How to close old batteries with your own hands. How to close heating radiators with your own hands photo

The appearance of modern heating devices is quite presentable, but let’s be completely honest - not all of them meet our aesthetic requirements. What can we say about battered batteries that probably don’t even fit into a minimalist interior. Therefore, it is understandable that many people want to not only decorate them beautifully, but also preserve all the functionality of the equipment for heating their homes.

To learn how to cover a heating radiator with a screen, an absolute understanding of the laws of heating engineering is not necessary. It is enough to comprehend simple truths:

  • Heating of the room is carried out through a combination or separate use of two techniques: convection and infrared radiation.
  • Convective heat exchange ensures uniform heating of the air, and infrared radiation transfers heat to surrounding objects.
  • Any method aimed at closing the radiators beautifully leads to losses in heating power. For example, a glass screen with artistic painting completely solves the problem of decorating heating appliances, but the temperature in the house will immediately drop. The reason is that glass almost completely neutralizes infrared radiation.

The more reliably the heat exchanger is disguised, the greater the heat loss will be. This fully applies to blind reflectors, which prevent the spread of infrared radiation and convection.

The same picture with blank panels covering top part batteries - they completely block the path warm air, that is, the principle of convection does not work. Hence the conclusion, which at the same time is the answer to the question of how to cover heating radiators in an apartment - the cover must have more holes, so heat loss will be minimal.

Additional requirements

Screens also play the role of protection, because the temperature of the coolant is quite high. Especially it concerns centralized systems heating, where values ​​can reach +100°C. The use of protective grilles is justified primarily in children's rooms.

Simple screen models are inexpensive, so purchasing them is not a problem. Installation also won’t take much time, especially since almost everyone has with a minimum of tools. However, certain requirements should be taken into account when choosing and installing:

  • It is necessary to ensure the accessibility of communications and heating devices, which is important during operation and repair. Plumbers believe that gratings should not be fixed; attached screens are best.
  • High-quality screens do not become an obstacle to the passage of heat; on the contrary, they only contribute to the dissipation of heat flow.
  • Products should not contain toxic components that can be released under high temperatures.
  • Good products are not subject to deformation even with strong heat.

Wood products are considered the best choice when purchasing gratings. If you haven’t yet decided how to hide the battery under the window, then this product is perfect.

Plastic screens, especially from lesser-known manufacturers, may contain harmful toxic elements. The issue of authority is not an issue for them, so the use of low-quality components in the pursuit of excess profits is not ruled out.

Factory options or the best way to close heating radiators in an apartment or house

Modern industrial decorative grilles fit well into a residential interior, while simultaneously masking unsightly heating devices. The price of most copies is quite acceptable, all that remains is to make the right choice.

Hinged shields with top cover

Most often they are made of metal. Inexpensive products are made of painted iron, more expensive ones are made of stainless steel. The advantages of such panels include:

  1. Ease of installation - knowing how to cover a heating radiator with a decorative screen, the main work can be done with your own hands without the help of specialists.
  2. No obstacles to heat transfer - almost all products are manufactured with holes to improve convection. The shape of the holes is for every taste.
  3. Manufacturability – hanging panels designed for one- or two-way pipe connections.

Flat panels

The most common category, which is used to decorate heating devices located in niches. At the same time, such grilles play a decorative role in the interior of residential premises. In stores you can find a large assortment of screens with various designs, carvings and forgings, some of them can be compared to works of art.

Made of wood

Such false panels are ideal for any interior. If you have at least assembly experience , then the problem of how to hide the battery with your own hands does not exist for you. Products can also be made to order, in some carpentry workshop.

Wooden structures will help to withstand the elegant component of country style or all the rigor of classicism. Thinking about the topic of how to close heating radiators in own apartment, it is worth remembering the cost of manual individual work– it is several times higher than consumer goods copies.

And yet, deformation of the wood due to temperature changes and humidity fluctuations cannot be ruled out. You can avoid such consequences only by purchasing a product made from high-quality wood.

Made of metal

Such fences attract, first of all, their affordability. The design component of such products is quite primitive, which is why they have low price. However, despite this, they perform their function fully.

The panel is made of a thin sheet of metal, which can be painted in any color. More expensive specimens are made of stainless steel, they appearance aesthetic and elegant.

Made of plastic

Taking into account affordability plastic products, you should not count on their durability. Moreover, not all of them meet the standards, as a result of which, when heated, they can release a bunch of harmful substances.

