What is cold water for hot water in the receipt. Formula for calculating water heating in a housing and communal services receipt

Dear Subscribers!

Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved Resolution Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated 05/06/2011 (hereinafter Rules) the service provider is obliged to apply a two-part tariff for hot water, established in the manner prescribed by law.

Due to the fact that the issue of calculating and charging for the hot water supply service is of great social importance, LLC "Settlement Kupavino Center" has developed these clarifications regarding the procedure for calculating the amount of payment for hot water.

This section discusses only the basic concepts and general cases of calculations used in the EAP.
The most complex calculations and formulas used have been simplified to make them easier to understand.
For a more in-depth study of all the features when calculating the cost of utility services, you need to contact the relevant regulations: Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Water Code of the Russian Federation, Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354, Rules for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utility services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 No. 306, etc.

Fee for DHW by component " coolant"should be determined in accordance with the calculation formulas for determining the amount of payment for hot water given in Appendix No. 2 to the Rules in accordance with paragraphs 42, 43, 44 of the Rules.

Fee for DHW by component " thermal energy » to be determined based on the consumption of thermal energy used for heating hot water, determined by the calculated value approved by the heat supply organization.

General calculation formula

To calculate the cost of “water supply”* and “sewage” services, the following formula is used:

“The cost of a service is equal to the product of the volume of service consumed during the billing period and the tariff for this service.”

Formula 1:P=V*T, Where

P- service cost,

V- volume of service consumed during the billing period.

T- tariff for this type of service, for water - price per 1 m3.

* - for the “hot water supply” service, presented in the form of two components, a different calculation method is used.

Cold water supply

1. If the living space equipped individual metering devices (IMU) cold water, then the volume of service for the billing period is calculated based on the readings of metering devices, subject to their timely transfer to the settlement center.

2. If the living space not equipped IPU or metering devices do not comply with the requirements of the law, then the volume of service is calculated based on the standards for this service:

Formula 2: V cold water = V cold water/norm * N run, Where

V hvs- volume of “cold water supply” service consumed during the billing period,

V hvs/norm - standard for the “cold water supply” service,

N lived- the number of people living in the residential premises.

Regardless of the method for determining the volume, the cost of the “cold water supply” service is determined according to Formula 1.

Hot water supply

The “hot water supply” service, divided into two components, is presented in the EPD in the form of separate lines, since each component is calculated separately.

Service “Hot water supply (carrier)”.

The carrier in the “hot water supply” service is cold water, therefore the volume of the carrier and its cost is calculated in the same way as the “cold water supply” service (see section “Cold water supply”).

The tariff for the “hot water supply (carrier)” service always coincides with the tariff for the “cold water supply” service.

Service “Hot water supply (energy)”.

Heating water requires thermal energy, which is measured in gigacalories (Gcal). The amount of thermal energy consumed to heat water is calculated by the formula:

Formula 4: Q p = V hot water/n * q, Where

Q p- thermal energy consumed to heat cold water;

V hot water/n- the volume of cold water (carrier) consumed during the billing period for the purposes of hot water supply;

q - specific consumption thermal energy, showing how much energy is spent heating 1 cubic meter. meter of water. It is approved like other utility standards.

The cost of the “hot water supply (energy)” service is calculated using the formula:

Formula 5: P hot water/e = Q p * T te, Where

P hot water/e- cost of the “hot water supply (energy)” service;

Q p- thermal energy consumed to heat cold water (carrier);

T te- tariff for the service component “hot water supply (energy)”. The price for each supplier is approved by the Moscow Regional Committee.


An apartment building with a common building meter installed ( Staraya Kupavna, st. Matrosova, house 14)

The house has centralized system hot water supply (closed system)

A resident who has individual metering devices consumed for the billing month 3 cubic meters of cold water and 3 cubic meters of hot water.

The common house meter has readings for the billing month 727,12 cubic meters

(difference in readings: as of 31.07 - 14437.30 cubic meters, as of 30.06 - 13710.18 cubic meters)

The tariff for the service "Cold water supply for domestic hot water" is 34,98 rub/cub.m ( component for heathost)

The tariff for the service "Water heating for hot water supply" is 1794,17 rub/Gcal ( component for heate energy)

The specific thermal energy consumption is 0,048 (Approved by the Decision of the Council of Deputies of the Municipal Municipal Enterprise Staraya Kupavna dated November 17, 2009.

