Is it possible to grow roses in an apartment? Is it possible to grow potted roses in the garden? Indoor rose! Care and extension of her life

Lush varietal street roses We are usually presented in bouquets as a gift. But I want this beauty to grow in a room in a tub - especially in a spacious room. Is it possible to grow garden rose in the apartment? One day I received an affirmative answer to this question - and I am happy to share the information I received with you.

...This incident occurred at one of the flower exhibitions 2 years ago. I was looking for indoor roses for my interior. I asked a question about such plants in the pavilion of one of the Kyiv flora nurseries. I must say that I purchased myrtle from this company, which pleased me with its excellent growth and development. Therefore, I have very high confidence in such a plant nursery.”Indoor roses?! “I will never grow them,” exclaimed the seller, “It won’t be a hassle.” I grow varietal roses in my apartment.” I expressed my surprise at this circumstance: how can such large people be accommodated in a house and at the same time capricious plants? And then the seller shared her experience with me. I quote her story below.- I took a seedling varietal roses , - the nursery employee told me, - and planted it in a large plastic bucket with a capacity of 7 liters.Pre-made in a bucketeholes. So I got a large flowerpot for a plant with thisroot system.I chose the soil for roses. I put it on the balcony. Next - daily watering, podkormkiin spring and summer 2 times a week with fertilizer for this plant. I have an open balcony, so the rose received daily access to air and complete solar lighting. I also sprayed it regularly. With this care, my rose bloomed 2 times a year. For the winter I gave it to a friend at her dacha. And this spring I also plan to house the queen of flowers. You can grow it in your room, as long as you keep the windows open often and you have enough space. Take our seedling, you won’t regret it. Like this interesting story. I didn’t dare plant a garden rose in my house. I really like my indoor flower beauties. But I hope my message will be useful for those who dare to undertake this unusual experiment.

In almost every garden you can see magnificent roses of the most varied varieties. different shades, and this is not surprising, because it is not for nothing that the rose is considered the real queen of the flower garden. Another strange thing is why growing roses at home has not become equally widespread? Just imagine how nice it is all year round admire the lovely blooming of these exquisite flowers and inhale their delicate fragrance!

What types of roses are suitable for growing at home?

Perhaps the whole point is that the rose is indoor plant very demanding and difficult to grow. Not every gardener can cope even with her garden relatives, let alone potted plants, forced to grow up in stuffy and cramped city apartments. If you do not make an effort and do not provide indoor roses with suitable conditions for growth, they will hardly be able to achieve sustainable flowering indoors. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your home rose will have to pay more attention than other indoor plants.

If you do not make an effort and do not provide indoor roses with suitable conditions for growth, they will hardly be able to achieve sustainable flowering indoors

Of the variety of roses, only a few varieties that are compact in size are suitable for home growing.

Video about growing indoor roses

Here are the main groups of roses that can most often be found in apartments or office spaces:

Miniature roses

The height of the bushes reaches 30 cm, the smallest specimens do not exceed 10 cm. The plants are strewn with small dark green matte leaves. Small double flowers are collected in inflorescences and can be fragrant or have no scent at all. The colors are very varied. Flowering usually occurs in spring and summer.

Tea roses

Usually grown in the garden high grades tea roses; for home cultivation, varieties up to 50 cm in height are used. Tea roses bloom profusely, for quite a long time, flowers of different shades have a pleasant aroma.

Tea roses bloom profusely for quite a long time

Bengal roses

Unlike many other varieties of roses, Bengal roses do not require a dormant period; they can bloom magnificently almost all year round. Varieties of Bengal roses are perfect for growing at home, since they are unpretentious and quite compact (no higher than 50 cm). The leaves of the highly branching bushes are small, the flowers are small, double, with a rich aroma. The color is pink, red or white.

Polyantha roses

A variety of highly branching roses with extremely abundant flowering - bushes up to half a meter high are strewn with double or semi-double flowers collected in inflorescences. There are cream, carmine, pink shades of flowers.

Polyantha roses are a variety of highly branching roses with extremely abundant flowering.

Secrets of caring for indoor roses

If when growing garden roses the main care comes down to killing pests, watering and pruning plants for the winter, then roses in pots require much more attention. To prevent indoor roses from acquiring a deplorable appearance soon after purchase, it is necessary to provide them with suitable conditions and proper care:

Don't forget to water your roses generously; they like the soil to be constantly moist.

  • roses need sunlight - a window facing west or east would be the best option;
  • These capricious flowers do not tolerate dry air, so be sure to monitor the humidity in the room, especially in winter, during the heating season;
  • the recommended room temperature is about +25 degrees, overheating can be detrimental to the plant;
  • Ventilate the room regularly to provide the roses with fresh air and protect them from overheating;
  • the soil in the pots should breathe, be nutritious and loose;
  • be sure to provide a drainage layer at the bottom of the pots;
  • do not forget to water the roses generously, they like the soil to be constantly moist;
  • wilted flowers remove immediately to prolong flowering;
  • You shouldn’t fill the entire window sill with indoor plants - roses need space, and crowded plants contribute to the spread of diseases and pests.

Video about care homemade rose

Watering indoor roses deserves special attention: the soil should not be allowed to dry out, but there should not be any standing water in the tray; it must be drained an hour after watering. If roses grow in small pots, they need to be saturated with water better. Throughout the flowering period, watering should be more intense.

So that growing roses in pots does not bring you additional trouble, constantly inspect the plants to see if they have pests or signs of disease. Aphids especially often settle on indoor roses, and high humidity may arise gray rot or powdery mildew. To prevent fungal diseases, it is recommended to ventilate roses in pots more often and cut out dense thickets.

Is it possible

Hello, dear friends!

Growing the queen of flowers, the rose, at home is not as difficult as it seems. In order for these wonderful flowers to bloom on the window in winter, it is enough to know the answers to three questions and apply these answers in practice. So, what do you need to know to grow roses at home in a pot in cold weather?

1. What roses will grow at home?

2. What conditions do they need to create?

3. How can it be propagated?

Varieties and varieties of roses for home growing

There are many varieties and varieties of roses, but not all will be able to grow and bloom in a residential area. For such a room, compact and miniature species roses such as:

Miniature roses. Their usual height does not exceed 30 cm, but there are bushes no higher than 10 cm. Such roses bloom with small double flowers, with a pleasant aroma or no scent at all. Miniature leaves are dark green, matte. They bloom from spring to autumn.

Tea roses. IN flower pots varieties no higher than 50 cm in height will be able to grow. Such roses bloom long and profusely, their fragrant flowers come in different shades.

