Houseplant rhododendron care. Planting and replanting azalea, a green beauty in your home

Indoor rhododendron (azalea) belongs to those plants that amaze with their appearance, fit perfectly into any interior, fill the rooms with a pleasant aroma and give them brightness. Flowers that bloom in winter create a unique atmosphere in the house. Of course, azalea is a very spectacular plant, but it is not easy to care for. To grow this flower, you have to work hard. The efforts made are justified when the rhododendron gives its owners beautiful flowers. Picking up appropriate place for a flowerpot, it must be taken into account that the leaves and stems contain toxic substances. The plant must be positioned so that animals and children cannot reach it.

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    Types and varieties

    Azalea belongs to the Heather family and can reach a height of 50 cm. There are about 2000 varieties of this plant, but usually only 2 types are cultivated at home:

    • Indian. A plant of this species grows in mountain forests, where there is no lack of moisture and coolness. This is the main azalea species used to produce a large number of hybrids. Flowers are large (up to 5 cm in diameter), rich Pink colour. Among the hybrids there are red, yellow, cream and white flowers, as well as variegated ones.
    • Japanese. This is a less common shrub that grows in mild climates with sufficient moisture levels. Its flowers are not as large as those of the Indian rhododendron and are lower and resistant to low temperatures. The plant blooms in white, red-orange, red, pink or lilac. Sometimes on one bush you can observe flowering in different shades.

    In addition to the considered types of azaleas, there are ampelous and pyramidal types of rhododendron. Usually plants suitable for indoor growing, belong to evergreen varieties, less often they are representatives of deciduous varieties.

    Azaleas bloom profusely for about two months; with the onset of the dormant period, they need shade and cool air.

    Varieties by flowering time:

    • Early flowering. This group includes plants that bloom between October and January. Its representatives are the varieties Adventglockchen, Erie, Orange Boven, Doberlug, Enzette Dagmar, Weisse Schame, Helmut Vogel, Dresden 1936.
    • Medium late flowering. These azaleas bloom from January to March. The list of plants is represented by the varieties Leopold Astrid, Apollo, Avenir, Florida, Knut Erven, Max Shamet, Albert-Elizabeth.
    • Late flowering. The flowering period lasts from February to May. At this time, Sakuntala, Ernst Thirs, Concinna, Hexe, Niobe, Coelestinum, Professor Wolters bloom.

    The most suitable varieties for growing at home are Concinna, Niobe, John Herens, Albert Elizabeth, Verveniana rosea, Esmeralda, Eggebrechti, Adventsglockchen, Fritz Saidor, Celestina.

    Temperature and lighting

    When grown at home, the room should be light and cool. Optimal temperature air is 10-15°C, this figure cannot exceed 18°C.

    In autumn, when flower buds appear, it is recommended to provide more low temperature air than the rest of the time - about 6°C. This can be done by temporarily moving indoor rhododendron to the basement, balcony or other cool place. Before flowering, it is necessary to return to the previous temperature values. Often gardeners use a trick and use melt water for watering or add ice to the flowerpot, laying it around the edges of the pot.

    The correct temperature is of great importance. For example, if it is 12°C, the flowering period will last 60 days, but at a temperature of 20°C, the azalea will not bloom for long - only 14 days. The most abundant flowering is possible when fresh air enters large quantities. Rhododendron in a pot can be left on the terrace all summer, protecting it from direct sunlight, and the rest of the time the room in which the bush is located is often ventilated. But do not forget that this plant is sensitive to significant temperature fluctuations. The azalea should be in the shade, it must be protected from frequent changes in soil and air temperature, otherwise premature bud release may occur.

    Watering and fertilizing

    It is very important to provide the plant with proper care, because its condition and the duration of the flowering period depend on this. 10-20 minutes after watering the rhododendron soft water its excess must be drained. The soil should be well moistened, but not flooded. It must not be allowed to dry out. In cases where the soil is still dry, it is necessary to wet the plant in the shower, maintaining the water temperature between 28 and 30°C.

    If during the growing season the soil must be moistened frequently and abundantly, then during the dormant period moderate watering is required. Also, spraying should be done at least 2 times a week.

    To feed, 2 times a month you need to water the bush with water to which 1 tsp was added. citric acid. If this rule is regularly followed, the acid balance of the soil is maintained. Every day after watering, it is recommended to use small portions of complex fertilizer in liquid form. To determine the optimal amount of fertilizer for one day, the monthly norm must be divided by the number of waterings.

    When the buds form and the azalea grows at an accelerated pace, they use classic fertilizers. It is enough to add them every 20 days. Apply organic fertilizers, then mineral, later again organic, etc.

    When and how often to prune rhododendron?

    You need to monitor when the buds fade and remove them, otherwise there will be much fewer flowers than there could be. After pruning, it is recommended to replant the bush, choosing a larger container for it.

    When the flowering period is over, remove 5 cm of each branch on which there was a flower. Weakened shoots are removed completely. Thanks to such actions, the growth of young strong stems will occur. When three pairs of leaves grow on them, and this happens 3-4 weeks after pruning, you need to pinch the tops of the shoots. The listed manipulations are repeated annually.

    Transplantation and propagation

    Care involves replanting after purchase, then annually for three years, and later once every two years. They use soil purchased from a special store, since it has a special composition. It can be either heather soil or a mixture including peat and coniferous soil, sand.

    When growing rhododendron at home, it should be replanted as needed. If the surface of the soil is covered with moss, or the roots of the plant are visible, the azalea must be replanted.

    In summer, for propagation of indoor rhododendron, semi-lignified cuttings of at least 6 cm in length are used. The age of the cuttings used should be 4-5 months; they are cut at an angle. Reproduction is carried out at temperatures from 20 to 25°C.

    Before planting, you need to immerse the seedlings in a solution prepared on the basis of a drug, the components of which have a positive effect on the root system of the plant. The processing time should be at least half an hour. It can be extended up to an hour. It is necessary to create a drainage layer in the pot by filling the container 3-5 cm with layers of sand and coniferous soil. Remove 4 leaves from the bottom of the cutting. You need to plant azalea cuttings by immersing them 1-2 cm in the ground. It is recommended to cover the seedlings with film or glass. During the period when they take root, ventilate the room as often as possible - at least 3 times every 7 days. Usually it lasts 1.5 months.

    5-6 days before the day on which the seedlings are planned to be transplanted, they are removed from under the shelter. Cuttings with a developed root system are planted in pots using coniferous-peat soil. Then they provide shelter again for 11-14 days.

    To make flowering more intense, it is necessary to periodically pinch the tips of the shoots. It is enough to do this 3 or 4 times a year. The apical bud is removed for the first time on the 31-46th day after the end of the flowering period, when young shoots have four pairs of leaves. When performing this action one last time, the variety is taken into account. If the azalea is early, the last pinching must be done before July 15th. For late plants, pinching should be done in early August.

    When growing the plant, the leaves may turn yellow. This happens due to clay contained in the soil or water. The problem is eliminated by watering with acidified water.

    If the leaves are wrinkling, there are a variety of reasons to consider. This may be a lack of moisture, an increase in the recommended temperature, exposure to sunlight, or dry air. The problem is solved as follows: remove the pot in the shade, water and spray more often and more abundantly, ensure the presence humid air.

    What pests affect azalea?

    Indoor rhododendron is susceptible negative influence Tarzanemus mite and hairy aphid. Mites cause serious damage to the plant; they attack flowers, buds, and young leaves. It is very difficult to see these insects without a magnifying glass. They can often be detected when light leaves appear, shoots curl, and flowering does not occur. To cure the plant, you need to apply an infusion of wood ash and spray it four times, maintaining an interval of 7-8 days. For cooking this tool water (10 l) and ash (500 g) are required. The components are combined and left to infuse for 24 hours, after which they are filtered and used for their intended purpose.