No. 2/4pa-2009)


Coolant: P =V * T = 34,98 rub/cub.m * 3 cubic meters = RUB 104.94. (used Formula No. 1)

Thermal energy: R= V hot water/n * q * T = 3 cubic meters * 0,048 * 1794,17 rub/Gcal = RUB 258.36(used Formula No. 5 )

In this case, the volume of the service Water heating for DHW (Individual consumption) in the EPD will accordingly be

0,144 Gcal (V hot water/n * q = 3 cubic meters * 0,048 = 0,144)

Answer from the lawyer of the Stroysar Information Agency and the director of the law firm Rubicon LLC, Yulia Gladkaya:
- Dear Ivan, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 354 (as amended on September 24, 2014) “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (together with the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings"):

P. 54. In the case of independent provision by the contractor of utility services for heating and (or) hot water supply (in the absence of centralized heat supply and (or) hot water supply) using equipment that is part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, calculation of the amount of payment for consumers for such utilities the service is provided by the contractor based on the volume of utility resource used during the billing period in the production of utility services for heating and (or) hot water supply (hereinafter referred to as the utility resource used in production), and the tariff (price) for the utility resource used in production.

The volume of a utility resource used in production is determined based on the readings of a meter recording the volume of such a utility resource, and in its absence is determined by the specific costs of such a utility resource to produce a unit of thermal energy for heating purposes or a unit of hot water for hot water supply. In this case, the total volume (quantity) of thermal energy produced by the contractor for the billing period for the purpose of heating or hot water for the purpose of hot water supply is calculated according to the readings of metering devices recording such volumes installed on the equipment with the use of which the contractor provided the utility service for heating or hot water supply , and in the absence of such metering devices - as the sum of the readings of individual and general (apartment) metering devices for thermal energy or hot water, which are equipped with residential and non-residential premises of consumers, and the volumes of consumption of thermal energy or hot water, determined according to the consumption standards of the heating utility service or hot water supply to those consumers whose residential and non-residential premises are not equipped with such metering devices. The specified calculation method is used when determining the volume of utility resource used in production, both in the case when such a utility resource is used by the contractor only in the production of communal services for heating and (or) hot water supply, and in the case when the utility resource is of the type used by the contractor in the production of utility services for heating and (or) hot water supply, it is also used by the contractor to provide consumers with utility services of the appropriate type.

When determining the amount of consumer payment for heating utilities (in the absence of centralized heating), the volume of utility resources used in production is distributed among all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building in proportion to the size total area residential or non-residential premises owned (in use) by each consumer in an apartment building in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Rules.

The amount of consumer payment for public services for hot water supply (in the absence of centralized hot water supply) is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Rules as the sum of 2 components:

the product of the volume of hot water consumed by the consumer, prepared by the contractor, and the tariff for cold water;

the cost of a communal resource used to heat cold water in the production of public hot water supply services, allocated to the consumer in each residential and non-residential premises in proportion to the volume of hot water consumed during the billing period in the residential or non-residential premises.

The payment for utility services for heating and (or) hot water supply, made by the contractor using equipment that is part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, does not include the costs of maintaining and repairing such equipment. The costs of maintaining and repairing such equipment are subject to inclusion in the fee for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building.

Clause 22. Appendix 2 to the Rules: The amount of payment for utility services for hot water supply provided for the billing period in i-th core premises (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building, according to the Rules, is determined by formula 20:

- volume (quantity) of hot water determined for the billing period in the i-th residential premises (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building in accordance with the Rules;

- tariff for cold water used in the billing period when the contractor independently produces hot water supply utilities, established in accordance with the law Russian Federation;

- volume of the v-th utility resource (thermal energy, gas or other fuel, Electric Energy), used during the billing period for heating cold water during the independent production of hot water supply services by the contractor;

- tariff (price) for v-th communal resource used during the billing period in the production of public services for hot water supply, established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Thus, if your home has a boiler (heat exchanger) installed, with the help of which hot water is prepared for the needs of your home, then the actions of the management company are legal. It has never seemed clear to me how residents want to check the readings of common house metering devices on their own, since this is a complex computing mechanism, and the readings are usually read onto a computer (or transmitted via a modem), after which they are printed out and stored in the management company, so with them you have the right to meet.

