The best varieties of white cabbage: characteristics and photos. Varieties of late cabbage: description, cultivation, storage The best varieties of white cabbage

One of the favorite and widespread crops in our country is white cabbage. Today, a wide variety of varieties of this vegetable have been developed; they differ in the timing of harvest ripening; when choosing a variety, it is worth considering its purpose. To soon enjoy the taste fresh salad you need to choose an early one, and if you need the heads of cabbage to be stored for a long period (winter), it is worth planting a variety with a late ripening period.

Extra early varieties

Dumas F1

An ultra-early high-yielding hybrid, the period of ripening of heads of cabbage lasts only 50-55 days after planting the seedlings in the ground. The heads are round in shape and light in weight, only 1-1.5 kg, the color of the surface leaf plate is light green, sometimes blue, and white in cross section. The hybrid is highly valued for its ability to bear fruit well even in poor conditions. favorable conditions(shaded, thickened, drought), it is not intended for long-term storage.


The variety is ultra-early ripening, from pecking of seedlings to harvesting the heads, it takes about 55-58 days. Round-shaped heads of cabbage weigh only about 2 kg, the color of the leaf plate is dark green. The variety is usually used for preparing various dishes or preserving it, since it contains large amounts of calcium, iron, vitamins A, C and nutrients. It is resistant to cracking.

Zosia F1

The ripening period of cabbage after germination lasts 50-60 days, so this hybrid can be safely classified as ultra-early ripening. The density of the heads of cabbage is good, their shape is round, and the color of the surface leaves is light green, white in cross-section, weight ranges from 3-4.2 kg. The crop can be grown in open ground and in greenhouses or greenhouses; it is resistant to most diseases of white cabbage, does not crack and does not bloom.


Precocious productive variety white cabbage, you can enjoy fresh vegetables 45-55 days after sowing the seeds. The heads of cabbage are round, the color of the surface leaf plates is light green, and in cross section they have a whitish-yellow hue. The weight of a mature head varies from 0.8 to 1.5 kg. The variety tolerates low temperatures almost painlessly, does not bloom and does not crack.

Nozomi F1

The hybrid is extra-early; harvesting can be carried out just 45-55 days after planting the seedlings in open ground. The shape of the heads of cabbage is spherical, the leaf blades are smooth, green in color, the weight of a mature head does not exceed 2 kg, they are well preserved on the root. The hybrid can give bountiful harvest even when the soil is waterlogged, it is immune to Alternaria and blackleg.

Early varieties


High yielding early variety, 80-95 days after planting the seedlings, you can massively harvest the crop from the beds. The shape of mature heads is rounded-flat, the color of the leaf blades is green, the weight of the head can reach from 4 to 8 kg. The variety is immune to Fusarium wilt and black rot, recommended for use in fresh and processing, can retain properties for 4 months.

Granddaughter F1

The heads are fully formed 85-100 days after the seedlings emerge. The heads of cabbage have an even rounded-flat shape, the diameter of the leaf plate is 45-50 cm, the density is average, the weight does not exceed 2 kg. The hybrid is valued for its intensive formation of heads and excellent marketability and taste, and is resistant to cracking. mainly used for processing.

Golden hectare

It belongs to early ripening varieties, although cabbage heads are fully formed 95-110 days after the first shoots peck. Their weight varies from 1.5 to 3.5 kg, their shape is round, dense structure, the upper leaf plates are white-green in color. At optimal conditions cultivation yields a harvest, is well transported over long distances, and is resistant to blooming and cracking.

Losinoostrovskaya 8

The ripening of the crop lasts 80-100 days after planting the seedlings. The heads are round-flat of medium size and density (2.5-3.5 kg), the leaf blades are medium-sized, have weak pigmentation along the edges and a waxy coating throughout the leaf, their color is gray-green. The variety is excellent for pickling and processing. Has increased resistance to clubroot.

Craft F1

An early ripening hybrid, characterized by the formation of heads 105-110 days after seed germination. The heads of cabbage are ordinary, round, their color is green, and in cross-section - white, the weight of mature heads is about 2 kg, the density is average. Under optimal growing conditions, the hybrid yields well, does not crack, and is immune to Phoma, white and gray rot.

Medium varieties

The most productive medium varieties include the following:

Slava 1305

It is one of the best varieties of white cabbage with an average harvest ripening period (100-120 days) for open ground conditions, and is widely distributed in the Moscow region. Heads of cabbage often have a round shape, less often – rounded-flat, their weight varies between 3.5–5 kg, and the leaf density is average. The variety is more resistant to cracking than other mid-season varieties, transports well and can retain its qualities for three months.

Zephyr F1

A representative of mid-season hybrids of white cabbage, the heads will be ready for consumption 95-115 days after the seedlings emerge. The round head of cabbage has slightly corrugated leaves, weighs up to 2 kg, the color of the outer leaf plates is light green and white in cross section. On the vine, mature heads can last up to 30 days and do not crack. The hybrid is immune to fusarium and flowering.


