How to reduce your utility bills. “Crib sheet” on the payment document for housing and communal services. What does water heating mean in the receipt?

Dear Subscribers!

Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings And residential buildings, approved Resolution Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated 05/06/2011 (hereinafter Rules) the service provider is required to apply a two-part tariff for hot water established in the manner prescribed by law.

Due to the fact that the issue of calculating and charging for the hot water supply service is of great social importance, LLC "Settlement Kupavino Center" has developed these clarifications regarding the procedure for calculating the amount of payment for hot water.

This section discusses only the basic concepts and general cases of calculations used in the EPD.
The most complex calculations and formulas used have been simplified to make them easier to understand.
For a more in-depth study of all the features when calculating the cost of utility services, you need to contact the relevant regulations: Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Water Code of the Russian Federation, Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354, Rules for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utility services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 No. 306, etc.

Fee for DHW by component " coolant"should be determined in accordance with the calculation formulas for determining the amount of payment for hot water given in Appendix No. 2 to the Rules in accordance with paragraphs 42, 43, 44 of the Rules.

Fee for DHW by component " thermal energy » is to be determined based on the consumption of thermal energy used to heat hot water, determined according to the calculated value approved by the heat supply organization.

General calculation formula

To calculate the cost of “water supply”* and “sewage” services, the following formula is used:

“The cost of a service is equal to the product of the volume of service consumed during the billing period and the tariff for this service.”

Formula 1:P=V*T, Where

P- service cost,

V- volume of service consumed during the billing period.

T- tariff for this type of service, for water - price per 1 m3.

* - for the “hot water supply” service, presented in the form of two components, a different calculation method is used.

Cold water supply

1. If the living space equipped individual metering devices (IMU) for cold water, then the volume of service for the billing period is calculated based on the readings of the metering devices, subject to their timely transfer to the settlement center.

2. If the living space not equipped IPU or metering devices do not comply with the requirements of the law, then the volume of service is calculated based on the standards for this service:

Formula 2: V cold water = V cold water/norm * N run, Where

V hvs- volume of “cold water supply” service consumed during the billing period,

V hvs/norm - standard for the “cold water supply” service,

N lived- the number of people living in the residential premises.

Regardless of the method for determining the volume, the cost of the “cold water supply” service is determined according to Formula 1.

Hot water supply

The “hot water supply” service, divided into two components, is presented in the EPD in the form of separate lines, since each component is calculated separately.

Service “Hot water supply (carrier)”.

The carrier in the “hot water supply” service is cold water, therefore the volume of the carrier and its cost is calculated in the same way as the “cold water supply” service (see section “Cold water supply”).

The tariff for the “hot water supply (carrier)” service always coincides with the tariff for the “cold water supply” service.

Service “Hot water supply (energy)”.

Heating water requires thermal energy, which is measured in gigacalories (Gcal). The amount of thermal energy consumed to heat water is calculated by the formula:

Formula 4: Q p = V hot water/n * q, Where

Q p- thermal energy consumed to heat cold water;

V hot water/n- the volume of cold water (carrier) consumed during the billing period for the purposes of hot water supply;

q - specific consumption thermal energy, showing how much energy is spent heating 1 cubic meter. meter of water. It is approved like other utility standards.

The cost of the “hot water supply (energy)” service is calculated using the formula:

Formula 5: P hot water/e = Q p * T te, Where

P hot water/e- cost of the “hot water supply (energy)” service;

Q p- thermal energy consumed to heat cold water (carrier);

T te- tariff for the service component “hot water supply (energy)”. The price for each supplier is approved by the Moscow Regional Committee.


An apartment building with a common building meter installed ( Staraya Kupavna, st. Matrosova, house 14)

The house has centralized system hot water supply (closed system)

A resident who has individual devices accounting consumed for the billing month 3 cubic meters of cold water and 3 cubic meters of hot water.

The common house meter has readings for the billing month 727,12 cubic meters

(difference in readings: as of 31.07 - 14437.30 cubic meters, as of 30.06 - 13710.18 cubic meters)

The tariff for the service "Cold water supply for domestic hot water" is 34,98 rub/cub.m ( component for heathost)

The tariff for the service "Water heating for hot water supply" is 1794,17 rub/Gcal ( component for heate energy)

The specific thermal energy consumption is 0,048 (Approved by the Decision of the Council of Deputies of the Municipal Municipal Enterprise Staraya Kupavna dated November 17, 2009.

