Who is responsible for hot water in the apartment and what temperature should it be. The procedure for recalculation for low-quality water supply How to calculate the reduction for low-quality hot water services

Reading time: 14 min

The system for accounting for consumed utilities is being improved every year. Electronic resources have appeared for remotely entering readings and even devices that independently send data from the meter. However, it is not always possible to completely eliminate errors, and the cost of utilities, in particular water supply, is often overpriced. Recalculation for water helps to avoid further overpayment in such cases.

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In case of conflicts with the Criminal Code, as well as in situations where it is unclear what to do, you should contact a lawyer. They will tell you the procedure for contacting the Criminal Code, housing inspection, court or independent expert examination to carry out a reconciliation.


Legal regulation and grounds for recalculation of hot water supply and hot water supply

In order to reasonably file an application, you need to know the relevant legislative norms. Issues of payment for utility services are regulated by several acts. The most detailed procedure is specified in Resolution 354.

Government Decree No. 354

It contains the following provisions:
  • terms of use;
  • rights and obligations of the owner, as well as the organization providing services;
  • payment order;
  • cases of recognition of housing and communal services as low-quality, including facts of violation of their provision;
  • features associated with use central system Cold water supply and hot water supply, or a separate column;
  • responsibility of the parties.

There is no need to fully delve into the text of the document to solve the problem. You should pay attention to specific articles.

Recalculation for hot water is possible if:
  • there were errors when entering data into the accounting system - when there was a discrepancy with the actual readings;
  • water does not meet sanitary and hygienic standards after purification (approved);
  • the pressure in the water supply pipes is lower than required;
  • emergency work deadlines were violated.

All bases are indicated starting at. Paragraphs 86 to 98 describe the recalculation procedure.

Other legislation

Water supply issues are also covered by other legal documents:
  1. . You can refer in the text of the application to, indicating that the amount of payment is linked to the regional tariff. The components of payment for utility services are also established - cold water supply, hot water supply, sewerage and energy.
  2. With concepts about water supply of apartment buildings residential buildings, as well as the rules DHW supplies, can be found in .

It is not necessary to refer to these sections, but knowledge of them can help in cases of protracted disputes with the management company.

Watch the video:"Do-it-yourself recalculation of housing and communal services. Part 1."

Nuances and grounds for recalculating water consumption

In order for recalculation to proceed without problems, little is required from the consumer. It is necessary to install meters (it is advisable not to lose technical passports) and take readings in a timely manner.

In this case, we can distinguish 4 situations that are considered the basis for changing the amount in the receipt:
  1. Incorrect information - intentional or accidental.
    Revealed during scheduled inspection– staff visiting apartments. They record the differences and transmit the data to the settlement center, where the charges are adjusted. In some cases of recalculation after checking water meters, the next receipt may come with a minus sign, and you will not need to pay for housing and communal services for the next 2-3 months.
  2. Violation of the rules for connecting to the central water supply system.
    The inspection report is drawn up by specialists management company. As a result, the tenant receives an order to correct the connection, as well as charges for unaccounted for water.
  3. Interference with the work of the IPU.
    If the seal is broken, then recalculation will be made only from the date of its renewal. In this case, the application is accepted no later than three months from the date of detection of the interference - a security measure against unauthorized actions.
  4. Low quality CG.
    If non-compliance with the standards is confirmed, a decision is made in favor of the apartment owner. At the same time, he has the right to demand compensation from the management company - the case is regulated by and.

Complications of the situation with incorrect charging usually occur in the absence of metering devices, as well as in some cases.

If statements for 2020 were not submitted

It's worth starting with the main thing. By analogy with the concept of a statute of limitations, there is a limited period in which an application can be filed.

Conditions for recalculation of water by meters if readings have not been submitted for a long time:
  1. Indications were not provided for 1 to 5 months.
    In this case, the metering device is considered faulty, and the charge occurs according to the calculated average monthly tariff. In this case, recalculation is possible only after the responsible persons have checked the condition of the meters. If the device is in working order and the seals have not been damaged, then you can submit an application.
  2. From six months or more.
    Missing 6 billing periods in a row is grounds for refusing to reduce the payment amount. In this case, the management company is obliged to initiate an inspection of the IPU and take readings. This issue is described in more detail in.