A productive variety with an average period of ripening of heads of cabbage, the formation period lasts from 110 to 130 days. The heads are formed quite dense, round-flat, leaf plates are dark green in color, weigh up to 4 kg. The variety is valued for its stable yield, resistance to cracking and most diseases of white cabbage, and tolerates transportation well.


The ripening time of the crop is average; from the emergence of seedlings to the harvesting of heads of cabbage from the beds, it will take from 115 to 130 days. The heads of cabbage are formed with a dense structure, their shape is round, the surface color is greenish-white, and the weight varies between 2.5-5 kg. Under optimal conditions, the heads can be stored for 5 months; they do not crack and are not infected with major cabbage diseases. The variety is suitable for pickling and fresh consumption.

Mother-in-law F1

The formation of heads of cabbage is completed by 125-130 days after the seedlings emerge. The shape of the heads is typical for white cabbage - round, medium density, whitish in cross section, the surface leaf plates are gray-green in color, the weight of a mature head usually does not exceed 3.5 kg. Heads of cabbage can easily withstand transportation over long distances and can retain their properties for 4 months.

Late varieties

Belorusskaya 455

It is a representative of varieties with late harvest ripening, since ready-to-eat heads of cabbage can be harvested 130-140 days after germination. The shape of the heads is round, the leaf plates are dark green in color, their diameter is 45-50 cm, the weight of a mature vegetable can reach 3.5-4 kg. The heads of cabbage are designed for long-term storage, tolerate transportation well and are resistant to cracking.

Stone head

A high-yielding late-ripening variety of cabbage, it takes 140-160 days for the heads of cabbage to reach technical ripeness, suitable for regions with arid hot climates in summer. The heads are formed dense, large (3-6 kg), have a rounded shape, sheets in section white. The variety is used for processing and long-term storage, and is resistant to cracking.

Katyusha F1

The crop ripens within 150-160 days after the first shoots appear and is intended for cultivation in open ground. The shape of the heads of cabbage is flat-round, the color of the surface leaves is gray-green, and whitish in cross-section. The weight of a mature head usually does not exceed 3.5 kg. The hybrid is suitable for fermentation and long-term storage, and is resistant to bacteriosis.


The period of formation of the heads lasts 150-160 days after the seedlings emerge. Medium-sized heads of cabbage weigh up to 3 kg, have good density, their shape is often round, the color of the surface leaves is gray-green, and when cut they have a whitish color. It is better to plant the crop in open ground in areas where cucumbers or legumes previously grew.

Kolobok F1

This hybrid of white cabbage is a late-ripening hybrid, since it will be possible to harvest from the beds 125-130 days after planting the seedlings. The spherical heads have a very dense structure, the weight of a mature one can reach 5 kg, the color of the outer leaves is green, but in cross-section the color is white. The hybrid is designed for transportation over long distances and storage in winter.

This useful vegetable crop Almost all summer residents grow them on their plots. The vast majority of them prefer late cabbage varieties. This choice is easy to explain. It is the varieties of winter cabbage that are ideal for long-term storage, pickling, and pickling.

These varieties have one feature in common - resistance to the first frosts in autumn. Moreover, some of them retain their presentation and taste even after snowfall. Of course, heads of cabbage for a long time are not stored in such conditions, so it is best not to experiment with the fruits and harvest on time.

Late cabbage varieties are distinguished by excellent shelf life and transportability. The forks can easily be stored throughout the winter and even until mid-spring. Today, breeders have developed varieties of winter cabbage that last even until the new harvest.


Late cabbage is grown from seeds, which are sown for seedlings in mid-March. Naturally, this must be done in a greenhouse. But in April they can be planted in the ground (under a film cover).

Seed preparation

Before planting, dry cabbage seeds must be prepared. Only in this case can you count on a healthy and abundant harvest. Cabbage seeds must be placed in water (temperature +50 °C) and left for 15 minutes. Then literally for 1 minute the seeds are lowered into cold water. After this, they are immersed in a solution of trace elements (sold in all gardening stores) for 12 hours. After this time, the seeds are thoroughly washed under running water. running water and place in the refrigerator for a day.

Planting seeds

So, the seeds are prepared, and it’s time to sow them in the soil mixture. As a rule, it consists of equal parts of peat, turf soil and sand. In this case, humus (as well as old soil from garden beds) is not recommended, since the blackleg virus can persist in such soil. It can easily ruin all your efforts, and you will not grow high-quality seedlings.

Before planting the seeds, the soil mixture should be watered well. To do this you need to use Seyut planting material in narrow rows - the distance between the holes should not exceed one centimeter, and between the furrows - about three centimeters. Sowing depth - 10 cm.

Beginner gardeners need to know that late cabbage seedlings need feeding. First foliar feeding carried out after two true leaves appear on the bush. To do this, dilute 0.5 teaspoon of microelements with complex fertilizers in one liter of water and spray the seedlings.

The second feeding is carried out before hardening the seedlings. In this case, dilute (a tablespoon) + urea in the same volume in ten liters of water. For one bush you will need about a glass of the composition.

