What thickness to build a house from timber. Thickness of timber for a house: choosing the best option

Many of those who live in stuffy apartments, and when they go outside find themselves in gray smog and deafened by the noise of cars, want to change their living environment. Live in a wooden house, breathe clean air and enjoy the silence. And those who decide to do this often wonder how to choose a timber to build a beautiful and reliable home for your family.

Today the construction market presents the most different types timber, different geometric parameters, profile, variety, production method. Choosing the best one is not an easy task, especially if the buyer’s financial capabilities are not unlimited.

From this article you will learn about all types of this material, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to save on your purchase without sacrificing quality.

Which timber is better

If you are not faced with the question of what to choose - timber or frame, if you have already decided what you will build wooden house, then the first thing you need to do is study the range of local construction markets and hypermarkets. As a rule, they offer three main types of timber: planed, profiled and glued.

Let's consider each type separately with all its disadvantages and advantages.

Planed timber

The material is obtained by cutting a log, during which a product with a rectangular or square cross-section is obtained. The main competitive advantage of planed timber over glued and profiled timber is low price. Compared to a log, it is easier to assemble into a log house, and compared to brick, it requires less effort and installation costs.

However, in addition to tangible advantages, this type of timber also has serious disadvantages that you need to be aware of and take into account if your goal is a strong, durable and warm home.

Planed timber is made from wood with natural moisture.

It gradually decreases as the tree dries, and this can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • Deformation. You can buy a perfectly smooth, beautiful timber, but after a while amazing metamorphoses will begin to happen to it: it can bend or even turn out like a “helicopter”;
  • Cracks. This is the most common defect that worsens not only the appearance of the material, but also its performance properties;

  • Rot, blue, mold. If raw timber is stored in improper conditions - in poorly ventilated areas or in stacks close to each other, such manifestations are inevitable;
  • Shrinkage. When building a house with your own hands, it is important to remember that over time the timber will dry out and its geometric dimensions will decrease. As a result, the entire structure will shrink, which depends on the initial moisture content of the material and environmental conditions.

Note. If we were talking only about the loss of a few centimeters in height, this trouble could not be paid attention to.
But as a result of shrinkage, window and door openings can be deformed, and external and internal wall decoration can be damaged.
Therefore, the log house must be allowed to settle for several months, preferably under the roof, before continuing construction.

  • Crevices. Conventional planed timber often suffers from inaccurate dimensions, so when building walls it is difficult to avoid gaps between the crowns. They also increase as the wood dries. They must be sealed: laid between the crowns sealing materials, caulk the walls to prevent the penetration of cold and moisture.

The planed timber itself is not distinguished by its ideal shape and surface, and when the described defects are applied, it is completely inferior in appearance to profiled and glued timber. Therefore, it needs additional external finishing.

Profiled timber

You can avoid some of the problems listed above if you purchase profiled timber. It differs from planed wood in the shape of its cross-section: its front sides are smooth, and the working surfaces are made of a tenon-groove or comb type.

Which timber profile to choose depends not so much on personal preferences as on the moisture content of the material.

  • The tongue-and-groove connection involves the use of insulation laid between the crowns in the grooves. Even if the timber shrinks when drying, forming gaps, it will prevent ventilation.

  • The protrusions of the “comb” profile fit each other very precisely and do not require the use of insulation. But if the moisture content of the wood changes, the comb parameters may change. Therefore, when choosing such a profile, you need to be sure that the timber is dry and will not shrink significantly.

For reference. The advantage is that the wood is dried until its moisture content reaches no more than 22%, otherwise the quality of processing will be low.
Therefore, it shrinks less than planed wood.

Many woodworking enterprises produce profiled timber to size, according to the customer’s design, immediately cutting into it “cups” for joints and corner joints. You no longer have to think about how to choose a groove in the timber - the log house is assembled like a children's construction set.

But this material, nevertheless, is not without such disadvantages as the appearance of cracks and shrinkage, which requires a technological break in construction.

Glued laminated timber

This type of timber is distinguished by the best performance characteristics, but also the highest cost. Its main advantage is low humidity and, accordingly, the absence of all those negative aspects that arise during drying of the material and shrinkage of the finished log house. You can build a house from it in one season, without waiting for natural shrinkage.

You will learn about how laminated veneer lumber is produced from other articles in this resource. We note that the technology of its production allows us to obtain a high-quality product, practically free of disadvantages. raw wood, but possessing all its beneficial natural qualities. In addition, it is impregnated against rotting and fire, and does not require additional finishing.

As in the case of profiled timber, laminated timber can be made to order in accordance with the chosen house project. And some manufacturers offer ready-made kits, which come with assembly instructions.

