Do-it-yourself sea air at home. We humidify the air in the apartment using improvised means

Due to radiators in winter time The air in the house becomes very dry, which is known to cause discomfort and sometimes lead to health problems. Of course, humidifiers are perfect option to create a comfortable microclimate, but what to do if there is none?

Place a clothes dryer in your bedroom and hang your washed clothes on it before you go to bed. This way, the air in the room will become more humid, and you won’t wake up at night from a dry throat and nose.
Cold air is always dry. The fact that you ventilate the room for a long time during the cold season will only make the air in the room drier.

You can also place vases or bowls of water in the room. But a huge basin or bucket will not look very beautiful, so you can put fruits, such as apples or tangerines, dried flowers or petals or floating candles in a bowl, and make a composition from small vases by collecting them together. This way you will not only humidify the air in the house, but also decorate the interior a little.
Place several bowls or vases around the apartment, and, if possible, place the water on the radiator, so the water will evaporate faster.

If you take a bath, leave water behind. Don't drain it or close the bathroom door.
Important: if you have small children, do not leave them unattended in this case.

Cook on the stove and wash dishes often. Have you noticed that in winter you always want to cook something delicious? This not only lifts your mood in the cold and dark season, but also increases the humidity in the house. But: due to cooking in the oven, the air, on the contrary, becomes drier.

Buy a Cyperus plant. It is considered a natural air humidifier because... it releases from 500 ml - 2 liters of moisture daily. Cyperus loves water very much and gives it away with pleasure, if you don’t forget to water it regularly and spray the leaves.

How to create a maritime climate in your home? The recipe is given by a company that produces new generation interior decoration. Now you will not only have a beautiful and cozy place, but also be healthy!

Now everyone can create a marine climate right at home thanks to BioViT fiber panels developed by the Shrim company. BioViT fiber panels are a unique development that brings Decoration Materials to a whole new level of perception! Thanks to their special filling, BioViT fiber panels will not only give the room a pleasant aesthetic appearance and will have a beneficial effect on people’s health, providing stable humidity and a microclimate similar to the sea.

An integrated approach also requires attention to the bathroom - this is a modern trend for creating coziness and comfort.. Even furniture for bathrooms and yourself baths- quite complex items that are environmentally friendly and practical. You can also choose quality solutions on the Internet. Many chain stores have huge specialized departments that have everything, including bathtubs - . Showers save space, and acrylic bathtubs serve for a long time. It has become more difficult to choose furniture and equipment for the bathroom - the assortment is so rich that it takes a long time to make a difficult choice.

The River Stone sink is an ensemble of natural stone oval in shape, going back to the tradition of placing one stone on top of another as a symbol. Dsignio found an image common to all world cultures, and that is why it turned to the natural world, the theme of water and river stone. The oval shape of the stone washed by water recalls the source of water, the stones around which, as if polished by its waters, took on the most natural and pleasant to the touch shape.

Again about the tiles:

The main raw material component is natural crystalline salt, formed as a result of the evaporation of the waters of the ancient sea, which is used in medicine in the treatment of osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and arthritis.

Salt deposits were discovered as a component in the famous Stasfurt salt deposits of Germany by the German geologist and chemist Karl Oxenius. In the first decades after their discovery, they were considered a rare mineral, but in the 1930-50s, extensive deposits were discovered in the Volga region. The salty component is easily soluble in water and therefore is obtained by dissolving with artesian water - leaching - a dry underground layer of the mineral at a depth. Workers at drilling wells washed their hands with this brine and noticed that the joints of their hands stopped hurting after that. An interesting fact interested doctors; the mineral successfully passed tests for its use for medical purposes, and permission was received from the USSR Ministry of Health.

