Horse manure as a fertilizer - how to use it to feed plants? Features of using horse manure How to properly apply horse manure.

To improve growth and development garden plants Various types of fertilizers are used. Among the large number of substances, the basis of which are organic compounds, horse manure is especially popular. It includes almost all nutritional elements, needed by plants. Due to the high concentration of organic matter, it is important to know how to use horse humus as a fertilizer so as not to harm vegetables.

Composition of horse humus

Horse manure is a mixture of an animal's excrement and the bedding on which it sleeps. The rotted composition is no worse than chemical fertilizers. Straw is most often used as bedding, which is used as an independent fertilizer. When decomposed, it rots and makes the soil nutritious.

Dry stalks of grain crops, from which straw is made, contain microelements necessary for the full development and growth of plants. Some livestock breeders use sawdust to cover the floor in the stable. They retain water well in the soil. Chips from coniferous trees saturates the soil with acid, which is necessary to feed cucumbers, tomatoes, and carrots.

Horse manure is 70.1% water. The amount of organic matter is about 24%. Such a high concentration helps enrich the soil with all the necessary nutritional components. One of the main chemical elements that make up horse droppings is total nitrogen – 0.58%. Horse manure contains 0.19% ammonia nitrogen and must be broken down before the fertilizer reaches the soil. This substance is part of the proteins and amino acids necessary for the normal existence of any plants.

In addition to nitrogen, the structure of manure contains other important nutritional elements: phosphorus (0.28%), potassium (0.64%), magnesium (0.14%). Thanks to this composition, manure has positive characteristics.

  1. Porous texture. When it gets into the ground, the loose mixture makes it airy and helps retain moisture.
  2. Ability to improve vegetable nutrition. When manured, carbon dioxide is released in large quantities, which helps improve the photosynthesis of green plants.
  3. The high temperature of decay accelerates the process of decomposition of complex chemical compounds. This helps to quickly enrich the soil with nutrients.
  4. The likelihood of pathogenic microbes multiplying and contaminating the soil with them is minimal.
  5. Light weight. Granulated manure is packed in standard bags, the weight of which does not exceed 40 kg.

General rules of application

To wisely use horse manure to fertilize your garden, you should follow certain rules. It is better to apply fresh manure in the fall for digging. By spring, it will be so decomposed that it will serve as food for soil bacteria. It is added in larger quantities to clay soils than to sandy soils.

Because of high temperature decomposition, it is undesirable to apply fresh humus as root feeding. Semi-rotted droppings look dry due to the loss of a large amount of moisture. It is applied in the spring in an amount of 4–6 kg per m². For effective and economical use, organic fertilizer is placed in the holes, thoroughly mixed with the soil.

Humus can also be used for summer feeding. During this period, they cover the ground with the purpose of mulching it. Humus is used not only in pure form, but also in mixtures with other substances. Manure and sawdust should be used in a 1:1 ratio. A large amount of horse droppings (up to 15 kg per 1 m²) transforms even heavy clay soils into suitable for cultivating vegetables.


The main task when storing horse humus is to ensure that the loss of its beneficial substances is minimal. The nitrogen contained in the fertilizer is of particular value for the plants being grown. This Chemical substance quickly breaks down into nitrites and nitrates. The latter are highly soluble and easily washed off with water.

Therefore, during storage, manure should not come into contact with water. When complex nitrogen compounds decompose, ammonia is released. This substance is toxic to humans in large quantities. To avoid poisoning, the manure pile should be placed at the end of the site.

Most The best way manure storage - the formation of an embankment about three meters wide and up to two meters high. The resulting pile is compacted and covered with straw. Weed seedlings from seeds contained in manure or blown by the wind are cut off with a hoe.

Advice: “It is better to make a compost pile on the north side. If there are no such places in your dacha, you can plant a pumpkin around it; its wide leaves will serve as protection from the sun. Densely planted sunflowers will also create good shade.”

Fertilizer recipes

Horse droppings are used as fertilizer for vegetables, strawberries, fruit trees, and also for flowers. The exceptional composition makes it possible to use manure in various forms.