Box screens

You can find out how to hide a battery in a room from photos of similar interiors. However, even modern heating devices do not always correspond to the design concept of the room. Then you have to completely isolate them “out of sight.” Box-shaped grilles are classified according to the type of material from which they are made.

MDF screens

One of the most common options for decorating heating appliances. Craftsmen who know how to carefully cover a heating radiator with a screen insist on this particular material. The MDF structure is not as difficult to maintain as wood, and is easy to install with your own hands.

An important advantage of such products is that their cost is 50-70 percent less than wooden ones. And this with characteristics that are not inferior to analogues made from natural wood.

The glass screen looks very aesthetically pleasing and can easily complement stylish design any premises up to a corporate building. Depending on the appearance, glass panels are divided into:

  • Matte.
  • Transparent.
  • Plainly colored.
  • With unique photo printing.

Of course glass structure fragile, so manufacturers produce samples with a thickness of at least 6 mm. For greater safety, you can buy tempered glass, it combines mechanical strength and heat resistance. Even if the panel manages to break, the fragments will be small and have blunt edges.

Do-it-yourself: how to cover a heating radiator in a room with a decorative screen

Decorative camouflage of the radiator assembly is easy to perform on our own. There is a wide scope for flight of fancy here. Making a box quickly and technologically is quite possible, especially since such a product is guaranteed to be original. They usually use MDF or ordinary fabric for work, or even assemble a composition from both materials.

The material is available in various colors, the shape of the holes is also selected according to individual preferences. In the process you will need an electric drill, drills, a hacksaw, a stapler and screwdrivers. From Suppliesmetal grid, screws, glue and furniture legs. The work consists of the following stages:

  • Take the dimensions of the battery pack. Add 50-60 mm to the height indicators, and 80-100 mm to the width.
  • Mark the prepared plate (fabric) and cut out the front part of the screen.
  • Add 40-50 mm to the depth indicators, the width is already known. Cut the side parts of the structure to size.
  • If you have already chosen how to cover the heating radiators in your house or apartment, and it turns out to be MDF without holes, then you will have to make them.

  • WITH inside secure the mesh to the box using self-tapping screws. The fabric is attached with liquid nails.
  • Assemble all the parts using corners and screws for fastening from the inside.
  • To stabilize the box, attach legs to its bottom.

Of course, the description is not too detailed; some points will depend on individual conditions. But the direction of the process is not difficult to understand, and the rest depends on desire and experience.

  • The combination of different colors in the lattice frame, color scheme and perforation shapes helps to realize any variation in interior design.
  • When the battery is not located in a niche, for camouflage would be better suited box-shaped screen.
  • Battery grids made of natural materials ideal for classic or vintage interiors. Designs from artificial materials used in modern design.
  • Wooden barriers will not only protect children from burns, but will also fit into any interior.

It may leak and will have to be replaced or repaired. Therefore, it is better to choose designs that are easily removable. It is advisable that they do not have a fixed mount. Covers with a hinged door are suitable, retractable mechanism. At a minimum, in the event of a breakdown, the valves, pipe connections, thermal head and threaded connections.

Second important point associated with the amount of heat entering the house. Any box reduces it. Especially if it is deaf, completely closed at the top or has a tight weave. It is better to choose something more open and not have heating device too deep. To do this, you can put a solid screen on the legs and cut a groove in the middle.

Another way to compensate for heat loss is to install a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery. For example, polyethylene foam.

  • Before closing, prepare it: wash it, blow it out.
  • The distance between the masking structure and the heating device should be 35-50 mm.
  • The minimum gap between it and the floor is 60-70 mm.

The preparatory stage consists of cleaning and purging the heating device, as well as collecting tools. List of what you will need for work:

  • GKL sheets 12 mm thick.
  • Pencil.
  • Tape measure, ruler, level, corner.
  • Liquid nails, screws, dowels.
  • Metal profiles in 2 sizes: 27*28 and 60*27.
  • Screwdriver, hammer drill, screwdriver.
  • Construction mesh with self-adhesive surface.

You can mask the entire wall or just the part under the window sill. The box is installed in the floor or leaving a gap above and below it. When marking, you need to take into account that the edges of the structure must protrude beyond the battery by at least 10 cm.

