Is a school uniform required? Why is a school uniform needed and how such restrictions affect the child’s personality.

Educational hour on the topic: Why do we need a school uniform?


    fostering a conscious attitude towards appearance.

    development of cognitive interests.


    introduce students to the school's regulations on school uniforms and appearance students;

    introduce students to the history of school uniforms in Russia

    present school uniforms from different countries;

    develop the ability to dress beautifully and correctly, according to certain life situations;

    develop a culture of behavior and a culture of appearance.

Visual aids and materials: various pictures on the topic.

Methods: story, conversation, debate, sociological survey.


Part 1. Why school uniforms are introduced at school.

Everything in a person should be perfect:
and face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts.
A.P. Chekhov

Introductory speech by the teacher. Our school has had a uniform student uniform for several years now. This process is quite painful for us; a group of middle and high school students find it difficult to accept innovations and resist dressing in accordance with the accepted regulations on school uniforms and the appearance of our school.
Today we will try to find out why a school uniform is needed, whether it is good or bad, how students in other schools in our country, as well as abroad, dress, and we will get acquainted with the history of school uniforms in Russia.

First, we will conduct a survey, where I propose the following questions on the topic: “Your attitude towards school uniforms.”

    Continue the sentence. "If I were a school principal, I would allow students to wear..."

    Do you like the look of schoolchildren?

    Is jewelry compatible with business attire?

    Is a school uniform required?

They answered, put your pieces of paper aside, we will turn to them at the end of our teaching hour and see whether your opinion has changed or not on this topic.

Part 2. Why the decision was made to introduce school uniforms.

School uniform - mandatory casual dress for students while at school and at official school events.

Why are school uniforms introduced?

School uniform

    School uniform is a certain indicator of the level of the school.

    A school uniform helps a student feel the difference between the yard where he walks and a serious educational institution.

    The form disciplines, makes you more organized.

    Clothing determines the type of behavior and creates the aesthetics of the workplace.

    A school uniform allows you to avoid competition between children in clothing.

    She saves time spent in front of the closet, in exhausting doubts: “What should I wear to school today?”

Part 3. History of school uniforms in Russia.

School uniforms in the Russian Empire.

Many people ask the question: “Who came up with this form anyway?” Really, who? Peter I. Peter the Great was a very versatile person, and there was probably no area in which he did not carry out reforms.

    1834 - a law was passed approving common system all civilian uniforms in the empire. This system included gymnasium and student uniforms.

    1896 – regulations on gymnasium uniforms for girls were approved.

    1949 - it was decided to return to the former image: boys were dressed in military tunics with a stand-up collar, girls - in brown woolen dresses with a black apron, which almost completely copied the uniform of the Russian pre-revolutionary girls' gymnasium.

    1973 – a new uniform for boys was introduced. Blue suit made of wool blend, decorated with an emblem and aluminum buttons. The cut of the jackets was reminiscent of classic denim jackets (the so-called denim fashion was gaining momentum in the world) with shoulder straps and chest pockets with brace-shaped flaps. For high school boys, the jacket was replaced with a jacket.

    1988 - some schools were allowed to experiment with the idea of ​​waiving the compulsory wearing of school uniforms.

School uniform in different countries.

    In Japan, school uniforms have unexpectedly become the standard of teenage fashion. Now girls outside the school walls wear something that resembles the usual uniform of Japanese schoolgirls: “sailor fuku”, in our opinion - sailor suits, dark blue pleated miniskirts, knee-high knee-high socks and light leather shoes that harmonize with them. Boys wear “gakuran”: trousers and a dark jacket with a stand-up collar.

    In America, school uniforms are worn by students of prestigious private schools for children of wealthy parents.

    In Africa, schoolgirls are banned from wearing miniskirts.

    Modern pupils in conservative England still love school uniforms, which are part of their history. educational institution. For example, in one of the old English schools for boys, students from the 17th century to this day wear uniform ties and vests and, by the way, are proud that their clothes emphasize their corporate affiliation.

    The largest European country in which there is a school uniform is Great Britain. In many of its former colonies the uniform was not abolished after independence, for example in India, Ireland, Australia, Singapore and South Africa.

