How many disabled people are there in the Perm region? Education in the Perm region for people with health conditions and disabilities

From the speeches of members of the Coordination Council for Disabled People under the Governor of the Perm Territory

V. F. Basargin:

— The Accessible Environment program must comply with federal requirements. I would like to emphasize the socially significant nature of this program. Its implementation requires the active participation of all state authorities, local governments, and public associations, but... experience shows that the level of interaction in this area is still very weak. I think that the preparation of the program is proceeding extremely slowly.

Of the 48 self-governments, 11 did not provide information on execution: the authorized body coordinating the activities has not been identified structural divisions accessibility administrations and a number of other areas. In addition, local governments do not fully fulfill the tasks of creating an accessible environment for people with disabilities and accessibility of low-floor vehicles.

There are positive examples, in particular in the Krasnokamsky, Chusovsky, and Tchaikovsky municipal districts. Here they show a sincere interest in creating an accessible environment.

I believe that now is the time to influence equally at all levels of government; it is necessary to ensure an interdepartmental, comprehensive approach in the region to solving these problems.

To this end, I instruct you to develop regional regulations for interdepartmental interaction between government bodies on issues of creating a barrier-free environment by May, and also to hear at the next meeting of the Council the infrastructure block of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture and the Ministry of Transport on issues of creating an accessible environment.

Unfortunately, both in Russia and in the Perm region there is an increase in the number of disabled people. This, of course, has an impact on human potential and economic losses. Currently, there are more than 9 thousand disabled children in the Kama region. Behind last years their number has increased. The construction of a modern regional rehabilitation center for disabled children will make it possible to accommodate modern medical equipment, as well as receive educational services in connection with the individual needs of each child.

Created under the Ministry of Social Development of the region working group, which includes parents of disabled children.

We need to speed up this process at least in the first half of the year, determine where this center will be built and created. Either it will need to be reconstructed or built anew.

Another exciting issue is the alignment effective system rehabilitation. In recent years, their volume has increased 6 times. We need to look at how adequately and efficiently the provision of these services is. Particular attention should be paid to the category that was first recognized as disabled. The number of disabled people who received rehabilitation services over the year increased from 1,600 people to more than 9 thousand, of which more than 4,500 were children. There are a number of problems, despite the presence of a significant number of subjects with medical and social rehabilitation - there is no interdepartmental clinical rehabilitation system.

Unfortunately, no one monitors the complex passage; as a result, the effect is reduced. Step-by-step sequential rehabilitation is necessary - hence the problem of developing rehabilitation routes. There is world experience to which we should strive.

V. I. Shishkina:

— The task, based on the issues that disabled people bring to us, is to appoint correct treatment. It is necessary to take into account the rehabilitation potential of a particular disabled person when prescribing a number of measures. The goal of rehabilitation is to return the person to society.

T. I. Margolina:

“We are beginning to approach the solution of long-unsolved problems. We are discussing the possibilities of a new standard - the concept of protecting the rights of people with disabilities requires a different interpretation of the concept of disability: this is a problem of the attitude of the state and society towards a disabled person. This is a problem of the lack of conditions so that he can integrate normally, taking into account his limitations, into this society. And this turn, it seems to me, is the most important.

Our Council should consider how this will be organized at the ideological level, which underlies the work of all specialists.

In our country today, everyone performs their function: one issues a recommendation for treatment, provides medical care, the other one highlights its fragment in this activity. But we do not see what happens to a person as a whole from the point of view of his “exit” to integration. Not only from his point of view physical health. It seems to me that one of the first conditions is to change the relationship with those specialists who work with disabled people. We need to look at the horizons we have for this. educational opportunities and how to enable them. So that the training itself takes place differently.

And the second problem is this. Today, funds are allocated to each ministry and department. And when they begin to be lowered into a specific territory, then from the entire expected set of rehabilitation means for a disabled person, according to the IPR, the disabled person can use the minimum. We specifically considered the possibilities of social integration as a whole. And it is quite natural that a disabled person faces a question: taking into account specific health limitations, taking into account one thing or another, where should he turn? Or play sports, or do something practical? Who will give an algorithm for specific rehabilitation of a specific person? What will be available to him in terms of visiting and transport options?