    Hairy aphids damage young stems and sometimes affect leaves. For minor damage, the problem can be solved with soapy water. It is enough to wipe the plant with a cotton pad soaked in it and repeat this procedure after 7-10 days or spray the azalea with calendula tincture purchased at the pharmacy.

    The septoria mushroom, which provokes the development of septoria, can also harm rhododendron. This disease can be identified by rusty or grayish-brown spots on the leaves. If not taken promptly necessary measures, the affected leaves will fall off. Treatment requires Bordeaux mixture in the form of a 1% solution. The affected areas of the plant are treated for 10 days, once daily.

    When purchasing an azalea for your home, you need to provide it proper care. According to gardeners, when creating optimal conditions Perhaps the flowering is so wild that even the greenery is not visible.

Beautiful indoor flower rhododendron is known among gardeners as azalea. Caring for this capricious creature is a lot of trouble. Planting, propagation, pruning - all actions are performed according to strict rules. If the rhododendron doesn’t like something, it immediately reacts to it with illness or dies altogether. Despite the difficulties of growing, rhododendron continues to win the hearts of flower growers with its graceful flowering, which is comparable in beauty to the flowering of roses.

Rhododendron (Rhododéndron) is a genus from the heather family (Ericaceae). The rhododendron genus includes a wide variety of plants; according to various sources, there are about 600 species. Among them are both evergreen and deciduous. Rhododendrons are represented by trees or erect and creeping shrubs, which are grown both in open ground and in houses and greenhouses. Indoor azaleas- these are small bushes, also related to rhododendrons. This name is partly true: azaleas used to stand out as separate species. Now they are classified as species of rhododendron, but some gardeners, out of habit, call everything indoor views azaleas, and street ones - rhododendrons.

The plant's habitat is the temperate climate zone of the Northern Hemisphere (humid high-mountain forests). Trees from 10 cm to 10 m are found in China, Japan, and North America. Some species grow in Australia and New Guinea. In Russia they live in the Caucasus and Far East. In their natural environment, rhododendrons grow both in thickets and individually; they prefer soil and air moisture and shading.

The feature for which rhododendron is loved by flower growers is its winter flowering. At good conditions it lasts two months - from February to March, sometimes in May. Rhododendron blooms annually, but it requires attention and skill to preserve the bush for the next season. Rhododendron flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of a brush or brush. Color palette- from snow-white to deep red, there are shades of pink, lilac, violet and even yellow. The shape of the flowers can be bell-shaped, tubular, funnel-shaped, some flowers have a pleasant aroma.

The name of the plant comes from the Greek words "rhodon" and "dendron", which mean "rose" and "flower". Hence the name - “ pink tree" The first attempt to breed rhododendron in Europe was made in the 18th century, but the bushes brought from India were not given proper care and died. In the 19th century, the attempt was crowned with success: sea captain Welbank brought from India the ancestor of all famous varieties azaleas.

Azalea is represented by more than 2 thousand varieties. Two types of rhododendron are cultivated at home:

  • Indian rhododendron, or simsi (Rododendron simsii). This plant is the progenitor indoor varieties. Its natural habitat is moist montane forests. Indian azalea hybrids are distinguished by their diversity color scheme: from white and cream to bright pink and red flowers. There are yellow flowers, as well as two-color ones.

  • Japanese rhododendron (Rhododendron obtusum var. japonicum) has flowers that are not as large as those of the Indian azalea (less than 5 cm in diameter). It is less common than simsi and is more troublesome to grow. The plant is sensitive to temperature changes. Flowers - white, lilac, red-orange. Interesting feature species: flowers of different shades can be found on one tree.

Mostly evergreen species of rhododendrons are grown indoors; deciduous ones are less common. The average height of a bush growing indoors is from 30 to 50 cm, but standard trees sometimes they stretch up to 1.3 m. Azalea flowers differ not only in color, but also in structure:

  • simple,
  • terry,
  • flower within a flower with simple petals,
  • a flower in a flower with double petals of more than 30.

Before starting to grow azaleas, the gardener must soberly assess his strength. Are you ready to devote time to a flower, creating for it the necessary conditions? Rhododendron does not forgive mistakes: it can bloom in a week, drop its buds, or even dry out. Saving him is an even more difficult task.

The older the azalea, the more spectacular and magnificent it blooms.

How to tame rhododendron at home? Start by placing it:

  1. The plant does not like bright light. Place it in an area protected from direct sunlight. A northern or western window sill or loggia is suitable.
  2. Miss Clean magazine advises avoiding places near heating appliances and radiators. Dry air is harmful to the plant.
  3. Starting in April, begin to accustom the rhododendron to the air by taking the flowerpot outside. Place the plant in the shade of trees or under a canopy. In the fresh air, the bush will remain comfortable until the end of August.
  4. The room where the rhododendron lives needs to be ventilated regularly. But sharp temperature fluctuations should not be allowed, as this will lead to the death of the bud ovaries.

Over the course of a year, rhododendron goes through the stages of growth, flowering and dormancy. Each period requires different care. And the azalea needs to be prepared for flowering. When buying rhododendron in stores, people often throw it away after flowering; they consider it a bouquet plant. But if you do everything correctly, you will be able to admire the winter flowering of the rose tree for more than one season.

Rhododendron flowering is adversely affected by dry air and heat. Temperatures up to +19° C are permissible, preferably from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. Flowering will last long only in a cool place: at temperatures up to +12° C - 2 months, at temperatures up to +19 - 2 weeks. In autumn, during the formation of buds, it is better to lower the temperature to +6° C, and raise it just before flowering. To neutralize the action heating systems, you need to spray the rhododendron in the evenings with soft water at least 2 times a week.

Rhododendrons love high humidity. During the growth period, abundant watering is required, during the dormant period it is reduced to moderate. The soil in the pot must be completely moistened and not allowed to dry out. Water the plant in the morning with soft filtered or settled water, directing the stream to the root. If some of the water has not been absorbed into the soil, it must be drained from the pan after 15 minutes. To prevent the rhododendron from getting too hot, it is watered with melt water, and pieces of ice are placed along the edges of the pot. A good move is to place a container of water or damp moss next to the pot.

If you accidentally allow the soil in a flowerpot with rhododendron to dry out, resuscitation will be required. The first method: put the pot in water for 4 hours. During this time, the plant and soil will be sufficiently saturated with moisture. After 3-4 days, normal watering is resumed. The second way is to give the plant a shower. Water temperature - up to +30° C.

Water the plant only with soft, settled water.

A special feature of rose tree care is daily feeding. Liquid is sold specifically for rhododendron. complex fertilizer. During each watering, a certain amount of fertilizer is added to the water. This amount is calculated by dividing the monthly norm by the number of waterings. When the buds are forming, it would be a good idea to add classic fertilizers, applying them once every 20 days.

To save abundant flowering You need to cut off the flowers immediately after they wilt. After the end of the flowering period, all weak elongated shoots are removed. Healthy branches are pruned to 5 cm. This pruning will help the rhododendron form new strong shoots. After this procedure, you need to transplant the plant into new pot bigger size. After 2-3 weeks, when 3 pairs of leaves appear on the young shoots, they need to pinch off the tops. The procedure is repeated until the buds appear (approximately mid-summer), then pinch off side shoots.

Young plants need replanting annually, adults (after 3 years) - once every two years. Signs that it is time to replant the rhododendron: the roots entwine a lump of soil, moss appears on the surface. For planting, it is better to purchase special soil for azaleas, since it is difficult to make it yourself: you will need a mixture of coniferous soil, peat and sand. It is better to take a ceramic pot for the plant; microscopic pores in its walls will provide air access to the roots. Don't forget about the drainage layer at the bottom of the flowerpot.