In many cultures, salt was considered a precious, even sacred product. The healing balneotherapeutic properties of ancient sea salts have been known since time immemorial. Even the Jews and Romans built hydropathic clinics on its banks. In the Middle Ages, the price of salt was so high that it played the role of money like other valuable items. “For a kilogram of salt - a kilogram of golden sand. This is how the peoples of salt-free Africa regarded salt,” wrote Academician Fersman. Among the pagan Slavs, who worshiped many gods and made all kinds of sacrifices to them, salt, like other peoples, was considered sacred. The ritual meaning of salt and the belief in it as a magically sacred object developed among the Slavs in ancient times, just like among other peoples. The only difference was that salt, in those cases where it was a symbol of fidelity, friendship, wealth and prosperity, was inextricably linked with bread. Among the Slavs, bread and salt were equally revered as a source of wealth and life. Therefore, bread and salt became a symbol of fidelity, on the one hand, and a symbol of wealth and abundance, on the other.

The therapeutic use of salt is booming these days. The use of BioViT fiber panels in finishing allows you to maintain humidity balance in the room. When the moisture content is high, part of it is absorbed; when the moisture is too dry, the material evaporates, as if it “breathes” and creates an atmosphere in the room close to the atmosphere of the sea coast due to the natural ionization of the air. The sterility and bactericidal nature of “living” air and the presence of salt air ions have a beneficial effect on humans. At room temperature The wood composition of the tiles controls humidity and saturates the air with valuable elements such as iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, bromine, iron and selenium. Every breath in a room decorated with BioViT provides valuable minerals and trace elements to the human body.

Staying in a room decorated with BioViT fiber panels gives a particularly positive effect on the following diseases: asthma, allergies, pulmonary and bronchial diseases (for example, allergic or Chronical bronchitis), diseases of the cardiovascular system, rheumatic diseases, headaches and migraines, skin diseases (for example, acne, psoriasis, eczema), psychosomatic disorders, depression and fatigue, insomnia - and is also useful for people with increased sensitivity of the respiratory tract. Salt therapy is suitable for all ages because... has a general strengthening effect on the body. The presence of unique natural components makes “BioViT” a natural antiseptic, blocks the proliferation of mold fungi in the thickness and on the surface of walls, and it is also not edible for rodents.

Scope of application of BioViT fiber panels in interior decoration The premises are extremely rich. These are tiles of any size, incl. non-standard for walls and ceilings. It can be used to make window sills and steps, countertops for baths and kitchens, bar and administrative counters, and can be used as facing fake diamond for swimming pools and fireplaces, as skirting boards, cornices, framing portals, elements of stairs, columns and much more.

BioViT fiber panels have a set of extraordinary qualities: low sound permeability, high abrasion strength, low thermal conductivity, light weight, and easy to process. BioViT fiber panels can be sawed, nailed and screwed in. Appearancehard material white sometimes cream color.

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For comfortable life a person needs not only a comfortably furnished place in the form of an apartment or house. The microclimate in the home is also important. And for this it is necessary to support optimal temperature and understand how to humidify the air in the apartment.

Why is air humidification so important?

Everyone knows that dry air in an apartment is bad. This causes the flowers to dry out. It's even worse with people. The skin becomes dry, the throat feels sore, the mucous membranes of the nose and lungs become dry, and copious mucus begins to be secreted. defense mechanism from dust, and its excess is a risk of disease due to pathogenic bacteria that can multiply in it. The eyes dry out and begin to become inflamed. A lot of bad things can happen to the human body due to dry air. You can solve the problem if you humidify the air in the apartment with your own hands or using special devices.

In addition to the detrimental effect on all living things, dry air also spoils everything wooden furniture. Musicians are most familiar with this when the material of an instrument dries out - consider the instrument irrevocably damaged.

In the opposite case, when the humidity is too high, this is also not good. However, the consequences are less terrible, and the problem is solved by simple ventilation. Therefore, it is worth paying more attention to the problem than humidifying the air in the room.

For a normal and comfortable life in an apartment or house, relative air humidity must be maintained in the range from 40 to 60%. It is very important to maintain it within this limit all year round.