Planting late cabbage

At the end of April, but better in early May, you need to start preparing the seedlings for transplanting into open ground. Twelve days before planting (usually late cabbage varieties are planted after May 10), the seedlings are gradually accustomed to the sun - the greenhouses are opened for several hours and the film covers are removed.

If the air temperature at this time is low, there is no need to rush with planting - in unfavorable conditions, late cabbage can send out an arrow with seeds, which means that you can forget about the harvest. Late cabbage varieties are planted in open ground when the seedlings have at least 5-6 leaves. There should be a distance of at least 70 cm between the bushes, a row spacing of 60 cm. And one more thing important rule: Late cabbage should not be planted in beds where radishes, beets, radishes, tomatoes and other types of cruciferous vegetables grew before it. Favorable precursors include grains, potatoes, carrots, legumes and cucumbers.


Late cabbage is very popular abundant watering. She especially needs it in August, when the heads of cabbage begin to form. After the seedlings are planted, they are watered every two days. Average water consumption is eight liters per square meter soil.

Later, the cabbage will get by with weekly watering at the rate of thirteen liters per square meter. After each watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil (to a depth of 8 cm) under the bushes.


The first time this procedure is carried out twenty-one days after planting. During the same period, the plant is fertilized with mullein solution. Hilling should be repeated every ten days.

Experienced vegetable growers recommend regularly dusting the forks and the soil under them with wood ash. This is both an excellent feeding and will help repel pests: slugs, cruciferous flea beetle, whiteweed, aphids and At least a glass of ash is used per square meter of soil.

The best varieties

And now we will present you the best varieties of winter cabbage. The first on this list will be the brainchild of Belarusian breeders - Mara. Its growing season is 170 days. During this period, the weight of the head of cabbage reaches four kilograms. Fruits are round in shape, rich dark Green colour, with a pronounced waxy coating. This variety keeps well until the beginning of May.

In addition, it is resistant to damage and rot. Mara cabbage is ideal for pickling.

Snow White

Late universal Harvest, subject to necessary conditions, stored for at least eight months. Experts, as well as many experienced summer residents, celebrating her healing properties, they recommend growing this variety for those who have small children. It is extremely useful for a growing organism. Retains beneficial properties and taste when stored indoors at a temperature of +8 degrees.

Moscow cabbage

An excellent variety of late cabbage, ideal for long-term storage. Many summer residents note that the heads of cabbage of this variety reach a weight of up to ten kilograms. The head of cabbage is very dense. It is slightly flattened and oval in shape. Doesn't require anything complicated special care during the growing season. It is perfectly stored - right up to the new harvest.


The variety is very popular in the middle zone. Hybrid of Russian breeders. Ripens in about 180 days. The weight of the head of cabbage does not exceed four kilograms. Can be stored for up to eight months. But despite these seemingly not too high indicators, it has excellent taste. The variety is distinguished by its sugar content, firmness, crispness, but this cabbage is especially good when sauerkraut.


Amager cabbage is considered the recognized leader among late varieties, ideal for pickling. The forks are large (up to 5 kg), juicy. These are excellent indicators among analogues.

The heads of cabbage are distinguished by their rounded but slightly flattened shape and high density. Their top part painted in a greenish tint, the inner cut is snow-white. This variety is perfectly stored in winter and transports well. Its main feature is resistance to fungal diseases and root rot. On average, the growing season lasts about 160 days. Amager cabbage loves abundant watering and complex mineral fertilizers.

Megaton F1

Of all the variety of late cabbage varieties, this Dutch hybrid is one of the fastest ripening. It takes 125-130 days for the head to fully form. During this short period of time, a dense fork weighing up to five kilograms grows. The variety is resistant to pests and fungal diseases. Perfectly transportable over long distances. Can be stored for up to five months. During the formation of the head of cabbage, the timing of adding organic matter and watering should be observed. Mineral fertilizers It is advisable to apply at the very beginning and on the thirty-fifth day after planting the seedlings.

Aggressor F1

Hybrid, belongs to late-ripening varieties. It can be grown in all regions. It develops slowly, has a dense structure and a hard head. The peculiarity of this variety is its low maintenance requirements. Summer residents sometimes joke that this cabbage grows like a weed, almost on its own. In addition, it develops well under the most unfavorable weather conditions and retains its shape perfectly without cracking at all. Breeders have done a great job on the resistance of this variety to many diseases (late blight, blackleg, fusarium) and pests (aphids, caterpillars, cruciferous flea beetle).


And in conclusion of our conversation about late varieties of cabbage, I would like to dwell a little on proper storage culture. After all, it’s not enough to know how to grow good harvest. It would be a shame if it was ruined due to improper storage.

Late varieties of cabbage are harvested in the fall, in early October. Heads of cabbage intended for long-term storage should not be subject to frost. Frozen forks are not stored for long and begin to deteriorate quite quickly.

You should pay attention to the method of pruning late varieties: the head of cabbage is cut so that a stalk of at least three centimeters long remains, as well as two covering leaves. These forks can be stored in a cool room with the stem down.