We theoretically have everything. But when we take the situation of a specific person, a specific parent, it turns out that there are no such opportunities.

We need to look at the development of a model for rehabilitation support of the issued card at the local level.

Society is the place where a person lives. At the same time, it is also the responsibility of the municipality.

We know examples of fruitful work non-profit organizations, that they work with disabled children and achieve real and great success with completely “extraordinary children”. After communicating with their peers, with healthy people, a truly miracle happened to them. The lack of communication was compensated - and the child straightened up spiritually and became more confident.

How many organizations do we have that are ready to work with this category of disabled people right now? This direction needs to be stimulated so that the disabled person can see other people interested in him. The same sport sections, clubs and other organizations.

Testing the municipal model is very important. Otherwise, everything may end. A coordination council at the municipal level or something else could act as a model. But it is exactly what must have a mandatory continuation, and again through the prism of the needs of socialization of people who are becoming or have already become disabled.

V. I. Shishkina:

— Personification of the person responsible for compliance with standards is very important. It is equally important that everything we talk about is defined into a certain system of work, and is not associated with a one-time reaction and with the fact that the functionality is not responsible for anything.

...An important point, it seems to me, is the fact that the regulations on the Council did not include a clause stating that, according to some resolutions and decisions of the Council, regulations governor. The decisions of the Council are rather advisory in nature. It is possible that they are not always carried out, and therefore officials understand perfectly well: if they are not given specific instructions, then they can take the task quite freely. My proposal is the following: organize the development of regulations for interdepartmental interaction. Without this, the work will have a certain social character.

V. F. Basargin:

— Work with our disabled people must be carried out constantly, and everyone must be involved: representatives of business, resources simply individuals who live in this territory communicate with disabled people. This is exactly what we ask of you: to use programs that bring the environment closer - healthcare, education, culture - not at the expense of money, but at the expense of caring people who are able to create acceptable conditions.

Next, the governor addressed the heads of industries who had received complaints, clarifying the time frame for correcting negative or problematic situations, in particular regarding the operation of social taxis.

- I believe that the Ministry social development The region should become the main department, which is the coordinator of all work. The interdepartmental program must be comprehensive and continuous. It is necessary that it be clearly defined for each municipality what needs to be done in the program for the rehabilitation of the disabled, what to pay attention to, what work should be carried out first here and there, what should be created in our regional center. I ask you to do this together with the members of our Council. We must clearly understand where and what we are building and creating for a continuous cycle of rehabilitation.

Almost every department received complaints and demands that cases be brought to the final result, and not snatched up in fragments. Everything should be described to both regional and municipal officials, and a point related to information support should also be included—to be attentive to the implementation of all instructions.

About the rehabilitation system for people with disabilities and disabled children in the Perm region

V. A. Bronnikov (excerpts from the report)

“He who does not know where to sail cannot hope for a fair wind” (Seneca)

1. Relevance of the problem of disability in the Perm region

The number of disabled people in the Perm region is 9.4% of the population (259 thousand). A calculation of labor potential losses carried out by specialists from the Perm State Medical Academy showed that, taking into account all cases of primary and repeated disability, on average the region loses 14.9 billion rubles per year. It should be noted that the volumes of economic damage due to disability and mortality are almost comparable.

In the structure of disability, the leading place is occupied by diseases of the circulatory system - 38.2%, of which every fifth case is the consequences of stroke (21.3%), oncological diseases and injuries.

An important problem is childhood disability. Currently in the Perm region the number of disabled children is 9,037 people. In the structure of childhood disability, congenital malformations and diseases of the psycho-neurological sphere take first place. Defects of the circulatory system dominate, 13.9% are chromosomal disorders. Mental disorders are dominated by behavioral disorders - 20.6%, mental retardation - 77.7%. In the group of diseases nervous system-14.5%, cerebral palsy predominates - 60.6%.