A little theory

When thinking about the microclimate of your apartment, it is important to ask yourself not only why to humidify the air, but also to understand what this process depends on. When discussing the microclimate of an apartment, they operate with such concepts as air temperature and relative humidity. The first one is clear. But relative humidity is defined as the percentage of moisture content in the air. Changes from 0 to 100%. At 100% humidity, water can no longer evaporate, since there is nowhere else to go. If there is still evaporation, then the excess above 100% immediately condenses. The value of relative humidity is inextricably linked with air temperature and pressure. There is even a complex and tricky way to display this dependence. i-d chart invented by L.K. Ramzin.

It is important to understand that the lower the air temperature, the less moisture it can hold and the less it is needed to reach 100% (dew point). And vice versa, as the temperature rises, more water vapor is needed. For example, if humidity at 15 degrees is 60%, then when the temperature rises to 25C, the humidity will already be approximately 35%, and all this with the same amount of water vapor.

IN winter period year, when cold air from the street in the apartment is heated by heating means to desired temperature, air humidity drops to catastrophically low values.

How to increase indoor air humidity?

The answer is simple - you need to evaporate a sufficient amount of water in a room with dry air. An effective option There will be a purchase of a special device - an air humidifier. However, you can still humidify the air in your apartment without a humidifier. There are a number of activities that you can do with your own hands and still achieve the desired goal.

  • The simplest one is to place water tanks around the room. These can be jugs or vases with water. Slowly but surely the water will evaporate.

However, this may not be enough. Then the next option would be a wet, thick towel that should be placed on the battery. Evaporating due to heating from the battery, the water will quickly enter the air in the form of vapor and will help humidify the air in winter. As the towel dries, you need to wet it again.

  • If you don’t want to constantly run to the bath and back, then you can do something drastic. Place a container of water on the battery. It will take quite a long time before the water completely evaporates. As a result, you will only have to add water once every few days.

The second option involves a whole host of implementation methods. You can place the container on the floor, and hang a bandage folded several times on the radiator, the end of which will hang into the container with water. The water will rise through the fabric of the bandage and evaporate due to the heat of the battery.

Can be cut from tin or plastic bottle a glass with a tail. Using the tail, attach the cup to the pipe that goes to the battery and constantly fill it with water.

  • The third option is to make a humidifier yourself. The easiest way to do this is to use a computer power supply, fans and improvised means. An example of such a humidifier is in the video below:

What else will help with hydration?

Simple household little things and nuances will help make it easier to humidify the air in your apartment. If you dry clothes indoors, then the humidity will rise to a sufficient level. Also, indoor plants that humidify the air, distributed throughout the apartment, will reduce the problem to nothing. For example, cyperus can evaporate up to 3 liters per day. And the process of regularly spraying plants will also help significantly.

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    Hi all! I ordered decorative soil for flowers from Aliexpress. I poured water on them, they swelled, filled the vases and Voila)))) there doesn’t seem to be anything extra, and the air in the room is always humidified)))

    I bought myself a humidifier and don’t worry... and I advise you to. In 24 hours it blows out 8 liters of water! In addition, I bought a salt lamp, I don’t know if it’s useful or not, but let it work too.

    Why not just ventilate the room in winter? Or rather, make a good hood (30 cubic meters per person) and a good supply (in the form of a breather, or just an open window). Relative humidity outside in winter reaches up to 75%. Our son loves to sleep in any weather with open window and batteries turned off. Walking past his room is like walking through the North Pole, but there are no problems with humidity!

    When I became concerned about the problem of dry air in the room, a clothes steamer came to my aid; by the way, it was unfairly rarely used in our family for its intended purpose. In 1 hour of work from 30% to 80% on the hygrometer.

    None of these methods, except for an expensive humidifier, raises humidity to normal levels.
    All sorts of gadgets such as sprayers, water containers, flowers, linen, etc. They improve the situation by a maximum of 10%, it has been tested repeatedly. And how much fuss with them spoils the interior. Of course, all these activities convince us that it has become easier to breathe and in fact it becomes a little easier. But the underlying problem is not being solved.
    Therefore, let's better talk about high-quality and inexpensive humidifiers.