The ideal option is to store cabbage hanging. In this case, the heads of cabbage are not cut off, but pulled out along with the root and stalk. They are tied in pairs with twine and hung in a cool room. It is necessary to monitor the appearance of diseased and fading leaves and get rid of them in a timely manner.

Cabbage grows in every garden. Therefore, it becomes a very important task right choice variety that will give a generous harvest. Cabbage seeds are sold in garden stores in huge quantities. Variety makes you happy, but it also makes choosing difficult. How to choose best seeds cabbage for open ground? What characteristics should you pay attention to? Finding answers to these questions can take a long time.

Quality indicators

The State Register of the Russian Federation includes 421 items. Of these, 196 are domestic and 225 are foreign selection. Our breeders have created cabbage for cultivation in all twelve regions of the country.

Cabbages such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Chinese, Kohlrabi, red cabbage, collard cabbage, Beijing cabbage, Savoy cabbage, cauliflower and Japanese cabbage cannot compete with white cabbage in terms of prevalence. The State Register of the Russian Federation lists only 295 varieties of all these vegetables. There is no need to choose the best from 12 types of Brussels sprouts or from 22 varieties of Savoy.

Important! Currently, breeding is mainly focused on developing new first-generation hybrids. This made it possible to provide the population with year-round consumption of fresh vegetables.

Hybrids have a number of undeniable advantages: they ripen faster, are stored longer, and have better taste. However, their advantages are revealed only with a high agrotechnical background.

Comprehensive quality indicators of white cabbage seeds:

  • varietal purity;
  • precocity;
  • productivity;
  • productivity;
  • taste qualities;
  • seed germination;
  • head shape;
  • commercial quality (dense tasty stem, attractive color, short stump, juicy leaves, increased amount sugars, vitamins, solids and other nutrients);
  • high quality vegetables (large amounts of vitamins, sugars, biologically active substances, low fiber content);
  • resistance to diseases, especially clubroot (for areas Far East And Leningrad region), fusarium wilt, vascular bacteriosis;
  • genetic resistance to thrips (for southern regions);
  • tendency to the least accumulation of nitrates;
  • shelf life at least 4–6 months;
  • transportability;
  • heat resistance;
  • drought resistance;
  • salt tolerance;
  • crack resistance;
  • uniformity of head sizes;
  • unity of maturation;
  • universal use;
  • high technology in cultivation;
  • suitability for mechanized cultivation;
  • recyclability;
  • the complexity of cleaning the forks (ease of cutting the fork and cleaning the leaves);
  • exit commercial products.

The best varieties for open ground for commercial use were bred abroad, however, domestic cabbage has varieties that are unsurpassed in reliability for use in private farms.

It is worth remembering that new varieties and hybrids meet the characteristics necessary for industrial production. Many are not required when planting on private farms.

The economic indicators of cabbage, which are necessary for production in the south of the country, are completely unnecessary in the central or northern regions. And the characteristics of a winter vegetable differ from those of an early one.

Therefore, it is too early to abandon the seeds of old and proven varieties that produce a stable harvest in any conditions. It is imperative to choose zoned plants. New selections should occupy 10–15% of all crops.

Below are descriptions of various varieties and hybrids of cabbage suitable for commercial production and cultivation on private farmsteads in the central regions of Russia.

Early cabbage

In the southern regions of our homeland, the climate is favorable for cultivating early vegetable crops. However, the climate is absolutely unsuitable for the production of mid- and late-season vegetables. That's why southern regions are a supplier of early products. White cabbage is often grown here in protected soil. Almost the entire harvest is sold.

Important! Early vegetables are characterized by small, loose sprouts of excellent flavor, which are used fresh and in cooking. However, they are not shelf-stable and are also not suitable for preservation.

Early cabbage has three ripening periods:

  • very early;
  • from very early to early;
  • early (early ripe).

Very early hybrids:

  • Angelina;
  • Baroque;
  • Granddaughter;
  • Daughter;
  • Legate;
  • Magnus;
  • Nakhalenok;
  • Daughter-in-law;
  • First love;
  • Prelate;
  • Prize-winner;
  • Dawn;
  • Sympathy;
  • Speedon;
  • Sprint;
  • Stalker;
  • Cook;
  • Express.

Nakhalenok F1 is a round green head of cabbage, yellow inside, good taste, weighing 1.7–2.5 kg. Productivity is 20–40 t/ha, which is higher than the Transfer standard. Yield of marketable products is 90%.

Express F1 – time to harvest 60–95 days, small round head weighing 0.9–1.3 kg with thin loose leaves, excellent taste. The yield is 33–38 t/ha with uniform ripening of the buds and the yield of marketable products up to 98%.

  1. Surprise F1 – early ripening with a period of technical ripeness of 90–110 days. A flat green head of cabbage with a short stalk, weighing 0.8–1.4 kg, good taste. Marketable yield is 30–35 t/ha at the level of the Cossack F1 standard. Gives a reliable harvest with 97% yield of marketable products, aligned and simultaneously ripening forks.
  2. Ritsa F1 is early ripening, resistant to fungal diseases, with a yield of up to 34 t/ha, absolutely not prone to cracking. Excellent presentation and uniform size of heads of cabbage weighing 0.9–1.2 kg with excellent taste.