In general, psychoneurological disability is the most severe and often leads to the placement of such children in inpatient institutions.

This circumstance indicates the need to develop both a prevention system and a system of medical and social rehabilitation of patients and disabled people, disabled children, especially with these diseases.

One of significant mechanisms to achieve this is effective Individual rehabilitation program (IRP). According to the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Perm Territory, coverage of disabled people with individual rehabilitation programs is 100%.

2. Activities of the rehabilitation system

From a modern perspective, medical and social rehabilitation is considered as a system and as a process of measures aimed at eliminating or possibly more fully compensating for limitations in life activity. In this case, the patient or disabled person must be an active participant in the rehabilitation process and work together with specialists from the interdisciplinary team to achieve rehabilitation goals.

Since June 2010, a model of rehabilitation of disabled people using certificates has been implemented in the Perm Territory. The certificate includes a different set of rehabilitation services for children and adults with disabilities, depending on the form of service.

For disabled people and disabled children in need of outside care and assistance, social, medical and social rehabilitation services are provided in inpatient institutions. Inpatient services are provided by boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, psychoneurological boarding schools and orphanages.

In 2011, as part of the state assignment, 6,005 beds were provided for adults and 422 beds in orphanages. At the same time, the average cost of services for inpatient care for disabled people in a boarding home is 96.2 thousand rubles per year.

The introduction of the certificate model of rehabilitation has led to a change in the structure of rehabilitation services. Currently, rehabilitation services in the system social services population in the region provide 3 rehabilitation center for children with disabilities, Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Disabled People, which includes 13 departments, Perm Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise, 27 sanatorium and resort institutions. In general, the coverage of disabled children with rehabilitation services was 39.7% in 2011, and 3.72% of the total number of disabled adults. Thus, with the introduction of the certificate-based rehabilitation model, coverage increased by 1.7 times.

In healthcare institutions, adult disabled people can receive medical rehabilitation at Medical Unit No. 11, at the Ust-Kachka sanatorium, and at the Energetik sanatorium-preventorium. Rehabilitation assistance is provided to the children's population in 4 rehabilitation departments in Perm, in the Berezniki and Tchaikovsky rehabilitation departments. Inpatient rehabilitation care for children in a day hospital is provided by the city center for restorative medicine and rehabilitation DKP No. 6 (80 beds) and the Center for restorative medicine and rehabilitation for children (120 beds).

It should be noted that 100% of disabled children need medical rehabilitation. The category of children requiring rehabilitation measures in the conditions of rehabilitation departments and centers includes children with pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, somatic and oncological diseases.

Unfortunately, today in the Perm region there are no rehabilitation units for children with diabetes mellitus, With birth defects heart (after surgical treatment), with consequences of traumatic injury to the spinal cord. The existing rehabilitation departments and centers of the healthcare system do not provide for 24-hour stay of disabled children with their parents.

Taking into account the nature of the disabling pathology and the age distribution, approximately one third of children recognized as disabled, need medical rehabilitation in a hospital setting. It should be emphasized that the frequency of rehabilitation courses for children is 2–4 times a year. In this regard, there is a need to organize 90 rehabilitation beds for disabled children.

The analysis of the barrier-free living environment for people with limited mobility in the region showed the low availability of rehabilitation services.

3. International Classification of Health Functioning and Disability

Nevertheless, when analyzing the rehabilitation system for disabled people in the Perm region, we can state the fact that rehabilitation as an interdepartmental, staged, successive, comprehensive, managed system is absent.

This is due to the insufficiently fully developed concept of rehabilitation in the region, its methodological, strategic, tactical aspects.

In the system of social rehabilitation, it is necessary to move away from a purely medical model, which is based on the medical view of disability as a health condition. Based on this view, most interventions are implemented through treatment.

It is necessary to consider disability from the point of view of the social model, which includes the use of an integration approach based on the development of accessibility of social institutions.