No. 2/4pa-2009)


Coolant: P =V * T = 34,98 rub/cub.m * 3 cubic meters = RUB 104.94. (used Formula No. 1)

Thermal energy: R= V hot water/n * q * T = 3 cubic meters * 0,048 * 1794,17 rub/Gcal = RUB 258.36(used Formula No. 5 )

In this case, the volume of the service Water heating for DHW (Individual consumption) in the EPD will accordingly be

0,144 Gcal (V hot water/n * q = 3 cubic meters * 0,048 = 0,144)

Few of the residents of houses No. 1, 2, 3 of microdistrict 4A delve into the amounts that are charged Management Company. The amounts for hot water from an individual boiler room are generally a “dark forest”.

Let's count costs for hot water supply (DHW) for October 2015, house No. 1. There are many incomprehensible definitions in hot water bills (DHW IPU, DHW cold water IPU, individual consumption and ODN, as well as the mysterious “DHW circulation”), which will be very interesting to understand.

So, house No. 1 has an individual boiler room, which means hot water cost will be equal to the cost of cold water + the cost of heating it to 60-75 degrees.:

LLC “Management Company “Comfort”, which services building No. 1, sets the following lines for payment for hot water:

"HVS DHW IPU"- this is the cost of cold water that entered the boiler room. We multiply the volume of cold water in the hot water supply system by the tariff of 19.66 rubles.

"Warming up the IPU"- This theoretical cost of heating cold water. These are precisely the theoretical costs of heating water from ~8 degrees to ~65 degrees. This parameter will always be less than “practical” heating, since the water is heated once, passes through the pipeline system in the house and is “reheated” again, and these cycles are repeated. This “additional heating” of water is distributed separately in the bill under the item “DHW circulation”.

"DHW circulation"- this is an additional parameter characterizing the cost of heat loss in pipes, heated towel rails, etc. To better understand this parameter, imagine that only one person has moved into the house, and the entire boiler room of the house works for him, heats and circulates water through the pipes, heats it up and sends it back through the circuit. The bill for a single resident to heat 1 cubic meter of water will be huge compared to theoretical heating. Therefore, this “circulation” is distributed evenly among all owners, and this makes common sense: pay for the fact that the boiler room heats up and delivers constantly hot water to the meter, even for those owners who do not live or use their premises.

How is payment for consumed hot water distributed among residents? Here's the formula:

DHW = Volume * ("CW DHW IPU" + "Heating IPU") + "DHW circulation" (1)

In October 2015, house No. 1 consumed 762 cubic meters of hot water, who went to the boiler room. Of them 688.15 cubic meters- this is the sum of the residents’ hot water meter readings submitted to the management company. Remaining 73.85 cubic meters- this is the volume that the remaining residents various reasons were not reported to the Criminal Code. Therefore, the costs of these cubic meters are distributed evenly to all consumers of hot water in the house.

Let us describe formula (1) in more detail, taking into account individual and “general household” consumption and circulation losses:

1. The total cost of expenses for the period was RUB 172,751.08.
2. The coolant consumption in the heating system according to the metering device was 391.168 Gcal.
3. Coolant consumption for hot water supply according to the heat meter - 167.886 Gcal.
4. The total volume of coolant for the period is 559.054 Gcal.
5. Tariff for heating and hot water supply - 309.01 rubles. for 1 Gcal

Let us separate from the total expenses the share of costs for heating cold water:">

Cost of cold water (let's multiply the 762 cubic meters consumed by the house by the tariff of 19.66 rubles per 1 cubic meter):">

Now let's see whether the management company distributed the payment for hot water according to the receipt correctly. Here is the receipt available: for October 2015 (house No. 1). The living area of ​​the apartment is 33.7 sq.m. The living area of ​​apartments and commercial premises in the building is 13,552.40 sq.m.

Just follow the formula:

The result was an amount approximately comparable to the total costs of 66,858.71 rubles, i.e. The management company calculated for October 2015 hot water with an error of less than 2%, we will assume that is correct.


The topic of calculating fees for utilities is one of the most complex. For those who have not encountered the problem before, it is difficult to figure it out right away, and there seems to be no time for it.

However, let's try.

For calculations, RF PP No. 354 is used (procedure and methods for all occasions), RF PP No. 307 (only for heating and only until July 1, 2016, then RF PP No. 354 is in effect), RF PP No. 306 (standards).

The text of the documents is complex and practically inaccessible to mass payers. There is no clear system in notation physical quantities, which may confuse the reader, there are no names of physical quantities used in the calculation formulas and explanations. It was as if they were writing for themselves. Like we know it ourselves, but others don’t need to know.

And one more initial note. Gentlemen from the management company and from the developer often show great joy regarding the “energy efficiency” of new buildings, in particular our area.

The essence of energy efficiency is strict accounting of all utility resources and measures to save them. Let's see in the course of the discussion how justified such “joy” is.