  • Make markings on the wall.
  • Attach the profile to the lines, make marks for the holes in increments of 15-25 cm.
  • Drill holes and attach the 27*28 profile, and then the 60*27 jumpers.
  • Make markings on the drywall, cut it with a utility knife, and attach it to the frame with self-tapping screws.
  • The seams between the sheets are filled with putty and mesh. and paint.
  • To reduce heat loss, craftsmen recommend drilling as many holes in the surface as possible.

Another one, visual instructions on gypsum board sheathing in the video.


One of simple ways radiator design. Suitable for cast iron and steel panel structures. Modern models Aluminum will be difficult to paint. You will have to apply many layers, and the result will be unattractive. You can make them monochromatic, choosing a shade to match the interior, contrasting, or create beautiful drawing. In this case, stencils from art stores and decoupage techniques will help.

Water-dispersed, acrylic and alkyd are suitable for work. All of them are resistant to high temperatures. Acrylics dry faster and hardly emit unpleasant odor. Alkyds, on the contrary, are distinguished by caustic fumes. Water-dispersed compositions do not have this drawback, but they are less durable, wear out quickly, and scratches appear on them.

There are hammer paints for metal. They create a heterogeneous texture with a chasing effect. This good option, if you need to hide various defects old surface: chips, cracks.

You need to start painting with preparatory stage:

  • Clean the surface from dirt. Dust settled inside is washed off with a brush and a spray bottle.
  • Remove previously applied paint. This is done with a washing solution, a drill with a brush attachment, or construction hairdryer- it melts the layer and can be removed with a spatula.
  • Buy two small brushes: straight and curved for the inside of the heating device or a foam roller for a panel radiator.
  • Almost does not reduce heat transfer.
  • It can be changed frequently depending on your mood or new renovation.
  • There is quick access to heating in case of an emergency.

The last plus - lightweight fabric does not look as bulky as drywall, metal, wood, MDF. The only negative is that this design is not suitable for apartments in a minimalist, high-tech or classic style.

To hide a battery in a house or apartment, it is not necessary to organize major renovation or large-scale redevelopment, it will be more economical to choose a couple of new ones design ideas and solutions that they use modern experience work in this area, and special finishing materials.

How to hide batteries in a room with your own hands.

The most popular method for masking batteries.

Sheathing a wall with plasterboard is often used to achieve this goal (to hide the battery). However, this method has both pros and cons. This is done easily, quickly and cheaply, but it visually reduces the area of ​​the room. Having practical experience and knowledge about working with drywall, such a solution can be implemented independently; otherwise, masking the battery will turn into a long and painful independent work.

We should not forget that if the heating devices are tightly closed, the heat will not pass through, so this is not recommended. To solve this problem, holes are cut in the material, which ensures the necessary air circulation. For a better aesthetic appearance, decorative screens are installed on top of the drywall, which makes radiator maintenance easier in the future.

Another advantage of using drywall is the ability to hide the pipes that lead to the radiators. However, this solution is more relevant when performing repair work the entire room, since this involves covering the entire wall with the material.

The easiest way to hide a battery in a room with your own hands.

It is much easier and more economical to use a hanging screen. Exists in this area a large number of different models And alternative options for any interior, for example:

  • hinged screen with cover;
  • screen boxes;
  • metal screens;
  • wooden screens;
  • glass screens;
  • MDF screens.

The advantage of hanging screens is that they can disguise batteries, regardless of the age of renovation in the room or any other factors. To install such models, it is not necessary to have special knowledge or put in a lot of effort, because the installation process involves simply hanging them on the battery. Screens of this type are suitable for two options for pipe connections (as provided by manufacturers) - one-sided and two-sided. Disguising the batteries in such a way as using a hanging screen does not interfere with air circulation and heating of the room, facilitates the process of servicing the heating device and will decorate the room interior.

Also worthy of special attention are box screens, which are often installed along blank walls or in the hallway. Their function is to become excellent decorative element home and create cozy atmosphere. Most often, such screens are used as shelves where some simple things can find a place.

For pets, such a product can become the main resting place, especially in winter. Due to the fact that the boxes can vary in size, if you have low radiators, you can use small products that can be turned into mini-sofas or benches. The technique and materials for the box can be varied. The most budget solution this is painting, where the main trick will be the right combination colors up to applying any image to the box.

The following battery screens can also be made in the form of a box: wooden, metal and MDF. They can have a flat shape, which can be ideally used to disguise batteries hidden by drywall or built into niches. The modern screens offered have a non-standard design for any room design, for every taste and imagination. An alternative to choose from are carvings, forged decorations and designs, which are selected individually to preserve the interior and perform main function- Perfectly hide radiators.

