract, the owner’s obligation is to pay only for maintenance (we are talking about a visit from a technician and minor work related to diagnostics, cleaning, flushing, etc.). If the issue of troubleshooting is raised, especially with the replacement of spare parts, then the procedure is subject to separate payment.

You bought a gas boiler - what next?

When purchasing a gas boiler, we remember its advantages - hot water supply and reliable heating throughout the year. At the same time, gas boilers belong to complex household appliances that are related to two energy sources at once - electricity and gas. And the latter, if the gas pipeline or the boiler itself malfunctions, can become a source of danger to human life and household property.

That is why the frequency of maintenance of gas equipment in a private home and diagnostics is extremely important. By regularly checking it for serviceability, you can identify emerging problems and not bring the condition of the equipment to a dangerous level.

Gas boiler maintenance - what does it mean?

What is included in the concept of maintenance in order to ensure the serviceability of the unit and the safety of its operation? The answer depends on the degree of complexity of the device and the set of functions performed. The boiler can only serve for heating or hot water supply, or both at the same time. It is also important to have certain additional functions and protection systems provided for by its design.

A complete list of necessary checks and the frequency of their implementation can be found in the instructions for each specific boiler model. This document is your guide to the procedure for concluding a service agreement with a contractor. You should be prepared for the fact that not the entire list of operations required by the instructions is included in the free mandatory procedures of the organization you have chosen. Some checks are considered an additional service and are provided only on the basis of additional payment. You should try to insist that they be included in the main contract list.

What is an approximate list of work on servicing gas equipment in a private home?

In the most general case, the maintenance procedure for a wall-mounted gas boiler consists of:

  1. Burner cleaning. Particular attention is paid to those details that determine the composition, direction and intensity of the flame. These include:

    A retaining washer that regulates the position of the burner torch and the extent of its contact with the heat exchanger;
    - the pipe through which gas is supplied to the burner (during inspection, it is removed, disassembled and purged, then all its parts are cleaned); if necessary, failed filters are replaced and then reinstalled;
    - and electrodes;
    - igniter device;
    - an air sensor, whose task is to regulate the parameters of preparing the gas-air mixture.

  2. Cleaning the combustion chamber and freeing from dirt all parts of the device that are exposed to open flames during operation.
  3. Checking the integrity of the entire structure and its correct operation. If necessary, the built-in hot water boiler is adjusted.
  4. Cleaning the internal channels through which gas is supplied and discharged.
  5. Checking the degree of contamination of the chimney. This is usually done for a separate price.
  6. Checks of built-in electronics.
  7. Adjustments of all units of units that need to be adjusted.

In addition, the composition of the gas located in the combustion chamber is clarified for the composition, completeness and amount of emitted carbon monoxide. The serviceability of the shutdown automation is also monitored by simulating an emergency situation. The most important of the safety devices is which must be completely sealed. The gas supply pipeline throughout the entire section of the apartment or house (estate) must maintain its integrity; when inspecting it, special attention is paid to the joints of the external pipe sections.

No amateur performances!

At first glance, the above list does not contain anything particularly complicated. It may seem like a job that any homeowner can do. But this impression is very misleading. An inexperienced person may miss the smallest signs that the boiler, water supply and gas pipeline do not meet strict requirements.

In the event of an unforeseen situation, not everyone is able to quickly respond in order to prevent irreparable consequences. At the same time, the specialist not only has the necessary qualifications and experience to carry out such work, but also bears personal responsibility for the quality of the inspection. This is confirmed by his signature on the documents for the boiler, which you must require from him upon completion of the maintenance.

4.65/5 (119)

For a long time, natural gas has been used as a fuel to heat Russian homes. The fact that gas is a fairly cheap and profitable heat resource is known to everyone.

At the same time, many citizens forget that the use of “blue fuel” requires special attention from consumers. Improper operation of gas equipment can lead to serious problems.

Accidents affect not only the equipment or buildings themselves, sometimes the scale emergency situations, associated with a powerful heat source leaving human control, lead to destruction and death.

That is why the safety of using gas in everyday life is one of the most important tasks not only for the users themselves, but also for the state as a whole.

Is it necessary to conclude a contract for VDGO maintenance according to the law?

Recent statistics indicate that gas equipment accidents in private and apartment buildings have become noticeably more frequent. Although, as you know, it is better to avoid troubles than to deal with their consequences.

In order to prevent accidents associated with improper operation of gas equipment, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a special law, according to which users of this type of fuel are required to regularly check gas equipment located in houses and apartments.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410 of May 14, 2013, citizens who use natural gas to heat their houses and apartments and specialized services need to agree on the terms of use of the resource and enter into appropriate agreements.

Thus, residential property owners are responsible for their own safety when using “blue fuel”.

That is, the life and health of citizens, in this case, depend on their consciousness. At the same time, they are still wondering whether it is worth signing such an agreement with special gas services.

