Is it possible to replant blooming male happiness? Proper soil is the basis for the health of anthurium! Tips for buying and preparing your own soil

Flowers - wonderful decoration for home and garden. They create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. The flower “Male Happiness” comes from America. He is very beautiful and unusual. The plant belongs to the Araceae family.

The flower has become popular due to the unusual shape of the petals and unique appearance. The plant got its name because of its special shape. This article will discuss how to properly care for the “Male Happiness” flower.

Plant care

Anthurium is a very fastidious flower that requires careful care and attention. Above in the photo is the flower “Male Happiness”. How to care for it at home? Before buying this flower, you should familiarize yourself with the features of caring for it:

  1. Choose the right pot for planting. The container should be small. The flower loves tight spaces, since the roots do not grow and the plant does not waste extra energy on it. Soil acidification will also occur. Anthurium may not bloom after planting in a spacious container.
  2. When planting, expanded clay is added to the soil. It is advisable to update the substrate every spring. This is an important condition for flowering. The plant loves oxygen very much. Holes are made in the pot to allow oxygen to reach the root system.

Conditions for flower growth

How to care for your home flower “Male Happiness” so that it grows well?

This is very heat-loving plant, since it is tropical. Therefore, it is important to keep the room warm. But direct sunlight should be avoided, as it can harm the plant. In summer the temperature should be around 20-25 °C degrees.

IN winter time the temperature must not be lower than 20 °C. To speed up growth and flowering, you can increase the heat level as in summer time. First you need to wait for the buds to ripen at a temperature of 18 °C. Next, it will be possible to insulate the plant.

Anthurium needs moderate air humidification. You can place a tray with water and pebbles under the container with the flower. It is useful to irrigate the crown of the plant with water using a sprayer, but it is important to avoid getting moisture on the petals.

A humidifier is great for increasing humidity. If this is not possible, you can simply place a container of water next to the plant. As the water evaporates, it will create a tropical effect.

How to care for the “Male Happiness” flower so that it blooms? For flowering it is necessary to create favorable lighting conditions. Anthurium loves soft lighting. Direct sun exposure may cause burns and damage. The flower is best placed on the western or eastern sides. You can also place the plant at a distance of 1 meter from the window. In winter, you can place the flower on the south side of the windows.

Where is the best place to place indoor colors “Male Happiness” and how to care for them?

  • Places with drafts should be avoided. The most perfect place- the eastern part of the room, on or next to the window.
  • If installed plastic windows, you don’t have to worry about drafts and place the plant on the windowsill. Preference should be given to the part of the room where there is more light.
  • Placing it near electrical appliances is detrimental to the flower. The plant should not be placed near radiators and air conditioners.
  • If your apartment has a bathroom with a window opening, you can place a flower there for the winter. The necessary humidity and temperature for the plant will be provided. In summer time good place there may be a bedroom or a hall for him.

Type of flower in the interior

Connoisseurs of beauty do not remain indifferent to Anthurium. The beauty and brightness of the flower will add zest to any boring interior.

There are more than eight hundred varieties of “Male Happiness”. You can choose a plant for every taste and color that best suits the design of your apartment.

The smells of plants are also different. They can be gentle or harsh. This flower is able to decorate any dull room and delight its owner for a long time.

Conditions for good flowering

It is important to know how to care for the home flower “Male Happiness”. It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the plant. Nourish the soil with vitamins and fertilizers:

  1. It is important to water with purified water and let it settle. The water temperature should be room temperature. Avoid watering with water that has stood for a long time.
  2. To avoid soil drying out in hot weather, it is necessary to upper layer lay out sphagnum moss.
  3. If the flower is on the south side, protect it from direct rays or move it to the corner of the window.
  4. In winter, the plant needs additional artificial lighting. The desktop one will be able to handle this quite well.
  5. Frequent transplants are undesirable. It is best to replant the plant no more than 2 times a year: in spring and autumn.
  6. When flowering, it is better to move the plant away from the sun. It is also worth watering and spraying it more abundantly.

Flower transplant

The flower must be replanted 2 times a year. When purchasing, be sure to replant, first select a pot the right size. It is enough to replant once a year, and for older ones - up to three times.

Replanting must be done with care so as not to damage the fragile flower. If the roots are damaged, you need to sprinkle them activated carbon.