Rhododendrons are propagated stem cuttings. The time for their separation is summer, the temperature is from +20 to +25 degrees. Cuttings are selected 6 cm long, semi-lignified, 4-5 months old, and cut at an angle. Before planting, the cuttings must be cut lower leaves, the cut is treated with a growth stimulator. The seedlings are placed 1-2 cm deep in the soil, covered with film and left until rooted for 1.5 months, ventilating periodically. When it takes root, the plant is transplanted into azalea soil.

Flower growers face the following problems:

  1. Yellow leaves. Most likely, there is not enough water in the soil. In addition, rhododendron loves lemon: add a couple of drops of juice when watering.
  2. Short flowering. Possible reasons: lack of moisture in the soil, low air humidity, exposure to direct sunlight. What to do: increase watering, spray the bush, place it away from the heating system.
  3. The leaves are wrinkled. This occurs due to lack of moisture, high temperatures and poor shading. Solution: increase watering, increase air humidity and shade the plant.
  4. Septoria - fungal disease. A sign is rusty or brown-gray spots on the leaves; in advanced situations, the foliage is dying off. The plant will be saved by spraying with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

The rhododendron growing in the apartment scares away small insects like ants. But some pests still attack the rose tree:

  1. Hairy aphid. First it settles on young shoots, then moves to the leaves. The plant is easy to treat: wipe it with a sponge dipped in soapy water. After a week, you can spray the bush with soapy water or pharmaceutical tincture calendula.
  2. The Tarzanemus mite is a more serious problem. It is difficult to notice with the naked eye. Signs that the mite has settled on the buds, flowers and leaves: leaf blades become lighter, shoots curl. The dominance of mites leads to a lack of flowering. Folk method pest control: prepare an infusion of wood ash (500 g of ash - 10 liters of water). Let the mixture sit for a day, strain and spray or wipe the bush. Repeat the procedure once a week, three treatments are enough.

When caring for rhododendrons, you need to take into account that their stems contain toxic substances. Wear protective gloves and limit access to the azalea flowerpot to children and pets. If you eat the leaf, you will experience lacrimation, poisoning, and vomiting. Some flowers have a strong smell, which often causes allergic reactions: skin rashes, headaches.

Indoor azaleas and garden rhododendrons similar in agricultural technology:

  1. For landing in open ground is selected shady place, preferably near a pond or stream. If there are no bodies of water on the site, then air humidity must be maintained by placing a basin of water next to the tree. When lying close groundwater the plant is planted on a raised piece of land.
  2. Garden rhododendron needs morning watering and evening spraying, just like indoor rhododendron. In dry weather, it is advisable to add up to 10 liters of water to each bush.
  3. In rainy autumn weather, watering is not necessary.
  4. The soil should not be loosened so as not to damage the roots. Weeding is done only by hand.
  5. IN middle lane For the winter, rhododendron is covered with burlap. It is removed in the spring after the snow has melted. In warm areas, the rose tree overwinters without shelter.

A few facts that rhododendron has really won the hearts of plant lovers:

  1. It is called not only azalea, but also alpine or English rose.
  2. There are varieties with flowers up to 20 cm in diameter.
  3. Rhododendron - medicinal plant, used in folk and traditional medicine. The main 4 types with healing properties: golden, Caucasian, Sagan-daylya and Daurian rhododendrons. IN folk medicine The Tibetan plant is anti-inflammatory and antifungal, as well as a tonic. Leaves, flowers and stems are used.
  4. IN different countries There is a unique culture for growing rhododendron. Thus, in India, meter-long lush flowers are cultivated. And in Japan, a whole direction in the art of bonsai appeared - the formation of amazing trees from rhododendron bushes.
  5. Rhododendron in wildlife is an early spring honey plant.
  6. Some gardeners are sure that the plant in the house has its own symbolism. Rhododendron has a powerful positive energy, supports harmonious relationships in the family, restores mutual understanding after minor quarrels. It is recommended to cultivate it for people with increased fatigue and sleep problems.

Growing rhododendron both at home and in the garden is not an easy task, but it is exciting. It’s worth working hard for gorgeous lush buds. With proper care, azalea becomes a decoration for any room. A blooming rhododendron in the house is a sign of the florist’s high skill.

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Planting and replanting Azalea, a green beauty in your home

Planting rhododendron at home- a completely simple matter. It is enough to have the necessary equipment and know how to use it. In gratitude for the initial proper care, within a year a strong bush will grow from a small shoot.

    1. Prepare shoots for cuttings. Their age is a maximum of 6 months, so that the trunk has time to become woody. Trim. The length must be at least 6 centimeters.
    2. The bottom of the future indoor plant Place in root for half an hour and add a few drops of zircon. Thanks to this procedure, the cuttings adapt more easily and grow.

  1. A layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot: broken bricks, pieces charcoal, shards.
  2. Fill the pot with soil mixture suitable for the plant.
  3. The azalea cutting is lowered into the planting hole by 1.-2 centimeters and the soil is thoroughly compacted so that there are no air voids.
  4. Water generously and cover with polyethylene film or a glass jar.
  5. The seedlings are ventilated and sprayed 3 times a week.

After a month and a half, the azalea bush can be planted in a permanent pot.

Soil for azalea/rhododendron

You can prepare your own soil mixture at home. For this you will need:

The components are mixed in equal proportions.

Heather soil is also suitable for planting. Ideal option will be the purchase of prepared soil for azaleas in flower shop. In it, the soil mixture is composed with the addition of all the necessary substances and microelements.

To maintain the required acidity, organic acid must be added to the soil monthly.

The azalea root system is quite weak and undeveloped. A pot 10-15 centimeters high is suitable for planting. The diameter should be slightly larger than the crown of the rhododendron. For each subsequent transplant, a pot is taken with a larger diameter than the previous one.

How to properly replant an azalea at home?

Transplanting an adult rhododendron is practically no different from planting a cutting. The plant is transferred from one pot to another, larger in diameter by several centimeters.

Before transplanting, azalea is a must trimmed. Young shoots are pinched, and overgrown branches are cut off. The dense bush is thinned out. This procedure is mandatory, otherwise future flowering will not be abundant, and the bush will become loose and sparse.

The trimmed plant is removed from the pot, the root system is cleaned of the earthen lump, soaking it in boiled water. Then they are placed in the root for 30 minutes and planted in a new pot with a coniferous-peat soil mixture. Please note: root collar Azaleas do not need to be buried; they should be flush with the ground surface.

After transplanting, the azalea is watered abundantly and left alone for a week so that the plant has the opportunity to adapt to new conditions.

azalea It is strictly not recommended to replant in winter. This is detrimental to any type of rhododendron. It is best to change the soil and pot in mid-spring or early summer, when the plant has flowered. Before this, the azalea should be at rest for about 2 months in a dark, cool place.

Up to three years, azaleas are replanted annually, and after that, once every 2 years is enough.

Rhododendron should be planted and replanted when new buds begin to form on it. Their development and active growth show that the plant has tolerated the change in soil mixture well and is ready for further cultivation.

The roots of the plant are strongly intertwined with each other, so it is extremely rare to plant an azalea. The best way to get bushes with roots - cut off all the roots lengthwise with a sharp knife. Then the shoots are planted using the same method as cuttings, watered abundantly and sprayed frequently. After 2-3 weeks of proper care, new leaves will appear on the tops of the rhododendron.

Caring for azalea/rhododendron after planting/transplanting

After transshipment or planting, the flower is weakened and needs special conditions content. It is placed in a warm place that is well lit, but not exposed to direct sunlight.

Immediately after planting or transplanting, the plant is watered with the liquid in which the rhizome was previously immersed. Then you should take a break of 4-6 days and start watering with a weak zircon solution. You should avoid applying fertilizing and fertilizers - they can burn the roots and the plant will die.

The crown is regularly sprayed with warm water, maintaining a humidity of 80-90%.

