Which ceiling for the kitchen to choose. Which ceiling to choose for the kitchen, pros and cons, real photos

Decorating a kitchen is a difficult task. It needs to be practical, convenient, beautiful and desirable - not very expensive. And one of the tasks that we have to solve is to choose what kind of ceiling to make in the kitchen so that it is easy to use, lasts a long time and is also attractive.

Requirements for kitchen ceilings

The kitchen is a room with difficult operating conditions. High humidity, an abundance of pollutants, and in apartments there is a high probability of flooding. All this imposes certain requirements on finishing materials. In particular, the ceiling in the kitchen should have the following characteristics:

In addition to all that has been said, there is one more wish - it would be nice if the ceiling in the kitchen makes it possible to hide utility networks (ventilation, wiring) and defects in the ceiling.

Unfortunately, even with the current abundance of finishing materials, the entire range of requirements is not combined in any of them, but there are very good options.

Whitewashing, painting

Some time ago, any ceilings we had were whitewashed. Because this type of finishing costs mere pennies, the material is widespread, the whitewashing process itself did not present any difficulties and almost everyone whitewashed the ceilings on their own.

Another advantage of this method of finishing a kitchen stream is the ability of lime to regulate humidity. When there is an excess of moisture in the air, it absorbs it, and when there is a lack, it releases it. Excellent quality for the kitchen. This is where the advantages end.

Whitewashing the ceiling - old way, which is becoming increasingly rare

The disadvantages of whitewashing the ceiling are also significant. The first disadvantage is that it is not the most attractive appearance. Secondly, the surface turns out to be porous; in addition to moisture, it absorbs odors. Drops of fat or coloring liquids that fall on the surface are absorbed into the material, after which they cannot be removed in any way. Just paint over with a new layer or two of lime. It is for these reasons that whitewashing in the kitchen is now becoming less and less common.

Painting the ceiling in the kitchen is a modern replacement for whitewash. For these purposes, water-based paints with increased washability are most often used. With normal preparation of the ceiling, the appearance is at least normal. Are improving and operational properties- the painted ceiling in the kitchen can be washed several times using liquid detergents.

The main disadvantage of this option is the need careful preparation surfaces for painting. For a painted shelf to look good, it must be smooth and free of flaws. It is leveled first with plaster, then, in several layers, with putty. The process is difficult, lengthy and costly.

Paintable wallpaper helps make preparing the ceiling for painting a little easier. The ceiling also needs to be leveled, but not to the same extent as before applying paint. For these purposes there are special glass wallpapers, non-woven and paper ones. The most durable ones are made of fiberglass. They can be repainted up to 20 res. Paper ones last the least. They can withstand 2-3 repaints. Non-woven ones are a good option both in terms of quality and price. They will also delight you with a rich selection of ornaments (if you want, of course).

Another disadvantage of painted ceilings is that leaks leave stains that can only be painted over. It is rarely possible to paint only the damaged part - it turns out different shades. I have to paint the entire ceiling.

Ceiling tiles

If you don’t know how to make a ceiling in the kitchen inexpensively and quickly, consider tiles made of foam plastic or polystyrene. This method is now far from being as popular as it was 10 years ago, but is still used when there is a lack of funds and/or time for other types of finishing.

Ceiling tiles in the kitchen are a good option. It is washable, and you can use a brush and liquid non-abrasive detergents. with special glue. The base is preferably level, without sharp changes, but a perfect surface is not required. Installation takes several hours, and you immediately receive a ceiling ready for use.

This is what PVC tiles look like on the ceiling - one of the options

There are few disadvantages. First - not everyone likes it appearance. Here you can agree or not - it’s a matter of taste. The material is not luxurious, but the result is quite decent. Especially if you need it inexpensive way finishing.

The second disadvantage is the unnatural material. You can’t argue with this, but the material used - polystyrene - is chemically neutral and in good condition does not release any substances. Neither harmful nor beneficial. And that's not bad either.