Of course, every person has the right to make his own choice. But in this case, the wrong decision will lead to the fact that gas supply to a particular home will be stopped. This is the solution gas services will be completely legal.

List of gas equipment subject to inspection

Several types of equipment are used to provide gas to houses and apartments. Each of them must undergo special testing.

It does not matter where exactly it is located - in a private house, apartment or is the common property of the residents apartment building.

Since there is a division of equipment into communal and intra-apartment equipment, it should be clarified what exactly belongs to these groups:

  • The risers up to the faucets and metering devices located in the apartments are considered common;
  • devices installed in the apartment are internal.

Until 2013, gas equipment available in houses and apartments was under the control of the building management company. It was the management company that ensured the uninterrupted operation of the devices. The management was also involved in concluding contracts, and the apartment owners themselves had nothing to do with contracts with gas workers.

Any service requires a certain payment. In this case, it was contributed by the residents of the houses. The required amount was indicated in the payment documents.

Differences in the responsibilities of management companies and homeowners appeared immediately after the adoption of the corresponding Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410.

From now on:

  • The following appliances become the private property of apartment owners: gas stoves and boilers, as well as water heaters. That is why the entire responsibility for correct use and annual inspection of these devices is now the responsibility of homeowners;
  • The management company should deal only with common household appliances and only enter into contracts with gas services for them.

Which organizations service indoor gas equipment?

No other organization except Gorgaz has the right to provide citizens with gas equipment maintenance services.

To communicate with consumers, the company has its own emergency dispatch service. Companies that have signed contracts with suppliers of the resource and are engaged in its distribution to citizens also monitor the condition of gas equipment inside houses and apartments.

Employees of the organization who ensure uninterrupted and quality work gas appliances must have special education and undergo regular certification, which complies with the requirements of the law.

VDGO service contract

What is a contract for the maintenance of in-house gas equipment?

At its core, this is an agreement between the owner of a residential property and a company that services gas appliances. The contract is drawn up according to a certain standard and also includes a list of services.

The following information is entered into the document:

  • information about the owner of the property, address;
  • Name service company, details, account number;
  • what gas appliances are installed in the room;
  • a list of services provided by the company in accordance with the concluded agreement;
  • date of conclusion and duration of the contract;
  • cost of services, method of payment.

Note! The amount of payment under the contract depends on the type of gas equipment. Payment is made according to the price list established by the organization and is determined depending on the cost of each device.

How the parties' service agreement works

As soon as an agreement is concluded between the owner and the company, the appliances in the residential premises are checked and repairs are made (if necessary).

Types of services and work carried out after signing the contract:

  • checking that the installation of devices meets the accepted requirements;
  • monitoring the tightness of pipes and connections between parts of devices;
  • quality control of equipment;
  • revision of the draft force of ventilation outlets;
  • conducting training for residents using gas appliances.

Note! During the term of the agreement, all work to eliminate resource leakage, as well as to improve the tightness of pipes, is carried out free of charge. If any defects are found, repairs and the cost of parts are paid by the owner of the property.

Terms of the contract and frequency of inspections of gas appliances

The duration of the contract cannot exceed 3 years.

According to this document, the service organization must check the equipment once a year. As a result of the completed procedure, a corresponding act is issued.

Important! If you smell gas in the apartment, this indicates a malfunction of some gas appliance. In this situation, immediately call the service company specialists.

How much does VDGO service cost under the contract?

Gas is sold to the population at certain prices. When calculating the retail price, the costs of gas distribution companies for maintenance of gas equipment installed in the house were previously taken into account.

In connection with the Order of the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2004 194-e/12 “On approval of the Guidelines for regulating retail prices for gas sold to the population” and on the basis of the Information Letter Federal service according to tariffs No. SN-3765/9 dated June 23, 2005, this practice of calculating gas prices was abolished.

Currently, the gas price for residents does not include payment for appliance maintenance services. It follows from this that the cost of maintenance work or services does not depend on the amount of fuel used.

The country has adopted a unified methodology for calculating the cost of VDGO operation services. It is based on the “Approximate price list for services gas industry on maintenance and repair of gas distribution systems."

This document was developed by OJSC GiproNIIgaz, which is the leading research and design institute of the gas industry. This development of scientists began to take effect after the publication of Order No. 35 of June 20, 2001.

The letter of the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation (09-153 dated April 14, 2006) states that this price list should be used as the main tool in calculating the cost of VDGO maintenance services.

The size of the maintenance service fee is influenced by the type of gas equipment in a particular residential premises, as well as the number of installed devices.

The owner of the property who ordered it must pay for the services or work performed. The payment period is stipulated by the terms of the agreement.

When the term was not specified in the contract, it is taken into account next term– no later than the tenth day of the month following the month in which the relevant work was completed.

