Holy spring in the village of Tashla, Samara region. Reviews of the holy spring Tashla in the Samara region

We arrived in Tashla on the eve of Easter, May 27. For a month now, the Samara land has been sweltering from unusual heat for spring. But on this day they promised rain and thunderstorms. By evening, the sky darkened, lightning flashed in the direction of Togliatti, thunder rumbled, and it began to rain. There was also rain in Samara. However, there was no rain in Tashla. Is it really possible that not a drop of heavenly moisture will spill here?

In the evening, the rector of the Holy Trinity Church, Archpriest Nikolai Vinokurov, sat on a bench in patio in a simple gray cassock, deep in reading some small book. After about twenty minutes he put it aside and called me over to him.

The book turned out to be a collection of prayers to the prophet Elijah. “Give rain to a thirsty land, O Savior!” - the priest sang, smiling, the words from the prayer service.

A nun approached us, holding in front of her an icon - a copy of the miraculous Tashlin icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles.” And at that moment the first drops fell from the sky and it began to rain.

“Here is the Mother of God bringing the rain,” said Father Nikolai, reverently kissing the icon. “The Lord sends mercy, does not take it away from us yet, takes pity on us sinners.”

On May 18, 2014, Father Nikolai turned eighty years old. His age is beautiful. Father Nikolai has been serving in this holy place for forty-four years. It is difficult to imagine Tashla, the Holy Trinity Church, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” is kept, without Father Nicholas, his quiet voice, kind, attentive eyes, his attention and love for all people.

The youngest in the family

- Father Nikolai, where are you from?

From the Ulyanovsk region. There are New Algashi and Old Algashi. I am a person from two Algash - New and Old. My father, Ivan, is from New Algashi, and my mother, Stefanida, is from Old. I was only four years old when my mother died due to illness. She breastfed me until I was four years old, until she died. I remember her. I was the youngest in the family. We had seven children in our family. The eldest is Agafya, the second is Elena, four babies died, but managed to be baptized, and the three of us remained.

It was hard during the war. I was in school then. My father was not taken to the war because of a shell shock at the mine: he was covered with earth, but they managed to pull him out. He was a carpenter and helped women whose husbands went to war. After the war in summer time the sisters went to the collective farm fields to weed. My father was already sick, he had taken ill, and after finishing school I took care of him. He wove bast shoes, felted felt boots, and did everything around the house.

Even after the war, our house burned down. My sister worked as a groom on a collective farm; she came home from work in the morning, scooped up the ashes from the Dutch oven and threw it out behind the house, but didn’t bury it deep. It was December, the wind blew, and the house burned down from a spark. In the summer we made large bricks from clay and straw and somehow erected a little house. Gradually I began to do carpentry, build houses for people, and slowly built a house for myself.

- How did you come to faith?

The parents were believers. And we, the children, grew up and began to go to church. She was far away, in Turunovo, fifty kilometers from us. St. Nicholas Church, it housed the revered icon of the Mother of God of Tikhvin. We walked, then we started riding bicycles. In winter, we went to church for Christmas and went to Epiphany to get water. Then they started a bus from one village. We walked thirty kilometers to get there, and then took a bus. Gradually I began to help in the temple, reading the Hours. A spiritual father was found for me - Hieromonk Seraphim, who later became an archimandrite.

Blessing of Lord Manuel

I met with Vladyka Manuil (Lemeshevsky), the future Metropolitan of Kuibyshevsky, in Cheboksary. I had already returned from the army, and we spent the first week of Lent in Turunovo. We were advised to go to Cheboksary, they said that a good Bishop serves there. My second cousin Arkady and I went to look at him at least once. We arrived in Cheboksary, came to the Church of God, they gave us the address of the Bishop, and we walked there. Vladyka sat us down next to him and talked. We confessed our sins to him. He told me: “You will be a priest.” We came to him several more times for conversation and confession. In the church after the Liturgy, the Bishop blessed the people, looked at me and said: “Go where the Lord has appointed you.” He invited us to visit. We came - he was talking with his acquaintance about the Antichrist. He blessed me with a prayer book, desk calendar and gave money for the journey. He said: “I will soon come to the Kuibyshev diocese and will serve there.” He predicted his arrival in Samara. When he came to our diocese - then it was Kuibyshev-Ulyanovsk, he served in the church in honor of the Burning Bush Icon of the Mother of God in Ulyanovsk. After the service, my sister and I stood on the porch. The Bishop stepped over the threshold, looked at me, blessed me with the words: “You will serve with me.” Here, in his diocese, I serve all the time.


When we first arrived in Samara and came to the Intercession Cathedral, they sang “Our Father” there. We were met by an unfamiliar woman, simple in appearance, and told me: “They are waiting for you, they are waiting for you, they are waiting for you.” She met me three times. First, I was ordained a deacon, and a week later, for Entry into the Temple Holy Mother of God, Vladyka John (Snychev), the future Metropolitan of St. Petersburg, ordained him a priest. This was in 1969. After the service they gave me a cross to give to the people. This woman came up to me again, looked at the “Last Supper” and said to me: “Everything will be given to you, everything will be given from God.” I think it was the Mother of God.

After my ordination, Vladyka John sent me here to Tashla.

There were, of course, temptations. During the first few years, some people didn’t like me and wanted to remove me. And then blessed Alexander often came to our church. He also looked at the icon of the Last Supper and said to me: “Nicholas, pray, pray!” I intensified my prayer and everything went away. The first time I served in Tashla was on Christmas Day in 1970. Most of the people who participated in that first service of mine, we have already sung the funeral service. I just live a long time.

Tashla - “Samara Diveevo”

It’s amazing how everything here has been transformed through the efforts of Father Nikolai and his assistants, even over the last ten years, when the priest was already over seventy. Two-story brick buildings grew up - a nursing building, a building with a refectory and kitchen below, and a hotel on the second floor. Two years ago, on the eastern side of the temple, a three-story wooden mansion with a green roof was built - a Sunday school building with excellent conditions for classes, with a prayer room. Active, creative teachers who love children have gathered here. The building of the former collective farm administration building was purchased and over the past year turned into a large comfortable hotel for pilgrims. The collective farm no longer exists, and Soviet power, and the temple still stands as it stood. And the source that they tried to destroy so many times is alive.

Paths are laid everywhere, flowers are planted, splendor, beauty, order. There are more than twenty sisters in the monastic community. Tashla was transformed, just as it happened in the last two decades with Diveevo according to the prediction of Father Seraphim. For the Samara region, Tashla probably has the same significance as Diveevo for the whole of Russia.

Nun Seraphima, who is buried in the Tashlin cemetery, said that in recent times Tashla will become famous. Father Nikolai, tell us how this holy place was transformed.

When I arrived here, I saw that the temple was old, the fences were damaged, everything was destroyed. I started working from the first day. My father's talent as a carpenter seemed to be passed on to me. I had to renovate the temple myself, restore the bell tower, and make a roof. They made an iron fence and built a bathhouse. They filled up the ravine near the temple, brought in black soil, leveled it, and planted a garden. The fence was raised from bricks. Cows in Lately got it. The sisters work, they feed pilgrims and themselves, they have something to do.

- Were there any difficulties?

There were a lot of challenges in the beginning. In 1971, foot and mouth disease appeared in the region, and many livestock died. People were forbidden to venerate the icons; they were covered with black cloth. It was not allowed to touch the spoon during Communion. The authorities did not stop monitoring the believers. The sanitary and epidemiological station stated that people drink water from the source, they can become infected and the disease will spread. They told me: “We need to tell the people not to go to the spring and drink the water.” I replied: “I won’t do that. I drink this water myself and don’t get sick. How can I prohibit others? And they left me behind. The source was also completely destroyed. But people came, took buckets of water and doused themselves in the bushes.

The spring was filled with earth by a tractor during the hard times of the Soviet Union, but another one emerged in a different place. And the cowshed nearby was specially built to pollute the spring. In the 90s we were allowed to improve the source. We cleaned it out and installed containers for the wells. They paved asphalt to the holy spring, made baths and dousing. Now in our baths water flows from two sources.

From then on, our source began to flourish. People began to flow in more. The Mother of God helps those who pray and bathe with faith. Then people send us Thanksgiving letters about healings.

Metropolitan Sergius of Samara and Syzran blessed us to build a small wooden church at the source in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles.” Temple in the village of Mus O Vladyka Sergius instructed us to improve the river, we have a lot of money going there. And the temple in Eremkino has almost been built - Vladyka also instructed us to work on this temple. The Mother of God arranges all this.

We now have many clergy. For more than thirty years I served alone without a deacon, then Vladyka sent Father Evgeniy Goloborodko here, later Father Dionisy Astapenko, then the deacon Father Alexander Kudryavtsev. The more the church life develops, the more spiritual strength is required. There are services in two churches, and baptisms take place on Saturdays. Adults are baptized in the spring by complete immersion, small children - in the temple.

“With Christ there is always eternal joy!”

Father Nikolai, you heard Vladyka Manuel talking to someone about the Antichrist. Orthodox Christians always reflect on this troubling topic. Nowadays, many believers refuse tax identification numbers, universal electronic cards, and consent to the processing of personal data. Now they are going to introduce an electronic passport in our country. Some people also want to give it up.

We'll have to refuse, of course. Electronic passports will not lead to anything good. All this is stated in the Revelation of John the Theologian. It is already clear that the end times are coming.

And yet, despite the difficulties, there is always eternal joy with Christ! If you follow Christ, you will suffer a little, but there will be eternal joy, but otherwise you can end up in eternal destruction, in terrible eternal fire.

