It is better to apply fertilizers in spring or autumn. What fertilizers should be applied in the fall - types and dosages of autumn fertilizers

After harvesting, you should take care of green spaces. It is necessary to enrich the soil with fertilizers in the fall or late summer so that it stores up useful substances to obtain a high harvest next year. Feeding serves several purposes. Helps to more easily endure severe frosts in winter. It is a good food for spring, when bushes and trees require a large number of important elements. Thanks to fertilizers, the normal course of natural processes inside plants is ensured.

Applying fertilizers to the soil

With the approaching cold weather, many summer residents are afraid of losing part of their plantings due to improper preparation for winter. Except for those in the greenhouse. Enriching the soil with fertilizers will help garden crops, including garlic planted in the fall, to withstand frosts.

Despite the fact that fertilizing is autumn, it begins at the end of summer. Berry crops begin to be prepared in June, and fruit crops in July. Therefore, strawberries are fed as soon as they are harvested. The same thing happens with blackberries, raspberries, currants, and gooseberries.

In the autumn season, fertilizers can be applied until October. After this, fertilizing will have no effect, since the growing season is coming to an end. At this time, plants enter the resting stage and do not absorb substances in full.

Mineral fertilizers

Exists big choice various complex mineral fertilizers: for berries and ornamental shrubs, lawns, fruit trees. They should be chosen carefully, taking into account the preferences of a particular culture. Hostas are better suited to nutrients for perennials, and conifers are better suited to specially prepared mixtures. They have optimal composition, which helps plants obtain essential minerals for full growth and development.

Green plantings can absorb all the necessary substances from the earth only in the form of a solution. Because of this, most gardeners use liquid complex mineral mixtures: they quickly get into the roots and are absorbed by the crops.

Feeding for autumn should contain a minimum of nitrogen. The packages are marked: “for autumn use” or “autumn”. These mixtures are practically devoid of nitrogen and contain more potassium, phosphorus and calcium - the main elements for ripening shoots, increasing protection from low temperatures and general condition. Recommended application dose mineral fertilizers indicated in the instructions on the package. Exceeding it is unacceptable: it is better to take less than to exceed it.

Useful organics

Most gardeners and gardeners prefer organic fertilizers. It is important to be able to select them correctly and know the basic rules of use.

Litter and manure. They are very useful as they are considered the basis of soil fertility. IN fresh added to the ground during digging. You can’t apply it directly under green space, as you can burn the roots. The norm is 300-400 kg per 100 sq. m every couple of years.

Peat. The highest concentration of organic matter is in the top form; it has a high moisture capacity. However, keep in mind: it has a low content of nutrients and high acidity.

Ash. It contains a large number of elements important for the plant. It is obtained by burning tops, dry grass, branches and weeds. For 1 sq. m consumes less than 1 kg. Like manure, they add it once every three years during autumn digging. Most suitable as a fertilizer for cabbage, potatoes, raspberries, strawberries or currants.

Compost. It is no coincidence that gardeners call it “black gold.” When added to the soil it will for a long time makes it fertile, providing nutrients. The average application rate is about 3 kg per square meter. m.

Sawdust, small twigs, grass and tree bark make dense soil looser and retain liquid on sandy soils. Over time, they begin to rot and humus is formed, which increases soil fertility.

Green manure crops - cheap and environmentally friendly feeding

In the last few years, green manure crops have been increasingly used to feed and structure the soil. Green manure is an environmentally friendly organic fertilizer, which is also inexpensive. They are sown in August, and in the fall the soil is lightly dug up, adding green mixture to the soil. One of the best plants The following beans are considered to have green manure properties: vetch, lupine, clover, alfalfa. Among cereals, oats and rye have this quality. They are sown not only in beds for vegetables, but also in tree trunk circles fruitful trees.

In gardening magazines, gardeners advise using pea tops to feed currants so that the berries grow the size of cherries. It was experimentally established that they increased significantly in diameter, but it was not possible to achieve cherry dimensions. If you feed with tops, you can achieve an increase in yield in quantitative and qualitative terms.

When choosing autumn fertilizers, you need to rely on the type of soil and agricultural technology. It is important to regularly fertilize the soil so that the plants constantly receive the necessary nutrients. Otherwise, the land will be depleted and become unsuitable for a vegetable garden.

What needs to be added for digging

When the site has clay and loamy soils, the process of feeding them becomes difficult. After winter they become so dense that it is difficult to grow anything on them. Therefore, you need to start loosening such soil in the fall and simultaneously apply a complex of fertilizers:

Feeding fruit trees

The best period for feeding fruit trees is mid-October. Autumn enrichment of the soil with nutrients helps them survive winter cold.The following fertilizers are applied to each specimen:

Fertilizers for berry bushes

Fertilize the berry bushes after harvesting the entire crop. Ash is used as fertilizer. It is obtained by burning grass, leaves and small vegetation. Usually apply 3 kg per 1 square meter every 5 years. Ash has the best effect on raspberries.

Bird droppings are added when all the berries are completely collected. This type of fertilizer is not very pleasant to work with, but it has a good effect on plants. It is recommended to use packaged and dry litter. The consumption is 0.9-3 kg per 1 square meter. After distributing the fertilizer over the garden bed, it is dug up. You can water the row spacing with a solution diluted 1:14.

Limestone or dolomite flour used to reduce the acidity of the earth at the rate of 400 g per 1 square meter. The fertilizer complex is applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendations specified in the instructions on the package.

Subcortex for potato beds

After harvesting the potatoes, field work is not completed. During this period, it is best to dig, plow and fertilize with mineral fertilizers to prepare the soil for next year:

  • Ammophos, nitrophoska or nitroammofoska is an excellent complex autumn fertilizer for potato beds. The general application rate is 2 tablespoons per 1 square meter, but can be adjusted according to the instructions.
  • Straw manure is one of the the best fertilizers organic nature. Without it it is impossible to grow good potatoes. Experienced gardeners believe that adding this additive increases the yield significantly. Before plowing the soil, it is scattered over the beds at the rate of 6 kg per 1 square meter. m.
  • Green manure is also suitable as a top dressing for a freshly harvested potato plot. They are mowed, distributed over the garden bed and covered with a layer of earth about 9 cm.