    After it started heating season, there was dry air in the apartment, there was simply nothing to breathe. I tried placing jars of water, covering the radiators with a damp towel, etc., but no result. You can’t live without a humidifier in a city apartment!

    My situation is this: the humidifier works all night, a stream of steam is directed at me, however, I wake up at night because all the mucous membranes are drying out, the skin in my nose is bursting, etc. I just don’t know what to do anymore!

    Oh, it’s not for nothing that I came across this article. Thanks for the educational program! Moved to new housing. 16th floor, sunny side. Previously, he was on a business trip in the country with maritime climate with a very humid climate. Of course, there are costs, especially in winter, when due to the humid air the slight cold really began to ache. On the other hand, I was sick there, unlike Moscow, much less and easier.
    When I moved here, dandruff appeared on my eyebrows in the apartment, and I had a dry cough from nowhere (I don’t smoke). I changed my water and ate my vitamins. Apparently, the body really doesn’t have enough moisture. I went to get some sea air at home.

    Just a modern iron with steam can easily replace any humidifier. If you feel uncomfortable, place containers with water on the radiators and you can steam the room with an iron for 15-20 minutes, placing the iron with water horizontally on a metal stand or on a deep plate.

    For me wet air in the apartment is component comfort. In order to humidify the air in the room, I use a regular spray bottle. I think this is quite effective method. In addition, it does not require large expenditures. And I have no problems with humidity. The air dries out as a result of air convection through radiators or heaters. I installed heated floors in all rooms. Now I’m warm and no one gets sick.

    I started solving the problem of dry air in the room after the birth of my son. He was born in the summer, and when we turned on the heating in the fall, his skin became irritated. The best decision, of course, a household humidifier. But you can also raise the humidity level yourself - dry clothes in the room, put more living plants, and around them - plastic containers with pebbles and regularly fill the stones with water. Not as effective as a humidifier, but still better than nothing. And to control it, it’s worth buying a hygrometer; they sell them in pet stores.

    Yes, we had an air humidifier, but it didn’t really do much good. Either the company is no good, or maybe it did something wrong. They took it mainly for indoor plants, I really love flowers. Now I’ve actually been convinced from my own experience that it’s better to place containers with water, it will be more beneficial than spending money on a humidifier and electricity.

    Air humidification is a very exciting topic for me personally, I hadn’t thought about it before, but I recently became a mother and now humidified air is a very important factor in our apartment. At first I ran around with wet towels and hung them everywhere, but this method is not very suitable, so How does this create an unattractive appearance. You also hang all kinds of furniture on furniture, but it gets spoiled! In general, you should not spare money, buy good humidifier and feel normal, don’t worry about the health and safety of the furniture

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Do you want to go to the sea, but there is still a year until your vacation? Fortunately, you can enjoy the sea air without leaving the city.

Sea air has a beneficial effect on our health and well-being.

In the 19th century, doctors advised traveling with children to the sea coast if prevention or treatment of frequent respiratory diseases was required. And, oddly enough, in this area their recommendations have not changed much, except that people have learned to create sea air in the city.

The salt room is small room, lined with natural cave salt. Their feet are also buried in a thick layer of large crumbly crystals - children play with salt as if it were snow or sand, for this there are buckets and shovels. A special gas generator saturates the room with microparticles of sodium chloride. When breathing, salt crystals larger than 5 microns settle in the nasopharynx, and smaller ones penetrate deep into the lungs. Air temperature in the room -18-25°C, relative humidity -at the level 30-60%. All this creates comfortable conditions for visitors and a stable microclimate.

The air in the room is practically sterile, so the entrance to street shoes strictly prohibited.

In the salt room you can sit with magazines on comfortable relaxation chairs, and if you wish, you can take a nap to the sounds of soothing music.

If you come to the salt room for treatment, you can wear a robe inside. If you need a cosmetic effect for your skin, then you should bring a swimsuit. It is not necessary to hide your hair under a cap - not so much salt gets on it that there could be any negative effect.