From plasterboard

If you can make a ceiling in the kitchen by lowering it a few centimeters, consider a suspended ceiling made of plasterboard. This method of finishing the ceiling is good because it can be done multi-level structures, which completely cover the ceiling. In the gap between the main and false ceilings, you can lay communications - vertical boxes, wiring.

The design of the ceiling allows you to install them, choosing the location of their placement according to your taste, which makes it more functional. The result can be very beautiful. Another positive thing is that drywall is made from natural materials- these are two sheets of cardboard and a layer of plaster between them.

- the task is difficult. First, the frame is assembled from guides, then it is covered with plasterboard, then puttied and painted. The positive point is that it is several times easier to level the base ceiling: the surface is initially flat, you only need to seal the joints, and then cover the entire surface with a thin layer of putty.

Flaw plasterboard ceiling in the kitchen - difficult to clean. Even if you use moisture-resistant water-based paint, the surface will remain rough. Soot gets clogged into the pores, dust mixes with grease. Removing this plaque is not at all easy. Another disadvantage is that drywall does not react well to water. If you use moisture-resistant material, high humidity he will not be afraid, but if there is flooding from above, most likely everything will have to be redone.

Stretch ceiling

In the kitchen - a good choice. In any case, it is beautiful and modern. Although when installing them, you will again need to “take away” a certain volume: they are mounted at a certain distance from the ceiling. As in the case of plasterboard threads, tension ones also allow you to hide the base ceiling and engineering Communication. Spotlights can also be used for lighting, but of a different design.

Stretch ceilings can be film (their films are PVC) and fabric. For the kitchen you should choose film ones. They are smooth, which is easier to clean, and can be glossy, which makes the room lighter and adds volume. If you decide to do suspended ceiling in the kitchen from PVC film, an additional bonus will be protection from flooding, since the film is absolutely waterproof. If your upstairs neighbors flood you, the water will collect in a bag. It will need to be carefully poured out, after which the material will return to its normal size.

Shape and color - any This is after the flood - the water gathered in one place

Disadvantage of film ceiling - chemical origin as well as the ability to change sizes due to sudden changes in temperature. The film may wrinkle, sag, etc. Not the highest quality canvases suffer from this, but this phenomenon is present. Another significant drawback is that if you touch the film ceiling with a sharp object, the hole will be very large. The material is very stretched, which is why the slightest puncture turns into a huge hole. Fabric tension threads do not have this drawback, but they are looser in structure, behind them more difficult care, they are water permeable. But a hole made by accident does not grow larger.

Disadvantages also include the high price and complexity of installation, although you can do it yourself if you wish. If installation of a film ceiling requires heat gun or its substitute (to warm up the canvas), then for fabric you don’t need any of this.

Plastic panels

If you are looking for a ceiling to make in the kitchen that is inexpensive and easy to clean - your choice plastic panels. This material costs very little; you can wash it with a cloth and liquid detergent. The surface is usually smooth, everything is easy to wash.

Installation in the kitchen is quick and easy. A starting plinth is attached around the perimeter, and panels cut to size are inserted into it. It also takes away a few centimeters of height and makes it possible to hide communications; you can use spotlights. An additional advantage is high maintainability. If something happens to one or more planks, you can remove them and install whole ones in their place.

The simplest option is that the planks are matched to one another

Also, this type of ceiling finishing allows you to quickly get to the base ceiling or the systems that it hides. This is a useful feature.

Disadvantages - not the best best view and fragility of panels. But the load on the ceiling is usually small, so plastic ones serve ceiling panels until the owners want something else. Another disadvantage is the unnatural material, which releases harmful substances when burned.

Armstrong suspended ceiling

If they are figuring out what kind of ceiling to make in the kitchen, they rarely remember about this type. Armstrong is more often used in offices, trading floors, industrial premises, but in houses and apartments it also performs well. It is inexpensive, easy to install, made from natural materials, and has high maintainability.