Other complex mixtures are perfect for autumn: double superphosphate - 25 g per 1 sq. m. m, vegetable ash - 300 g per 1 sq. m and potassium chloride – 15 g per 1 sq. m.

Many thoughtful and responsible gardeners start thinking in the summer about what fertilizers to apply to their summer cottage in the fall. After all, this largely determines what the harvest will be like. If you know what fertilizers and, most importantly, when to apply them when digging in the autumn, you will be able to prepare the soil and all plants for wintering as much as possible.

Before fertilizing the land, many factors should be taken into account, for example, the acidity of the soil. You should not use all known fertilizers, because the soil can be seriously damaged. A deficiency or excess of any elements will certainly affect the fertility of the soil. Knowing what fertilizers should be applied in the fall, the gardener can help the soil become as saturated as possible by the beginning of the planting season.

Exercising helps saturate the plants and the soil in autumn. Before the cold weather, the soil needs fertilizer in order to restore its fertile functions that were wasted over the past summer season. Otherwise, in a few years the soil will become scarce, and you will have to forget about a normal harvest.

It is best to apply fertilizer from mid-September to mid-October. After plowing the fertilized area, they will mix with the soil and have time to break down by spring.

All wintering plants need the elements of phosphorus and potassium in the fall. And you shouldn’t add a lot of nitrogen fertilizers; half the norm is enough, and the rest will be useful next season.

Autumn phosphorus replenishment stimulates root growth, the vegetation of seedlings in the new season, and also increases the resistance of perennials to extreme cold.

If you scatter organic fertilizers in the fall, their decomposition process will be slower, but the soil will have time to absorb the required elements to replenish fertility.

Methods of fertilizing

1. A more popular method is to add mineral components after harvesting, before plowing dacha area. The products should be scattered evenly throughout the garden and then dug up.

2. Substances can be poured directly into the hole when shrubs or trees in the garden and other plantings are replanted. It is advisable to dig a hole deeper than 20 centimeters is required for a spacious arrangement of roots. Prepared fertilizers are poured into the bottom of the hole, after which they must be mixed with the soil. The resulting porridge is poured into the pit in a layer of 15 cm. To protect root system plantings from the recharges themselves, this mass is covered with soil, a layer of about 11 cm. It is advisable to dilute the soil intended for filling the roots with rotted manure (4.5 kg).

Organic fertilizers for use in the fall

Substances of natural origin are always available to professional gardeners, because they know about their beneficial qualities.

Manure, chicken droppings

This kind of fertilizer is considered irreplaceable among most summer residents, because they contribute to a qualitative increase in soil fertility. When using these products, you should know how much to apply, then the result will become noticeable soon. It is impossible to add fresh droppings or manure under the plant, as the root system of the seedling may be damaged.

It is best to feed the soil with fresh manure with the onset of autumn. After spreading it, we immediately dig up the fertilized area, the digging depth varies from 10 to 18 cm (the latter applies to light soils). By smelling it deeper, we will deprive the plants of the opportunity to receive all the useful components contained in this fertilizer.

The most popular organics are perennial vegetables, cucumbers, late cabbage and some types of greens. This organic matter is added only once every few years. About 300 kg of manure needs to be spread per hundred square meters of land.


Humus is most loved by all nightshades, onions, cauliflower, and root vegetables. It often happens that for some reason gardeners do not wait for this organic matter to fully mature, because for its formation (without the help of preparations containing microorganisms) one has to wait two years. They don't like raw compost. medicinal plants, legumes, and do not tolerate root vegetables and greens well. However, in the fall, compost can be added to the ground without fear. Raw organic matter must be spread onto prepared soil (loose and weed-free), per square meter. m. - 4 kg of humus organic matter, and embed into the soil, using a hoe or rake, to a depth of 10-13 cm.

This organic matter can also be used as mulch to cover wintering plants by adding up to 7 cm of raw compost. But be sure to ensure that the humus does not dry out. Otherwise, soil microorganisms will not receive conditions for life.


Containing large quantities of microelements necessary for the growth of seedlings. The most valuable is the ash remaining after burning potato tops, weeds, and branches. This product can be applied to the soil in the fall, every 4 years. The most popular ash fertilizers are potatoes, strawberries, cabbage, and shrubs. For 1 sq. m of planting area should require 1 kg of this organic matter.


In its natural form, it is not used for digging. Peat is a component of compost. High-moor peat contains many substances of organic origin, it retains liquid well, but it does not have enough nutritional components, and it is also very acidic. Lowland peat has a slightly acidic reaction, there is little organic matter in it, and useful components, on the contrary, a lot. Accordingly, it is irrational to apply peat to the site in the form of fertilizer.

Green manure plants

This means of restoring the soil is probably familiar to every experienced gardener. Green manure containing nitrogen is a cheap but environmentally friendly autumn fertilizer. As a rule, at the end of summer, rye, mustard, oats, clover or legumes are planted on the vacated territory - these are the plants that are considered the best green manures. In the fall, when plowing the garden, green manure is embedded in the ground.


In fact, sawdust in its fresh form is not nutritional value for plants. They are used to loosen soil or retain liquid. But when sawdust decomposes, it turns into humus, which worms and soil fungi feed on.

What mineral components need to be added before the start of winter?

In autumn, the land needs mineral fertilizers. Their use is especially important in places where the rains at this time are prolonged. The most resistant to leaching potash fertilizers are:

  • Wood ash,
  • sulfate and (or) potassium chloride.

The best phosphorus ones include:

  • Superphosphate (preferably in granules),
  • ammonium chloride,
  • ammonium or potassium sulfate.

The rates of application of minerals depend on the fertility of the soil and the characteristics of agricultural technology. Recommended doses can be found in the description of growing individual plants. In general, 60-120 grams of phosphorus and potassium are applied annually per hundred square meters of land. However, it is best to combine mineral fertilizers with organic ones. In this case, the dosage of mineral components should be reduced by a third.