You should not miss the dates for submitting information from meters for too long, since the difference in tariffs is significant. In addition, it is worth taking into account unforeseen circumstances, due to which 2 missed months can turn into six months, making the loss of funds irrecoverable. This threatens the formation of debt in payment receipts.

If there are no meters

A separate point is recalculation for utility bills in apartments where a meter is not installed. Such cases are described in. The basis for this is the absence of the tenant for more than 5 days in a row.

There are two nuances:
  1. Only recalculation for hot and cold water. Water disposal for general house needs is not affected.
  2. Documents must be attached to the application to confirm the fact of departure.

At the same time, it is possible to appeal to legislative acts only if it is determined that it is impossible to install a water meter. If the metering devices are not at the consumer's request, the application will be refused.

The state strictly suppresses attempts to abuse rights. For example, providing an apartment for rent during absence. If it is discovered that someone is living on the premises, at best a refusal will be received, and at worst - liability for fraudulent activities.

Recalculation for hot water of inadequate quality

The most significant part of the payment for utilities is hot water supply.

Definition of DHW provides specific standards that it must comply with:
  1. Heat. The minimum DHW temperature is 65 degrees. In this case, the permissible difference for the daily period has been established - a discrepancy of up to 3 (daytime) and 5 degrees (at night). If there is barely any flow from the hot tap warm water(below 40°C) – payment at the cold water tariff.
  2. If the hot water supply is “rusty”, then you can initiate a check. In practice, the method is of little use when water poor quality arrives continuously, most likely, planned work is taking place. In this case, it is difficult to prove the fact of violation of the terms of their duration.

To recalculate for low-quality hot water, a special formula is used.

Formula for recalculating hot water of inadequate quality

The period during which the hot water supply does not meet the norm is from 40 to 64°C. Higher is acceptable, lower is considered cold. For every three degrees less than normal, the cost of the service drops by 0.1%. The calculation algorithm is indicated in paragraph.


For convenience of calculations, we will take a tariff of 330 rubles per square meter.

During the month, a resource with a temperature of about 55°C was supplied from the hot water tap, then hot water is recalculated as follows:
  1. A multiplier is determined - 0.1% for every three degrees of deviation. Total, 0.3%.
  2. The tariff is divided by the quantity calendar days in the period. 330 / 30 = 11 rubles for every 24 hours.
  3. The fee for 1 day, the coefficient and the number of hours in the billing period are multiplied - 11 * 0.003 * 720 = 23.76. This is the recalculation amount.
  4. The resulting value is deducted from the monthly tariff. The total payment will be 330-23.76 = 306.24 rubles.

Please note: the reduction in service is calculated not in tenths, but in fractions of a percent, i.e. not 0.1, but 0.001.

Recalculation for hot water during planned shutdowns

If the DHW is turned off during annual work at Vodokanal, the conditions specified in:

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  • duration of events every 12 months. – no more than 14 days;
  • consumers must be notified 10 days before disconnection.

In case of violation of deadlines, the fee is reduced by 0.15% for each hour exceeded. If the duration is met, then recalculation for hot water will not be produced will be presented.

Note: there are also maximum deadlines for unscheduled suspension. In case of emergency, the hot water supply should not be turned off for more than 4 hours in a row.

How to write an application for recalculation

There is no strict format for writing an application. It is enough that it contains all the necessary data. In addition, information about the applicant and the organization to which the application is being submitted should be correctly indicated. It is also worth preparing Required documents and take into account application deadlines.

Statute of limitations for recalculating hot water

This nuance is important for consumers of utility services if it is impossible to install metering devices. There are time limits for filing an application in case of departure. You must apply for a recalculation no later than 1 month from the date of return. If there is a delay, the accrual adjustment will be denied.

It is best to write an application before departure, attaching documents confirming the period of absence. Application processing time – 5 working days.

Application for recalculation of water by meters

The application must be submitted in writing.

It should contain:
  1. Name of the management company and responsible person.
  2. FULL NAME. and the applicant's contact information.
  3. Please recalculate.
  4. Indication of justifications with references to laws.
  5. Information about the accrual of fees, the amount of which is disputed.
  6. Signature and date.