Note. Not long ago, a new product appeared on the market - D-shaped laminated veneer lumber, the convex front surface of which imitates a rounded log.

How to save money on timber construction

The budget deficit for building a house does not always allow you to choose expensive and high-quality materials. But, if you know how to choose the right timber - ordinary, not subjected to special treatment, and how to prepare it for work, you can save a lot and get a solid and beautiful structure. Our tips will help you with this.

So, what to look for when buying?

  • Evenness of timber. Determined visually and practically. The product must be placed on a flat surface with all its edges in turn and make sure that it is not bent or twisted by a “propeller”.
  • The distances between the annual rings, visible at the end of the beam, should be the same. If they narrow or widen on one side, this indicates that over time the beam will “lead” and it will bend.
  • The surface of the wood must be uniform in color everywhere. A visually noticeable color contrast at the ends or side edges indicates the presence of layers with different internal stresses, which will also lead to deformation.

It is much more difficult to determine the moisture content of the material. But even if you see that the timber is completely fresh, but good quality, you can independently bring it to the desired condition. True, this will take time.

It is not difficult to choose a house made of profiled timber, the design of which was carried out by a competent specialist. The layouts of such houses are thought out and convenient. Building competent planning, built by professional builders, pleases with comfort and quality. But the construction material is also responsible for quality.

Profiled timber comes in various types of profile, cross-section, humidity, different breeds wood Additionally, glued laminated timber is used. Any of these types of bars differs in appearance. There are straight and D-shaped beams.

For the average person, this may seem complicated and confusing, but when ordering a house made of timber, he should understand a little about the types of timber.

The difference between profiled timber and regular timber

A simple beam has a rectangular or square shape. Conventionally, it can be called a square “log”. Profiled timber has various grooves and spikes for a tighter fit of the beams. This feature is the profile of the timber.

A simple beam has one advantage. This is the price per cubic meter. Disadvantages include high ventilation of inter-crown seams, increased cracking, unaesthetic appearance and the likelihood of damage to the timber by fungus. The slight difference in size is also considered a serious drawback. This can lead to differences in the arrangement of the crowns and mixing of seams between them.

At the same time, the profiled timber has strictly specified dimensions and does not allow the seams to be blown in or mixed. Such timber has high external characteristics and does not require additional finishing of the finished structure.

It should also be noted that simple timber most often has natural moisture, just like profiled timber. But timber with a profile can also be purchased dry. The wood moisture factor primarily affects the shrinkage of the house. And if a house made of profiled timber with natural moisture settles more evenly, then construction from a simple one is more unpredictable. The development of the woodworking industry has made it possible to expand the number of types of timber with a profile.

Types of timber profiles

The production of profiled timber takes place on machines using special templates. Precise manufacturing ensures that the beams fit snugly against each other and prevent moisture from getting inside the wall. This is achieved through a profile on the timber. There are five types of profile:

  1. One chamfer.
  2. Two chamfers.
  3. Several chamfers (“comb”).
  4. Beveled chamfer.
  5. Finnish profile.

For interior walls use timber with one chamfer. This profile is suitable for summer houses, bathhouses and internal partitions. External walls require timber with two chamfers, with a “comb” or Finnish profile. Also to external walls a different section thickness of the timber is applicable.

Section of profiled timber

The timber is made in several sizes: 100x100; 100x150; 150x150; 150x200 and 200x200. These are indicators of the height and thickness of the timber. The thickness of the timber is important for all-season structures. Summer buildings or buildings in warm places do not require a large thickness of timber; 100 mm is enough for this. This type of timber is also used for internal partitions.

Construction of buildings for use in winter period requires greater timber thickness. In this case, timber with a cross section of 150 mm or 200 mm is used.

Timber with a cross section of 150x200 and 200x200 is less often used in the construction of houses due to the increased cost of such material. This size of timber is required for construction in cold regions, with strong and prolonged subzero temperatures.

Aesthetic characteristics of timber

Ordinary timber requires additional finishing or refining of its surface to acquire a beautiful appearance. Profiled timber already has high aesthetic qualities. Buildings made of profiled timber do not require further external finishing and look neat and beautiful.

Also, profiled timber can be made in two appearance options. Classic look timber with a profile allows you to get smooth smooth walls both outside the building and inside. The type of timber with a D-shape creates an imitation log house, maintaining smooth walls in the rooms.

Project of a house made of profiled timber

The Terem Stroy company builds houses from various types timber. There are many available finished projects houses. Construction from profiled timber is becoming more and more widespread. The main thing is that such buildings are erected by competent specialists.