New combined fertilizers for autumn digging

Now there are new combined autumn feedings that are created in industrial conditions, and you can purchase them ready-made.

Humic fertilizers

They are based on humic acids, which humus contains. Such fertilizing helps to improve the agrochemical and water-physical functions of the land and increases its productivity. In the fall you can apply the product " Tulip". It can become the main one for fruit and berry plants. We introduce "Tulip" before plowing the area. You can also use the drug " Berry".

Vermicompost and Giant

These are granular biologically active feeds obtained by processing humus by Californian earthworms, as well as their release into the environment. By all criteria, their humus is similar to the humus of chernozems. You can find out how to add them and in what quantities by reading the information on the container packaging.


This autumn feeding can be biocompost, liquid feed and soil. They are based on pure chicken manure, as well as horse or cow manure. "Biud" is enriched with soil bacteria, contains natural growth stimulants and amino acids. This remedy is short time enriches depleted soils.


It is a concentrated organomineral supplement. Its basis is natural sapropel (silt). To enrich the soil for garden strawberries, it is better to enter “Record-3”. Other types of this product can be used as fertilizing.


It is considered an environmentally friendly composition based on humic acids and lake sapropel. Fertilizing of the "Darina" type can be applied not only in the fall, but also at any level of crop development.

Fertik (Kemira)

This complex fertilizers, including all the necessary mineral components for autumn application. They do not contain chlorine compounds. "Kemira Universal" is a particularly effective composition that is used by gardeners as the main fertilizer, as well as in the form of fertilizing.


It is a bioorganic substance that includes sawdust, peat and microorganisms. There is no need to apply it often; it is enough to fertilize the soil with it once every few years. The best supercomposts for replenishing the soil in the autumn are “PIKSA Premium” and “PIKSA Lux”. 20 kg of this substance can replace a ton of manure.

Gummi-Omi, Biofort, Harvest-S

Effective products for use in the autumn. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for their application if you read the instructions that are available on each container with fertilizing.


This is a complex mixture suitable for application in the fall. It contains phosphorus (about 50%), calcium (about 10%), potassium (15%), magnesium (7%), as well as 9 useful microelements. Feeding with this mixture should be done every 3 years. Here it is necessary to mention " Diammofoske" - 13/23/23 (nitrogen/phosphorus/potassium) with 7 trace elements.

What fertilizers to feed fruit trees and shrubs

Apple tree

Seedlings of young trees require periodic feeding. Fertilizers are applied to their tree trunk circles. When the plant begins to bear fruit, fertilizers are added between the rows.

If the land is poor, then fertilizing with organic matter is necessary. Per hundred square meters of soil you need to add about 5 kg of manure (not completely rotted) or 500 grams of bird droppings (not dry).

The addition of potassium and phosphorus fertilizers depends on how much the soil is enriched with them. On average, per sq. m of the tree-trunk planting circle, it is necessary to apply 9 grams of double superphosphate if the tree is no more than 12 years old, and if the planting is older, then 13 grams of fertilizer will be required for the same area.

As for potassium sulfate, for normal soil, 13, 18, 27 grams of the substance will need to be poured onto the same area and the same plantings, respectively.


If, when planting them, all the necessary fertilizers, then primary feeding can be carried out only after a few years. If the soil has average fertility, then for 1 “square” of the tree trunk circle you will need about 5 kg of organic matter, 13 g of superphosphate and about 20 g of calcium sulfate.

Currants and gooseberries

For the first few years after planting the bush, you can only apply nitrogen fertilizers. In the autumn of the third year, the bush requires 40 grams of potassium sulfate, 5 kg of organic matter and about 40 grams of superphosphate. If the bushes grow on sandy loam soil, then all fertilizers are applied annually.

Strawberry (strawberry)

The first few years after transplantation, you should not apply fertilizer to the plants. Approximately from 3-4 years of feeding per 1 sq. m. of soil in the fall: superphosphate - 25 g, potassium sulfate - 15-20 g.

​Similar articles​

Basic rules for feeding garden plants

​The soil should be enriched with phosphorus once every few years, since this element tends to linger in the soil for a long time. Moreover, during the accumulation process, an excess of phosphorus may form in the soil, which can negatively affect the condition of the lawn.​

Autumn fertilizers for the garden

​If liming is carried out in the spring, the fertilizer is evenly scattered over the entire area and mixed with the soil when loosening the ridges. Lime fertilizers cannot be applied simultaneously with manure - this leads to loss of nitrogen. That is why they are introduced alternately.​

Autumn mineral fertilizers: dosages

​It has been established that the norm is 5 g N per 1 sq. m is optimal - plants still won’t absorb more nitrogen. We scatter the fertilizer in the rows or around the plant, then cover it with soil using a hoe. It is advisable to water the bed after this so that the fertilizers are partially dissolved and the plant quickly receives the nitrogen it needs.​

What fertilizers to apply in the fall to get a rich harvest?

​The main plant nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium.​

Shrubs and berries

​It will absorb valuable “juices” washed out from upper layers piles with rain (by the way, in dry weather, do not forget to regularly water the compost heap!).​

​This, however, will only happen if it is not embedded too deeply. If the embedding is too deep, the decomposition processes will proceed differently - without the formation and development of beneficial microflora.​

Feeding the trees

​"Nitroammofoska" - contains 17% nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus each. For each fruit-bearing apple tree, 200 to 400 g of fertilizer should be applied.​

​After harvesting, you need to prepare the tree for difficult wintering conditions. The harsher the climate, the more carefully this must be done. Work should begin at the end of the first month of autumn. By this time, watering the tree stops so as not to reduce its winter hardiness. In the fall, the plant is carefully inspected again, all unnecessary branches are removed, and all cut areas are treated with a solution. copper sulfate followed by application of garden varnish. If the tree is old enough and has fairly thick bark, you should also check it for pests. At positive result It is also better to remove and burn the bark to prevent the spread of pests.​

Preparing the beds

Peat - 3-4 buckets per pit.