Azalea is a very capricious and demanding plant. All the efforts of flower growers are fully rewarded when a long period of flowering of the plant begins, and it becomes the “pearl” of the indoor garden.

Watch a video on how to properly transplant an azalea at home:

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Rhododendron - home care

Rhododendron – interesting plant, which naturally occurs in temperate climate zones (Europe, Northern Australia, Far East, Caucasus, Eastern Siberia, Himalayas, East and Southeast Asia, North America, New Guinea). From Greek “rhododendron” is translated as “rose tree”. Let us also note that previously evergreen specimens of the species were called rhododendrons, and deciduous specimens were called azaleas.

The azalea genus includes tall (up to thirty meters) erect or low-growing creeping, deciduous or evergreen shrubs. They are covered with oval, large leaves with uneven color and short petioles (color varies from light to dark green). Young shoots become woody as they grow and acquire a dark brown color. Rhododendron flowers are located in umbrella-shaped shields, the color is different (there are species with white, yellow, purple, pink and red flowers). Most often the plant blooms in the spring. After flowering, the fruit appears in the form of a pod-shaped box. The seeds inside the box ripen closer to autumn.

The roots of rhododendrons do not have root hairs; they are fibrous and shallow. Nutrients and water are absorbed by the root system with the help of mycelial and epidermal cells of protozoan fungi located in the cells of the flower (mycorrhiza). Without such symbiosis, the plant cannot exist. Mycorrhiza allows seeds to germinate and ensures their growth in acidic soils.

According to their shape, rhododendrons are divided into four main types: double (an indefinite number of petals), simple (five stamens, 5-6 petals), a flower in a flower - double (an indefinite number of petals with a calyx), a flower in a flower - simple (a calyx from which petals appear, the maximum number of petals is 12).

Rhododendrons have become popular in indoor floriculture and gardening due to their decorative properties. To date, many hybrids have been bred and garden forms, many of which can be grown without problems at home in ordinary pots. Flowers tolerate pruning normally, which makes it possible to get a plant of the most bizarre shape (bonsai). The variety of colors and long flowering make rhododendron very popular among many indoor plants.

However, growing such a flower indoors is not so easy. Few people know what kind of plant this is and how to properly care for it. The whole secret lies in fulfilling the basic requirements for bright lighting, humidity and coolness. Let's take a closer look at what the correct one should be caring for rhododendron at home.

Light and location for rhododendron

Rhododendron loves bright, diffused light, so it is best to place the flower pot on a south-east or south-west window. It is important to avoid direct sunlight on the plant. In the summer, it can be placed in the shade on the balcony, this will have a positive effect on winter flowering.

The plant needs to maintain a temperature of 15-18 degrees Celsius. Active growth may continue at +22. Under no circumstances should you grow a flower in a stuffy room in the heat. In November, the plant's flower buds should ripen. During this period, for two months, it needs moderate watering and lower temperatures (from +7 to +9). After this, the temperature is increased, the air humidity remains at the same level.

A room with indoor rhododendrons must be regularly ventilated (the main thing is to avoid drafts).

During the warm season, caring for rhododendron at home involves using cool, soft, acidified water for watering (it must stand for at least 24 hours). Intensity - as the top layer of soil dries. We advise you to choose golden mean: both drying out and waterlogging have a negative effect on the flower. Ideally, alternate watering from above with watering into the pan.

In the second case, the moisture should be absorbed from the pan for 30 minutes, then the residue should be drained. In extreme heat, watering increases up to twice a day.

During the cold period, it is necessary to water the rhododendron in the pan without over-moistening the earthen ball, otherwise oxygen access to the root system will be difficult and it will rot. For irrigation, you can use melted snow or rainwater.

This parameter is especially important for rhododendron. The flower must be sprayed with a spray bottle every day. When hot weather sets in, the number of sprays should be increased to two to three times a day. For the procedure, ordinary settled water is suitable (it is not recommended to use hard water; it increases the risk of stains on the leaves). A pause with spraying is made when there are flowers on the plant.

Rhododendron, as a lover of moist air, does not perceive the proximity of devices central heating, they greatly dry out the surrounding air, so it is better to avoid their presence.

It is better to replant rhododendrons indoors after flowering. Young plants are transferred to a new pot every year, adults - every two to three years. If the roots are old and overgrown, they need to be trimmed a little. The container should be shallow. After the procedure, the flower is placed in a warm, shaded place.

Rhododendron is one of the few plants that require acidic soil. A soil mixture of coniferous soil, peat and a small amount of sand is ideal. Alternative option– use a ready-made substrate for azaleas. The flower also feels great in hydroponics.

During the growing season, indoor rhododendron is fed with a special complex fertilizer, the classic scheme - every 14 days. When the buds are planted, you can apply superphosphate several times (one and a half grams for every liter of water). When stretching and yellowing of foliage, it is recommended to use ferroammonium alum (0.5% solution).

Rhododendron is propagated by cuttings. Select cuttings 7-9 centimeters long, cut them in July-August or March-April. Trim the bottom 3 leaves to the petiole, the rest by ½. After this, you need to make an oblique lower cut and plant the cutting to a depth of two to three centimeters. After one and a half to two months at high humidity and a temperature of +25 Celsius, the cuttings should take root.

The final transplant is carried out in December. Tip: remove the first buds, this will allow the plant to bloom to its full potential later.

The plant is loved for its year-round flowering; depending on the variety, flowers appear from December to May. The duration of the process for an individual rhododendron reaches 2 months. To speed up the onset of flowering, it is recommended to leave the plant with buds in a cool place. During flowering, the flowerpot can be moved to any point in the room, but after the flowers fall off, it is necessary to return it to where the plant was when the buds formed.

Young shoots form immediately after flowering, so we advise you to remove old faded branches so that they do not take away the pet’s strength. In parallel with this, pruning is carried out, creating the required form. Repeated pruning can be done during transplantation. During the same period, flower growers are engaged in pinching young shoots. The apical buds are pinched in mid-late summer (it all depends on the variety), the goal is more luxuriant flowering.

And don’t forget: all parts of indoor rhododendron contain a strong poison that affects the muscles and central nervous system, even death is possible. Be extremely careful.

Possible problems, pests, diseases in rhododendron

In dry air, bright light, and heat, the flowers quickly fade and the edges of the leaves turn brown. We advise you to place such a flower away from central heating or in the shade. Browning of foliage also occurs due to insufficient watering.

Yellowing of the leaves indicates that there is lime in the water, soil or fertilizer. Try acidifying the soil before watering and read the labels of the fertilizers you use.

If the buds and buds fall off, this is a sign that the rhododendron is hot, move it to a cooler place.

Curling of leaves occurs due to dry air and drying out soil. Move the flower to another place and adjust the frequency of spraying and watering.

You need to fight a pest like azalea moth with the help of actellik or phosbecide. Treatment with these substances is carried out twice during the growing season.

Caring for rhododendron at home not simple, the plant requires a lot of attention, therefore, when buying this plant, be prepared for the fact that it will take you a certain part of your free time to maintain it.

The most beautiful indoor flower, rhododendron, is known among gardeners as azalea. Caring for this capricious creature is a lot of trouble. Planting, propagation, pruning - all actions are performed according to strict rules. If the rhododendron doesn’t like something, it immediately reacts to it with illness or dies altogether. Despite the difficulties of growing, rhododendron continues to win the hearts of flower growers with its graceful flowering, which is comparable in beauty to the flowering of roses.


Rhododendron is a genus from the heather family (Ericaceae). The rhododendron genus includes a wide variety of plants; according to various sources, there are about 600 species. Among them are both evergreen and deciduous. Rhododendrons are represented by trees or erect and creeping shrubs, which are grown both in open ground and in houses and greenhouses. Indoor azaleas are small bushes, also related to rhododendrons. This name is partly true: previously, azaleas were distinguished as a separate species. Now they are classified as rhododendron species, but some gardeners, out of habit, call all indoor species azaleas and outdoor ones rhododendrons.