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Residents apartment buildings, where they have their own management companies, they pay for maintenance depending on the area of ​​the apartment. Why is this happening?

Each house has property that is common to all residents. Maintenance and repair of such equipment falls on the shoulders of the owners or tenants of housing (Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

It is known that in-house gas equipment is common property on the basis of common shared ownership, and is also operated by all persons living in this house.

Allocate in kind the share of one tenant in proportion to the size total area apartment is impossible. According to the “Methodological recommendations for the financial justification of tariffs for the maintenance and repair of housing stock,” approved by order of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 28, 2000 No. 303, the calculation unit for housing is 1 sq. m of total housing area.

In our country, the body that performs the functions of the Federal Center for Price and Tariff Policy in Housing and Communal Services is the State Unitary Enterprise “Center for Standardization and information systems in housing and communal services." It was this company that developed the previously mentioned recommendations.

In 2000, these rules were approved by the Scientific and Technical Council of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation (protocol 01-NS-31/4 of October 27, 2000). The Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 156) also addresses the issues of charging fees for the maintenance and repair of an apartment. It is calculated in such an amount that will ensure the maintenance of common property.

Any apartment owner, in fact, like a tenant, must participate in the maintenance of not only his home, but also make a certain contribution to ensuring normal functioning common property (Article 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). This amount depends on the share in the common ownership of the property.

Thus, payment for an apartment is made depending on the total area of ​​the apartment (dorm room). Local governments may set fees for the use of residential premises.

This happens when residential premises are used by tenants on the basis of a social rental agreement for state or municipal premises, and also if the apartment owners have not decided on the method of managing the apartment building.

The procedure for collecting fees for maintenance of in-house property occurs in accordance with the standards current legislation RF. It was already mentioned above that the size of the fee depends on the area of ​​the room. These rules are categorical, that is, there are no other ways to calculate housing fees.

Watch the video. What you don’t have to pay for when maintaining VDGO:

Why is a comprehensive agreement necessary?

The person who is the executor under the maintenance contract must visit the apartments of citizens. The fact is that the first shut-off and control valves on the branches of the wiring going into the living space are located in front of the gas appliances installed in the apartment.

The rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 No. 549, state that owners or tenants of apartments are required to sign an individual agreement on maintenance and emergency dispatch support for in-house gas equipment.

Note! If you have entered into an individual maintenance agreement, this does not relieve you of the need to pay the appropriate funds for maintenance of in-house gas equipment.

This amount is indicated on the receipt. It is clear that this only increases utility costs. So, for example, if you own an apartment with an area of ​​40 square meters. m., you need to pay 38.4 rubles for VDGO maintenance (we multiply 40 sq. m. by 0.96 kopecks).

In addition, you also pay the amount specified in your maintenance contract for gas equipment installed in your apartment.

Maintenance cost

When the apartment’s gas equipment includes a four-burner gas stove, a water heater with running water, as well as a gas consumption meter, the monthly payment for maintenance services will be 62.90 rubles.

The cost of maintenance includes:

  • payment for maintenance of a modernized stove (has electric ignition and automatic safety) is 17 rubles 95 kopecks;
  • Maintenance of a water heater with running water is 26 rubles 60 kopecks;
  • service gas taps(2 pcs.), located in front of gas equipment, is 11 rubles 60 kopecks;
  • for maintenance threaded connections gas pipeline with a gas meter you will need to pay 4.20 rubles;
  • A repair request costs 2 rubles 55 kopecks.

Adding up all the numbers, we get an amount equal to 92 rubles. 18 kopecks This is the monthly payment amount.

Responsibility for the absence of a maintenance document

The gas supplied to the homes of our citizens is a high-risk fuel. Therefore, in the apartments of people who have not yet concluded an agreement, there are gas appliances that pose a specific threat to other residents of the house.

These devices have not been tested, and it is impossible to understand what condition they are in without proper inspection. There is a danger in faulty gas appliances in both private and apartment buildings. But in the latter case, life is at risk large quantity citizens.

Note! Gas supplies to homes will be cut off if appliances do not pass the required tests.

Regular inspection is a guarantee that the gas entering the apartments does not pose a threat to human life. Without complying with the requirements of the law and not responding to warnings from gas workers, an unscrupulous gas consumer will be left without heat.

To prevent this situation, provide access to gas appliances to specialists. Also, sign up for a service contract.

It is important to understand that the gas supplier is only offering you to enter into such an agreement. Everything else depends on you, because it is you, as a consumer, who should be interested in servicing the equipment and are responsible for this procedure.

Sometimes contracts are concluded by the management company on behalf of home owners. In this case, all responsibility lies with her. Residents pay directly for fuel use.