The easiest way is to draw up an application for recalculation of water according to meters using the sample.

Required supporting documents

Before contacting the Criminal Code, you need to collect documents to attach to the application.

These include:
  • certificate of verification of the meter with a certificate of reconciliation of readings;
  • results of hot water temperature measurements;
  • documents on shutting off water supply;
  • expert opinion on the quality of hot water samples.

The more documents you can provide, the higher the chance of a decision in favor of the consumer. The presence of all relevant acts on the problem is an indicator of the correctness and validity of the appeal.

Where to complain if a water recalculation is refused

After submitting an application without evidence, the management company may refuse recalculation.

Other legal grounds:
  • violation of statute of limitations;
  • ignoring the need to check the IPU responsible persons in access to meters.

If the application was drawn up correctly, the documents are attached, and the Criminal Code still refuses to recalculate, then you can file a claim. It is submitted to the state housing inspection.

It is necessary to describe the problem, complain about the illegal actions of the management company, list the names of employees and the dates of submission of applications. The text may refer to a violation of the Housing Code by the management company - and in the form of failure to fulfill obligations. The complaint should be accompanied by a copy of the application, ideally with a return receipt from an employee of the management organization.

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Please note: in order to improve work with consumers, most management companies record conversations. It would be useful to indicate the dates and approximate times of calls if there were attempts to solve the problem by phone.

Appeals to the inspectorate are considered in accordance with the following procedure:
  • registration – within three working days;
  • The examination itself takes 1 month, during the same period inspections are carried out;
  • the response is sent to the specified contact information.

As a result, it is possible to initiate a procedure to analyze the activities of the management company, which may result in large fines and the transfer of the problem to the court. Sometimes facts are discovered that do not allow the housing inspectorate to act within its competence. In this case, the applicant receives a refusal with an explanation and an indication of the authorities to which the claim is forwarded.

Judicial practice on recalculation after verification of water meters

The last authority to turn to if recalculation is necessary is the court. The claim should list violations of articles of the Housing Code and rights by the Criminal Code. In this case, the state fee is not paid, since the appeal is considered a claim for the protection of consumer rights.

Additionally, the possibility of pre-trial settlement and the amount of compensation to be paid by the management company are indicated. Otherwise, a standard claim is drawn up.

Going to court is a last resort, and it usually doesn’t come to that. Recalculation for water by meters is a standard procedure, and most often occurs due to a common error. It is important to promptly respond to inflated charges in payments and seek compensation.

Watch the video:"Do-it-yourself recalculation of housing and communal services. Part 2."

As you know, the Rules for the provision of public services, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354 (hereinafter referred to as Rules 354), provide for a reduction in the cost of utility services in the event that the quality of services does not meet established standards and in the event of interruptions in the provision of these same services exceeding the established duration. Let's try to figure out how the presence or absence of a utility meter influences the amount of recalculation.

Recalculations associated with non-compliance of the quality of services with established standards are not affected by devices for metering the volume of consumed services; no disputes arise in this matter.

A much more interesting question is how recalculations should be made due to interruptions in the provision of utility services, depending on the presence/absence of metering devices for these utilities.

Almost throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, the following practice has developed: recalculations for the undelivered volume of utility services are provided to the owner/tenant of the premises only in the absence of an IPU. And if there is a device, it is considered that the device shows zero consumption during the period of non-provision of the service, thereby ensuring the measurement of the actual volume of consumption of the service, the cost of which is presented for payment to the owner/tenant whose premises are equipped individual device accounting. For some reason, this scheme for providing recalculations is considered fair and in accordance with current legislation.

The logic of such “recalculators” is simple: a person must pay for the volume of utility services provided. If he installed the IPU, then the device will measure the volume, and an invoice must be issued for this volume. If there is no device, and the calculation is carried out according to the standard, then the volume of actually consumed service must be calculated taking into account the interruption in the provision of this service, i.e. do recalculation.

Adherents of this logic forget one essential point. Recalculation of the cost of utility services aims not only to determine the payment for the actually consumed volume of service, but also certain “penalties”. After all, the peculiarity of a utility service is that it should always be available! Any owner/tenant of an apartment has the right to expect that when the valve is turned, water will flow from the tap. And if this water does not flow, i.e. If the service is unavailable, then not only should the fee for this service be waived, but also some “damage” caused to the bona fide consumer should be compensated.