Fresh - delivered from the stables. In this form it is better to apply in the fall, after the last harvest. High heat transfer allows it to be used as a biological fuel. To do this, it is laid out in layers about 30 cm high, after first clearing the ground of weeds and remains of cultivated plants. During the winter months, it has time to decompose, and the heat released during the decay process prevents the ground from freezing.

Well-warmed soil is necessary for the early ripening of zucchini, cucumbers, and cabbage. Half-rotted horse excrement has a porous structure. To feed plants, it is recommended to dilute them with water and apply them to areas where beets, carrots, potatoes, and berries will be grown. Humus is considered the most significant and necessary for the garden. It takes several years to obtain it. Thanks to its properties, it ensures full growth of most plants. When feeding fruit crops bring up to five buckets of humus under one tree.

To preserve moisture, the tree trunk circles are covered with fertilizer. Application of humus under berry bushes also very popular. Apply this fertilizer in three buckets per square meter. To mulch strawberries and raspberries, rotted excrement is mixed with dry leaves or straw and laid out in a layer about 10 cm high. Liquid manure is a liquid concentrate. It is sold in 5 liter bottles. Many gardeners make this fertilizer themselves.

Preparation of "Horse mash". Freshly cut nettles are placed in a container and completely filled with water. After 3 days, horse manure is added to the mixture at the rate of 1 part humus to 10 parts infusion. Mix everything well and leave for another 2-3 days. The finished concentrate is applied under the roots or sprayed on the leaves. Potassium-nitrogen fertilizer in the form of slurry can be taken from any place where horses are bred. This type of feeding is well suited for tomatoes.

Granular horse manure is easy to transport. It is also an excellent alternative to fresh in areas where it is not possible to purchase a “natural product”. Granular manure is an all-natural basic fertilizer that has the same characteristics as fresh manure. It is more concentrated - 1 kg of granules contains the same amount of nutrients as 4 kg of fresh substance.

The fertilizer does not have a repulsive odor. There are no seeds in the granules weed, the presence of which is typical for fresh manure.

Before use, you must carefully read the instructions and, following all the points, begin applying fertilizer.

Almost all flowers are very picky about the soil. Horse humus can improve its quality. Fertilizer applied to a flowerbed in the fall will not only enrich the soil with nitrogen, but also protect root system flowers from freezing. Fresh droppings have a high nitrogen content. Excess of this chemical element in tomatoes it promotes the growth of green mass. Therefore, it is better to feed tomatoes with compost or horse humus diluted with water. Strawberries are taken from the ground a large number of nitrogen-containing elements. Horse manure is an ideal fertilizer for her, but it is used only in a form highly diluted with water (5 kg of manure per 100 liters of water). The resulting infusion is poured over the strawberries.

Despite everything positive characteristics horse humus, in some circumstances it is unacceptable to use it. The presence of plaque on the surface of horse manure indicates the presence of pathogenic fungi. The use of such fertilizer can lead to plant infection with diseases. Only completely rotted fertilizer should be applied to cucumber beds. Incompletely decomposed manure releases ammonia, which is dangerous for cucumbers. This applies only to fertilizing carried out in spring or summer period. Proper and careful use of horse humus as a fertilizer will allow you to grow healthy and strong plants capable of producing rich harvests.

Manure from domestic animals, including horse manure, is often used by gardeners as organic fertilizer. Well, if the stable is located nearby, then the issue is easily resolved, but what should those who do not have the opportunity to purchase it do? Dry and liquid concentrates come to the rescue.due to a richer chemical composition and lack of unpleasant odor.

Composition and benefits for plants

Horse manure itself has several advantages over the excrement of other animals and birds. It contains less moisture, is lighter and decomposes faster. It contains a large amount of:

  • nitrogen,
  • phosphorus,
  • potassium,
  • calcium.

To create warm beds this perfect option. Manure heats up to 80°C and retains heat for 2–3 months. It is less susceptible to pathogenic microflora.