The session lasts 45-60 minutes. Of these, the halogenerator works for 15 minutes, and you actively breathe salt vapors, and the rest of the time you relax and receive what the salt walls give out. You don’t feel the taste of salt in your mouth, it doesn’t sting your eyes, and it doesn’t bother you with pronounced unpleasant odors. On the contrary, the room is very comfortable. Only at the end of the session does it feel like there is a thin coating on the skin like talc. It can be washed off right there in the shower, or you can “wear it” until the evening for better effects. Salty air dries and disinfects the skin, relieves irritation and itching, helps with acne, allergic reactions, psoriasis and eczema. Gentle cleansing of pores and regeneration of skin cells occur. Sometimes cosmetologists prescribe sessions in the salt room after injection procedures to help the injection marks heal faster.

At the time of visiting the salt room, I did not have a cold, so I just breathed in the salt air. However, other visitors unanimously assure that the procedures help remove phlegm, make breathing easier during nasal congestion, and are generally indispensable for a person who has a persistent cold. There are even tricks: for example, in case of diseases of the larynx and bronchi, you need to breathe through your mouth - take a slow deep breath, drawing in air in small portions, hold your breath, and then exhale as slowly as possible.

The air in the room is saturated not only with microparticles of salt, but also with individual ions of chlorine and sodium (as well as potassium, magnesium, calcium - after all, natural salt is rich in mineral impurities). When we breathe, such air has a slight irritant effect on the respiratory tract, and this leads to the dilution of mucus and accelerates its elimination. It’s very similar to home inhalations with a nebulizer, only now it’s as if you’re inside a huge inhaler with natural ingredients. And besides, you get additional bonuses for the skin and nervous system.

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis).
To strengthen immune system, prevention of seasonal diseases.
To improve the condition of bronchitis and chronic tonsillitis.
For the treatment of colds and flu.
For dermatological problems.
To strengthen the skeletal system and nail plates.
During the treatment of snoring and insomnia.

Acute illnesses with high fever.
Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
Specific diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.

In the cold season it melts topical issue about how to humidify the air in a room or apartment without a humidifier in winter at home and is it possible to make dry air more humidified without a humidifier? And it’s not surprising, because health problems, especially in winter, can arise due to dry air. The atmosphere becomes less comfortable. And children are the first to feel it. Therefore, the task of parents is to find a way to additionally humidify the space in the apartment. For this purpose they are used various ways, moreover, does not necessarily mean the use of special devices for humidification.

If you want to make your stay in an apartment more comfortable, you can use the most simple actions. You have to humidify the air in winter in any case, but you need to do it in such a way as not to provoke the development of viruses in the space. The task of maintaining a healthy microclimate in the house is quite feasible if you control the normal temperature conditions in rooms and humidity levels. It is for this purpose that many are interested in the possibilities of how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier in winter at home.

A clean, cool and humid environment in the home affects our well-being and mood. In winter, to cope with depression and protect your body from infections, much attention is paid to the microclimate in our homes. This issue should be of utmost importance when there is a child in the house.

You can understand how dry the air has become in the autumn-winter period, when seasonal heating begins in apartments, which causes the humidity level in them to sharply decrease. At the same time, the air becomes incredibly dry. But first you need to understand how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier in winter.

Why is dry air in an apartment dangerous?

It is believed that normal humidity levels reach around 40-60 percent with temperatures ranging between 18-20 degrees Celsius in winter. Temperature control in the current conditions, you can regulate it yourself. This parameter can be adjusted - in summer it is enough to open a window to set comfortable temperature in the house, and in winter - turn on an additional heater. But at the same time, you need to check the humidity level - and, if necessary, bring this indicator to the optimal level.

Low indoor humidity sometimes leads to illness in households. This manifests itself in the fact that people’s skin begins to actively peel off, and for some, allergy attacks may intensify. In this regard, you need to monitor your well-being. But at the same time you need to help yourself. At severe peeling and dry skin, you can use a moisturizer.