If you have no experience in replanting plants, you can ask for help from experienced gardener. This way you can avoid mistakes and gain valuable knowledge.

When transplanting, the flower feels stressed, so you need to touch the roots as little as possible and very carefully, holding the plant, sprinkle it with a mixture of soil and soil. You can also add moss. Next, water well to compact the soil.

Planting process

How to care for the “Male Happiness” flower when planting?

  1. First you need to prepare the soil, which consists of a mixture of different components. "Men's happiness" is a tropical flower, so it does not suit it normal soil. The soil for its habitat must be soft and loose.
  2. There must be sufficient oxygen supply to the roots of the flower. The soil should be slightly acidified, without lime. You can add coal, a substrate for flowering. Humus or substrate for azalea flowers is also good. When adding mixtures, it is important to strictly observe the proportions, otherwise the plant will suffer.

Reproduction methods

How to care for the “Male Happiness” flower when propagating? At improper reproduction the flower may die, so this must be done with extreme caution. If mistakes are made, the flower may die.

Plant propagation methods:

  • Using the top, which is cut off and placed in water until roots appear.
  • Shoots from the stems that are located in the root area.
  • When separating roots using a sharp instrument.

How to trim a flower?

Flower “Male and Female Happiness”: how to care for it when pruning:

  • Very carefully cut off the faded buds with a sharp knife. Sprinkle the cut area with crushed activated carbon.
  • When dry, the inflorescence itself may dry out, then you can carefully cut it off without harm to the flower.

Rejuvenation procedures

Over time, the flower may lose its former beauty. Growths may form in the root area, and a decrease in the number of lower leaves. Also, as the plant ages, flowers and small leaves grow. New buds may disappear completely.

When these signs appear, it is worth carrying out a rejuvenation procedure. Flower transplantation is a good and widely known method.

Watering a flower

The frequency and amount of watering depends on the subspecies of the flower. Therefore, when purchasing a plant, it is important to learn the secrets of caring for it, since each type of flower requires an individual approach. Underwatering or overwatering can cause unfavorable results.

In summer, the flower is watered up to 4 times a day. It is necessary to moisten the leaves every day with water from a spray bottle. In winter, watering is reduced and done once a week. Water that has stood for 3 days is suitable for irrigation.

Plant nutrition

For a flower to be healthy and blooming, it is necessary regular feeding. Proper care will strengthen the flower’s immunity and provide additional protection against pests.

Use organic and mineral products. Feeding period - 1 time with a break of 2 weeks. Solutions need to be changed one at a time.

In specialized stores you can purchase fertilizer specifically for your flower. It is important to carefully study the instructions for use.


"Male Happiness" is a beautiful, fascinating plant. The flower requires special attention and constant care. In order for a flower to delight you with its beauty and healthy appearance for a long time, it is important to devote a lot of time to it. For those who do not have the opportunity to carefully care for a flower, it is better not to purchase this type of plant.

Anthurium needs to be replanted once every 3-4 years. The soil for anthurium requires special attention, since the plant is an epiphyte. When replanting, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the root system of epiphytes and remember that ordinary soil is not suitable for anthurium.

What you need to know about anthurium

The homeland of epiphytes is located in the subequatorial and tropical climatic zones of the Central and South America. Plants live in tropical forests on tree trunks and practically do not need soil. Anthurium roots feed the plant from the forest floor, so it is necessary to grow it at home, taking into account the usual climatic conditions and features of the existence of life forms.

Anthurium flowers are a unique decoration for the interior of any home, and achieving anthurium flowering at home is the dream of every gardener.

Selecting the right land means ensuring success in this matter. And, if the time has come to replant the anthurium, then the soil for it should be loose, airy, as close as possible to the cover of a tropical forest.

Anthurium can be planted either in a ready-made mixture or in self-prepared soil for replanting. A florist who knows all the rules of replanting will be able to accurately determine which additive is suitable for the flower and in what soil the anthurium should be replanted.

Ready-made mixtures for replanting

Most easy way purchase a mixture suitable for planting - buy it in a specialized store. Unfortunately, there are not many soil manufacturers on the market specifically for these indoor plants. The most common of them are the substrate “Polessky”, “ForPro”, “Aurica Gardens”. These mixtures include all the components that are necessary for the effective growth and flowering of indoor epiphytes and semi-epiphytes.