The difficulty lies in determining the priority of each model in a changing environment and continuous development of human potential.

In this regard, the World Health Organization, together with the International Organization of Disability, has developed a classification that must be used to systematize both medical and social aspects of understanding disability. This International Classification of Health Functioning and Disability (ICF), based on a biopsychosocial model of human functioning, can make a significant contribution to disability policy development and implementation.

When applying the ICF, the following aspects are taken into account:

— Health and functional potential of a person, his social activity and involvement in various types of activities;

— Types of support systems, including rehabilitation and integration infrastructure, policies, personal and social environment related to people with disabilities;

— Physical, social, environmental, economic and personal barriers, or, very importantly, resources;

Life experience people with disabilities, their activity and participation in society, as well as local networks that provide support for people with disabilities, including government and community resources used to help integrate into society.

Strategic aspect of the concept– rehabilitation and social integration of disabled people cannot be considered separately. These are interconnected processes, including from the perspective of international law the following areas: equality and citizenship; infrastructure availability; availability of information space for statistical data; improvement and development of mechanisms for implementation and comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of an individual rehabilitation program; development of the rehabilitation system and improvement of its quality standards; job retention and professional reintegration; inclusive education; qualifications of specialists and their general development; research and innovation.

Tactical aspects of the concept should include: tactical tasks in the field of healthcare, in the field of social services, education, in the field of labor and employment, in creating a barrier-free environment, in the field physical culture and sports, in the field of culture and media.

Rehabilitation centers and sanatorium-resort institutions should not be competing, but rather complementary rehabilitation services designed to solve different rehabilitation problems and components different stages unified rehabilitation process. There is a period (rehabilitation window during the first 2–3 years) when the body of a person with a disability has significant rehabilitation potential for the most complete recovery. Subsequently, the rehabilitation potential decreases and permanent disability is formed. During this period, to minimize subsequent economic losses associated with disability and subsequent mortality, especially in patients with cardiovascular diseases and strokes, repeated, up to 4 times a year, regular rehabilitation courses are necessary. In the regulations on the issuance of certificates, the frequency of issuance should primarily take into account the recommendations of the IPR and specialists.

4. Activities of the Ministry of Social Development towards improving the rehabilitation system

The ministry has identified specific measures to solve these problems.

It is quite obvious that solving the assigned problems requires working out optimal options coordination of the activities of various bodies and departments, i.e. implementation multi-sector strategy. To implement this strategy, the following organizational model is proposed:

1. General coordination of activities in the field of comprehensive rehabilitation of people with disabilities and the identification of priority strategies and control over their implementation should be carried out by the Coordination Council for People with Disabilities under the Governor of the Perm Territory.

2. The Ministry of Social Development should act as the leading management structure coordinating the development of the strategy.

3. The interdepartmental ministerial committee (interdepartmental commission) includes the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, representatives of key ministries responsible for working with people with disabilities (social development, health, employment, physical education and sports, education, culture, etc.), and also attracted specialists, scientists, representatives of public organizations. The purpose of the interdepartmental commission is to develop the main directions and management mechanisms for implementing a strategy in the field of rehabilitation and social integration of people with disabilities, based on common goals, methodological views and performance criteria.

4. The next level is departmental, which includes specific activities (tactics) of departments (ministries) to implement basic strategies, their goals, main structures, mechanisms, activities and criteria for their effectiveness.

The proposed model, filled with specific content, makes it possible systematic approach to the implementation of social policy in relation to people with disabilities in order to improve their quality of life. The implementation of this strategy is possible as a project, but a prerequisite is political support from the governor.




In accordance with Part 2 of Article 4 of the Law of the Perm Region of November 5, 2004 N 1689-344 “On quotas for jobs for citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work,” the Government of the Perm Territory decides:

1. Determine the minimum number of special jobs that employers in the Perm Territory, regardless of their organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership, must create for the employment of disabled people in 2018, in accordance with the appendix to this Resolution.