We must turn to the Mother of God: “Rejoice, you who save us, the needy Deliverer, from grief, misfortune and destruction.” She will help. And to the Lord: “Lord, have mercy, Lord, save, help me, God, to carry my cross.” The main thing is meekness, humility, love for one's neighbor, obedience. Let us live according to God's commandments, observing fasts, honoring God's holidays When visiting the temple of God, doing good deeds, always give thanks for everything. And by the Providence of God, sorrows and illnesses are sent, they bring us closer to God.

- Do you yourself feel the help of the saints, the Mother of God?

But of course! The Mother of God helps us a lot. Many people thank her. Childless people come to me with their grief, I tell them: “How do you live? We must pray to God, morning and evening prayers read, observe Wednesday and Friday, visit the temple of God. You have to knock on the door of God’s mercy with prayer, nothing is given that easily. Let's pray. Venerate the icon of the Mother of God. We will anoint you with holy oil. Come swim in the spring, the Mother of God will not refuse.” Many then come: “Here, father, the Mother of God helped.” Some spouses bring a child - show me.

And he laughed joyfully.

Nikolai Ugodnik helped

- Father Nikolai, your joy is the joy of your children. Have you personally received wonderful help?

The year before last I got sick. And just then we were doing good deeds in Promzino, Ulyanovsk region. There Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared in the old days. Previously, there was a chapel in his honor (now it has also been restored), and a large icon of him hung. In our village there lived an old believer, grandfather Artemy, after the service in the temple we gathered with him, and he told us about the miracles of God. He told how one day his parents took him with them to Promzino to see the source of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker: “We came, the people were praying, kissing the icon. Nikolai Ugodnik stands on it in full height, wearing boots. And I doubtfully approached to venerate the icon, and suddenly the saint hit me on the lip with his boot. From that moment I became a believer." We erected a marble monument in Promzino, where St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is depicted in full height, it turned out great. And then I was overcome by illness; I had to have a serious operation on my kidneys. We went to the hospital in Togliatti, I went into the room, and there was a man standing there with a beard, dressed simply. "What's wrong with you?" - asks. - “I got sick, I came to get treatment.” - “We’ll cure, we’ll cure.” I’m surprised he’s not a doctor, I ask: “What’s your name?” - “Nikolai.” They performed an operation on me, it went well, and to this day everything is fine. Nicholas the Wonderworker came to the rescue because we honored him in Promzino. He worked with doctors and helped with prayer. This is my patron. There is always help, especially when we build a church and help people. We built a temple in my homeland.

“My help comes from the Lord, who created heaven and earth,” Father Nikolai sang sonorously.

This help is always with us. “Thank God for everything,” Father Nikolai continues the interrupted story. - There is no need to praise me. You just need to praise God and the Mother of God. The Protection of the Mother of God is always over all of us. Grace, it is inexhaustible. When we sin and lose patience, we become impoverished. But we must not lose hope and move forward.

"He loves everyone..."

When I asked to say a few words about Father Nikolai, people’s faces immediately brightened in response.

It’s easy to live next to the priest,” he says nun Eliconidas. - We feel his protection, prayer for us and the fact that he takes on the burden of our worries. We are calm when he is next to us; with him there are no unsolvable situations for us. Many people tell us: “Oh, how happy you are!” We are truly happy because we live here by God's grace. Father lays down his soul for everyone. He loves everyone. We do not know such people who have such a strong love for each person. He prays for everyone.

Archpriest Evgeny Goloborodko: “The peculiarity of Father Nikolai is that he teaches by example. It is most important. We are very grateful to God for this. You can find many who speak correctly, but only a few who teach through their lives.”

Father Nikolai is an example for us, showing with his life how to follow spiritual path- said the Sunday school director Natalia Ivanovna Mikhailova. “You always rely on his prayers.” He is very caring and attentive to children.

Thanks to the priest, we are now here,” she said. Tatiana Shakulina. - We lived in Ukraine for eight years, I prayed all the time to move here, to our Russia. I am Russian, my husband is Ukrainian. At first he didn’t agree to anything, they pulled him here thanks to prayers. Father started praying for us two years ago - and that’s it, we’re already here, my husband helps at the altar, I work in the church shop. First we moved to Tolyatti, and then we sold our apartment there and bought a house here. Everything is fine with us now. Father helps people who are already desperate. The day before yesterday, a man came to confession, he smelled of fumes, and the priest hugged him, pressed him to himself, and felt sorry for him. He has a very kind attitude even towards the last sinner. He loves everyone, he feels sorry for everyone.

Georgy Martynenko, a laborer at the church: “People like Father Nikolai are very rare. He takes care of everyone, pays attention to everyone. I don’t know of a case where he swore. He accepts everyone and listens to everyone. He will think, pray, and then tell you what to do. People come to him for advice from many places. Father, we’ll have to look for more of them.”

Nun Leonilla: “Father Nikolai is one of those priests who lay down their souls for their sheep. He is an example, and this is the most important thing, because people often lack an example in life. We all need to pray for him very much, because the Lord usually gives elders health for many years when their spiritual children pray for them. When I came to faith at one time, I was looking for a priest with whom I could confess in detail. When I arrived in Tashla and saw Father Nikolai, my first thought was: “This is the father, this is both the mother and the father, who will listen to everything, understand and help.” Everyone feels this very much. Of course, the Lord gave him many gifts from God for his patience and humility. In the most difficult moments of my life, I turned to Father Nikolai. And after that there is always such lightness, you immediately feel enormous heavenly help. The prayers of the elderly are very powerful, and the Lord helps a lot through their prayers. We need to cherish the blessings of the priest and try to fulfill them. I am very grateful to God that I came to the priest in such a holy place, where the icon was revealed from heaven and such great help comes to people, you can serve the Mother of God and the Lord. The Lord gave the priest a companion - the wonderful Mother Lydia, who is also an example. She helps the priest in everything; it would be difficult for him to bear such a cross alone. I would like to wish many and prosperous years to both of them, a low bow to the ground, and that they come to high spiritual abodes to the Lord and, if possible, bring us with them.

Father Nikolai, today, when such things happen tragic events in Ukraine, what should we, the Orthodox, do?

Pray! We have weapons - sign of the cross and prayer. Let's pray. The devil wants to destroy everyone, but the Lord does not allow it. The prayer of the Mother of God, church prayer protect.

The Mother of God has always helped Russia. Hope is in God, in the Mother of God. Don't lose your peaceful spirit, and there will always be joy. And a peaceful spirit can only be achieved through prayer, patience, and humility. When everything is calm inside, there is a peaceful spirit, you want to love, work, help, respect, you want to pray. Glory to God for everything: both for sorrow and for joy!

Samara region » Stavropol district » village Tashla

The priest of the neighboring village of Musorka, Vasily Krylov, carried the newly-minted icon from the place of its appearance to the Tashlin Trinity Church. The holy image was greeted with banners and icons. The local demoniac informed everyone that they were carrying the miraculous icon. She shouted: “...The little icon is coming and will drive us out.” This woman was later healed, but she had been sick for 32 years. The icon was brought into the temple and placed under glass along with the icon of the Holy Trinity.

Despite the fact that numerous sick people began to be healed through prayers at the icon, the rector of the Trinity Church, Father Dimitry Mitekin, showed little faith in the icon and at first did not give it due honor. And then two months later, on December 23, the icon left the church. The church watchman only saw how bright lightning flashed from the temple to the source. They began to look for the holy image and found it shining above the chapel at the source. When they opened the chapel and created the well, they saw that the ice in the well had melted and the icon was floating in it. The shocked Father Dimitri repented of his unbelief and asked the Mother of God and the people for forgiveness.

After this, the icon surfaced and allowed itself to be lifted out of the water. Since then, the holy image has never left the village. The well was constantly deepened and cleaned; in the dry years of 1920-1922 it was almost the only source supplying water to the village. Until 1925, religious processions were held with the “Deliverer from Troubles” icon. From all over the Volga region people went to the place that had become holy. Many received healing from incurable diseases. The authorities hastened to close the church. All the attempts of the atheists to find the miraculous image did not yield results - the believers safely hid the holy icon, passing it from house to house. Then the authorities took out their anger at the source - they filled the holy place with manure. But the spring survived, only it made its way not far from the previous one. The Tashlin Church in honor of the Holy Trinity was built in 1775, wooden, single-altar. There are many ancient icons here, and the ceiling is amazingly beautifully painted.

After the church closes long years was used as a grain warehouse. It was opened immediately after the Great Patriotic War, but they imposed such an exorbitant tax that people cried - no one had the necessary money. But the villagers had ardent faith, a fiery prayer to the Mother of God - and every time, by some miracle, the money was found. Despite the threats and warnings of the authorities, people helped in any way they could. The forester, who donated several boards to the temple, was almost sent to prison. The whole village interceded for him. At the same time, people brought the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” to the church.

When foot-and-mouth disease appeared in the region, the authorities immediately closed the church, and explained to the people: “They come to the church from all areas - they will bring foot-and-mouth disease to you.” A former fellow villager who worked in the Kuibyshev Regional Executive Committee unexpectedly helped out. He agreed to the request of the Tashlin walkers to be allowed to serve a prayer service in the church. District authorities were reluctant to open the church. Was immediately served thanksgiving prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos and a prayer service for deliverance from foot-and-mouth disease. Soon the epidemic sharply declined and quarantine was lifted everywhere. After this, the temple was no longer closed.