​The cheapest way would be green manure. They can be sown throughout the entire plot of land, and then plow the soil. Ash is also perfect; it is also distributed evenly over the ground and loosens the soil. Nitrogen and phosphate mixtures will perfectly supply the area with nutrients, and in the spring they will stimulate the active growth of crops - these are fertilizers applied in the fall. You can also purchase complex dry mineral products for the garden, because they contain a whole range of useful elements.​

Necessary fertilizers for apple trees in autumn

​Autumn is not only the harvest period, but also the time to prepare the garden for winter. At this time, the owners of their personal plots have a lot of work: they need to restore order, provide autumn fertilizer for their plants, and make sure that they do not die in severe frosts. The importance of agrotechnical measures carried out correctly and in a timely manner can hardly be overestimated, because the harvest in the next season will depend on them.​

Is it difficult to grow a garden?

​Just like humans, plants need potassium for normal growth and development. Therefore, it is useful to apply mineral fertilizers containing potassium to the soil of ornamental lawns throughout the entire growing season of plants, including in the fall. Potassium fertilizers used at this time can not only replenish vitality reserves lawn grass, but also to strengthen their resistance to adverse weather conditions, pests and diseases.​

​Fertilizers containing slaked lime can be used on any soil. Quicklime is used only on heavy soils.​

​Even more useful for vegetables (although it requires a lot of labor for the gardener) is watering with a 0.2-0.3% solution of nitrogen fertilizer. Be careful not to get the solution on the leaves! Just in case, after feeding, irrigate the plant with clean water.​

Fertilizing the soil for planting seedlings

​On the earthen “foundation” we lay in layers, thoroughly moistening, a variety of organic waste. If the soil of the site is acidic, add calcium carbonate to the compost heap at the rate of 2-3 kg of fertilizer per 1 cubic meter. m. Cover the formed compost heap with earth, this will speed up the decomposition processes. After 5-6 weeks, we shovel the compost (see picture) and, if necessary, moisten the pile. We have to work hard: after 2, 4 and 6 months we shovel the compost again. Don't forget to water the pile regularly.​

​Semi-decomposed manure can be applied in spring or summer (for stubble crops). It is best used as mulch.​

  • ​"Ammophos" - contains at least 10% nitrogen and at least 40% phosphorus. It is successfully used as an autumn fertilizer for gardens on black soil.​
  • In order to make it easier for the tree to survive the winter, and to get a good harvest next year, it is mandatory to apply fertilizer to the apple tree in the fall. This is a very important stage of garden care, because it is in the fall that the planting of the future harvest occurs, so it is important to provide the trees with all the necessary nutrients. Organic or nitrogen, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers for apple trees are applied under the roots in quantities according to the instructions for the specific type of fertilizer. All work must be carried out before the onset of severe cold; the tree must enter winter completely with a supply of useful substances and well protected externally.​
  • ​You can mix all of these components in a ratio of 1:4:5:5 and feed the soil with a bucket of the resulting mixture.​
  • A healthy and fertile garden necessarily requires applying fertilizer for the apple tree in the fall. Which ones are better - organic or mineral? When and in what dose to apply them? The article discusses these and other issues regarding planting and caring for an apple orchard.​

​Experienced gardeners are well aware of of great importance fertilizers applied in the autumn. One of the main roles among other supplements is played by macroelements such as potassium and phosphorus. However, it should be taken into account that at the beginning of autumn, the secondary growth of rhizomes is still ongoing, and nitrogen is involved in all growth and metabolic processes, so autumn fertilizer for fruit trees should be complex with a mandatory nitrogen content. The preparations are sealed by digging up the soil. Under fruit crops fertilizing is applied to a depth of at least 15 cm, and for berries - to a depth of 10 cm. Clods of earth should be left unbroken - they will ensure better snow retention, and pests overwintering in the soil will freeze. If the soil is dry, it must be thoroughly watered, and then the necessary funds must be added and dug up. Autumn fertilizer must be applied in advance (from August), taking into account the fact that the plants will need a certain amount of time (2-3 weeks) to absorb the fertilizer, and if the soil is cold, the roots will “fall asleep” and practically cease to absorb useful elements.​

​For autumn feeding of lawns with potassium, special complex autumn fertilizers, as well as potassium sulfate, are used. Unlike phosphorus, potassium tends to be quickly washed out of the soil, so potassium fertilizers should be applied at least once a year. In addition, in light sandy soils the natural potassium content is much lower than in heavy soils, so for such lawn soils the amount of potassium fertilizers should be increased.​

​Because quicklime It is very hygroscopic and heats up greatly when it absorbs water; it can only be stored in open places.​

Caring for apple trees. Fertilizer application schedule

​When using fertilizers with a high nitrogen content (for example, urea), carefully measure the required rate, which is usually indicated on the package. Remember that an excess of nitrogen is just as harmful as its deficiency.​

​Plants are used mainly to form green mass, which is why cabbage and leafy vegetables need it so much.​

​It is advisable to use slurry for this purpose. If the pile is properly maintained, the compost will be ready for use within a year.​

  • ​Manure perfectly improves soil structure and is a source of humus. But the content of macro- and microelements of plant nutrition in it is low. On average, the dry mass of manure contains 0.5% nitrogen, 0.25% phosphorus, 0.6% potassium and 0.3% calcium. Therefore, in addition to manure, mineral fertilizers must be added to the soil.​
  • What fertilizers are applied to apple trees in the fall besides mineral ones? These are, of course, organic. It is best to use humus or humus for these purposes. The amount of humus introduced also depends on the age of the apple tree and the area of ​​root growth. On average, about 10-20 kg of humus must be applied to a young tree up to 4 years old; for a tree 10 years old and older, up to 45-55 kg of fertilizer is applied. These norms are suitable for places with a temperate climate; for the southern regions, the amount of fertilizer applied can be increased by 20%, since cold weather arrives there later in the fall, the tree has time to absorb all the useful substances and complete its preparation for winter.​
  • ​To fertilize an apple tree in the fall, it is best to use both types of fertilizers - organic and mineral.​
  • Mineral fertilizers should not be applied before planting. You can often find disputes about what fertilizers are needed for apple trees, and advice on applying phosphate, nitrogen or potassium fertilizers to seedlings. However, as practice shows, the application of mineral fertilizers causes more harm than good. Trees get sick and often die. This is due to the ability of mineral fertilizers to cause root burns. And the roots of the seedlings are still young and tender, so injuries are painful. Organics only bring benefits. It is better to start applying mineral fertilizers for apple trees in the fall, in the 3-4th year after planting the tree.​