This is precisely the logic that is confirmed by law!

Paragraph 98 of Rule 354 establishes: “When providing a consumer with ... a utility service during the billing period ... with interruptions exceeding the established duration, as well as during interruptions in the provision of a utility service for repair and maintenance work within the established duration of the breaks, the amount of payment for such a utility service for the billing period is subject to reduction up to the complete release of the consumer from payment such a service..."

What does “up to complete exemption from payment” mean? After all, guided by the logic of the absence of recalculations in the presence of an IPU, it is obvious that a complete exemption from payment can only be with zero consumption of the service (according to the IPU). If the device shows at least a liter of water, then you must pay for this water.

And when are “regulatory workers” (who do not have an IPU) exempt from payment? It is logical to assume that they are exempt from payment when the service was not provided at all during the billing period!

What does Rule 354 say about this?

The above-mentioned clause 98 of Rules 354 states: “... the conditions and procedure for changing the amount of payment for utility services when providing utility services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration are given in Appendix No. 1 to these Rules...”.

We open Appendix 1. We see that during interruptions in the provision of any type of utility service above the established limit, a recalculation is carried out in the amount of 0.15% for each hour of such excess.

And the limit on the duration of breaks is set, I must say, low. For cold water supply, hot water supply, water disposal - 8 hours per month (total), for gas supply - 4 hours per month (total), for heating and electricity supply - 24 hours per month (total).

Let's look at an example. The cold water in the house was turned off. Let this happen in a month with 30 days. There was no water for 29 days. On the thirtieth day they gave water, and people began to wash, wash everything around, etc. In general, they consumed water in an amount many times higher than their usual consumption. Then all the residents asked for a recalculation.

And now a recalculation is made for the “regulators”:

The break in the provision of cold water was 29 days X 24 hours = 696 hours. Allowable break is 8 hours. For each hour over the permissible break, the fee must be reduced by 0.15%. In total, the fee will decrease by (696 - 8) x 0.15 = 103.2%! Those. This is precisely the case of “complete release of the consumer from payment”.

And the “lucky” owners of IPU will be told: “And your meters increased by two cubic meters in just one day! Please pay!" Let us not be surprised at the “injustice”; in the majority of the Criminal Code and the RSO, in response to all our indignations, they will reasonably remark: “Law and justice are two different things!” And they will be right, but not in this case.

Let's not talk about justice and immediately turn to the law.

Once again, carefully read paragraph 98 of Rule 354 ( Let's quote it in full):

« 98. When provided in the billing period to the consumer in residential or non-residential premises or for general house needs in apartment building utility service of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, as well as during interruptions in the provision of utility services for repair and maintenance work within the established duration of breaks, the amount of payment for such utility service for the billing period is subject to reduction until the consumer is completely released from payment for such a service.

Requirements for the quality of utility services, permissible deviations from these requirements and the permissible duration of interruptions in the provision of utility services, as well as the conditions and procedure for changing the amount of payment for utility services when providing utility services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, are given in the appendix No. 1 to these Rules.

If, in accordance with these Rules, the amount of payment for a utility service for a billing period is not finalized and is subject to further adjustment, then the amount of reduction in the payment for a utility service for such a billing period cannot exceed the finally accrued amount of payment for the corresponding utility service for such a billing period.”

So, as we see, there is no mention of the dependence of recalculation on the presence or absence of a meter!

Those. for a break in the provision of utility services to owners/tenants of premises equipped with IPU, it is necessary to recalculate! There cannot be any other interpretation of paragraph 98 of Rule 354!

The question immediately arises - how then to apply paragraph 99 of the same Rules 354? After all, it is directly stated there: “ During interruptions in the provision of public services exceeding the established duration, as well as during interruptions in the provision of public services for repair and maintenance work within the established duration of the breaks, the amount of payment for such public services, calculated in the absence of a collective (common house), individual or common (apartment) metering device appropriate type communal resource, is reduced by the amount of payment for the volume of utility services not provided».

What does it mean? Does clause 99 contradict clause 98? Or does he clarify it?

