Description of a room with a complex plan. House project: a complete set of drawings with descriptions and recommendations

Your world, the one in which you live, has great value. Surrounding objects familiar from childhood help in work and study, in rest and relaxation. If your home suits you, and the feeling of comfort and convenience does not leave you, then the world you created is arranged correctly.

What's in my room?

My room, although not big, is quite cozy. It has one window, and since we live on the first floor, there is not always enough light. White wallpaper with small specks and a large chandelier with three shades compensate for the lack of light. On my desk there is desk lamp, which I turn on in the evening when I do homework or play computer games.

My younger brother lives in the same room with me. We sleep on bunk bed- He is below, and I am above. We have enough space in the room. We have a large desk, also one for two. Each person has their own drawers for storing textbooks, notebooks and stationery. I try to keep my desk tidy. All the little things are always neatly arranged, there is no dust.

Opposite the table there is a large linen closet and a cabinet with a mirror. Mom tidies up the closet. The things you need are always easy to find. The cabinet contains my favorite books and CDs, plasticine, paints, gouache and everything you need for drawing. In my free time I like to sculpt and draw with paints or pencils. Sometimes I do assignments from art school.

For school uniform There is a special place in the corner near the window. My brother and I hang hangers with shirts and trousers on hooks. This is very convenient, since you don’t have to look for your things in the closet every time.

What do I want to change in my room?

My room suits me, but I would change some things in it. Firstly, I would like to have sports section, for example, a Swedish wall. In my free time, I could hang on the horizontal bar or climb the ladder to relieve the stress that has accumulated during the day. My brother is not against it either.

I also want to have a TV in my room. Although a computer can sometimes replace it, you still want to watch some programs on the big screen. Perhaps this is all my desires. I hope that someday they will come true.

Essay on the topic my room

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We present you several essays for every taste. Use these essays to write your own based on them.

1. Mini-essay on the topic of my room

The room I occupy is spacious and bright. The windows are curtained with snow-white tulle framed by light brown curtains. Wallpaper, yellow and orange, resembles the light of the sun, which always helps good mood. Furniture – minimum. In the left corner is a desk, and next to it is a chest of drawers. The wardrobe and sofa are on the right, and there is an ottoman near the door.

The walls are hung with various photographs. Some depict their own travels and hikes, while others depict the sights of Russian cities that were caught in the lens of my camera. Colorful photographs tell about descents along the rivers of Karelia: stunning sunsets and sunrises, foamy streams, and joyful faces of friends around the fire.

I update all the photos from time to time, just like museum exhibits. To make it interesting for friends to visit me, and to diversify my own life. Friends call visits to me excursions. And I am very pleased to host them.

2. Description of the room - essay 6th grade

Not long ago, our family purchased housing in one of the new buildings. I was glad that I was given a separate room. It is small, but cozy, and since the windows face south, there is a lot of light. It is the sun that makes me wake up in the morning, and then it looks into my parents’ windows.

At the entrance, on the right, there is a compact sports corner. I'm a supporter healthy image life, that's why I love physical exercise, and in the morning I don’t forget to do exercises. Dexterity and strength help strengthen the horizontal bar in doorway, a pair of dumbbells and wall bars.

The table where I do my homework is advantageously located by the window. I always have order on it: notebooks, pencils and pens are stored in drawers. There are also a lot of other useful things, because you can’t know in advance when something will come in handy. On the tabletop there is a cup for writing instruments, textbooks and a calculator. I don’t like it when there is a lot of unnecessary things on the table, so I put away both notebooks and books. Favorite actors - Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme - look from photographs on the wall. There is also a bookshelf hanging here, where I also keep magazines. Not being a fan works of art(I prefer cinema), I like to read about sports and music. The chair-bed where I relax and listen to music is on the left side of entrance doors. Here, next to the sleeping place, is located coffee table, on which there is a stereo system with collections of my favorite musical groups: “Depesh Mode”, “Nautilus Pompilius”, “Nirvana” and “Doors”. If I'm at my place, the music plays continuously. It’s not difficult to choose the right composition for any mood.

The floor is covered soft and beautiful carpeted. I like to relax on a hot afternoon, lying right on it. I feel very comfortable in my room, because only here can I find much-needed solitude or sit in the company of friends. Even if we have fun and make noise, this does not bother adults. My room is my little castle.