2. This Resolution comes into force on January 1, 2018, but not earlier than 10 days after the day of its official publication.

3. Entrust control over the implementation of the resolution to the Deputy Chairman of the Government - Minister of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade of the Perm Territory A.V. Chibisov.

Governor of the Perm Territory


to the Resolution
Perm region
dated 09/19/2017 N 768-p

Average number of employees

Number of special workplaces for disabled people

From 50 to 100 employees

From 101 to 500 employees

From 501 to 1000 employees

In the Kama region, support for people with disabilities, and especially disabled children, has been and remains the main component public policy. This is evidenced by the “Social Support for Residents of the Perm Territory” program, which prescribes measures aimed at the social protection of people with disabilities.

Special people

“Last year in the Perm region, along with Sverdlovsk region A pilot project of the Ministry of Labor began operating and social protection Russia on the formation of a system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of people with disabilities, including disabled children, says Minister of Social Development of the Perm Territory Pavel Fokin. - The objective of the project is to provide targeted services to each disabled person, taking into account their individual needs through interdepartmental, successive complex system rehabilitation and habilitation."

Total for work pilot project allocated more than 400 million rubles. Of these, more than 285 million rubles are federal funds, more than 126 million rubles are from the regional budget.

Who needs our help? According to the Federal Register of Disabled Persons, today there are about 228 thousand disabled people living in the Perm Territory, of which 4% are children. A third of the total number are young and middle-aged people. Statistics say that every year more than 34 thousand people receive the status of “disabled” or “disabled child”.

It is especially worth mentioning about children. The largest category here is children aged 7 to 14 years. This is the period when character formation occurs, the process of socialization in society begins, and children look for true friends. And everything doesn’t always go smoothly: unfortunately, the world of childhood is sometimes cruel to those who, for some reason, do not fit into the usual framework. For such disabled children, the region has a successful system of inclusive education.

In addition, one of the important areas of “entry” of disabled children into society is rehabilitation. Last year, all children in need (3,886 people) were able to receive this service.

According to the Ministry of Social Development, a system of interaction between two departments that provide rehabilitation services has been created in the region - the Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Health. Its essence is that at each children's clinic, commissions have been created that determine and draw up a route list for the year. It specifies the frequency, timing and location of medical and social rehabilitation, taking into account the individual needs of the child. Parents know exactly where to go throughout the year to receive rehabilitation services.

And we are with you

Among adults with disabilities, there are those who are quite capable of working. In total, there are 56,177 disabled people of working age in the region. Mostly disabled people of group III work, that is, those who do not have permanent disabilities. There are about 12 thousand people throughout the region.

As experience with such people shows, many of them would like to work. The creation of legal and economic conditions for the integration of people with disabilities into society is enshrined in the state program “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2020.

“Today the main thing for us is to resolve the issue of employment of disabled people of groups II and III,” says Pavel Fokin. “In 2019, we plan to provide jobs to 35% of people in this category.”

Of course, people with disabilities need special support. For them, the region provides cash payments, benefits for housing and communal services, free medicines, discounted travel, sanatorium and resort treatment, and also provides housing for people with disabilities. Today all disabled people receive support from the regional budget. Last year, almost 2 billion rubles were allocated for this, including 800 million for drug provision.

According to the “Accessible Environment” program, the region is doing everything to ensure that people with disabilities live comfortably in our society. The numbers eloquently testify to its demand: the share of main social, transport, and engineering infrastructure facilities accessible to people with disabilities was 25% in 2013, and now it is 55%.

Only 14% of people with disabilities living in Russia are employed. Today both legislators and specialized organizations are concerned about the problem of employment of people with disabilities. Employers are reluctant to hire people with disabilities due to the lack of necessary information on how to properly ensure the safety of such people at work. The problem can be solved at the legislative level, experts are sure. In their opinion, additional preferences can also become an incentive for employers.