What should be the thickness of the walls in the house?

How to correctly calculate the thickness of the walls of a wooden house

During construction, the thickness of the walls affects 3 parameters:

  1. Wall strength and structural stability. According to all calculations, for construction two-story cottage made of wood of sufficient thickness load-bearing structures 160 mm.
  2. Noise insulation. Compared to brick and blocks, wood wins, so we get good noise protection even with minimal wall thickness.
  3. Thermal insulation. This main reason disputes among customers of houses made of laminated and planed timber and logs. It is to increase thermal insulation that laminated veneer lumber is produced in thicknesses of 175, 200 and 240 mm.

The ideal situation for the builder and future owner is to build a house from a homogeneous material without additional thermal insulation. But for this it is necessary to correctly calculate the parameters of the wall.

The thickness of the walls of a timber house according to the standard

SP 50.13330.2012 provides details for calculating the thermal protection of buildings. There are many formulas in the set of rules - calculation of floors, flooring, external and internal walls, dependence on climate zone, full set to determine the characteristics of the building. But now we are only interested in calculating the dimensions of the enclosing structure:

d - layer thickness, R - heat transfer resistance (set for a specific region), k - thermal conductivity coefficient (depending on the material). For Moscow, the heat transfer resistance is approximately 3.2. Average thermal conductivity coefficient of wood: pine - 0.15, spruce - 0.11 (formulas and values ​​taken from SP 50.13330.2012 and Wikipedia materials). The result is a wall thickness of at least 35-48 cm. According to the same calculations, Brick wall should be 0.64-2.24 m, and concrete - more than 3 m.

But we see a discrepancy almost everywhere: the thickness of the walls of log houses rarely exceeds 140-180 mm at the joints, and panel high-rise buildings standard concrete products - only 140-200 mm. How do you manage to live in such houses without additional insulation? In practice, “standard” dimensions are often impossible, so the work of heating engineering is taken into account in construction.

A practical approach to determining wall thickness

When calculating, they rely less on thermal characteristics, and more on a combination of thermal insulation, type of heating equipment and heating costs. The type of construction matters (for permanent and seasonal residence), fuel type (main gas, solid fuel, electricity). The result is that you can build from virtually any material, and the extra centimeters only reduces monthly heating costs.

On the Internet it is written that for year-round residence The thickness of the wall of a house made of laminated timber is 175-200 mm, a minimum of 250 mm is needed. So, houses with timber less than 250 mm are cold?

It all depends on the heating and ventilation system. Even in a house with enhanced thermal insulation, there will be heat loss through the foundation, roof, and when opening doors and windows. According to our calculations, for permanent residence If there is mains gas, the thickness of the walls in a house made of laminated timber is 175 mm, otherwise the savings on heating will not cover the construction costs. If you plan to use electricity, then it is better to choose the production of houses from 200 or 240 mm laminated timber.

Let's summarize

To strictly comply with the standards, the wall thickness should be 48 cm, but physical properties wood (fast heating, regulation of room humidity, etc.) allow you to live comfortably in a house with a wall thickness of 200 and even 175 mm (with a slight increase in heating costs). More than 3,000 GOOD WOOD customers can confirm this: most projects use 175 and 200 mm laminated veneer lumber. The main thing is to carry out the connections correctly and efficiently, install energy-efficient windows correctly, and think through the ventilation system.

Tree differs from tree: real and ideal thickness

Thickness of the walls of a solid wood house

When building a house from rounded logs, it is necessary to take into account differences in waves - a diameter of 200 mm at the junction gives 100-120 mm. Accordingly, in bottlenecks the protection drops by 40-50%. Thermal insulation must be calculated based on the characteristics at the joints. The second danger of an array is wood cracks and gaps between the crowns. In the first months (up to a year and a half), the material goes through a stage of intense shrinkage - the wood takes its final shape, the fibers curl and crack. Cracks sometimes reach the center of the log or split the beam into two parts.
When cracks and crevices appear, the thermal insulation decreases. If the wall is open (builders recommend abandoning finishing and insulation in the first year), then it will be caulked. In the future, it is recommended to carry out inspections, seal cracks and update the inter-crown thermal insulation every 5-7 years.

Thickness of the walls of a laminated timber house

The situation is more pleasant - the high-tech material is glued together from several pre-dried lamellas. The shape does not change over the years, the multilayer structure protects against deep cracks. As a result, the initial thermal insulation is maintained at the design level. At least, reviews from owners about laminated veneer lumber and reports from GOOD WOOD emergency inspectors do not report problems with deteriorating thermal insulation. Theoretically, the thickness of laminated veneer lumber is not limited, but in most cases it is used standard thickness- 160, 175, 200, 240 mm.