Bengal roses. Ideal for indoor growing. The plants bloom luxuriantly throughout the year. The bushes are small, below 50 cm, small, double and very fragrant flowers, red, white or pink. The bushes are lush, with small leaves.

Polyantha roses. They form numerous shoots, suitable in height for growing on a window. They bloom long and profusely. The bush is strewn with inflorescences of cream, pink or carmine colors.

The type was chosen. What conditions must be created for the queen?

Conditions for growing roses at home

What to expect when growing roses at home - get flowering bush late autumn, winter or early spring. This can be achieved by growing the rose in a cool, bright room, like in a greenhouse. It is moderately warm there, long daylight hours and high air humidity. You can get similar conditions at home. It is enough to place a rose on a window illuminated by the sun. Fence the plant away from heating devices a foil screen, install additional lighting to extend daylight hours and periodically spray the bush with warm (2-3 degrees higher than the air temperature) water.

In summer, indoor flowers are taken outside. During the first days, depending on the weather, they must be protected from sunlight. In the morning and evening hours, it is useful to spray rose bushes with water. Such procedures refresh the rose, increase air humidity and reduce the risk of harmful insects. But it should be remembered that water procedures should not be carried out in cloudy weather; the development of the bush may slow down. In the fall, without waiting for frost, the flowers are returned to the windowsill.

To get it right grow roses at home in a pot It is very important to maintain the optimal humidity of the earthen clod. It is necessary to water in such an amount that water flows out of the drainage hole. You can leave water in the pan for no more than 2 hours, after which excess water must be removed.

The soil for potted roses must contain the nutrients and microelements the plant needs. A mixture of greenhouse humus, clay, sand and rotted manure is suitable as a nutrient soil. You can replace this mixture with a mixture ready for growing roses, which is available in any gardening store.

The rose took root and bloomed. Has the goal been achieved? No, we need to get another one, a different type, variety, color.

Rose propagation

It's simple. At the beginning of summer, when the bark on young shoots begins to harden, cuttings are taken from flowering, healthy bushes, which have 2-3 buds. The likelihood of rooting is greater for cuttings prepared with a “heel” (a piece of last year’s wood). A layer of drainage, a layer of nutritious soil of 2-3 cm, and 2 cm of washed river sand with large grains are poured into the pot for rooting.

Before planting, the cut cuttings can be treated with a root formation stimulator (Kornerost), and then placed in a pot so that the lower bud is located in the sand. The planted cuttings are watered and covered with a cut plastic bottle. For almost a month, rooted cuttings are shaded and sprayed, increasing the humidity under the shelter. Young shoots that appear will indicate that the cutting has taken root. Having gradually accustomed the young plant to the open air, it is prepared for transplantation into a larger container. The buds that appear at this time are removed.

Watch a video about caring for homemade roses (

You can also grow roses even from a given bouquet.

Now, having received answers to primary questions, you can grow roses at home in a pot and take proper care of them. See you!

What could be more beautiful than a fresh blooming rose bud, yes, and not just somewhere in a flower bed or lawn, but on your windowsill? To plant a real rose garden in your apartment, perhaps you just need to know how to properly care for the whimsical plant so that it pleases you with its flowering for a longer time.

Roses in culture

The ancient Romans began growing and breeding the first roses. In the works of ancient Roman writers that have survived to this day, about ten varieties are mentioned; today their number is measured in hundreds of items.

Rose is the collective name for varieties and species of plants of the rose hips genus, which have been grown by people for a long time. Most now existing varieties climbing and spray roses obtained by selection, through repeated crossings and painstaking selection, while some varieties are variations of the forms of wild species.

Classification - varieties and types

The need for a garden classification system is due to the development of the science of selection. Familiarity with the classifier allows breeders to continue their work on developing new varieties of the “queen of flowers,” and amateur flower growers to properly care for their very capricious green pets. Without going too deeply into the abyss of breeding science, everything is now existing species can be divided into several groups and classes depending on the presence of stable garden characteristics.

The first version of the classifier was created and approved by the American Rose Society in 1976. In 2000, the classifier was published in a slightly modified and expanded form in Modern Roses. In accordance with this version, all roses can be divided into the following types: old, wild and modern garden, with subsequent gradation into certain groups depending on the color and number of petals.

Flower garden on your windowsill

Growing roses at home is a painstaking task that only experienced florist. In order for the green pet to feel great and regularly delight you with its flowering, the plant needs to create comfortable conditions for growth. First of all, you need to remember that the rose bush is heat-loving, which means that it is necessary to place flower pots in places where sunlight often shines.

The frequency of flowering depends entirely on the quantity sunlight, it is important to maintain optimal temperature regime, which varies between 15-20 C. The air should be moderately humid, which is why it is recommended to spray the stems and leaves of the flower with water several times during the day. Watering must be done daily. It is best if for these purposes you use settled water, which flower growers recommend periodically adding to the tray of the pot.

A few words need to be said about the choice of pot and soil. The container must be spacious and must have drainage holes. You also need to lay some pebbles on the bottom of the pot, and then on top of this layer you should place humus or peat, river sand, clay and black soil.

Important: humus or peat should be at least 50%, sand – 15% and black soil – about 20%. Please note that rose bushes in alkaline soil quickly wither and often get sick.

Propagation of rose bushes at home

Planting can be done in several ways:

  • using seeds;
  • grafting method;
  • cuttings.

The most optimal and effective method one of the above is growing roses from cuttings. In order for the propagation procedure to be successful, you need to select a stem with a formed bud for the cutting.

Such samples are the most resistant because they contain the maximum possible amount of nutrients necessary for the development of the plant root system. Undoubtedly, there are cases when it was possible to grow a rose bush from a flower included in an ordinary store bouquet, but such precedents are very rare.

So, when choosing a cutting for planting, you need to pay attention to its length; its optimal length is about 30 cm. Next, you need to make a cut at a minimum angle of inclination, using a sharp knife to remove the bud and leaves.

After performing these manipulations, the cutting should be left for 10-15 minutes in a container of water. Next, you need to treat the sections (lower and upper) with potassium permanganate. Before planting the cutting in the soil, the preparation process of which is described in detail above, it must be kept for 24 hours in a weak solution of heteroauxin. To prepare the solution, it is recommended to follow following proportions: 1 tablet per 1 liter of settled water. Heteroauxin can be replaced with potassium permanganate.

After planting the cuttings, you need to create a greenhouse. For this purpose you can use plastic film or cropped plastic bottle. Watering and spraying should be carried out daily, but in such a way that root system didn't rot.