According to Rosstat, the number of disabled people over 18 years of age registered with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is 11.6 million people. The share of workers in the total number of disabled people is 14.3% at the beginning of 2018. At the beginning of 2017, this figure was 16.9. In the Perm Territory, the total number of disabled people is 222.5 thousand people, of which almost 60 thousand people are of working age. Angelina Peshekhonova, head of the department for disabled people of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory, within the framework of the “Dialogue on Perm Radio” program, said that one of the areas of work for the Ministry of Social Development is organizing employment for people with disabilities. “Of the number of able-bodied disabled people, only 20% are employed. This is a very bad number. In addition, we understand that there are people with disabilities who, due to their illnesses, will not be able to find a job on their own, and they need to be employed or supported with employment. This is a fairly large area, and there is various options providing assistance in finding employment for people with disabilities. We work with employers, employment agencies and public organizations,” she said.

Law and order

The problem of employing people with disabilities in the Perm region became concerned back in 2004. Then the Law “On quotas of jobs for citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work” was adopted. The essence of this law is that employers created or allocated jobs to employ people with disabilities. The quota for employment of disabled people is 2% of average number organization personnel. Responsibility for failure to comply with this law is a fine of five to ten thousand rubles. According to the law, employers are required to submit monthly information about the fulfillment of the quota to employment centers. At the same time, employers who have fulfilled the established quota have the right to receive benefits in the payment of taxes and fees, as well as a preferential right to receive investments from the regional and local budgets in the conditions of competitive selection.

The project is supervised by the Employment Service of the Perm Territory, which offers assistance in creating permanent jobs for the employment of unemployed disabled people, reimbursement of costs for equipping special workplaces for disabled people, and also maintains a register of the qualifications and professional composition of unemployed disabled people, the conditions and types of work recommended for them . Today, a special portal has been created where you can obtain information about the professional and qualification composition of citizens with disabilities who want to find employment at enterprises in the Perm Territory.

Experts state that, despite the efforts of legislators, today the law on quotas in the Kama region does not work. Thus, at the “aquarium” held on the topic “Social Entrepreneurship” in the editorial office of “Kommersant in Perm” it was announced that in 2015, eight people with disabilities were employed according to employment center quotas, in 2016 - 23, in 2017 - only 12.

Quota how

Chairman of the Perm regional organization of the All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons (PKO VOI) Nadezhda Romanova believes that the law on job quotas for disabled people does not work. Penalties for violating the law are only 10 thousand rubles. It is more profitable to pay this fine than to employ a person with a disability. In addition, today some employers only formally implement this law, setting quotas for jobs for which a disabled person a priori cannot be accepted.

“If we take statistics 10–15 years ago, then there were many preferences and tax breaks for those employers who employed people with disabilities. And there were many enterprises where disabled people worked. Unfortunately, benefits began to be reduced every year. Employers now do not have such a “carrot”; they are not interested in hiring a disabled person. He understands that this is a person who will often be on sick leave, he should be given 30 days of vacation annually according to Labor Code, he can demand special conditions labor. It's not suitable for everyone workplace, which the employer has. And performance is not at the level we would like. All employers are in equal economic conditions; it is more profitable for them to hire healthy person, which would produce per unit time maximum amount product,” explains existing problems with the employment of people with disabilities Ms. Romanova.

In her opinion, today employers need government support to improve the situation. Nadezhda Romanova said that now there are programs according to which money is allocated from the regional and federal budgets for arranging a workplace for a disabled person. The one-time payment is 73 thousand rubles. According to individual program rehabilitation and habilitation, each able-bodied disabled person in the section “vocational rehabilitation” contains recommendations for employment and how special working conditions should be organized for him. If a workplace is indicated there, which takes into account the presence of features (additional supports, orthopedic pillow, chair, etc.), then the employer enters into an agreement with the employment center, agrees on cost items and purchases equipment, the cost of which is compensated to him. But according to the conditions, this equipped place must be preserved during the year.