I can suggest an approximate method for checking the accrual, for example, in accordance with the decision of the Saratov City Duma No. 14-118 dated January 31, 2007, Appendix 2 - the standard for heat energy consumption for cooking 3.6 cubic meters. DHW is 0.199, respectively, to prepare 1 cubic meter of water it is necessary: ​​0.199/3.6 = 0.0552 Gcal.

Thus, by multiplying the consumed amount of hot water by the amount of heat, you will receive information about the “heating” expended.


The topic of calculating fees for utilities is one of the most complex. For those who have not encountered the problem before, it is difficult to figure it out right away, and there seems to be no time for it.

However, let's try.

For calculations, RF PP No. 354 is used (procedure and methods for all occasions), RF PP No. 307 (only for heating and only until July 1, 2016, then RF PP No. 354 is in effect), RF PP No. 306 (standards).

The text of the documents is complex and practically inaccessible to mass payers. There is no clear system in notation physical quantities, which may confuse the reader, there are no names of physical quantities used in the calculation formulas and explanations. It was as if they were writing for themselves. Like we know it ourselves, but others don’t need to know.

And one more initial note. Gentlemen from the management company and from the developer often show great joy regarding the “energy efficiency” of new buildings, in particular our area.

The essence of energy efficiency is strict accounting of all utility resources and measures to save them. Let's see in the course of the discussion how justified such “joy” is.

Since we have DHW system closed, that is, non-centralized, then the corresponding section of the RF PP No. 354 (Appendix 2, Section IV) is used for calculations, when the production of a utility service, in in this case DHW is carried out by the contractor (MC) on our ITP equipment from the common property.

Regarding this very concept of “production” of hot water supply by the contractor, we will not go into details for now. This is a separate rather “murky” and controversial topic, who actually produces what and how.

Let us only note that according to RF PP No. 354, clause 54 of the Rules, it is clearly stated that fees for the maintenance of common property (ITP equipment, where the service provider heats water for hot water supply) are charged separately. That is, “production” - operating costs for this common property are included in the payment for the maintenance and repair of common property and are not included in the calculation of payment for hot water supply.

So, what needs to be taken into account to calculate the DHW fee?

Total cold consumption drinking water(via the cold water line) supplied to heating for DHW.

The total consumption of thermal energy taken in boilers from the coolant from the centralized supply of thermal energy (heating).

Everything seemed simple. I divided the total heat consumption (heating) by the total volume of cold water that was used for hot water supply and the order. I got the specific heat consumption per cubic meter of hot water.

However, our receipts do not account for the total volume of cold water and hot water separately.

And individual consumption data for DHW and cold water cannot be used due to systematic measurement error apartment meters. Therefore, the concept of ODN was introduced to eliminate this systematic error and accurately total water consumption for the entire house using a common house meter.

In this sense, RF PP No. 354 is not presented entirely correctly and has long since become outdated in some places, when it is proposed to base calculations on the total readings of the IPU if there is no common house meter, but the authors of the regulatory text completely forgot about the systematic error of apartment IPU (dead zone IPU at low water flows).

According to the law “On Energy Saving...”, the first thing that must be done is to install common household meters, and where there is no technical possibility due to the design of the house, technical feasibility must be created by reconstructing (extension) the premises for the installation of utility metering units.

General household metering of utility resources is not beneficial to utility workers, which is why they sabotage the process. It's easier to cheat in troubled waters.

Also, in our ITP, we do not have a separate accounting of the consumption of thermal energy, which is spent on heating the hot water supply. At least this is not clear from the content of the information given in the receipt.

But what about the super duper energy efficient ITP? Isn’t this too simple for a super duper energy-efficient ITP with “space technologies”?

Have you installed one common cold water meter and one common thermal energy meter for the entire block and are as happy as elephants?

And according to the Law, every single house must be equipped with metering devices.

How then does our ITP differ from the usual heating unit of an old Soviet house?

Why are we being told over and over again about energy efficiency?

I want some rogue - a “money pump” under an energy service agreement to “authoritatively” declare that we need to install metering devices to increase energy efficiency.

It is already clear to us that we need a comprehensive accounting of utility resources.

Who stopped you from installing a two-channel heat energy meter? Was it difficult to install a meter to account for the flow of make-up water for the hot water system?

And if they do exist, then why are their readings not used in calculations and not indicated on receipts?


The Moscow Housing and Public Utilities Department has published a brochure “How to understand the ENP.”