After some time, when the first leaves appear on the cuttings, the greenhouse can be removed. To strengthen the root system, flower growers recommend cutting off the buds in the first year after the growing season.

Diseases and pests

Rose bushes sometimes get sick and are susceptible to pests. There may be two reasons why your green, once healthy pet began to wither literally before your eyes: frequent watering, leading to rotting of the root system (the “black leg” effect), pests.

Very often, rose bushes become victims of spider mites. In this case, an alarming signal for you will be the appearance of a thin cobweb entwining the stems and leaves.

Such a mite literally sucks all the energy out of the plant, and is also the causative agent of many diseases. In order to get rid of spider mites, it is necessary to treat the plant with special medicines, 3-4 times at intervals of several days.

And one more useful advice... Growing rose bushes in a city apartment is possible only if you adhere to all of the above recommendations for caring for them.

Don't forget to water your pet regularly and also feed it periodically. The frequency of feeding depends on the flowering stage. If the bush blooms, it is recommended to feed it once every two weeks.

Every year, homemade roses are becoming more and more popular. How nice it is to have an almost perfect flower at home, a wonderful addition to your collection of house plants! However, not everyone can grow a flower queen at home - after all, this requires special conditions.

First of all, every amateur gardener should realize that caring for roses at home is significantly different from caring for garden species and practically does not overlap with other house plants. Therefore, you should apply your knowledge focused on these flowers carefully - only in a few cases can they completely coincide.

Preferences for home roses

It just so happens that indoor roses are quite finicky plants, and therefore they require not only increased attention, but also compliance with special conditions of detention.

Indoor culture fit:

  • location on southern or southeastern balconies and windows;
  • fresh nutritious soil;
  • sufficient amount of fresh air in the warm season;
  • abundant watering during the growing season (it can be adjusted by the external temperature and as the top layer of soil dries);
  • systematic feeding (about once a week), especially during the period of active growth and flowering;
  • replanting (but only as needed) into a larger pot or container.

Not suitable for domestic roses:

  • dry air and overheating in the sun;
  • watering cold water;
  • ignoring faded shoots, stems, shoots and leaves;
  • injury to the root system;
  • wintering at elevated temperatures environment;
  • Ignoring diseases and minor pests.

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Adaptation to indoor conditions

As soon as you bought a flower and brought it home, you should not immediately resort to replanting it or to actions that could disturb its peace. Experts generally advise paying close attention to the conditions in which the plant was in the store and repeating them as much as possible at home. Here you will need to maintain a similar air temperature, humidity, watering and spraying regime, place the flower in the shade or in a bright place (depending on where the flower was in the store), and so on. Similar maintenance conditions will give the home rose the opportunity to quickly adapt and not die immediately after purchase. But this is only for the first time - then you need to create exactly the right conditions content. While the flower adapts to the new room and microclimate, avoid drafts and sunburn, water it only with clean, settled water, and sometimes rinse the leaves by spraying.

How to replant an ornamental rose

Transplant the queen of flowers to permanent place It’s worth it only when she fully comes to her senses. By lunar calendar This is best done when the moon is in its waxing phase. Transplantation must be done very carefully so that not a single main root shoot is damaged. It is advisable not to disturb the earthen ball in which the roots are located.

The earthen lump is only slightly loosened along the outer layer, and a small amount of old earth is also removed. If there are a few fertilizer granules on the coma, then there is no need to remove them.

Next, you should prepare nutritious soil for transplanting the rose into a new container. This can be the following mixture: turf soil, humus soil and sand (4:4:1). A small amount is mixed into the soil complex fertilizer. If you have the opportunity to cook correct soil for planting you do not have, then you can always buy universal primer for indoor plants or specifically for roses.

Bush rose pot

Further correct cultivation of home roses requires the purchase the right pot, which suits all parameters. How to choose it?

So, new pot it should be bigger size than the container, several centimeters in diameter and about 5–7 cm in height. But remember: it shouldn’t be too big either.

Preparing a flower pot

If something has been grown in a pot before, it should be thoroughly washed under warm water using a stiff brush, but without detergents. If the pot is completely new and ceramic, it should be soaked for several hours in warm water.

Before planting, you must properly “equip the new home” of your indoor rose:

  • make drainage from expanded clay,
  • make sure there is a drain hole,
  • pour the prepared soil with fertilizers into the pot and sprinkle it with a layer of clean soil.

Now place it in a new pot, gradually sprinkle the prepared soil around the edges and compact it as it shrinks. After transshipment, the rose should be placed in the shade, or even on a north window.

After a day has passed since transplantation, the flower is placed on a well-lit balcony or window sill, moved away from drafts and direct exposure to hot sunlight, and provided with constant access to fresh air.

Growing and care


If the rose dries out, this is the first sign of lack of moisture, so try to ensure timely watering as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. Sometimes, in very hot weather summer days, the rose has to be watered even twice a day, but remember that watering is carried out only with clean, well-settled water room temperature, at the root and in more or less cool times of the day.

Fertilizing at home

Typically, caring for Chinese indoor roses involves, among other things, adding fertilizer to the soil. . This should happen approximately twice a month and during the active growing season of the plant. Watering is carried out with mullein or a solution of complete mineral fertilizer. Foliar feeding is also carried out - spraying with special weak solutions.

How to care for a home rose in summer

In summer, the flower loves good watering, timely application of fertilizers, spraying, washing the leaves and removing dead leaves from the shoots. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the plant - it should not overheat or show signs of disease (with proper care and prevention). If in summer time You noticed that the rose in the pot does not feel very comfortable, since it has managed to grow during the warm season, you need to wait for the moon to grow and replant it in a freer pot.

Lush bushes

Many home plant breeders have the following question: how to grow an indoor rose lush bush? One answer could be summer care: It is necessary to constantly rotate the plant so that it receives light from all sides of the bush. In this case, it will not be one-sided.

How to grow roses at home in the fall

When summer warmth gives way to autumn coolness and the temperature drops below +15 ° C, transferring from the balcony to the room. During this period, it is advisable to place it on the south window.

When growth activity and bud formation decrease, it is necessary to stop feeding and reduce watering to once every 2–3 days. This is how the rose prepares for winter.

Preparing for winter

This is one of the most important stages, during which many conditions must be met:

  • compliance with the temperature regime from +15 to +17 °C;
  • installing a home rose in a place where the air is not too dry;
  • protecting plants from electrical household appliances– TV, PC, microwave oven and so on;
  • It is advisable to transfer the plant to a cold window or protect the plant from exposure to hot air from the apartment (between frames or behind a special layer of plastic film).

