Classes in the pool for children with disabilities. The benefits of swimming for children with disabilities

Children with disabilities health, left without parental care and living in the Assistance Center family education“Shore of Hope” need physical and psychological rehabilitation, health improvement and hardening. The problem of rehabilitation of such children, including through physical education, is quite relevant. For children with disabilities, physical education is not only a means of promoting health and increasing motor fitness, but also a significant factor in the correction and compensation of impaired functions. The nature of the dysfunction of the body in various forms of developmental deviation causes corresponding changes in the processes of adaptation to environment, reducing their level. As for motor function, to compensate for the defect it is necessary to select special means, methods and techniques for their use. The problem also lies in the fact that children with disabilities do not perform physiologically during the day. required amount movements, and irrationally organized physical education and health activities do not give the desired effect in promoting health

Children with similar diagnoses need systematic physical education and health activities aimed at correcting and improving the child’s general physical condition. Children must perform the physiologically necessary number of movements throughout the day. The optimal type of physical education for these purposes is swimming lessons. Swimming, like no other sport, has a beneficial effect on children with health problems. Exercises in the pool help relieve muscle tone in hyperactive children and children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and contribute to the development of attention, reaction and coordination of movements in a child with mental retardation and disabilities.

Swimming in the pool is an excellent opportunity to direct the rapid flow of energy and emotions of a hyperactive child in the right direction for a harmonious physical development and, as a result, timely psychological development. Children left without parental care, with limited health capabilities, living in the Center for Promoting Family Education “Coast of Hope” are especially in need of physical and psychological rehabilitation to improve the health and strengthening of the body.

The organization of swimming classes contributes to the establishment of a unified, optimal physical culture and health regime for our Center, which has a training pool, sports and gyms, as well as a sports ground on the territory. The basis of classes for children with disabilities in the pool includes:

· exercises for mastering with water (for beginners),

· training in a set of general developmental and special physical exercises on land

· mastering swimming movements in various ways,

· certain (individual) requirements for meeting standards.

· for children with cerebral palsy - the use of aids while in the aquatic environment, as well as the use of improvised means for teaching non-sports swimming types.

To eliminate the limited capabilities of the pupil’s body, for self-affirmation and preparation of an able-bodied, physically developed and socially adapted pupil, the healing process in the physical education and swimming program in our center takes place mainly in the afternoon, after the end of the day. educational process in a secondary school. The schedule is designed in such a way that each student has the opportunity to engage in physical education and swimming twice a week, i.e. daily alternation of classes in the gym or playground and the pool.

Thus, children of preschool and primary school age go swimming in the Center’s pool. It is equipped taking into account the general requirements for children with disabilities and cerebral palsy (a system for lifting and moving children and a rail stair medical model RL50P with accessories), as well as all the necessary tools for learning to swim.

We conduct classes according to the basic methodology of teaching swimming, using a sample swimming program for children from 2 to 18 years old from the Moscow Department of Education, practical aids leading specialists and additional methodological literature. When conducting classes, we use a differentiated approach to each child, taking into account primary defects, secondary disorders, concomitant diseases and medical indications for classes, characteristics of mental and personal qualities, as well as the level of physical development and physical fitness of the student. The main goal of the technique for children with cerebral palsy is to make the child feel as independent as possible in the water. For such children in the schedule additional education The center provides two visits to the pool per week.

During swimming lessons, we take into account the specific effects of the aquatic environment on the child’s body. It plays a significant role in significantly reducing the gravity of a body in water under the influence of buoyant force. This is very important during physical training for children with diseases of the nervous system and developmental disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

So that exercises on the water are carried out more clearly, so that each new exercise is learned faster, long before going out on the water. sports grounds and in the Center's gym it begins

Stage I - “land navigation”. During these classes, control testing is carried out on basic physical qualities: strength of the arms (pull-ups, push-ups), legs (squats, jumping), flexibility (bending while standing and sitting), endurance (long-distance running without or taking into account time) and even agility (passing an obstacle course). If the listed qualities are below the average level, then we additionally include a set of general developmental and special physical exercises in the classes.

In parallel with the complex, children master swimmer's breathing training: while walking, you need to exhale for 3 steps, inhale for 1 step. For particularly water-phobic children we use a basin with warm water. To do this, students stand in front of the basin and take a shallow breath. Then they close their eyes (in the future with their eyes open) and blow out air through slightly compressed lips (exhale). After repeated repetitions of this exercise (up to 10 times), a certain rhythm appears, and children feel free to breathe. To prevent the water from irritating the nasopharynx and disrupting the rhythm, we use an ordinary shower, placing their face under its streams and without closing their eyes, the children try to exhale long. Only correct breathing allows you to easily master swimming techniques in the future.