    This is interesting. In Japan, they released jackets for students, equipped with a built-in satellite system GPS navigation. It allows parents to track the location of their children through their personal computers. The system has an important addition: if the child is threatened by someone or something, he can send an alarm to the security service by simply pressing a button.

    In the USA and Canada, many private schools have school uniforms. Its main purpose is to serve as a symbol and identification mark that distinguishes students of one educational institution from another. IN public schools There is no uniform uniform, although some schools have introduced dress codes. Too open tops and low-fitting trousers are prohibited.

    In Cuba, uniforms are mandatory for all students in schools and higher education institutions.

Modern Russia.

IN modern Russia there is no single school uniform, as was the case in the USSR, but many lyceums and gymnasiums, especially the most prestigious ones, as well as some schools, have their own uniform, emphasizing the students’ belonging to a particular educational institution. In addition, in educational institutions that do not have a school uniform, there are rules for wearing clothes.

School and fashionable.

School uniform – this is not bad at all: as a sign of belonging to a certain community of people.

Form - an identification mark, a part of symbolism that distinguishes people of one profession, beliefs, from others. Most of the world's population who are of school age have worn, are wearing and will continue to wear a student uniform.

"Dress code" – a relatively new word, but it has already become fashionable, at least for those who work in an office. Literally means “clothing code,” that is, a system of identification marks, color combinations and shapes that indicate a person’s affiliation with a certain corporation. An employer can set its own rules: for example, women cannot come to work in trousers, or only in business suits, or skirts should be knee-length - neither shorter nor longer, free form on Fridays, etc. and so on. Many adult Russians have already joined the corporate spirit, but their children still go to school “in any clothes.”

There is an opinion that school uniforms suppress the individuality of the student. However, a student’s self-affirmation at school should mainly occur through his creative and intellectual success.

Part 9. Summing up

School uniform. (pros)

    A strict dress style creates a business atmosphere in the school necessary for classes.

    Form disciplines a person.

    A student in a school uniform thinks about studying, not about clothes.

    There is no problem “What to wear to school.”

    A school uniform helps a child feel like a student and a member of a certain team, and makes it possible to feel involved in this particular school.

    If the child likes the clothes, he will feel proud of his appearance.

    School uniforms save parents money.

School uniform. (minuses)

    Children's reluctance to wear it.

    "Loss of individuality."

    Increased financial costs for a child's education.

    The expenditure of time and effort of parents in connection with the acquisition of uniforms.

Now let’s return to our questions at the beginning of the teaching hour and tell me your opinion has changed towards school uniforms and you realized that everyone wears a school uniform and this is prestigious, relevant, necessary in our interesting modern world in the 21st century.

Conclusions: Drawing conclusions from the above, we note that a modern school uniform is a set of clothes and accessories that can be freely combined while remaining a school uniform. A school uniform accustoms people to a certain order and discipline, smoothes out social inequality, and makes it possible to realize that they belong to a certain group. It should be stylish, beautiful, and not destroy individuality. If a person is a person, then it is impossible to destroy his individuality. Pushkin, being a lyceum student, also wore a uniform.

An increasing number of people are wondering why children need school when the availability of knowledge has become almost limitless. You can study at home, when teachers come directly to the student or via the Internet. Entire sites and groups are created in in social networks on the topic of education without going to school. So who can answer why school is needed in today's world?

What is school

School in the broadest sense of the word is a place where children receive general education, which is necessary for every person, regardless of his income and social level.

Children receive knowledge at school from teachers, from textbooks, manuals, fiction and scientific books included in the educational program.

In Russia, there is a distinction between primary school education, which children receive from 7 to 11 years of age, and general education, from 12 to 17 years of age.

Pros of going to school

The advantages of school education seem to be obvious to everyone. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • First of all, this is the systematic acquisition of knowledge. Programs for primary and secondary schools are developed taking into account psychological characteristics children of each specific age. All textbooks are built on the principle from least to greatest, with a smooth flow of topics and level of complexity from year to year for 11 years. Even homeschooling is based on school curriculum. That is, it cannot be said that homeschooling is something completely different, far from school.
  • Teaching children discipline and obedience, respect for authorities outside the family. This is really necessary, because throughout one’s life a person is forced to obey many superior people: from management at work to government officials in the country. This is especially true in our time, when most parents, with the support of psychologists, are inclined to soft style in education and lack of punishment. In most cases, this is correct, but still such loyalty does not allow the child to feel the established boundaries. As a result, the habit of obeying authorities does not arise, which threatens such a person with antisocial behavior in the future.
  • IN school team children not only gain knowledge and learn to obey higher authorities, but also build social connections with people equal to themselves, that is, with other students. Where else can a child learn communication skills if not in the classroom? On playground in the yard, the kids change too quickly for them to learn long-term communication and friendship.