Horse manure extract contains a high concentration of useful substances; during storage it takes much less space- 5-liter bottle against a pile of manure. Benefits for plants when applying horse fertilizers, it is obvious: they develop well, productivity increases. Fertilizer does not affect soil acidity.

Application: advantages and disadvantages

Liquid organic fertilizerin the form of an extract has its pros and cons. The benefits include:

  • use on different types soil;
  • no odor;
  • different methods of application- foliar and root feeding;
  • balanced composition of elements;
  • no effect on soil microflora.


  • liquid the extract does not affect the structure of the soil and does not improve it;
  • it contains a high nitrogen content, therefore, it is introduced at a certain period;
  • does not contribute to the accumulation of necessary elements in the ground.
The extract is exclusively food for flora representatives.

Fertilizer form

Produce concentrate in granules and liquid form. Liquid fertilizer is suitable for all garden plants and garden in open or closed ground. How to produce extract, and what is it made from? The basis for it is horse manure. Using special bioreactors, they decompose organic matter without access to oxygen. This technology guarantees that the fertilizer will not contain bacteria that cause diseases, pathogenic microflora and weed seeds."Orgavit" - granular dry fertilizer, which is also balanced in the content of necessary substances and is suitable for all plants. Porous granules can accumulate moisture and release it, if necessary, to crops during dry periods. According to the manufacturer, “Orgavit” nourishes plants throughout the entire growing season.

How does the extract differ from the dry form based on the principle of action?

If dry fertilizers release beneficial substances gradually, then liquid concentrate - This " ambulance" It immediately delivers the necessary elements with water to plants through the roots or leaves, depending on the method of application.

How to prepare a working solution and use it correctly

Horse manure concentrate sold in bottles or cans. The question often arises:how to breed itso as not to harm the plants? Before purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the label. On it the manufacturer placesinstructions for use, where indicates in what proportion the product is needed dilute with water and how to useit for root and foliar feeding. It happens that instructions for horse manure extractmissing, then you need to contact the seller for advice.

Water the plants at the root or spray the leaves with the solution using a spray bottle once every two weeks in dry weather in the early morning or evening.

Some experts recommend for feeding mix diluted fertilizer with 0.5 cups of wood ash or nettle infusion (take 1 kg of chopped fresh nettle per 10 liters of water). Granular fertilizer is suitableas for indoor flowers, and for plants grown in beds and greenhouses. According to the instructions for application, dry granules are poured required quantity water, infuse and water the plants. “Horse” fertilizers like:

  • tomatoes;
  • flower crops - they are watered during the flowering period;
  • cabbage ( last feeding carried out 2 months before the heads of cabbage ripen);
  • cucumbers - feed them several times during the season: during the flowering period, and then 2 more times every 2–3 weeks;
  • poorly growing carrots - apply fertilizer when its fourth leaf unfurls;
  • garden strawberry, apple tree.

The last time you can fertilize crops apply 20 days before harvest, otherwise the vegetables will have a high concentration of nitrates and nitrites, which are contained in the product in addition to the manure itself.

In what cases should it not be used?

In some cases, it is better to avoid horse fertilizers.

  1. If the greenhouse has dense soil.
  2. There are signs of fungal diseases soil
  3. Plants are contraindicated in large amounts of nitrogen or other elements: spices, members of the legume family.
  4. Do not use fertilizer for fast-growing vegetables - radishes, spinach, lettuce and herbs.

Application of horse manure extract- this one good replenishment method nutrients behind short term. But it must be used taking into account chemical composition soil and type of crops. High concentrations provoke diseases or burn plant roots.

Horse manure is one of the most good feeding for our plants in the garden.

It contains nutrients that are suitable for many plants growing in our dacha. Like all living things on our planet, plants also want to eat and drink.

If you use it at your dacha in the form of fertilizing and fertilizers, you are doing better composition soil in the garden, normalize air exchange and improve water balance. Soil saturated with clay will become looser and softer. And in sandy soil horse manure will prevent beneficial substances and moisture from being washed out.