It is a system of profiles arranged in the form of squares. Plates are inserted into the squares, which form the plane of the ceiling. The slabs are simply laid on the profiles and are not secured with anything. This is convenient: damaged slabs can be easily replaced, and there is always access to the ceiling space.

What kind of ceiling to make in the kitchen that is inexpensive but beautiful - Armstrong
Photo printing on glass. And this too - Armstrong suspended ceilings

The disadvantage of the system is that it takes away the height of the room; the slabs are afraid of water (they are pressed and painted paper). And the traditional drawback for inexpensive methods of finishing the ceiling in the kitchen is that it doesn’t look very cozy, although not everyone will agree with this.

Only profiles can be washed, slabs cannot. But they can be repainted or replaced with new ones - the cost is low, the replacement process will take an hour or two (including trimming). Overall not bad a budget option ceiling repair.

Which ceilings are better to make in the kitchen - suspended, plastered or suspended? What materials are preferable? We will analyze in detail the 6 most popular materials finishing and tell you about all their advantages and disadvantages.

When choosing which kitchen ceilings are better, you need to carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the materials.

Requirements for ceilings

Before deciding which kitchen ceiling is best, it is important to understand what quality criteria it must meet. Make sure your finish lasts long years, she must be:

  • Moisture resistant. You can argue as much as you like which ceiling is better for the kitchen, but you can’t disagree with one thing. It must be moisture resistant, since the humidity level in the kitchen is always high.
  • Easy to care for. To prevent periodic cleaning of the ceiling from becoming a nightmare, the material with which it is finished should be easy to maintain.

The ceiling covering should not only be moisture resistant, but also easy to clean

  • Wear-resistant. If you do not plan to change the ceiling finish every year, then make sure that it is durable.
  • Eco-friendly. Range modern materials makes it possible to choose a material that is harmless to human health and the environment.

Wear-resistant material can last for many years

  • With a “masking” effect. The finishing should successfully hide some imperfections in the ceiling, as well as various kitchen communications.
  • Decorative. Choosing which ceilings for the kitchen are better, in addition to them technical characteristics It is also necessary to pay attention to the decorative component. The material should organically fit into the interior created by yourself and be in harmony with it.
  • Inexpensive. Not every family budget involves ceiling expenses, the price of which is equal to several monthly salaries. So it is very important to find a coating that has the most suitable ratio of cost and quality.

The ceiling finish should be accessible in financially and hide surface defects

We have looked at the basic requirements for finishing materials, now it’s time to talk about which kitchen ceiling is best.

Review of the advantages and disadvantages of 6 finishing materials

In this section we will look in detail at the advantages and disadvantages various options finishing. After reading them, you can decide which ceiling for the kitchen is better to choose.


IN Soviet times Whitewashing was considered almost the only option for decorating the top of the kitchen. Now it has a lot of competitors, but this cladding option still enjoys some popularity.

Whitewashing is the most cheap option finishing

Advantages: The main advantage of whitewashing is its low cost. Among other things, due to its porous structure, a bleached ceiling can provide the best possible air exchange. In addition, whitewashing is one of the types of finishing that is not difficult to carry out on your own.

Flaws: Upon closer examination, whitewash can easily fall out of the competition for “which ceiling is better in the kitchen.” It does not tolerate moisture and temperature changes well, needs regular renewal and begins to crumble and crack quite quickly.

Whitewash reacts poorly to moisture and temperature changes, and also needs constant updating


When thinking about which ceiling is best to make, it’s hard not to remember plasterboard covering. Thanks to it, you can implement several interesting design solutions, be it combined or multi-level designs that will become a decoration.

When choosing the best way to finish the ceiling, you should remember that high-quality plasterboard is moisture resistant and hides unevenness in the ceiling

Advantages: Moisture-resistant drywall options will help hide minor defects at the base; they also have high strength and a long service life. They are quite cheap and can be painted. And this will give you the opportunity to update the existing interior if you wish.