The characteristics of such walls have been tested so thoroughly and in detail that GOOD WOOD specialists have developed a calculator to calculate the monthly heating costs of most typical projects:

When building houses from laminated veneer lumber on a turnkey basis, the calculator helps to estimate costs in advance and consciously select wall parameters, floor characteristics, and window design.

So what should be the thickness of the walls in the house?

  1. At scientific approach It turns out that in any case it is necessary to increase the thickness of the walls to unreasonable limits (up to 30, 50, 100 or more centimeters) or use a layer of insulation and external finishing. With some materials ( expanded clay concrete blocks, log or planed timber) this is what happens.
  2. Practice teaches us to include heating engineering parameters and heating costs into calculations, and to find a reasonable balance between thickness and heating costs. The result is warm houses without increasing the thickness of the walls or additional insulation. The main thing in this case is to correctly assess the difference between construction costs and heating costs.

Various timber

Building a house from timber raises a lot of questions among readers. Most often they ask how to choose material for construction. There are more varieties of timber every year, which one is better to use and how to distinguish quality material. We will tell those readers who do not want to throw money away and want to purchase high-quality material how to choose timber for building a house. Which timber to choose - profiled, glued, plain, section and grade of timber in one article.

To build a house, timber is chosen from three main types: simple, profiled or glued. It is superior to brick in its heat-saving and sound-insulating qualities. The only thing it is inferior to is fire resistance. But using special processing compounds, you can reduce the rate significantly. It is environmentally friendly and outperforms brick and rounded logs in price. And with the onset of a difficult economic situation in the country, the material generally took first place in the choice of buyers. Each type has its pros and cons for construction.

Simple trim material

Rectangular beams of various sections. Produced by chamber drying and natural humidity. In terms of price category, timber with natural humidity is the cheapest. Choosing natural humidity to build your home, you need to understand that additional costs will be required for external and interior decoration, for example siding or clapboard. The fact is that when the material dries, it will crack and lose its aesthetically attractive appearance. Some of the heat-saving qualities will be lost when cracking, so you will have to insulate the walls with mineral wool or any other material. When choosing chamber-drying timber, you can count on minimal shrinkage of the house. But the walls will still not be attractive, since between the links they lay tape insulation. We recommend choosing a simple chamber drying for the construction of a small country house, this way you can save on material, and the structure will turn out to be environmentally friendly, and you can assemble it with your own hands. For frame construction For a residential structure, it is more profitable to purchase a simple edged look, since the walls will still have to be covered. If you still choose natural humidity for building a house, then you need to prepare for additional expenses.

Profiled view

Profiled timber is considered second in quality. It also comes in natural humidity and chamber drying. It has two technical sides with a locking connection - tongue and groove. With the help of a lock it is easy to fit and connect to each other. Houses made from it are warmer, since the walls will not be blown through. How warm the walls will be depends on the quality and type of locking connection. The warmest is considered to be the “comb”, where there are more than two thorns. A simple lock is less resistant to winds, especially in the corners of a house. By choosing natural humidity, wall cracking cannot be avoided and can be used over the years finishing material you still have to. It will not be possible to caulk the walls a second time, since the locking connection will not allow the work to be completed efficiently. After assembling the walls, profiled chamber drying can be simply sanded and coated with antiseptic and protective compounds. No other finishing is necessary. Suitable for construction residential buildings any size, so the shrinkage will not be large, only 3-4%. The main disadvantage is the high price of chamber drying.

Glued look

Glued laminated timber is considered the most suitable for the construction of a residential building. It consists of dried lamellas that are glued together under a press. The strength of the material is higher than that of profiled or simple material, since the lamellas are connected in the opposite direction of the fibers. The more lamellas, the stronger material. The internal lamellas can be spliced ​​or solid; the second option is more expensive and better in quality. Among the main advantages of the glued type are its high thermal insulation characteristics. Thus, a cross-section of 150x150 mm is equal in thermal conductivity to edged timber 250x250 mm. It is easier to build a house from such material, since the weight of each beam is less. How to choose timber for building a glued-laminated house can be seen in the video:

Among the disadvantages, one can highlight the material’s not entirely environmentally friendly. The fact is that adhesive composition Various types are used for gluing lamellas. The safest one is expensive and domestic producers it is not used. The second and no less important drawback is the high price of the material.