Disadvantages of school education

We are all different, something for one person seems good option, but for others it is not suitable at all. But there are a few common things about schooling that most parents don't like:

  • Lack of an individual approach to teaching children. The program is common for all children, without exceptions. True, if we are not talking about correctional schools. In ordinary educational institutions, no one will identify the ability of an individual child to master a particular science. And accordingly, he will not try to develop those abilities for which the student has an inclination or even talent. Thus, children with a mathematical mindset often wonder why literature is needed at school, while students in the humanities do not like the exact sciences.
  • Lack of supervision of children during breaks and after school. How many times have there been scandals about the bullying of some students by others, but the situation does not change. Teachers are concerned with mastering the curriculum, and relationships within children's society are left to the children themselves. But the guys are just learning to communicate; they do not yet fully understand the consequences of their actions. Why and need s primary school social educators, and not just subject teachers.
  • Too much large cluster people is created by an unfavorable viral environment. IN major cities The school premises are not enough for the number of students who attend it. There can be 40 or more children in one class, and classes go up to the letter “U”.

Home education

Why do we need a school if more and more parents, and even teachers, say that you can gain knowledge not at school, but at home. The obvious benefits of home education are: individual program, tailored to a specific student. The child can learn at his own pace, without trying to catch up or overtake his classmates, as happens in regular schools.

Then why do you need to go to school? Human nature is that we need incentive, competition, to achieve the best results we can. But in home schooling this is not the case, the child has no one to follow, he has no positive example before his eyes, just as there is no negative image.

It is worth noting positive side homeschooling for frequently ill children. If a child does not attend school classes with a huge number of students, then he is less likely to get sick.

School from a child's perspective

Many children ask their parents almost every day why they need school. After all, studying is a lot of work and moral stress. With rare exceptions, students perceive school as a punishment repeated day after day for eleven years. And the point here is not that the children have difficulty mastering the school curriculum. The essence of students' rejection of school lies in the difficulties of social adaptation.

It is not only parents who must explain to their children the need for education. School teachers are faced with the task of not only providing knowledge, but also teaching how to communicate in a team without the presence of parents. Unfortunately, today the situation is such that, due to insufficient funding, many teachers approach the task formally and do not “put their soul” into their students. But professions, the essence of which is working with children, are based on a calling, and not just on a material incentive.

School from parents' point of view

For many parents, the school years of their offspring are also not easy. They, like their children, again and again ask themselves the question of why school is needed. After relatively easy years of visiting kindergarten, school literally puts many people into depression. Every day it is necessary to check homework, solve school-wide issues at parent-teacher meetings, look for tutors if your son or daughter does not have time to master the school curriculum at required level. In addition, material costs are high: school fees are very common in our country. In this case, it is worth learning about your rights and the rights of the child. School education in our country is absolutely free. The state provides the school with everything necessary, which means any contribution Money for its needs occurs on a purely voluntary basis.

Unified State Exam

Throughout the several years that have passed since the introduction of the unified state exam in schools, there has been debate about how expedient it is. Most teachers, like parents, are inclined to believe that the previous system of student assessment knowledge was many times more effective.

Now all the children and their parents can do is carefully prepare for the Unified State Exam, putting all their efforts and even resources into it, hoping that this ineffective form of testing knowledge will soon be abolished.

Why do we need school?

The child not only gains knowledge in the subjects of the school curriculum, but also learns to think analytically and collect the required information. Without mastering the school curriculum, few people can achieve at least some success in life, because too much in our country, and abroad, is built on the ability to think logically and independently look for answers.

Most employers carefully study the educational documents of candidates for a position. Of course, there is always a chance to fly career ladder without basic knowledge, but, let's be honest, the chances of this are minimal.