But the persecution of priests and the church continued. The director of a school in Tashla, a certain Novikov, installed slogans along the church fence: “Religion is the opium of the people.” The authorities sent an amateur women's choir from Stavropol-on-Volga - young girls sang exclusively godless songs. The Commissioner for Russian Affairs was especially furious. Orthodox Church Kuibyshev region S. Alekseev. He sought the transfer or dismissal of pious priests. The chairman of the Tashlinsky village council even suffered from it, allowing parishioners to repair the frame of the well at the holy spring. Once the authorities sent their protege to the village - a certain priest Kostin, a former artist, who began to convince believers that “grace in the spring is an invention of charlatans.” Soon Kostin, who had renounced God, fell to his death - he crashed his motorcycle into an oncoming car.

Healings have been taking place at the spring for many years, and no one is surprised by this anymore. Servant of God Galina was healed of allergies, ulcers and asthma, after which her entire family moved to Tashla for permanent residence. Galina says: “After the healing, the priest blessed me to help people at the source. Over the years I have seen many miracles. Once they brought in an immobilized woman. They lowered her into the font and helped her take a plunge. When she came out of the water, she ran to the top of the hill. Along the way, she was also healed of women’s diseases. To another woman, from Nefteyugansk, the Mother of God appeared in a dream, showed her the Tashlin font and said: “Here you will be cured.” This woman did not have children; she was treated for many years, but to no avail. After this vision, she came to Tashla with her husband, took a swim, and after a while she sent a joyful letter: a son was born.

Sorcerers tried to desecrate the holy place more than once, and one night Satanists covered everything with obscenities. But blasphemy is not in vain. One day, a drunken rich man began to swear and show off at the source, and when he plunged into the water, his face turned out to be bloody.

The story with the girl Natasha is well remembered here. She was corrupted, a relative “transferred” black witchcraft power to her before her death, and Natasha did not want to be a witch. But she still had a hard time - a demon took possession and tormented her greatly. We were taken to Tashly many times to other holy places. When they first brought her to Tashla and took her to the bathhouse, she screamed very loudly, her scream was heard throughout the area. Natasha could not lower herself into the font. Believing women sprinkled her with holy water from the well, read a prayer, and lowered her into the source. They said that she was like iron. After this, Natasha began to constantly go to Tashla to take a dip and then quite calmly went into the healing font.

A pilgrim from Samara, Valentina Mikhailovna Porkhacheva, told the following story. “Once in Tashla we came to the spring after the temple, and there was a huge queue there. It was July and it was hot. Some women began to get nervous and swear, call each other names, and almost came to blows. It was impossible to approach the well with holy water because of the people. I tried to squeeze through and get a mug of water: one woman felt bad, I wanted to give her something to drink - there was no water in the well! Some priest stood there, he said to these women who were swearing: “What have you done, the water even in the well has disappeared! Be patient, everything comes with patience and humility. Let's pray." It was impossible to even scoop up a mug of water; there was just a swamp at the bottom. Everyone began to pray, and after half an hour the water began to flow slowly and flow. I was told that there was another such case: people made a lot of noise at the source, and the water also went away. This is a holy place, where you don’t have to sort things out, but pray.”

And here's what amazing story occurred in the family of the dean priest Igor Baranetsky. Father says: “My seven-year-old son Denis, after suffering from a sore throat, developed a serious complication - rheumatoid arthritis. Knee joints he was red and swollen. The disease developed. It was necessary to go to the hospital. Without hesitation, my mother and I made a decision - we are going with our son to Tashla to miraculous source.

I must say that the doctors were categorically against it, because cold water inadmissible for joint disease. But we firmly believed in the help and intercession of the Mother of God. And so on October 21, 2001, we arrived at the source. We prayed fervently and asked the Mother of God to heal our son Denis.

After immersing himself in the spring, Denis’s temperature rose. He was burning all over. But at home the fever passed and the child fell asleep peacefully. And in the morning it turned out that the disease had passed! We examined our son's legs - the joints acquired their usual shape, traces of deformation and inflammation disappeared. During the prayer service to the Queen of Heaven, we thanked the Mother of God with tears of joy for the healing of our son.”

A resident of the village of Novaya Binaradka, Nina M., spoke about such a case. “Once my brother and husband went drunk to Tashla to a holy spring, although I dissuaded them, saying that they shouldn’t go drunk to such a holy place. They didn't listen to me and left.

And when they returned, they began vying with each other to tell stories. That as soon as they approached the doors of the bathhouse, some invisible force pushed them away, and they could not even take a step forward. After three futile attempts, they, already sobered up by such a miracle, fell to their knees in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” and fervently prayed: “Mother of God, forgive, forgive us sinners, but just don’t punish us.” Everyone who was there looked at them in surprise, and they, not paying attention, asked: “Intercessor, we will never come to you drunk in our lives. Just forgive us unlucky ones.”

This is how they became convinced in practice that the Mother of God does not allow drunks into her holy spring, so that the holy water would not be desecrated. One of the forms of worship and thanksgiving to the Lord and Mother of God was religious processions of many thousands from Samara and from Tolyatti to Tashla. People walk from Samara for three days - from state flags, banners and icons. Pilgrims are received for overnight stays in surrounding villages. Divine services are held in local churches. The column includes believers from all over Russia - including students, children, scientists, teachers, and law enforcement officers. IN last years The authorities actively participate in religious processions.

Recently, this holy place has been transformed beyond recognition. A church was erected here in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles,” a hotel, a dining room, and a parking lot were built, and the source itself was ennobled. People come to live water from all over Russia, near and far abroad. Here they are cured of allergies, stomach ulcers, psoriasis, diathesis, asthma, and women's diseases. Many were healed of cancer and non-healing ulcers. One man, through prayer to the Mother of God, was healed of AIDS, and a drug addict recovered. Those with joint pain, poor eyesight, and skin diseases are especially often healed. Teachers bring entire classes of schoolchildren here, especially from Samara. They say that after visiting the spring, children become much calmer and learn better. Many believers see the Mother of God with the Child in her arms above the source. A rainbow often rises above the chapel and the spring.

Every year on October 21, at the holy font in front of the image of the Queen of Heaven, the Archbishop serves a prayer service for water and congratulates the believers on a wonderful holiday.

The village of Tashla became famous throughout Russia for its many miracles. This place was chosen by the Mother of God Herself!

Here is the Holy Spring of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles.”

Eighty-five years ago, an icon miraculously appeared to the world. The angels brought it. The Most Holy Theotokos in the interim from February to October revolution, foreseeing the difficult trials that would befall Russia, bestowed her mercy on us, and appeared as a Deliverer from troubles.

Here, on the site of the “Deliverer from Troubles” icon, a spring flowed in 1917 clean water, healing water. The Most Holy Theotokos does not leave this place. Many people see the Mother of God in full growth above the source with a baby in her arms. A rainbow rises over the chapel and the spring.
Many pilgrims flock to Tashla every day. They worship the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, collect healing water for family and friends, and take the great shrine home. Many come after hearing about the source from others.

And someone sees a spring in a dream, having never heard of it, and only then, having arrived here, realizes that he is familiar with this place.
They come here Orthodox people, but the glory of the source is so great that non-Orthodox people also come here, and they, too, through faith in the Blessed Virgin, receive miraculous healings. Many of them are then baptized in the Tashlinsky Holy Trinity Church. Pilgrims come from Greece, Finland, Serbia, Austria, Australia, and Germany.

The well with miraculous water reflects a dome decorated with eight-pointed stars. A lit candle burns in front of the icon of the Mother of God. “With the shrine!” - those who took a dip congratulate each other.

Numerous miracles are performed by faith. More and more healings are taking place at the source, and testimony to God’s mercy towards us continues.

At eight o'clock in the morning the priest, Archpriest Nikolai Vinokurov, comes to the temple. Everyone stops what they are doing and lines up in two long rows for a blessing. Father Nikolai blesses everyone in turn and enters the altar. Very soon the clock begins to read, the priest comes out and censes the church. The service is served in a monastic manner: from seven in the morning and ends only at two o’clock in the afternoon.

After the service no one leaves. The nun distributes pieces of antidor.

The evening service begins at five and ends at eleven o'clock.

In big Religious holidays Church services are the most crowded, especially on Easter and October 21st.

October 21 is always a special day. This is the day of the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles,” which is located in the church. If the weather permits, they go in procession from the temple to the source. A service is held at the source, and then a procession of the cross returns to the temple.

Before bathing in the spring, you can always receive the blessing of Father Nikolai Vinokurov, also confess and receive communion.

Icons, candles, incense, and church literature can be purchased on weekends and church holidays.

Tashla is a village in the Stavropol district of the Samara region.
The village is located 40 km from the city of Togliatti, on the road to Dimitrovgrad and Ulyanovsk.
In 1752 the owner of the village was Colonel Zubov. At that time the village was called "Tashlama". The name Tashly is translated from the Tatar and Bashkir languages ​​as “stone, stony”. “Tashla” is translated from the Chuvash language as “dance, rejoice, have fun”
The village of Tashla appeared on the map of the Samara province in the middle of the 18th century.

Holy Trinity Church
In 1775, the Holy Trinity Church was built. It contains the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles,” which was revealed on October 8 (old style) 1917 to a native of the village of Tashla, cell attendant Katerina Chugunova. It is believed that together with her friends Fenya Atyasheva and Pasha Gavrilenkova, Ekaterina went to the Tashlin ravines, where they found the holy image. In the place where the icon was dug up, a spring erupted. The icon was brought to the temple and a prayer service was served. From the moment the icon appeared, numerous healings of the sick began to occur. But soon the icon disappeared from the temple and ended up in the spring. The arriving priest took the image in his hands and, accompanied by the procession of the Cross, brought it into the temple to the sound of bells. Since then, every year on October 21, the memory of the appearance of the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” is celebrated. The icon is small in size - about the size of a notebook sheet, and is located in the icon case covering the left choir of the temple.