3. Essay - the interior of my favorite room

I can’t call the room where I live entirely and completely my own, because a TV was installed here. Parents come to my place to watch TV shows together. Otherwise, I am the rightful owner. My bookshelf and shelves, a desk, a sofa where I sleep, a bedside table where I store my games - everything is in this room. And here there is a big comfortable armchair. If you sit in it with your feet up, you can read your favorite book for a long time. There is a small corner in my room where a tape recorder is located, and the walls are full of different signs, beautiful pictures, two cards hang. I have been collecting tablets for a long time. For example, such as: “No smoking!”, “Keep quiet”, “Save electricity”. They are hung haphazardly. Some of them I found myself, others were given by friends. Mom promises to take them off, but I like it better this way.

One of the maps shows our region. I love to travel without leaving home - to find cities, rivers whose names I have heard, to mark the places where I have been.

My room is very cozy. In summer you feel cool here, because the sun is blocked by the branches of chestnut trees that grow under the window. In winter, the air warms up well from the hot wall of the fireplace.

I like my room. And when I leave for a long time, I miss it and imagine coming back here again.

4. Essay on the topic of describing a room

The British called own house fortress. And for good reason: only when you are at home does a person feel peace and tranquility. For me, such a stronghold is my room, where I spend most of my free time.

This room is cozy, because there are only the most necessary things, there is always order, and the large window lets in a lot of sun. Even if the room seems small to someone, I have enough space.

Not far from the window there is a table in light beige tones. I'm a stickler for order, so the countertop is almost always empty. Perhaps there may be a small stack of textbooks and notebooks on the edge. Tall and narrow wardrobe for books is located nearby. It contains many specimens that my mother began to collect. Among the old, Soviet bindings, the modern, glossy ones, which my parents bought especially for me, stand out brightly.

At the opposite wall is where I sleep: folding sofa with soft blue upholstery. It doesn't take up much space. I lay it out at night and return it to its original position in the morning. There is also a massive wardrobe here. It contains neat stacks of my things, hangers with school and formal clothes.

I spend quite a lot of time at home, so I try to tidy up so that unnecessary things don’t interfere with my concentration on the right things. I love my room very much.

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I live with my parents in two-room apartment on the 7th floor. I have separate room. I used to live in a room with my sister, but she got married and moved to live with her husband. Now I live alone in the room, and I really like it. I can arrange the furniture the way I want. Put things where it's convenient for me. And no one will object.

My room is square. In it there is a closet against the wall where my things are and dresses hang. Opposite the window is a desk where I do my homework. There is a computer on it that I play on. Sometimes I read at the table because my mother scolds me when I read while lying on the bed. He says that this way I’ll spoil my posture and my eyes will sag. And on the table there is a table lamp that provides good illumination.

There are two beds on either side of the table. One is mine, and the other is my sisters. Now I throw things on it when I come home from school.

The room is small, but I really like it here. When the sky is clear, the sun comes here in the morning and wakes me up with its rays. This is especially pleasant in the spring, when the birds are still singing under the window. Outside the window you can see the entire yard. So sometimes I just watch what's going on there. Like on TV.

On the wall above my bed there are posters of singers and bands that I listen to. And another small picture that I really like. There is a sunset on the sea and a ship sailing into the distance. Sometimes I look at it and I want to sit on it and sail away to see new lands and meet new people. I dream that when I grow up, I will earn a lot of money and travel.

My friends often come to visit me. And then we sit down in bed and dream together. Who wants to go where they want, some to Australia, some to Paris... And we listen to music and it seems to us that we are already sailing towards adventure.

I love my room very much. I relax here, read, do homework and hide from my parents if they scold me for something.

Essay My room (on behalf of the boy)

How I love my bright, spacious room. My room is located under the very roof of our house, on attic floor. I can’t tell you how cozy and pleasant it is to be there. In my room there are three small windows, with beautiful openwork curtains, they look out onto our beautiful garden.

In the summer it is pleasant to spend time watching through the window how the flowers bloom and frolic on the fresh air our dogs. In winter you can see an extraordinary picture, a snow-covered garden and a white fluffy blanket of snow covering the paths. Friends often come to me after school and we play, I have a lot of toys, I especially love my collection of cars.

The walls in my room are warm in color, there is a soft fluffy carpet on the floor, and a starry sky on the ceiling.
I also have a sports corner, there is a wall bars, a rope ladder, a horizontal bar, with dad in the evenings, after everything is done homework we spend there. Dad says that you need to get used to sports from childhood in order to be a strong and healthy boy.