So, answering the question posed about why you need to study at school, we can highlight the main points:

  • Obtaining basic knowledge about science and the world around us.
  • Skill independent work with primary sources of information using the example of textbooks and assignments.
  • Ability to remember information in large quantities.
  • Ability to establish contacts and friendships with other people.
  • The ability to cope with the negative attitude of others, which is not uncommon in children's groups.
  • Developing both leadership qualities and the ability to obey authorities.
  • And finally, obtaining a school certificate, without which further education in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions is impossible.

As a result

The state gives parents the right to independently choose the form of education for their children. You don’t have to take your heirs to school, but educate them at home. But it should be remembered that the vast majority of people in our country choose to study in schools.

Is a school uniform required? This question is asked by thousands of children, parents and teachers around the world. Why has the issue of introducing a mandatory uniform school uniform become so urgent? Why can't society come to a consensus? We think that the reason lies in the contradiction between the desire for collective unity and the possibility of self-expression.

Three arguments FOR school uniforms

  • Creating a business environment in the classroom

Everyone knows that before the introduction of school uniforms, children could show up for classes in any clothes. And faded jeans with a pullover are not the worst option. Some girls, especially high school girls, wear short miniskirts, which are inappropriate at school. Reprimands and comments from school management do not always help. Therefore introduction uniform standard clothing for schoolchildren helps solve this problem.

  • Smoothing social inequality

At school, children from families with different incomes can study in the same class. Some parents buy the best and most fashionable things for their daughter or son. Others buy the cheapest things at sales and stock. Because of this, children of poor parents feel insecure and their self-esteem decreases. And children of rich parents assert themselves at the expense of mom and dad’s money. Neither one nor the other is beneficial for the harmonious development of the child.

  • Formation among schoolchildren good taste and ability to wear business attire

It's no secret that in adolescence, clothing preferences are marginal. Teenagers choose clothes that parents are embarrassed to look at. At the same time, the formation of taste remains entirely in the hands of the parents. But not all parents can and want to instill a sense of style in their children. Therefore, an officially approved school uniform will help a child navigate the world of fashion.

Three arguments AGAINST school uniforms

  • School uniforms deprive children of their individuality

Wearing the same clothes every day, looking exactly the same as all your classmates - is that even a dream? modern teenager? In a world where it is possible to create your own style even for little money, many teenagers want to express themselves through clothing. To be fair, we note that children still have ample opportunities self-expression outside of school.

  • Business attire is not always comfortable and practical

Schoolchildren are children, and children have a natural desire to move, play, run, roll in the snow, etc. Moreover, if the student is wearing a uniform, then the games become difficult. There is an increased chance of ruining your uniform, rubbing your trousers, or tearing your blouse. Primary school students, instead of being naturally active after school for this age, are forced to hold back, run and play less, for fear of tearing their uniforms and being punished for it.

  • High cost of school uniforms or low-quality materials

School uniforms must be made of high quality natural materials with a small admixture of synthetics. But such materials are quite expensive, so school uniforms cost parents a pretty penny. Many schools take a different route - they order cheap school uniforms mainly from synthetic materials. Such clothing does not allow the skin to breathe, which negatively affects the health of children.

Thus, the issue of introducing a unified school uniform is full of contradictions. It is difficult to give a definite answer to this, since many nuances must be taken into account. Let us only note that school uniforms have long been successfully introduced in many countries of the world, such as Great Britain or India. Here, students take their uniform with pride and truly love this form of clothing.

Anti-stress for parents [Your child goes to school] Tsarenko Natalya

Why do you need a school uniform?

Why do you need a school uniform?

Many parents, when bringing their child to first grade, are faced with the need to purchase a school uniform for their child. And, despite the fact that most mothers and fathers wore it themselves at one time, their attitude towards the form is completely ambiguous. Some people don’t like the very idea of ​​“equalization”, some are not satisfied with the design or convenience of a particular form of a particular school (although globally they have nothing against), others, on the contrary, happily agree, since they see in the form a way out for their child due to the financial situation of the family... In a word, as many parents as there are so many opinions.

And children... children are excellent barometers and sensitively catch our adult moods. And if the mother herself could not stand the uniform in her school years and, gritting her teeth, puts it on her own child, it is difficult to expect a positive and respectful attitude towards uniforms from him (especially if the mother expresses her opinion out loud).

So, what are the pros and cons of school uniforms? Is it necessary, is it advisable, what problems does it solve, which ones does it not, and which ones, on the contrary, does it create?