This organic fertilizer contains many substances useful for plantings. It contains:

  • zinc,
  • nitrogen,
  • phosphoric acid,
  • potassium,
  • organic matter,
  • magnesium,
  • manganese,
  • boron and many others.

By using it as a top dressing, you can increase the amount carbon dioxide and nutrient minerals in the soil, many necessary microorganisms will be activated in it.

One of the advantages of horse manure is that the soil amended with it retains high fertility for not just one year, but five to six years. But since it contains little nitrogen, the result in the first year after application (if you fertilized in the spring) will not be very noticeable.

You will see particularly good results in subsequent years; the benefits of using this fertilizer will be more noticeable and will increase significantly.

Types of horse manure


You can buy slurry at any horse farm; it is a fertilizer that will work quickly and give positive result. But to use it in this form, you need to dilute the liquid with water.

To do this, stir 1 kg of sawdust (you can do without it) and 2 kg of manure into 10 liters of water. The mixture needs to be left for 2 weeks in a warm place under closed lid. It needs to be stirred regularly and only then watered with it.

You need to water at the root of the plant, trying not to touch the leaves, after watering the beds abundantly.

You can also buy liquid fertilizer in specialized stores. Sold as an extract, it does not have an unattractive odor and is diluted with water according to the instructions.

The solution can be watered from a watering can and sprayed on plants from a spray bottle. Do this early in the morning or in the evening in dry weather, once every two weeks.

In granules

In production, granulated manure is made as follows: it is heated to 75°C, and a small amount of straw is added to improve the organic properties. Then it is passed through specialized machines to remove moisture and granulate.

The prepared fertilizer is stored in a dark and cool place in special bags. Such manure proper storage won't lose his beneficial features three years.

Manure in granules has the same properties as fresh manure; 1 kg of granules is equal in its benefits to 4 kg of fresh manure. The product is easy to use, it has no unpleasant odor, fungi or pathogenic microorganisms, and the chlorine content is kept to a minimum.

Pelleted manure is pH neutral and suitable for almost all plant varieties. It is good for soil depleted of nutrient minerals.

In early spring, granules of dry horse manure are scattered on the surface of the soil, after which you need to dig it up to the depth of a spade bayonet. The dose of granulated manure is 10-15 kg per 100 square meters. m. After applying and digging, the area should be watered abundantly.

Fertilizer can also be made in the form of a water solution. It is recommended to pour horse manure granules into cold water and wait for the granules to dissolve in water until they completely disappear, then let it sit for four hours. Water the plants with this solution. Consumes 4 - 6 liters per 10 square meters. m. plot.

Rotted manure

Rotted horse manure does not look like fresh manure. During the process of overheating, it dries out and loses part of its mass. It is laid in an amount of 8 - 10 kg per square meter of soil.

If stored properly (in a dry, ventilated area) it will benefit many plants. It contains a large amount of useful substances, the composition of which is 2-3 times greater than that of fresh droppings.

They apply it under fruit-bearing trees (up to 5 buckets per tree), berry bushes (3 buckets per 1 bush), it will be good to mulch beds with tomato and strawberry plantings. And if it contains a large amount of sawdust, it will be good to use for mulching tree trunk circles at fruit trees, but only after good watering.

Thanks to mulch, moisture is retained in the soil longer, which allows you to reduce watering and prevent the formation of a hard crust on the surface of the earth, which prevents the penetration of oxygen to the roots. Humus, mixed with leaves and straw, is poured between the rows of raspberries and strawberries, in a layer of at least 10 cm.

How fresh horse droppings can be determined by their appearance. Mature manure is practically indistinguishable in composition and has a uniform dark color. And in young and immature ones you can easily see straw, sawdust and other components.

By type of litter

Depending on what kind of bedding the horses had in the stable, horse droppings will be divided into types of characteristics.

The litter can be:

  • with grain straw;
  • with sawdust;
  • with peat.

Having overheated, horse droppings quickly decompose, and the bedding decomposes along with it. As a result, the mass acquires additional various useful for garden crops substances.