Caring for a home rose in winter

Indoor rose in winter it does not grow or bloom, it looks very sickly, constantly dropping its leaves. During this period, it is advisable to prevent the air in the plant space from drying out - place the pot on a tray with wet pebbles, water the rose once every 2-3 days.

Caring for flower crops in winter also involves spraying the plant, especially in a room where there is additional heating and the air constantly dries out.

Home rose in spring

In early spring, decorative roses begin to come to life. They throw out new leaves and shoots, which soon turn into full-fledged branches. At this point, the plant requires more frequent watering so that the soil in the pot does not have time to dry out.

Now the flowers can be fed again - this will provide the ground for proper and rapid development. You can fertilize the soil in a pot with a mullein solution: 1/3 mullein to 2/3 water is thoroughly mixed and left for 4–10 days until the end of the fermentation period, then used in a solution with tap water(1:15). You can fertilize the soil near the plant with a solution of bird droppings: infuse 1 part of the droppings in 200 parts of hot water, leave for two days, dilute the solution with clean water(1:25) and use for plant nutrition.

What to feed

Growing roses at home involves systematic feeding, so take them very seriously. But remember that if the flower turns yellow, withers or even dries out, this may be due to the fact that the wrong fertilizer was used or its dosage was exceeded.

If everything is followed according to the rules, then for good flowering The plant is fed once a week. This should be done after watering the plant.

In the spring, when home decorative rose comes to life again, it should not lack sunlight or moisture. Therefore, the plant is transferred to a bright window and constantly watered, as in summer, as the top layer of soil dries. Next, the leaves are sprayed and washed.

Now that the spring frosts have gone and the warmth is intensively returning, the domestic or Chinese bush rose can again be placed on the balcony, but first in the shade, since it needs to get used to the bright sun. This will take 2–3 weeks.

How to prune indoor roses

House roses in pots can be pruned before wintering. In this case, the process is carried out with a very sharp knife or pruning shears, and no more than five living buds are left on each branch. It is recommended to prune during the waxing phase of the moon. If it is not carried out before winter, the next year may result in poorer flowering and a sluggish appearance of the entire plant as a whole. To prevent this from happening, pruning can be done in early spring.

Features of caring for roses at home (video)

Indoor roses in our house (video)

Flower propagation

It’s quite simple at home, especially if you follow our recommendations. You can also use cut branches for propagation.

Cuttings are cut from the available material using pruning shears. Their size should be about 15 cm, and there should be at least 3-4 live buds and several leaves on the body of the cutting.

Now the cuttings can be placed in clean tap water at room temperature. Sometimes two weeks are enough for the first strong roots to appear. When they are well developed, they are planted in small pots (about 200-300 ml) in fertile prepared soil, always during the growth phase of the moon. If this process was carried out before wintering, then rapid growth and flowering are possible the very next year. This is exactly how roses are grown at home.

How to properly care for a home rose (video)

Plant diseases

As sad as it is to say this, Chinese rose at home it can be spoiled by diseases and pests. Therefore, be sure to treat it with preventative agents, observe temperature and soil and air humidity conditions, and immediately begin treating the plant if you notice signs of disease on it.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in caring for home roses in pots, you just have to get used to constantly running around with a rose, choosing for it optimal conditions. But this is not difficult, especially when the beauty ornamental plant pays a hundredfold for care incredibly beautiful appearance And lush flowering.

Reviews and comments

(17 ratings, average: 4,29 out of 5)

Oksana 09/21/2013

Helpful information. I didn't know much. Everything is convenient and clear.

nikitina 11/16/2013


Marina. 03/17/2014

thanks for the valuable advice! I think that now I will be able to grow my favorite flower!

Nina 10/14/2015

I always really wanted to grow homemade roses, but everyone dissuaded me, citing the fact that this flower is quite capricious and requires very careful care. But I still decided and bought a pot. Now I already have four beauties and in 3 years they have never even gotten sick.

Alina 02/15/2016

I'm asking for advice on wintering. I don’t have a covered balcony, but I’ve read a lot that roses like a warm winter, they need 5-12 degrees. Is it possible to put it under the bathroom (I think the coldest place in the apartment)? Will she suffer without light?

Elena 04/14/2016

Please tell me, I want to plant a border of roses of the same variety along the path. The color doesn't really matter, the main thing is that the bushes have good form, the variety would not be susceptible to diseases and frost-resistant. Last year I had to throw away 3 roses, because the winter was very frosty, there was nothing to cover them and they froze, I bought 2 more, but this year there are severe frosts again and I don’t even know what will happen.

Olenka 06/12/2016

I love roses in pots and they gave me a lot at one time. But they don’t grow for me! Either they rot, or the aphids eat them. In the house wet air maybe because of this? I try to care for and fertilize, but the flower dies. I have never been so carried away with any flower as with a rose. Probably just not my plant.

Irina 06/19/2016

I bought roses in unenviable condition (cheap). I immediately cut off all the buds and replanted them, washing them with phytosporin and spraying them against pests. At first I sprayed her with hormones and diluted ammonia. All the plants survived. Thanks for the article! I learned a lot of useful things.

Alevtina 05/20/2017

Hello1 A very instructive article with a lot of interesting and useful information. I really like the articles just super. My dear friends, please tell me what to do in this situation: I buy in flower shop, homemade tea roses several times already and two weeks after purchase they disappear, From my friends, those people with whom I spoke about homemade roses, 7 people from my circle say that they also bought roses in a flower shop and from no one the roses didn’t grow in them, they didn’t take root, they dried out... Please tell me what is the reason, roses bought from the store disappear... Your articles are very instructive, I will definitely use them in the future, When I try to grow roses, but I will buy them second-hand, at the market, from friends, Thank you very much again for the articles, they are just super. Goodbye..

Alevtina 05/20/2017

Hello Alena, I have approximately the same situation. And my 7 friends, no matter how hard they tried, looked after them, and everything they bought in the store did not take root. In stores they spray with various substances - they embalm... And after bringing it home, the owners do not spray it and gradually the flowers begin to die... It’s probably best to buy from grandmothers, from their hands, those that grow in private houses.. They probably won’t be sprayed there.. What if you bought all your roses in the store, then the answer is probably already clear to you. I also want homemade roses... But I’ve already lost one rose (namely, a store rose)

Mari28 05/22/2017

Sophia, you should have read the article more carefully. All your questions are answered there. Find out from your friends what the growing regime for your rose was before they gave it to you. Create the maximum of this instruction. At first, you will notice that the flower has become sluggish and looks painful. This is the time of adaptation. During this period, do not touch it. The transplant is carried out only when the rose comes to its senses, during the growth phase of the moon. Pruning is done just before winter, leaving 5 buds on the branch. It is impossible to force the plant not to shed its leaves, since roses tend to lose leaves in winter. So it goes into peace.