In the study part of my room there is a desk, at the table I do my homework, my mother helps me and checks the mistakes I have made. There are many bookshelves mounted on the wall. I also have a computer on my desk, a cup with pens, pencils and felt-tip pens. I like to draw with my colorful felt-tip pens.

I hang my drawings on the walls, and there are also posters of my favorite actors and performers on the walls.

WITH early childhood I was taught to love my room, keep it in order and take care of my toys. I love to hang out with the boys and girls outside, but I always enjoy coming back to my little room and spending time in it.

Essay No. 3: Description of a room on behalf of a girl, 6th grade


  • table - workplace
  • carpet
  • books
  • bed


My room is medium in size. Not small, where you can’t turn around, but not huge, where it’s empty and uncomfortable. The large and only window in my room is to the left of the entrance. My bed is on the right, desk in the middle big wall. I love looking out of my window at the city that is far below; the window is also my guide to the world of stars at night. I have a small telescope and on cloudless nights I spend a long time looking at the stars, constellations and planets.

Table - workplace

Here is my desk. This is my work area, at this table I do my homework, write essays, it is for serious studies, not for games and dreams.


I like to dream on the floor, on a fluffy carpet, it’s mine favorite place for fantasies about different distant countries and travels. There is a huge globe on the carpet, along which I mentally travel, plot routes and invariably return to my favorite city to my dad and mom.


There is also a small library in my room. It consists of three shelves, which I slowly fill with books. In my library there are many books that I have already read, which I left as good memories of the adventures I experienced on the pages. Next to the shelves with books there is a large and easy chair, in which I like to read in the evenings, turning on a small night light in the shape of a kitten, my mother’s gift.


My bed is medium in size, but soft and comfortable. I rest on it after classes and swimming training, sleep until lunch on weekends, and just lie around on vacation. On the ceiling, right above the bed, it flashes at night starry sky, with the lights turned off, the stars twinkle with their mysterious light almost until the morning. I often fall asleep looking at the constellations on the ceiling and have cosmic dreams.

My room is bright and cozy. This the best place in the apartment, so does my cat, who loves to stay in my room for a long time, and even falls asleep with me.

This is my room - my world, my territory, where I feel free and easy.

Essay No. 3: My room on behalf of a boy, 6th grade


  • Resting-place
  • I keep order
  • Toys
  • Drawings and sports


My room is a place where I can relax after classes and be alone. It is cozy and calm. Here we like to spend time with friends, play Board games. We watch our favorite films, listen to music.

When dad and I want to talk about something secret, masculine, we just go to my room. Neither my mother nor my sister bothers us at this time. This is how it is in our family. Although at other times my sister just loves to climb onto my bed with her feet up and just sit.

Now I'm in sixth grade. And a lot has changed in my room. But I remember it with wallpaper in the form of cars. The room cannot be called large, but still there is enough space for me and my friends. Sometimes my cousin. And then my dad and I put a folding bed for him by the window.

I keep order

I take care of the order in my room myself: I can not only vacuum, but also wipe the dust and wash the floor. A year ago, my parents and I were doing renovations: wallpaper and new furniture I chose them in stores. Everything was decorated in my favorite nautical style.

My father and mother and I often go on trips. We usually bring some souvenirs from them. When we return home, I try to arrange all the memorabilia I brought on the bookshelves in my room. So my family and guests can admire them.


I also feel a little sorry for parting with children's toys. Therefore, my mother and I agreed that I would also make sure that all my cars and robots stood neatly. So far I have succeeded. I believe that having learned to put order in his room, when a child becomes an adult, he will also keep order and cleanliness throughout the house.

Drawings and sports

I also study at an art school. And I hang my most favorite and successful works on the walls. Another hobby of mine is sports. That’s why dad specially installed a sports complex in the room.

It's good when each child has his own room. Then you can go about your business without disturbing anyone.

4. Essay 6th grade

For many children, the ultimate dream is a large room in which you can fit half a castle. But, alas, my room is completely different. She has small sizes, but in childhood it seemed completely endless. Despite her small size I feel comfortable in it, since I was able to fit everything that is necessary for my creativity and flight of thoughts.

Many girls love very much pink color, but, apparently, I was not like everyone else and was fond of dark tones. In order for my life not to be monotonous, when choosing wallpaper, I abandoned the monotonous color, but my mother thought completely differently. But despite our contradictions, the result pleased both of us. One wall was decorated as an elegant meadow with roses and it was my small victory.