Holy source of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles”
After 1925, atheists decided to do away with the spring. A cattle yard was built next to the holy place. And the spring itself was filled with manure. The Trinity Church in the village of Tashla was also closed. The church was closed, and the believers saved the icon - they passed it secretly from hut to hut. The church reopened during the war years, when the struggle between atheists and Orthodoxy weakened somewhat. Today, the Virgin Mary spring and the icon of the “Deliverer” are one of the most revered shrines of the Samara Diocese.

Tashlinsky source of the Mother of God. A cool January morning in 2002. In this place, silence fell on the earth... From here, from this point, neither houses nor people are visible. On the gentle slopes of the ravine, someone carefully planted several green pines and fir trees. And above the slopes, no matter which way you look, there is one endless sky, as if you are in the center of the universe. The gray-white sky from continuous clouds merges with the earth, they are one whole. But then the sky becomes clear, blue, and white clouds float across it. The blue and white chapel is part of this sky, it either descended to the earth, or will now rise up.

This place was chosen by the Mother of God Herself! Here, on the site of the icon “Deliverer from Troubles,” a spring of clean water, healing water, began to flow in 1917. The Most Holy Theotokos does not leave this place.

Many people see the Mother of God in full height with the Baby in her arms above the source. A rainbow rises over the chapel and the spring. As in ancient fairy tales, sometimes those suffering from distant lands strive for living water, and this water heals them. Many come after hearing about the source from others. And someone sees a source in a dream, having never heard of it, and only then, having arrived here, discovers that he is already familiar with this place. Orthodox people flow here, but the glory of the source is so great that non-Orthodox people also come here, and they, too, through faith in the Blessed Virgin, receive miraculous healings. Many of them are then baptized in the Tashlinsky Holy Trinity Church.

The well with miraculous water reflects a dome decorated with eight-pointed stars. In front of the icon of the Mother of God, a candle lit by someone earlier is burning. Such grace that cannot be expressed in words. “With the shrine!” - those who took a bath congratulate each other. In this place the hidden Presence of Heaven is felt, God’s mercy is manifested so clearly, so abundantly! Grace is eternal life, liberation from illness and death. As Alexander Kiselev writes in the book “Miracle-Working Icons of the Mother of God in Russian History,” “in Her miraculous icons, the Mother of God reveals Her closeness to our world, with which She lives the same life and grieves with its sorrows - “in the Dormition you did not leave the world, O Mother of God "

More and more healings are taking place at the source, and testimony to God’s mercy towards us continues.

Servant of God Galina bears obedience at the spring: She lived in the city, came to Tashla, and was healed at the spring. After that, the whole family moved here for permanent place residence. Here's her story:

“I myself suffered from allergies for twenty years, my nose couldn’t breathe, my eyes were swollen, there were only slits, I had already developed asthma, I couldn’t walk. In addition to this, a duodenal ulcer began.

I once heard a woman say: “I swam in the holy lake in Tangle and was cured of my allergies.” We came here, met the priest, and doused ourselves with holy water from the spring. And then they came often, going every day for two weeks. And I was completely cured of my allergies. Fully! I couldn’t believe it myself. Father invited us to live in Tashla. We moved here, although I knew that I couldn’t live in the village - I was allergic to quinoa and wormwood. But here my asthma went away and the ulcer went away. It's a miracle. Only here I am saved. My daughter was once healed of a sore throat.

For four days her temperature stayed at - forty. I didn't allow her to swim. She left, came back, and she was healthy. I took a swim in the spring and immediately my throat stopped hurting and my fever went away. Galina was healed herself, and now she is a witness to many miraculous healings that happen to others; she can talk for hours, remembering more and more new cases.

“I have been serving at the spring for six years, and during this time many miracles have happened here. Recently a woman came, also Galina, from Tolyatti. Her legs hurt very much, she could hardly walk.

She was treated by doctors for several months, but nothing could help her. Her husband lowered her into the font on his knees and helped her take a plunge. She got dressed and ran upstairs! They almost reached the top of the slope, and her husband said to her: “Galina, why are you running?” - “It’s true, my legs are gone!” She was offered surgery. But she fasted, took communion in church, and then was blessed by our priest to bathe. It turns out that she was still sick like a woman. When I went to the doctors for an appointment, it turned out that this illness had also passed. And the legs go. This all happened before Christmas. There was such joy!

There was a case: a man of about thirty-five came in to take a dip, left his glasses in the font, and came out without glasses. “Oh,” he says, the glasses drowned in the font, I’ll go look for them. You know, I can see well! Now I don’t even need glasses!”

The Mother of God appeared to one woman from Neftyugansk in a dream, showed this font (there was an icon in the font) and said: “Here you will be cured.” This woman did not have children; she was treated for many years, but to no avail. They told her about the spring in Tashla, she came here with her husband, they swam, and after a while we received a letter from them. They had a son.

One woman came from Ukraine. Stands and cries. I ask: “Why are you crying?” “It’s as if I’ve been here before, but this is my first time here.” And she said that in a dream she saw this source, and in the font there was an icon of the Mother of God with the Child. There are many such stories when in a dream the Mother of God tells a woman: “Go here and swim in the spring - you will have a child.” Then she came and told me that she was healed and became pregnant.

About three years ago a woman came to the source and cried: “I was healed here. I was diagnosed with intestinal cancer. And before the operation, I decided to be blessed by your priest to swim in the spring.”

Everyone goes to our priest to be blessed and to swim. For some reason, everyone has the feeling that this will help and everything will pass for them... (The author of these lines also had the same feeling. On this business trip to Tashla, I bathed in the spring twice. The first time without a blessing, the second - with the blessing of my father Nikolai Vinokurov. And this bathing was more joyful, more graceful - author)

The woman who had intestinal cancer said that she swam, cried and went home.

She went to the toilet, and she started to get black. She was scared, she thought I was finished. Frustrated, I came back for repeated tests before the operation. They say to her: “Why did you come here? You have nothing, your intestines are like a baby’s.” Her whole illness turned black, she was completely healed after swimming just once! Three years have passed, and I still remember this incident. Such a miracle! And there was also a case of recovery from breast cancer.

Children are also dipped, even infants. Of course, they are afraid to bathe children, but whoever is bathed, the children become so quiet and meek. There are fewer cases with children, but there was one such case. Mom, dad, son and grandmother came from Samara.

They stand, pray and cry: “Sasha needs to have an operation, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

We need to go to Moscow for an operation.” Don’t cry, I say, you have come to a holy spring, so much healing happens here. Pray, the Mother of God can heal. They calmed down a little, swam and left. And after some time we came on a pilgrimage with Sunday school, my mother was so happy, she said: “We then came from Tashla, I have to go to work, I’m in a hurry, and Sasha says to me: “Mom, mom, wait, I’ll tell you what!” » - “No time, later.” -

“Yes, I had such a dream, I’ll forget it. I saw the source, Tashla. And it was as if the sky opened up above the source, and a ladder descended from there. And the Mother of God, the Lord and many saints descend down this staircase. And there’s such a forest up there, it’s so beautiful there, what birds there are! And all the animals - hares and lions - all walk together. And the flowers there, mom, are so beautiful! I say: “Lord! Mother of God!” he ran to Them, fell and broke a tooth. And the Lord comes up to me, put his hand on my head and says:

“Sasha, don’t be afraid, you will be healed, nothing will hurt you. Listen to your mom. And when you grow up, you’ll be a monk.” They walked up these stairs and everything closed.” And in fact, in the morning half of Sasha’s tooth was missing. And his tumor went away. One day they brought a drug addict. They drag him to the source, he can no longer walk on his own. I ask what's wrong with him. “Well, they say we are taking him from the hospital, they told us that he is hopeless, take him, he will die.” Divide him, but he doesn’t want to go into the water! I hear that they forcibly threw him into the water. “Dive it headlong,” they say, “dive it headlong!” He broke away from them and ran upstairs in only his swimming trunks. They laugh: “Look how he runs, ahead of us!” Isn't this a miracle?! There was a suicide bomber.

Two years ago, gypsies came here from Tolyatti. The gypsy had an accident and could barely walk with a spoke. She took a swim, came again, and she felt better. They haven't been seen for a long time. And literally before the feast of Epiphany, they came to the source and brought with them their relatives from the North. The gypsy woman is already running, everything is over for her. And they bring their relatives from everywhere to be healed.

One day a gypsy family arrived from Chelyabinsk. They have nowhere to spend the night, my husband invited them to spend the night with us. They bathed in the spring and came to us. The gypsy mother began to cry: “My son has been awake for so long, nothing helps him.” We went to bed, we get up in the morning, and her son is sleeping sound sleep There's no way we can wake him up. He woke up and said: “I fell asleep for the first time in a long time. I feel so good here, I don’t want to leave.”

One man had kidney stones. We advised him to bathe in the spring and drink more Tashlin water. He started doing this. One day he comes and carries a handful of these stones. There are such stones there, it is unclear how they came out, but he says that they came out painlessly.

Teachers bring entire classes of schoolchildren here, especially from Samara. They say that after the source, children become much calmer and learn better.

They're coming different people, not only Orthodox. Armenians often come. They treat the shrine very piously. They reverently take the icon, with such love, they bought it - they immediately kiss it, hug it, kiss it...