Mari28 05/22/2017

Elena, there is no ideal variety, not only of roses, but also of other plants. All types and varieties have their pros and cons. Your bushes died, as you yourself admitted, because they were not covered in winter period. It is necessary to cover for the winter, how tightly depends on the region of your residence. Try planting Floribunda varieties: Arthur Bell, Deja Vu, Jack Frost, Luminion, Sunsprite, Evelyn Fison, etc. They are remarkable in that, having received frostbite on the ground part of the bush, they still come to life in the spring. All of the listed varieties are successfully grown in the northern part of Russia, so you should not have problems with winter care.

Valentina 03/09/2019

And I don’t bother with indoor roses, although I accept gifts in the form of roses in pots with gratitude. And in the spring, as soon as the air temperature allows, I plant them in the front garden. They bloom gorgeously all summer, delighting with amazing beauty. They grow for a long time, some for more than 10 years. I cover it for the winter, as it should be in our Moscow region.

Lyon 05/11/2019

2 attempts to grow roses were unsuccessful, but on the 3rd try everything worked. The rose is blooming and delights with scarlet flowers, today I bought 1 more - pink

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Indoor plants not only lift your spirits, but can also enliven the interior of even the most modest home.

Unlike exotic orchids, which require especially careful care, roses are familiar to our area.

At correct landing With watering and pruning, they bloom regularly and delight the eye with a riot of colors.

How to care for a rose in a pot at home after purchasing it in order to preserve its beauty?

IN room conditions and in conditions open ground grow different varieties roses

Miniature plants, hybrid teas, ground-blooded plants, Bengal plants, polyanthus plants, etc. are suitable for cultivation in pots.

If you are planning a garden rose, you will need your own rooted bushes, since plants grafted onto rose hips will not take root in an apartment.

How to care for a rose in a pot at home for beginners

The fact that the plant lives and develops happily indicates saturated color leaves, regular flowering and a strong root system.

On the contrary - unhealthy appearance, witheredness, yellowness, lack of flowering, shedding of unopened buds.

Caring for the plant is not difficult

Let's look at what indoor roses love:

  1. South or southeast direction of light
  2. Regular watering during the growth stage
  3. Timely feeding
  4. Fresh air at any time
  5. Nutrient soil
  6. Regular transfers

At the same time, plants do not tolerate:

  1. Low humidity and insufficient watering
  2. Exposure to direct sunlight
  3. Ignoring trimming of dead fragments
  4. Damage to the root system
  5. Wintering in too warm conditions

Tip: with proper care, an indoor rose should bloom every two months.

You can grow roses in a tub

5+ fundamental rules for caring for indoor roses

Choosing the right “place of residence”

Rose loves light at any time of the year, so she will be most comfortable on the south or southeast side of your home.

In this case, the sun's rays should not directly hit the plant so as not to burn the leaves.

In summer, when the sun is especially active, it is better to place the flower on a stand, slightly close the blinds, or rotate the plant accordingly.

In autumn and winter you will need additional lighting - desk lamp or special lamp for seedlings.

It is important to choose the “right” window sill

The distance between it and the plant should not be less than 40 cm.

To avoid a lack of ultraviolet radiation, decreased immunity and pest attacks, you need to turn on additional lighting for 3-4 hours a day.

Tip: choose pots light shades, because dark ones attract an excessive amount of ultraviolet rays, which contributes to overdrying of the substrate and damage to the root system.

Humidity and temperature conditions

Rose loves moisture and light, but cannot stand heat.

The humidity in the room where it is located should be 50-60%. 80% or more, characteristic of a subtropical climate, can provoke the appearance of fungus and, as a result, the death of the flower.

IN summer period The bush is sprayed daily with water at room temperature.

In the cold season it is heated to 37-40 degrees.

The plant loves light and moisture

In a cool room, reduce the number of sprays. If the pot is located near the battery, increase it.

Spray water in the evening. An additional source of moisture can be provided by placing open containers filled with water next to the plant.

Optimal temperature for comfortable life roses are 16-22 degrees, in winter - 8-15, so it can be taken out onto a glazed balcony.

If this condition is not met, the flower may become sick and die.

Tip: Why is importance so important? Excessively dry air promotes the proliferation of spider mites, fungi and other diseases that weaken the plant and damage its root system.

Plants with flowers and buds must be “bathed”

Watering and bathing

In the hot season, the rose is watered almost daily - as the soil dries out. By autumn, the amount of watering is reduced.

IN winter time It is enough to water 1-2 times every 10 days, gradually increasing the frequency in the spring.

About half a liter of water is poured into the soil, the remainder is removed from the pan after half an hour so that the liquid does not stagnate and does not serve as a source of fungi and infections.

For irrigation, it is advisable to use water that has been standing for three days or distilled water - for example, still water from an air conditioner.

Tip: Don't forget to rotate the pot around its axis from time to time so that all sides of the plant receive enough light.

During the flowering period, the rose must be regularly “bathed”.

To do this, the pot is wrapped in polyethylene to prevent moisture from getting into the soil. The plant is placed in a bathtub and watered with water at a temperature of 36-38 degrees.

Flowers need to be fed regularly

The pressure should not be high so as not to damage the flowers and buds.

The plant remains in the bath for the next four hours - this time is enough for complete drying. Then the pot is returned to its place.

Such a shower is needed to wash away dust and insects that actively attack the rose during the flowering period. During rest and absence of buds, there is no need to bathe the flower.

The rose needs to be replanted on time

Fertilizing indoor roses

It is recommended to feed the plant with minerals during the flowering and growing season.

Any products with a high content of potassium and nitrogen, as well as a ten percent solution of mullein, are suitable for this.

Before fertilizing, the plant must be watered generously, squeezed out for a quarter of an hour, and only then apply the solution. In winter there is no need for additional recharge.

There is no need to fertilize the plant in winter

Rules and frequency of transplantation

The new pot should be 5 cm wider and 6-10 higher.

Before replanting, be sure to wash the flowerpot with plain warm water or water with a small amount of liquid, and then let it dry.

A 4-centimeter drainage layer of grated foam and broken brick is placed at the bottom. You can purchase drainage from a gardening store.