The plant's habitat is the temperate climate zone of the Northern Hemisphere (humid high-mountain forests). Trees from 10 cm to 10 m are found in China, Japan, and North America. Some species grow in Australia and New Guinea. In Russia they live in the Caucasus and the Far East. In their natural environment, rhododendrons grow both in thickets and individually; they prefer soil and air moisture and shading.

The feature for which rhododendron is loved by flower growers is its winter flowering. Under good conditions, it lasts two months - from February to March, sometimes in May. Rhododendron blooms annually, but it requires attention and skill to preserve the bush for the next season. Rhododendron flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of a brush or brush. The color palette ranges from snow-white to deep red, with shades of pink, lilac, violet and even yellow. The shape of the flowers can be bell-shaped, tubular, funnel-shaped, some flowers have a pleasant aroma.

The name of the plant comes from the Greek words "rhodon" and "dendron", which mean "rose" and "flower". Hence the name - “rose tree”. The first attempt to breed rhododendron in Europe was made in the 18th century, but the bushes brought from India were not given proper care and died. In the 19th century, the attempt was crowned with success: sea captain Welbank brought from India the ancestor of all known varieties of azalea.


Azalea is represented by more than 2 thousand varieties. Two types of rhododendron are cultivated at home:

  • Indian rhododendron, or simsi (Rododendron simsii). This plant is the progenitor of indoor varieties. Its natural habitat is moist montane forests. Indian azalea hybrids come in a variety of colors, from white and cream to bright pinks and reds. There are yellow flowers, as well as two-color ones.

  • Japanese rhododendron (Rhododendron obtusum var. japonicum)- the owner of flowers that are not as large as those of the Indian azalea (less than 5 cm in diameter). It is less common than simsi and is more troublesome to grow. The plant is sensitive to temperature changes. Flowers - white, lilac, red-orange. An interesting feature of the species: flowers of different shades can be found on one tree.

Mostly evergreen species of rhododendrons are grown indoors; deciduous ones are less common. The average height of a bush growing indoors is from 30 to 50 cm, but standard trees sometimes stretch up to 1.3 m. Azalea flowers differ not only in color, but also in structure:

  • simple,
  • terry,
  • flower within a flower with simple petals,
  • a flower in a flower with double petals of more than 30.


Before starting to grow azaleas, the gardener must soberly assess his strength. Are you ready to devote time to the flower, creating the necessary conditions for it? Rhododendron does not forgive mistakes: it can bloom in a week, drop its buds, or even dry out. Saving him is an even more difficult task.

Interesting fact
The older the azalea, the more spectacular and magnificent it blooms.

How to tame rhododendron at home? Start by placing it:

  1. The plant does not like bright light. Place it in an area protected from direct sunlight. A northern or western window sill or loggia is suitable.
  2. Miss Clean magazine advises avoiding places near heating appliances and radiators. Dry air is harmful to the plant.
  3. Starting in April, begin to accustom the rhododendron to the air by taking the flowerpot outside. Place the plant in the shade of trees or under a canopy. In the fresh air, the bush will remain comfortable until the end of August.
  4. The room where the rhododendron lives needs to be ventilated regularly. But sharp temperature fluctuations should not be allowed, as this will lead to the death of the bud ovaries.

Over the course of a year, rhododendron goes through the stages of growth, flowering and dormancy. Each period requires different care. And the azalea needs to be prepared for flowering. When buying rhododendron in stores, people often throw it away after flowering; they consider it a bouquet plant. But if you do everything correctly, you will be able to admire the winter flowering of the rose tree for more than one season.

Humidity, watering, fertilizers

Rhododendron flowering is adversely affected by dry air and high temperatures. Temperatures up to +19° C are permissible, best of all - from 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. Flowering will last long only in a cool place: at temperatures up to +12° C - 2 months, at temperatures up to +19 - 2 weeks. In autumn, during the formation of buds, it is better to lower the temperature to +6° C, and raise it just before flowering. To neutralize the effect of heating systems, you need to spray the rhododendron in the evenings with soft water at least 2 times a week.

Rhododendrons love high humidity. During the growth period, abundant watering is required, during the dormant period it is reduced to moderate. The soil in the pot must be completely moistened and not allowed to dry out. Water the plant in the morning with soft filtered or settled water, directing the stream to the root. If some of the water has not been absorbed into the soil, it must be drained from the pan after 15 minutes. To prevent the rhododendron from getting too hot, it is watered with melt water, and pieces of ice are placed along the edges of the pot. A good move is to place a container of water or damp moss next to the pot.

If you accidentally allow the soil in a flowerpot with rhododendron to dry out, resuscitation will be required. The first method: put the pot in water for 4 hours. During this time, the plant and soil will be sufficiently saturated with moisture. After 3-4 days, normal watering is resumed. The second way is to give the plant a shower. Water temperature - up to +30° C.

Water the plant only with soft, settled water.

A special feature of rose tree care is daily feeding. Liquid complex fertilizer is sold specifically for rhododendron. During each watering, a certain amount of fertilizer is added to the water. This amount is calculated by dividing the monthly norm by the number of waterings. When the buds are forming, it would be a good idea to add classic fertilizers, applying them once every 20 days.

Formation of a bush, transplantation, propagation

To maintain abundant flowering, you need to cut off the flowers immediately after they wilt. After the end of the flowering period, all weak elongated shoots are removed. Healthy branches are pruned to 5 cm. This pruning will help the rhododendron form new strong shoots. After this procedure, you need to transplant the plant into a new, larger pot. After 2-3 weeks, when 3 pairs of leaves appear on the young shoots, they need to pinch off the tops. The procedure is repeated until the buds appear (approximately mid-summer), then the side shoots are pinched.

Young plants need replanting annually, adults (after 3 years) - once every two years. Signs that it is time to replant the rhododendron: the roots entwine a lump of soil, moss appears on the surface. For planting, it is better to purchase special soil for azaleas, since it is difficult to make it yourself: you will need a mixture of coniferous soil, peat and sand. It is better to take a ceramic pot for the plant; microscopic pores in its walls will provide air access to the roots. Don't forget about the drainage layer at the bottom of the flowerpot.

Rhododendrons are propagated by stem cuttings. The time for their separation is summer, temperature is from +20 to +25 degrees. Cuttings are selected 6 cm long, semi-lignified, 4-5 months old, and cut at an angle. Before planting, it is necessary to cut off the lower leaves from the cuttings; the cut is treated with a growth stimulator. The seedlings are placed 1-2 cm deep in the soil, covered with film and left until rooted for 1.5 months, ventilating periodically. When it takes root, the plant is transplanted into azalea soil.

Growing difficulties

Flower growers face the following problems:

  1. Yellow leaves. Most likely, there is not enough water in the soil. In addition, rhododendron loves lemon: add a couple of drops of juice when watering.
  2. Short flowering. Possible reasons: lack of moisture in the soil, low air humidity, exposure to direct sunlight. What to do: increase watering, spray the bush, place it away from the heating system.
  3. The leaves are wrinkled. This occurs due to lack of moisture, high temperatures and poor shading. Solution: increase watering, increase air humidity and shade the plant.
  4. Septoria is a fungal disease. A sign is rusty or brown-gray spots on the leaves; in advanced situations, the foliage is dying off. The plant will be saved by spraying with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Rhododendron growing in an apartment repels small insects like ants. But some pests still attack the rose tree:

  1. Hairy aphid. First it settles on young shoots, then moves to the leaves. The plant is easy to treat: wipe it with a sponge dipped in soapy water. After a week, you can spray the bush with soapy water or a pharmacy tincture of calendula.
  2. The Tarzanemus mite is a more serious problem. It is difficult to notice with the naked eye. Signs that the mite has settled on the buds, flowers and leaves: leaf blades become lighter, shoots curl. The dominance of mites leads to a lack of flowering. Folk method of pest control: prepare an infusion of wood ash (500 g of ash - 10 liters of water). Let the mixture sit for a day, strain and spray or wipe the bush. Repeat the procedure once a week, three treatments are enough.