I tell everyone that you should always go to the source with prayer. If you don’t know the troparion “Deliverer from troubles” - read “Theotokos”, ask: “Mother of God, bless me to bathe for the healing of soul and body, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” We, the Orthodox, must, in the name of our faith, plunge three times, with a prayer.

You see, we have an icon of the All-Tsaritsa hanging here; it was brought to us from the Kazan Church in the city of Tolyatti. Those who bring icons here, and those who steal from the holy source, think that they will help. There was such a beautiful icon “Deliverer from Troubles,” the schoolchildren made it, and it disappeared. I was so sad, but then I thought, apparently, the Mother of God is so necessary for someone. We hung the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsarina of All”.

This is also a very powerful icon, it helps against cancer and many diseases. And I think how dirty the walls are, I don’t have time to wash them. I wash them and keep scolding myself, complaining: “Mother of God, I don’t have time, forgive me.” And at the bottom of the spring a two-liter bottle of water lay for several days, no one could get it out. I scoop up water with a ladle and suddenly the bottle at the bottom begins to move and begin to rise up.

She jumped out of the water - I killed her! - and caught it. I took my breath away: “Mother of God, it was You who gave me some water!” My family started drinking this water and saying: “But this water tastes different.” Maybe God wanted to hang this particular icon here. I fell ill, began to read the akathist to the All-Tsaritsa, drink this water, and was cured.

All sorts of people come here. There are also provocateurs. Sectarians also come, with their own rules, and you tell them: “You came to us, and not we to you, the healing spring is not with you, but with us, and behave as you should.” The sorcerers also come. And at one time the Satanists came and covered everything with obscenities. It was terrible. We painted it all over. Sometimes such cool people come with courage, I tell them that this is a holy place, you can’t swear, laugh, or come here drunk. You came to receive the shrine. One laughed so much, went to take a dip, and when he came out his face was covered in blood: he had broken the bridge of his nose. Immediately the Mother of God put him in his place. In a holy place you need to behave reverently and pray.

You can drink water at home, but it’s better not to douse yourself in the bathroom. After all, this water will go into the sewer. Elder Paisiy Svyatogorsk said that we have become indifferent to the shrine, we are pouring holy water and this is such a sin! And people bathe and add it to her bath. This cannot be done. It’s better to wet a towel or even just your hands with this water and dry yourself off, standing on the mat at home.

Many see miraculous signs at the spring. The year before last, pilgrims from Samara came to us for the Third Savior, Not Made by Hands, and everyone suddenly began to look at the sky: “Look, the Mother of God with the Child is walking around!” No matter how much I looked, I didn’t see anything. I'm upset, I think:

“Here people are happy, they see, but I don’t see anything.” Frustrated, I turned away and stood at the table. And in the east a blue window opened, I looked - and couldn’t believe my eyes, I pushed the woman next to me:

"Do you see anything?" - “I see. Savior! - “And I see!” There was a round window The Savior Not Made by Hands. All facial features were visible clearly and in detail. Only we, three women, saw this icon, and no one else saw it.

And as soon as I started working here, I saw the Mother of God in full growth with the Child. And there was a feeling of both joy and fear.

And there was another incident. A man came up to me, so indignant: “Why did you remove the icon?” - “Which icon?” - “Here in the well there was an icon at the bottom, did it bother you, or what?” - “We never had an icon in the well.” - “Last time I came, and there you had an icon of the Mother of God with the Child.” I tell him: “Rejoice, what a miracle it was for you!”

Every day at five o'clock in the evening the birds gather at the source and begin to sing: “Tweet-chirp!”

They praise the Lord and the Mother of God - and there is silence, they fall asleep, silence sets in. The frost is thirty degrees, and they arrive at five in the evening at the chapel to sing (five in the evening is the beginning of a new day in church style, the beginning of a church service - ed.). They don’t freeze here in the chapel, they spend the night here, the Mother of God warms them.

And once a dove arrived in winter and drinks water from a stream. I look, and he is wounded. Flapping its wings and swimming in the stream. Came here to be healed. And then he sat up and sat. All birds seek salvation at the source. Some time passed, another pigeon flew in, seriously wounded, apparently, the kite had beaten it. And sits high in the chapel. He didn’t fly somewhere, but to the source. He fell at my feet and I buried him. Not far from the source, horses are running in a corral. When there was a religious procession to the chapel this year, the horses all came running, stood rooted to the spot and looked at the religious procession, and the priest made the sign of the cross over them. When there are no people at the source, I go up to a herd of cows (they are grazing not far away), and I start singing “Virgin, Mother of God, Rejoice” - they immediately stop chewing, stand rooted to the spot and listen.

One guy from Togliatti was cured of AIDS at the spring. When he found out he was sick, he was shocked. I found out about the source and immediately went here. He prayed so much, asked the Mother of God to heal him, and even gave Her some words. The next day I went for tests - they found nothing on him.

I noticed that especially those who have pain in their joints, those without children, those with poor eyesight, and skin diseases: psoriasis, diathesis in children, are especially healed in the Tashlinsky spring.

There is nothing to say about colds. One grandmother came to the source, apparently she wanted to swim, but was afraid. She says: “I just left the hospital yesterday, I had double pneumonia, I’m coughing so much, I can’t swim.” This was in the fall last year. I see her soul is eager to bathe, but she herself is afraid. And yet I persuaded her: “Go, granny, believe me, it won’t get any worse for you.” - “Look, I’ll die.” She took a swim and came out so happy: “I feel so good.” A month later, her daughter comes and says that her grandmother didn’t cough the first night and still doesn’t cough.

One goes: “I’m sick, I have a fever.” - “Don’t be afraid, take a swim, everything will work out for you, believe me.” I forcefully push you, one might say, into the bathhouse. He comes out from there: “But I have nothing. And the aches went away, and the head doesn’t hurt, and the throat doesn’t hurt.” Healed! I no longer pay attention to such cases; these are, one might say, everyday miracles.

And if we prayed a lot, oh, what miracles the Mother of God would perform here! The Tatars are healed here. They ask: “Pray for us!” I tell them: “Immerse yourself and say: Mother of God, bless you to bathe for the healing of soul and body in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” They also have great respect and love for the Mother of God.

Pilgrims came to us from Greece, from Finland, Serbia, Austria, Australia, Germany, Spain. Even Catholics come here every summer. They will pray in their own way, drink some water, but do not take a dip. We don’t come to them, but they come to us.

Nun Glafira (in the world Galina Sergeevna Lelyukhova) met us very hospitably. She has a difficult but wondrous fate, like everyone who was called here by the Mother of God to serve Her. It was in that worldly life Mother Glafira has so many things: both joy and sorrow, the loss of her husband, a miraculous healing from heart disease. The wondrous Providence of God brought her to this holy place, and better place for her there is no one in all the earth. She says that the Mother of God helps her all the time. Mother Glafira said:

— When I had obedience at the source, I witnessed such a case. A sick father came from Kyiv to his son in Tolyatti, and they both went to the source. His son took a bath, but he didn’t, he walked and limped: “I won’t bathe! I can’t sleep at night, I have a trophic ulcer, I can’t get it wet.” I barely climbed up from the source to the car. And early in the morning he flies to the source first: “Mother, I myself have now decided to swim.” He said that they were sitting at home, he didn’t know what to do with his leg - it hurt. He lifted her onto a stool. And they were sitting at the table. I asked my son for holy water, but the son passed the water and accidentally spilled it on his sore leg. He was ready to beat his son with a stick: “Now I won’t sleep all night!” But, to his surprise, his leg soon stopped aching and he slept well for the first time.

He took several flasks of holy water with him to Kyiv.

One day a minibus arrived, a whole company of young people, and with them a boy with clubs, maybe he had been to Chechnya. He walked to the source on his clubs, and from there he walks on his own and carries the clubs in his hands, almost without leaning on them. His friends were surprised: “Are you going by yourself?!” He came to his senses and raised these clubs up with joy.

I witnessed how one gypsy was healed. He was paralyzed for seven years. He was carried to the source on a stretcher, and he walked back on his own. A friend of mine's son fell ill with AIDS. Our father confessed him and gave him communion in the hospital, blessed him to take a dip in our spring, go and live in a monastery, and receive communion there. And he was healed. People still come here to take a dip.

Muslims are coming here. They are healed and after that whole families are baptized in our church and get married. One Muslim came up to me and said: “Mother, you see, I’m walking!” - “So what’s wrong with that?” - “You see, my leg is bending!” It turns out that his leg hurt, and the year before last his Russian neighbor persuaded him to go to the source. He didn’t really believe: “I’m a Muslim, he won’t heal me,” but he went for a swim. I went into the water with my clubs and it turns out that I forgot my clubs. He almost danced and bought candles for the “Deliverer from Troubles” icon. After some time he came and was baptized.

Rafail the Tatar told me that he came to the spring on crutches, out of curiosity: is it all true or not, what they say about the spring. He went into the water and fell and lost consciousness. He ran to the bus, and then again went to the source, went into the water, and again lost consciousness. And there a prayer service was just going on, the priest began to sprinkle him with water. After that, he was immediately baptized, he was Raphael - he became Raphael. All his relatives abandoned him, and he tells them: “You will later understand that the true faith is Orthodox, but it will be too late.” And he is raising his son in Orthodoxy. Another one. Gabriel brings pilgrims here from Kinel. He was also a Muslim; this summer it will be a year since he was baptized.

Japanese and blacks were baptized here.