Transplantation scheme

After which comes the main layer of soil, consisting of:

  1. Sod soil
  2. Sand
  3. Rotted manure

Tip: if you are not using store-bought soil, but soil from the street, to kill all insects and bacteria, it should first be calcined in the oven.

Then they begin the actual replanting: a liter of water is poured into the old pot to soften the soil.

After 20 minutes, take the flower at the base with your hand, twist the pot several times and remove the plant as carefully as possible.

If the old soil is healthy and there are no pests in it, you can replant the plant along with it. In other cases, it is better to use fresh soil.

Prepare the soil correctly

The plant is placed on a 5-centimeter layer of soil, positioned correctly, a base layer is added, no more than 100 ml of water is poured in and covered required quantity soil.

The next time the plant is watered is a week later. Fertilize after two more.

How to care for a rose in a pot at home - when to prune?

Late autumn, when the plant has finished blooming. Shoots growing inside the bush, thin and dry branches are removed using sharp pruners.

The main stems are cut by a third, after which the “wounds” are sprinkled with crushed. The bush itself is placed in a cool place.

Prune a rose with sharp pruning shears

How to care for a rose in a pot at home after purchasing it in winter and autumn

Winter-autumn plant care has its own secrets.

When the outside temperature drops below +15, the number of waterings should be reduced and fertilizing should be eliminated - growth during this period stops until spring.

In winter, the rose does not grow, does not bloom, and may well shed its leaves due to inappropriate conditions.

It is important to follow the rules of off-season plant care

That is why, if possible, the plant should be kept on the balcony, where the temperature does not rise above +12-15.

To maintain humidity, you need to periodically place the pot in a tray of water.

Tip: it is recommended to increase the amount of watering in the spring, when fresh leaves appear on the plant.

How and when to propagate roses at home?

Roses are propagated by cuttings. Perfect time for division - from May to September.

Partially lignified cuttings, on which there are several leaves and 3-5 buds, are cut from a faded shoot using pruning shears.

You can propagate the plant yourself

After this they are placed in a slightly warm water. It will take about three weeks for the roots to appear.

Then the “baby” is transplanted into a pot.You can add a growth stimulator.

But it is better to remove the first buds to allow the flower to develop properly.

How to care for a rose in a pot at home - we analyze diseases

Like all living things on earth, a rose can get sick even in ideal conditions content, but more often the disease still has reasons.

Even if all conditions are met, the plant can get sick

The most common ailments:

Spots on leaves

Over time, the affected leaves turn yellow and fall off.

The cause, as a rule, is a fungus caused by excessive humidity in the room.

Affected leaves should be removed, the rest should be treated with antifungal soap, Topsin or Fundazo.

If you see that the plant is not healthy, start treatment on time.

Powdery mildew

The stems, buds and leaves are covered with a “white powder”. Occurs due to constant temperature changes.

The affected parts of the plant must be removed. Treat the bush itself with a fungicide.

Dropping leaves

This problem is traditionally caused by non-compliance with the temperature regime.

It can be solved by normalizing the conditions of the plant.

Such beauty will delight you all year round

As you can see, taking care of an indoor rose is not at all difficult: you just need to follow some rules, and the plant will delight you with lush flowering and bright green leaves.

Life Reactor has collected the TOP 10 plants for growing at home in this article.

You will also find detailed instructions on how to care for a rose in a pot at home after purchase in the video below:

What could be more beautiful than a fresh blooming rose bud, yes, and not just somewhere in a flower bed or lawn, but on your windowsill? To plant a real rose garden in your apartment, perhaps you just need to know how to properly care for the whimsical plant so that it pleases you with its flowering for a longer time.

Roses in culture

The ancient Romans began growing and breeding the first roses. In the works of ancient Roman writers that have survived to this day, about ten varieties are mentioned; today their number is measured in hundreds of items.

Rose is the collective name for varieties and species of plants of the rose hips genus, which have been grown by people for a long time. Most of the currently existing varieties of climbing and bush roses were obtained by selection, through repeated crossings and painstaking selection, while some varieties are variations of the forms of wild species.

Classification - varieties and types

The need for a garden classification system is due to the development of the science of selection. Familiarity with the classifier allows breeders to continue their work on developing new varieties of the “queen of flowers,” and amateur flower growers to properly care for their very capricious green pets. Without going too deeply into the abyss of breeding science, all currently existing species can be divided into several groups and classes depending on the presence of stable garden characteristics.

The first version of the classifier was created and approved by the American Rose Society in 1976. In 2000, the classifier was published in a slightly modified and expanded form in Modern Roses. In accordance with this version, all roses can be divided into the following types: old, wild and modern garden, with subsequent gradation into certain groups depending on the color and number of petals.

Flower garden on your windowsill

Growing roses at home is a painstaking task that only an experienced gardener can handle. In order for the green pet to feel great and regularly delight you with its flowering, the plant needs to create comfortable conditions for growth. First of all, you need to remember that the rose bush is heat-loving, which means that it is necessary to place flower pots in places where sunlight often shines.

The frequency of flowering depends entirely on the amount of sunlight, and it is important to maintain the optimal temperature regime, which varies between 15-20 C. The air should be moderately humid, which is why it is recommended to spray the stems and leaves of the flower with water several times during the day. Watering must be done daily.It is best if for these purposes you use settled water, which flower growers recommend periodically adding to the tray of the pot.

A few words need to be said about the choice of pot and soil. The container must be spacious and must have drainage holes. You also need to lay some pebbles on the bottom of the pot, and then on top of this layer you should place humus or peat, river sand, clay and black soil.

Important: humus or peat should be at least 50%, sand – 15% and black soil – about 20%. Please note that rose bushes in alkaline soil quickly wither and often get sick.

Propagation of rose bushes Houses

Planting can be done in several ways:

  • using seeds;
  • grafting method;
  • cuttings.

The most optimal and effective method of the above is growing roses from cuttings. In order for the propagation procedure to be successful, you need to select a stem with a formed bud for the cutting.

Such samples are the most resistant because they contain the maximum possible amount of nutrients necessary for the development of the plant’s root system. Undoubtedly, there are cases when it was possible to grow a rose bush from a flower included in an ordinary store bouquet, but such precedents are very rare.

So, when choosing a cutting for planting, you need to pay attention to its length; its optimal length is about 30 cm. Next, you need to make a cut at a minimum angle of inclination, using a sharp knife to remove the bud and leaves.

After performing these manipulations, the cutting should be left for 10-15 minutes in a container of water. Next, you need to treat the sections (lower and upper) with potassium permanganate. Before planting the cutting in the soil, the preparation process of which is described in detail above, it must be kept for 24 hours in a weak solution of heteroauxin. To prepare the solution, it is recommended to adhere to the following proportions: 1 tablet per 1 liter of settled water. Heteroauxin can be replaced with potassium permanganate.