When caring for rhododendrons, you need to take into account that their stems contain toxic substances. Wear protective gloves and limit access to the azalea flowerpot to children and pets. If you eat the leaf, you will experience lacrimation, poisoning, and vomiting. Some flowers have a strong smell, which often causes allergic reactions: skin rashes, headaches.

Rhododendron in open ground

Indoor azaleas and garden rhododendrons are similar in agricultural technology:

  1. For planting in open ground, choose a shady place, preferably near a pond or stream. If there are no bodies of water on the site, then air humidity must be maintained by placing a basin of water next to the tree. If groundwater is close, the plant is planted on a raised plot of land.
  2. Garden rhododendron needs morning watering and evening spraying, just like indoor rhododendron. In dry weather, it is advisable to add up to 10 liters of water to each bush.
  3. In rainy autumn weather, watering is not necessary.
  4. The soil should not be loosened so as not to damage the roots. Weeding is done only by hand.
  5. In the middle zone, rhododendron is covered with burlap for the winter. It is removed in the spring after the snow has melted. In warm areas, the rose tree overwinters without shelter.

A few facts that rhododendron has really won the hearts of plant lovers:

  1. It is called not only azalea, but also alpine or English rose.
  2. There are varieties with flowers up to 20 cm in diameter.
  3. Rhododendron is a medicinal plant used in folk and traditional medicine. The main 4 types with healing properties: golden, Caucasian, Sagan-daylya and Daurian rhododendrons. In Tibetan folk medicine, the plant is anti-inflammatory and antifungal, as well as a tonic. Leaves, flowers and stems are used.
  4. Different countries have a unique culture for growing rhododendron. Thus, in India, meter-long lush flowers are cultivated. And in Japan, a whole direction in the art of bonsai appeared - the formation of amazing trees from rhododendron bushes.
  5. Rhododendron in the wild is an early spring honey plant.
  6. Some gardeners are sure that the plant in the house has its own symbolism. Rhododendron has powerful positive energy, maintains harmonious relationships in the family, and restores mutual understanding after minor quarrels. It is recommended to cultivate it for people with increased fatigue and sleep problems.

Growing rhododendron both at home and in the garden is a challenging but exciting task. It’s worth working hard for gorgeous lush buds. With proper care, azalea becomes a decoration for any room. A blooming rhododendron in the house is a sign of the florist’s high skill.

Rhododendron(Rhododendron) is one of the most beloved profusely flowering indoor plants. It fits perfectly into any interior, filling the room with the luxury of flowers, aromas, and bright colors.

Undoubtedly, rhododendron- a very impressive, but not at all easy-to-care plant.

Our flower growers often call this flower in the old fashioned way - azalea (less often - alpine rose), although in all classifications it goes under the name rhododendron.

Perhaps because a female name is more suitable for this beauty with large velvety flowers in delicate shades?


Azalea- a unique representative of the heather family, growing up to 50 cm tall and numbering more than 2 thousand garden varieties, of which two are most often cultivated at home.

« (Rododendron simsii) is the ancestor of indoor varieties, growing in cool and humid mountain forests. From it many hybrids have been obtained with bright pink flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, as well as other colors: yellow, white, cream, red, variegated.

(Rhododendronobtusumvar japonicum) - a shrub with smaller flowers, much less common. This plant is not as resistant to temperature changes and cold as the Indian azalea. Flower color ranges from white to red-orange. There are varieties that have flowers of different colors on one bush.

In addition to the bushes, there are hanging varieties alpine roses and topiary trees, which are grown in the shape of a pyramid. Indoor rhododendrons are usually evergreen varieties; deciduous ones are less common. During the dormant period, the plant needs coolness and shade.

The older the azalea, the more spectacular and abundant it blooms. True, save this wayward beauty until the next flowering very difficult. Rhododendron is a beautiful plant in appearance, but very picky.

Secret her long flowering and preservation until next year consists of timely and abundant watering, diffused lighting and low air temperatures.

Temperature and lighting

In room care rhododendrons prefer cool and very bright rooms with a maximum temperature no higher than +18°C (optimally - from +10 to +15°C).

In autumn, during the formation of flower buds, it is advisable to lower the temperature even lower - to +6°C (for example, take it to glass balcony or in the basement), and then increase it just before flowering.

Many flower growers resort to tricks to keep the azalea from getting too hot: water it with melt water and put ice around the edges flower pot. For example, at an average temperature of +12, azalea flowering will last 2 months, at +20 - only two weeks.

Rhododendrons that have frequent access bloom most profusely To fresh air – those that stand on the terrace (in the shade) all summer until the end of August, or all year round located in a regularly ventilated room.

But do not forget that indoor rhododendron, unlike its garden relatives, can't stand it large temperature fluctuations. It is sharp fluctuations in air temperature that often cause premature release of buds. Direct sunlight for azaleas is also contraindicated.

Rules for watering and fertilizing

For watering Rhododendrons need to use only soft water. 10-20 minutes after watering, excess water in the pan must be drained, preventing its accumulation. During the growing season, watering should be abundant and frequent, and during the dormant period - moderate. In addition, the plant needs spraying (at least 2 times a week).

The soil should not dry out in the pot. If this does happen, try to “revive” your azalea by giving it a shower with a temperature of +28+30°C. Twice a month add to irrigation water a teaspoon of citric acid: this is necessary to maintain the acid balance of the soil. Add acidic water immediately after regular watering.

Top dressing enough rhododendrons are produced in an unusual way. If most plants are fed 2-4 times a month, then this delicate flower needs such care daily.

Need to buy liquid complex fertilizer(preferably a special one for rhododendrons) and during each watering add it in small doses, based on the monthly norm divided by the number of waterings. During the period of increased growth and bud formation, add classic fertilizers, applying them every 20 days and alternating organic fertilizers with mineral ones.


After withering remove the buds immediately. If this is not done, flowering will weaken. After the end of the flowering wave, cut each flower branch by 5 cm, and remove weak and elongated shoots completely. Such correct pruning will help your azalea produce strong new stems. After pruning, the plants are transplanted into larger containers.

After 3-4 weeks, after 3 pairs of leaves appear on young shoots, pinch the tops every escape. Repeat pinching annually, the last time before budding (July-August). When the first buds appear, pinch off the side shoots.

Transplantation and propagation

After the first planting of a rhododendron indoor plant, caring for it involves transplant, as necessary, in the following scheme: up to 3 years – annually; after 3 years – once every 2 years.

Soil for planting It is better to buy, because its composition is quite complex: it is heather soil or a mixture of coniferous and peat with the addition of sand.

The appearance of moss on the surface of the soil or the roots entwining a lump of soil is a sure signal that the plant needs to be replanted.

Reproduce azalea from stem cuttings summer period when the temperature reaches +20-25°C. Choose young semi-lignified cuttings at the age of 4-5 months. and carefully cut at an angle.

The length of each cutting is less than 6 cm. Prepare the dishes: Place 3-5 cm of drainage at the bottom of the pot: shards or sand, pour a layer of coniferous soil on top.

Cut the 4 lower leaves from the cutting. Preferably before boarding Place the seedlings for 0.5-1 hour in a solution of a drug that has a beneficial effect on the root system. Then plant the cuttings in the ground to a depth of 1-2 cm and cover with glass or film.