Name Price, rub./(piece/set/m.p.)
Maintenance of VKGO
Annual maintenance (gas stove, hob, oven) in MKD 1200
Annual maintenance of instantaneous, capacitive (storage) gas water heater in MKD 1900
Comprehensive annual maintenance (gas stove, hob, oven) and instantaneous, capacitive (storage) gas water heater in an apartment building 3100
Comprehensive annual maintenance of household gas equipment with a wall-mounted boiler, including two emergency requests 9000
Comprehensive annual maintenance of indoor gas equipment with a wall-mounted boiler in an apartment building 7200
Calling a technician to perform repairs/maintenance (one-time application) with a boiler in an apartment building 3000 / 5000
VDGO maintenance
Maintenance of external (facade) and internal (gas riser) gas pipelines 50

Maintenance of floor-standing gas boilers

How to ensure safety when using gas equipment in an apartment

Gas facilities in a residential building. Who is responsible for what?

In an apartment building, all gas equipment is conventionally divided into two parts.

In-house gas equipment (VDGO)- these are facade gas pipelines and risers along the entrances along with taps. Management organizations are responsible for its technical condition and enter into maintenance contracts with specialized organizations that are authorized to work with gas equipment.

Indoor gas equipment (VKGO)- everything that comes after shut-off valve on the branch to the apartment: this is a pipeline and connections, stoves, water heating columns and boilers, control and safety valves, gas control systems for premises, a gas meter. The owner or tenant of the apartment is legally responsible for the technical condition of the gas facilities inside the apartment.

Why is it necessary to enter into a maintenance contract?

For security. Regular inspections and maintenance of gas equipment in apartments, carried out by gas specialists, will allow timely identification, for example, of a faulty or outdated stove, and therefore prevent emergencies. Remember, in the overwhelming majority of cases, tragedies occur precisely because of a malfunction of indoor gas equipment.

According to the law, home owners or tenants are required to enter into agreements for the maintenance of gas-using equipment. And everyone must do this, because even if 49 out of 50 apartment owners in a building sign contracts, and one does not, there is no guarantee of safety.

What kind of work is covered by the VKGO maintenance contract?

  • Visual inspection of gas-using equipment, gas pipeline and its fastenings, inspection
  • free access to them
  • Checking the tightness of connections and disconnecting devices (instrumental method or using soap emulsion)
  • Checking the functionality, setting up, adjusting and lubricating devices that allow you to automatically turn off the gas if its parameters deviate from the norm
  • Adjusting the gas combustion process, cleaning burners from contaminants
  • Checking gas pressure
  • Checking the presence of draft in smoke and ventilation ducts, as well as the condition of connecting pipes of gas-using equipment with a smoke duct
  • Instructing consumers on the safe use of gas at home

How often will maintenance be carried out?

If the service life of gas-using equipment is no more than 15 years - in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturers, and in the absence of requirements - at least once every three years.

If the service life of gas-using equipment is more than 15 years - at least once a year.

What organization is the contract with?

According to the law, a maintenance contract can be concluded with 000 AVG Engineering systems» or any other specialized organization that has permission to carry out activities for servicing in-house gas equipment.

Should all apartment owners enter into individual contracts?

Residents of houses can enter into these agreements independently, or by decision general meeting owners of premises in an apartment building, delegate the authority to conclude such agreements to the management company, homeowners association or the chairman of the building council.

Why should a tenant pay for maintenance?

Residents paid for maintenance of VKGO before, only the costs of maintaining gas stoves and water heaters were taken into account in the cost of gas until 2005; later the amount for maintenance was included in the tariff for maintaining the housing stock (in the rent of management companies, HOAs).

Due to changes in legislation, payments for maintenance are now carried out not through the management company or homeowners association, but directly with a specialized organization.

What happens if the contract is not concluded?

  • Gas specialists will not check the serviceability of gas equipment in apartments.
  • Residents expose not only themselves, but also their loved ones and neighbors in the house, to potential danger.
  • The gas supplier does not have confirmation of the serviceability of the gas equipment in the apartments and the safety of its operation.
  • It is possible to disconnect the apartment from gas. Federal legislation prohibits the supply of gas if the tenant does not have a contract for servicing indoor equipment - in other words, gas cannot be supplied to an untested stove or water heater. Before disconnection, written notification to consumers is required.

Mandatory rules for using gas appliances:

  • Ventilate the premises when using gas stoves.
  • It is not allowed to load gas pipelines or use them as supports.
  • Do not use gas stoves to heat apartments, this can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Do not leave operating gas appliances unattended, do not allow young children and persons who do not control their actions and do not allow access to them. who know the rules use of these devices.
  • It is not allowed to independently repair, replace, rearrange gas appliances, or turn on gas appliances that were turned off by gas workers.
  • When leaving on vacation, turn off the gas supply to the apartment by turning the tap on the gas supply pipe. The tap on the common gas pipeline at the entrance to the apartment is larger in diameter - not 15, but 25 millimeters.
  • Not allowed when finishing works The gas pipeline with the shut-off device must be sealed tightly into the wall, preventing access for inspection and maintenance of the gas pipeline.
  • It is prohibited to make changes to the design of gas appliances, change the design of smoke and ventilation systems, seal ventilation ducts, brick up or seal “pockets” and hatches intended for cleaning chimneys.

