“Crib sheet” on the payment document for housing and communal services. How to reduce payments for housing and communal services Heating hot water in the receipt

Few of the residents of houses No. 1, 2, 3 of microdistrict 4A delve into the amounts that are charged Management Company. The amounts for hot water from an individual boiler room are generally a “dark forest”.

Let's count costs for hot water supply (DHW) for October 2015, house No. 1. There are many incomprehensible definitions in hot water bills (DHW IPU, DHW cold water IPU, individual consumption and ODN, as well as the mysterious “DHW circulation”), which will be very interesting to understand.

So, house No. 1 has an individual boiler room, which means price hot water will be equal to cost cold water+ cost of heating it to 60-75 degrees.:

LLC “Management Company “Comfort”, which services building No. 1, sets the following lines for payment for hot water:

"HVS DHW IPU"- this is the cost of cold water that entered the boiler room. We multiply the volume of cold water in the hot water supply system by the tariff of 19.66 rubles.

"Warming up the IPU"- This theoretical cost of heating cold water. These are precisely the theoretical costs of heating water from ~8 degrees to ~65 degrees. This parameter will always be less than “practical” heating, since the water is heated once, passes through the pipeline system in the house and is “reheated” again, and these cycles are repeated. This “additional heating” of water is distributed separately in the bill under the item “DHW circulation”.

"DHW circulation"- this is an additional parameter characterizing the cost of heat loss in pipes, heated towel rails, etc. To better understand this parameter, imagine that only one person has moved into the house, and the entire boiler room of the house works for him, heats and circulates water through the pipes, heats it up and sends it back through the circuit. The bill for a single resident to heat 1 cubic meter of water will be huge compared to theoretical heating. Therefore, this “circulation” is distributed evenly among all owners, and this makes common sense: pay for the fact that the boiler room heats up and delivers constantly hot water to the meter, even for those owners who do not live or use their premises.

How is payment for consumed hot water distributed among residents? Here's the formula:

DHW = Volume * ("DHW DHW IPU" + "Heating IPU") + "DHW circulation" (1)

In October 2015, house No. 1 consumed 762 cubic meters of hot water, who went to the boiler room. Of them 688.15 cubic meters- this is the sum of the residents’ hot water meter readings submitted to the management company. Remaining 73.85 cubic meters- this is the volume that the remaining residents various reasons were not reported to the Criminal Code. Therefore, the costs of these cubic meters are distributed evenly to all consumers of hot water in the house.

Let us describe formula (1) in more detail, taking into account individual and “general household” consumption and circulation losses:

1. The total cost of expenses for the period was RUB 172,751.08.
2. The coolant consumption in the heating system according to the metering device was 391.168 Gcal.
3. Coolant consumption for hot water supply according to the heat meter - 167.886 Gcal.
4. The total volume of coolant for the period is 559.054 Gcal.
5. Tariff for heating and hot water supply - 309.01 rubles. for 1 Gcal

Let us separate from the total expenses the share of costs for heating cold water:">

Cost of cold water (let's multiply the 762 cubic meters consumed by the house by the tariff of 19.66 rubles per 1 cubic meter):">

Now let's see whether the management company distributed the payment for hot water according to the receipt correctly. Here is the receipt available: for October 2015 (house No. 1). The living area of ​​the apartment is 33.7 sq.m. The living area of ​​apartments and commercial premises in the building is 13,552.40 sq.m.

Just follow the formula:

The result was an amount approximately comparable to the total costs of 66,858.71 rubles, i.e. The management company calculated for October 2015 hot water with an error of less than 2%, we will assume that is correct.

When paying for utilities, consumers see various abbreviations on their receipts. It is important to know what stands behind these letters and where the money goes. DHW is a hot water supply service. But let’s take a closer look at what it includes and what it consists of.

Regulatory framework and definitions

Hot water, centrally supplied to consumers, in accordance with the provisions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011, is one of the communal resources. A utility service is the provision of a resource to the consumer by the service provider (provider).

That is, in the case of DHW communal the service is the supply of hot water of the required parameters to apartments apartment buildings, dorm rooms, enterprises and public buildings (hospitals, laundries, kindergartens, etc.).

The heating network provides services for the supply of hot water to residents, and it is also its responsibility to carry out central heating residential and public buildings.

Features of the service

The preparation of hot water for the needs of hot water supply occurs in centralized heating boiler houses, in the same place where the coolant of the heating system is heated.

Boiler rooms can be connected to a looped DHW system or be a dead-end type - designed for a group of houses or one house (for example, rooftop boiler rooms). The closer the consumer is to the source of hot water (boiler room), the better the quality of the service provided and the higher the water temperature. However, connecting to loop networks is preferable from the point of view of reliability and uninterrupted hot water supply.

The service includes:

  1. Boiler room maintenance. Unlike heating, domestic hot water is provided all year round, while boiler houses switch to summer (minimum) operating mode.
  2. Trail maintenance.
  3. Carrying out scheduled repair work on networks.

Water heated in the boiler room for open (unclosed) DHW systems enters consumer apartments through supply water pipes, distributed through intra-house hot water supply networks.

It should be remembered that hot water cannot be used for cooking due to the presence of additives in it - special additives that reduce the level of scale formation on the internal walls of pipelines.