After planting the cuttings, you need to create a greenhouse. For this purpose, you can use plastic film or a cut plastic bottle. Watering and spraying should be done daily, but in such a way that the root system does not rot.

After some time, when the first leaves appear on the cuttings, the greenhouse can be removed. To strengthen the root system, flower growers recommend cutting off the buds in the first year after the growing season.

Diseases and pests

Rose bushes sometimes get sick and are susceptible to pests. There may be two reasons why your green, once healthy pet began to wither literally before your eyes: frequent watering, leading to rotting of the root system (the “black leg” effect), pests.

Very often, rose bushes become victims of spider mites. In this case, an alarming signal for you will be the appearance of a thin cobweb entwining the stems and leaves.

Such a mite literally sucks all the energy out of the plant, and is also the causative agent of many diseases. In order to get rid of spider mites, it is necessary to treat the plant with special medications 3-4 times at intervals of several days.

And one more good advice...Growing rose bushes in a city apartment is only possible if you adhere to all of the above recommendations for caring for them.

Don't forget to water your pet regularly and also feed it periodically. The frequency of feeding depends on the flowering stage. If the bush blooms, it is recommended to feed it once every two weeks.

Exquisite and bright, a miniature decorative rose will decorate any interior. It belongs to the Rose family (Rosaceae) and when grown indoors it is a small neat bush from 35 to 45 cm. Proper care will give beautiful flowering from spring to autumn. Today there are several hundred varieties of indoor roses. Some varieties exude a delicate aroma, while others have no smell at all.

This is a temperate climate plant, so it does not require special conditions for breeding. Caring for it is not very difficult, but during the flowering period it will require attention. And, of course, he will thank you with luxurious flowers.

Features of growing home roses

The indoor rose blooms in spring and summer, at which time it needs light and good watering. For abundant flowering, it definitely requires a period of rest, which is best organized in winter.

This houseplant tolerates well low temperatures, but demanding on air and soil humidity. She is very photophilous, but direct sunlight can harm her. Rose loves to “swim”, so you should follow the water procedures. She needs fresh air all year round.

Important! After purchasing, do not rush to replant it. It’s better to do this in two weeks, then she will better adapt to the new conditions.

Planting an indoor rose

Planting an indoor rose is not a troublesome task. It is important to know that the root system of the plant is very delicate, so it is better to replant by transshipment. Before planting a rose, you need to prepare a pot. The new pot needs to be soaked - pour water and leave for a day. The pot from under the old plant must be thoroughly cleaned with a brush without using detergents. If the pot has a drainage hole, then the expanded clay layer can be no more than 1 cm; if not, then 3 cm.

Planting methods

Planting indoor roses is done by cuttings.

Optimal time for planting

The best time to plant indoor roses is from May to September.

Soil for the plant (Soil composition)

A rose in a pot requires nutritious, breathable soil. It is best to use ready-made soil, purchased in a store. Optimal composition soil for the plant - turf and humus soil, sand in proportions 4: 4: 1, respectively. It is not recommended to loosen the soil due to the risk of damaging the roots. Rose prefers neutral soil.

There are some care features that are specific to this houseplant.

Location and lighting for the plant

Rose needs fresh air, so the ideal placement for her is a balcony or garden bed in the summer (you can take it with you to the dacha if you spend the whole summer there). However, it is not recommended to leave it unattended because it requires frequent watering in the summer during the flowering period.

At home, it is best to place the rose on the southeast or south side, because it loves a lot of light. In autumn, when daylight hours are short, she needs to turn on additional lighting from a fluorescent lamp. This is done to extend the flowering period.

In winter during the dormant period comfortable temperature for roses - +10 - +12 degrees. If it is possible to place her on a glassed-in loggia or balcony, she will have a good rest. Room winter temperature not very suitable for her. If it is not possible to keep the flower at a low temperature, you should protect it as much as possible from the heat of radiators and dry air.

It is advisable to turn the pot with a miniature indoor rose from time to time in different directions to the light.

Important! If the rose overwinters on a glassed-in loggia, to prevent the soil from freezing, the pot with the plant can be placed in a box and sawdust sprinkled around it.

Air humidity

Indoor mini roses need high air humidity. When they are outdoors (on the balcony or in the garden), no additional moisture is required. In winter, if the rose is in the room, it is better to keep the pot with it in a tray with wet pebbles.

Rose needs weekly water treatments in the form of spraying. If the room is cool in winter, it is better not to spray the rose. If the air is too dry and warm, spraying should be carried out 1-2 times a week, even in winter.

Never spray your rose during the day in hot summer weather.

Important! In a dry atmosphere, pests may appear on the flower.

Temperature regime for a flower

The most comfortable temperature for roses in the summer is +14 - +25 degrees. In winter, the rose needs coolness - no higher than +15 degrees.

How to water correctly

Indoor roses do not tolerate either drying out or excessive watering. In summer, when the rose blooms, watering is necessary 2 times a day - morning and evening. You need to water with settled water at room temperature.

In the fall, when the rose sheds its leaves, watering should be reduced to once a week if the rose overwinters on the balcony. If she is in the room at quite high temperature, you need to water it as the top layer of soil dries.

You can alternate top and bottom watering (watering the soil and filling the pan). Anyway excess water the pan must be drained to avoid root rotting.

In the spring, as the plant awakens, watering should be gradually increased.

Feeding and fertilizing rose flowers

Because of long flowering, the rose loses its strength and needs to fertilize the soil. They begin to feed her towards the end of February once every 10 days. Recommended mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones.

If you have just transplanted a flower into fresh soil, you do not need to fertilize it.

Important! Before applying fertilizer, the flower must be watered with warm water.

Pruning mini roses is necessary in order to stimulate the ovary. During the flowering period, it is imperative to trim faded flowers as short as possible.

The flower is routinely pruned in the fall in preparation for the dormant period. You can also do this in the spring.

Trimming methods

Pruning must be done with a sharp tool so that there are no torn parts left on the branch, this can lead to the death of the entire plant. Trim the branches to healthy tissue, above the bud, which faces outward. An oblique cut is made approximately five millimeters above the kidney.

It is necessary to remove all weak or dry shoots, as well as those that do not have an upper bud. When two shoots are intertwined, one of them is removed. If, after pruning, two stems appear from one bud, the excess ones need to be trimmed.

Important! Should not be carried out spring pruning, until at least 10 hours of daylight arrives, otherwise the young shoots will not be able to fully develop.