One gynecologist said that she had to give many women a fatal diagnosis. And suddenly she herself fell ill with cancer. And then her patient, who should no longer be alive, came in for a check-up, healthy, and told her: “When you wrote me off, I don’t know how I ended up in the Church of the Intercession. I stand and cry. An old woman comes up to me and says: “Bathe every Saturday in the spring in the village of Tashla.” Perhaps it was the Mother of God herself. That’s what I did, I went here for six months and was healed.” Now this gynecologist has been going to the source for two years and sends all her patients here.

My friend’s daughter came from Kazakhstan to visit her mother in Togliatti. They went to Tashla, and she said: “Mom, I saw this source when I was twenty years old, in a dream. This is not a simple source. It’s as if I’m drowning in a swamp, and suddenly water pours from the sky. The Lord gave me some water to drink - and I’m no longer in the mud, and I see this font. I took a swim and the dirt completely disappeared from me.” She bathed in the spring five times during the day she was here, and her severe hemorrhoids went away without surgery. Now in Kazakhstan he is collecting money to move here to live.

You go to the source - pray, halfway read the Jesus Prayer, then - “Virgin Mary”. She went down into the source - “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”, folded her hands crosswise, as in Communion, - and plunge headlong. And so three times. Our Lady helps everyone. Mother of God, and how you manage to help everyone!

I will give another striking testimony of the servant of God Tatiana from the village of Timofeevka, Stavropol district, Samara region:

“By the grace of God, I was able to see and hear about the miracles that happen at the holy spring. More than once I visited the fontanelle of the Queen of Heaven “Deliverer from Troubles.” I saw here the miraculous healing of a gypsy. He was brought on a stretcher and dipped in holy water three times. They came more than once, I can’t say from what time, but the patient began to walk. And constantly two gypsy women came to the source and tearfully thanked the Queen of Heaven for the healing. And the gypsy camp was located nearby for a month, they themselves told me about the healings of their relatives.

I had the opportunity to meet pilgrims from everywhere here: from the North, from Murmansk, from Bulgaria. And some residents of our area live nearby and do not know that we have such a healing spring. One mother said that her child had a scab, and with just one bath the illness went away. I myself experienced the effect of holy water: my osteochondrosis, heel spurs, the consequences of a microinfarction and other diseases completely disappeared. The Queen of Heaven soon comes to the rescue, having heard our request. And those who come with faith find healing here from physical and mental ailments. Only if you violate God’s commandments, She is slower to provide help. And most importantly: do not forget to order a thanksgiving prayer after the healing.

An old nun, Domna, born in 1910 (born Daria Ilyinichna Insholaeva), lives in the house with Mother Glafira: Archimandrite Seraphim blessed her to die in Tashla. In winter, she comes to live here at the temple. Here's what she said:

— I was 17 years old, I lived in Upper Melekess (64 kilometers from Tashly - author), we, girls, went swimming here on foot. At that time, Ekaterina Chugunova was still alive, to whom the miraculous icon appeared.

She was always happy to see us: “Oh, the girls have come! Come here, swim, take communion in the temple. The Mother of God is here.” She said: “Whoever the Mother of God calls here comes. And whoever doesn’t call, they won’t come.”

Archpriest Nikolai Vinokurov has been the rector of the Tashlin Trinity Church since 1969.

You have been in Tashla for three decades. How did you get here?

When Vladyka Manuel served in Cheboksary, I returned from the army, and they advised me to go to him: they say, Vladyka is good in Cheboksary. We went with our second cousin. At the temple they said that Vladyka had been serving all week and was now resting, and they sent him to his home. We prayed. They have risen. We came up for the blessing. Vladyka sat us down next to him and asked us about our lives. We went to see him three times. They confessed at his home. That’s when Metropolitan Manuel told me: “You will be a priest.” And in the temple he looked from the pulpit and said: “Go where the Lord has appointed you.”
This prediction was fulfilled already under Vladika John. When I went to Samara, my spiritual father Schema-Archimandrite Seraphim blessed me with the miraculous Cheboksary icon of the Mother of God with holy relics. He was an ascetic good man, a strong prayer book.

When we arrived in Samara, we were just singing “Our Father.” At this time, in the temple, a simple woman walks with a slight smile and tells us: “They are waiting for you, they are waiting for you, they are waiting for you.” And who is waiting is unknown. When I was ordained, I taught the Cross as a newly consecrated person, this woman looked at me and at the Last Supper icon and said: “Everything will be given to you, everything will be given.” So she left. And the third meeting was when I gave her 5 rubles for alms, and she recognized my thoughts and asked: “Who are you waiting for? Father John?”
Then he often went to the Intercession Cathedral, but never saw her again. Such a humble, simple woman. I have the opinion that it was the Mother of God Herself. I am not worthy to see the Mother of God in glory. Here she is in in simple form and appears to instruct and guide.

Since then I have been in Tashla under the protection of the Mother of God. Mother Seraphim, who is buried here (and she was a zealous and perspicacious nun), said: “In recent times, Tashla will become famous.” And she added: “The Mother of God arranges what She needs.”

Is there now a real community emerging around the Tashlin temple?

There is an opinion that where the icon of the Mother of God appeared, there should be not just a parish: it should be different, closer to monastic life. To carry out a feat, a prayer, because the place is holy.

So many people pass in front of you here, what is more: human grief or joy?

Well, of course, more people turn to grief. Those who have something in pain, there are problems in the family, children have disappeared... There are also such people, especially lately, who reach out with gratitude. Increasingly, thanksgiving services are being ordered.

What does this indicate?

About the fact that they received healing from God, forgiveness of sins, stood on true path, turned to the Orthodox Church. Testifies that they received gifts of grace from God.

Why are people so restless and dissatisfied now?

From lack of faith. There is no zeal for prayer, for good deeds. All this comes from absent-mindedness, from devotion to earthly things.

What troubles does the Mother of God deliver from?

From all of us. The Mother of God is able to save people from all troubles. Especially those who turn to it diligently. The Church is our hospital for all illnesses. So there should be no doubt that while we stand on the true saving path, the Lord covers His children and calls everyone to salvation.

Team Nomads
ARTICLE by Lyudmila Belkina.
Springs of the Samara region
holy places of the Samara region


02 April 11 Based on materials from the book “Deliverer from Troubles”, ed. A.Zhogoleva

Deliverer from troubles (stories about healings in Tashla)

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” heals from all diseases. Here we present only some of the evidence of the healing of those who bathed in the holy spring.

Servant of God Galina bears obedience at the spring: She lived in the city, came to Tashla, and was healed at the spring. After that, the whole family moved here for permanent residence. Here's her story:

I myself suffered from allergies for twenty years, my nose couldn’t breathe, my eyes were swollen, there were only slits, I had already developed asthma, I couldn’t walk. In addition, a duodenal ulcer began. I once heard a woman say: “I swam in the holy lake in Tashla and was cured of my allergies.” We came here, met the priest, and doused ourselves with holy water from the spring. And then they came often, going every day for two weeks. And I was completely cured of my allergies. Fully! I couldn’t believe it myself. Father invited us to live in Tashla. We moved here, although I knew that I couldn’t live in the village - I was allergic to quinoa and wormwood. But here my asthma went away and my ulcer went away. It's a miracle. Only here I am saved. My daughter was once healed of a sore throat. For four days her temperature stayed at - forty. I didn't allow her to swim. She left and came back - and she was healthy. I took a swim in the spring and immediately my throat stopped hurting and my fever went away.

Galina was healed herself, and now she is a witness to many miraculous healings that happen to others, tell

maybe for hours, remembering more and more new cases.

I have been serving at the spring for six years, and during this time many miracles have happened here. Recently a woman came, also Galina, from Tolyatti. Her legs hurt very much, she could hardly walk. She was treated by doctors for several months, but nothing could help her. Her husband lowered her into the font on his knees and helped her take a plunge. She got dressed and ran upstairs! They almost reached the top of the slope, and her husband said to her: “Galina, why are you running?” - “It’s true, my legs are gone!” She was offered surgery. But she fasted, took communion in church, and then was blessed by our priest to bathe. I took a swim and my legs are moving. This all happened before Christmas. There was such joy!

There was a case: a man of about thirty-five came in to take a dip, left his glasses in the font, and came out without glasses. “Oh, he says, my glasses have sunk in the font, I’ll go and look. But you know, I can see well! Now I don’t even need glasses!”

The Mother of God appeared to one woman from Neftyugansk in a dream, showed this font (there was an icon in the font) and said: “Here you will be cured.” This woman did not have children; she was treated for many years, but to no avail. They told her about the spring in Tashla, she came here with her husband, they swam, and after a while we received a letter from them. They had a son.

A woman came from Ukraine. Stands and cries. I ask: “Why are you crying?” - “It’s as if I’ve been here before, but this is my first time here.” And she said that in a dream she saw this source, and in the font there was an icon of the Mother of God with the Child. There are many such stories when in a dream the Mother of God tells a woman: “Go here and swim in the spring - you will have a child.” Then she came and told me that she was healed and became pregnant.