Autumn care, the importance of feeding in autumn

​When we admire a well-groomed fruit-bearing garden, it seems to us that gardening is a fairly simple activity that does not require special knowledge and skills. What's difficult?​

​Phosphorus-based preparations must be embedded in the root layer of the soil. If phosphorus-containing granules are removed from the active root zone by at least 6 cm, the supply of this important element into the plant will no longer be complete. Potassium even has a role in preparing plants for wintering higher value than phosphorus. The best ballast-free autumn fertilizer is potassium monophosphate. Plants use it without reserve. This drug is available in powder form and is highly soluble in water. When feeding in autumn, it is used undiluted and properly incorporated into the ground. Potassium monophosphate is quite an expensive product, therefore, if there is no financial opportunity to use this fertilizer for all perennial crops, then you should at least apply it to the most non-frost-resistant plants, such as apricot, some varieties of apple trees, ornamental perennials (roses, clematis, honeysuckle and etc.).​

What fertilizers to choose for apple trees in the fall? How to calculate the dose

​As for the third main nutrient element for lawn grasses, nitrogen, in the autumn, only slow-release nitrogen fertilizers are used. Nitrogen causes active grass growth and “colors” the grass bright green color, and in the fall, of course, there is no need for this.​

​It is best to buy quicklime in the fall, immediately scatter it and incorporate it into the soil.​

Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers

​The presence of potassium and phosphorus can be judged by the results chemical analyzes. If it is not possible to carry out an analysis, remember how much and what fertilizers you applied during last years. In this case, before autumn or spring digging, add potassium in an amount of no more than 20 g K per square meter. m. If the need of cultivated crops exceeds this amount, we give the rest in the form of fertilizing along with nitrogen fertilizers. When choosing phosphate and potassium fertilizers, pay attention to the chlorine content in them. It is better if this element is not included in the fertilizer at all. Many plants cannot tolerate it.​

  1. ​phosphorus​
  2. ​Disease pathogens do not die even with complete decomposition of plant residues. With the finished compost, they return to the soil and infect plants. This is why the unproductive parts of diseased plants should be burned. Only then can you be sure that pathogenic fungi and bacteria will die. Throw the stems and rhizomes of clubroot-infected cabbage, diseased potato tubers and stems, and tomato bushes into the fire! If for some reason it is impossible to start a fire, bury the remains of infected plants in a deep hole.​
  3. ​If it is impossible to obtain manure, peat can be added to the soil as a substitute in the spring. It is scattered, without being buried in the ground, on ridges dug up in the fall, then loosened with a cultivator.​

​Organic fertilizers are applied by dropwise or by loosening the soil.​

​To calculate the dose required for each specific tree, you need to know and take into account not only climatic conditions, but also the age of the plant, its level of fruiting in the past season. After all, the larger the harvest, the correspondingly more the tree spent useful substances and the more it needs to replenish them. You also need to take into account the area of ​​growth of its roots, approximately this will be the size of the tree trunk circle. The tree trunk circle is determined by the size of the shadow of the tree crown on a summer day. Perennial can have a root circle of up to 50 square meters. meters. Having assessed all these indicators, you can easily calculate the dose of organic matter and mineral supplements.​

  1. It is also necessary to take into account climatic conditions and the intended use of the apple variety for these conditions. If in the south of our country there are no restrictions on planting any varieties, then in the northern regions it is necessary to control the winter hardiness of apple trees. If you plant a tree that is not adapted to harsh conditions, it will simply die and your efforts will be wasted.​
  2. ​In the spring, stick a seedling into the ground, water it well, spray it a couple of times a season - that’s all the work. To people ignorant of the ability to breed and grow apple trees, it seems that it is very simple to have good harvest fruit. However experienced gardeners know that growing fruit trees is a serious job that requires experience, patience and hard work.​
  3. ​The age of trees plays a major role in calculating doses of potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. Double superphosphate is added in an amount of 9 grams. per 1 sq. meter of the trunk circle of pears and apple trees, the age of which is 4-12 years, and for trees aged 12-20 years this dose increases to 13 grams. Potassium sulfate for young trees is required in an amount of 13 grams, and for adults - 18 grams. Fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus can be applied every 2-3 years.​

Fertilizing apple trees with organic matter

Careless use of nitrogenous fertilizers in the fall can lead to lawn plants beginning to grow actively, wasting all their vital energy reserves. Therefore, the forces on winter period There will be almost nothing left in them and in the spring the lawn will lose all its decorativeness and beauty.​

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FERTILIZERS FOR SOIL - Garden and vegetable garden - Wild Summer Resident

To avoid mistakes when using fertilizers, find out what the content of phosphorus, potassium and calcium is in the soil of your garden

​accelerates the formation of flowers and ovaries, which is why it is so necessary for tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables, the productive part of which is the fruit.​

​Since weed seeds remain viable for 3-5 years, when added to the garden bed along with compost a year later, they will germinate profusely and clog the garden. To avoid this, you should compost weeds with ripened seeds in a separate pile, which must be shoveled at least four times during the summer. In this case, the seeds that end up at the top of the heap germinate every time. Weed out sprouted weeds with a hoe. Shovel the pile as many times as necessary until no more weeds grow on it. This, of course, will require work, but your reward will be complete and weed-free compost.​

Organic fertilizers improve soil structure, activate processes occurring in it, regulate water balance and increase fertility

​In the near-surface layer enriched with peat, plants quickly form a strong, branched root system. If there is no peat at the time of sowing, it can be used later - for mulching between rows.​

​Fed apple trees in time will have time to absorb all the beneficial substances included in the fertilizers and will be better prepared for difficult wintering conditions.​

​Simple potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers for apple trees are applied in the following dosage:​