Since we have DHW system closed, that is, non-centralized, then the corresponding section of the RF PP No. 354 (Appendix 2, Section IV) is used for calculations, when the production of a utility service, in in this case DHW is carried out by the contractor (MC) on our ITP equipment from the common property.

Regarding this very concept of “production” of hot water supply by the contractor, we will not go into details for now. This is a separate rather “murky” and controversial topic, who actually produces what and how.

Let us only note that according to RF PP No. 354, clause 54 of the Rules, it is clearly stated that fees for the maintenance of common property (ITP equipment, where the service provider heats water for hot water supply) are charged separately. That is, “production” - operating costs for this common property are included in the payment for the maintenance and repair of common property and are not included in the calculation of payment for hot water supply.

So, what needs to be taken into account to calculate the DHW fee?

Total cold consumption drinking water(via the cold water line) supplied to heating for DHW.

The total consumption of thermal energy taken in boilers from the coolant from the centralized supply of thermal energy (heating).

Everything seemed simple. I divided the total heat consumption (heating) by the total volume of cold water that was used for hot water supply and the order. I got the specific heat consumption per cubic meter of hot water.

However, our receipts do not account for the total volume of cold water and hot water separately.

And individual consumption data for DHW and cold water cannot be used due to systematic measurement error apartment meters. Therefore, the concept of ODN was introduced to eliminate this systematic error and accurately total water consumption for the entire house using a common house meter.

In this sense, RF PP No. 354 is not presented entirely correctly and has long since become outdated in some places, when it is proposed to base calculations on the total readings of the IPU if there is no common house meter, but the authors of the regulatory text completely forgot about the systematic error of apartment IPU (dead zone IPU at low water flows).

According to the law “On Energy Saving...”, the first thing that must be done is to install common household meters, and where there is no technical possibility due to the design of the house, technical feasibility must be created by reconstructing (extension) the premises for the installation of utility metering units.

General household metering of utility resources is not beneficial to utility workers, which is why they sabotage the process. It's easier to cheat in troubled waters.

Also, in our ITP, we do not have a separate accounting of the consumption of thermal energy, which is spent on DHW heating. At least this is not clear from the content of the information given in the receipt.

But what about the super duper energy efficient ITP? Isn’t this too simple for a super duper energy-efficient ITP with “space technologies”?

Have you installed one common cold water meter and one common thermal energy meter for the entire block and are as happy as elephants?

And according to the Law, every single house must be equipped with metering devices.

How then does our ITP differ from the usual heating unit of an old Soviet house?

Why are we being told over and over again about energy efficiency?

I want some rogue - a “money pump” under an energy service agreement to “authoritatively” declare that we need to install metering devices to increase energy efficiency.

It is already clear to us that we need a comprehensive accounting of utility resources.

Who stopped you from installing a two-channel heat energy meter? Was it difficult to install a meter to account for the flow of make-up water for the hot water system?

And if they do exist, then why are their readings not used in calculations and not indicated on receipts?

Hello! please help me figure it out. Our HOA has replaced the management company. The new Criminal Code charges us for hot water, referring to the methodology from Resolution P No. 354.. The payment for hot water supply in our receipts is divided into two parts: individual consumption and single consumption and consists of 2 lines: cold water supply and heating. There are no problems with the first line in individual consumption... there is the volume (according to the meter in the apartment) and the tariff... but they calculate heating (i.e. the number of Kcal for heating) based on the general house water consumption (according to the house meter) and calculate the share of my calories based on the volume of chemical waste according to my counter. Calories turn out to be 0.74 (for my 6 cubic meters) and the fee in the individual consumption line in the new receipts has doubled. The previous company calculated it more simply; they simply took my CW consumption on the meter and multiplied it by the approved standard for heating 1 cubic meter of water, 0.0615. and the difference between the general house consumption and the amount according to the residents’ meters was distributed in the ODN part in proportion to the area. In the new receipts, the cellar with ODN is reset to zero... that is, as I understand it, new company He calculates everything for us together without separating the general house needs and the intra-apartment needs... or am I mistaken?
I reviewed Resolution 354.. and did not find a formula there by which hot water supply should be calculated in apartment buildings with centralized water supply (open scheme)... help me figure it out.. are the actions of the new Criminal Code legal? Thank you!

Hello, Natalia!