Unusual timber

One of the newer types on the market is the D-shaped type. Building a D-frame house is exactly the same as building a profile house. Its difference is in the rounded front side. There is material with two rounded sides - front and inner. Externally, the house resembles a log house, but its thermal characteristics are the same as those made from laminated veneer lumber. There is no need to finish the walls and facade. The new kind materials - warm timber.

Building a house from it is called Maxhouse. Inside, the timber is filled with a layer of cellulose or urethane foam insulation. The heat-saving properties of the material are higher, but environmental friendliness decreases significantly. The main advantage is the low price. External and inner side warm look may be made of expensive wood, such as larch or aspen. And the price is 3-4 times lower than for a full-fledged type.

Grade of construction lumber

When choosing construction lumber, you need to pay attention to its grade. Moreover, certain rules There is no way to determine one grade from another, so in different manufacturing companies you can find timber of the same quality, but of different grades. To build your house, we recommend using grades A or Extra, AB and B. Other lower quality grades may have unevenness, damage from bugs, and blue discoloration. You can distinguish one variety from another by knowing some character traits timber. Readers can find out more about them in the table:

You should not use BC and C timber in the construction of a house for permanent residence. garden house or frame construction, in order to save money, you can buy cheaper varieties. But first you need to look at the material from several companies at once.

Types of timber sections

Thickness construction timber they take from 100 mm, but traditionally for the construction of a residential building they use a section of 200x200 mm. To build your house, choose a timber section of 150x150 mm. If the house is being built as a country house in southern region, then you can buy less than 100 mm. For a permanent residence in middle lane In Russia, you can choose glued or warm material with a section of 150x150 mm or 100x150 mm, where the working side will be large. Simple and profiled are selected with a cross-section from 150x150 to 200x200 mm.

You can use a rectangular section of 150x200 mm, where big side working. If you use simple edged timber natural humidity and in the future the walls will be insulated, then a section of 100x150 mm can be used. Choosing the right thickness of the timber is important, because if you build a house from profiled drying chambers and do not take into account thermal conductivity, then in winter the house will be cold. As a result, the walls will have to be insulated and there is no point in purchasing profiled chamber drying. The price of the material will depend on the choice of cross-section. Let's consider the price for different sections of timber in the form of a table:

To choose the right material for building your house, you need to use a material that is not the cheapest, of good quality, with a thickness of 200 mm or more.

Basic rules for choosing timber for building a house

From all of the above, we can conclude how to choose timber for building a house. Let's list the basic rules:

  1. For the construction of a house, timber with a thickness of 200 mm is chosen.
  2. For construction country house you can take simple natural moisture, for a residential building glued or profiled chamber drying.
  3. When choosing chamber drying, you can not be afraid of large shrinkage and cracking of the walls; taking natural humidity, you need to plan the costs of finishing the facade and interior.
  4. The shape of the material must be correct; curvature and uneven color are unacceptable. Buy grades A and AB, B.
  5. A D-shaped profile can be chosen instead of a rounded log.
  6. Warm timber is less expensive, but in appearance it is hardly distinguishable from laminated timber.

When choosing a material, you must purchase it only from trusted manufacturing companies. Don't take it suspiciously cheap material, especially if we're talking about about the glued form. This is the only way to build a house using high-quality and correct timber.

Price per bar

Timber for building a house

Buying timber for building a house in Moscow is the right step towards excellent result. Because modern people increasingly began to turn again to natural materials, which were popular many years ago for good reason. This perfect solution for everyone who prefers an atmosphere of comfort, reliability and at the same time modernity. After all modern lumber– these are high-quality products that can be safely used in the construction of even the most original and interesting objects.

Big choice

From our company, you can purchase any timber for construction, taking into account the fact that our prices are the most affordable. After all, we produce our products ourselves, so we can easily offer best options for each of our clients. Our timber is a durable, reliable and strong material that can be easily used for the construction of both single-story and multi-story buildings, it all depends on the preferences of each individual person.







Our timber does not absorb moisture, remains high quality and durable even after long years constant use. Therefore, this approach to purchasing high-quality goods is rightfully considered the most practical and correct. Because this way you can save money cash, since our prices are much more favorable than those of a number of other companies in this area, and at the same time purchase an excellent product for a wonderful construction.

Buy online

Despite the fact that our company is a direct manufacturer of its products, we still offer available conditions so that you can make your purchase quickly, comfortably and profitably! You can purchase required amount timber without leaving home, which is extremely convenient for everyone modern man who are used to saving their own time and energy. Make purchases on the site, and then you can save your resources. We guarantee fast delivery and a quality guarantee for the entire range presented. Trusting us means choosing the best!

Hurry up to take advantage of such a profitable and innovative option to achieve the most effective and profitable results!