In fact, there is no contradiction or clarification. Both clauses 98 and 99 are subject to application. And they are talking about two different recalculations.

Clause 99 establishes the obligation to carry out the type of recalculation that is mainly used now. This recalculation is associated with a reduction in fees for the cost of undelivered utility services. In this case, we are really talking about determining the actual volume of service consumed. Consequently, for premises equipped with metering devices, this volume is determined according to the IPU, and recalculation is not required, but for premises not equipped with IPU, the actual volume consumed must be calculated, namely, the standard value must be reduced by an amount proportional to the duration of the interruption in the provision of services for billing period. This is exactly the procedure established by clause 100 of Rule 354.

And here Clause 98 establishes “penalties” for interruptions in the provision of services. And these “sanctions” are applied regardless of the presence/absence of metering devices.

Thus, Recalculations for interruptions in the provision of CG are made as follows:

1. For premises not equipped with IPU:
1.1. Based on clause 99 of Rules 354, the volume of consumed CG must be reduced. The procedure for calculating the volume by which the volume established by the consumption standard is subject to reduction is given in clause 100 of Rule 354.
1.2. Based on clause 98 of Rules 354, the payment for consumed CG is reduced (in the amount reduced on the basis of clause 99) in accordance with Appendix 1 to Rules 354.

That is, first the actual volume of consumed service is determined (by reducing the consumption standard), then the cost of this actually consumed volume is reduced by 0.15% for each hour of exceeding the permissible duration of the interruption in the provision of utility services.

2. For premises equipped with IPU:
2.1. Based on clause 98 of Rules 354, the payment for consumed utilities is reduced (in the amount determined by the IPU) in accordance with Appendix 1 to Rules 354.

That is, the actual volume of consumed service is determined by the IPU, then the cost of this actually consumed volume is reduced by 0.15% for each hour of exceeding the permissible duration of the interruption in the provision of utility services.

I repeat once again: recalculation for a break in the provision of utility services exceeding the permissible duration is provided in accordance with Rules 354 to all consumers, regardless of the presence or absence of utility metering devices

continuation of the topic of recalculations

Hot water and heating should be available in every apartment building. But simply their presence is not always enough; services must be provided at a high level. If the services are of high quality, this will be the key normal life, security.

There are sanitary standards, hot water must be provided in accordance with them. It is worth seriously thinking about whether the water temperature in your apartment complies with SanPiN standards.

Unfortunately, for many consumers, the water temperature is not always appropriate. This leads to a number of inconveniences, as well as may pose health risks to residents. That is why it is worth taking such problems seriously.

ATTENTION! Negative consequences can affect your life. If you do not pay attention to the problem, the perpetrators will not bear any responsibility.

Standards for water supply to apartments

The water temperature in houses must comply with GOST, this is not considered a luxury, it is the norm. Hot water is an important component of every person's life.

But it often happens that utility service does not fulfill its obligations, does not provide the required heating of water in the system. You need to understand that all utility services are paid for by residents in full.

That is why you have full rights to put forward appropriate demands. Many residents wonder why such violations are observed.

ATTENTION! It is important to understand that the lack of water heating represents a lot of inconvenience in everyday life. You pay money for emptiness, because hot water is included in the receipts.

Every resident of a high-rise building knows that hot water costs several times more than cold water. That is why many people do not want to overpay for low-quality services.

Moreover, today there are meters almost everywhere. This is convenient - people use as much hot water as they need and dilute it if necessary cold water. If you use less hot water, you won’t have to pay much. But if initially not hot, but warm water comes from the tap, then this causes great inconvenience.

But in this case, residents still pay for water as for hot water. Therefore, it is worth knowing the temperature of what hot water should be. In such a situation, you don’t want to overpay for anything, but an unreasonable fee is not the biggest problem.

It is worth mentioning the more serious risks that consumers have to face. Water that is not supplied in accordance with the parameters can cause health problems.

Especially in such an apartment may affect people with weakened immune systems. Both in our country and in others, legislative documents have been developed that determine the water temperature in the apartment. If you focus on these requirements for water in apartments, then the quality of water supply will be high.

What documents dictate the norms?