Children are also dipped, even infants. Of course, they are afraid to bathe children, but whoever is bathed, the children become so quiet and meek. There are fewer cases with children, but there was one such case. Mom, dad, son and grandmother came from Samara. They stand, pray and cry: “Sasha needs to have an operation, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. We need to go to Moscow for the operation.” Don’t cry, I say, you have come to a holy spring, so much healing happens here. Pray, the Mother of God can heal. They calmed down a little, swam and left. And after some time we came on a pilgrimage with Sunday school, my mother was so happy, she said: “We then came from Tashla, I have to go to work, I’m in a hurry, and Sasha says to me: “Mom, mom, wait, I’ll tell you what!” " - "No time, later." - "Yes, I had such a dream, I will forget. I saw the source, Tashla. And it was as if the sky opened up above the source, and from there a staircase descended. And the Mother of God, the Lord and many saints descend down this staircase. And there’s such a forest up there, it’s so beautiful there, what kind of birds there are. And all the animals - both hares and lions - all walk together. And the flowers there, mom, are so beautiful! I say: “Lord, Mother of God!” I ran towards them, fell and broke a tooth. And the Lord comes up to me, put his hand on my head and says: “Sasha, don’t be afraid, you will be healed, nothing will hurt you. Listen to your mother. And when you grow up, you will be a monk.” They walked up these stairs and everything closed. And in fact, in the morning half of Sasha’s tooth disappeared. And his tumor went away.

One man had kidney stones. We advised him to bathe in the spring and drink more Tashlin water. He started doing this. One day he comes and carries a handful of these stones. There are such stones there, it is unclear how they came out, but he says that they came out painlessly.

One guy from Togliatti was cured of AIDS at the spring. When he found out he was sick, he was shocked. I found out about the source and immediately went here. He prayed so much, asked the Mother of God to heal him, and even gave her some words. The next day I went for tests - they found nothing on him.

Those who have pain in their joints, those without children, those with poor eyesight, and those with skin diseases: psoriasis, diathesis in children, are healed a lot in the Tashlinsky spring.

One day a gypsy family arrived from Chelyabinsk. They have nowhere to spend the night, my husband invited them to spend the night with us. They bathed in the spring and came to us. The gypsy mother began to cry: “My son hasn’t slept for a long time, nothing helps him. He has insomnia.” We went to bed, got up in the morning, and her son was fast asleep, there was no way we could wake him up. He woke up and said: “I fell asleep for the first time in a long time. I feel so good here, I don’t want to leave.”

Nun Glafira (in the world Galina Sergeevna Lelyukhova) met us very hospitably. She does not have a simple, but very wonderful fate, like everyone who was called here by the Mother of God to serve Her. There was so much in that worldly life of Mother Glafira: both joy and sorrow, the loss of her husband, a miraculous healing from heart disease. The wondrous Providence of God brought her to this place, and there is no better place for her on the whole earth. She says that the Mother of God helps her all the time. Mother Glafira said:

When I had obedience at the source, I witnessed such a case. A sick father came from Kyiv to his son in Tolyatti, and they both went to the source. His son took a bath, but he didn’t, he walks and limps: “I won’t take a bath! I can’t sleep at night, I have a trophic ulcer, I can’t get it wet.” I barely climbed up from the source to the car. And early in the morning he flies to the source first: “Mother, I myself have now decided to swim.” He said that they were sitting at home, he didn’t know what to do with his leg - it hurt. He lifted her onto a stool. And they were sitting at the table. I asked my son for holy water, but the son passed the water and accidentally spilled it on his sore leg. He was ready to beat his son with a club: “Now I won’t sleep all night!” But, to his surprise, his leg soon stopped aching and he slept well for the first time. He took several flasks of water with him to

Kyiv. One day a minibus arrived, a whole company of young people, and with them a boy with clubs, maybe he had been to Chechnya. He walked to the source on his clubs, and from there he walks on his own and carries the clubs in his hands, almost without leaning on them. His friends were surprised: “Are you going by yourself?!” He came to his senses and raised these clubs up with joy.

I witnessed how one gypsy was healed. He was paralyzed for seven years. He was carried to the source on a stretcher, and he walked back on his own. A friend of mine's son fell ill with AIDS. Our father confessed him and gave him communion in the hospital, blessed him to take a dip in our spring, go and live in a monastery, and receive communion there. And he was healed. People still come here to take a dip.

One gynecologist told me that she had to give a fatal diagnosis to many women. And suddenly she herself fell ill with cancer. And then her patient, who was not going to be alive for long, came in for a check-up, she was healthy, and told her: “When you wrote me off, I don’t know how I ended up in the Church of the Intercession. I’m standing and crying. An old woman comes up to me and says: “ Bathe every Saturday in the spring in the village of Tashla." Maybe it’s the Mother of God Herself. That’s what I did, I went here for six months and was healed." Now this gynecologist has been going to the source for two years and sends all her patients here.

My friend’s daughter came from Kazakhstan to visit her mother in Togliatti. They went to Tashla, and she said: “Mom, I saw this source when I was twenty years old, in a dream. This is not an ordinary source. It’s like I’m drowning in a swamp, and suddenly water pours from the sky. The Lord gave me some water "Drink - and I'm no longer covered in mud, and I see this font. I took a swim - and the mud completely disappeared from me." She bathed in the spring five times during the day she was here, and her severe hemorrhoids went away without surgery. Now in Kazakhstan he is collecting money to move here to live.

Servant of God Tatiana from the village of Timofeevka, Stavropol district, Samara region, said:

By the grace of God, I was able to see and hear about the miracles that were performed at the holy spring. More than once I visited the spring of the Queen of Heaven. I saw a gypsy healed here. He was brought on a stretcher and dipped in holy water three times. They came more than once, I can’t say from what time, but the patient began to walk. And constantly two gypsy women came to the source and tearfully thanked the Queen of Heaven for the healing. And the gypsy camp was located nearby, they themselves told me about the healing of their relatives.

I had the opportunity to meet pilgrims from everywhere here: from the North, from Murmansk, from Bulgaria. I myself experienced the effect of holy water: my osteochondrosis, heel spurs, the consequences of a microinfarction and other diseases completely disappeared. The Queen of Heaven soon comes to the rescue, having heard our request. And those who come with faith find healing here from physical and mental ailments.

Priest Igor Baranetsky and Tatyana Baranetskaya from the village of Lunacharsky say:

After suffering from a sore throat, our seven-year-old son developed a serious complication - rheumatoid arthritis. His knee joints were red and swollen, and it was especially difficult for him to go to school in the morning; he walked with a limp and suffered severe pain. Treatment at home was unsuccessful, the disease developed, moving to the elbow joints. I had to go to the hospital.

One day we came home from coming home. Our Denis was lying in bed, when he saw us, he tried to get up, but his legs severe pain gave way and he fell to the floor. One could imagine our condition. It was impossible to look at the child’s suffering without tears. Father Igor decided to go the next day to the village of Tashlu, to the miraculous spring of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” and tearfully ask the Queen of Heaven for the healing of his son.

Doctors were categorically against it, since cold water is unacceptable for joint disease. But with firm hope and ardent faith in the help and intercession of the Mother of God, on Sunday October 21, 2001, and this was precisely the day of the appearance of the miraculous icon in 1917, we arrived at the source. We fervently prayed and asked for the healing of the little sexton, because Denis served in the church from the age of four, participated in religious processions, and worked according to his strength.

After diving into the spring on the way back, Denis felt a heat, he was all on fire. Already at home the fever passed, the child went to bed. In the morning, out of habit, he carefully began to get out of bed, but there was no longer the usual pain! Then Denis jumped up, began to walk quickly and even jump, but nothing bothered him. The joints were painless. A miracle has happened! The Mother of God healed our son. A feeling of joy and gratitude overwhelmed us, and tears came to our eyes. We examined our son's legs - the joints acquired their usual shape, traces of deformation and inflammation disappeared.

During the prayer service to the Queen of Heaven, we gave thanks with tears of joy for the healing of our son.


December 24, 1990 I came to the Tashlin church for the feast of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” with the hope of healing my serious illness (I suffered from bleeding hemorrhoids, I could neither walk nor sit from pain). I bathed in the holy spring with prayer and asked the Mother of God to help me with my weaknesses, and it was twenty degrees below zero that day. I didn't catch a cold, although there was ice in the bathhouse. And here's a miracle - I became healthy! All summer I dug, carried heavy weights, my intestines worked properly, without bleeding or pain.

But before that I had such a condition that it required the intervention of a surgeon...

At first I was afraid to talk about miraculous healing, I was afraid that the Mother of God would be offended that I would tell everyone about my miraculous healing, and I only told my loved ones about it. But later in a dream I saw the Trinity Church of Tashly, where I was forbidden to enter. But a Woman came out of the temple, simply dressed, and said: “Do not forbid her to enter, let her pass, she is worthy...”.

And this year I came again, but did not ask for health, but thanked the Queen of Heaven for Her great benefits to me, an unworthy sinner.

Taisiya Fedorovna Golofeeva, Nizhny Tagil, Ekaterinburg region.

Since August 1993 My leg hurts, in common parlance it’s “erysipelas,” but here at the beginning of September 1995. At the dacha she was hit by a branch. The third outbreak of the disease began, and even with an abscess at the site of the bruise. The temperature ranged from 37.8 to 38.8. The children suggested going to Tashla to the holy spring of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The day was Sunday, sunny, warm. I bathed in the holy spring of the Most Holy Theotokos, trusting in the will of God. She went down to the source with difficulty, leaning on her son’s hand. And up the mountain, back, it was as if invisible wings were carrying me, and my soul was so light and joyful, my chest was simply bursting with this joy. The fever went away and the wound began to heal. Isn't this a miracle?

I recently learned about this case from my close friends. This happened in 1985. As often happens, the wife was a believer, went to church, and prayed at home. And the husband was an unbeliever. And when his wife picked up the Gospel to read the obligatory chapter before going to bed, he usually reproached her. One day he destroyed all Orthodox books. And a month later, a misfortune happened to him - he was paralyzed (all Right side was amazed). The doctors could not help, time passed, and there was no improvement. Finally, his wife persuaded him to call the priest into the house and receive communion. After this, the husband said: “Now I can’t atone for my sins...”. The wife answered: “Let’s pray together!”