An original approach for hiding batteries in an apartment.

If the previous options may seem too difficult and costly or complex, then you can show initiative and originality, using only your creative and design qualities. With their help, you can visually disguise the battery in the interior of the room. Method 1 – painting the radiator in color scheme walls Method 2 – make your battery the highlight of the room.

Modern printing companies provide services for applying unique images to self-adhesive paper. Having selected and ordered an image, it can be easily placed on the radiator, which will bring originality to the interior. You can also paint the batteries yourself with colored pencils; you can give them the color of your favorite animal or depict your favorite flowers, patterns, etc.

The task facing those who want to give original look batteries using various forms and textures. To do this, you can easily find master classes that teach how to decorate heating devices if you don’t have your own skills. There they teach how to decorate batteries with various covers that look like animals. If there is any yarn left, it can be wrapped around a battery, which can be different colors and shades.

If you have the skill of working with beads or beads, a curtain of woven beads or a curtain made of beads will look original. For such an idea, you first need to prepare a frame according to the size of the battery, because the curtain or curtain is then attached to this frame.

How to hide batteries in an apartment photo

There are many ideas, so the question of how to hide batteries in a room is obvious. The main thing is to choose your own idea that suits your liking and possibilities!

On frosty winter days like now, heating saves our houses and apartments. Therefore the presence heating radiators in homes this is undoubtedly a plus. But often batteries become a stumbling block when you want to decorate a room beautifully.

So where should we put the hated batteries? After all, no matter how modern they are, the appearance of the rooms, alas, is still spoiled because of them...

The problem with the design of heating radiators is especially relevant in children's rooms and rooms where children often play, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also because kids run around a lot and can hit the radiator.

If modern radiators have such an appearance that they can easily fit into a room in a high-tech or minimalist style, then Soviet cast-iron radiators look completely depressing. That's why it needs to be like this disguise the battery, so that it was not visible, but it did not stop warming us in the cold.

How to hide the battery

Editorial "So simple!" prepared for you 14 practical ways, as possible hide a nondescript radiator and at the same time transform the interior. Now, looking at the radiators in the house, I get aesthetic pleasure!

  1. The easiest way is to paint the battery. For this, use special paint that is resistant to elevated temperatures. The color must be selected to match the interior of the room. This option is best applied to modern aluminum batteries. Painted cast iron items will stand out a lot.

    But if you decorate them with various designs, that’s a completely different matter! This is especially true in a children's room or kitchen. If artistic skills are completely absent, you can use special stencils.

  2. Very original idea! To implement it, you need to have several skeins of twine, 3 hours of time and perseverance.

  3. You can cover the radiator using a cotton curtain. This option will do only for products installed in a niche.

    You can attach the curtain to the window sill using Velcro; the fabric should match the color of the wallpaper. As an alternative, blinds can be used.

  4. And this idea is simply 2 in 1! We hide the batteries and get a new place for reading or pleasant gatherings.

  5. Or you can hide them under special grilles or perforated screens. Such devices are made from the most various materials, have various shapes and design.

  6. Thanks to the screens, the battery can be used as an additional place for rest, as a shelf or stand for decorative elements.

  7. How do you like this method?

  8. Screens made of thick glass will successfully cover the unsightly battery. Such products look beautiful and very stylish.

    However, glass screens only cover outside batteries. They are secured using screw holders with elastic protective gaskets.

  9. Another one interesting idea- bedside table with lattice doors. Practical and convenient, isn't it?

  10. You can hide radiators using hanging grilles. Most often, such products are used for cast iron batteries located in a niche under the window sill. And a nice bonus is that everyone can handle the installation. All that is required is to hang the structure on the heating device.

  11. Great idea for a children's room!

  12. Please note that the choice of material from which the screen will be made must be approached no less scrupulously than the design of the product itself. After all, the material must be resistant to high temperatures.

  13. Another great idea: a battery hidden in a box with a perforated panel. Stylish and tasteful!

  14. And finally decoupage. Using ordinary napkins and PVA glue, you can also decorate a heating device. It's easy to do it yourself, special skills and expensive materials will not be required.

    It is enough to choose napkins to match, cut out the necessary elements and cover the radiator with them. You can apply a special heat-resistant varnish on top.

Heating radiators, especially old ones, are the most unaesthetic element in the room. However, everything is not as hopeless as it seems.