Transplanting a domestic rose

A rose needs a transplant in two cases - after purchase and as the plant grows.

Transplant methods

After the purchase

Before replanting a rose after purchase, it must be allowed to adapt. You don’t need to touch it for two weeks. First, the flower itself is prepared. The pot with the rose is placed in water, so it needs to stand for about half an hour. Then the rose needs to be bathed in a contrast shower ( hot water no higher than 40 degrees). After bathing, a greenhouse is made from plastic bag so that it does not touch the leaves (the edges of the bag can be pinned to the ground). The greenhouse needs to be ventilated daily. The rose will be ready for transplanting when the flowers begin to fade. They need to be removed, and the plant can be replanted.

Immediately before planting, the flower must be removed from the pot and its roots immersed in warm water to wash off any remaining chemicals that were fed to the rose in the greenhouse. Soak the ceramic pot in water for a day.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, then a layer of soil. The plant is placed in a pot and covered with soil so that it is compacted tightly. The size of the pot should be slightly wider and higher than the previous container.

As needed

The rose does not like unnecessary disturbance, so annual replanting is not required unless the pot becomes too small for it. New dishes for roses are prepared in the same way - cleaned and soaked. The pot with the rose is placed in a container of water for 30 minutes to make the earthen lump easier to separate from the pot. Next, the flower is simply transferred to a new pot and fresh substrate is poured in, compacting it around the flower.

After transplanting, there is no need to water the flower, but it is better to place it in a shady place. Later you can move it to a permanent, well-lit place.

Important! Start feeding no earlier than a month after transplantation.

Indoor roses can be propagated by cuttings. The cutting is cut with a sharp knife; its length should be no more than 10 cm. It is better to treat the tool with a solution of potassium permanganate or alcohol. The cut should be oblique, right under the bud, so the cutting it will take root better. The upper cut is made 5 mm above the kidney. It is better to remove the leaves from the bottom of the cutting. There are two options for cutting indoor roses:


The cuttings can be briefly placed in water with the addition of heteroauxin (14 tablets per glass of water). After 10 hours, the cuttings are planted in a mixture of sand and peat, or just sand. Then greenhouse conditions are created for them using film or a cut-off water bottle. You don’t need to water a lot so that the cuttings don’t start to rot. The temperature should be at least +18 degrees, direct sunlight should be avoided.

The cuttings will take root in about a month, after which they can be opened to acclimate to drier air, and then transplanted into separate containers


The cuttings need to be prepared in the same way, only their length should be about 15 cm. Then they are placed in a jar or glass of water, covered with a cardboard lid with holes into which the cuttings are inserted. Bottom part should be immersed in water by 1.5-2 cm. If the humidity is too low, the cuttings need to be sprayed. They can be replanted into pots when the roots grow 1-1.5 cm and begin to branch well.

Important! For good rooting and development of cuttings, they need at least 15 hours of daylight.

If you follow all the rules for caring for an indoor rose, it will bloom from late spring until autumn. If faded buds are removed in a timely manner, the rose will bloom continuously during this period. To prevent the pots from overheating in the sun, they can be wrapped in white paper.

When the plant blooms (flowering period), flower shape

In spring, the rose begins its active growing season, and then it blooms. Flowers can be of a variety of colors - from amazing tea to dark burgundy. The flowers are much smaller than the garden rose we are used to.

Plant care after flowering

At the end of flowering, the rose needs pruning and preparation for rest. If the roses stood on fresh air, they should be brought into the room as soon as the temperature begins to drop below +12 degrees. After pruning, you should gradually reduce watering and stop fertilizing.

Problems, diseases and pests of a flower

Problems with indoor roses can arise due to improper care. The reason for the lack of flowering may be:

  • Eating disorder
  • Increased soil acidity
  • Lack of lighting
  • Incorrect transplant
  • Drafts

Among the diseases, roses can be affected by chlorosis, which is treated with iron chelate. Yellowing of the plant indicates it is infected with a fungus. In this case, you need to treat the rose with a fungicide.

The same should be done in case of powdery mildew ( white coating on a rose).

Of the pests, indoor roses are most often affected by spider mites (a thin web appears between the leaves). Spider mite on indoor roses can lead to viral diseases. You need to treat the flower with Apollo or Fitoverm.

Thrips or aphids on indoor roses pose no less of a threat. They affect buds and leaves, deforming them. Treated with insecticidal preparations for indoor plants.

Common types

Bengal rose

This is perhaps the most common variety of indoor roses. Bengal rose absolutely unpretentious, differs in that it does not shed its leaves after flowering. The flowers are odorless. Does not require pruning, except for dried or diseased branches.

miniature rose

The bushes are no higher than 30 cm, the flowers are collected in inflorescences and have a delicate aroma. Flowers can range from white to black. It blooms profusely and does not require pruning.

Baby Carnival

Characterized by abundant flowering, great for both rooms and garden borders. This yellow indoor rose invariably enjoys the love of gardeners.


This variety is distinguished by two-color double flowers– white with a pink center. It blooms profusely and for a long time, reaching a height of only 20 cm.


More common in the south. Bushes 30 cm tall are strewn with coral-colored flowers. The flowers themselves are collected in inflorescences of 10-15 pieces.

As a reference: do not confuse miniature indoor roses with Chinese indoor roses. The latter has nothing to do with roses and is called hibiscus.

Several Yet useful tips to care for the beautiful rose:

  • Remember, a rose will do poorly both in a too cramped and in a very spacious pot. When replanting, take a container slightly larger than before, and when planting, gradually increase the size of the pot
  • When planting and replanting, you can add special granules to the substrate, which will prevent the roots from rotting and rotting.
  • The smaller the pot, the more often you should water the rose (in a small pot the soil dries out faster).

Answers to readers' questions

This plant is perennial and with good care lives a long time.

Is this flower poisonous?

The indoor rose is not a poisonous plant.

Why doesn't the rose bloom?

Previous chapters described situations when a rose stops blooming or does not bloom at all. This may be a consequence of disturbance in the maintenance of the plant, as well as exposure to pests. It is necessary to inspect the flower. If no pests are observed, you need to change some care parameters and observe the plant.

Why does an indoor rose dry (wither)?

If the plant withers and the buds fall off, it means that it does not have enough watering. If this continues with normal watering, look for signs of disease or pests.

How does the plant overwinter?

The best wintering environment for indoor roses will be a balcony with a temperature no higher than +15 degrees. This is a dormant period for the plant, so minimal watering is required and fertilizing is needed.