Since childhood, I preferred classics and rigor, and this was reflected in all areas of my life, even in the room. Everything must fit together work zone separate from the recreation area. And this is probably a huge plus. I can always find what I need in it, even in the closet the dresses are hung so that in winter I don’t put on a summer dress and vice versa. All the joy is in the little things and many people don’t understand this, but this only makes me feel better, because I can rejoice looking at the ordinary flower pot in which the house maple grows.

A computer desk I placed it next to the window. In the morning, looking into it, you don’t see anything worthwhile, but as soon as night falls, my city begins to light up bright colors, and you can also open the window. The wind blowing from it gives strength to creativity. And everything seems to be the same as always, nothing changes. But if you fantasize, my room is a big castle, and terrible monsters live under the bed, and if you dangle your leg, they will definitely grab it. It seems like a child's fantasy, but, having already matured, you are still afraid to hang your legs.

6th grade. 2nd and 5th grades. Favorite room. With a plan

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More recently, an affordable house project could only be found in albums of standard drawings. All these buildings were of the same type and faceless. Not every person could build according to such projects, because for this it was necessary to have at least some construction education and be able to understand drawings and technical terms.

We want to revolutionize the world of design and construction. Now almost any person who wants to build a house with his own hands can receive a complete project of such a structure with detailed description all stages of construction. We will describe each stage in such detail and completeness that even a person who is not very well versed in construction will be able to make their dream home come true.

General information about the house

The available house project is presented in the form one-story house with two side verandas. The foundations are made in the form of a continuous reinforced concrete monolithic strip. The external walls of the house are designed from porous POROTHERM 51 blocks, and the walls of the veranda are made from wooden beam With additional insulation using hard mineral wool slabs. All interior walls are built from clay solid bricks. The roof of the house is designed as a simple gable roof with load-bearing frame from a wooden rafter structure.

Concerning exterior finishing, then the house design involves using it as wall cladding decorative plaster followed by painting it facade paints. The finishing of the plinth is decorative plinth tiles. The covering of the verandas and gable of the house can be made of siding or clapboard for outdoor use. Choice roofing depends on your preference. It can be metal tiles, corrugated sheets, or flexible bitumen shingles. However, it is worth remembering that in the case of using flexible roofing materials it is necessary to arrange continuous sheathing along the rafters.


  1. learn to write an essay describing a room;
  2. develop the ability to construct sentences correctly using the necessary vocabulary; practice the skills of correct use of verbs and adverbs in the description of the premises; develop the ability to construct a statement in a certain compositional form; develop students’ powers of observation, speech, creativity, expand lexicon;
  3. instill a love for capacious, meaningful, beautiful word, cultivate aesthetic feelings.

Equipment: writing on the board key words for essays, reproductions of paintings, “Russian Speech” 6th grade by E. I. Nikitina.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today we are learning to write an essay describing a room. Essay topic: “My room.”

3. Preparing to write an essay.

1. The teacher's word.

In grade 5, we learned to write an essay describing an object and an essay describing an animal, and today we will learn to write an essay describing a room.

2. Working with reproduction.

Please look at M. Finogenova’s painting “Bright Day”. Answer my questions:

What is shown in the picture?

What is in the center of the room? What's nearby?

Does the room have windows? How many are there?

Are there curtains on the windows? What color are they?

What color are the floors?

What else can you say about the owner of this room?

3. Conversation on issues.

Do you have your own room or are your things in the hallway?

What is your room like (large, bright, comfortable)?

What furniture is in your room? How is it located?

What else is in your room (calendars, books, souvenirs)?

4. The teacher's word.

Now let's talk about how to describe a room. There are several options: firstly, a description of the room - indicating a list of characteristics of this room and the objects located in it. For example: a small bright room with one but wide window. Desk. Two chairs. Sofa bed. Bookshelf. Map of the hemispheres.

Secondly, a list of items located in the room may be accompanied by an indication of their location. For example: a small bright room with one but wide window. In front of him is a desk, next to him are two chairs. On the left is a sofa bed; on the right, in the corner, - bookshelf; on the wall is a map of the hemispheres.

Thirdly, each object can not only be named, but also described. For example: on the right, in the corner, there is a bookshelf. Most of it is occupied by textbooks for the 6th grade and books about the great musicians of the world. Here you can also find “Children’s Album” and “Seasons” by P. I. Tchaikovsky, collections of songs, and the magazine “Koster”.