While the seedlings are taking root, they needs to be ventilated at least 3 times a week, and 5-6 days before transplanting, remove the shelter completely. The root system develops within 1.5 months, after which the rooted cuttings must be planted in coniferous-peat soil. After transplanting, cover again for 1.5-2 weeks.

Possible problems

Short flowering. The reason for this may be excessively dry air, insufficient watering, or direct sunlight. Try moving the pot away from the battery, spray it with water more often.

The leaves are turning yellow. The presence of clay in soil or water. Switch to watering with acidified water.

The leaves are wrinkled. There can be many reasons: bright sun, dry air, insufficient watering, high temperature. Humidify the air in the room, remove the pot from direct sunlight, and increase watering and spraying.


Azaleas are often attacked by insect pests such as hairy aphids and Tarzanemus mites.

Hairy aphid– loves young rhododendron stems, sometimes switches to leaves. If the lesion is small, you can get by using a cotton swab dipped in soapy water. After 7-10 days, spray again with a soap solution or calendula tincture.

Tarzanemus mite- a much more serious and annoying pest. It settles on buds, young leaves, flowers, and it is almost impossible to see it without a magnifying glass.

You can detect trouble only when the young shoots begin to curl, the leaves turn lighter and the long-awaited flowering does not occur. Fight the tick You can use an infusion of wood ash (500 g per 10 liters of water, leave for 24 hours, strain). Repeat spraying after 7-8 days 3 more times.

Septoria– a disease caused by the Septoria fungus. Affected leaves develop grayish-brown or rust-colored spots.

If you don't pay attention to it in time, the leaves will dry out and fall off. Azalea needs to be treated Bordeaux mixture(1% solution) daily for 10 days.

Japanese azaleas are suitable for creating trees bonsai.

Blooming profusely and brightly, they look great in bonsai arrangements next to traditional conifers and herbaceous small trees. In the fall, take a plant that has spent the summer in a moist, shaded place, give it the desired shape and transplant it into a special bonsai container.

Trunk of rhododendrons It is quite strong and can withstand considerable loads when bending. This means that this flower also has a strong masculine principle. Therefore, the question - which name is more correct - rhododendron or azalea - will remain open for now.

Experienced gardeners claim that with proper care, an azalea can bloom so wildly that you can’t even see the greenery - only large, beautiful flowers. In Europe, rhododendron is solemnly called - "Flower of the Wise", believing that the contemplation of such beauty puts a person in a philosophical mood and makes him wiser. Well, just for this reason it’s worth getting this beauty at home and trying to raise it.

And for the most curious, we invite you to watch a video about planting and caring for rhododendron

Rhododendron - description

Rhododendron (lat. Rhododendron)- shrubs of the heather family. At the moment, more than 900 species of this plant are known, many of which are successfully grown indoors. Rhododendrons are common in temperate zones around the world: Europe, Asia, Australia and North America. The rhododendron plant got its name from two Greek words meaning “Rose tree”.

Rhododendrons are represented by shrubs, which, depending on the type, are deciduous or evergreen, low or tall, with erect stems or ampelous. The leaves are usually glossy, oval-shaped, and quite large. Blooms in any color except pure blue.

In indoor floriculture, the name Azalea is common, although only one subgenus of rhododendron is called this way. Typically, Azaleas are deciduous plants, while Rhododendrons are evergreen. Breeders have developed a huge number of species, varieties and forms for gardening and indoor floriculture.

Planting and caring for rhododendron (in brief)

  • Bloom: from March to June.
  • Lighting: bright diffused light.
  • Temperature: in spring and summer - 16-18 ºC, from October the temperature is lowered to 5-8 ºC for a month and a half, and when the buds begin to swell, the temperature is gradually increased to 18 ºC.
  • Watering: In spring and summer, the substrate should be slightly moist all the time. In cool conditions, the substrate is moistened two days after its top layer has dried, using the method of watering through a pan.
  • Air humidity: increased. It is necessary to spray the plant at least once a day, and in hot weather - 2-3 times a day.
  • Feeding: in spring and summer - every three weeks with a special mineral fertilizer, and during the period of bud formation - with phosphorus.
  • Rest period: for 2-2.5 months from mid-November or early December.
  • Transfer: immediately after flowering: young azaleas - annually, adults - once every year or two.
  • Substrate: special ready-made soil for azaleas with 4.0-4.5 pH.
  • Trimming: after transplantation. You can pinch the plant several times; the last pinch is carried out in mid-summer.
  • Reproduction: seeds, cuttings and grafting.
  • Pests: thrips, scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites, whiteflies and azalea moths.
  • Diseases: except problems due to improper care and violation of maintenance conditions, rhododendron can become ill with fusarium, phyllostictosis and septoria.
  • Properties: all parts of the plant are poisonous!

Read more about growing rhododendron below.

Rhododendron – photo

Caring for rhododendron at home


The rhododendron indoor plant needs a lot of bright light for a long time. It is best to place the rhododendron pot on the south side, but not in direct sunlight. During the warm summer period, the flower can be taken outside, protected from direct sunlight and precipitation.


The optimal summer temperature for rhododendron in room conditions is 16-18 °C, but if you provide the plant proper watering and air humidity, the temperature can be around 22 °C. Starting from October, the temperature must be reduced to 5-8 °C above zero. This temperature should last at least a month and a half, since it is at this temperature that flower buds ripen. When the buds begin to swell, the temperature begins to gradually increase to 13-15 °C. And when the buds begin to open - up to 18 °C. Home rhododendron does not tolerate drafts, but it is necessary to provide it with a flow of fresh air.

Watering rhododendron

Rhododendron at home in the summer, when the temperature is high and the soil dries out quickly, must be watered immediately after the top layer of soil has dried. Water with warm, settled water. You can water either by overhead watering or by watering through a tray, and it is best to alternate. The water from the pan should be poured out 30-40 minutes after watering. Sometimes you can use the watering method by immersing a rhododendron pot in a container of water for 5 minutes, then let it sit for an hour. excess water drain. If the air temperature is not very high and the soil takes several days to dry, then the indoor rhododendron is watered a couple of days after the substrate has dried on top. In winter, water carefully, usually through a tray. If the soil does not have time to dry out, the roots may begin to rot. Before watering, water must be allowed to settle for 24 hours.

Spraying rhododendron

The rhododendron flower does not tolerate dry air, so it needs constant spraying at least once a day. If the temperature is very high, then you can spray even 2-3 times a day. Before spraying, the water should be allowed to settle so that the lime settles and the chlorine evaporates. Placing rhododendron near heating devices will have a very negative impact on the development of the plant, so flowers should grow away from radiators and heaters.

Feeding rhododendron

Indoor rhododendron flower should be fed with complex fertilizers every three weeks during spring and summer. mineral fertilizers. During the period of bud formation, for more abundant flowering, rhododendron is fed twice with phosphorus fertilizers.

Rhododendron blossom

The rhododendron plant blooms for one to one and a half months. If the plant is properly cared for, it will bloom starting in December ( different types may differ in flowering times). Some varieties bloom starting in March, and the latest ones - from May. If you buy rhododendron, it is better to take specimens with a couple of flowers and a large number of unopened buds. Another feature of rhododendron is that it is not afraid of movement during flowering.

Rhododendron pruning

Homemade rhododendron can bloom for several years in a row, but this requires proper pruning. Faded shoots must be pruned. This is done after transplanting the plant. It is necessary to pinch the tops of young branches, leaving up to 6 leaves on them, and remove weak shoots completely. The first pinching of rhododendron is done approximately a month and a half after the end of flowering. Throughout the year, the plant can be pinched several more times, but the last time no later than mid-summer.