Let's start with the bad.

Firstly, the form is, indeed, equalizing. Children have completely different figures, heights, and builds. Finally they have different type appearance. Thus, what suits one person will look completely ugly on another. To avoid this, you should be given the opportunity to choose a style within, say, a single fabric, color scheme and set of items (suits, skirts, vests - from the same fabric but with variations in cut for different figures). However, where is this seen, where is it heard, where is it done, who can afford it? Unfortunately, you can count such schools on one hand.

Secondly, the uniform should ideally be comfortable and beautiful. However, reality often makes its own adjustments: in many schools color scheme and the fabric is not agreed upon with the parents, but is made according to the principle “it just happened that way.” For example, they introduce a uniform of absolutely monstrous colors (red-green checkered) only because such fabric was purchased cheaply “through the director’s channels.”

Thirdly, the uniform oppresses children with its monotony. Every day is the same! This really gets boring, especially from that age when children become concerned about their appearance and want to be liked by their classmates. True, here inventive schoolchildren (and especially schoolgirls) will always find a way out - how to stand out and how to distinguish themselves. It’s good if they think of doing this using clothing parts. I remember what we did within the limits of what was permitted: the uniform was decorated with unusual collars and cuffs, and beautiful aprons were sewn. Girls will always find a way to decorate themselves. And the length! And the boys could always wear an unusual shirt, suspenders, a belt - whatever they wanted. It is much worse if other techniques are used to attract attention – behavioral ones.

And lastly, some schools make uniforms a disciplinary lever, a way to control children's behavior. If the administration’s position on compliance with the form is excessively strict, this should alert you as parents: main function schools are to teach children, not to discipline, and if the emphasis is placed on the wrong thing, then it will not be easy to study there, because most likely they will pay attention primarily not to the quality of study, but to loyalty and “obedience.”

Now - about the good stuff. So, a school uniform allows you to solve the following problems.

First: thanks to the introduction of uniforms, children at school cannot impress each other with their clothes. This is a big plus for the educational process, because that’s not why they go to school, after all... I would like both children and parents to remember this. Children will find something to stand out, and it’s good (just great!) if it’s personal achievements and talents. Much more often it’s just banal phones, bags, writing instruments, outerwear, conversations on the topic “who has what kind of house, what kind of car,” going to each other’s houses and spending time together - children will have somewhere to “unwind” in addition to the sphere of clothing. Social and financial situation different families and so it’s no secret to any of the children in the class, they talk about it freely now, and the children know just as well (or even better) than we do what it costs. So, unfortunately, the form will not be able to “solve the problem of social inequality”. However, property inequality is much easier to bear when, at least during the educational process (and this is the main school function), everyone wears the same clothes. Just put yourself in their shoes: someone in a smart suit is having an important conversation with you, catching you in inappropriate clothes - a casual T-shirt or an old sweater... How will you feel? Now imagine the same conversation when you are in a business suit, not even that expensive. When will it be more comfortable?

Second: 15–20 years ago financial position was very stressful for the vast majority of the population, and the uniform was a good way out for many. Our times - taking into account the crisis - promise to be no better, so the uniform can again be considered a good material help: after all, one set of clothes is cheaper than several. True, some schools manage to make a business out of this, and the uniforms turn out to be quite expensive, but this is on the conscience of the administration.

Third: children do not look like a motley mass, but a kind of integrity; this is useful both in the sense of aesthetics and in the sense of psychology - an additional point that unites the group into a team, allowing us to cultivate the so-called “corporate culture.” For example, the daughter of my friends studies in the UK, in her educational institution a uniform is mandatory (as in all “good” schools - these are traditions that have developed over centuries). And the girl (teenager!) is proud of her, just as she is proud of belonging to this educational institution in general. Indeed, the shape is very beautiful...

Fourth: not all children and their parents have taste, so modern schoolchildren are dressed simply monstrously, often both expensive and monstrously “in one bottle,” because aesthetics does not depend at all on the material capabilities of the family. And the uniform, if chosen well and well sewn, removes these moments.