Let's try to figure out what is included in the list of in-house gas equipment (VDGO)?

Our country's gas system is a huge web of gas pipelines, compressor and distribution stations and other installations. Each gasified house has its own gas pipeline. As soon as he approaches the house or “enters” the entrance, the concept of VDGO appears. In apartment buildings, gas equipment “inside the house” is divided into two parts:

  • common property (includes risers in the house, taps located in the entrance and the first ones in the apartment, with which we regulate the gas supply to the stove or other heating element);
  • private or individual - this is indoor gas equipment (directly a stove, a water heater, a water heater or a heating boiler, as well as connections to all these devices from the first tap in the apartment).

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, responsibility for the safety of all in-house gas equipment lies on the shoulders of consumers.

Do I need to sign a maintenance contract?

Do in-house gas equipment need to be serviced? To be honest, today this is not even discussed, because in our country every year during explosions domestic gas V residential buildings people are dying.

Until the 90s of the last century, in-house gas pipelines and equipment were on the balance sheet of gas distribution organizations. At that time, the apartments were regularly visited by gorgaz mechanics for the purpose of preventive maintenance. These works were included in the tariff, which included payment not only for the gas itself, but also for the maintenance of gas equipment and networks.

In the 90s, it was decided at the federal level that this was not particularly necessary.

Since 2003, supervision over the maintenance of in-house gas equipment (VDGO) has gone out of the control of Rostechnadzor and found itself in “free floating”, and the maintenance and repair activities of VDGO were not subject to licensing.

Since 2004, the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation approved the “Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of Housing Stock,” according to which the costs of technical maintenance of VDGOs were excluded from the gas tariff and transferred to the category of services provided under a contract.

With the change in legislation, many companies appeared on the market without special equipment and relevant craftsmen who could efficiently install and subsequently technically service gas equipment.

Over the years, the country received widespread deteriorating in-house gas equipment and more frequent gas explosions in everyday life.

In order to turn the situation around, restore order and protect its citizens, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 549 dated July 21, 2008, which approved the “Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens”, and Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 239 dated 06/26/2009 on the “Procedure for maintenance of repairs of in-house gas equipment.”

These regulations placed responsibility for the condition of gas-using equipment on consumers and obliged them to timely enter into contracts for VDGO maintenance and emergency dispatch support with a specialized organization.

Which organizations provide maintenance of gas equipment?

Maintenance of any gas equipment should be carried out by specialized gas distribution organizations that have qualified specialists on staff who can promptly eliminate any problems in gas equipment using modern technology and equipment, as well as emergency dispatch service. This is a guarantee of the safe use of natural gas in everyday life.

In the Komi Republic, such a specialized gas distribution organization that complies with legal requirements and has the right to carry out maintenance work on VDGOs is Gazprom Gas Distribution Syktyvkar OJSC with branches in Syktyvkar, Yemva, Ukhta, Pechora.

OJSC Gazprom Gas Distribution Syktyvkar, the company's branches perform contractual work for the provision of maintenance services for VDGO, have emergency dispatch services and are admitted to in the prescribed manner to carry out this type of activity.

Who enters into a contract for the maintenance of public gas equipment?

The agreement must be concluded by the owner of this gas equipment or, on his behalf, a third party. Depending on the method of managing an apartment building, the VDGO maintenance contract is concluded:

a) management company or HOA;

b) in the case of direct management of the house, based on the decision of the owners, the agreement is concluded by a person authorized by the meeting.

In dormitories and other residential buildings, the premises of which are used by residents under a rental agreement, contracts for VDGO maintenance must be concluded by the owner (balance holder) of the house.

Who enters into a contract for the maintenance of individual gas equipment?

Maintenance of private property located directly in the apartment is the responsibility of the residents.

Maintenance of VDGO. Questions and answers

A maintenance contract for gas equipment installed in your apartment is necessary to check its condition. A gas stove, water heater, and boilers are considered explosive and fire-hazardous household appliances, so regular checks of their technical condition are necessary. The owner of the apartment must take care of concluding such an agreement independently by contacting a specialized company directly. These are necessary in order to ensure the safety of yourself, your family and your neighbors by confirming the serviceability of your gas equipment.

How to monitor the gas equipment located in the apartment?

Every consumer needs to remember that gas is not only warmth and comfort in our homes, but also a serious responsibility for their life, the life of their family and neighbors in the house. That is why Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ukhta LLC and Gazprom Gas Distribution Syktyvkar OJSC recommend that consumers constantly monitor the condition of the gas equipment installed in the apartment. This is very easy to do - you need to contact your management company or directly to gas workers to conclude an agreement for equipment maintenance.