Flaws: Despite the moisture resistance of the material, flooding of neighbors from above will be disastrous for it. Constant temperature changes, which cannot be avoided in the kitchen, will cause unsightly gaps to appear between the sheets. Among other things, do not forget that the painted layer of drywall will need periodic updating.

From high temperatures noticeable gaps appear between sheets of drywall


Painting surfaces is the same tradition as whitewashing. Therefore, in our review of popular ceiling finishing options, we cannot do without it. What is the best way to paint the surface? You can use water-based or acrylic paint, which have long earned recognition among consumers.

Paint can quickly and inexpensively update an interior

Advantages: The painted ceiling tolerates moisture well and is therefore easy to wet clean. Painting the surface yourself is not difficult, so you don’t have to spend money on the services of specialists.

Flaws: Paint, however, like whitewash, is not the most durable material, and, moreover, over time White color the ceiling will become increasingly faded. If the paint suddenly cracks in one place, then it will not be possible to quickly restore the area. You will have to remove the old finish, level the ceiling and only then move on to a new paint job.

Like bleached, painted surfaces need regular updating.

Plastic lining

If you are in the process of thinking about how best to make a ceiling so that it is budget-friendly and durable, then you can opt for plastic lining. In this case, you should pay attention to special panels and sealant designed for processing seams.

Plastic tolerates moisture well and is easy to clean

Advantages: Plastic materials are considered very budget and in a practical way ceiling finishing. Plastic tolerates moisture well, and if one panel is damaged, it will not be difficult to replace. It is easy to clean, but it must be done regularly, since a thick layer of soot and fat will be much more problematic to remove.

Flaws: Too much budget models PVC can hardly be called environmentally friendly. In addition, plastic is susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and will lose its original color over time.

Plastic begins to fade from exposure to the sun.


Someone may get tired of thinking about what is best to make ceilings from, and decide on a very unusual option– gluing to the surface of wallpaper. This solution looks very unusual, but it can become a real highlight in the interior.

Wallpaper on the ceiling (example in the photo) will become the center of your decor

Advantages: A relatively budget-friendly design option that does not require you to special effort in installation. In addition, high-quality wallpaper can be washed, and it can also hide minor defects on the surface.

Flaws: Gluing thick wallpaper can present certain difficulties. Due to hot air flows, the seams between the canvases will diverge and become deformed. In addition, this material will definitely not save you from being flooded by your neighbors.

Hot air can cause the fabrics to peel off

Stretch ceiling

A suspended ceiling in the kitchen has long ceased to be a sign of luxury: prices have dropped to 500 rubles per square meter, which, combined with the small kitchen area, makes the final cost of the project more than feasible even with a modest budget.

Stretch ceilings are one of the best options finishing

Advantages: This coating creates a perfectly smooth surface and is also easy to maintain. It has a wide design variability and can hide all ceiling defects.

Flaws: The instructions for installing tension structures are quite complex, so you won’t be able to do it without the help of specialists. It also takes a few centimeters off the ceiling height, which is bad for a small kitchen.

You won’t be able to install the tension structure yourself

Which suspended ceilings are better for the kitchen - fabric or PVC film? To decide which stretch ceiling is more suitable for our purposes, let's take a look at their qualities.

  • Fabric. They differ much more mechanical strength. It is almost impossible to damage them accidentally. Can allow a small amount of moisture to pass through, but at the same time different manufacturers they talk about the ability of their canvas to hold from 60 to 150 liters of water per square meter.

Fabric ceilings are installed once and for all. Removing the ceiling means that you will have to stretch a new fabric over the old baguette.

Fabric models are quite durable, but they are much more difficult to replace.