They decided to go to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. There, in the churchyard, they approached the monk. He talked with her husband for a long time, standing aside, and the wife noticed excitement in her husband’s eyes. It turned out that the monk predicted his recovery at the next meeting. After some time, the husband ended up in Samara with his mother and there he heard about the Tashlinsky spring. He didn't sleep all night. And in the morning, together with my mother, I reached Tashla. After the service and prayer service for water, the mother went to get water, and the son remained sitting on the bench. And then the very thing that he had been waiting for every day and hour happened! He saw the monk, the same one! The man jumped up and, overcoming the pain, took two steps towards him. “It’s okay, brother, everything will be fine,” the monk told him with a kind smile.

The mother soon came with holy water, but did not meet that monk on the way. He disappeared. Less than two weeks had passed since that meeting, when the man became healthy and returned to Moscow.

I.Sh., Samara

My son was healed of enuresis after a trip to Tashla to the holy spring and to the miraculous icon “Deliverer from Troubles.” God bless you all!

Servant of God Zinaida, Samara

I want to tell you about the miracles that happened to me, a sinner.

She suffered greatly from eczema, she could not hold a spoon in her hands, she went to a psychic for treatment and did everything she could to get better, but she did not recover.

And the time came when I understood what the Lord wants. I began to pray in the morning, afternoon and evening, and took communion. And then my mother came and said that she had bought tickets to Tashla for the holy spring. And off we went. Mom with younger children and me, two months pregnant with a child and husband. We arrived at Trinity Church and held a prayer service. Let's go to the holy spring. It was December, the clouds in the sky were leaden. One woman said: “What sinners we are, the Lord does not want to show us his miracles.” When we plunged into the spring and there were ten of us left around it, the Lord showed His mercy: the clouds above the spring parted and the sun appeared.

When we arrived home, I didn’t find a single abscess on my body, a week later the abscess came out again, but I washed it with holy Tashlin water, and it disappeared.

Since then, Tashla has become for us a place where our souls always strive.

Message from Feodosia Davidovna Atyaksheva, a native of the village of Musorki, Stavropol district, Kuibyshev region, in 1885, about the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God, which took place in 1917 on Sunday October 8 (old style) in the village of Tashla.

“I, Atyaksheva Feodosia Davidovna, lived in the village. There were trash cans in a separate house, like in a cell, and the girl Ekaterina Nikanorovna Chugunova, a native of the village of Tashla, lived with me, 1885.

I, Theodosia, before the Cross and the Gospel, assure how this phenomenon happened: on the morning of October 21 (new style), when we woke up, Catherine told me that she would go to mass at the church in the village. Tashla and left, and I decided to go to my temple. Trash cans. When I returned from church, Catherine came and said: “There was no service in the church in Tashla, because the priest left for Samara and did not return; but here's what I have to tell you. Tonight the Mother of God appeared to me in a dream for the third time and said sternly that if I do not fulfill Her orders, I will be punished. Each time, appearing to me in a dream, She said that I should dig Her icon out of the ground in the indicated place. This morning, when I walked to the village of Tashla, over the ravine I saw two angels carrying an icon of the Mother of God, illuminated by a bright radiance, and when they sank to the bottom of the ravine, this vision disappeared, and I fainted. When I woke up, I went to my relatives and told them about all this, and they told me that some people heard church singing there, in the ravine. I ask you, Fenya, let’s go together to that place now, maybe you’ll see what I saw.” We went together to Tashla, and when we approached this ravine, Catherine screamed: “Look, look, here again the angels are carrying the icon in radiance, heading to the same place, and again everything has disappeared...”. After these words, Catherine fell unconscious.

I was very scared, not knowing what to do with her, since the place was deserted and there was no one to be seen. Thank God it didn't last long. Ekaterina woke up and asked me if I saw anything, but I didn’t see anything. We went to Gavrilenkova Paraskeva, who lived near the ravine, and begged her to go with us to the ravine. Pasha took the cleaver and we went. When we approached the ravine, Catherine shouted again: “Look, look, here again the angels are carrying the icon and disappearing in the same place,” and she herself fainted again.

Having woken up, Catherine went to the place where she had seen the vision disappear three times and showed where to dig. Pasha began to dig around this place with a mower, and the boy Petya, who was standing here, was sent to fetch a shovel. Soon Petya came along with his father Zakhary Krivoichenkov, who began to dig with a shovel, but dug a little and said: “Well, what did she come up with, there’s no point in digging here.”

As soon as Zachary had time to utter these words, he was immediately thrown to the side, as if by the wind, and lay in a faint for some time, and when he woke up, he took a shovel and unquestioningly continued to dig in the indicated place. Paraskeva pierced this hole with a hammer from time to time. And so, when the hole was a yard deep, Paraskeva felt something hard with her pick, she began to tear up the earth with her hands and took out from the ground a small format icon of the Mother of God, which lay face up. As soon as Paraskeva took the icon out of the ground, a spring of water appeared in that place. By this time a lot of people had already gathered, and Catherine lay in a relaxed state, and she was sent to her sister.

They decided to send a priest to the village of Musorka to transfer the revealed icon to the temple of the village of Tashla.

The priest Father Vasily Krylov came from Musorka. He took the icon and carried it to the temple.

When approaching the temple to meet the icons, they came out with banners and icons while the bells were ringing. From the crowd we could hear the cries of the well-known sick Anna Torlova (a native of the village of Tashla), who shouted: “... A small icon is coming, coming and will drive us out...”. This woman was healed, but she had been sick for 32 years. The icon was brought into the temple, placed under glass along with the icon of the Holy Trinity and placed on a lectern in the middle of the temple.

Priest Fr. Vasily Krylov immediately served a prayer service, and the temple was open all night for access to the icon. At this time there was an incident: one Tashlin woman did not believe the appearance of the icon and began to shout: “This is all fiction...”. After her words, she ran out of the temple, jumped off the high porch, jumped over the fence and ran home, and after that she fell ill.

On Monday, October 22 (new style) I arrived from the village. Garbage priest Fr. Alexey Smolensky. He served the Liturgy and prayer service in the church, and in the evening his priest, Fr. Dimitry Mitekin. He saw that there were a lot of people in the church, and he knew that the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” had appeared, and he served the all-night vigil. On Tuesday, October 23, the Liturgy was served, and after the Liturgy they went in a religious procession with the “Deliverer from Troubles” icon to the place of the apparition and a prayer service was served there.

Many healings were also observed during this time. The rumor about the appearance of the miraculous icon spread very quickly throughout the surrounding areas, and entire crowds constantly went to venerate the icon. A well and a chapel were equipped at the source, where people often left the temple to serve prayers.

The well was deepened and cleaned, and in the dry years of 1920-1922. he was almost the only one supplying water to the village. From the moment the icon appeared, all this time was accompanied by many miraculous healings of the sick; but despite this, in the rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity, priest Fr. Dimitri Mitekina always had some kind of doubt, lack of faith in the appearance of the icon.

And then a miracle happened: on Saturday, December 23 (new style), an all-night vigil was served in the Church of the Holy Trinity, during which the icon “Deliverer from Troubles” was in the church, and on the morning of December 24, on Sunday, they discovered that the icon was not in the church. The icon disappeared from the locked temple.

At the same time, the church watchman Efim Kulikov informed the priest about. Demetrius, that when he went to the temple in the morning, he saw, as it were, lightning flashing from the temple towards the source.

After the Liturgy, we went in procession to the source and served a prayer service there, but the icon was nowhere to be found. On the same day, December 24, I, Feodosia Atyaksheva, heard a rumor about the disappearance of the icon, and as soon as I came from the church, I went to the village of Tagila. When I met with Ekaterina, she tearfully told me about the disappearance and begged me to immediately go with her to the source. As soon as we saw the chapel, Catherine joyfully exclaimed: “Look, look, the icon is shining above the chapel.” We returned to the village, came to the head of the temple, Ivan Efremovich, who had the key to the chapel, he called some more old people, and we went to the source. When they opened the chapel and the well was being made, we saw a vision: the ice in the well had melted a little, and in that place the icon of the Mother of God was floating face up. We were all overcome with great joy, and one of those present ran after Father Fr. Dimitri. When Fr. Demetrius arrived, he happily scooped the icon from the well with a bucket, took it in his hands, raised it in front of him and said that they should immediately go to the temple and go to the source with banners and icons, and he himself stood in the same position with the icon until he arrived procession and prayed.

To the sound of the bells they returned to the temple with the icon.

Father Dimitri Mitekin immediately served a thanksgiving prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles,” and he himself tearfully prayed and repented that he took this disappearance of the icon personally for his guilt, for his doubt and lack of faith shown towards this appearance of the icon of God Mother "Deliverer from troubles."

The icon was again installed in the Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Tashla, and again there was a stream of prayer books with different places, to venerate the icon “Deliverer from Troubles,” and many who flowed with faith to Her received various healings.”

Signature (Atyaksheva)

All of the above about the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from troubles” in the village of Tashla is confirmed and testified, assuring before the Cross and the Gospel, by the mother of Father Vasily Krylov: Anisia Dimitrievna Krylova, born in 1876, who lived in the village of Musorki, Stavropol region from 1900 to 1920 G.

Signature (Krylova)

And Andrina Evdokia Romanovna, born in 1896, a native and resident of the village of Tashla.

Signature (Andrina)

I certify the signatures of these persons

John, Bishop of Kuibyshev and Syzran, 1981