However, if the air is too dry, then this method is ineffective. The skin will quickly become dry again. A sore throat with low humidity is one of the characteristic features not a comfortable state. Unpleasant sensations arise due to drying of the mucous membranes. In this case, breathing problems appear. This is due to lack of moisture in the lungs. As a result, an allergic reaction develops or worsens. Asthmatics are not recommended to live in such conditions. In addition, the child may develop ARVI and will have to be treated for frequent colds.

Symptoms of dry air in an apartment:

  • frequent causeless headaches
  • bad sleep, insomnia
  • fatigue, apathy
  • yellowed plants
  • dry skin
  • dry throat and nasal cavity, especially in the morning after waking up


How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier in winter at home

First, you will have to check how true the fears about dry air turn out to be. It is important to make sure how much indoor humidity has decreased and how different this indicator is from the norm. For this purpose, a research device is used - a hygrometer. Only after this can the task of correcting the situation be determined.

Today, many people install special air humidifiers in their homes and apartments to solve an important problem. Such installations help technically achieve a comfortable environment in the home. It will not be difficult to purchase such a device. You can inquire about new models of equipment in a trusted store household appliances. But a good humidifier is expensive. And not every family can afford it. It remains to find new ways to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier in winter at home.

Achieving this goal is easy. It is enough to use several relevant methods to humidify the room without a humidifier.

Wet cleaning

You need to do wet cleaning in the house more often. This is one of the simplest and available ways, which help cope with dry microclimates. Wet cleaning allows you to get rid of a significant part of the germs and microorganisms that live in dust, for example, mites. They cannot be seen with the naked eye, but these microorganisms abound in rooms that are rarely cleaned. This method of solving a problem has its own strengths and weak sides.


  • Thanks to wet cleaning and floor washing, the air is naturally humidified;
  • microbes are destroyed.


  • You can carry out wet cleaning in almost any room, the only exception will be a special floor covering.

It is necessary to ventilate the room more often. This should become a daily habit. When the apartment is ventilated, the air here becomes fresher. In addition, this is a great way to slightly change the microclimate in the house for those who do not know how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier in winter. The increase in humidity during ventilation is affected by the weather outside. In winter or during heavy rain, the humidity level increases not only outside, but also inside the house.

This also has its strengths and weaknesses.


  • good weather in the European part of the country often gives way to rain, so you can ventilate the room often.



A fountain for those who don’t know how to humidify the air without a humidifier at home in winter. Install so small home fountain It's not difficult today. The main thing is that this is a completely achievable way to improve the air quality in the apartment. To do this, you need a special reservoir for water, from which it will descend in cascades and rise again. Technically, it looks like a closed water cycle. In addition to a purely functional purpose, such a fountain has an aesthetic function. This way you can decorate the interior. The main thing is not to forget to fill the water tank at the right time and get used to its constant gurgling.

Like the previous ones, this method of increasing humidity also includes strengths and weaknesses.


  • a practical and relevant way to moisturize;
  • the ability to use such a mechanism for relaxation purposes.


  • For particularly sensitive people, such murmurs may seem intrusive.

How to humidify the air without a humidifier using an aquarium

This good way humidification for all types of houses. An aquarium can be considered a natural air humidifier. But here you will have to constantly monitor the quantity and quality of water in the fish due to the evaporation of moisture. Installing an aquarium has a beneficial effect on children and adults, calming them down. nervous system. The larger the aquarium, the greater the benefits from it. After all, then the evaporation of moisture occurs more intensely.

And in this case, you need to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the moisturizing method.


  • hydration occurs naturally;
  • fish in an aquarium is also a good indicator of a healthy microclimate;
  • This is a great way to calm yourself.


We grow flowers in the house

Mini flower beds can be arranged on your windowsill. Beautiful flower garden not only decorate environment. This is also a good incentive for an active life - a mini-flower bed or flower pots need to be periodically watered and fed.

Frequent watering, as a way to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier in winter, significantly increases humidity. And besides, bright, colorful, varied flowers have a beneficial effect on others and help improve the microclimate in the apartment. This means that everyone who lives in the house can calmly take a deep breath of air.