Manure is applied to the soil in the fall, digging shallowly

​In the spring, areas affected by pests or frost, old branches or those that do not bear fruit, and lichen are removed. After pruning, all bare areas must be treated with garden varnish so that pests and pathogenic microflora do not penetrate into unprotected areas. It is necessary to apply whitewash to a sufficient height on the tree trunk. Summer care consists mainly of watering if the weather is very hot, and timely removal of fallen apples so that they do not rot under the tree.​

​One of the most important points Caring for an apple orchard involves proper feeding. Balanced soil fertilization will enable trees to develop and bear fruit normally. Moreover, the frequency of fruiting is reduced to a minimum. The tree does not get sick, copes with pests more easily, and recovers faster from stress such as heat in summer and frost in winter.​

​Summer is over, the harvest has been harvested, can you rest peacefully from agricultural work? But experienced gardeners They know that in the fall a very important preparatory period for the new season begins. The plants bore fruit and exhausted the soil. If you don’t fertilize your plot, you won’t have to count on a good harvest next year. And this applies not only to trees and shrubs, but also to the land on which you plant vegetable crops. We will try to figure out what fertilizers to apply in the fall in order to properly fertilize the soil and protect the plants from the approaching frosts.​

Manure alone will not satisfy the nutritional needs of plants.

​Although for lawns affected by summer drought, fertilizing with slow-release nitrogenous mineral fertilizers will be very useful.​

Peat is a good organic fertilizer. Especially if used correctly

​Organization and comprehensive lawn care is not an activity for lazy people. If you really want to get a beautiful, neat lawn covered with thick, evenly green grass, you will have to put in a lot of effort, work and knowledge. You need to take care of your decorative lawn all year round, and although most of the work occurs in the spring and summer, you won’t have to sit idle in the fall and winter either.​

​With a neutral or close to neutral reaction, the pH is 6.5-7.4, with a slightly acidic reaction - 4.6-6.4, very acidic - less than 4.5, with a weak alkaline - 7.5-8.0, alkaline -8 ,0-8.5.​

Only wood ash should be used as fertilizer!


Slurry and feces should not be poured directly onto the garden bed. They fill compost heaps

​Pumpkin is often used to shade a compost heap. A pumpkin planted on the heap itself will deplete the compost and reduce its value, because it requires a lot of nutrients. It is better to plant the pumpkin around the compost heap and direct the shoots in the right direction. Large leaves will completely cover the pile from the sun's rays. From time to time, check if additional roots have appeared on the stems lying on the pile and, if necessary, cut them off.​

​Coal ash will not do any good, but rather harm the vegetables. It is permissible to add soot to the soil, but its effect on plants has not yet been clarified.​

Bird, goat and rabbit manure can only be used after composting.

Every sane gardener will not fail to do a soil analysis. Many soil science stations provide similar services to the population.​

Compost heaps should only be placed in shaded areas

​Potassium fertilizers - up to 20 g per square meter of tree trunk circle.​

In order for compost to contain maximum nutrients, it must be prepared correctly.

​Throughout the entire season, fertilizing the garden with fertilizers is mandatory. The first portion is applied in the spring. Fertilizers are needed both organic (every year) and mineral (3-4 years after planting). It is important to remember that organic fertilizers must consist of humus, since fresh organic matter will damage the roots of the tree.​

​It is known that it is preferable autumn planting apple trees This allows the root system to gain strength over the winter, recover from the stress of replanting and prepare for the future growing season. Trees should be planted in mid-autumn after leaf fall.​

​If you dream of receiving generous gifts in the form of berries every year, you need to know what fertilizer to apply when. You can start fertilizing after your bushes and berry crops have produced their harvest. For example, strawberries and currants ripen early, so they need to be processed almost in the summer. Organic natural formulations are suitable. Ash is an excellent fertilizer for both berries and bushes. Manure and litter also enrich the soil well. They must be added when digging up the ground around crops. Be careful with manure, pour it away from the roots, otherwise there is a risk of burning them.​

​In the end, I would like to remind you that you need to apply fertilizers in any season of the year, and not just in the fall, strictly in accordance with the rules for caring for ornamental lawns. You cannot exceed the amount of fertilizers recommended for use for certain types of soil; they should be evenly distributed over the surface of the lawn, regardless of which application method you use, and, of course, it is not recommended to use low-quality complex mineral or organic fertilizers from “dubious” ones. manufacturers.​

Never put the remains of diseased plants into the compost heap!

​During the three autumn months, the lawn should be watered, mowed and aerated with almost the same frequency as in the summer months. In addition, the lawn must be properly prepared for the upcoming cold weather, be sure to mulch and carry out a number of preventive measures aimed at improving the grass carpet of the lawn. But perhaps the most main job is proper feeding soil with special autumn fertilizers.

Compost weeds that have already ripened seeds in a separate pile.

​These are cabbage and cauliflower, carrots, beets, small valernica, kozelets, celery, asparagus, onions.​

Do not plant pumpkins, zucchini and similar plants on the compost heap!

​plays an extremely important role in the development of the entire plant, ensures rapid growth, and increases resistance to disease. Plants also need calcium. It improves soil properties, binds and neutralizes acids. Magnesium occupies a special place among nutrients. All vegetables use it to a greater or lesser extent. It is part of chlorophyll, and plant biomass directly depends on it. That is why, when applying mineral fertilizers, preference should be given to those that also contain magnesium.​

​A good “umbrella” for a compost heap would be sunflowers densely planted around it.​

Covering the beds with film and mulching. Covering the beds with film and mulching to a certain extent replaces organic fertilizers and has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the soil and plants.