Stage II of training - mastering the water and learning to move in it (waist-deep or chest-deep, holding the handrails). It includes a series of sequential exercises:

· Immersion in water (with eyes closed and open, with and without glasses, “saving drowning toys”), holding a deep breath and slowly exhaling into the water. Outdoor games "Crocodiles" and

"Medusa" help accelerate the development of water.

· Sliding - we teach the child to stay on the water in the “on his back” position, supporting him under the shoulder blades, using available means (boards, balls, inflatable rings, armbands, and others) that improve control over the position of the head. To reduce the feeling of fear, we first slide in the direction from the center to the wall in shallow water. As we master it and there is no feeling of fear, we move on to the game “Floating Arrow” in a deeper place.

· We carry out the “float” exercise while holding the breath, first without taking into account time, avoiding somersaults with the head forward and down. The same is true in a competitive setting, taking into account time.

· We form a feeling of support on the water (when performing rowing movements right hand extended forward, the left one - behind the hip, as when performing a “mill”), the children begin to move, but at the same time do not “lubricate” the water, but make some efforts that cause a natural movement forward along the way.

· Exhale into the water at the handrail (head down, turning the head, using the legs) - used only after mastering the slide, this allows you to avoid unnecessary anxiety if the exercise is unsuccessful.

Stage III – actual swimming training. Having successfully mastered the water, the child is ready to swim. We begin to learn the movements of the legs and arms when swimming freestyle (front and back crawl). Preparatory exercises are selected depending on the degree of damage to the limbs and the individual characteristics of the student. Depending on the complexity, degree of the disease, and the age of the child, this difficult stage takes more or less long time. When choosing a method of teaching swimming, we also take into account the nature of the disability. Thus, we first begin teaching children with mild illness how to swim on their back. This style of swimming is more suitable than others for most children suffering from cerebral palsy. In the supine position (if necessary, with available means), breathing is free, the eyes are open, the arms support the body in a horizontal position, the legs work alternately up and down. Mastery of correct leg movements when learning to swim is important for further development of the skill. Regular swimming with a board (on the chest and back) makes it possible to feel more confident in the water.

Having successfully mastered the technique of moving their legs, students begin to train the work of their arms when swimming using the “crawl” method on their chest. First, we learn to perform rowing movements on a gymnastic bench, then rowing movements in the water with exhalation into the water while standing at the bottom, also with and without a board in hand. Having successfully completed the stage of learning to swim front and back crawl, students subsequently improve their skills with fins and paddles. Having learned to perform a basic pendulum turn, they swim continuously in a circle in the training pool.

At the end primary school pupils, without fear and with great desire, begin to regularly visit the Raduzhny swimming pool in the Novo-Peredelkino area with a 25- and 50-meter track, where, under our control, they improve the technique of the learned swimming methods, strengthen their muscles and harden the body as a whole.

Many years of work experience and observations have shown the high effectiveness of physical education and swimming for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities. In addition to the basic functions of hardening and mastering the skill of moving in water, classes significantly contribute to increasing the level of development of physical and mental qualities. An individual approach to the child, rational and systematic use of a set of physical exercises, including outdoor games on the water, modified exercises, tasks for the development of memory, attention, imagination, have a positive effect on the mental sphere of children with mental retardation, disabilities and provide positive dynamics in the rehabilitation of pupils. In particular, children with cerebral palsy lost their fear of immersion in water, they learned to hold their breath and exhale repeatedly in water. Repeated repetitions of sliding exercises on water relieve the spine, while at the same time strengthening the muscles of the spine and the whole body. Coordination of movements and sense of correct posture have significantly improved.

With physiological maturation and increased physical stress on the body, the resistance of children with disabilities not only to colds and viral diseases has increased, but their academic performance in educational institutions has also improved. Due to regular and systematic physical education and swimming, the mental, sensory and emotional spheres were more fully formed, which had a positive effect on the psychomotor development and intelligence of graduates.

Thus, swimming lessons not only improve the physical condition of students with disabilities, but also have a beneficial effect on their general state, as evidenced by the positive dynamics of mental functions. Children's functions of attention, spatial orientation, imagination, and intellectual activity have improved. Children take part in various competitions, sports events and competitions. This has a beneficial effect on the development of communication skills: they behave adequately in the company of unfamiliar peers and respond correctly to comments and suggestions from adults. The students of the Center became repeated prize-winners and winners in competitions in swimming, football, ski tourism and other sports, as evidenced by the numerous winners' cups displayed in the window of the institution. Winning competitions and conquering oneself increases the motivation for physical education and sports activities in children with disabilities, forms sense of purpose, and raises self-esteem.