The temperature of hot water for consumers is regulated by sanitary and legal standards and is +50…+65 °C. In reality, it often does not exceed +40 °C.

This is due to heat losses during the supply of coolant along routes (poor pipe insulation, gusts) or due to low temperature at the outlet of the boiler room. Boiler room operators adjust output parameters based on outside air temperature.

The task of the service provider is to provide apartments with utility resource of proper quality. Sometimes the heating network justifies the poor quality of the service by the deplorable state of the networks - routes built in the last century, requiring major repairs, will not withstand temperature changes in winter time, if you maintain the parameters of the coolant at the outlet of the boiler room at the standard level.

It turns out to be a vicious circle - many residents often do not pay for hot water due to its low temperature or refuse this service altogether, switching to heating water with electric boilers. And heating network enterprises cannot produce renovation work, because the population's debt to pay does not give them an influx Money.

In the video about the hot water service

Bottom line

To pay or not for DHW service, if it turns out to be of insufficient quality, it is a purely personal matter. It is important to understand that if you decide to take the path of non-payment, you do not need to simply create debts. It is necessary to collect evidence on following diagram: carry out commission measurements of water temperature, send the results to the company providing the services. Be sure to receive an official response explaining the reasons Low quality services. Having collected a package of evidence, you can go to court to assert your rights.

Appeared on receipts several years ago new line– water heating. Many people don't know what this service is and why they should pay for it. After all, previously payments were made only for warm water. Therefore, many people do not want to pay double fees. However, failure to deposit the money specified in this column results in debt. Since the amount for heating water in receipts is charged for a separate service.

What is heating is one of the frequently asked questions. The document has 2 columns thermal water supply(DHW) and heating.
What is hot water supply? It is hot water supply. But people don't understand why they have to deposit money twice. But in reality everything is different. DHW is not warm water, and the heat energy that is spent by housing and communal services to bring the liquid to required temperature. Therefore, a double tariff was introduced for hot water supply and for consumed energy.

This tariff was established due to the fact that additional energy is expended to achieve normal temperature. Previously, fuel consumption was not taken into account when calculating utility bills, and money was charged for this only during the heating season.
Because of this, during this period, people’s expenses for heating and heating increased greatly. To prevent people's costs from increasing sharply, the Government divided the costs spent on achieving normal temperatures for the whole year.

Is it legal to charge for this?

When people see an additional column on a check, they wonder if this is legal. Some immediately contact company employees and clarify what the new column means and why they need to pay. And some simply don’t pay money for it.

However, such actions by consumers will be considered illegal, since the obligation to pay for water heating is specified in the articles of the Housing Code. Also, the legality of demanding payment for this is also indicated in

What if the equipment breaks down

If the heater breaks down, it will not increase or decrease during warming up. Therefore, it is important to quickly return it to service. In this situation, payers must immediately inform the management company employees about the breakdown. After receiving the application, the legal entity must immediately send specialists to restore the operation of the water heater.

Residents are also responsible for purchasing equipment.

How to determine the cost yourself

The cost of heating cold water is indicated in the receipt. It is quite simple to calculate the total amount for cold and hot liquids, but few people know how to calculate the amount of payment for additional services.

How is water heating calculated in the bill in summer and winter, and what data will you need to know:

  1. You definitely need to know what tariff is set in the region.
  2. What losses did the management company incur for transporting the resource?
  3. How much energy was actually used to achieve the required temperature.
  4. How much resource is spent each month?

Not all management organizations provide such data to residents of apartment buildings. However, anyone can request this information from the HOA or management company, and employees legal entity are obliged to provide reliable information on payment for apartment supply services.

If you refuse to respond to the request, the applicant can file a complaint against the employees of the management company with Rospotrebnadzor. Having received all the necessary data, you can independently calculate and compare the heating bill indicated in the invoice.

Calculation of the total amount in 2018

Heating is the most expensive utility service. This is due to the fact that special heating devices are used for heating, which consume a lot of energy.

To calculate the amount of payment for heating up hot water, it is necessary to determine how much resource was spent; to do this, you need to take readings from the meter or make a calculation for hot moisture, if there is none. The amount of remuneration for DHW heating is calculated using the following formula:

P gv = Vgv × Txv + (V v cr × Vi gv / ∑ Vi gv × Tv cr)

V gv - the volume of hot water consumed during the billing period (month) in an apartment or non-residential premises

Tхв – tariff for cold water

V v cr – the volume of thermal energy used during the billing period for heating cold water during the independent production of hot water by the management company

∑ Vi gw – the total volume of hot water consumed during the billing period in all

T v cr – tariff for thermal energy in the premises of the house.

The rate established in the region is multiplied by the heat standard required to heat a cubic meter of liquid. The resulting figure is multiplied by the amount of resource consumed.

For residents who do not have a meter, the calculation must be made as follows: the standard is divided by the number of residents in the house (apartment).
The resulting result will not be accurate, since the management company also adds costs spent on repairs, maintenance and ensuring the functionality of special devices.

Utility payments for heating hit homeowners' budgets hard. In connection with this, people do not want to contribute money for unknown reasons. And the appearance of a new column on paper for heating always raises questions, especially if you have to pay a considerable amount for the innovation. Heating recently appeared on the receipt, which is why many people still don’t understand why they have to pay for it separately, because they already pay for water supply.