The best is manure based on peat. Using it, you can get the most good harvest.

Straw-based manure contains a lot of nitrogen.

Horse manure with sawdust contains the least amount of useful substances. But such fertilizer can also help improve the soil in the beds.

Fertilizer of vegetables and flower crops

Horse droppings are good for feeding vegetable, flower and fruit crops.

Cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins love it very much. Horse manure will give you these vegetables big harvest and grow well.

If you use horse feces fresh in the fall, immediately after harvesting, then you don’t necessarily have to think about what plants it will be suitable for. It will rot under the snow until spring. It will have a good effect on shrubs, trees, and ordinary cultivated plants that you grow in your dacha.

If you use this fertilizer fresh when spring fertilizer, it can only be used for later late cabbage And late variety potatoes, since by the time their development occurs, the droppings will rot.

But rotted manure can always be used: in autumn, spring and summer, without fear of damaging the plants. But in any case, you need to observe moderation; it is better to underfeed than to overfeed.

How and how much to apply manure to various agricultural crops will be discussed below.


This fertilizer is ideal for potatoes. Fresh ones can be brought to the site in the fall, where you will plant potatoes next year in the spring. You can bring in not fresh, but half-rotted droppings.

Potato fruits develop and grow very slowly, so you can add fresh manure in the spring, when preparing the soil for planting. But this, as described above, is only suitable for late-ripening varieties.

Fresh manure is consumed per 1 sq. meter of land - 5 kg of manure.

Rotted manure can be poured directly into the hole, individually for each tuber, stirring it with the ground. If you use this technique, you will grow many large tubers.


Horse manure should be applied to fertilize the soil for cucumbers in the fall. For 1 sq. meter is taken 5 - 6 kg.

In the spring, before planting and throughout the period of growth and fruiting, you can water the beds with a liquid solution, diluting the manure with water 1/10 and allowing it to ferment for two weeks. After such feeding, the cucumbers will grow quickly, and the fruits will be tasty, juicy and numerous.


You can feed your tomatoes with horse droppings. To do this, mix one bucket of fresh droppings in 30 liters of water.

The resulting solution should stand in a warm place until fermentation is completed (fermentation is when bubbles appear and burst on the surface of the liquid), after which it can be used to water the crop at the root.

Fertilizing can be used no earlier than 14 days after planting the seedlings, when they have already taken root in the new place.

Subsequent fertilizing should be done with caution. Tomatoes do not like soil that is too rich. Oversaturation leads to the fact that only the tops will grow well, and the fruits themselves will remain small or not exist at all.

Zucchini and pumpkins

Horse manure for fertilizing zucchini and pumpkins is fertilized even before the vegetables begin to bloom.

1 liter of manure is diluted in 10 liters of water. If the droppings are fresh, they will need to sit for several days. If you are diluting humus, there is no need to insist. You can add 10 grams of nitrophoska to the slurry. Personally, pour 1 liter of nutrient solution under each bush.

When planting, you can put several handfuls of rotted droppings in each hole, sprinkle them with a small amount of soil on top and plant seedlings or place a seed on top.

Table beet

The most respected organic fertilizer is beets. The first time manure is applied when the plant has formed 3 - 4 true leaves.

To feed beets, dilute one and a half cups of manure in 10 liters of water, you can add 1 gram of nitrophoska and 1 gram of boric acid.

The second feeding is done when the root crop itself begins to grow. You don’t have to worry that the beets will suffer from an excess of nutrients; this will not harm them.


Fresh horse manure works well as a top dressing for roses.

Fertilizer should be applied in the fall, while hilling the bushes. Then in the spring all the necessary useful components will flow to the roots of the plant.

Fertilizing should be repeated when the bushes begin to produce buds.


Representatives of berry and strawberry crops develop well after feeding with horse manure.

To feed them, make a solution: 1 part of manure and 10 parts of water. The slurry is left to steep for at least 14 days.