They buy soil for orchids if they couldn’t find a ready-made mixture, and the time to replant the anthurium has already come. Orchids are also tropical plants and require an identical substrate based on peat and bark. You will have to add a little universal soil to this mixture to dilute these substances in a 1:1 ratio. If for some reason you have problems purchasing soil for orchids, you can plant anthurium in a substrate for begonias. This mixture needs to be replenished with the addition of perlite and sphagnum moss. Prepare the soil yourself if you need a guarantee quality composition substrate for replanting an exotic pet.

Self-preparation of a mixture for replanting anthurium:

  1. The first method is quite simple. IN universal primer, which most often consists of a peat base, add bark coniferous tree in a 1:1 ratio, and then improve the quality of the substrate by adding one or more nutritional components to the soil.
  2. The second method of preparing soil for replanting is as follows: you need to mix coniferous tree bark, peat and moss in equal proportions. Peat should be coarse fibrous. Turf soil is added last, after thoroughly mixing the remaining components. Its amount should be twice that of the previous additives (1:1:1:2). Add a small amount of charcoal and boldly plant tropical anthurium in the ground.

Nutrient components and their purpose

Today, several components are commercially available.

They are as follows:

  • Needles. Adding needles to the substrate is not recommended for all plants, but it is useful for anthurium. Epiphytes prefer soil with medium acidity, and needles, as is known, not only loosen the soil, but also acidify it. It should be added sparingly to avoid oversaturation of the soil with resins.
  • Compost. Compost is formed by decomposing manure over several years and pure form is too aggressive a nutritional element. It must be mixed with other types of soil for planting. People call compost humus.
  • Sand. Sand provides plants with additional soil loosening. When replanting anthurium, it is preferable to use coarse sand.
  • Expanded clay and brick chips. Brick or expanded clay chips are used to increase the air permeability of the soil and as drainage. The disadvantage of using brick chips is the presence of sharp edges on the chips, which can injure the roots of the plant.
  • Sod land. Sod soil is a layer of earth formed as a result of the overheating of layers of turf with manure. Turf land is very useful component, because rich nutrients and is well suited for flowers that prefer acidic soil, its acidity = pH 5-6.
  • Leaf ground. Leaf soil is formed by rotting tree leaves over two to three years. Such soil does not have extreme nutritional value, but it makes the soil more airy and breathable.
  • Peat. Peat soil and coconut fiber give the soil a special looseness due to its fibrous structure. Peat soil is formed by the decomposition of peat over a period of one year and maintains the mineral balance of the substrate. Coconut fiber has the same properties. These two components are widely used in the preparation of planting mixtures for orchids, anthuriums and ferns.
  • Sphagnum moss. Sphagnum moss is indispensable for epiphytic plants. By adding moss to the soil, the process of moisture exchange is regulated. Moss absorbs excess moisture and then releases it to the plant as needed. In addition, moss contains sphagnol, which prevents root rot, making it a kind of natural antiseptic. It is advisable to harvest moss in order to enrich the soil for replanting flowers in the fall, and add no more than 5% of the total mixture to the flowerpot.
  • Charcoal. Charcoal is a natural antiseptic and protects plant roots from rotting.
  • Perlite and vermiculite. Perlite and vermiculite enrich the soil with minerals, adding them in an amount of no more than 10% of the volume of the entire mixture.
  • Bark. The bark can be used in pieces of different sizes or in the form of crumbs. It acidifies the soil and makes it lighter and airier.

Soil disinfection

When replanting a flower, it is very important to preventive treatment soil, because plants planted in independently prepared mixtures are threatened not only by fungi and bacteria, but also by the presence of pest eggs.

There are several ways to disinfect the substrate:

  1. "Frost treatment"
    In winter, the substrate is taken out into the frosty air and left for 4-5 days. The air temperature should not be higher than – 5 – 7°C. Over this period of time, pathogenic organisms existing in the soil will die.
  2. Heat treatment.
    The soil is disinfected by high temperature. The processing rules are as follows: the soil is kept in an oven preheated to 80°C for an hour to ensure reliable protection from the development of harmful microorganisms.
  3. Steam treatment.
    Another reliable way neutralize the soil - treat it with steam. To do this, wrap the soil in a cloth and place it on a wire rack over a steam bath. This procedure must be carried out for at least an hour and a half.
  4. Treatment with a disinfectant mixture.
    For such treatment, you can use fungicides, or you can prepare your own disinfectant solution. To prepare it, dissolve 3 grams of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) in 5 liters of boiling water and treat the ground. It is recommended to use industrial biological mixtures - “Agat” or “Integral”. They include beneficial bacteria that destroy pathogenic microorganisms. The method of their use is indicated on the packaging.