  • PVC. PVC with harpoon mounting can be removed for drying and draining an unlimited number of times. In case of a flood, not only will it not be damaged, but it will also hold the water until you arrive, protecting your property. The water can then be drained through the drainage holes. lighting fixtures or remove the ceiling completely to dry. Easy to clean with a soft sponge and soap solution.

Don’t know which stretch ceilings are best? Choose PVC option– it is moisture resistant and easy to clean

Which ceiling is better for the kitchen - we can say quite clearly. Made of polyvinyl chloride film with harpoon fastening. Despite being less durable.


Another exciting topic is the location of lighting fixtures and their choice. What is the best lighting to install if you are doing repairs yourself? Here the author will allow himself to give very specific recommendations.

For the cooking area and dining area choose different lighting sources

It is better to place the main, central light source directly above dining table. It could be a chandelier or an LED panel - everything is in your hands.

Above work area, sink and stove there is local lighting. Which light sources are best depends on the presence or absence of cabinets, the type of ceiling and its height. IN suspended ceiling You can embed spotlights - halogen or LED. A tripod with rotating lights or an LED strip would fit perfectly under the cabinets.

Don't forget to light up the work area


We've looked at all the pros and cons various types coatings, the best way to make a ceiling in the kitchen is up to you to decide. Thanks to this material, your choice will become more balanced and thoughtful.

Haven't decided yet which ceiling is best for the kitchen? The video at the end of the article may help you make your choice. Enjoy watching and good luck with your kitchen renovation!

When choosing a good ceiling covering for the kitchen, the technical and aesthetic characteristics of the room are considered, because perfect kitchen it's not only modern technology and a new headset, but also beautiful ceilings. The ceiling in the kitchen is the first to absorb all the soot, humidity and fumes. Therefore, special attention is paid to what material it is made of.

Surface material

Before choosing, you need to study various properties selected surface. The covering for the room must have the following characteristics:

  • Increased moisture resistance and wear resistance.
  • Ease of use.
  • Ability to hide small irregularities.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Attractive and affordable price.

It must be taken into account that the humidity in this room is no less than in the bathroom. When cooking, steam is not removed immediately. And all negative factors are reflected on the ceiling.

The formation of smoke and grease cannot be avoided in the kitchen, even if effective ventilation is installed or. Cooking with gas increases the amount of soot.

Pre-switched on ventilation above the stove during cooking will make the heating of the ceiling surface uniform and the air will be cleaner.

Plastered ceiling: advantages and disadvantages

Plaster - economical option surfaces. The material is not subject to strong changes in humidity and temperature. Its advantages:

  • Eco-friendly raw materials.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Elimination of unevenness and defects in the ceiling.
  • Financial benefit.

With all its advantages, plaster has some negative points:

  • Labor-intensive work process.
  • Difficulty in operation - it is problematic to remove dirt and soot.

Plastered ceiling is used in further work: painting or whitewashing a surface.

Whitewashing and painting

Whitewashing - simple and inexpensive type finishing of the ceiling surface. Chalk is used - whiteness and freshness, or lime (bactericidal properties).

The advantages of application are low cost and ease of repair. Required Tools: bucket, brush, newspapers or film to protect furniture and floors.

The disadvantages are various factors:

  • Frequency of re-whitewashing - dirt cannot be washed off from this ceiling.
  • Same appearance.
  • The formation of material deposits over time - the whitewash is removed again along with the plaster, which leads to a large amount of work.

If the kitchen ceiling is fairly flat, then it can be painted with water-based paint. It will give a nice matte finish.

How to paint the ceiling correctly.

The surface is easy to care for; the paint can be washed. Due to the thin layer of material, the formation of sagging will not occur soon.

When painting the ceiling, use a roller rather than a brush. The surface will be smoother.


Often the ceiling in the kitchen is covered with wallpaper. First, the surface is leveled and the joints are sealed. The undoubted advantage of the material:

  • Ease of operation.
  • Hiding minor defects.

Wallpaper on the ceiling is an inexpensive way to transform your kitchen.