For those who decide to save time and money on heating system reconstruction and replacement cast iron radiators for modern ones, we offer several ways to hide, disguise, decorate and update old unsightly batteries. You will be surprised how much these “cast iron heavyweights”, when transformed, can refresh the interior.

Successful camouflage - simple, but spectacular idea for eyesore heating radiators. Just choose a paint that matches the walls and paint the radiator with it. Alkyd and acrylic enamels, as well as water-dispersion paints.

Or you can do the opposite - use paint not to disguise the battery, but to focus on it.

In the midst of it heating season The radiator can become a potentially dangerous object in the house. To prevent a child from accidentally touching hot metal, they were invented special screens, which prevent direct contact with the battery and play a decorative role in the interior.

In addition, the screen will prevent dust and dirt from entering the battery. So cleaning will no longer be so burdensome.

The easiest way to fit batteries into the interior of a room is to hide them in a plasterboard box and close it decorative grille. Of course, decoration should be done in such a way as not to disrupt the operation of the heating system.

Special perforated panels made of MDF - the most versatile of radiator screens. A wide variety of shapes, shades and textures allows you to choose them for any interior. Such screens are lightweight, compact, moisture-resistant, and environmentally friendly.

A screen with strict shapes is also considered a classic.

IN modern interior laconic ones will look good wooden models screens without elaborate decor.

Similar decorative metal carcass for the radiator, you definitely don't want to hide it behind the curtains. Because it will definitely attract the eyes of guests and will become the undeniable “highlight of the program.”

If you have carpentry skills, the idea of ​​a decorative screen for a radiator can be developed into an improvised rack, console, or cabinet. Functional furniture worth its weight in gold in small-sized dwellings.

Glass can also be used to make not just radiator screens, but also beautiful elements functional furniture.

Some have thought of using the battery, covered with a screen, as an additional place to rest. Warm, cozy, beautiful.

The radiator and heated towel rail can be turned into an art object. Sometimes it is difficult to guess what a heating system looks like.

The yellow square is not a painting, but a battery.

We suggest trying to solve the problem of unsightly batteries on your own, for example, using decoupage. Wash the battery thoroughly, make its surface smooth - old paint It is not necessary to remove it completely. First paint it with regular white enamel. While the battery is drying for 24 hours, take a decoupage card with a design you like. Measure the width of the outer surface of the battery section, cut the card into strips the right size. Using PVA glue diluted with water in a 1x1 ratio, glue the motif so that it is located exactly in the middle of the battery. Finish the remaining part without a picture on top and bottom acrylic paints. When the paint is dry, the entire battery must be coated with heat-resistant varnish.

You can cover the battery in an original way using a folding frame, inside of which strips of fabric are intertwined.

Needlewomen can sew some funny cover for the radiator. For example, let an unaesthetic metal battery turn into a sheep or other cute animal. The children will definitely be delighted.

A radiator curtain is a good alternative if you don’t want to use bulky frame screens. For a decorative curtain, choose a fabric that matches your decor. Sew one part of the fabric Velcro to the top of the curtain, and glue the other to the bottom of the window sill above the radiator. You can make several curtains and change them depending on your mood.

Simple and original way masking the battery - using a curved sheet of plywood 4 mm thick. The panel is attached to the wall with 4 screw hooks at a distance of at least 5 cm from the window sill, so as not to interfere with normal air circulation. In order to get a beautiful bend, the panel must be twice as long as the radiator, and its center must be placed strictly in the middle. Apply decorative self-adhesive furniture film to the front side of the panel.

From fiberboard sheet It is easy to make a universal retractable panel, which, if necessary, can be easily moved to another room. It is installed behind the frame frame. The frame requires fiberboard boards 1.6 cm thick and 8 cm wide. The horizontal and vertical parts of the frame are glued together.

If the masking panel is first covered with dark paint and then varnished, you will get a drawing and note board for children. You can also decorate the panel with an applique, a picture, or cut out a school of fish in it.

In one of the Moscow apartments there is such a fake fireplace made of plywood, made with your own hands. It covers an old cast iron battery.

The transformation happened like this. The “face” of the fireplace with a window for the firebox was built from plywood, as well as a firebox box with a picture of bricks. Then the decor of the floor and cornice was made from polyurethane skirting boards. A long LED lamp was installed to illuminate the firebox. The lamp housing was painted with splashes of orange and red paint. The coals represent large stones from the hardware store.