“As for people with disabilities, there are also problems here. Like young students, people with disabilities have no work experience. A person must want to work, develop qualifications and gain experience in his profession. Many disabled people are not very active and have no desire to develop. They live with their parents, mom and dad provide for them, and pay for their pension. Why should he strain and work? This point also depends on the environment: if loved ones are determined that he should not sit at home, but should have a more active life position, be involved in an active environment, this influences. Some disabled people have very serious health problems and work as designers at home, servicing office equipment remotely. I know that a young man lives in the Kirovsky district; he has difficulty moving, but provides taxi services. He has a manual car, and this is how he earns his living. And many, having no physical limitations, simply do not want to work,” says Ms. Romanova. Difficulties may also arise with the acceptance of a disabled person into the team. Often there is a prejudiced attitude towards such people.

Anastasia Rylova, head of the business incubator of the National Research University Higher School of Economics - Perm “Navigator of Opportunities”, also believes that the problem with employment of people with disabilities is largely related to the presence of stereotypes in society. “If we look at Europe and the USA, then initially people with disabilities are included as much as possible in the urban social environment, in life. In our country, unfortunately, this does not happen due to the fact that even the urban environment is not adapted to this. And society is trying in every possible way to hide the problems of people with disabilities. Therefore, it is necessary to show employers that the company will acquire a valuable, interesting specialist, and not a problem. In theory, this is working with fears, with stereotypes of society and employers themselves,” she notes. According to her, for this it is necessary to hold conferences, round tables, which would involve the largest employers, people with disabilities, as well as employers who are already hiring people with disabilities. “In order to fight fears and stereotypes, you need to show specific examples, cases of how it works in other organizations,” Ms. Rylova is sure.

To employ people with disabilities, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements that frighten entrepreneurs: this includes the presence of a medical center and the equipment of a specialized workplace. Employers often do not understand how to comply with all legal requirements, and also cannot assess the competencies of people with disabilities.

Anna Kharitonova, deputy chairman of the Perm regional branch of “Opora Rossii”, chairman of the committee on social entrepreneurship, as part of a discussion of this topic at the “aquarium” in the editorial office of the newspaper “Kommersant in Perm”, noted the need for serious explanatory work among entrepreneurs. “Small and medium-sized businesses today are ready to employ people with disabilities, and there are many socially responsible entrepreneurs. But no one knows where to get them. We conducted an experiment: we tried to call the disabled people’s society to find those who want and can work. But today we have practically failed to find such people in the Perm region. The second question: people with disabilities need to be adapted, integrated into the work of their office, and provided with medical care. Therefore, there are a lot of questions. Laws on quotas are adopted, but no one thinks about how an entrepreneur should implement this. First, the business community needs to prepare disabled people for employment, and then introduce quotas,” says Mrs. Kharitonova.

Working moments

Those enterprises that already have experience in employing people with disabilities also note problems of legislative regulation in this area. Alexey Borodulin, CEO Permtekhmash LLC, which employs 97 people (50 of them with disabilities), said that as a result of the abolition of benefits for enterprises employing disabled people, some specialized companies went bankrupt. Mr. Borodulin said that it is more difficult for enterprises specializing in hiring people with disabilities to compete, since their labor productivity is lower. At the same time, in the Perm region there are several enterprises that employ mainly disabled people. At such enterprises, it is easier to create the conditions necessary for people with disabilities than to force large businesses to hire people with disabilities. “Businesses don’t want and don’t know how to do this, but they are forced, and those who can and know how are not helped,” complains Alexey Borodulin.

An effective solution to the problem, according to experts, can also be the practice of renting workplaces for people with disabilities. Regional legislation of the Perm Territory allows an employer, at the expense of a quota, to employ a person with disabilities in a workplace rented from another employer. It can be public organizations who are experiencing staffing shortages and are ready to hire people with any form of disability. The main obligation of the lessor under a workplace lease agreement is to provide the tenant with a workplace. The tenant, in turn, provides compensation to the landlord for the costs that he incurred in connection with the creation or refurbishment of the workplace. Such projects are successfully operating today in Tyumen, Murmansk, and Pskov.

Irina Pelyavina, Elena Ilyina