To fertilize the soil, before planting the berries, use dry horse manure. To do this, 3 buckets of dry droppings per 1 sq. meter is scattered onto the beds and dug up. You can mix dry manure with rotted leaves, straw and a 10 cm layer to mulch the beds with already planted crops.

Features of application in autumn

At autumn processing soil, it is best to use fresh feces. It is better to apply it immediately after harvesting, having previously cleared the soil of all plant and weed residues.

The most the best solution will use it for those beds where you planned to plant early ripening vegetables next year.

Where you plan to plant next year, you need to scatter a bucket of fresh manure for every square meter of the ground surface. Then dig it thoroughly to mix the droppings and soil well.

For better effect It is good to cover the cultivated soil with film or other covering material until spring. This is necessary so that many useful substances and nitrogen are not washed out of horse droppings along with precipitation and snow.

In the spring, after such treatment, the soil will be finally ready for sowing. It will only be possible to mineralize the earth with ash or preparations that you purchase in the store. All crops can be planted in such beds; by spring, the manure will have already passed the stage of decomposition during the fall and winter and will not have a bad effect on the roots of the plantings.

When can you apply horse manure?

Horse manure humus has unique property. It quickly overheats, releasing a large amount of heat (70 - 80 degrees). This property can be used as biofuel for warm, raised beds and in greenhouses that are prepared in the fall.

To take advantage of the properties of biofuels, for greenhouses, greenhouses and warm beds, they dig a trench the size of the bed, put manure in it, in a 30-centimeter layer, and sprinkle earth on top.

Cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins with watermelons and melons love to grow in such beds.

It can be applied both rotted and not rotted, in the form of fertilizers, granules and slurry. You just need to know how, in what form, for what crops it can be used.

When it should not be added

You cannot use fresh droppings if they have a fungal coating on their surface as biofuel, as they lose their ability to heat up.

When preparing a warm bed for cucumbers, you cannot plant them immediately after laying the trench. Since fresh manure contains ammonia, due to which plants and seeds will burn before they have time to grow. Such a bed needs to be prepared in the autumn.

If your greenhouse has dense soil (for example, with a high clay content), then better in spring do not fertilize. Manure decomposes in dense soil for a very long time, which is why methane and hydrogen sulfide accumulate in it. Therefore, it is better to fill the greenhouse with fertilizer in the fall.

Plants that do not tolerate horse manure include: carrots, radishes, radishes, turnips, horseradish, celery and parsley. Manure cannot be applied under them at all.

The article talks a lot about horse manure. How it can be used, prepared for use for your garden plants, so that they grow healthy, delighting you with a wonderful and tasty harvest.

Every farmer, gardener, gardener periodically tries to fertilize the soil in order to get a good harvest. Today you can easily purchase chemicals, organic fertilizers for feeding plants. But, despite the wide range of products, most farmers prefer to use horse manure.

If you know how to infuse manure and use it correctly, you can reap a good harvest without harming the soil and the plant.

How horse manure is beneficial for plants

Horse manure infusion as a fertilizer is very popular among farmers, because it contains a huge amount of trace elements and nutrients necessary for healthy ripening various types horticultural crops.

Thanks to horse manure, you can insulate the soil during severe frosts, it retains heat transfer and fertilizes the land.

Today, it is very difficult to find horse manure in its pure form, because horses are bred only on special farms. However, progress does not stand still and today there are many stores where they sell liquid, granular or bagged manure.

An infusion of horse manure to feed plants is the best way to get a good harvest. The manure itself consists of 70% water, 26% nutrients. Thanks to the nitrogen, potassium and phosphoric acid found in manure, a farmer can significantly fertilize his plot. However, the desired result will be visible only after 2-3 years.

Any experienced gardener knows how to infuse manure for fertilizing and its benefits, because this is the product:

  • increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the soil;
  • loosens the soil;
  • retains moisture;
  • does not increase soil acidity;
  • feeds plants well;
  • improves the chemical and physical composition of the soil.

Application of horse manure

Depending on the desired result, you need to know how to infuse manure to feed plants. It is mainly used - fresh manure, rotted, in the form of humus, an independent substrate, a mixture with peat, sawdust, straw.