Transplanting rhododendron

Rhododendron will only grow well in acidic soil, so either purchase ready-made rhododendron (Azalea) soil or test the acidity using litmus paper - the pH should be between 4 and 4.5. The soil can be made up of one part peat and two parts coniferous soil, you can add a little river sand. Expanded clay should be poured onto the bottom of the pot for good drainage. Young rhododendrons are replanted every year, and older ones - after one or two years. If the roots have grown very large, it is advisable to trim them slightly. The pot for transplanting should not be very deep.

Propagation of rhododendron by cuttings

Pruning for cuttings is carried out from March 15 to April 15 or from July 15 to August 15. Cuttings need to be cut off those that were last pinched last year. I take cuttings up to 10 cm long, cut the leaves in half, and cut off the bottom couple completely, making a cut under the bud at an angle. The cuttings are placed in a solution of a root formation stimulator for several hours. The substrate is made up of equal parts of coniferous soil and peat, or planted in clean peat. Expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the bowl, a thin layer of sand on top, and then a substrate. The cuttings are planted at a distance of 4 cm from each other and covered with glass. The temperature is maintained at 25 °C, the cuttings are regularly ventilated and sprayed. When the rhododendron cuttings take root, the glass should be removed and the soil should be kept moderately moist at all times. The first rhododendron transplant is done when the young plants grow 3-4 cm, transplanted into coniferous soil at a distance of 10 cm from each other. 3 months after this, it is necessary to pinch the plants to improve branching and bush formation. The first buds must be removed so that the plant spends energy on development rather than flowering. At the beginning of spring, pinch them a second time and transplant them into individual pots. A fully formed rhododendron will grow in 2-3 years.

Toxicity of rhododendron

All parts of the rhododendron are highly poisonous. After working with the plant, you need to wash your hands. Make sure that children do not eat flowers and leaves - severe poisoning is possible.

Healing properties of rhododendron

In traditional and folk medicine, rhododendron is used in the treatment of heart diseases. And also to reduce irritability, get rid of headaches, insomnia and epilepsy. You cannot take decoctions and infusions of rhododendron on your own - consult your doctor.

Diseases and pests of rhododendron

Rhododendron flowers are withering. Rhododendron needs high humidity air, and wilting of flowers may be due to the fact that the plant is standing next to heating devices or in the sun.

Rhododendron leaves are turning yellow. Rhododendron does not tolerate lime - leave the water to settle before watering and avoid fertilizers containing lime.

The tips of rhododendron leaves turn brown and wither. There are several reasons: too high air temperature and low humidity; direct sunlight; lack of moisture in the soil; insufficient air humidity.

Rhododendron flower buds are falling off. Rhododendron requires low air temperatures. Very high temperatures can cause flower buds and even buds to fall off.

Rhododendron leaves curl up. In rhododendron, this happens either due to insufficient watering, or if the air in the room is very dry.

Azalea moth on rhododendron. If this happens, then you need to treat the rhododendron with Actellik twice a year.

Pests of rhododendron. Azaleas grow more often than others spider mite, scale insects and mealybugs.

Rhododendron species

Large rhododendron / Rhododendron grande

Trees. In nature they grow up to 10 m in height. The leaves have an elongated lanceolate shape (length up to 30 cm and width up to 10 cm). The upper side of the leaf blade is shiny, dark green, and the lower side is silver color. Flowering period: end of winter - beginning of spring. The flowers are pink with red spots, collected in inflorescences of two to three dozen, and have a bell-shaped shape.

Rhododendron griffithianum

Tall bushes or short trees with straight branches. The leaves are petiolate (3 cm), not pubescent, matte, have an elongated oval shape (up to 30 cm long), the upper side of the leaf is dark green, the lower side is yellow-green with a bluish tint. The beginning of flowering is May. The white flowers grow in inflorescences of several pieces (up to 6) and are bell-shaped.

Rhododendron hookeri / Rhododendron hookeri

Representatives of the species are three-meter shrubs that do not shed leaves. The shoots are not pubescent, straight. The upper side of the leaf is not pubescent and dark green in color; the underside is slightly pubescent on the veins and has a bluish tint; the leaves are petiolate, have an elongated oval shape, reach a length of 10 cm. Flowering period: early to mid-spring.

Decorative rhododendron / Rhododendron decorum

Very tall evergreen shrubs. The leaves are not pubescent, oblong-oval (up to 20 cm long), petiolate, bluish-green below and dark green on the upper side. It blooms for a long time - from mid-spring to mid-summer. The inflorescences are loose, have up to 10 pink or white flowers.

Rhododendron arboreum

Evergreen shrubs reaching 3-5 m in height. The leaves are oval or elongated oval (up to 20 cm in length), petiolate, green: the upper side is dark and the lower side is light. Blooms in mid-late spring. Umbrella-shaped inflorescences contain up to 20 red-pink flowers on long stalks.

Rhododendron mucronatum

Deciduous or evergreen branched shrubs growing up to 3 m in height. Young shoots are pubescent. The leaves grow in two stages: in the spring, light green leaves appear, pubescent on both sides of the leaf, lanceolate-ovate in shape (up to 6 cm long and up to 2.5 cm wide) with a pointed tip; in summer, dark green leaves grow, elongated-lanceolate in shape (up to 5 cm in length and up to 1.5 cm in width). It begins to bloom in late spring with white flowers with a funnel-shaped corolla.

Indian rhododendron / Rhododendron indicum

Deciduous or evergreen shrubs, growing up to 2 m in height, with lush branches. The shoots are covered with brown hairs. The leaves are pubescent with reddish hairs, green in color (dark above and light below), shiny. The edge of the leaf has tiny teeth, the leaf blade has a linear-lanceolate shape, reaches 3-4 cm in length. The flowering period is early summer. Blooms with bright red funnel-shaped flowers.

Rhododendron catawbiense

Two-meter evergreen shrubs. The leaves are petiolate, green (light below and dark above), pubescent below with dirty orange hairs that disappear over time, oval or elongated oval in shape (up to 15 cm long). The flowering period occurs at the end of spring - beginning of summer. The flowers grow on pubescent pedicels, 20 in an inflorescence, red-violet in color.

Beautiful rhododendron / Rhododendron pulchrum

Evergreen two-meter shrubs with pubescent shoots. The leaves are oval-lanceolate (up to 10 cm long and no more than 4 cm wide), shiny, covered with hairs that fade over time, the edge is smooth and whole. It blooms with purple-pink funnel-shaped flowers.

Rhododendron calendulaceum

Three-meter shrubs with pubescent straight shoots, shedding foliage. The leaves are oval-shaped, pubescent below, tapering towards the apex, up to 8 cm long, and usually no more than 3 cm wide. Flowering period: late spring - early summer. Flowers yellow color, may have an orange tint, have no smell, and are funnel-shaped.

Pontic rhododendron / Rhododendron ponticum

The shrubs are usually no higher than 3 m in height, not deciduous, with bare adult shoots that are initially slightly pubescent. The leaves are elongated-lanceolate (length - 15 cm, width - 5 cm), not pubescent, shiny, dark green. Blooms from mid-spring to early summer. Bell flowers grow in groups of about 15 in wide inflorescences and smell pleasant. There are varieties of yellow, white and purple-pink flowers.

Rhododendron simsii / Rhododendron simsii

Shrubs are one and a half to three meters tall, usually not deciduous, with heavily pubescent young shoots. The leaves are ovoid-oval, up to 5 cm long, pubescent on both sides (more pubescent on the bottom). Flowers, depending on the species, can be red, salmon, purple, white flowers, and also be simple, terry or semi-double. Bloom in different time, depending on the variety.

Rhododendron obtusum

Usually one and a half meter evergreen shrubs with pubescent shoots. Spring leaves are oval-lanceolate, light green, large; summer ones are dark green in color, smaller than spring ones, ovoid in shape, tapering towards the stem, shiny. The flowering period occurs in mid-late spring. The flowers are funnel-shaped, fragrant, few in number, and come in shades of red, pink and orange.

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