Every month, Muscovites take out the Unified Payment Document (UPD) from their mailbox - a receipt for payment for housing and communal services. The document contains all the information about housing and communal services: tariffs, consumption volumes, charges, etc. It can be difficult to understand, and Muscovites often ask questions about what this or that column means.

What information does the EPD contain?:

1 . Full name – last name, first name, patronymic of the owner/responsible tenant.
2 . Address of the residential premises at which payments for housing were made public utilities.
3 . Barcode. Graphic representation of 28 digital characters. Required for paying for EPD via electronic terminals.
4 . The month for which the EPD was formed.
5 . Personal code payer. It is this that must be indicated when paying for housing and communal services at terminals, ATMs and via the Internet.
6 . Information about the management organization: name, address, contact details.
7 . Information about the residential premises: type of ownership (own or state (municipal), total and residential area, number of registered (privileged categories of the population are indicated separately), date of creation of this EAP and the date of the last payment for housing and communal services.
8 . Types of services for which accruals are made.
Abbreviations used:
Cold water/hot water supply– cold/hot water supply
Drainage– Water disposal (sewerage)
CPU– apartment metering device
DPU- communal metering device
Cod. and repair.– maintenance and repair of residential premises within the social norm
Sod.and repair l.p.iz.pl.- maintenance and repair of residential premises (excess space)
Sod.and repair.re.lived.- maintenance and repair of residential premises (for those who have a second home or owners who are not registered in the apartment)
Heating main pl.- heating of the main area
Fear.– voluntary insurance
9 . Volumes of consumption of housing and communal services. Each service uses its own units of measurement: water supply and sewerage cubic meters ( cubic meter), maintenance and repair, social rent of housing - sq. m. (square meters), heating - Gcal (gigacalories), gas is charged based on the number of registered.
10 . Current tariffs per unit of service.
11 . The amount of charges for services (the product of column 9 by column 10).
12 . Information on the amount of benefits for certain types of housing and communal services.
13 . Information about recalculation. For example, recalculation for temporary absence and recalculation for services of inadequate quality.
14 . Accruals payable for the service, taking into account benefits and recalculation.

That is why the Department of Housing and Public Utilities of the city of Moscow published a brochure “How to understand the United payment document", where in an accessible language it is explained what information is contained in the payment document, the procedure and method of calculation for each utility service, as well as much more useful information, necessary to “read” the payment document.

The brochure will help you understand how to correctly apply marginal indices, who is entitled to social support measures for housing and communal services, and what threatens persistent defaulters for housing and communal services debts.

What is EPD

The unified payment document is a kind of “calling card” of the city system of payments and charges for housing and communal services.

A single payment document is generated every month by specialists from the Multifunctional Centers for the provision of public services of the city of Moscow (MFC) or state government institutions "Engineering Services" of the districts (GKU IS) and is delivered to residents by the 15th. On average, employees of the city settlement and accrual system generate about 4 million (!) payment documents per month.

When creating a payment document, a huge database is used: addresses and surnames of owners and tenants of residential and non-residential premises, a list of services and their suppliers, information about social support measures, etc. This entire array of information is being processed computer program ASU EIRTS. Several thousand specialists take part in the creation of the ENP. And all to ensure that the payment document ends up in your mailbox.

Control of EPD delivery together with residents

The city has a well-established system for monitoring the timing of delivery of payment documents. If the payment document is delivered later than the 15th day of the month, please report this to the EPD delivery quality control service.

To leave a message about late delivery of a payment document, you must fill out a form on the website of the State Public Institution “Coordination Center for GU IS” www.is.mos.ru.


Some residents and management organizations have decided to make payments and charges for housing and communal services on their own. Their payment documents for housing and communal services may differ from the Unified Payment Document. The information contained in the brochure and further in the article relates exclusively to the ENP.

What do we pay for?

The services specified in the payment document can be divided into several parts. Housing services, these include the “Rent” service (payment for residential premises for the tenant), and the “Housing Maintenance and Repair” service. Utilities: hot and cold water supply, water disposal (sewage), heating, gas supply. In some areas of the capital, electricity is also included in the ENP. But in most cases, this utility service is paid for on a separate receipt. The payment document also includes other services: locking device, radio, antenna.