It is important to know that substrate components such as peat and moss create favorable conditions for healthy soil flora and should not be processed. It is necessary to mix all parts of the soil after the treated components have cooled.

Does anthurium need drainage?

Often gardeners have a question: “Do anthuriums planted in a mixture of bark and peat need drainage?” The answer is clear: drainage is vital, because stagnation of water in a flowerpot is destructive for them. Drainage can be made from expanded clay, brick, large pieces of bark and even foam. The drainage pockets should be large enough, so use large pieces of your chosen material. Be sure to disinfect the material for making drainage, after scalding it several times with boiling water.

There is no need to replant anthurium often, but a serious approach to this issue is required. If you follow all the recommendations and choose the right soil, the tropical guest will thank you not only with lush color, but also cleanse the air of your home from such harmful impurities as xylene, ammonia and formaldehyde.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that these flowers are spathiphyllum and anthurium, which I have long known. And of course "female happiness" and " male happiness» - these are their popular names.

It is hard to believe. Do you even believe in omens and superstitions? I don't believe it, but I take it into account. By the way, this is what most people do. Why? Just in case. It's hard to believe in something you don't understand. But suddenly, signs and superstitions are patterns noticed but not explained by people. And, it may very well be that they exist objectively (like the force of gravity), that is, regardless of whether we believe in them or not.

Can flowers attract female and male happiness?

Can a man or woman become happy thanks to flowers?

People relate to colors differently. Someone (including me) loves them and cares for them as living beings, and the flowers reciprocate their feelings, grow and make them happy lush flowering. Others like to look at them, but not grow them. Still others are completely indifferent.

Everyone knows about beneficial properties many types of indoor plants. But not everyone knows that some plants have unusual energy and are capable of magically influencing our lives.

Flower "female happiness"

The Spathiphyllum flower is popularly called “women’s happiness.” It is believed that this name was given for good reason. This flower, it turns out, can help a lonely woman meet her love and get married, but not a happy one in marriage - improve relations with her husband and find family happiness, childless - become a mother.

It has also been noted among people that the miraculous power of a flower manifests itself only during the flowering period. In this way he responds to care and good care.

This unusual plant. He has long oblong dark green leaves on petioles expanding at the base, the flowers are similar to calla lilies, they are also white and heart-shaped. The plant does not have a stem, but the leaves and peduncle of spathiphyllum grow directly from the root. And what we call a flower is actually an inflorescence consisting of a cover white and a cob with small flowers. This blanket is shaped very much like a leaf, which is why the flower received the botanical name “Spathiphyllum”: spatha is translated from Latin as “bedspread”, and phylum as “leaf”. The ear can be either pale yellow or darker. As it blooms, the white cover of the flower darkens, acquiring a greenish tint.

Maybe you already have this flower. If not, then, of course, it is best to receive it as a gift, but you can also buy it. The main thing is to look after it well and take care so that it blooms.

What is needed for flowering

Spathiphyllum usually blooms from late winter to late autumn, or twice a year - in spring-summer and autumn-winter. It is not difficult to provide it with favorable conditions for flowering and good care.

Spathiphyllum belongs to the aroid family and in its natural habitat (in the tropics) grows along rivers and streams, in wet and swampy soils. Like any tropical plant, spathiphyllum requires abundant watering and does not tolerate overdrying of the soil in the pot. He likes good light, but not direct sun (direct sunlight may burn the leaves and slow down flower growth).

Therefore, the most favorable conditions at home are warmth (the most suitable temperature- from eighteen to twenty-five degrees), good lighting (and in winter, artificial lighting) and high humidity(moderate watering and abundant spraying with settled water, as the flower loves wet air). This temperature is very easy to maintain - it is normal room temperature. With a lack of moisture, the leaves will first begin to droop, and then turn yellow and fall off. If there is excess moisture, the leaves may turn black, which can lead to rotting and death of the flower.