If a consumer avoids concluding a contract, what measures can be applied to him?

Based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 549 of July 21, 2008. The gas supplier has the right to unilaterally suspend gas supplies if the subscriber does not have an agreement with a specialized organization on VDGO technical maintenance and emergency dispatch support.

How often is VDGO maintenance carried out?

Maintenance of external and internal gas pipelines of the gas consumption network must be carried out at least once every three years.

Maintenance of household gas-using equipment must be carried out within the time limits established by the manufacturer, but at least once every three years. After the service life of household gas-using equipment established by the manufacturer, its maintenance is carried out based on the results of a technical inventory, but at least once a year. (Clause 11, 12 of the Procedure for the maintenance and repair of VDGO).

Work performed under the VDGO maintenance contract

Maintenance of external gas pipelines:

  • bypass and inspection of the external gas pipeline route;
  • maintenance of shut-off devices on the external gas pipeline;
  • checking the condition of painting and fastening of the gas pipeline, the presence and integrity of cases in places where gas pipelines are laid through external and internal structures buildings;
  • checking the tightness of connections of gas pipelines and fittings using an instrument or soap emulsion;

Maintenance of internal gas pipelines and gas-using equipment:

  • visual inspection of compliance of the installation of gas-using equipment and the laying of gas pipelines in the premises with regulatory requirements;
  • checking the tightness of connections of gas pipelines, gas equipment and fittings using an instrument or soap emulsion;
  • checking the integrity and completeness of gas-using equipment;
  • checking the functionality and lubrication of taps (valves) installed on gas pipelines, refilling the stuffing box seals (if necessary);
  • checking the presence of draft in smoke and ventilation ducts, the condition of connecting pipes of gas-using equipment with the smoke duct, the presence of air flow for combustion.

Instructing the subscriber on the Safety Rules for using gas at home.

If gas leaks are detected within a year from the date of conclusion of the contract, they are repaired free of charge. The rest of the work is carried out in accordance with the Subscriber’s request and is classified as repair work.

If equipment malfunctions occur that require replacement or repair of equipment elements, the cost of repairs and spare parts is paid by the Subscriber.

Good afternoon
Every month, the gas receipt accrues the fee for the Gazprom DV VKGO. The frequency of VKGO maintenance for slabs that have not expired is once every three years. Why do I pay for VKGO every month? And where should I go to have this service provided if no one comes?

Maintenance household appliance gas metering includes:
— external inspection of the metering device and the presence of a seal on the connection of the gas metering device,
— checking the connection of the metering device for leaks,
— checking the functionality and the date of its last verification,
- taking control readings,
— instructions on the safe use of gas at home.
The frequency of PU maintenance is once a year. Payment of charges for the service is made in a lump sum upon completion of work on account - receipts for gas supply services.

What is VKGO maintenance on the receipt and do I have to pay for it?

No one came to my home with such a procedure, but the amount on the receipt for payment is worth it! What does it mean? They take money but do not provide services. Who should I complain to and where should I go?

Thank you very much!

Lawyer's answer:


According to clause 8 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410 dated May 14, 2013 “On measures to ensure safety during the use and maintenance of in-house and intra-apartment gas equipment”, work on technical diagnostics in relation to indoor gas equipment (VKTO) - carried out by the owners (users) of the premises in which such equipment is located.

Indoor gas equipment includes - gas pipelines of an apartment building, laid from a shut-off valve (disconnect device) located on branches (drops) to the in-house gas equipment, to household gas-using equipment located indoors, household gas-using equipment and technical devices on gas pipelines, including control and safety valves, gas control systems for premises, individual or general (apartment) metering devices (clause 2 of RF PP No. 410)

Accordingly, you, as the owner, should be the initiator of concluding a contract for the provision of technical maintenance of VKGO with a specialized organization.

The presence of a contract for the maintenance of VKGO is a mandatory condition for the provision of gas supply to consumers (Articles 128, 131 of the Rules for the provision of public services by owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011.”

According to paragraphs. “b” clause 80 of RF PP No. 410, the contractor has the right to suspend the supply of gas with prior written notification to the customer in the absence of an agreement on the maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment.

Payment for scheduled technical inspection of VKGO can be made either in the form of subscription fee, and upon completion of work, depending on the terms of the concluded contract. If payment for technical inspection is made upon completion of work, but the work is not actually performed, then you need to contact the contractor under the VKGO maintenance agreement with a claim.

It should be noted that payment for equipment repair services is not included in the cost of technical inspection of VKGO and is made separately.