If it is necessary to retain moisture and nitrogen in the soil, it is better to use mixtures.

Finding out how to make an infusion from manure is just the first step. The best option it is considered cold to use climate zone, heavy soils. If you use the infusion in dry, loose soil, then in the next few years the fertilizer will not work.

Since the decomposition process of horse manure is quite slow, it is better to use it with the addition of mineral fertilizers or in the form of humus.

If manure is applied to the soil in the fall, it should be done with quick plowing so that nitrogen does not evaporate and the proportions of 6 kg of fertilizer per 1 square meter must be maintained.

Horse manure infusion


  • 1 bucket of manure;
  • 5 liters of water.


  1. Place manure in a barrel.
  2. To fill with water.
  3. Leave for 2 weeks, stirring occasionally.
  4. To enhance the effect, you can add tree leaves or hay.
  5. Before use, dilute with water 1:10.
  6. The soil for fertilizer should be watered beforehand.
  7. Then add the infusion.

Preparing an infusion for fertilizing strawberries

To get a good, tasty strawberry harvest, you will definitely need fertilizing. Every farmer knows how to infuse manure for feeding. Chicken, sheep, and horse droppings are best suited for strawberries.

Infusion of manure for feeding


  • 0.5 buckets of horse manure;
  • 0.5 buckets of chicken to enhance the effect;
  • 10 buckets of water.


  1. Fill the droppings with water.
  2. Leave for at least 14 days, stirring constantly.
  3. Dig up the soil where the strawberries will be planted.
  4. Fill thoroughly with water.
  5. Dilute the infusion clean water in a ratio of 1:20 so that the fertilizer is not highly concentrated.
  6. add 1 liter of infusion to each bush, under the root;
  7. Cover the bushes with a small layer of hay on top so that nitrogen remains in the soil longer;

Methods for preparing infusions

How to infuse fresh horse manure to fertilize plants


  • 2 kg of manure;
  • 1 kg of sawdust;
  • 10 liters of water.


  1. Mix manure with sawdust.
  2. To fill with water.
  3. Leave for two weeks, stirring occasionally.
  4. Pre-moisten the soil.
  5. Pour the infusion over the growing area.

Fertilizing a plot with nettles and horse manure

Thanks to the rich composition of nettles in microelements, the effect of horse manure can be enhanced.


  • 1 kg of manure;
  • 0.5 kg of chopped nettle stems;
  • 10 liters of water.


  1. Place manure in a barrel.
  2. Add nettles.
  3. Mix.
  4. To fill with water.
  5. Leave for 14-30 days.
  6. Add 0.5 kg of straw.
  7. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  8. Excellent for feeding vegetables.
  9. Not recommended for use on plants that only grow in acidic soil.

How to infuse horse manure into humus


  • bag;
  • 1 bucket of manure;
  • 3 buckets of water.


  1. Place manure in a bag.
  2. Lower the bag into a barrel of water in a suspended state.
  3. Leave for at least two weeks.
  4. Dilute with water until it turns yellowish.
  5. Add rotted straw to the infusion.
  6. Not recommended for use as a plant spray.
  7. Use only for root fertilization.

Watering with infusion of manure


  • 2 kg of liquid manure;
  • dry leaves, peat – 0.5 kg;
  • phosphate rock – 300 g;
  • water - 2 buckets.


  1. Fill the manure with water.
  2. Leave for 2 weeks.
  3. Dilute with water 1:20.
  4. Place leaves or peat in the soil.
  5. Sprinkle with phosphate rock.
  6. Plant plants.
  7. Pour in infusion.
  8. Cover with dry hay.

An infusion of fresh horse manure is perfect for feeding and fertilizing potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, and strawberries. The best period Autumn is the time to apply the infusion to the soil.

With proper preparation of the infusion and application to the soil, you can get a good, healthy, tasty harvest. It is not recommended to feed plants with concentrated infusions, because they are oversaturated with microelements, which can cause plants to get sick and people to be poisoned.