Lush and long flowering is achieved only with proper care, which, in addition to a humid and warm microclimate, also includes correct lighting and proper watering. What you need to do: choose a well-lit place for it, but do not place the flower in direct sunlight, protect it from drafts, make sure that the soil in the plant’s pot does not dry out completely, but is not wet, do not leave water in the pot tray longer than for 1-2 hours, annually in the spring transplant the flower into a slightly larger pot (size flower pot for spathiphyllum it should be such that roots grow well in it, but not loose, but a little tight) - this will ensure its beautiful flowering.

In such conditions, your “female happiness” will definitely grow well, flourish and show its magical energy.

Flower "Male Happiness"

Anthurium is a flower with red flowers, similar to spathiphyllum, popularly called “male happiness.”

Hard green leaves form a bush, in the center of which several bright flowers rise. It also belongs to the aroid family. So, you need to take care of “male happiness” in the same way as “female happiness”.

This flower symbolizes courage, strength, love, life, passion, freedom - everything that men love in life, and we love and value so much in men.

It is believed that anthurium brings good luck and happiness to its owner and promotes a happy and long life.

So, if you want your beloved men to have everything great (especially all the good masculine qualities), give them anthurium. Men will be happy with such a gift, especially if you tell them more about it.

Flowers “female happiness” and “male happiness”

Considering that a woman’s happiness without a man’s love would be unrealized, it is easy to guess that these two flowers together attract

Anthurium is a beautiful houseplant of the Araceae family. It is valued for the colorfulness of its flowers and the variety of their colors. This plant can become a home decoration, delighting the eye with brilliant flowers. various shapes. Anthurium has different odors, which depend on the type of plant.


The legend about the origin of the flower originates in India. At that time, the world was ruled by cruelty and greed. People were divided into tribes, and heartless leaders ruled everything.

The leader of one of the tribes happened to be passing through his neighbors, where he saw a young, beautiful girl. He decided to take the person as his wife.

The girl was against marrying the leader and rejected the guy. He decided to go to war against her tribe and take her by force.

When he defeated the tribe and the wedding day arrived, the warriors lit a celebratory fire. The young lady did not want to be imprisoned in marriage with an unloved person. The girl decided to commit suicide by jumping into a fire, dressed in a beautiful red dress.

The gods took pity on the poor thing, who passed away so young, and turned her into a beautiful bright flower. The village itself has grown into a dense tropical forest, which in the morning weeps with the dew of the bitter tears of its relatives.

Flower symbolism

The Anthurium flower is considered a symbol of success and prosperity. Residents of Colombia always have this plant in their homes if they want to attract good luck and wealth. The flower is believed to carry good energy.

There is a tradition that newlyweds must have this flower in order for the marriage to be strong and happy. For weddings, recruits are given bouquets containing this beautiful plant.

Important! It is believed that you cannot buy Anthurium yourself, but only receive it as a gift. Then it will fill the house with positive energy.

What does it mean for women?

Anthurium is called a male flower or male happiness, which is why unmarried ladies should keep it at home in order to attract male energy and find a lover.

It is believed that if this plant blooms at home, then family life It will be light and reliable.

The husband will always please his beloved, support her in everything, love her.

If a woman has health problems or gets sick often, then this flower will help strengthen her immune system and fill herself with vitality. Anthurium will help cope with depression and bad mood. The same applies to guys.

Some beliefs say that with the help of a flower you can rid your husband of his addiction to alcohol. It also helps to get out of binge drinking.

Why is it called “male happiness”?

The plant received this name among the people because of its shape. Heart-shaped petals and a ponytail sticking out in the center are compared to a manifestation of male power.

This flower is a symbol male potency, endurance. If a guy suffers in this regard, this plant will help him regain his former strength and performance.

Interesting! Some ladies plant this plant at home to encourage a guy to take care of plants and become more economical. Who wouldn't want to cherish a flower that symbolizes his masculine pride?

Magic properties

Each plant has its own energy. Some “suck” the remnants of joy out of a person, while others charge them with positive energy.

Anthurium is able to absorb negative aura and fill the house with positive emotions. It is perfect for those who despair in life and have lost the colors of reality.

During the flowering period, Anthurium has the greatest powers that can attract money, love, and good luck. It helps a person move towards the intended goal, quickly restoring strength.

What does a plant mean in Feng Shui?

Anthurium has many positive properties, charging a person’s biofield with a positive aura, helping to overcome many life difficulties.