The question was answered by the lawyer of SRO NP "ZhKH-Group" Elena Klimova

Cost and payment procedure

In accordance with " Methodical instructions on regulation of retail prices for gas sold to the population”, approved by Order of the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2004. 194-e/12 and Information Letter of the Federal Tariff Service No. SN-3765/9 dated June 23, 2005, expenses of gas distribution organizations for maintenance of VDGO since 2006. are no longer taken into account when approving retail prices for natural gas sold to the population. Thus, retail prices for natural gas sold to the population, currently do not include the cost of technical, repair and application maintenance of the VDGO, therefore the cost of services (work) for the maintenance of the VDGO does not depend on the volume of natural gas consumed.

The methodology for determining the cost of services for the technical operation of VDGO is the same for all specialized organizations providing these services in the territory Russian Federation. The methodology is based on the “Approximate price list for gas industry services for the maintenance and repair of gas distribution systems”, developed by the leading research and design institute of the gas industry - OJSC GiproNIIgaz, put into effect by the Order of OJSC Rosgazifikatsiya dated June 20, 2001. 35.

The cost of services under the contract is determined based on the list and quantity of gas equipment in the house.

Payment for work performed (services provided) for maintenance of VDGO and (or) VKGO is carried out by the customer, including in the form of a subscription fee, within the period stipulated by the agreement on maintenance and repair of VDGO and (or) VKGO, and if such a period is not established by the specified agreement, not later than the 10th day of the month following the month in which the work was performed (services were provided).

Why do residents of apartment buildings who have chosen the management method of a management organization pay for VDGO maintenance based on the number of meters of the total area of ​​their living space?

In accordance with Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the structure of payment for residential premises for a tenant or for the owner of premises in an apartment building includes, among other things, payment for services and maintenance work and current repairs common property in an apartment building. VDGO refers to the common property of an apartment building, owned by all owners of premises on the right of common shared ownership and intended for use by all residents.

The share of each resident cannot be allocated in kind and is proportional to the size of the total area of ​​the premises occupied by the owner, but to a housing unit calculation unit established on the basis of the “Methodological recommendations for the financial justification of tariffs for the maintenance and repair of housing stock” (approved by order of the State Construction Committee of Russia 28.12. 2000 303), is one square meter of total housing area.

These recommendations were developed by the State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Standardization and Information Systems in Housing and Communal Services" (TsNIS), performing the functions of the Federal Center for Price and Tariff Policy in Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, and approved by the Scientific and Technical Council of the Gosstroy of Russia (protocol 01 -NS-31/4 dated October 27, 2000).

Furthermore, in accordance with Art. 156 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, fees for the maintenance and repair of residential premises are established in an amount that ensures the maintenance of common property in an apartment building in accordance with the requirements of the law.

According to Art. 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of premises in an apartment building is obliged to bear the costs of maintaining the premises belonging to him, as well as to participate in the costs of maintaining common property in an apartment building in proportion to his share in the right of common ownership of this property by paying a fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises. From which it follows that payment for residential premises is made based on the occupied total area (in separate rooms in dormitories based on the area of ​​these rooms) living space.

The amount of payment for the use of residential premises (rental fees), fees for the maintenance and repair of residential premises for tenants of residential premises under social tenancy agreements and lease agreements for residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock, as well as for owners of residential premises who have not decided on choosing a method of managing an apartment building are established by local governments.

Thus, the norms of the current legislation regulate the procedure for collecting fees for technical maintenance of VDGO, namely, from one square meter total living area. These norms are mandatory and do not contain any other option for determining the amount of payment for residential premises.

Why is it worth concluding a comprehensive agreement?

In any case, the contractor under the VDGO maintenance agreement is forced to go into the apartments to service the common property, because The first shut-off and control valves on the branches of the intra-apartment wiring from the risers are located in front of the devices directly in the apartments.

In addition, to the owners (tenants) of apartments in a residential building, in compliance with the requirements of the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008. 549, it will be necessary to conclude individual agreements on maintenance and emergency dispatch support for the VDGO apartment.

The presence of an agreement for the maintenance of indoor gas equipment will not relieve the owner (tenant) of premises in an apartment building from the obligation to pay for maintenance of the general property of the house as part of the receipt for payment for the services of the management organization, which increases the financial burden on the subscriber.

For example, the owner of an apartment with an area of ​​30.5 square meters. m must pay the cost of maintenance services for the VDGO, which is part of the common property in an apartment building, in the amount of 30.5 square meters. m × 0.96 kop.

VDGO maintenance cost

29.28 rubles, as well as additionally, within the framework of a separate agreement, the cost of services for technical, repair and maintenance of indoor gas equipment.

The cost of services under a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment equipped with a four-burner gas stove, instantaneous water heater and household gas meter is 62.90 rubles. per month and consists of the cost:

  • Maintenance of a luxury gas stove (equipped with electric ignition, automatic safety) – 17.95 rubles,
  • Maintenance of instantaneous automatic water heater - 26.60 rubles,
  • Maintenance of 2 gas taps in front of gas appliances - 11.60 rubles,
  • Maintenance of threaded connections of the gas pipeline to the gas flow meter - 4.20 rubles.
  • Repair and application maintenance of the apartment - 2.55 rubles.