​Slurry and feces contain elements that can be harmful to plants. That is why it is not recommended to feed plants directly in the garden with them; it is better to pour these substances onto the compost heap.​

Green fertilizers are another opportunity to enrich the soil with organic matter

​Soil samples are taken from different places plot. On an area of ​​100 sq. m 5-6 samples are made. Using a small spatula or a special tool, we collect soil from the top fertile layer (to a depth of 20 cm), then mix all the samples, take 50-100 g of soil from the mixture and send it for analysis. With very homogeneous soil, samples can be taken from an area of ​​200-300 square meters. m. It is best to do this in the fall. Naturally, before taking the soil for analysis, you should not add fertilizers to it. Soil testing should be carried out periodically, once every 2 years.​

Phosphorus - up to 35 g per square meter. This is the norm for middle zone, it is slightly higher for the southern regions - up to 60 g per square meter.​

If there are a lot of earthworms in the soil of your site, it means it is rich in humus

​The main feedings are carried out in accordance with the following schedule:​

Good harvests are possible only when the soil contains all the substances necessary for plants.

When choosing apple tree seedlings for planting, you need to know the composition of the soil. This will allow you to assess how much and what kind of fertilizers need to be added to the soil to increase its fertility.​

​What fertilizers should be applied in the fall for such crops? Complex mineral compositions are also excellent. Be careful when choosing them - their use is always indicated on the packaging. Any plant absorbs fertilizer better if it is combined with water. You can buy ready-made solutions, or you can make your own. Give preference to fertilizers high in phosphorus, calcium and potassium. Such elements strengthen the plants and help them survive severe frosts, and in the spring they provoke active shoot growth. The root system of strawberries can be sprinkled with sawdust, this is, of course, not ready-made fertilizer, but when the twigs and grass rot, they will turn into useful compost.​ ​C​

​Most of all, in the autumn, the lawn needs to enrich the soil with complex mineral fertilizers, which include potassium and phosphorus compounds. Phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen are generally among the main nutrients that provide lawn plants with normal growth and vital activity throughout the year. It is recommended to use single-component or complex mineral fertilizers as a top dressing all seasons. However, when applying fertilizers to the lawn in the autumn, there are a number of special rules and restrictions. They will give a good harvest only on soils with a neutral reaction. In fact, all vegetables grow best in such soil. Less sensitive to soil acidity are beans, peas, kale, cucumbers, lettuce, pumpkin, radish, radish, rhubarb, Brussels sprouts, spinach, tomatoes, which can bear fruit well in slightly acidic soils.​

​Only a complex of nutrients can fully satisfy the needs of plants.​ Thanks to mulching, moisture is better retained in the soil, which helps to enhance the activity of soil microorganisms. Mulched soil retains looseness longer after cultivation, resulting in improved aeration of the fertile layer, which is very beneficial for plants. A layer of mulch prevents the appearance of weeds. Mulching becomes especially important when cultivating demanding crops such as cauliflower, tomatoes, eggplants, etc. Well-rotted manure, leafy soil, peat, and finely chopped straw can be used as mulch. The soil is mulched immediately after sowing or planting. The mulch is laid out in a layer of 5-6 cm and watered abundantly.

​You can apply such fertilizers directly to the garden bed only in late autumn or winter, and the soil must be thoroughly frozen. Otherwise, the topography of the dug up soil will be smoothed out, lumps will disappear and the soil will not freeze properly.​

Nutrients that are used by plants in small quantities are called trace elements. Their significance is enormous

​Nitrogen - 20 grams per 1 square meter of tree trunk circle.​

Different vegetables need different amounts of nitrogen

​the first is the period of bud opening before flowering;​

​The best fertilizers for planting apple trees are organic ones. They are introduced in the following quantities:

​It is very important to carry out competent and complete fertilization of fruit trees. Such measures will help increase productivity and protect plants from depletion. What fertilizer should I apply in the fall to protect them from severe cold? Among organic substances, manure, “burnt-out” bird droppings, and composts with the addition of peat are suitable. These fertilizers perfectly nourish the root system, create comfortable conditions for growth. They must be introduced into tree trunk circles, which are dug up in the fall.​


The amount of potassium and phosphorus fertilizers applied to the soil depends on the type of vegetables and the content of nutrients in the soil

​For example, phosphorus fertilizers are used to fertilize lawns twice: in early autumn and just before frost. Phosphorus helps strengthen the root system of lawn grasses, which ensures early growth of plants with the onset of spring, and in the summer their root system is sufficiently supplied with water and nutrients.​

Complex fertilizers are ideal for use in small areas

​If it is sorrel, knotweed, chickweed, tricolor violet, horsetail, mullein and field chamomile, know: liming is urgently required.​

The soil can be acidic, neutral or alkaline

​It is very important to maintain the correct ratio of elements. Both a deficiency and an excess of certain substances are harmful.​

Most types of vegetables prefer neutral soils

​If you do not have enough manure, then you can cultivate plants specifically for green fertilizer as a stubble crop or compactor crop.​

​These organic fertilizers should not be applied directly to the soil. But they make excellent composts. At the bottom of the compost heap, lay out a 10-20 cm layer of leaves, peat or clay soil, which will retain all the valuable substances washed out of the compost heap by rain. Make a new compost heap every six months. Fresh portions should not be added to almost finished compost.​

The acidity of the soil can be judged by what weeds grow in the area

​K organic fertilizers include: manure, slurry, peat, mullein, feces, composts, plant residues.​

Liming is carried out regularly, once every two years.

​When applying mineral fertilizers, it is best to dissolve them in water and water the tree.​

​the second - when the ovary reaches the size of a walnut;

​ash - 1 kg per pit;​

Depending on the soil structure, either slaked or quicklime is used

Of the mineral compositions, phosphorus in the form of superphosphate and potassium, its derivatives potassium chloride and potassium salt are considered the most effective for late feeding. Suitable for such purposes and ammonium nitrate. The so-called green manures have also proven themselves to be excellent. These include plants from the genus legumes and grains. They are sown at the end of summer around the tree and the greens are dug into the ground. Alfalfa, clover, oats and rye are suitable. They enrich the soil and feed the root system with useful microelements. Which fertilizers to apply in the fall - mineral or organic - decide for yourself, guided by the type of trees and the quality of the soil.​


In addition, the application of phosphorus fertilizers has a beneficial effect on the growth of lateral shoots in early autumn, which allows plants to create a denser layer of turf and endure winter cold more “painlessly”. The “suppliers” of phosphorus for lawns in the fall are special autumn complex fertilizers, superphosphates and bone meal.​