Flowers of certain varieties also help to recover from ailments. They say that living plants have beneficial energy. IN in this case, the main thing is that the plants help maintain a comfortable level of humidity in the house. Flowers and other plants are watered after a certain period of time. But spraying the leaves can be done daily, which will also affect the humidity in the house. Once on the soil, moisture evaporates, thus maintaining the natural cycle of moistening and evaporation. You can buy flowers or grow them yourself.

This method of hydration has several strengths and weaknesses.


  • the more the flower garden grows, the more intense the hydration will be;
  • plants disinfect the air;
  • Natural beauty helps you relax and recover.


Drying clothes and clothes in the apartment

There is usually a device in the bathroom for drying clothes. But in large families, especially those with small children, they have to dry their clothes more than once a day. This process ensures constant humidity in living areas. But in dry air this is even beneficial. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at such an opportunity as effective method How to humidify the air without a humidifier.

For convenience, you can place an additional dryer, for example, on the balcony. Washed items are an excellent source of fumes. This way you can achieve a normal humidity level. Instead of a special dryer, you can use heating radiators. But in this case, the laundry will dry faster and there will be less evaporation.

In small families there is no need to do laundry every day. But this method will also be effective. For example, you can wet a terry towel and hang it over the back of a chair as an alternative to placing an open plastic water bottle. A dampened towel is a completely accessible and long-known method of hydration.

However, as in most cases, before you use anything, you need to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the method of how to humidify the air in the apartment.


  • in many families, washed clothes have to be dried every day, but this is also a way to naturally humidify the air;
  • Today, things can be washed with products with a pleasant smell, which, when evaporated, will spread throughout the room.


We humidify the air through a spray bottle

This device is sold in many stores. To do this, it is not necessary to have a whole greenhouse in the house. When the air is dry in winter, it is enough to spray water from a spray bottle on curtains or light tulle a couple of times a day. A little evaporation will be enough to increase the humidity here at least a little.

How do you see the strengths and weaknesses of this method of humidification for those who have just learned how to humidify the air without a humidifier at home in winter.


  • perhaps this is one of the most common and possible methods increasing the level of humidity in apartments, which requires absolutely no costs.


  • Due to water getting on the fabric, noticeable marks may remain on its surface after drying, for example, in the form of streaks.

Use a container of water to moisten

This method of naturally humidifying a room in winter involves installing several filled tanks in the apartment. You can arrange them at your own discretion. You can even figure out how to beautifully choose containers to decorate your interior with. They should fit harmoniously into the overall background of the house. These containers can be further decorated decorative elements. For example, fish, sea figurines, shells.

You can place several colorful jugs of water with plant cuttings in them to humidify the air in the room. So, scindapsus is perfect for these purposes; it feels great in water. All that remains is to monitor the filling of the tank.

There will be enough evaporation so that you won’t experience the consequences of dry air in your apartment all winter. If you don’t have beautiful containers yet, then you can put a bowl of water somewhere in a secluded place, away from radiators. True, in this case you will have to forget about the decor.

Despite the simplicity of solving the issue, this method of hydration, like the previous ones, must be considered taking into account its strengths and weaknesses.


  • installing containers with water is not difficult; for a slight increase in humidity this will be enough;
  • you can come up with new decor premises due to selected water containers.


  • Water containers should not be within the reach of children or pets, although this requirement is not always feasible.

Considering all the above methods, which helped many people learn how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier in winter at home, it has now become easier to find the most suitable option natural improvement of air quality in homes, taking into account specific conditions. All of these humidification options require virtually no costs, being absolutely affordable for most apartment residents and country houses. If you are interested in one way or another of naturally increasing the level of humidity in an apartment, you should focus your attention on the one that will lead to quick results. Moreover, now there are examples of how to humidify the air without a humidifier.

Moderately humid air - necessary condition For comfortable stay in the house!

How to make a humidifier with your own hands from a bottle: video

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