In general, this type of description is built according to the following scheme:

Where? (place) - what? (an object located in this place).

But sometimes, if you need to pay attention to the state of the room (to the fact that the room is orderly and every thing has its place, or, on the contrary, to show that the room is in complete disorder and everything is in the wrong place, then the sequence of words in sentences it changes: first the object is called (what?), then the place (where?).

5. Execution of exercise. 97.

The general appearance of the room, the objects in it - all this characterizes the owner of the room: his hobbies, interests, sense of taste.

Listen to the text. Who do you think is the owner of this room? What is his hobby? Justify your answer.

Large bright room. At the window there is a drawing board with a piece of Whatman paper attached to it. A shelf full of books, a portrait of Beethoven. In the corner there are skis tied with straps.

6. Working with the memo.

To successfully write an essay, let’s remember the reminder that you have known since 5th grade.

Memo: “How to work on an essay.”

  • Specify the topic and determine the main idea of ​​the essay.
  • Select the required material.
  • Determine what type of speech (narration, description, reasoning) will be the main one in your essay.
  • Think about the features of the essay style (artistic, formal and business).
  • Make a plan.
  • Write a draft of your essay, then rewrite it after checking and correcting it.

7. Vocabulary work.

  • Spelling.
    - Look and remember the spelling of the supporting words written on the board. Write them down in your notebook.
    Near her, not far from, near, nearby, a few steps away, here, next to him, from under something, to the right of, to the left of, to the right, nearby, opposite, in the middle, in the middle, on one side; located, located; sofa bed, wardrobe, sofa, laminate flooring, parquet, carpet.
  • Punctuation.
    - Explain the punctuation marks in the following sentences written on the board.
    There is a desk in front of the window and two chairs nearby. On the left is a sofa bed; on the right, in the corner, is a bookshelf; on the wall is a map of the hemispheres.

8. Making a plan.

Any descriptive essay is written according to plan.

  1. General impression.
  2. Description of details.
  3. Your attitude to what is being described.

Now let’s draw up a plan for the descriptive essay “My Room”.

  1. Spacious bright room.
  2. Room interior:
    • desk;
    • bookshelf;
    • sofa bed;
    • soft gray carpet.
  3. My favorite room.

9. Reading a sample essay.

My room (essay-description).

I love my home and especially my room. It is spacious, bright and very cozy.

From large window with soft blue tulle curtains, the light falls on my desk, on which there is a glass of pencils and markers, a photograph in an antique frame, several notebooks. The table is large, massive, with many different drawers and departments, which contain everything I need: textbooks, manuals, stationery, a photo album that I look through when I'm sad. Behind desk- doing homework. I try to keep it looking neat at all times. There is a chair near the table.

In the left corner of the room there is a bookcase, on the shelves of which books are neatly stacked. We have a good library, which contains the most interesting works: fantasy, detective stories, classic and adventure literature. Among these books there are many of my favorites, which I have re-read many times.

On the right, near the wall, there is a wardrobe. Opposite is a sofa bed covered with a bluish-white bedspread with dark blue flowers embroidered on it.

There are various posters and calendars on the walls. There is a soft gray rug on the floor, on which I like to sit with my legs tucked under me.

Now you can imagine what my favorite room looks like. Come visit me and see how clean and cozy my place is.

4. Lesson summary.

I hope you understand how to write an essay describing a room and will successfully complete this task.

5. Homework.

Writing an essay “My Room.”

Essay “My room”.

I have my own room. It's spacious, almost square shape. When I enter this room, what immediately catches my eye is a large metal-plastic window. It goes out into the yard. There are flowers in pots on the windowsill. I like to admire their greenery on winter evenings. The room has light green wallpaper and greenish curtains on the window. The ceiling is high white. A small bright chandelier with three shades is attached to it. In the room modern furniture light colors. To the right of the door is a long computer desk and chair. On the table is a computer, my textbooks, school notebooks. To the right of the door is high furniture wall. It stores bed linen and my things. There are books, photo albums, and souvenirs on the shelves. There is a wide light green sofa along the wall. The floor in my room is covered with laminate. It is light brown in color. There is a small fluffy rug on it. I like to sit on it sometimes and look through magazines. My room is bright and cozy. I like to relax here, study lessons, and spend free time with my friends.

Yulia Karpets, 6th grade.