In front of everyone positive aspects There are also disadvantages to a stretch ceiling:

  • The height of the kitchen is reduced by 10 cm.
  • High price compared to other materials.
  • If damaged, the entire system is replaced.
  • Installation requires special equipment.

Matte canvas is used for the kitchen. There are no visible grease stains on it.

Plasterboard ceiling: pros and cons

Drywall is a universal material, applicable for various finishing works. With its help, a single-level (hard) ceiling or a multi-level (floating) suspended surface is made. Used for painting.

Pros of use:

  • Leveling the ceiling using plasterboard sheets. You don't have to remove the old whitewash.
  • Effective camouflage of communications.
  • Application of any type of lamp.
  • Easy to install and dismantle.

Drywall - plastic material. Any surface shape can be made from it.

Considering all the features and competent installation(on a special lathing) of the structure, plasterboard will become a durable and functional covering for the ceiling.

Disadvantages of drywall:

  • Low moisture resistance - when installing the material in the kitchen, a powerful hood is required.
  • Inability to retain water - when wet, the ceiling is completely replaced.
  • Reducing the height of the room by 15 cm.
  • Deformation of the substance, fading of color.
  • Not suitable for new buildings - the building will shrink over time and the ceiling surface will begin to crack.

Used for coloring the material acrylic paint, not emulsion. This will allow you to remove grease from the surface with detergents.

Two-level, make hanging

Two-level structures are made using the tension method and are made of plasterboard. Installation from sheets is easier than installation from vinyl.

A multi-level ceiling highlights different zones and focuses attention on parts of the room.

The surface has its advantages:

  • Style and aesthetics.
  • Disguise - the composition will hide communication.
  • Use any image and background - from a plant to your own photo.
  • High noise insulation.
  • Visual increase in area.
  • Quick installation.

When installing a two-level stretch ceiling, perfect plastering is not required. The canvas will create a smooth surface. There are many different shades to choose from.

The ceiling is easy to clean and simple to install. Using a multi-level ceiling, you can hide ventilation or electrical wiring in the kitchen.

For more information about this, see the video instructions:

Slatted ceilings look stunning. The kitchen will be radically transformed

There are three types of slatted surfaces:

  • Open type - there are spaces between the lines. Installed in rooms with high walls.
  • Closed type - without inserts, the surface is smooth.
  • Seamless panels - a surface with a minimum joint size, creating the feeling of a one-piece fabric.

Reiki is great for kitchen area. They have a number of advantages:

  • Durable and easy to care for.
  • The panels are antistatic.
  • Not subject to temperature changes.
  • Hide ceiling imperfections.
  • Non-flammability.
  • Environmental friendliness.

The only drawback is that the panels significantly reduce the height of the room.

In any case, when choosing material for the ceiling in the kitchen, the nuances of the food preparation room are taken into account: the presence of a ventilation system, the height of the walls, the area of ​​the room.

The kitchen area is constantly exposed high humidity and temperature changes. This most strongly affects the ceiling, since vapors, soot, and hot air rise upward. In order not to have to deal with repairs every year, you need to make the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands, taking into account these factors, choosing the appropriate materials.

What ceilings are suitable for the kitchen?

The ceiling in the kitchen must withstand high and low temperatures, have water-repellent properties, and can be washed easily. Do not use flammable materials or materials with a porous surface. Additionally, you should take into account the possibility of flooding from above and choose a structure that can retain a large volume of water. Or vice versa, choose the type of ceiling that is easiest to restore.

The easiest way is plastering and painting. and the painted ceiling does not lose its original appearance for a long time, does not warp when exposed to moisture, is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and is easy to clean. If there is a water leak from above, the damaged area can be restored in a matter of hours. Both paint and putty are quite affordable, and you can do all the finishing yourself.