From the early (early ripening):

  1. June - bred in 1071, has not lost its popularity and remains unsurpassed in some characteristics. Grown from Moldova to the Far East, it gives an excellent harvest of 36–64 t/ha with a marketable yield of 97%. Disadvantages - forks different weights from 0.9 to 2.4 kg.
  2. Number one polar K 206 - recommended for cultivation in almost all regions, including the Far North. The round-flat head weighing 1.6–3.2 kg has a good taste. High yield of 33–66 t/ha with a marketable yield of up to 96%.

The widely zoned Kazachok F1, Transfer F1, Number One Gribovsky 147 have become standards for comparison with new domestic and foreign varieties.

Mid-ripening cabbage

Producers from the Central and Western regions specialize in growing mid-early and late varieties and hybrids. It's connected with climatic conditions these regions.

Of course, grow a few kitties in a private yard early vegetable for personal consumption it is quite possible. But in industrial scale in these regions vegetables of medium and late date development.

Important! Mid-season vegetables have excellent taste characteristics and are used fresh and for preservation. Can be stored for several months in cellars and vegetable stores.

Medium-ripening cabbage is divided into three categories:

  • mid-early;
  • mid-season;
  • mid-late.

Among the mid-early ones, Golden Hectare 1432, Stakhanovka, Slava, Gribovskaya are widespread. These varieties, unsurpassed in yield, have a common drawback - different fork sizes.

  1. Amazon F1 – used fresh, has medium shelf life. A gray-green head of cabbage with a short stump weighs 1.4–1.6 kg and has an excellent taste. The high yield of 47–66 t/ha far exceeds the Kazachok standard.
  2. Bronko F1 – technical ripeness occurs on day 115–125. The dark green round cabbage weighing 2.6–2.8 kg has an excellent taste. Good yields of 52–78 t/ha are far superior to Belorusskaya 455 and Transfer F1. The hybrid is resistant to diseases, high-yielding, and has uniform maturation of forks equal in size.

From mid-season varieties of Soviet selection:

  • Glory 1305;
  • Belorusskaya 455;
  • Losinoostrovskaya;
  • Slava Gribovskaya 231.

They have no equal in resistance to any weather changes, excellent taste and extraordinary high yield.

Modern hybrids are more focused on the indicators necessary for commercial use: equalized head sizes, small stalks, immunity to diseases.

  1. Krautman F1 – suitable for fermentation. It takes 120–140 days until technical ripeness. A medium-sized green head measuring 1–4 kg has good taste and is not prone to cracking. Productivity ranges from 31 to 92 t/ha.
  2. Semko Yubileiny 217 – in addition to fresh consumption and fermentation, it can be stored for 5 months. The gray-green oval head of cabbage weighing about 4 kg has an excellent taste. High yield 76–88 t/ha, resistance to fungal diseases makes this cabbage very popular.
  3. Nadezhda – bred in 1975. The excellent taste of medium-sized, slightly flattened heads of cabbage weighing 2.4–3.4 kg and the highest yield up to 110–140 t/ha make it a top seller.

Mid-late cabbage is characterized by high yield and universal use.

Megaton F1 - light green round heads weighing 3-4 kg and excellent taste, resistant to disease and high yield - maximum yield 103 t/ha.

Late cabbage

Fresh cabbage is good in any dish, as well as boiled and stewed. Fermented and soaked dishes are necessary on tables in autumn and winter. The amount of useful substances in them is enormous. The best-tasting pickles will be made from late vegetables.

Important! Late varieties are characterized by the most impressive fork sizes - up to 10 kg. Their taste improves with storage. They have a very dense structure, as they can be stored until the next harvest.

Familiar and very common varieties of Soviet selection such as Amager 611, Kharkovskaya Zimnyaya, Moskovskaya Pozdnyaya, Old varieties are reliable, but have many disadvantages:

  • susceptibility to disease;
  • low yield;
  • mediocre taste.

There are new hybrids on sale that have significantly better characteristics.

The ripening times for late vegetables vary:

  • late (late ripening);
  • from late to very late;
  • very late.

The first group includes:

  • Amrak hybrids;
  • Dominant;
  • Counter;
  • Lennox;
  • Paradox;
  • varieties Moskovskaya late 15;
  • Moskovskaya late 9;
  • Wintering;
  • Amager 611;
  • Crewmont;
  • Kharkov winter high-yielding, with high-density plugs.

Kolobok F1 is the most popular hybrid. More than 30 tons of its seeds are sold annually in the country, which is almost half of the total production. The advantages include excellent taste and high yield of 86–100 t/ha. It produces dense plugs weighing 4.2 kg, is suitable for cultivation in all regions of the country, and can be stored until May next year.

Amager 611 is unsurpassed in its characteristics, included in the State Register in 1943. The first domestic variety bred for industrial production. Its advantages include good shelf life, resistance to cracking, and transportability. Sturdy forks weigh 2.6–3.6 kg.