To begin with, as our President Vladimir Putin likes to say, “let’s separate the flies from the cutlets: the flies are separate, the cutlets are separate!”
In our case, the “cutlets” will be the hot water supply (DHW) scheme for your home, and the “flies” will be what the new Criminal Code considers and how. We will deal with the “flies” second.
First, we will deal with the “cutlets”:

Please specify:
At the beginning of the letter you write: “... The payment for hot water supply in our receipts... consists of 2 lines: HWA and heating...”.
As far as I know and understand the heat and power industry of housing and communal services, such a division of payments for hot water supply is used in a CLOSED heat supply system - in which two heat supply (heating) pipelines (direct and return) go from your quarterly boiler house (or from the combined heat and power plant), and the water for hot water supply is heated partly heating water in water heaters (boilers) located in each house (or group of houses).
Do you have a hot water boiler in your home?
Regarding the payment for hot water supply with a CLOSED heat supply system: regulatory and technical documents allow two methods of calculation and payment for hot water supply, depending on which method is more suitable for the specific conditions of the city, on the settlement system adopted in the city between house management companies, Teploenergo and Vodokanal, or which is more “liked” by the authorities and accountants.

the payment is taken under the item “hot water supply”, which includes the amount of payment for heat received from the boiler room and spent in the boiler to heat water, plus payment for cold water supplied by Vodokanal and then heated in the boiler and consumed by residents. Then this payment from all residents, received by the house management company, is divided by the accounting department between Teploenergo and Vodokanal according to the rules known to them.

The fee is taken on two counts:
- “hot water supply” is a payment for heat received from the boiler room and spent in the boiler to heat water. As a rule, this money goes directly to Teploenergo without any “shrinkage or waste” in the management company;
- “cold water for hot water supply” - payment for water supplied by Vodokanal and then heated in a boiler and consumed by residents. As a rule, this money goes directly to Vodokanal without any “shrinkage or waste” in the management company.

If a fee for “cold water for hot water supply” has appeared, then the fee for “hot water supply” should be reduced by the same amount.

However, at the end of the letter you write: “... I did not find in Resolution No. 354 ... a formula by which hot water supply should be calculated in apartment buildings with centralized hot water supply (open scheme)”
An OPEN DHW system is a system where water for DHW purposes is heated in a boiler room (CHP), flows through a separate pipeline and is then distributed to MKD water taps. In this case, the fee for hot water supply is determined in accordance with paragraphs 1 (for an apartment equipped with an individual meter) and 10, 13 (for one unit in a house with a common building meter) of Appendix 2 “Calculation of the amount of payment for public utilities» Resolution No. 354.
What kind of hot water system is in your house - CLOSED or OPEN?

Natalia! Let's move on to the "flies".

Unfortunately, based on the figures and reasoning you presented, without having before your eyes (in your hands) the texts of your letter to the Criminal Code demanding to provide you with written explanations on the problem with calculating the payment for hot water supply and the corresponding responses from the Criminal Code, it is very difficult to give you an intelligible answer.
If you did not write such a letter, demand that the Criminal Code provide you with explanations on the basis of which documents the calculations were made, indicating their names, articles and items, including calculations using the forms of the corresponding items 1, 10, 13 (or others, according to who made the calculations?) Appendix 2 “Calculation of the amount of payment for utility services” of Resolution No. 354.

In your letter, refer to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, “Standard for the disclosure of information by organizations operating in the field of management of apartment buildings” (approved by the Post. Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2010 No. 731), as well as to paragraph 31 of the “Rules for the provision of utilities services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011):
“...31. The performer is obliged:
...e) carry out DIRECTLY UPON THE CONSUMER'S APPLICATION, check the correctness of the calculation of the amount of utility fees presented to the consumer for payment, the consumer's debt or overpayment for utilities, ... and immediately, based on the results of the check, issue the consumer documents containing correctly calculated payments. Documents issued to the consumer at his request must be certified by the signature of the manager and the seal of the contractor.”

The course of our further considerations and actions will depend on your answers.
Good luck with paying for hot water!