Fifth: during puberty, girls actively seek to attract attention. With the help of everyday clothes, they sometimes get simply depressing results. Often girls come to classes in transparent blouses with translucent bras, or in such belted skirts, in which you absolutely cannot bend down - only squat (hello to the sixties!), or in jeans with a low belt, in which it is also better to stand straight like a tin soldier : any forward movement exposes the girl's panties and half of her butt to everyone. I can say with a 100% guarantee that if a girl is dressed exactly like this, then no matter what she says, her thoughts will not be about studying - just like the entire boy half of the class. And, as a result, the girls too. Don’t deceive yourself, physiology is physiology, especially generously fueled by hormones. And here the point is not in the high morality of the administration, but in the fact that they simply do not want to waste their time. As you can see, there are still more pros than cons, although not by much. However, you have the power to choose which arguments are more meaningful to you. After all, uniform is an inevitable given in many schools, so isn’t it better, without being able to change circumstances, to change your attitude towards them and see the positive where, at first glance, it is not and cannot be? And having accepted the situation, you can always turn it to your advantage: well, at least, it will be easier for you and your child to live - one less annoying and stressful moment.

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This issue often causes a lot of controversy among three interested groups: teachers, students and their parents. The school uniform has enough a large number of opponents, but no less admirers. Each side puts forward many arguments and counterarguments, but it has still not been possible to reach a consensus.

Statistics show that the majority of teachers and parents clearly support the introduction of school uniforms. Perhaps the reason for this is that the older generation, during their school years, wore uniforms and did not experience any complexes about this. Moreover, if now they propose to introduce a single form for each educational institution, then at that time it was the same for all schools. Mostly, opponents of school uniforms among adults explain their opinion by the “too high cost of uniforms.” Considering that usually the clothes that schoolchildren wear when going to class are no cheaper, such a justification seems completely ridiculous.

Schoolchildren themselves usually explain their reluctance to wear a uniform as being inconvenient and unattractive. appearance. This “problem” is also easily solved, because now it is not difficult to order a modern, fashionable school uniform that will meet all the requirements of the educational institution and the tastes of young people. School uniforms can and should be attractive and comfortable.

Another argument against school uniforms is the loss of individuality and erasing differences between students. Oddly enough, it is also actively used by supporters of the uniform, explaining that everyone at school should be in equal conditions. It’s quite difficult to argue with the latter, given that everyone follows the same program and is assessed using the same system. As for the “loss of individuality,” one can just as easily make claims against a uniform education system for all and equal learning conditions.

By the way, in European countries the need to attend classes in the same clothes for all students in a particular institution not only does not bother anyone, but is also a source of pride, as it determines belonging to one of the elite schools. A similar situation in last years is also developing in Russia, since private schools were the first to decide to introduce uniform clothing for students.

According to experts, strict clothing disciplines and helps to focus on educational process. In addition, school uniforms smooth out social differences, and students from less affluent families will not feel awkward wearing clothes that are cheaper than their classmates. Psychologists also believe that people feel much more confident in strict and at the same time elegant clothes.

There is one more argument that largely outweighs other opinions: the school uniform perfectly corresponds to the general norms of etiquette and the status of schoolchildren.

Rospotrebnadzor believes that the introduction of school uniforms will protect Russian children from skin diseases, colds and a number of other diseases that are caused by wearing low-quality and unsafe clothing.

The results of the analysis of children's morbidity indicate the presence of direct, statistically significant cause-and-effect relationships between the functional purpose of clothing items and its quality indicators, on the one hand, and skin diseases (contact and atopic dermatitis) and colds (influenza, acute respiratory diseases, organ diseases breathing) on ​​the other hand.

The relevance of the school uniform is also determined by the characteristics of the growth and development of the child’s body during the educational period. Children of different ages have peculiarities in the organization of movement (the degree of muscle development, amplitude of movements), which influence the magnitude of changes in children’s body sizes over time. An ergonomically perfect (comfortable for a child in statics and dynamics) school uniform allows you to shape the posture of a child’s figure and is designed to provide dynamic comfort.

Thus, based on all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that:

- A strict style of clothing creates a business atmosphere at school, necessary for classes.
- Form disciplines a person.
- A student in a school uniform thinks about studying, not about clothes.
- There is no problem “What to wear to school.”
- A school uniform helps a child feel like a student and a member of a certain team, gives the opportunity to feel involved in this particular school.
- If the child likes the clothes, he will feel proud of his appearance.
- School uniforms save parents money.