The vegetable was specially bred for winter storage. The taste when harvested is satisfactory, but it improves significantly with long-term storage.

Disadvantages: low yield 35–60 t/ha, susceptibility to diseases during development and during storage.

There are only two hybrids from late to very late ripening: Kronos and Expect. They have heads weighing up to 3 kg, good taste and stable yields on average up to 60 t/ha.

There are quite a lot of late varieties and hybrids, but they are often limited to certain climatic conditions and adapted for growing in a particular region. The exception is the Valentina hybrid.

For many who have not experienced growing white cabbage, it seems that there are few varieties and they are all similar to each other. In fact, only if you take into account the best varieties of cabbage, there are more than 50 of them, and to this it is worth adding the best varieties of cabbage for pickling and storage, early-, mid- and late-ripening, etc. In total, today more than 80 varieties of white cabbage are officially registered; in addition, there are also cauliflower, red cabbage, Savoy, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. But in this article we will talk specifically about the best varieties of white cabbage.

Rating of the best varieties of early ripening cabbage

These shapes are ideal for spring vegetable salads- light, soft, slightly crispy leaves, very juicy and tasty. Unlike mid-season ones, they ripen faster, are not as demanding on soil quality and take up less space. In greenhouses or greenhouses you can plant up to 10 heads of cabbage per 1 sq.m. and they will all fully develop and grow.

Among the most popular are the following varieties:

Rinda F1

Hybrid variety, reaching removable maturity already 76 days after germination. Stored until mid-summer maximum. The head of cabbage is quite dense, but not tight, and can even be used for main courses. Can grow in any soil provided the temperature is stable (in greenhouses) and the soil is not too dense. It is recommended to periodically loosen the root zone, providing air access.

Cossack F1

A hybrid variety of super fast ripening - removable maturity occurs already 40 days after planting the seedlings, and 76 days after planting the seeds. The heads of cabbage are elastic, light green in color, the taste is sweetish, without early bitterness. It is grown only in greenhouses and greenhouses, and is little susceptible to diseases. The average weight of one head of cabbage reaches 1.5 kg. Stored for 4 months.


This is also the most common cabbage; the seeds are the best varieties for open ground. Heads of cabbage can be cut 60 days after planting the seedlings in a greenhouse or greenhouse and 76 days after planting the seeds. The color is light green, the taste is without bitterness, the structure is dense, not loose. Stores well for 3-4 months. You can leave it on the root for up to 2 weeks after ripening, and still it will not crack or fall apart into sheets. It also grows well in open ground and tolerates frosts well, but not long-term frosts. Suitable for middle zone In Russia, the Urals and Siberia, to obtain an early harvest, they are grown only in greenhouse shelters.


Tobia F1

Large-fruited variety, where each head of cabbage weighs about 5.5-6 kg. Top sheet bright green in color, gradually turning yellowish at the stalk itself. Juicy, very sweet, ideal for spring salads and first courses. Pickling doesn't have the best taste. And it is not stored fresh for long - within a month. If left on the root, it will not crack for a long time.

The best varieties of cabbage for pickling for the winter

Here we will also tell you which varieties of cabbage are best for pickling. Canning and salting early forms is not recommended. Despite its fairly dense structure and rich taste, when salted cabbage becomes like sauerkraut and absolutely tasteless. Therefore, for winter preservation, it is recommended to use those varieties that reach technical maturity after at least 140 days. They are mainly planted in the soil of grass snakes in the form of seedlings (in greenhouses and greenhouses they can also be planted as seeds), after which the cover is removed and the plant is allowed to gain sunlight. Basically, such forms are resistant to diseases, but some varieties are susceptible to diseases. Among the main ones are bacteriosis, white and gray rot, very rarely, usually in closed ground, phomosis occurs.

As a rule, the epidemic starts from tomatoes and spreads to cabbage. If possible, these vegetables should be grown separately from each other, or immediately, when the first signs of disease are detected, all crops should be treated.


One of the most popular varieties, producing a harvest already 3.5 months after planting the seedlings. Excellent for fresh consumption and for fermentation. The heads of cabbage are slightly flattened, weighing 4.5-5 kg. The top leaf is light green, the center is white, the stalk is small. It is stored without processing all winter, grown for export, that is, it tolerates transportation well.

Atria F1

If you need cabbage for pickling, the best varieties are led by the Atria hybrid. Gives big harvest, comes to full maturity on the 140th day after full germination. The heads of cabbage are elastic, dense, ferment well, and the leaves are also good for cabbage rolls. The taste is juicy, sweetish, without bitterness. Does not crack even after prolonged exposure to measles. Stored all winter.


Refers to the forms of medium maturation, removable maturity occurs on the 135th day after planting the seedlings. It is not afraid of frost, but slows down growth during prolonged cold spells. It is recommended to grow in greenhouse conditions; when a stable above-zero temperature is reached and the sunny day lasts more than 6 hours, the cover is removed. Average resistance to diseases - they are not breeding grounds, but may suffer during an epidemic. Stored throughout the winter.