answer from Kalnin Yuri

Uv. Yuri, hello! Thanks for your reply. There are no boilers in our house. Here in the entire Avtozavodsky district open system hot water supply. And in many companies, hot water supply is divided into two lines: cold water supply and heating. (my mother lives in the next block, 9th floor. MKD they have hot water supply in one line.. tariff 109./83 r\m3)
I found a site with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2012 No. 1149, which introduces tariffs for open and closed systems water supply. .. and it is explained that with an open system, the tariff consists of two items HOV (coolant) and heating (heat energy)..
In addition, on the website of our heat and power company "Tevis" they posted tariffs for the 13th year -44-47/-2013 they refer
by order of the ministry Samara region No. 418 paragraph 43 there talks about setting a tariff for Togliatti (open system) and there is an application with tariffs for coolant and heat energy. so it seems like you can’t dig in here...
What I am more outraged by in our receipts is the method of calculating the heating line (number of Kcal) in the individual part.
Yesterday I visited the chairman of the HOA. She explained to me that she herself refused the standard for heating 1 cubic meter of water, and agreed with the management company to calculate it based on actual consumption. that is, in our receipt for February
CW water consumption according to the general meter is 1081 m3...
total kcal 127
according to the individual meter in our apartment HOV - 6.3 m3
standard for chemical toxicants - 27.27 rub/m3
Calculation of Kcal (individual) is as follows:
127 / 1081 x 6.3 = 0.74 cal
respectively 0.74 x 1058.46 = 783.4..
plus 6.3 x 27.27 = 171.8
TOTAL for 6.3 m3 payment for the city. water 955 rub.
cube of water 151 rub.
I must say that we rent this apartment. No one is registered in it. Therefore, as the chairman of the HOA explained to me... in our ODN, if there is an overrun according to an item, then it is distributed proportionally to the area... and if the savings are proportional to the registered people... that is, we have zeros.
I told her about Resolution 354 that it was necessary to separately calculate an individual’s consumption and ODN.. I asked her to explain where such a calculation method was found.. She answered me that our house does not fit any method because we have communal meters for HOV and for heat energy... :-)
Today I want to ask her for a copy of the agreement with this management company and will write a letter to the management company (as you recommended to me).
I have a question: can they refuse me because I am not the owner of this apartment and am not registered there. Thank you.
Best regards, Natalia.

reply from Natalia

Hello, Natalia!

I understood this: Avtozavodskoy district is a district of Tolyatti?, since from the cities you mentioned. Samara and Togliatti The Avtozavodskoy district exists only in Togliatti.
Then we are fellow countrymen - in my youth I lived in Togliatti for about 15 years (in the 60s and 70s of the last century) and worked at the Togliatti Thermal Power Plant. My wife still goes to Togliatti twice a year to visit her sister and numerous relatives - just tomorrow she is going by bus to your city.

Let's move on from pleasant memories of youth to business.
To your last question: “...can they refuse me because I am not the owner of this apartment and am not registered there?” I will answer this way: if “they” do not want to get involved with the “annoying truth-seeker,” then they may well “fuck” you on a legal basis. But you do this - write letters on behalf of the owner of the apartment - of course, warning him about this.

I'm still looking into your numbers. For some reason I just can’t “get into” the “methodology” of the chairman of the board of your HOA. She's kind of clever. It would be nice to have before your eyes payment document(invoice receipt).

Please use in letters only generally accepted wording and abbreviations of technical values ​​used in laws and regulations on housing and communal services.
For example, CW in the energy sector is “chemically desalted water.” What do you mean? Cold water? If we are forced to use our own abbreviations to shorten the text, it is advisable to make an appropriate decoding (don’t be offended by the old grouch for “moralizing”!)

I will also get acquainted with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2012 No. 1149, mentioned by you, the tariffs of the Tevis heat and power company, the order of the Ministry of the Samara Region No. 418 and other documents of the housing and communal services of the city of Togliatti.

I know the following document: “ Guidelines(MR) for the calculation and collection of payments from the population for housing and communal services" Gosstroy, LLC "Scientific Consulting Center for Housing and Communal Services" ("NCC Housing and Communal Services") Moscow 2003, and in it clause 3.3 "Heating and hot water supply".
The content of the above-mentioned MRs, as well as your response, confirms my opinion that the procedure for calculating standards and tariffs in the regions, including (possibly) in the Samara region, is determined professional competence, intelligence (or stupidity), decency (or meanness), honesty (or greed) of the developers and approvers of these standards and tariffs, and often the degree of corruption and “merger in financial ecstasy” of the authorities, resource supply organizations and management companies. We hear and see a lot about this in the media.

Natalia! Do you consider it appropriate and convenient to continue the exchange of information and consultations on hot water supply (and on other housing and communal services issues) by email? addresses? If you kindly ask the administration of this site (E-mail) to give me your email. address, I will answer you and you will have my address - it will be more convenient than asking and answering questions about housing and communal services in Russia.
It will be possible to transfer files - for example, with housing and communal services receipts (to assess the correctness of the accrual), letters to housing and communal services and responses to them, texts of documents on housing and communal services, etc. I have a decent archive in the form of files - it’s more convenient to send them, there’s no need to “type” the text in the response on the site. If you need something, I’ll send you in the form of files - you’ll be tortured to open, save and read (or delete as unnecessary).

And I repeat my opinion once again - if you want to succeed, conduct all business communications with housing and communal services and the authorities in writing (or by e-mail).
Good luck to you!

answer from Kalnin Yuri