Rates, prices and tariffs for housing and utility services are established by the Moscow Government. Thus, tariffs for housing and communal services for 2014 were approved by Decree of the Moscow Government dated November 26, 2013 No. 748-PP.

The cost of services classified as “other” is determined civil contract and are not regulated by the Moscow Government. Let's look at all the services in order.

Housing services

If a family uses housing on a rental basis, it pays for the rent, as well as the maintenance and repair of the living space. The rental fee is calculated based on the area of ​​the residential premises and the rate established by the Moscow Government for a specific type of rental - social, commercial or rental of residential premises in non-subsidized buildings.

Homeowners pay for the “Maintenance and Repair of Residential Premises” service.

The cost of the service “Maintenance and repair of residential premises” includes a management fee apartment building(MKD), maintenance and current repairs of common property, work, provided for by the contract MKD management.

The amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in an apartment building is determined by general meeting owners of premises in the house. If the owners have not decided on the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, the calculation is made at prices approved by the Moscow Government.

The Moscow government approves two types of prices for the maintenance and repair of residential premises:
- per area within the established standards(listed below), this price is subsidized by the Moscow Government and now for most Muscovites it is 17.84 rubles. for 1 sq. m.,
- for an area exceeding the established standards. This is the actual cost of services and maintenance work and current repairs, now for most Muscovites it is 24, 53 rub. for 1 sq.m.

The price per area within the established standards applies to registered residents who have a single residence. In the ENP this service is designated “sod. repair zh.p.”

The difference between the total area of ​​the residential premises and the area within the established area norm (in the EPD it is designated “construction and repair of iz. zh.p.”) is paid at the price for the area established in excess of the norm. For owners who are not registered in the residential premises or who have a second home, accrual is made at the rates for the area established in excess of the norms for the entire residential premises (in the EPD it is designated “construction and renovation of second residential premises”).

To charge fees for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, the following rules apply. For a citizen living alone – 40 sq. m. of total living space, for a family of two people, 56 sq. m. m., for a family of three or more people, 25 sq.m. total living space for each family member.

For example, in an apartment with an area of ​​60.3 sq. m. 2 people are registered. The established norm for a family of two is 56 square meters. m. This means that the area within the established norms will be calculated at a price within the established norm, and the excess area will be 4.3 sq. m. m – at a price per area above the norm.

Utilities: water supply

Payments for water supply can be calculated according to the readings of apartment metering devices, according to the readings of a house metering device, or according to standards.

If you pay for water supply services using an apartment metering device (KPU), then the following abbreviations are used in the EPD: “HVS KPU”, “GVS KPU”, “Water drain. KPU" - cold and hot water supply according to the readings of the apartment water meter, water disposal (sewage) according to the readings of the KPU (the sum of the readings of cold and hot water supply).

The cost of water is calculated based on the volume according to the readings of the apartment metering device (KPU), multiplied by the tariff.

The payment document indicates the water consumption in the billing month according to the readings of the apartment meter. But if the KPU readings were not transmitted on time, they will be calculated based on the average monthly consumption volume for the previous 6 months.

If you pay using a home metering device (DPU), the payment document indicates the abbreviations: “HVS DPU”, “DHW DPU” and “Water drain. DPU" - cold and hot water supply, water disposal according to the readings of the house water meter.

Calculation of charges for cold and hot water for apartments where no control units are installed is carried out in accordance with the resolution of the Moscow Government dated February 10, 2004 No. 77-PP.

From the volume of water consumption according to the readings of the house meter, the volume of consumption for all apartment devices is subtracted, the volume of consumption for non-residential premises(if the house has, for example, shops, a hairdresser, etc.), and general house expenses are also deducted, which are determined according to the readings of the meter installed at the place where water is collected for general house needs. If there is no such device, then common household expenses are accepted to be no more than 5 percent of the volume of consumption for a common household device. The resulting balance is distributed among apartments without communal housing in proportion to the number of citizens living in them. At the same time, the resulting volume of consumption per person should not exceed two standards for the consumption of utilities.

If there are neither apartment nor house meters, charges are made according to consumption standards: 6.935 cubic meters. m of cold water per person per month, 4.745 cubic meters. m of hot water per person per month, drainage 11.68 cubic meters per person per month.