All this gives us the right to assume that systematic physical education and health activities, including swimming, significantly increase the effectiveness of social rehabilitation of pupils of the Center for the Promotion of Family Education.


1. Protchenko T.A. Semenov Yu.A. Swimming training for preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. M. "Iris Press" - 2003.

2. Belits-Geiman S.V. We are learning to swim. – Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1987.

3. Bulgakova N.Zh. Swimming. - M.: FiS, 2000.

4. Zotova R.F., Kirilova T.G. " Modern methods research on schoolchildren’s adaptation to academic and physical activity" – Naberezhnye Chelny, Kam State Institute of Physical Culture, 2002.

5. Pogrebnoy A.I. KGUFK, “Swimming in the system of physical and mental rehabilitation of children with developmental disabilities,” 1997.

Swimming is a popular sport that can be practiced with equal success by both boys and girls. To achieve outstanding success in swimming, you need to find a good coach. Today there are professional swimming sections. If you decide to teach your child to swim, take your first steps in the sport at 7-8 years old. This age is most favorable for starting training.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the Swimming section, swimming lessons with free sections for adults in Moscow

This section presents free swimming sections, swimming clubs and schools for adults. Search suitable place For free swimming lessons, you can do it directly on the map or according to the list of represented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your home and work. For each of the sports sections the following are available: telephone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions for subsequent free registration of men and women for swimming in Moscow.

Among the many methods of rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy, there is hydro-rehabilitation, i.e. performing motor exercises in water. Training in water (most often in a pool) helps restore and strengthen the body. Exercises in water are much easier for a disabled child than exercises on land: after all, in water the pressure exerted by body weight on the spinal column and joints is much reduced. In water, the cardiovascular system tolerates stress more easily.

As hydro-rehabilitation for infants and newborns with cerebral palsy, scuba diving training according to the Gaitshoki method and hydro-rehabilitation according to the Mosunov method are used. For older children, after initial swimming training, special exercises related to the study of swimming have been developed. in various ways swimming techniques, but putting a lot of stress on the affected limb.

Swimming as a method of rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy

Swimming as a method of rehabilitation of cerebral palsy performs the following tasks:

Teaching a child to keep his body on the water;

Learning the correct movements of the arms and legs;

Learning to breathe in water by immersing your head in water;

Training of individual elements different ways swimming;

Training in transferring motor skills acquired in water to land.

The benefits of swimming for the body of a child with cerebral palsy

Swimming is:

Strengthening the musculoskeletal system;

Improving coordination of movements and expanding motor abilities;

Improving pulmonary ventilation;

Stimulation of blood circulation;

Strengthening the child's psyche (water has an effect on the skin similar to a gentle massage, and this promotes the production of pleasure hormones - endorphins).


early, acute stage of the disease


presence of foci of convulsive readiness according to EEG data

gastrointestinal diseases

infectious and skin diseases

Personal swimming lessons for children with mental retardation, mental retardation, cerebral palsy (mild), ADHD

Children with similar diagnoses require a special approach and individual program swimming, aimed at correcting and improving the general physical condition of the child. Swimming, like no other sport, has a beneficial effect on children with health problems. Exercises in the pool help relieve muscle tone in hyperactive children and children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and contribute to the development of attention, reaction and coordination of movements. Among the many types of rehabilitation, swimming is one of the most effective. Children in the pool try to perform various physical exercises. Such workouts help strengthen and restore the body. Training in water is much easier for a child with limited physical capabilities than on land, since water reduces the pressure on the spine and joints. The heart bears stress easier in water.

H Is swimming beneficial for people with cerebral palsy?

Pulmonary ventilation improves;

Coordination of movements improves, motor abilities expand.

What are children with cerebral palsy taught in the pool?

First of all, the child is taught to float on the water, shown and helped to make the necessary movements of the arms and legs, taught to breathe correctly in the water, dive correctly and hold his breath under water. Children are taught individual elements of different swimming methods and try to help the child transfer the movement skills acquired in the water to land.

Swimming with cerebral palsy is perhaps the only way to restore freedom of movement to a child; constant training will help the child achieve more high level self-sufficiency and establish a more comfortable standard of living. Among the numerous types of rehabilitation, swimming is one of the most effective. Children in the pool try to perform various physical exercises. Such workouts help strengthen and restore the body. Training in water is much easier for a child with limited physical capabilities than on land, since water reduces the pressure on the spine and joints. The heart bears stress easier in water.

What are the benefits of swimming if you have cerebral palsy?

Pulmonary ventilation improves;

The musculoskeletal system is strengthened;

Blood circulation is stimulated;