Plastic panels are considered an acceptable option for kitchen ceiling. They do not burn, have very low hygroscopicity, and are easy to clean. To avoid deformation from high temperatures, the panels should be fixed with movable fasteners - clamps. It is better to give preference to seamless panels with a glossy finish, on which less soot and dust accumulate. In addition, the plastic ceiling is not afraid of flooding: water almost does not pass through the tight joints and flows out at the corners of the structure.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film are also well suited for kitchens. They look great, are not afraid of moisture and heat, are easy to clean, and most importantly, retain water when flooded. This coating also has its disadvantages: the film can be easily damaged by any sharp object, the cost of the canvas is quite high, and it will not be possible to install it yourself.

The methods described are the most practical and easy to implement. Such ceilings are easy to care for and retain their attractive appearance for a long time. Of course, a lot depends on the intensity of use of the kitchen and quality. The less evaporation, the less impact on ceiling covering, and vice versa.

Video - DIY kitchen ceiling

The ceiling in the kitchen, like the walls or floor, is the background and base for creating harmonious interior. If in Soviet times it was difficult to imagine another method of finishing besides whitewashing, now designers will offer options for any style, for every taste and budget.

What is important to consider when choosing a finishing method?

  1. Ceiling height and kitchen area. In small kitchens in Khrushchev-era buildings, for example, voluminous ones are unlikely to be appropriate. suspended structures. Although there is already a large area of ​​​​the combined kitchen-living room in the same standard series houses allows you to make two-level ceiling With minimum distance profile from the original base.

A multi-level suspended ceiling can be made in a spacious kitchen with a height of more than 2.5 m

On a note! According to the new standards set out in SNiP, the ceiling height should not be less than 2.5 or 2.7 m (depending on climatic region). In new comfort-class buildings this parameter is 2.7-2.8, in business-class houses and luxury housing it can reach up to 3.2 m.

  1. Microclimate of the room. Humidity level temperature regime will influence the choice of finishing materials.

Important! Installed ceiling structure should not interfere with ventilation and free air exchange in the room. If violated, it can change the microclimate in the room, which can lead to troubles such as the formation of fungus and mold.

Which ceiling is better? See this video in detail with an overview of all the advantages and disadvantages of different materials:

1. Whitewash

A long-known, traditional option that will require minimal cash outlay. All you need to do is dilute it in the right proportions lime or chalk, water and other auxiliary elements.

Whitewashing is one of the most environmentally friendly finishing methods.

It is believed that whitewash, from its very name, implies white color. But the solution can be tinted by adding various pigments to it, for example, the usual blue (to give it a blue or blue color).

Despite its availability, such finishing is inferior to other, more optimal ones, both in terms of price-quality ratio and in terms of the effort expended. Whitewashing will not hide unevenness and defects. To obtain desired result, it is necessary to complete a series preparatory stages– cleaning of old coating, removal of dirt and dust. Crevices and other irregularities must be covered with putty solution before whitewashing.

Whitewashing is not practical in terms of service life. You cannot wash a whitewashed surface, and regular contamination with grease and food particles during cooking (which is inevitable) will force you to frequently renew the finish. Lime is also intolerant of moisture.

2. Painting

Compared to the previous option, this one is more durable. Water-based paint Sold in a convenient, ready-made form in plastic buckets. Can be matte or glossy.

The advantage of painting with water-based emulsion is that in most cases such a ceiling can be washed after finishing. Considering that in the kitchen due to high humidity and frequent contamination, the finishing will still quickly lose its attractive appearance, it needs to be updated regularly.

The texture is denser than that of lime or chalk mortar, which allows for a more even application without sagging or streaks, but before painting you still need to go through the same steps as for whitewashing - cover up cracks, level, sand off the old coating, remove dirt and dust, pre-selectively paint over complex, bright spots that may show through after painting the entire surface.

3. Styrofoam tiles (foam plastic)

One of the most common design options, losing relevance in Lately, and at times bordering on bad taste. Expanded polystyrene tiles often have a design that imitates antique-style stucco.