It is worth listing the documents that set out the standards for water supply to apartments that are relevant for our country. In Russia it is:

  • Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. In particular, this is SanPiN 4723-88.
  • Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of residential premises in multi-apartment and residential buildings. They were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011.

It is from this documentation that it is determined what the water temperature for houses should be.

IMPORTANT! Normative base in residential buildings indicates that the outlet temperature should be from 60 to 75 degrees. This is exactly the temperature that should be observed in hot water supply pipes, but the standards are not always observed.

But a small clarification is made, which represents a kind of exception to the rule. If used in the house closed system heat supply, wiring is made of galvanized pipes, minimum temperature should be 50-60 degrees ONLY during repairs and elimination of accidents

The upper limit is 60 degrees. These are the conditions that are prescribed in contracts for the maintenance of the house and the residents living in it.

So the standard temperature in a residential building should be reached a maximum of 2 minutes after the water was turned on. If the temperature has not reached the required values, then this is already a violation established rules. The norm in an apartment building must be observed in any case.

At the same time, hot water supply apartment building provided under the same conditions, both in summer and in winter time. Some deviations that may be observed due to the characteristics of the time of day are discussed. But they are minor.

During the daytime, a deviation of 3 degrees from the specified value is allowed.. It must be taken into account that the deviation can be observed both in larger and smaller directions. At night, from 0 o'clock to 5 o'clock, the deviation can be up to 5 degrees.

What to do if the temperature is not correct?

It is important for consumers to know exactly where to turn and what to do if the temperature standard has serious deviations.

First you just need to call the control room of the management company or housing and communal services and report that the water is at an inappropriate temperature. After all, this could happen due to a network failure.

In this case, the dispatcher will inform you about the time frame for the problems to be resolved. But if there are no accidents, then the employee must accept the request.

ATTENTION! When contacting the relevant services, note the application number for yourself, and also write down the name of the employee who came to you. This is necessary so that misunderstandings do not arise later.

If the reasons for temperature non-compliance with standards are not known, then The management company must make a measurement. This is necessary in order to really find out whether the temperature regime or not.

The organization must send you an employee who will take testimony and draw up the necessary report. According to this act, if the temperature is set too low, you can receive a recalculation.

It is important to understand that the organization must competently fulfill its obligations. Otherwise, she may receive a fine, since her activities are controlled by other services.

We measure water

If you simply say that the temperature of the hot water supply does not correspond to the norm, then it will not bear any fruit. You need to call the employees of the company that provides your home to your apartment.

There are situations when problems are noted with the boiler room, or there are some problems at the entrance to the house.

Too much low temperature must be confirmed by an employee of the organization. To do this, he will take measurements using modern equipment. For authenticity measurements should be carried out in several places where water is collected.

When using water supply, you need to wait a couple of minutes until the water reaches nominal values. It is not recommended to take measurements until this point.

In order for a specialist to come to you, you need to leave an application with the management company or housing and communal services. After the check is completed, make sure that the employee draws up a report. It is this paper that will become the basis for troubleshooting and recalculation.

It’s worth understanding exactly how the measurement is made:

  • First, a special glass is placed under the stream of water.
  • A thermometer is placed in the collected liquid to the required mark.
  • You need to wait until the thermometer readings become accurate.
  • The readings are recorded.
  • Signatures are added.
  • One copy remains with the home owner for further action.

Performing recalculation

If a violation of norms has been established, and it is recorded in the act, then you need to insist on recalculation. You should not leave such a situation unattended and overpay money for something you did not receive.

The organization must be held accountable for its actions and inactions. Only minimal deviations, which are specified in the regulatory documentation, are acceptable.

If violations are detected, you can come to the Criminal Code and demand a recalculation. The organization must also eliminate the reasons that caused such a problem.

By the way, the recalculation is made precisely for the period during which you had to use inappropriate water. There is a special formula by which recalculation is made.

ATTENTION! The amount of payment for hot water supply should be reduced by 0.1 percent for every 3 degrees of deviation from the established norm.

If you are interested in hot water, how many degrees, then you should be guided by accepted standards. This is the optimal solution.

If there is a serious discrepancy, you should not overpay for hot water. Achieve recalculation for the entire period, in which utility companies provided you with services at an inappropriate level.

Useful video

Hot water distribution diagram in an apartment building.