Heating and gas supply

Payment for heating residential premises in Moscow, in accordance with Moscow Government Decree No. 468-PP dated September 10, 2014, is calculated based on the average monthly heat energy consumption. To calculate it, the volume of heat consumed over the previous year is taken and divided by 12 months. Then the average monthly volume consumed by the entire house is divided by the total area of ​​the house - this is how the amount of heat required to heat 1 is determined. square meter area of ​​the house. The result obtained is multiplied by the total area of ​​the apartment and the tariff.

At the beginning of each year, the management organization carries out a reconciliation of the volumes billed to the population for payment and the volumes of thermal energy actually spent for the current year. Based on the results of the reconciliation, a payment adjustment is made, which is usually indicated in the payment document in the “recalculation” column. It can be done both in the direction of increasing and in the direction of decreasing it.

In the absence of metering devices, charges are made according to consumption standards: 0.016 Gcal per 1 sq. m of total housing area.

Payment for gas supply is calculated according to the tariff for each consumer living in the apartment.

Limit indices

The maximum index of changes in the size of citizens' payments for utility services is a universal tool for monitoring charges for hot and cold water supply, sewerage, heating, and gas. Changing the fee above the maximum index is unacceptable and should entail an immediate response from the executive authorities to eliminate this situation.

In the capital, the maximum index was approved by Order of the Mayor of Moscow dated June 30, 2014 No. 542-RM and from November 1 to December 31, 2014 it is 6.5 percent. In this case, the maximum permissible deviation from the value of the limit index for a specific residential premises is 3.2 percent.

Also, in the form of formulas, the Moscow Government approved the maximum indices for changes in the amount of payments made by citizens for utility services for 2015 - 2018.

Marginal Index = Consumer Price Index x Ratio + 3.5%.

In this formula, the Consumer Price Index is calculated based on the forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the year preceding the year for which the change indices are calculated (based on the results of 9 months). The coefficient is a decreasing or increasing coefficient for the corresponding year of the long-term period, determined taking into account the forecast of socio-economic development of Russia for this year.

How to apply marginal indices?

To determine whether the increase in utility charges exceeds the marginal index, it is necessary to compare the charges for the two periods. The fee for any month of the current year must be divided by the fee for December of last year. The resulting value must not exceed the limit index. However, for the first long-term period (from July 1 to December 2014), the selected month must be compared with June 2014.

If the change in the amount of the fee exceeds the size of the established limit index, it is necessary to seek clarification from the MFC/GKU IS of the district, the managing organization. And if you have not been able to find out the objective reasons for exceeding the maximum payment index for utility services, you should contact the State Housing Inspectorate of the city of Moscow and the city executive authorities.

Limit indices cannot be used in the following cases.

1. In relation to one utility service.

Limit indices apply to the total payment for all utility services provided to a citizen. Those. It is incorrect to say that the increase in tariffs for any particular utility service has exceeded the limit index.

2. To the total amount in the EPD.

Limit indices apply only to public services (hot and cold water supply, sewerage, heating, gas). And the ENP, in addition to them, includes charges for housing and other services.

3. To utilities, if the volume of their consumption changes.

In Moscow, the majority of the population pays for utilities based on the readings of apartment or communal metering devices. Accordingly, the volume of consumption, as a rule, is not the same every month, so the payment amount varies from month to month.

In addition, the volume of utility services provided is affected by the increase in the number of citizens living or registered in residential premises. Some services are charged for each resident or registered: gas, and in the absence individual devices water metering, cold and hot water supply, wastewater disposal.

4. If your eligibility for benefits has changed.

The amount of the payment depends on whether the citizen has benefits for paying for housing and communal services. When calculating payments, the amount of payment for a specific service is reduced by the amount of benefits provided to it for its payment. In case of loss of the right to a benefit or a change in its size, the citizen’s payment may also change in big side and its growth will exceed the approved index.

For convenience and ease of checking whether the increase in utility bills corresponds to the maximum indices, the Government of the Russian Federation has developed an information tool that allows you to make the necessary calculations online.

Currently, this information tool is posted on the websites of executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

Who is eligible for benefits?

The Moscow government provides citizens with effective system social support in the housing and communal services sector. Currently, in the capital, more than 50 categories of citizens are entitled to benefits, which is significantly more than provided for by federal legislation.

Benefits are provided in the form of discounts for no more than one apartment (residential premises) based on rates, prices and tariffs established by the Moscow Government. If a consumer has the right to social support measures for paying for housing and communal services on two or more grounds, benefits are accrued on one of them.