It is able to have a beneficial effect on the human mind, purify thoughts, and make consciousness clear.

The flower fills the house with harmony, strengthens the intuition of its owners, which helps them make important decisions.

This flower is able to sense the aura of a house, process it in a positive direction, filling people’s hearts with kindness. Surprisingly, the plant will not be able to get along with bad personalities and will have a lethargic, sickly appearance.

Can I keep it at home?

Despite all the benefits of the Anthurium flower, it can be harmful on a biological level. Its juice contains toxic substances, which have a toxic effect on the human body and affect the mucous membrane. The aroma of the plant can be dangerous for people with allergies.

Do not immediately refuse the flower for fear of damaging your health. Calcium oxalates are present in the plant in low quantities and are practically not capable of causing harm. It is better to protect this plant from children and animals who can taste the amazing flower.

Why does it bloom?

Anthurium can bloom only with proper care and favorable conditions for habitation.

The main period of its flowering occurs from February to November, “falling asleep” only during the most severe periods of winter.

Its flowers are located on the stems for a long time, having a beautiful, pristine appearance. When cut, they do not wither for more than three weeks.

It is also believed that during the flowering period the flower is filled with forces that can have a beneficial effect on environment. Usually at this time, its owners go through all their affairs easily, they are accompanied everywhere great mood, feeling of lightness.

The plant is crying, what does this mean?

The appearance of droplets of moisture on the leaves of a plant, similar to dew, can be explained at the biological level. This happens when the plant receives too much moisture through the soil and gets rid of its excesses in this way.

Guttation is observed in many plants of the Araceae family. This phenomenon can often be observed before rain, when the air is filled with moisture.

Where should it be placed in the house?

To get the most positive energy from Anthurium, you need to position it correctly. It is best to follow a few simple rules:

  1. It is better to place a flower pot in the eastern part of the house.
  2. It is better to place it in the bedroom.
  3. Avoid being near electrical appliances that absorb energy.

Is it possible to put it together with spathiphyllum?

People call spathiphyllum " Woman's happiness" These flowers are very similar in appearance and at the biological level.

Well, what could there be “Women’s Happiness” without “Male Happiness”?

Many couples start by their own flower and place them next to each other. People noticed that they grew up “hand in hand”, as if they were inseparable.

If each spouse lovingly cares for the plant, then understanding and love will always reign between them.

Caring for them is quite simple, you should follow some rules:

  • The plant should be watered rarely, but abundantly. In summer no more than 2 times a week;
  • Keep the flower in a warm room;
  • Protect your pet from drafts;
  • Place it in well-lit places, away from direct sunlight.


The Anthurium flower is a rather interesting and mysterious plant. In the house it will not only serve as decoration and part of the interior, but will fill the room with positive energy.

This flower is capable of changing the fate of its owner in better side and strengthen the aura on the good side. This plant can become best friend for many years.

One of the most spectacular home flowers that you simply cannot pass by is anthurium. With the unusual exotic flower There are many signs and beliefs associated with it, according to which happiness and prosperity come to the house with it.


A guest from the tropics, originally from South America. IN late XIX century was brought to France and quickly spread throughout Europe. The appearance of the culture gave it its name, which literally translated into Russian means “tail-shaped flower.” There are 28 species of this plant, and thanks to the work of gardeners, about 80 hybrids have been bred.

A crop with rich green leaves of an unusual shape - heart-shaped or arrow-shaped. It’s hard to call a flower beautiful - your own appearance it resembles a young ear of corn. The color of the flower can be different: white, yellow, green or pink.

The spathe that surrounds the flower and serves to attract insects is the true decoration of the flower. Its shape resembles a heart and is colored saturated color: Lemon, orange to almost black in color, although mottled bracts are sometimes found.

The aroma of a flower depends on the type of plant - it can be very pleasant or quite the opposite.

The flowering period of “male happiness” (as this flower is often called) is quite long - from March to November. With proper care, anthurium can grow up to 0.8 meters in height, and the diameter of the bedspread can reach 0.5 m.

Did you know? It is difficult to find a plant that could receive more names than anthurium. It is also known by such names as: “red tongue”, “pig tail”, “flamingo flower”, “devil’s tongue”, “arrows of love”, “passion flower”, “male happiness”.