The desire to create an outwardly expensive and exquisite interior using cheap materials and imitations rarely gives a positive result.

Although high-quality and expensive tiles may still be appropriate in country style.

Buyers may be attracted not only by the price, but also by the opportunity to save money on the work of a master and time on repairs. It is simply and quickly attached to the ceiling using special glue and hides bright spots that can show through paint or whitewash.

Attention! Styrofoam tiles can hide small defects in the form of cracks, but they will not disguise unevenness or protrusions, and the design of the material itself will only further emphasize the imperfections of the surface.

Another disadvantage of such tiles is that over time they absorb grease and dirt. Although it can be washed, it is difficult to clean the multiple seams and curves perfectly.

On a note! Fast way update the ceiling trimmed with foam tiles - paint or whitewash directly over the material.

4. Stretch ceiling

The latter is able to visually extend the kitchen space.

Matte stretch ceiling

Ceiling with glossy design

This is acceptable in small kitchens with low ceilings, because... can be installed as close to the base as possible – up to 5 cm.

This option has great design possibilities– you can choose a color, a design, make photo printing to order, and carry out lighting without any problems.

In a kitchen with low ceilings and small area it is necessary to use very narrow ceiling borders or do without them altogether.

The most important advantage of this method of finishing is obtaining a perfectly flat surface, masking even the most complex defects.

The most common and most cost-effective material option is PVC film. This ceiling can be washed. Fabric is used less frequently. The price also depends on the design.

5. Suspended ceiling

Attached to aluminum profiles(metal frame). Drywall is used as the main material. Plastic panels and lining can be used for cladding.

Ceiling decoration in a private house

This ceiling can be perfectly combined with other finishing options. For example, there are combinations with tension.

This design method is not limited in design possibilities.

With this design you can create original lighting. Its stepped nature can zone the kitchen-living room space.

You can not bring the lamps outside, but make a glass, stained glass ceiling with lighting.

A suspended structure cannot be installed in a very small kitchen, in a kitchen with low ceiling. The best place to install it is a spacious kitchen-living room.

The material is relatively easy to work with plasterboard, it is environmentally friendly and inexpensive. Ready design Can be painted or wallpapered.

6. Rack and pinion

The materials used are wood, aluminum or plastic.

Can be open or closed. Must do for kitchen slatted ceiling with closed seams.

7. Made from plastic panels

Expensive PVC panels are non-toxic, durable and less susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, which means they will retain their attractive appearance longer. Can be matte or glossy. The first option is preferable for both practical and aesthetic reasons.

High-quality plastic can adequately imitate wood without looking tasteless and cheap.

8. Cassette

The prepared frame is sheathed with cassettes - square slabs of aluminum or galvanized metal, chipboard, glass with dimensions ranging from 300 to 300 mm.

The mirror cassette ceiling looks beautiful. But you need to be prepared for the fact that this design option is more troublesome to maintain.

9. Decorative plaster

The modern composition is excellent for finishing a kitchen space, because... resistant to moisture and protects the surface from fungus. Experienced master maybe with the help decorative plaster create beautiful drawing. Using a master class from a video on the Internet, you can also create a simple pattern yourself.

Concrete plaster

10. Wallpaper

Considering that hot air and fumes will always accumulate in the kitchen from the stove, it is impossible to guarantee the long service life of this finishing option. But wallpaper is cheap and easy to apply. Among them big choice both in color and pattern, and in texture.

Better suited for the kitchen vinyl wallpapers that can be washed.

Comparison table for choosing the best option

The following table will help you make your choice.

Finishing method

Affordable price

Low ceiling

DIY finishing

Masking defects

Life time

Can be washed


Foam tiles



Decorative plaster

Do not forget also that the ceiling design should be in harmony stylistically and in color with general design interior Universal and a win-win option a white or milky matte ceiling remains.