Midor F1

Hybrid form, ripening on the 155th day after full germination. The top leaf is a rich green color with a waxy coating, which ensures excellent preservation throughout the winter. The heads of cabbage are very dense, multi-leafed, and the stalk is small. Pronounced taste, no bitterness, ideal for pickling.

The best cabbage varieties to store for the winter

It is best to use for this purpose those forms that ripen for more than 145 days, but even mid-ripening ones will last the winter in a completely viable state and will not lose their taste and elasticity of the leaves. There is no fundamental difference in storage between these two forms. But it is traditionally believed that the later the cabbage is removed from the root, the longer it will remain with all the vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Aggressor F1

This is not just one of the most productive and shelf-stable varieties, it will easily top the ranking of the best cabbage varieties for central Russia. In addition to the fact that the Aggressor does not require special soil, careful care, large quantity fertilizers and regular watering, it is practically not susceptible to diseases, and cut heads of cabbage can be stored for more than 6 months. The vegetable is quite large - up to 5 kg, does not crack, and remains elastic throughout the entire storage period. Great for salads, first and second courses and pickling.


Snow White

Ripens 3.5 months after planting the seedlings, grows well on open areas, but it is recommended to plant seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. The heads of cabbage are dense, elastic, the leaves are snow-white and crispy. Due to the high concentration of nutrients, it is recommended for baby and dietary nutrition. It can be stored for more than 6 months without cracking or rotting. The variety itself is resistant to fomoz, but requires regular watering and fertilizers. It is optimal for this purpose to use rotted compost or wood ash mixed with soil.

Snow White

Valentina F1

A late-ripening form that reaches removable maturity 145-150 days after full germination. Unpretentious, watering infrequently, resistant to diseases and short frosts. It is better to plant seedlings in greenhouse conditions. The heads of cabbage are dense, but the leaves are removed very easily, due to which this variety is often grown for cabbage rolls. A hybrid variety that does not produce seeds for the next year.


Kolobok F1

A late-ripening hybrid that produces large, dense fruits weighing 5-5.5 kg. It may be affected by gray rot, or in exceptional cases by fomoz. Heads of cabbage sometimes rot, so the crop should be periodically checked for rot during storage. In general, Kolobok cabbage is a productive variety that can be stored for up to 7 months.

The best varieties of cauliflower

Compared to white cabbage, cauliflower- relatively new guest on the Russian table, but our fellow citizens have long since fallen in love with it. A whole complex of valuable amino acids, including lysine and arginine, easy to prepare, pleasant taste, low calorie content - beneficial properties enough. Today it is grown in many greenhouses, especially since it is unpretentious in care and is little susceptible to diseases.

Among the most popular varieties are Snowball, Express, Flora Blanca and others.


A productive variety that produces about 4 kg from just one bed. The weight of the heads of cabbage depends on the growing conditions and reaches 1200 grams under favorable conditions. Suitable for fresh consumption, preparation of first and second courses, as well as for fermentation.



Small socket and maximum weight up to 0.5 kg. Strong and healthy, little susceptible to diseases and pests. It belongs to the forms of early ripening and gives removable maturity already 60 days after planting the seedlings. It is afraid of prolonged frosts, so it is recommended to grow it in greenhouses or hothouses, and when the temperature rises to 15 degrees and above, the film can be removed. Productivity is average - up to 2 kg per 1 sq.m.


Flora Blanca

A real decoration for garden beds. The rosette is quite high, which distinguishes it from other varieties, dense. Stores well for 3-4 months. It is recommended not to cut it from the root immediately after reaching ripeness (100-105 days), but to leave it for a few more days, which will only add flavor. It is planted in greenhouses, after a month and a half you can open the film.

Flora Blanca

It is clear that this is only a small part of the varieties, but these are the most proven and indeed better varieties of white cabbage and cauliflower, the quality of which even we were convinced of.

VIDEO: The best varieties of early and late ripening

White cabbage is an incredibly healthy vegetable with a rich vitamin and mineral composition. This explains its popularity among gardeners. The cultivation rules are not complicated, but the basis for the yield depends on the choice of variety.

In the old days there was really a shortage seed material due to limited supplies from near and far abroad, therefore seeds were often prepared from familiar varieties.

For more than 20 years, the situation has changed radically, and the varietal assortment of many gardeners continues to consist of 2-3 items. And in vain, because new developments have no less valuable qualities, which include resistance of cabbage to diseases and pests.

This article discusses early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties of a popular vegetable with a description, which will expand the variety of crops grown in your garden both in the Urals and in the middle zone.

Most Popular

The cabbage variety is selected not only taking into account the winter and climatic characteristics of the region, but also by appointment. Each plant has its own mineral and vitamin composition, but it is also influenced by agricultural conditions and soil type.

To choose suitable option it was simpler, the varietal assortment was divided into groups united by a common characteristic.

The best late varieties of cabbage for long-term storage

- a mid-late hybrid developed by breeders from Holland. It is characterized by minimal care and resistance to fusarium and thrips.

The growing season lasts up to 120 days, you can sow seeds directly into an open bed. A mature vegetable weighs 3-5 kg. Shelf life and processing time – up to 5 months.