Home care

The spectacular appearance of the plant requires proper care. In order for it to please with its lush flowering, you must adhere to following rules:
1. Temperature. Like any other tropical plant, anthurium is thermophilic. Comfortable temperature for it the indicators are +15...+28 °C. IN summer period temperature readings must exceed +20 °C, and in winter period- +15 °C. The crop does not tolerate drafts very well; for it, exposure to wind is destructive.

Important! If you want to achieve flowering of anthurium in winter, increase the air temperature.

2. Lighting. The flower loves diffused and soft lighting, without direct sunlight. The “flower of love” will feel best on the window sills that face the east or north-west.

3.Watering. When watering “arrows of love” you need to use settled water room temperature. In summer, water once every four days; in winter, once every 7-10 days is enough. Despite the fact that it comes from the tropics, it does not tolerate frequent watering. Before the procedure, you need to check how wet the soil is in the flower pot, whether there is water in the pan, and only then water it. “Male Happiness” tolerates dry soil more easily than overly moist soil.
4. Air humidity. For a culture to exist comfortably, it needs high humidity air from 80% and above. It is difficult to create such conditions in apartments, but you can use the following tricks:

  • regularly spray the flower with a spray bottle for indoor plants;
  • wipe the leaves with a damp cloth;
  • humidify the air using a humidifier;
  • place an open vessel with water next to the flower: the liquid will evaporate and simultaneously moisten the anthurium.
5. Feeding for anthurium. With the onset of spring, the “passion flower” must be fed with minerals and organic fertilizers. Pay special attention to the composition of nutrient mixtures - they should not contain mineral salts and lime; the culture reacts extremely negatively to these components. Stop feeding anthurium in November.

6. Soil selection. Anthurium feels good in slightly acidic soil, with a pH of 5.5-6.5. To prepare it, you need to take 2 parts humus, 1 part peat, 1 part leaf soil, ½ part sand. In order for the soil to breathe well, you need to add pieces of foam or expanded clay to it, charcoal. You can use the following soil composition for anthurium: 2 parts peat, 1 part turf soil and 1 part sphagnum moss with the addition of coarse sand.

Diseases and pests

The “passion flower” is quite rarely susceptible to disease; most often, problems arise if mistakes were made in caring for the plant.


Appearance brown spots or dots on the sheets is associated either with a burn received from direct sunlight, or indicates that the air temperature has been reduced for quite a long time.

The appearance of yellow and brown spots, which gradually grow over the leaves, causing them to fall off, are signs of fungi and are called and. The causative agents of the disease can be insects, irrigation water, and contaminated soil.

For treatment, it is necessary to isolate the infected culture from others. Next, you need to remove the affected leaves, and to prevent the disease from occurring again, change the soil, treat the pot, and immerse the roots of the flower in a weak solution for 10 minutes. After transplantation, the anthurium must be treated with fungicides (,).

Important!If the anthurium is severely damaged by the action of the fungus, it is destroyed, since all indoor flowers in the house can become infected.

If spots of unknown origin appear on the flower cover, be careful when spraying the plant, this means that water has gotten on it.

Darker and drying tips of the leaves indicate that the soil has a high calcium content - the soil mixture needs to be replaced.

If the stem and roots rot, then excessive watering is to blame; if it is not reduced, the plant will die.

If the anthurium has stopped throwing out flower stalks, pay attention to the pot, perhaps it is too spacious, replant the flower.


Pests that can be dangerous to “male happiness” are:, and. In order to prevent their appearance, the leaves and stems of the plant are wiped with warm water.

If the plant has already been attacked by pests, then it is treated with soapy water (using laundry soap) or an insecticide (,).

How to seat

When the plant grows, daughter stems form around it. As a rule, the plant is seated when transplanting, so as not to expose it to stress once again. When replanting, carefully separate the side plants from the main one, simultaneously untangling the roots so as not to injure them.

If the root system of a plant is damaged, it must be treated with water with activated carbon dissolved in it for disinfection. This is followed by the same work as when replanting a plant.

Did you know? It is believed that during flowering, anthurium refreshes the feelings of people living in the house, brings love and happiness.

How to transplant correctly

The “passion flower” must be replanted regularly. Usually, spring is chosen for replanting (preferably March), even if at this time the plant has thrown out its peduncle. In the first four years, this procedure is repeated annually, later they look at the condition of the anthurium approximately once every three to four years.