The total monthly payment will be 29.28 + 62.90 = 92.18 rubles.

The calculation was made in prices valid from 07/01/2017.

It is reliably known from practice that it is impossible to conclude 100% contracts, while potentially the most hazardous apartments (asocial citizens) will remain without maintenance, which may lead to emergency situations, life-threatening and the health of not only these citizens, but also their neighbors, since according to statistics, up to 90% of all accidents occur on indoor gas equipment.

In addition, stopping the supply of gas without entering the apartment will only be possible by turning off the risers in the entrances, including those with apartments that have a contract. This will lead to massive shutdowns, which will obviously create social tension. As a consequence, the goal of achieving accident-free operation will largely not be achieved.

Home / VDGO and VKGO


Regulatory document in the Russian Federation in the field of operation of intra-house and intra-apartment gas equipment for physical and legal entities are Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety when using and maintaining intra-house and intra-apartment gas equipment when provided public services for gas supply, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2013 No. 410.

The safe use and serviceability of VDGO and VKGO during their operation is achieved through maintenance and repair of the specified equipment, carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded between customer And performer, as well as compliance by the parties to the agreement with other requirements provided for by the Rules for the Use of Gas, approved by resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation.

VDGO* apartment building

VDGO* households

Area of ​​responsibility

Gas pipelines laid from the shut-off device on the facade of the house to the shut-off valves (including them) on the slopes to the gas-using equipment.

Gas pipelines laid from the shut-off valve (without turning it on) at the descent to the gas-using equipment to the gas-using equipment. As well as technical devices installed on these gas pipelines (gas meters, gas alarms, etc.)

Gas pipelines within land plot, on which the household is located, laid from the point of connection to the gas distribution network to the gas-using equipment. As well as technical devices installed on these gas pipelines (gas meters, gas alarms, etc.)


Management company, HOA, housing cooperative, or the person responsible for the maintenance of the common property of an apartment building

The owner (user) of a premises located in an apartment building in which gas equipment is located

Home owner

Executor under a maintenance and repair agreement

A specialized organization that has permission to perform technical maintenance of VDGO (VKGO), which has assumed obligations to perform the work, provided for by the agreement on maintenance and repair of VDGO and VKGO **

* — Concepts:

VDGO - indoor gas equipment

VKGO - indoor gas equipment

** - IN Perm region the specialized organization is Regiongazservis LLC (Subsidiary Dependent Company of Gazprom Gas Distribution Perm JSC).

The owner bears the burden of maintaining the property owned by him, unless otherwise provided by law or contract (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 210), and is obliged to ensure the proper technical condition of in-house and (or) in-apartment gas equipment, timely conclude an agreement on the maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-apartment gas equipment. (clause 21 “k” of the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 No. 549).

Maintenance and repair (MRO) of in-house and in-apartment gas equipment must be carried out by specialized organization, which has, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, permission to perform such work and includes an emergency dispatch service, within the framework of the agreement on maintenance and repair of VDGO/VKGO (Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety during the use and operation of intra-house and intra-apartment gas equipment, approved.

Unauthorized connectionTogas pipelines, as well as unauthorized (unaccounted) use gas, if these actions do not contain a criminal offense, entail the imposition administrative fine for citizens in the amount of ten thousand to fifteen thousand rubles; on officials- from thirty thousand to eighty thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of one to two years; for legal entities - from one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles. (Article 7.19 of the Code of the Russian Federation “On Administrative Offences”).

Maintenance of household gas-using equipment is carried out at least once a year (clause 43 “b” of the Rules for the Use of Gas in terms of ensuring safety during the use and operation of indoor and indoor gas equipment, approved.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2013 No. 410).

The grounds for disconnecting VDGO/VKGO from gas supply are:

— lack of draft in chimneys and ventilation ducts

— absence of an agreement on maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-apartment gas equipment;

— refusal (non-admission of a specialized organization) to carry out maintenance of in-house (in-apartment) gas equipment;

- expiration regulatory period service of intra-house (in-apartment) gas equipment (installed by the manufacturer, indicated in the passport).

(Clause 80 of the Rules for Gas Use in terms of ensuring safety during the use and operation of indoor and indoor gas equipment, approved.

Reflection of VKGO in the rent receipt

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2013 No. 410).

The contract price is determined on the basis of tariffs for work, calculated in accordance with methodological recommendations on the rules for calculating the cost of maintenance and repair of in-house and in-apartment gas equipment, approved by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (Clause 40 of the Rules for the Use of Gas in terms of ensuring safety during the use and operation of indoor and indoor gas equipment, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2013 No. 410).

Standard contract for VKGO maintenance

Standard contract for household maintenance of VDGO

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