– late cabbage with ripening period 120-147 days. The heads are round-flat green, sometimes with a bluish tint, weighing about 3-4 kg.

When planting, the following scheme is used: 3-4 plants per 1 m2. The nutritional value and presentation are preserved for six months. Weather disasters and violations of the watering regime do not violate the density of the structure and integrity of the head.

– growing season 155-180 days after transferring the seedlings to open beds. The heads are gray-green in color and have a slight waxy coating; they weigh up to 4 kg.

Cabbage retains its taste and presentation until the beginning of the next season (June). The hybrid is tolerant to fusarium and gray rot. The head of cabbage does not crack due to violations of the humidity regime.

When planting, the following scheme is used: 2-4 plants per 1 m2.

– the hybrid forms heads later 115-125 days after planting the seedlings. The round fruits have a dense structure and weigh on average 2-3 kg. Planting scheme: 3-4 plants per 1 m2.

Thanks to good immunity, it exhibits tolerance to spot necrosis and thrips. For 8-10 months, cabbage retains nutritional value and presentation.

– very dense heads are not subject to cracking, average weight is 3 kg. The variety is different good taste, transportability and long shelf life (more than 7 months).

The main advantage is resistance to the accumulation of nitrates and radionuclides. Vegetables are collected through 160-175 days after transplanting seedlings.

- a variety developed by domestic breeders who took into account climatic features and possible problems with pests.

Harvest begins later 130-140 days after planting the seedlings. Gray-green rounded heads of cabbage weigh an average of 4-7 kg. When planting, the following scheme is used: 2-3 plants per 1 m2.

Cabbage is resistant to cracking and has soft, juicy flesh. Without loss of taste and presentation, the vegetable can be stored for 6-8 months.

Mid-season white cabbage

– the hybrid matures in 102 days after planting the seedlings. Greater need for moisture and fertilizers strengthens immune system, which resists many diseases and insect infestations.

The round-flattened head of gray-green color weighs up to 15 kg. Location of holes when planting: 3 plants per 1 m2. The shelf life without loss of nutritional qualities and presentable appearance is 4-6 months.

– disease-resistant high-yielding variety, characterized by simple agricultural technology. About 500 centners are harvested per hectare (head weight up to 3 kg). When planting, the following scheme is used: 3-4 plants per 1 m2.

Harvest begins later 130-150 days after transferring seedlings to the beds.

- the fruit of the labors of Dutch breeders with a growing season 110-120 days. The head of cabbage has a rounded flat head of blue-green color, the weight of which on average reaches 5-7 kg. Specimens weighing 8-8.5 kg are often found. When planting, the following scheme is used: 3 plants per 1 m2.

Thanks to good immunity, it resists pests (in particular thrips) and fusarium. Product quality and taste are preserved for 4-6 months.

- the fruit of the work of Russian breeders, the growing season is 120-130 day after planting the seedlings.

The round heads are light green in color with a grayish tint, and weigh up to 3-5 kg. When planting, the holes are arranged according to the following pattern: 3-4 plants per 1 m2.

The advantage of the variety is taste, the disadvantage is short storage (about 2 months). Fame is one of best options for pickling.

– the hybrid matures after planting seedlings through 120-140 days. Dense round heads have a slightly greenish tint, weight reaches 4 kg.

When planting, the following scheme is used: 3 plants per 1 m2. The variety is universal, used fresh and for pickling. The shelf life without loss of valuable qualities is 3-4 months.

Early ripening

– the ripening period of the hybrid is 75-80 days after planting the seedlings. The round heads weighing up to 7 kg are green in color and have a dense structure. Hole layout: plant 3-5 plants per 1 m2. It is unpretentious to weather conditions.

The shelf life without loss of taste and presentation does not exceed 4 months.

– an early hybrid is distinguished by early ripening; the harvest can be harvested through 45-55 days after planting the seedlings. The weight of a medium-sized light green head is 1.5 kg.

Scheme used for planting: 5-6 plants per 1 m2. Recommended for cultivation under any kind of film and in open ground. Cabbage resists pathogens of mucous bacteriosis and blackleg.

– the variety is ready for planting in open ground already in early May, after 45-50 days harvest can be harvested. Head structure medium density, weight reaches 1.4-1.7 kg. When grown on highly fertile soils, the weight of the head of cabbage reaches 5 kg.

Layout of holes during planting: 3-5 plants per 1 m2. Cabbage is distinguished by its rapid emergence and excellent taste.

– a Dutch hybrid characterized by resistance to Fusarium wilt. Layout of holes during planting: 2-3 plants per 1 m2. The round-flat heads are dark green in color and reach a weight of up to 7 kg. Fruit ripening occurs after 85-90 days after planting the seedlings.

It has a strong root system; if the watering regime is violated, the head of cabbage does not crack. For 5-6 months it retains its taste and commercial qualities.

Varietal diversity will ensure productivity even in difficult weather conditions, because each plant has its own immunity to diseases and pests. The taste qualities of the varieties stimulate new experiments, which continue in the kitchen.