To reduce the acidity of the soil, once every two years add 150 calcium carbonate per 1 sq. m. m.​

Fertilizers for the lawn in the fall

​In addition to the basic nutrients listed above, plants need boron, chlorine, iron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, sulfur, zinc, etc. They are required by the plant in very small quantities and are included in most complex mineral fertilizers produced by industry.​

For these purposes, mustard, lupine or a mixture of rye and winter vetch are sown. These crops are usually sown in late July - early August, and in late autumn they dig up a mixture of rye and winter vetch. next spring. Green fertilizers should be grown wherever possible, using any vacant piece of land.​

Phosphorus autumn fertilizers

​Organic waste in a compost heap decomposes quickly only if there is a sufficient amount of moisture, since bacteria that “recycle” organic matter can only exist in a humid environment. When exposed to direct sunlight, waste dries out and the activity of beneficial bacteria stops. If there is no suitable shaded place on the site for constructing a compost heap, you need to plant a sunflower or pumpkin next to it (following tips 40 and 282). You can also arrange a pile in the shade of a house or barn.​

​Organic fertilizers should be applied once every two years at the rate of 300 kg of manure or 600 kg of compost per 100 sq. m.​

​Modern gardening successfully uses complex fertilizers, which contain several nutrients at once. Such combination drugs primarily include:

​the next one is one month after flowering, when young shoots begin to grow;​

​humus - 2 small buckets per hole;​

Potash autumn fertilizers

​When the vegetable crops are harvested, it is necessary to fertilize the land. During the plant growing season, it weakens and requires feeding to restore the natural supply of minerals and acids. Organic compounds are suitable for such purposes: manure, litter, compost. They must be evenly distributed throughout the area and be sure to dig up the ground.​

​Mushchinskaya Yanina Stanislavovna​

Caution: Nitrogen!

​Read also:​

​They do this during the autumn digging. Make sure that the fertilizer does not remain on the surface, but is evenly mixed with the soil.​

​If a particular crop is demanding on nitrogen, then before sowing (or immediately after it) you need to apply a starting dose of fertilizer (5 g N per 1 sq. m) and feed the plants 1.2 times during the growing season.​

​Earthworms - irreplaceable helpers vegetable grower. They loosen, ventilate the soil, making passages in it, and enrich it with organic substances and calcium processed in their bodies.​

​First of all, under each newly laid compost heap there is a layer of deciduous soil.​This rule must be observed especially carefully when using fresh manure. Over the winter it will decompose slightly, providing food for beneficial bacteria.​ "Nitrophoska" is a potassium-nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer containing potassium - no less than 11%, nitrogen - no less than 11%, easily soluble phosphorus - no less than 11%. The number of constituent components may vary, which is indicated by the marking “Nitrophosphate” (grade A, B, etc.). The average application rate is 50-70 g per 1 m2.​The final cycle of applying fertilizer for the apple tree is in the fall, to replenish potassium and create a reserve of nutrients for the tree before wintering.

​compost - 3-4 buckets per pit;​

There are a number of fertilizers that are best suited for the autumn period of application. Some of them are well known to everyone and are constantly heard by gardeners. Others, we do not use so often, but their use will also only benefit the soil and make it more fertile.

Horse dung
This popular variety of organic matter is very useful for its use in gardens, especially if it is used in greenhouses. It is best to apply manure in the fall, because after lying there until spring, it fully reveals all its beneficial qualities, that is, it releases most of its nutrients into the soil. 3 kilograms of manure will be enough to enrich a square meter of soil. What's good horse dung, this is because it can be safely applied to all plants that bear fruit. Be it a garden or vegetable garden. But, they use it exclusively on empty soil, so that it cannot simply burn the plants themselves on your site.
This fertilizer is also very valuable, and besides that, it’s also affordable. Here the consumption rate will be slightly higher - 5-6 kilograms per square meter. It is permissible to add mullein in the fall, but still, this is far from the best option, because over the winter it will simply lose 20-30 percent of its nutrients. But it will be more useful as part of compost. In this case, mullein is quite suitable for adding it to the beds in the spring.
Bird droppings
In its concentration it surpasses any organic matter. Strawberries love it very much, but here you will need to “tinker with it a little,” that is, ferment it correctly, and then dilute it. It is diluted as much as 1:15, after which it is used for watering. Any other crops will accept it in dry form, when it is simply added when digging the beds. This should be done only once every 3-4 years. Such concentrated organic matter should not be added too often.
Compost is simply ideal for autumn, especially when digging up the soil. Before this, the ground can be covered with compost, as they say, “completely”. It will give the plants a lot of nutrients and allow you to get a harvest faster. If, for example, you apply it under potatoes, they will ripen earlier by as much as 2 weeks.
As for its application in the fall, it should be applied to heavy, loamy soils. If the soil composition is different, then there is no need to use ash, because melt water will simply wash away all the potassium.
Also very good for autumn use. Superphosphate is currently presented in several varieties: double, the consumption rate of which per square meter is only 20-30 grams; granular is consumed a little more - 35-40 grams all per square meter; and a simple type of superphosphate (or monophosphate). Consumption is even higher – 40-50 grams;
Phosphorite flour
This is also an autumn fertilizer, but due to the high calcium content, such flour is not suitable for all crops. But the fertilizer is completely natural and exceptionally clean from an environmental point of view.
Of all the types of nitrogen fertilizers, urea is the only one applied in the fall. Its structural form binds well to the soil, which allows it to remain quite well in the soil until spring. But only if the soil is heavy. If it is mild, then it is better not to add urea during this period.
Potassium sulfate
It is good when used in combination, namely with nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers. In autumn it is used to feed currants and gooseberries. You can also add it under raspberries and strawberries. This type of potassium will help the bushes to overwinter better. There will be twice as many of them, even in the coldest winter. 30 grams will be enough to apply per square meter. This is maximum!
Calcium chloride
It is calcium that will remain in the soil in the spring, while chlorine will simply be washed away with water or it will erode. Many crops love this fertilizer, and apple and pear trees especially. When applying it, they are limited to 20 grams per square meter.